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Settling over the A.R.C. Summer Meeting takes place next Monday. The Ohaupo Racing Club have received record entries for their annual meeting. Soultfish broke down while contesting the Thames Cup. and is to be treated to a spell. The racehorses Pharos and Waiwera were shipped back to New Plymouth by the Karawa last Tuesday. Mr G. G. Stead’s team, lluascar. Cuneiform and Nightfall, were shipped to Lyttelton by the Victoria last Tuesday. E. C'utts left for Lyttelton on Saturday in th-.Talnnc with Clanehattan, Kirriemuir. and Gleuowlet. Geo. Prive, the well known southern horseman, is .at present spending a few Hays holiday in Auckland. During the A.R.C. Summer Meeting several would-be purchasers were after Leonator. but no business resulted. . A Southern exchange has it that the Wellington peucillers. have . decided that when the cash is deposited they will pay out the full dividend. • The brow 10‘filly by. St. Jilpp »—Natator mare that appears amongst the nominations for the Takapuna Summer’ Meeting is a half sister to Leonator. The negotiations for the purchase.--of tl>e pony were not compl.etetL. and the mare is still the property cf Mr D. McKinnon. . Mr Watts' horses.-King Billy. Starshoot and Melodeon, in charge of T. Qutniivan. jtm... were taken back to Napier by the Victoria last Tuesday. ,rl .a? knowledge with thanks, receipt iof ii'eke’t for the Wha-nga-rvi ltaring*ChftFs «Tnh-’naF meeting. Which takes pJace on the 12th and 13th lust. During the A.It.C. Summer Meeting. Mr U. O. Nolan." acting on behalf of a client, asked Mr Stead to’ put a price on Cuneiform. Tlie answer was that the colt was not for safe. ’* «.’.?*-•»»- . A large number of local sportsmen intern! making the trip to the Wliangarei Racing Club's annual meeting, which takes place next Friday*and Saturday, the 12th aud 13th; Excursion fares'have been arranged for. . --Several 'the. visiting trainers lost no time in. shipping ■ .their horses horn** after the A.R.C. Meeting, -and a number of their charges, after racing on the concluding day. were shipped that evening for their various destinations. Although It. .7. Mason shipped his horses homo-last Tuesday, he did not leave himself. and lie has been enjoying a few days’ holiday in Auckland. Mason left on Saturday by the Talune in charge of a number of bloodstock purchased at the recent sales. There was a N>t of foul riding, in Jhe Pony zST iGice at .< Ellerslie on */the coke hiding ’ dhv.s /and one horse' la particfilar was* given a lot” of attention.- Unfortunately the parties concerned did not drem it ad visable to lodge a complaint with the stewards. The dust nuisance- was very prevalent at Ellerslie during the recent summer meeting, and aithbitgh the authorities made every’ effort to cope with it by the liberal use of ‘their cart, the high wind blowing brought the dust over in clouds from the Great South Road. The New Zealand Trotting Association have endorsed the action of the Anejt--land Trotting Club in awarding the tion Handicap to Harold Abdallah. Consideration" of the* iJogan case, retried byt] the same club, was adjourned nnm'hext k meeting. A two-year-old likely to sec a nitieß Letter day is Celtic, by Seaton Dela-val—St. Margaretta. owned by Air M. Melanin-. Although Celtic failed to gain a winning J»«u*kei lie.showed great promise, and as he, lnh»'■•Hie appearance of one that time will do a lot for. he will probably he seen to better advantage by the autumn. Th? totalizator investments for the four days at the A.R.C. summer meeting total the enormous sum of £84,272, an increase of £15.852 on last year’s amounts. So far the chib are CI9.SKB 10/ ahead on this season’s workings. The amount estimated by

the Chairmail as requir-d to be handled to counteract the exclusion of the bookmakers was about £39,WU. The successful sires at the A.R.C. Summer Meeting were: —Leolantls. Seaton Delava 1, Cyrenian, Flintlock, and Multiform, with three winners: Hotchkiss ant! Jet d’Eau had two each; am! Clanranald. St. Leger, Gipsy King. Merriwee, Soult, Torpedo, I’hbcbuS' Apollo. Rampart, Mrnschikoff. Castor. Reynard, Sabretache, and Australian one each. The list of winning trainers at the recent A.R.C Meeting is easily headed by C. Coleman with six winners: J. O'Driscoll. T. Quinlivan. Jr.. F. Macmauemin had three each; n. French and R. J. Mason had two each; and E. Cutts, ’l’. A. Williams, R. Hall. I*. Conway, Lindsay, T. Clark. G. Absolum. J. George. W. Smith. Irwin. C. Weal. W. Ring, and A. Mitchell one each. B. Deeley and 1.. 11. Hewitt are together at the head of the list of winning jockeys with five winning rides a piece; 11. Gray had four; F. Davis three; V. Cotton. Brown. M. Ryan. 11. Sparkes. J. McGregor. S. Fergus, had two each, and IHiilllps. J. Sceats. and Erickson one each. In certain quarters Merry Delaval's victory has been credited to 11. Howe, but this is incorrect, as the Seaton Delnvnl marc has been an inmate of A. Mitchell’s stable at the Shor? for some, time past. Although Merry Delaval appeared in the race card as owned by Mr W. Handley, this is not so, as Mr Handley disposed of her a month or six eeks ago to Mr W. Vcrran. Undoubtedly the best of the local twoyear olds xt’cu out at- 4be A.R.C. Summer Meeting was-Cambrian, by Cyrenian—Miss Annie. After running third in th? Great Northern Foal Stakes to Kirriemuir and Huascar, \K»u the Criterion Handicap on the second day with. Pel in..the- saddle, am.d <ni the .< oncluding./lqy was just defeated by Conductor, by Cyrenian -Melddin. to wl»<»m lie was concellliig -’i!lbs. ! It iSi.ipeutjisued.jin an. English exchange that Ffnasseur, .the pre party of M. Michel Kphiussi. the dual Winner "of the* Freu-h Derby and Grand Prix, ts the biggest dinner in France with £2S..*!IQ,; \ a>] d’Ur. thanks to the Ellipse St ikes. f<»i;.:,vs with £15.C44: Genial and Gouvernant.’ in th? same stable as Vai d’Or. come r.cxt with the Oaks winner. Tet’~ \e!H2‘»; Macdonald 11., with the Prix du Cor.-de! Municipal, claims £7‘X’.4;. Jtatai>lan 4 ith • winner of the Grand by,: Vsecures £G273. Pres tige, the crack two year old, has won £lU):?r» for M. Vanderbilt: Brienm*. £5224: th“ unfortunate Jardy. £4Sot>: and Presto IL.’the coirdVierm- *6f Pretty i’olly. £4276. reopl? who’ o’jS- so? Eller. e lii> at race times can fcrin very little id-a cf the amount ■ f work pvt i:i bv the caretaker i Mr C: Hi li and his staff to keep the i-ovrsid surroundings in. order. New that the rich is under new management I world t<» suggest to tho-frnnnnrtee of the <-lub that they take’ into consideration the question of granting their employees o’i tlie course a h-didav cnee a year. sr»y of„a week. The men work h.i.i,<!ays and even Sundays, when necessary, while they do m»t ciijoy the Saturday hn’f holiday b< Ing on ti l 4 p.m. Of course, the job is a fairly cpn.ifortable one. as th re is ■io lest time through wot wen th r. et bur still stuck in < ne pbneo from year’s end tt» year’s eml without "a break is very inonotniiousj and I am confident the matter ’only n“edrr* bringing under the ’notice ~of the cciuiuit-tee act. Notwithstanding many disappointments, through , an epidemic in the stable. M. Blauc, for the third sear in succession, the list uf winning owners in Franc? with over £6U,UOJ to his credit. Last year his horses won him £6s,<mm.». aud brought him within measurable' distance of the Duke of Portland £73.555. In I'Mi.q M. i.iauc’s horses wgu which’ is also a record score for France, and his windings in three seasons amount to £l7o,<M4>. this representing but a part of the profits, as he has the stud fes* of Flying Fox ami jdj’px stallions, whilst he sold two of his no»*rs recently fur something like £32.«hm». M- Blanc’s principal winners were Vai ee races of £L"».<aW), Genial (six or £i fc ,4iK»). Gouvernaut (eight of £ll,Ginn, of £4000). and Gaius (s.wen of £AM£)). M. Blanc’s whining two year <»?!< were principally tilli<s. Blue Fly. B*-l»c I leur. and Belle de New York, all by Flying rox. though he also secured a race with Arnases. who is also l»y Firing Fox, and is a full brother to Ajax and Adam. The following is a list of the winning owners at the re<*t nt A.R.G. Summer Alcet!ng: Mr T. Williams. £1125; Mr G. W. ('(deman. £825; Mr G. G. Stead. £7ih»: Mr I*. O'Brien. £637 !■> ; Mr J. George. £ssn; Mr i: J Walt. £505: Mr J. < I* Driscoll. £500; Sir Gcnrgo Glifford. £462 in : Mr 1. Coleman. £.'Lts; Mr Lionel Williams, £3lu;

Mr W. G. Ring. £240; Mr A. H. Leniiard. £205; Mr A. Cnampiou. £165; Mr A. Hughes. £160: Mr B. Armitage. £145; Mr M McLean, £145; Mr 1 W Arnold. £140; Mr W. Davits. £l4<»; .Mr G. Weal. £125; Mr W. Foss. £115; Mr E W. Alison. £110; Mr G. Lovett. £100; Mr G. F. Moore. £10O; Mr S. G. Lindsay. £9O; Mr R. Cleland. £SS. Mr S. Humphreys. £SS; Mr W. A. Scott, £HO: Mr W. Vcrran. £S»: Mr D. Stewart. £75; Mr 11. Waldron. £7O; Mr A. Te’fcr, £3O; Air A. Morgan. £3O; Mrs Walter Davies. £25; Mr J. K. Hodge. £25; Mr K. Haiiium. £2O; Messrs Williamson and Currie, £2"; Mr J. B. . !ii ims.cj. £l5; Mr 1. B. Harris. £l5; Mr B. 1. Hawkins. £l5; Mr E. Hussey. £H»; Mr F. McGoveru. £1”; Mr J. Me Nicol. £10; Mr J. McGlaskan. £U»; Mr A. Tooman. £l’». When Melodeon ran such an erratic (otirse al the finish of the A.R.C. Handicap certain scribes nt once jumped to th? conclusion that the horse was trying to savage the other competitors. This, however. was not so; as th? display was en-tirely-due to the fact that the hoed and blinkers with which Melodeon was racing in became disarranged and obscured the horse’s sight, with the result that he undoiihtcdiy interfered with several of th? (ompetilors, but principally with Mahutonga aud Armistice, either <f which may have reversed places with th? winner but for the interference. The vs? of the hood and 1.-linkers, it is a’ \gcd. should not b? allowed—but why? They are in use all over tlie world, and because on one occasion they come adrift and cause interference they should never be used again. It would !>? just as reasonable to argue that because Hewitt lost one of his stirrup while Multifid In the Derby, and badly interfered with King Billy, that the use of stirrups should• b? disallowed. The occurrence was purely accidental, and while there is racing (Here is sure to be accidents. After the disgraceful scenes which were witnessed at the outside totaHsivtofs at Ellerslie, while people were trying to make their invest incuts for the Auckland Cup. a large number were throwing the blame o:i the totalisator proprietors, Messrs IL 11. Hnyr and Co., purely in the supposition that their staff was unable t;> cope with the husiiKss. That this was unfair to Messrs Hnyr and Co. was plain y evidenced on the coHvindiug days, as after the committee had met to devise some m°ans to prevent the crowding, and acted cn the report of Mr Hayr. who explained that the want of proper races to the machines was the cause of the trouble (which they at once l\:*.d rectified) there was absolutely ho reasonable cause for complaint. It will be interesting to know that the tickets sold at th? outside machines for the four days totalled no less than 67.470. an average of IG.BG7A a day, as against 59,537 lianditd inside, an average of 12,6441 per day. With such, a volume of business being .transacted, one would expect a* Little crowding, but the manner in which the work was got through reflects tlie greatest credit upon, the management, of Mr 11. H. Hayr. and the efficiency of the stall under him. • > • . - Titus the English writer “Rapier”: — Echoes of ike de Wend Fento.i cas? linger ami ;iu* iike'.y to do so for some trm?. <*m* scriLe “dencutiees the secrecy with whicli Jockey t'luh invest! gat ions are hehr.’’ and the foiiy of ;!iis complaint must surely be obvious r.fte.- a single moment’s thought. Suppose investigat’ojjs were held in public is to say. that rep ute'rs were allowed to aitfnd and record evidence. The Jockey ( lul' is not a privileged tribunal as a court «T justice is. ni’d tile witnesses who bor? turver’s'c t< stimeby v?buld not be- protected rrom-possible actions hi the law courts, 'i ll stewards of th? Jc-ekty L Glub are dealing with a . susij*'< t i hey u-aderstam’.; i’ is practically (•< i taisi tluff ’hr h K i hurt cd' law judge and 5m y' vvcnld' eijitrilly he ignorant of tin* siiiiject. and km-wing nothing of racing, cviience as tp l ets. etc., which would convey a very' dlr - j certain signlfienvc*t<» experts would r.iean' nothing to his lordchip cn the tenth and th®-dozen puzzled “bulwarks of liberty”, ni the box. The stupidity often displayed among sj»eci:i! jurors can only be i'ealis d by those who b.avbeen frequently caught to serve, or by counsel who * l:i’.(»w how jurors can he Lluffed and beguiled. Is it very likely tli.H witnesses would come forward ami sp*. ak-out? The T.cml'u “Sportsman's” (’ oorresuoudt lit says that the thoroughbred class of the permanent Hippie < <>*.:gres.s’ has electe d M Edmond Binlie. breeder and owuej’. as well as a member c.f the Chief .-.tmU ( oniirft. ns its president.--.M, Jean Joub?-rt.’-,who is well known iu-the ri?»-.rg world, jiml wquld openly., t esejit .if rhe Goveriyvont. making a hook he not Gccuuied n position In the Sfud 4 < •»m--missiGii investing him with a certain amount of official responsibility, has been nominated se.TPtary. The body referred to has had to tlevoiejls, att(‘ut!'»u certain Questions interesting to their cql-»ea-ucs and the turf ernerailv. Amqng the matters f»>r consideration Is the cxnr-M--sed intention of e<*rtaii»- rallwai' cmnp.i.nips to inevt-ase the rates hitherto (dnimed f»»Vthe *<•€ thoroughbred horses by 25 per cent. I'it.ler'existlng rates. racchor<c*. arc: onlv. (jbargecL half the ordinary tariff, but j»nsuibh' the strain ou the resource* of tfie-MifL’ere'it \(*mnanics owing •<» the h»-crvsiJ?-(fcnuntUef’ df horses travelling, gives.

a l fur the d m tad made. Another qttes lion affects th*- surplus receipts of the different r.u’ ! ng societies., it is »uggvste«l that the tot *! r.meuut ol iv< cipls made to <hc racing suvietics shall, after payment of il* • • ■\p ‘l'.ses assented t.» by lUv Gv\ • i umviil auditors, be chtiivly d vuted towards the iiictvuse of the amount of add. J muuc> distributed among wiunirg uw Says an exchange . ;t is -rc:.t > io be hoped (hat early next year, and thro •glioiti the season, matches will be made aud run. for it would .be a melancholy thing if Hus form of sport were to !••? dtsrre}|iu d bc- • •ai'se of the unfortunate ’’race ’ between > ini and I'itcli Battle. i <»r He? moment match-making is a discredit (I business, ami it therefore behoves g<u»d spoilsmen u h«»sv names carry confidence in bnnx H mam into good odour. It is. ol routs . a quauit “double event” to v. in the |r..» I !:*>nsnnd and be warned off i:i th? same year, nut io* the present Mr (I • Wend I'ciHoh’s name drops out: it is past hlstoiA; and it appears that the pink and white striped .1 u kvl.which came so near to canying <•'« Hi two i heusai:d of ISHS (and would i i ai! probability have gut the race had Fred Archer w> Paradox been objected Io), is m l to be sceti for an indefinite perioil. A well made m uch is a particularly interest Ing 1 ace. It may Inassumed that good judges on each side think that the h< rse Gu y arc barking up I do not mean merely .»eiting on wui win; for though there are not a few Indepcmlvnt owners, in my experteme a match is generallv th? result of consultation and argument. * In a suaight match the ed<K orglit never to be more than about )1 to H on cither, unless since the rout st was arranged one of the anima’s eom-orned has directly or col la tern I ’y ‘lone something brilliant. A few go(»d matches would reaabl Ital? Hiqi branch «T spoil : if . \yn« rs do not mike any for early next year. slngr?-ham!cd opposition will be left under a cloud. An Eng ish paper say> that the I-rcnch Government has already ii sertcd the ’ ’ u edge of the wedge into Turf I‘gis.alien. The appointment of rerlai:i members, ot the Committee of th? Sorictc d‘Enconia4ement. independent €f th,? Joclu y <. .u ». givrs those who benefit by th? fauus uutained from the “Mutuals” a deliberative voice in Hiose council where the integrity of Hi? Turf-has to b ’ pUtc.l against those who. as owners, jockeys, cr horses, ate potent factors or units in the lottery | rovided by the Stale. Gate r?eeipts hire fallen off. The puhli * who formerly paid their 20fr. for admission to paddock ami ring find that they can play up their b-csid silver pieces just ns we I fbi a* <•<* t"'* heath, whi’e the friends of th? Gr.vcrnaient have ’advised that, for the. eGKvrnb.m ’e ot those who ’’take an interest- in raeiiu..’’ it would b.« well to follow Hie example i»f the G?rma:tv Raring Soriotbs and fmtnd offices iu the’pity with telephonic comunudcation to (he ’•6urst\ so ns to permit those who are prevented by busities.s from nttetiding the me.t’ling Jiavltig th’ usua f.i<'ilitir> accorded them. The Ring iilninLlhis it's tanfAun'tUl?.'‘:Lt r !bif!*h kerc’ffnd tlur? beta fire* offered 2 and arrepted- r tlu- r 'so nt “Mutual” prices. The shrewd ti au. cna cover his specula tir ns and minimise hix loss by 'investments nt thr ma-h'ne. In the m-.-antiinr many ’’small imWstiis” have sprung up. ami it is said that thr ”b«»n nets” who. stand rour.’l the oil?;-. where the pavjuent of winnings' is’inad?. not lose tlirh*' time iudlhaHug to f i *::■!- th? man who is worth “dipping.” As to hurdle races we may >1 live some ’llrminntina I-<s( ns front the pirmr.mme Yrmler’rortsid?i*rftio:r. ’d’hey socin t » tench as already hinted, tint wli<‘t’■ th - smallest nuggets are dist-ributi'd. the rush for gobi is i \ ?ep.| ional y keen. X-» fewer than i‘igh: thi*(»:’-v. ar-vld.s wore s‘pipp; d to gallop it their i-.-t pare ’’over the slieks” for 2-1 sovs. ami th - • .splficit utly .! • please - cc.iir.r.^eei s. They had g.-re.u-d th - tiituatio.i w ill sum” degree of a. ei-.rn.y. >i:>. -e tlie si.*:’. I fhveiirft.jrst Le i! th? first f.-t v •.;rii ’ by b i‘f irngth,’ whest sent? ef th ■ < tilers r,p;. Hkely to. do .belter ati?r they have hr.! mor* it .. no: hi’.rsiiim •.f.ii-r bri ir. A mnj.l :i hur<ll ra - rltnnrrs; it xx as a vr.-.v spirit- .J .iff.? .’ A s<*?med to b* trying to ’l.c b st <■!- their ability, and s un - of Hi? Jo. k-> x\a re riding so hard a L-ng wry fir r.; heme that th • prize mijht have been <-o.< n inst-ad of __ J'hv rw u ' • > , y-inne. was entitled t » applause. r (»rTr #Tm«t g* ' much else. After paying his jurkvy. hi' trainer. JHs Uavelliti.* ? ind, otliin *x rar. h•■!*>• .! Ii; ; t:- : '■ er>; . < ■ !<:■;; 4■i: r — Iw.ivilx -if. would 1111 ‘^rptofhKgr-■■ f Ji'tmselr Thr.l ; Gjs* toAx-Q?> r n r ward; men xVTiy Ipinkfci nficr the .eaA<’ s :HI 1 IHU-Kfejvret< : -.-at ion iLa a to JViir *t i.hv\Av£Ji if it -. -is nuly -4iH+e_<»*fc J»ud_-: h^ v lieei G nlt)^isj, jotl'giHpprx ’ “So ;u.ijjjui-*ffo\v smai > Hi?., stifle .sax s n "pra Hjf iquljiorit} : aj x\ v j,V.s* b. plot: I y*' of ~.i,prsos I run for it. i r-tl^U > w m\.n i v ? on on masse. frW . i<?k|y fr th ■ • I:l4bmirr.if ion.’’ ’‘ h ' 10, “a «• fqr._in*xt t<» M? ! ”i!>g tt wlnf. r .1 :>J Im reas•» enib AVhen R.inana WPnt ~,f

e* .r. k . -•- Mr A it .J: - » audr go secret vf she I I. -•-* j- - ‘ '■ * ' -‘'l . ' : ' >-. •. ■ ' ’ dgy -■ W» * 3 hand le routes! the New tee.-..- - Hr e Kw, is-t taking charge f t e ..xs from h’Mt*, he never left thisnae in doubt wteaing easily in 1A «■< j ~ .*7* •«•«•-»# were certainly ice .. . .ct to am-e more s■> than rhe l> ard trainer, as while :hey te. ■> 2 1. . strongly on the opening da>. <L .7 . —’nt-.»’s ea the third day were x- ? fact, it was only si ibe i' _ jre .hat they dectdcd to 4-vtF nrd&. in the protest. were snt--I<s-=n» *hxi ihere was fraud. bat hid r « l - .-ff ibe sapport given the horse (»h ba< e reached '.teens unots*>“iaUy. a ; . wb; u wa*. cnffvrxw&a.tesy for lhe owner. _ . >: r.znnble at the tsnzei b€*t forthc* nwES on the groend. they would have tea- 1 i-ry little trouble ia entirely rx».-a-C7_" g the parries concerned. .. :' . T .’• - - • 7 ».*:h small remauetazie-: e-reai* to be fare f th* hardest w-wkers. They become »*• thoroughly absorbed ia their ioH that nay ideas wh.--h they way bar* once cherSte**l as to makiug aoooey are graduaiiiy <Sai>do&ed as fzatile. if not jnyosCk. Thus. during the winter -raEtpaiga. we see man* ra -ehorsess galloping Sot»g distance* ever -:x fences for a trifling stake. T'i-• i*-s.s 4si offered—it is an o'd story—the u-.-zx people appear «o win is. and. also, lb* .- ore -I-sperale m* their struggle* t * last- zhe sweets of possession. Snr.?iiy curious poems call for notice in this relaii Az a re-—az su?*-e®sffas meeting usisicr N.H rsl*#. f**r iossaznee. '.tee value of th«r ir. • . ;3ip.-rzan: prate was lessors, ar. 1 there wer* pi*niy of ruasers. It tsvav be urge*! they did not go very fast, buz ttee:- !« reason ’ ■- doubt thaz they went as fas: ss ’bey - .f i. espe-tally toward* She ftnisi. aad ibat. whether they w» □ or were ”«iowu th-* course./' they very probably tire-i e:f<- agb when she ra** was ended. A Vj ’ - . - of hinz**sf. so ’•> sp»*ak. than does a p.«- perf« r2**r who wins with hi* head la hi* i--«- This. Ux». is au attraciiYe titl-’ :- • « s<-hed'-ded in the progrw at, ai-r ’uuader r .- g :- £ •_ - ■ . j __. . • - - f - - ®:s tHMbpeObM* were sad-iled for that ever :. : **y were all ba zked. appareazly. as If :ae.r ->w ■•■ • w*re actezng :o xnatee :r. ■ fjt- ’<■ p-ay a I't'/e by way of terri-M- .-: •.* M. happ/y. vis!?*-?'* b.a-1 a “5 - > f r - f*vr zbes.- er. -aey If they had seer. - g sera nibles -w rhe flat for thousands of pounds, they WT>uld zz»z have ••■; . .•<«} *i -h a glor:-?•■.;.< Teas: ' ger. i : FK-i.zLg »s "bw provided, wiih a ?« T z- JaiS'.p* thrown ?•» s? as to ir reuse zh-> risks aad to intensify exciterne?: * .- -i-red w>..> Is a’‘--ie to pay :!• piper. iavfng regard the ssn :/l sum irecriv-* If *■• is perfectly ‘ N but 1 - >7 -. ■'.. .- S< -■ • ' - - ' - k- ’ he a-a-led. -heerfully. -what money *>" -■■f’.Hsts hav* wi*«s ibeir sponge g--—s ;p •« n«e enough to buy boot potltesfe. TC7.dS -S* ‘.-’■•'•S." Tt •-•’* W^--» s 4r<e -*7r-w*_e-E »3e j-sz-r '> z-te- • wt’.te has sabje-r. Tte-= remHsed for th* colt »«y S. ...: —a&u* Whiz-’ Is the t-s£ j»’le* v.’ •■* iSOtt. wtee«t 3£- v« f -w. bv Hot«-hk£s* - *’■: ~ ' l3tV"s. T?J*- hishost p- ■• - _xkz as ’l.* v»r ■ /s stud* a:- •? A’£-k >« d 2TV 1< fo?L*V w < 1 -' ' .. - ' via V? r. •'hZrcssi-d* a'A*' IS*? Beryl h? Musket-O;yrx M r T. Chiroside lODO l vx > N -klet. by Musket - la»cfc*t. M J. Marshall -Steadfast. by Nerdeufeidt Nelly Mc- Te? Mr W K \V»?- ■ _ 5 1" / . -< by *«■ • •:'

Erxiltv. M.- W E - - *** I*:>. M- etaire. y N 1 J - it — - -’ M - > Mr S H •- - '•* 1* Mr W. K. WHw - — ’ l*tC. N hr N dv. OrUa. Mr S 11 < r. .. . ’♦•• ISBM—A stronger, by «.*a*lor— •’'roifty. Mr S_ Hordern.. 13.0 IflM—Cravat, by CaMar—Neeklfle*. Mr S. Hordern. ><•*» Edith Cureton, by Castur— Fmiliy. Mr G. Wright 4’* l Is9>& St. C ZB3U. by Sz laeger—Sapphire. Mr T 11. !-• wry. - 310 IK‘T-A za ’. by • a-: : • Mr G. G. Sl«-ad .. «» ESSfI Lancaster. by HotcaUßB — Fra Mr 1. FouSsham... ISfll- Ueagi-i.' by St Leger-Uilda. Mr II = 1 *>• lf«*» K yal A.zilbry. ?-.y il=-s-iskiss — K >e - f WeEi gtr s. Mr G. G. Stead - 1*» 1<»«1 s- Hilda. by St- Lexer— H’ da Mr G. G S:*a«. ..... «*> 1:- yal Fa&iiier by ll^iebkiss- — Janet. Mr T. 11. Lowry.... 1«* c:—M“ by l!«-:ehkj*s—For-n>\ Mr E W Asts*»u 12W) • > - -• i. by Botchki*c<—Rose of WeJliaagtcu. Mr F. TSBBey ***> JMd Deewnbert—Seal Rock, by San Fra ucs<*» M G lady Mr G G. Stead 300 1$b»I ■'<. -.Ju. z»-r. 2»> CyreiMan—dja- Mr r.'Wea: <s® jj> »••. Bk*y '» 11. by S-.-i’z —R White. Mr A. Faillell«» Oa the <:.->■ -t -»f s <**-15ug. a wri:-: r _in ex-raasxe the f.— w: r: Happily saere is a 4 -rirhzi a* w*3l a* a <sde :•• 7 1- present-day ixrf ; i-.-r.sre. frr_:: ranks assuag its votaries some ©f ’he best laersoaaliuies in the State, while tocbzry •:< high i prostix< dcroie tins.* and anet'.ioQ to. asud derive na-k pl - .xs'a’rv izz. tie breeding ♦? * 7 - ’ ' _ in holy orders are ue-r. d- arr-'-d by sh* eth/-s of xheir profe-sssi -z- ihe pleas-kt-’S a&i>-3*-laait zaj-.zs fa~a?i■■.■?. vr <»e -srsdy of th* laws T>’ : .£ziaig z 1 zi-- ? •.* plant or aaisnal life, .yzzd smr «>f zteem tak- as 3i.; -%>. sisr- y re- S-. Measure so rarsiijg a g •-i i-'-rs*- i-= ■: ■—* :'' - zsuaa f bag riax if 38r* "' -rgz-‘ w-,-r*- deVsrred frvEs «o»-k raising, tie w.-GJ- sie-ver have * i ■ - - ' . 1 • ' ' * - ■ que fixur-s aa_ z.i- wt • have ganaed -*. • ■- -- • - - " Great Brir/a. aii-d e**-a as cattle, sl-e:-. and h** -’**■ F<-ro-xz_‘.- . •-gyr..- . ■>• . ■—- i':_.■ rt ~' £ i d a pit -i:. zi.' teX-g’.'.’. S’ B» • k s-s 'lie ’..vse R» Murk Syi*-. s. z»-'.az:v* of the sreaz Ssr Taz:.:. -. f :ii: iak. az.d. liaerefor-?. kirsi£-x-.8 ';■■■• Sir Thttc-u, ■x ■* : - _• -' ? ’.. - - ■ ■ - ' r -" .-■? • • - Slednrere Ssed c>n lines even si'Sre 'giltedge«i tha..-: m iJae d.iys J . ’./- aw**: BSr Ththnn. who has • - “"The Droid ' asd every wriz-'T on and b'-.*vd SB*>tk t-r---—i:z.;x ibaz flou-r---gsh in his day. Fa.- present Sir Tali---, s z.:, . sz .:. .us j.- - -uTsse was La FTrehe, f->r whosn. iss ewiasefluewce. €"f zi- Fro ' i. ]:■ •-<'/■.:. X- was u- y guineas. A days after this—Barosh HirsrFs xz--az sa *>—at whi*-7» GrafEon was purchased for Accsnalia at c*4» gnMiL-as—’here w.i- a Saras aw repro.xasheriaig of £.<•*£-/fase®. genGe-3r:-j< fjtr j,.. - ai-« s’ ■ -kbreeders a: a ‘ iza-li- -*•* iis %wi«e'-z:. is w.’h a /<-ai ste.>w in ■ • - ’ - sntportans least dev«4ved «-r th* rector of zh-“ iparisi This was a deSirate ta«k a getu’l- ’as.a’k off h&s p*Rsiis«-o taekie az that Z2L-s. f < just t-*. . s2»-.- ’..i-ee- <-f the Ndnroufermist was rampant throughout s.x*' am J she leaders a---e v«.»dy -A<ro ’.;s ? . r the greater part •■ ' ’ ■?.- Si-tv .£ -i -- sza z Sturts aj-..' - -7- ’T*?X M xix ._Bg A-‘i ■-.< pr'-*-- 7 f««x hunting, wero? -■.idly • -j j.inx ®3<<»:a — w*ißy to a:,- - - - ' - - - farms : ~ • beds of iai«|2fis:y. s.. i vart..- zt'i'y attacked I'rtuße* j-ff Waaes and :ae then Priai ’ pen parts-igatiaMg i.. sp<.m. The Non ••xnfcf--'-rs£iaeZ wave caused a deal of d/trsMi *'si-<«x English s*.-*.-'.stt-z iz :i-

V hi J thr 1-i'Zeii .-•* -f ' .•-rx? A - - .-p-s. as well a® ;• a -rfu l-w*-f. .. th* xnzi-sportißg crowd, it was Berry the p t;< ® paragraph u> face a little araiy ' . report *rs. an J paKkly eu'o*»e Sr Tatlnu Syke# fcr the pluck and •: - in renewing the best njine <a ru -’• .. rse :b fact* ia Ensba4 from ex- • t the The sturdy Y rk®Mr» par®:® sold his hearers lhaz so long as the ~eai’emeai uf England kept the nice* Lb the ceontiy. st* losig w-mM _-1 ■ - as a -jceboirse. The Irish eieray dabble to a u.-? h erer exz-z-.t außoug horses than i z_ .r EugFsh broz>:-r® of the -loth. ard 1 43a z 1! shat it :® at aE an 5 #*■-.- a I.- al or ruling P-P- at e -ry me-, z ..f h.-uiel®. either a spectator to cover. or an active participator ia the ran. Of course. there are- Irish bishops, wh c- do not a; pr--' e : f the Church soldiers taking part in a fox chase. as*4 it is oa tfeaz <->? issued a okas* ordering al' his subor-iiuates to withdraw frosts the sport- One of the j-riesz® ia this who bred and broke his own huuzera. was much disturbed by the order. 3»rat he go? over the da.ifi«‘ulty in truly Irish fashioß. Th* bounds were rauniu* north. and “‘his RsYerex.ce" was ia the front rank going beautifully. when szaddessly the M.F-H. spotted him and vailed out. "Why. Father Tom. I th --©gtet the Bishop debarred you frost f-x LnnlingT' "Faith- so he b«s. but I'as ek-z honting 3'tn makzzig a sack caW.** Wj.-'s ®i.-k?" i OuM Mrs O'Brzen." "Why. y«’iz're going in the -•’pposite dlseczion to Mrs O'BrieiTs cabin." "Faith, so 1 sse. Dirad's -.-are to this horse, h* always tain*-# a»e the w?n-iz way, and I as of opinion that it's Rille use in zh’yiaix to stop him tisi th* hounds check. ' Th- winner of the last IJrerpooi Grand Xaticnal the ?roa# -v-usiry RBne Ril-boa. was bred by a parish ptiesn stationed in the ueigh- *• ? r .arh x-S -:-f Lord DnasnraY*n'§ estate la I'eunzy Liuter: x k. where Ms AusrraZianbred sir*. Kirkham, a brother io L’Yanir ek.. ded duty. Meuzioafiiißg this I-? aa irish Karris’cr. resident in Sydney, he pr, mr<ly svplae-L "Why. half rhe juniper® .•. 1 _••- y zzt •• -xy S:.« - 55’-~. service is very aowh cheaper an Ir«x3ar. 2 zhi” beu HnsriiaEid- A horse that '''••aid ; ' I-' _ - : t--' supi’*?rz-d at nj-:»re zhaa five 5g Ire’nnd. iis-d zh-a not at all. tsnSe-ss as ®ou®d azz 5 fr-?e from heredEZary disease by the ire-Tiz :f zhi? Irish EfreedTsx Soc-jesy. for*--. a :■ -:r Irish j.riesz is ia very trucji bezzer j*'-®3Zz -z* tc azxiul.xe in a litxie six'- kthin is hzs : '“•zr r. Auckland Racing Club's Suswer Meetiwg. The A.R-C. sasmmer sbl- ibe'.x was .v-®--■E-l*d az El>rs3«e -a Tuesday. The weamer was tssfar-'-.zrabi- 3 '. a str ••ax westerly wisad K-'-wing, ft-sge .-Loads of -iiasz. wMeh zt\a-.5* isL-iz tiers very isnspieasaut. while jaas; afzer tie ®* .-. rac* was ruu &t*avy rs':s fell, and zie :lures for xhe various races •ver- put ba=-k a of aa how- As Iz z-rsel •?-.:€ z*e raia proved highly I'-.-ae-n -zaL as it ecased after a whil'C. aud zl'j '-’ilx’e th-'- siul? kept flirty lher-' wis Etc dast. and zhe resz - f the ?-.-? -zlziix was 2Zi-t zii-’-7““ 4 ih wain very little dzsvozztfors. Th** attendant wx< ’zsirx*'. His Ex-?e§l*s'...-y the as-5 tlae Vice-Regal party were again pre#enr. ami remained zili after ’fee ranzdag 5 -the seventh ra -e. As %-uii the previous •lays zzse ra-a< got thrcag&i their dzszses in a highly naanner. Ti* zoz iiisaz-r invesrmeai:® dnnnsag the day zotal’ed 1” . azs hs.Tv-.fls of £-ISGS» *-'■ n list y-ar's amount. The siebb handled dfliriag the four day® ran into the largc sum of an ir>-rea<:- of as -eociupared witzs the last sumnßer meetianx. of the racing are as f-rdaowr— GOODWOOD HANDICAP of laeteurs-, second One mile. —M’ A Champion's Fzall Cry. t*.«> sHewitti ... i 54 —Hr A. Tooman's RnMiwMwi -■ 2 —Mr I_ Coleman's Leoaator. SLO-... 3 _A2®«> sta—ed: Akarana: »l. JewefTry: Zdeika: 11T14. I«ady Hua*:

Lfc-r.-'e; 129 BrvenM-; esj. Ye*. tie: > .Ldei K._ J-rkla ».zai.-A-When ike field cam- 1 ia sight L-x-_i'.wr was in eha-ge. but a Utile further up Lncrere was in the leaX followed by Leonas.r. Pul. Cry and Bou-.n.«a. with Broaside az ibe head of the others Lucre, e was still &g,.wiug the way as they went through the cutting and across the lop strife bot as they turned for b«*me Leoaalor had a siighz advantage from Lucrevc, Fttl! Cry and Leonator wa s 5-liil ia wheo the dssta aee was re-ach-ed. when Buiromiana facade-1 bam. aud as she was goiug easy in front ii »'ked as if >h - wo-zid score. ’»ut Full Cry wjas not y--: done with, and imiting ia a late run. Jt>: got up ia tiase :*» win by a head. Leonator was two engihs further bach third: Laerece was fourth. Lady Bone fifth, and last. Time, 1.-bud- Dividend*: lasade. £4 :• aaad £s»; outside £2 4 6 and. £4 IO . SYLVIA HANDICAP f <lx f jj--4o —C. Weal's Conductor, by Cyro aiaa— MelodU 1 *®S3l—F. W_ Arnold's b c Cambrian. U 5-. 2 —M. M -Lean's ch g Celtic, Gs» 3 ICRK4—Duan. te.«» o CeSthr hung a bit whea the barrier was lifted. Conductor being Quickest to get and the latter led to the cutting, with Cambrian. liaart aud Celtic Rdlowiag In that order. Fgwsing the top stretch Vonductor was ®tm showing ?he way. the other three Ma? alma®: zvgezher-, aaid in Ibis order they turned for house. Al the lura C-ndzi-zor mu wid<r. aad lost a lot -f ground. 1b the rru to the wiNEiug post the whips were out al’ round. Coud actor gamely uad»-r punishflieat. and lasted long enough to win by half a aezagth .from •_atnsbriaa. wit'i- ?an a g-eaz race his heavy \%ad. Celiic was half a length away third, a-sd Duan a >o«x wav last. Tim* 1.17 4-3. Dividends: ’ Inside, £4 i*» z outside. £2 t» »>. GRAKDSTAXD HANDICAP of horse 1«1®otsl 1| suzle. W. Cedeman's b g Laudheh. ax-'L by Fsi3i?’-.-*k—Dreamland. Kfl 1 4<i—A. «'hAffiii]jdou's b g Heroism. »L 7 . . 2 0..-41—EL J. Watts' ch g StarrfH-ot, 8.5.... 3 Alsc started: 4Mx. Pariintu, 8.7: ' ' ~r Gladstone. <JNk 3K. • ’. i . ArraistLce, 7.5. ?4T». Wai..4: 1315. T*- Aroha, 7.3' M» I*eia--7 .U-. :<2i. King r x -\ «L 7 kei; M soform, d. 7. wx® .a loug delay th e 'tart. Stars.z io-.., Landlo-zk azsd girinx a 3« of tro*nb?e. bat eveutuaSly Mr o'Vonaer puled the ribbon to a beautiful start. Ssarwas zl’re ±rsz to s--d bis f^ s aad hn jm;s< zine szaad. by Pari tutu, a&d La;_.,;<...> i e with last. <>omg ouz :< :fee <:raigbs shot to 3 aj I ;ije aS . 3ae she fj ®“ l --- f wS-> Sad larstsiss as.l Pau/ a( Ms Weft. Lii:-L..-.-k aiaMasaisi--! ais advantase »s lbw r«di sta' ■~gts si- aiij aenKs ,jsi 1-?- a 3 j Siarsj>.x.t . - *-'•»_ : 7~' ' Ha posatwß, je.s aear • \V,: s . ;3 - ± als d laaia. a. _ih Baakloy a I--rward T* V M ? - i€ r ft* A. !>.? -02*1.1 ■. ■? siill aaA -1.-'x~_ aad zbouxii Szaxsh -ot awtV Parilßiei «su r ? rmire) at»4 H«-ro- : >. !^w' iCe ' X 1 ! 17' raJS * 33 :&s *™ ear strva< 'S-*- -T A ■■’W> --r 3-srr>s r O -.nambed fa® arM i«, t .rars&owr by a Nees for seenad honora. 7-, - 1 *- •! I‘aritnsu Hfrj, - £1 » »• : oauM*-. 5 I ' T y.L. E!J: - EXTH R,,YA ’- STAKES ef revive 10 per cent, and the owner -»f :fa e nurd horse 5 rent, out of the stake. - '■■-’■ two. ttere-e. and f«->sr year old® W< for age. Six furlongs. Mr G. G. Stead's b c CuneEffonni. -"yrs. by M'LdSfifß-ras—B3urfiro. s.z* «Hew:tß« 1 3614—Mr D. O'Brh-H's l«r e Mefrifid. 3yr«. by Multiform—Ueriot Kl 3 (Davis) <

I» — Sir Geo < .Jford * b f Gienow *. 3yrs. by taanaaU Made w la. > " BTj Mr J. W 1:;- r e Ap <- naris. SyrK by Ap- .’rc— Ja»rf. kH over lßr>waj — 0 ♦Multifid aiad Gieoowlet rta 4 dead heat f?r »e'*wi place. Glenowle' shot <md! when the barrier lifted. and she -<i-.»wed Ibe way through the ♦u:t tg two Lengths in front of Cuneiform. wh*> * -> a le-ogth in front of MailifiJ, with Ap-< ‘**i. The -a me ord-r was mamtaiwed as ’bey raced the l--p stretch and the sinixht. At the distance <;>ar w2n-T Al>l Cnneifora were logfther, wi-lh M'altifid coanaas fast next the railsAu 1.4 race home was witnessed. Cnnetf-na however, always having a bsc th-- f it. aad winning with a bit la band by half a Laxth. Th* judge was unable to separate Multifid and Glenowlet. and bracketed them together f<-r second hocoarsu A poSJ-Msa ri< vraa a long way hark !j<t. Time. 1.14 2-5. Dividends: Inside. —MutIHM S-. Glenowlet £1 1*: outside, 11 6—Multifid 4>. GlenowLt 1*» 6 WINNERS OF THE ROYAL STAKESTime. ns. st ISE*; -Bkw-'febot. by Maxim 1 I’4 J9»«—GoM Medallion 1 16t 1396—G01d M-dalllsS.Ly I Id ISSt*-Screw Guo, by Hotchkiss.. 1 171 IW»> —Screw Goa. l«y Hotchkiss.. 1 16 2-5 19t>H—Renown, by Dreadnought., 1 15 1-5 I**»2 Royal Artillery. Holchkfee 1 161 19»X3 King Lc<. by Stepadak —. I l«*l 19*4 Machine Gon. by Hotchkiss 1 15 3-5 T9-<3 Noetmf*wm. by Multiform., 1 IS ISM6—Cuneiform. by Multiform., 1 14 2-5 THE AT* ELAND STEEPLECHASE(Haadicapa of 3uu»s»nz second horse to receive-4»>-.vs and third h-rse Mteors out of the stake. About 3# raLes. 613—-Mr J. O'DrfaeoSFs eb g Pharos, aged. by Jet d'Eau—Opawa mare. 9-7 sFergns* 1 figKl Mr H Waldron's br g Inniskßaen. *syrs._ by Fra teruite-—Nightingale. 11.3 ’Howard# 2 RfiS* Mr R. Hanuou’s b g by Minora- Lady Sana. 9.12 •Walsh) Aio> started 442. Nor-west. aged. 16 12 (Se'.4>yG 4364, The Swimmer. aged. 1«.5 tM..,-Gregoriz "5S- Lech Pyne. tSyrs. 9-» (Towers’. Ha’atajMi ■afxs -first Io set goaag. and thO order at ’he frtace was Huulapu. Lor’s Fyne. Inntekiliew, Nor'-west. Pharos, and The Swimmer. iMßtskPleu ran up into setrw'Siti.wi as i hcy n -ed »p the hliL and Che jicsa?3«BS as they i«»k the tar t<D were: Hausapu. I unistUiea. Fhar<*sThe Swiaumer. N-c'-west. and Loch iVue. k< sb,y w t - rhe water Inniskillea. was oa i-rass with Ha'stapu. the posiHoatf of i*e «i-< -V<-’ ja-.<>r4 ttee ■ ..4 wa;-.- Jemp aa<l «« !l « «»• ba -•< f« ’•fe he ?i was ’3 ■3- f >w-4 by Haeaapa. ' *1 ssai t«s sat nlsr as they aseen*4 th* MtSl sW ‘.Saw. At the fis« ten »-r She has! The Sartmtwer strueS han> I= .i e»sae d»%a. :«» was iftwr*-dmx-'sL ’.«3t -'vj_4 never SW» np >-• „f th- ae*t As they raeed v> She Phasws. pnEssw: <*• tras tena» tv9X !nt»»sfaJe«- at« 4 at .»• s..*i aaSS’h.-- aras st» the !«,«». s -i -a’' «sl -.he ra.-e was rirtaalSy »>"■ as Fhaow sso. his feaees. se«hW S' «. Stewbie hUBL. »wl ®e rasi SX ~ «sr laaiskliSen. wIM *e.t him thr-- »«W»hs f»r Xw -west was ftmrth. » yards H - ana. a-.«i The swtmm r; la<t T-me. &/1- IrtvMeads £3 K. anti £1 1‘ Xer--west atw lai»fefcule» were Wh U«* when iisry ;»a3led WINNERS OF THK AVCKLAND STEEPLECHASE. m. s. IS.TS—Mr F. W Marts' ~~ O. C M-fites Awtaai Kate. ll» -„--Z."" KH M- Ol C. MvGee's Perfaae. M. 7 - UTS—Mr O. V- Mettee's Perfame. lit “’ IST*—Mr P. Batler's The Aaeni. JSS»—MtR. Bay's Lsraejttai*. isi* — IS«l—Mr P Butler'S The Ageu»ISS2—Mr's. M■.•rrfss's The iMm. ii-V ~ UsS-ltr H. 1-aan's JJTSS4 Mr J LcnaJira s < ataus -> _ IS*T—Mr J r. LeaaaM's FakotiW.O - - -,- --■ • s-;i ISSS-Mr TChaa» « t waws. . ISSS-Mr N. Inek ya Leerai.. .-<» - * j«h>-MT J Rae's Ovaogcmaw. tssn MrC SVrisht's «»r!a<:-l‘x lA-- »-•» ISBC-Mr I! Hewitt's Seotiae - issue— Mt w Paul's Mauaere. I«L7 813® JStM—Mr J Soltau's I»es?ise.». 11.11 ----- Mr E. Gilpin s Ra#c2®*w I—<> 55.« 13W—Mr R T. Hiaaga's TSfitea. 11.12 “2‘* M: J. Rae's Leranier. 11-9 l <fS _Mr i! T. Gorrie's MuxeL 9 8 I«»—Mr G. Comer's Magpie. 1&0 &.33i P. CSnafe’s Nor*-west, l»i—Mr J. Warner's Cannongnte. ’«». 12 £.13 1.5 P»C -Mr F. B Rots*' Taltlgeur IL I*7 *ls 19m.:—Mr J. Cannongiic. 12* *< Mr M 1 Abie's Princess of Thu-c. Idd 8-4 2-5 1905-Mr J. Koubton's rp-t«h-I»aie. 1! 3 -5 Mr J- O iHix-o i s ri&arcNS. 9.7 8-12

THE NEWMARKET HANDICAP third ix-’T-se Mteovs oai vf lie c. S.x 117$— Mr W. C. Ring’s b OK-x.-’.y. Syrs. by Sabretache—Offeki 2 -e. €JS •Gray! - 1 42S —Mr A. H. Leonard s b - Carl 3yrs_ by Seaton DeLuv**—l R«>«e. 7.X Including 33b over 2 3GS - Mr A. Te’fer s br 4 Nervine 4yrs. by Pboebns ApoUo—Eve. 7.1. ia<*4uding 4ib over 'Rricfcaeni ... . 4*S* — Ilohoro. iged. 9 1«> «Cress''... - 0 4pof—Lady Annie. syrs. S,n .Julian - ’• 14dJ— Franklin. syrs. 7.12 •Buchanan’ . •• znsai-C'snehatran. 3yra 7.12 «Catv*n* 122 — Black and Gold. Cyrs. 7.10 -SmiiN’ fi 24* , >$ —Noteorini. Syra. 7.G <Br*dy». - 2X7Q — Winnie, 7-3 •Br>w:sh 35 — I.e Beau_ aged. <L7 'Jones!.. . ’’ I<6C* —Ben. axed. 7.0. indudiux 7l*> ->v -r (Deeleyl * Black and Gold rushed <o :b' fn>u< the barrier lifted, fallowed by Miss '4 innie. Certainty. Cart Rosa. Ben. and Lady Annie, while was slow to move, t rossing the top atrett-h Miss Winnie t »k charge, and she was first to tarn for home with Lady Aanh. Certainty. Ben. and Carl R.-sa close up. At the distan-'e Hohora. Nervine. Lady Annie and Certainty were all In line, and the quartette were all hard at it- Ax the law?, rafis Certaiaty drew eel. and although Carl R>sa pct in » ran and passed the others, he coaM »o: Certainty, who won by tialf a lenth- Cart Rosa beating Nervine a neck for second noDoars. Hohoro was >rl«ue up fourtii. and Ladv Aanie fifth. Time. 1.15 4-5. Dividends: I aside. £l7 19 and £1 13': outside. £3 19 u and 16 6. THE AUCKLAND PLATE of 275>ovs: ■-*ad h?rae to receive 4€*sovs and third horsse l»>s*>rs out of lhe stake. Weightforage. One maie and a half. 93*^—Mr G. G. Stead's ch za Nightfall 4yrs. by Multiform—La Nolte. <!S '<Hew3»:« 1 Tigs—Mr i_Btf*nea W;Hian®s* ch g t .ixn. syrs. by Quilt—Maud*. 9 1 ißwhantiii -2 117 f—Mr IL Cleland’s hr c Apob.ox=>'. 3yrs. by Phoebus Apu*?»—MSs Gladys. 3.0 ’Brown* 3 4€2—Sir Gilead. syrs, 9.4 ’Julian* O Apologue was first to break th- Sine, but as they passed the star;! Nightfall was oa terms, and going out of the straight she had a length's advantage of Apologue, with Mahulocßga next- Sir Gilead last. Apologue b«t bis piace as Huey went to seven furlong post. Mahutooga displacing him. and al the Mahuiocga was on terms with NightfalL and the pair raced su compai y acraas the top sires-• h ! .er lengths in fsont of Apo-jogise. with Sir G 3 cad last At the head of the straight Nightfall and Mahutonga w->re stall t"gether. but when they got t>» the distance i: ■was seen that Nightfall easily had Mah' - x->nga’s nreaswre. and. although he nusslsel is straight as an jnv>w under punishmeiEt. he evrid make no impression os Nightfal - who won with the greatest of ease by a length- Apologue was a dozen ieug'b* swav third, five lengths :n front f Sir bZZrad. TLaac. * 1-5. Dividends: I £1 15 : outside. 17 G. W INNERS OF THE AUCKLAND PLATE. Time. m. s. 5Sl<* —Multiform, by Hotchkiss. 9.0 — 39< llAV—Seahorse, by Nelson. 2.38 3 5 I<H>l—Advance, by Vanguard. 9.0.. 2.ST 3-5 Cruciform, by St- 7.31 2.41 1903—Cruciform, by St. Leger. S.ll 2_3S| 19(H —Gladsome, by Seaton Delaval 7.11 2 3625 1905— Mahutonga. by B.ll-... 2.40 1906— Nightfall, by Multiform. S.H 2JS6 1-5 THE PONY HANDICAP of Iwsovs: second horse io receive 15s»rs and third h*rse ssgvs out of the stake. Five fnrlomgs. 117j—Mr W. Handley's ch f Merry DelavaL 3yrs, by Seaieu Defc&ral— Merry Maid. 6.11, iuciuliag 2b over ■ Ericksen’ - 1 4O&s—Mr I_ It. Harris' ch 21 Sonoma. syrs. by Seaton Delaval—Maratea. 9.4 1 Speakman 1 2 427 —Mr i‘. James’ b m Storyteller. syr*. by Leolantia—Fairy Tale. 7.13 ’Buchanan' 3 «SG —Lady Warwick, 4yrs. 9.13 <Dnviss •» 199$—Luresome, 3yrs. BJ9 iGrayi O 163 —lnspiration, aged. 8.3 ‘Griffin* •> 179 — Whakatupoto, Syrs. 7.5 (Deeley/.. 0 190 —Dr- Quest, fijrs. 7.4. including 41t» over ’SceatsF - 0 191 J— aged. 7-3. including 51 b over ‘Sparkesi •> —Etn. aged. 611 * Jones* 0 2*>s — Rapid, aged, 6.9. including 21b over (Brown* ....■ 0 9o—LittZe Mabel, Syrs. 67 ’Brady*.... 0 Sonoma was first to begin, but Merry Delava? Immediately rushed 10 the front, followed by Dr. Qaesi. Sonoma. Eta, and Resurgam. and in this order they ra«-ed across the top stretch. Merry I*e?avai was first to turn for home, where the field closed up. and an exciting race 10 the post was witnessed. Merry winning by a nert from Sonoma, with Storyteller a neek away third, and Li.iresome f-'«nrth. and Inspiration last. Tim*. 1.5 3-5. Dividends: Inside. £29 5 and £1 18/; outside. £lO 2 6 and 19 . e e e Auckland Trotting Club's Summer Meeting. The Auckland Trotting Club brought their summer meeting to a close on Saturday last at Epsom. The weather was dull • nd threatening at the of the rartng. and when the programme was about half way through, steady ra’n set

!x - v< :::i tk- AiA.-aji ;hr wrather w- jidterae. there was a g.od atundar fife latraf'-red wUh ' -- W B. mfie.l and V-.«. pct thrv.:gh £W7I !-♦ . whl rh shows a decrease of £2371 on veir’ Mr Ik ILL * \ ’ elgr. - wr as stutter, the tetter gentleman per- - ra<dng throughout th* diy w < iuterestiag. and Mr F W ?' . ■* • r - ' :*■•.< w .-d f praise f r b.:- work. Tirragb — t th* there wa.< -■»: > discordant note, whiih reflects great credit on the secretary. Mr C. F Mark, and the various ffi-cals. Mr T King had charge f the catering lepartm-n’. whi -h i< a sufficient guarantee. Ra iag "-.tR-'ticed with the Trial Trot Handicap, wh; h attracted a fe'.d ' :ec. Sxrarger '’-'fing the eo'y withdrawal. Punters were a "oil mixed in their choice. Eureka. Tataraimaka. Lteste Bheg. and H ..on Lea. were all well supported. Gory Lass was the first o: the limit horsra to get C showed the way dll about three furtongs from home, where Tataraimaka caught ac 1 passed her. and trolling steadily, went on and won by f hut lengths from Gory I-ass. who was t*n lengths In front of Eureka, the Matter spoLiag a g.»i winning chance by breaking billy. Time. 337 4 5. Dividends. £1 19 aiad £ 1. All the ae-"e.p;ors; came out for the Pony Trot, and »’leveland*s Pride was installed favourite. Tsse race provided an evicting finish, as aft-er Cleveland’s Pride and Fibre had made the running t** a furlong frem h'»me. the scratch mare Mangouul put in her claiaa. and the three fought out an • i x iti’.j finish. Mang uni pcevaEing in '.he last stride, and winning by a heal from 4”eTela?>d's Pride, with Fibre a length away third. Time. 2.45. Dividends. £l9. and *5 . Kaderkin dr-clliised his engagement in the Now Haudicap. a pony galoping even 1 !. Lady Nannie wi« □iiad? a warm favorjrixe. with Storyteller next in requestThe ra-se was a pretty one io watch. Lady Nannie. St :try-ei! 'r. and Hurihuri raced abreast tiii ih- k dip was reached, when the f anaer showel o a _it s-ightly. a«d she wa< first to turn for h •ano. just in -front of At th-® diets: l_a«iy Nannie looked a'l over a winner. i«*n Gladys IL.we. •-■.-massg wish a Song sustaj:,’*! ran. cough: th? favourtue at the end «»f the stand, an I gradually wraciug her dowia, won an exciting rare by half * length. Hurlburi was Three lengths away third. Time. 1.26. Dividend. £3 a . Th* President** Trot saw the whole eleven acceptors go to the post, and of these Beii Car was uaost soHdSy syparted, he carrying just iwi.'e as much m-*uey as AVsitekauri. the sr->H-ood iu d-rmatd. Bdl Car was arty ita tae lea 1. and he s- n had a comsuauding lead, which a bad break, however. - . _• - markers g*** within half a d *eu lengths of Jr:..-i. h' soo» drew out again,, aud trailing the remainder of the » :r. .-y ju * uirc even gait, he taad no difls-' dty in vinnlßg with th-* greases’ of ease iwenty aesiglts from Wailekauri. was two iengihs iu front -f llaro'd Abdallah. Time. 5.14 2-5. Dividends. £l2 and 15 . There were drfertious from the Park Handicap Trot, for which Peacock was ihe only ouv Slacked wiitu spirit. Gening to tn? front before half a mile had been covered, th? favourite was h?a-.2ed. winning at the finish by three lengths frrm Tataraimaka who might have reversed with rhe winner. i«ut for losing three .>r feur seconds a: th? >:art». Little Paul was thin! three lengths furl her s *a '•k. Tsuae. 4.5 15 Dividends. £l3 and £! f» . There wer - no withdrawals from the High Class Tr-K, •.?»•• vighl acceptors lining up at tb? pns*. Mistle an I Mint, whi -h were bracketed on th-* machine, were the popo"ar tefictea. Taihoa. from the limit, was in front f-*r half journey, when Mint took charge, and she Ted to the entrance so the straight, where she was passed by her stable ctunpanion Mi<tle. the latter going on and winning hy tw • lengths from Min;, who. though tiring badly, lasted long en-’ogh to ?»eat Taihoa a length and a half f««r second honours. Time. 3.46 2-3 Dividend. £1 The rain that fell made "be track greasy, and this was responsible for I.ady Warwr *k. Sonoma. Luresome. Storvte'ler.

dip RupM cLpp-ed s i cjslxc d? .. $■ - ly In’.erferißg w!:h rg-;r Girt V firs: :c :-ru f.r h m- a ' .-.3. » . K .- made a g: : eff r: :- .: DiviJ . d>. 19 ai J 15. T E. IV •: rid*?r .f Rar d, auh jn. Th ? .2L„g t aa: of ?I.' L y ‘ Telephonic Handicap. ?jw Bax’.* B? i: F lUppv. k._- k i: so Oav< :: - pre-*. Lissie Bbt a l Mi» il ITheir engagement*. ih? go«<l f-1 f twe ve. however, g- .» i> lb? ; P? •* Tnxie was made favourite, wr.h Non«! secc*ud In request Pr. T .n. na<oj - k to settle to his work, and be led io the dip. where Nerval headed him. *-i J*-c latter turned for home with a "*ple of lengths advantage. In ibe run : • i-ost rear-old col: tir*d. and Tuxie got on terms fifty yards fr cs ft 2 . but hia hi&d fee; slipping 02 :L. greasy gorsg. Norval galne.l • > nc:h. wk'. v ?•' raalntalned to the finish. Miss H jes wu four lengths away third. Tim*, 3v 4-3 Dividends £1 15 ar. 1 9'. TA KA PL NA JOCKEY CLIP’S SUMMER MEETING. The following weigh:s Lave been declared by Mr Evitt - TAKA PEN A CUP of 33teors. One mite and a-haX

THE GENERAL ENTRIES. The following is a list of the genera. l c-n--tries received in 1 >nnec;ioa with the Takapnna Jockey dub’s Summer Meeting, which tabes pijtce on January 27 .-.z-’d 29 aad February 3 FIRST DAY. Maiden Piste. —Henry HaeesOrk; Tse Karen. Hnrihnrt. Lady ('iemrnts. Fcmitnjsld, Bally. St. Tut. Discoverer. Little Mabel. H!ro e The Lark. Aqua Regia. Fiakekohe. Girton Girl. Wbakanp«4t«. Bromide. Lord Seaton. Brigand. Ixrbia. Calliope Handicap —Mises<. I.c Masc -.te Primo. Conductor, Migu •1. Dua:t Aj Jouarts. Zealandia Handicap. Bia< k auJ G<»LJ. Gweuiad. Noteoriut Avalauc-be. Nervine. Hohoro. Takaroa. Desdemona. Syren. Miss Winnie, Mat Aura. Al!«a Rose, Le Beau. Certainty. Ferry Handicap.—Ti:i TUakambai:. Str Hector. Baltimore. Biueskip, F recbird. Hiro. Silk Web. The Lark. Frederic*. 1 5 Kereru. Engraver. Matangl. rukekfhc. Aristocrat, lady Widte. Omat: L<- ».. filly by St. Hippo—Natalmare, '.--g- 'ite. Orewa Hurdle Race Rauana. ‘uiracno. Ix«rii Fyne, Vexation. Sol. K: ; . Seabird. Pony Handicap. Miss Cuirass, r. Mercy Delaval. Lady Warwick, Sonoma I ’t. Inspiration. Rc-snrram. SolHary. Etu. Girtou Girl. V. Lakatap t «. Storyivsier. Lady White. Rapid. Orange and Blue. Stewards* ilncdicap.—Bl.itk and GoLd. Akarana. Franklin. The Raven, Lady Warwick, Kilderkhi. I hon>. Lncrece. Annoved. Sr.en, Love.iiik, Millie Full Cry. Geordi. C. trar.ty.

SECOND DAT. Monfi.l Handicap. Tut Tliakamban, Sir fall im«r<*. Rlneskln. Fret bird, The Lark. Iliiei. Idol. Kervru, Engraver, Silky, afatangi, Ptikekohe, Aristocrat, Omati, Handicap Maiden Hurdle Ra<*e.—Frank Dodd, ('uiraguo, Seatonla, Lerida. Frankton, Te Papa. Lochard, Leo Feve, Le Bea u. Suburban Handicap. Black and Cold, Nuteorhd. Gwenlad. Lady dements. S«•nitmaid, St. Tui. Avalanche. Discoverer, Nervine. HtdiorA. Takaro. Desdemona Syren, Aqua Regia. Ib-u Blair, Miss Winnie," Mataura. Alba Ruse. Certainty. Pony Handicap. Miss Cuirassier. Merry Deluca I. 11 urihuri. Lady Warwick, Sonoma. Forth. Kilderkin. Resurgain. Little Mabel. Lures me. Manoeuvre, Solitary, Ktu. Girte it Girl. Whakatupoto, Storyteller’ Lady White. Rapid. Orange and Blue. li< bson Handicap. Misore. Primo, Conductor. Mignon. Burnt. AzofT. Anniversary I landi* -ap. Akarana. Black and Gohl. Franklin. The Raven. Lady Warwick. Bully. St. Tui. Leonator, Geordie, Polycaste. Liter* -co. Annoyed. Lovelink, Millie, Deiauia. Full Ciy. Certainty. Till RD DAY. Marine Ilandi ap. —Misere. Sir Rupert, Lady Crc-sy. Le M ascot te. Don Qaez, Skylark. Azo AT. Ap.d! maris. Waiw<-r.i Hurdle Ra *e.—Ranana. Frank Dodd. Cu iragtio. L«»«*h Fyne. Lerida. Vexation. Frankton. Sol. Khama. Seabird, The Frenchman, Te Papa. Leo Feve. Borough Handicap.— Henry Havelock, Black a;:d Gold. Gwouiad, Inspiration, Noteurini. St. Tui. Discoverer. Freebird, llohoro. Takaro. Desdemona. Syren. Engraver. Aqua Regia. B--n Blair. .Miss WinJiie, Mataiigi. Pukekoiie, Aristocrat, Malania. A ba R«>se. Sumin** ILindi ap. Akarana. Fraukiin. The Rav.-n, Lady Warwick. King Paul. Bully. R< wkby. Avalanche, Leonator. Landlock. Geordie. Nervine. Volycaste, Gladstone. Annoyed. Syr-n. Lovelink. Millie, Zu.eika. D.Hisia. Full Cry. Lord Seaton, Certainly. l’«»ny Handicap.—Miss Cuirassier. Merry Delavjil. Lady Warwick. Sonoma. Forth.' Inspiration. Resurgain. Little Mabel. Lure®’*me. Frederick. Solitary. Etn, Girton Girt, Whaka;u|Mito, Storyteller. Lady White, Rapid. Orange and Blue. D voiip. i t Handicap. —Black and Gold. Akarana. Noteorini. Lady Clements. Kiiderkin. Freebird. llohoro, Tin- Lark. Takaro, Lucre co. Aqua Regia. Miss Wiuniv, Lord Seaton. Certainty. P.uiui Stee ple* has\—The Swimmer, Loch Fyu*». Pierre. Brigham. Sol. Writer Handicap.—Henry Havelock, Akarana. Fninkiin. Baltimore. King Pau), Souhmaid. Kilderkin. Bully. St. Tui, Sir Gi.cad. Hire). Poly caste. Luoree-e, Annoyed, J*”'clink. Zuiedka, Puk»-ki>l;o. Bromide I.e Beau, lately Warwick. Additional nominations may have been lodged at Dwonport. £«♦ <5 Wliangarei Summer Meeting. WHANG AR EL this day. Thr following weights have been dec’ared ><»r tiie Whangaret races; frjying Handicap.— Noteorini 9.5, Alba Bese 9.2. Discoverer S.IL Ben Blair S.lO, Lady White s..i. Nervine 5.3. Laelv C! meats 7.11. Fierauiosca 7.11. Celerity 7.9. lametta <■»». Ornate 7.5. The Scotchman 7-5. Mutto- < ma 7.5. Matauginui 7.4. Peregrine 7.3. Ladv French 7.0. Henry Havelock 7.0, Ngavvha 6.12. Luck's All 6.9. I‘u bl leans' Purse. Leonator 9.5. Sir Gilead >. In. Annoyed X. 6. Bouomiana 7.11. La▼adel 7.10. Sou H fish 7.0. Pamperta 7.0. Kola M|. i.o .Mechanic 7.0. Agra pus 7.0. Lerida e; 12. Doctor 6.12. Quebec U.lO, Si I verm me 6.7. Whaiigarei Cup. Leonator 9.0. Sir G ilea el >5. Deiauia 5.4. King Paul 5.3. Aunoyed 5.3. Levelink 7.1<». Nervine 7.6. 7.5, Seine.n.u 7.3. Pamp Ha 7.0. Seuiltfish 7.0. 1»< t« r Bras dOr (kin. Luck s Al!! <;.!(?. First Handicap Hurdles, Cuiragun 11.0. Jx-h Fyne 11.0. Te Papa 10.5. Major 10.5. Llugarei 1«».5, Corporal 10.3. Lerida 9.x. Sir Albert oil 9.5. !.«•<» Feve 9.5. Seat onia 9.5. Railway Handicap. Noteorini 9.0, A’ba Hose x. 12. Annoyed xin B>>n<>miana S 3. Discoverer 7.10. La Cigah- 7.10. Lallah R» "kb 7.4. Lady Clements 7.4. Aqua Re gia 7.0, K<-la Nip 7.<i. Celerity 7.0. Matauginui •i. i<». Agrapus G. 1<». Vv • i • me* Stak'<. Alba R««se 5.12. Ken Biair x. 7. Lady White- x.ii. Discoverer 7.12. Ft* a 7.10. Lady Clements 7.6. Muth- • 7.5, <' rity 7.4, Oinatl 7.0, The Sentchvnan 7.<i. Peregrine* 7.0. Matauginui 6.12. Ngawhai, Henry Havelock 6.10, Laely 11 Keiuritigtmi Siak><. Alba R*«s.- 8.12, Ben Biair x. 7. Dis<-.»v* ”• r 7.12. La Cigale 7.12, Fieraiuosra 7.10. Aqua R<*gia 7.4. Oniati 7.0, The Scotchman 7.0. Silk W< b 7.0. MatnnglIjul 6.12. Settlers' Handicap. Lavadr] 9.0. Ramperla x.s. Brliiaiiel s.u. Bar-t he*-D<ie»r 8.0. Ixidy Jxiuia 7.1” D*. tor 7.1”. Bras d’Or 7.10. As Mr E.rit has evidently overlookeei the new rules re ihc starting of handicaps at list, tin- vv iglits fur the Weh-ome Stakes ami Stakes will have to be revised. Kamo Races. The following are the results of the Kamo Handicap Hurdle-s.— Peter- Simple (D. Jdumo, 1: Marksman «W. Gosnell). 2. Maiden 11-i ks.—Laelv Lanta tW. Gosnell), 3: FoHiiicaiioti iSid. Hadse), 2. Kamo Handicap. Pamperta (Frank Porter). 1: Native Rose «Frank Moran), 2. Pony Race. - Neptune (Gilbert Clotworthy). 1: «W. Gosnell), 2: Ngawhnl F. P r). 3. ‘PiihllraiVf’ pi:’ <c Lady T-flnta <W.. GejfiBell). 1: M.r<F I’erton, 2; St. Patrick (Gen. Goulsbrei), 3. Handl -ap Trot.—Paddy 1. Klttj 2

Settlers’ Handicap.—Lady Howitzer was th" only entrant. Forced ILtmfiAzp— «S. Hodge), 1; 1-stdy Howitzer (W. Gosnell), 2; Neptune (F. Porter), 3. The meeting was considered very satisfactory, the attendance being very good. During th-‘ day the llikurangi Brass Band discoursed various pleasing selections, and no hitch occurred to mar the day’s sp »rt. © © © Otaxuatea Races. M A T A KO 11E, Tuesday. The following weights have been declared for the Otamatea Haring Club’s meeting, to be h-hl on January 19.— Maiden Plate. —The Abbott 8.12. Terence 8.12, Ngarunui 8.7. Tennis 8.5. Buggins 8.0, Ping Pong 7.12. Galvanic 7.12. Otara 7.G, Vesper 7.6, Bonny Morn 7.6, Gipsy M. 7.6,' Queen 7.6. Hurdle Race.—Merrysome 11. G. Warrigal 11J». Silvennine 9.12. The Abbott 9.0. Buggins 9.0. Toren,-? 9.0. Kelso 9.0. Pony Ra<*e.—Silvennihc 8.12. Valima 8.0. Galvanic 8.0. Ping Pong 8.0. Bonny Morn 7.6, Vesper 7.6. Opae 7.6. ICuarangi 7.6. Otamatea Cup.—Henry Havelock 9.10. Merrysome 9.8. Sir Alberton 8.12, Jessimino 8.10. Bar-the-Door 8.7. Warrigal 8.7. Silvermiue 8.0, Brigand 8.0. Terence 7.7, _Ahbot 7.7. Lady Kegel 7.6. Fortification 7.G. Ping Pong G. 12. Valina 6.12. Matakohe Welt< r Handicap.- Jessamine 10.4. Masher 9.0, Lady Hegel 9.0. Texas 8.10. .Tennis 8.10, Valina 8.6, Buggins 8.4, Kelso 8.4. Otara 8.4. Flying Stake-s.-Henry Havelock 9.12. Lu-n-tta 9.7. Jessamine 8.12. Brigand 8.4. Sir Alberton S.O. SUvermine 8.0. Bar-the-Door 12, Texas 7.40. > Lady Kegel 7.10, Satan <.6. Terence 7.6, Galvanic 6.7 4 Ping Pong © £) •$ Whatawhata Races. HAMILTON.’ Tuesday. The n suits of the Whatawhata races, held yesterday, were:-— Handicap Hurdles. — A. Wilsons The Frenchman 1. G. Bottley’s Ladv Mrv 2 J. Harkers Fairy. 3. Maiden. Plate Handicap of Ssnvs; 1 inlie. —F. R. Windsor's Rnnseabout 1. J. Harper s Ruakaka 2. A. B. Cassidy's Freehold 3. Whatawhata Cup Handicap.— F. White's Agrapus 1. J. Harper's Te Taniwha 2. T. Kempt home's Sophia 3. Hark Race of 7sovs; 7 furlungs.—'t hos. Kempt home's Aldershot 1, M. La son’s Lottie 2. ladies’ Bracelet.—J. Harper’s Te Taniwha 1. G. Betti •y’e L«Jy May 2, F. R. Windsor's Rouseabout 3. * Flying Stakes. —A. Lang's Stepney 1, F. White’s Agrapus 2. J. Harper's Huakaka 3. © © © Hawke’s Bay Races. NAPIEIL Tuesday. The Hawke's Bay Jockey Club's Summer Meeting was concluded to-day. The attendance was large for a second day. The weather was tine, though dull in the morning. In the a fieri.nun ,*i heavy shower Tell, but this lasted only a short time, the remainder of ihe day being fine. The racing, on the whole, was much better than on the first day. The tutalisator put through the sum of £6513, making a total of £14.085 for the two days, an increase of £3894 on. .nst year's figures. Actea Hurdles. — Monarque 1. Florio 2. Lady's Link 3. Time 3.20. Dividends — £2 3 and £1 3 . Second Race. —- Medallist 1, Souliina 2, Syivrie 3. Dividend. £3 1 . Scurry Hack. — Mobility 1. Flower Girl 2. Oasin 3. Scratched — Lord Rosebery and Lelwcio. Summer Handicap of lOOsuvs: once round. — Ballyncety. 7.G. 1: Operglta. 6.10. 2: Lyrist. 9J». 3. Also started: Heywood. O|»eretta led until half-way down the straight, win n Ballyncety put in a strong run. am! after a game struggle won by nearly a length. Tiim. 1.54. Dividend. £6 9/. Nursery Handicap of tiOsovs: 5 furlongs. -Grand Slam. 7.6. 1: Pluck. 7.2. 2: The Squatter. 7.9, 3. Also started: Gulden Gate. Idaeus. Rutaumata. Wai Ariki. Corazon, and The Duchess. Pluck was in front until reaching tin- distance post, whore Grand Slam joined issue, and. getting the best of a capital finish, won by three-quarters of a length. Time. 1.6. Dividends. £3 16/ ami Epsom Handicap of 50sovs: once roin„f.- - Cinque. 10.7, 1; Oryx, 2: Martyrfeldt. 3. Also started: Paikea and No Shot. No Shot led for six furlongs, when Oryx took command. but in the straight Mr Stead brought Cinque along with a well-timed rush, ami won all out by a bare length. Time. 1.58. Dividend. £5 12/. Matapairo Hack Handicap of sOsovs: 7 furlongs. Tonderghio, 8.7. 1: Pantaloon. 8.0. 2: Te Hauke. 8.0. 3. Also started: Lolret. Floral. Electric Gun. ami Mataika. Time. 1.30 1-5. Dividends. £2 1<» and £1 January Handicap «.f 7Osovs; 7 furlongs. — Polyanthus. 8.2. 1: The Stake. 7.6. 2: Sylvrie. 6.7. 3. These were the only starters. Polyanthus led all the way and won comfortably by a length. Time. 1.31 25. Dividend, £1 10/. © © © Wairarapa Races. SECOND DAY. MABTERTON. Tuesday. The Waharapa. Racing Chib’s meeting was con.-liidcd to-day at Tauherhilknn in showery weather. The course was heavy. The sum of XthiXl was put through the totalisator. making jClil.T'A". for the meeting, against JC14.142 tor the corresjtondlng mertIng last year. The results are as follow:—

Ra<-ing Clnb Handicap. 1 mile and a <1 stance. Boris, 9.0, 1; Martian. 9.5. 2; Capulet. 6.9, X Also started: Aberration. 7.7; Spoil, <*.l2; Letherin, 6.10; Silverlrne, 6.7. Won by half a length. Time, 2m. D*vldrnds, £2 and £1 14 . Russell Handicap, 7 furlongs. Sir Perciv.ile, 6.7. 1; Wind, 5.3. 2; Variation. 7.9, 3. Also started: Exmoor, 9.13; Tikarawa, 8.3; Spoil, 7.6: Fancy work. 7.5: Seagull. 7.2; Galahad. 6.7: Hoity-Toity, 6.7. Won easily by several lengths. Time, 1.30 3-5. Dividends, £6 19 and £2 5/. Rawiri Handicap. 4 furlongs.—Ailsa. 10.5. 1: Sardonyx, 7.8. 2; lugleneuk, 8.8. 3. Also started: St. Albert. 7.9; Miretta. 7.8; Coxswain. 7.7. Won by a length. Timo, 1.2 4-5. Dividends, £3 1/ and £1 8/. ® © Rangitikei Races. M A ETON. Tuesday. The tutaiLsator returns for the two days amounted to £16,807. Hie following are the later results:— Telegraph Hack. — A pa 1. Wangaehu 2, Federation 3. Also ran —Marsellaise. Pomegranate. <*oewa. and Rangiwahenua. Won by a ler. a. Time 1.19 1-5. Dividends — £3 2 and £1 5 . Clifton Handicap. — Ropa 1. Flotilla 2, Delamere 3. Also ran — Recoil. Time 1.32 1-5. Dividend, £4 4 . Sanden Hurdle Race.—Wild Cat 1. Kehonni 2. I.evant 3. Also ran: VaHma. Detonator. Won by a length. Time, 3.2. Dividends, £2 5 and 17/. Kiilvymoon Hack Handicap. — Victoria Park 1. Bonheur 2. Prospector 3. Also ran: Present. Kai mere. Rosegrove. Lion Heart. Won by a length. Time, 1.36 4-5. Dividends. £2 11 and £1 1 . Great ford Stakes. —Noiiette 1. Black Reynard 2. Submarine 3. Also ran: Rapids. Won by half a length. Time, 2.1 4-5 Dividend. £3 5/. Tramway Hurdle Race. —Ontario 1. Da iky 2. Inglewood 3. Also ran: Weary Bill. Cassiopea. Lion Heart. Kangaroo. Levant. Won easily by several lengths. Time, 2.5 S 2r-5. Dividends. £44 15 ami £2 1. ■ Rauinai Welter Handicap.—Captain Shannon 1, Rustiquv 2. Ropa 3. Also ran: St. Claiuier. Mussell. Flotilla. Marinella. Recoil.' Won by two lengths. Time, 1.20 2-5. Dividends. £3 16/ and £1 9.. . Parvwanui Scurry.—Windy 1. Destruction 2. Splendid Idea 3. Also ran: Clifton. Kiown. Loma ria. Kai Errin. Appolles. Zelma, Inaha. Papt r. Chinehinella. Almira. SpHrle. Time. 52 2-ssec. Dividends. £3 13 and £1 16/. ® © © Wellington Racing Club’s Summer Meeting. WELLINGTON. Saturday. The following handicaps have been declared by Mr Pollock for- the Wellington Raeing Club’s summer meeting:— Anniversary Handicap, one mile.—Starshoot 9.2, Ghoorka 8.13, Auratus 8.12, Exmoor 8.12. Convoy 8.9, Boris 8.6. Black Reynard 8.4. Rose Madder 8.0. Tirole 7.13, Makaroff 7.13. Regulation 7.12. Dexterity 7.11. Lyrist 7.11.- Ropa 7.9, Clanchattan 7.6. Wind 7.3, Flamen 7.3, Prelude 7.3. Tikarawa 7.2, Antigone 6.13. Clanburn 6.13, Capulet 6.12. Aberration 6.12.-Hydrant <».9, Seagull 6.9. Spoil 6.7. Letherin 6.7. Flotilla 6.7. The Stake 6.7. Quickfire 6.7, Fancywork 6.7. White Ribbon 6.7. Telegraph Handicap, six furlongs.—Solution 9.4. Master Alix 9.2. llohoro "8.13, Cuneiform 5.13. Petrovna 8.13. Signalman 8. IT. Ballarat 8.11. Chivalry S.B. Black Reynard 8.7. Boris 5.5, Joanne d’Arc 8.5. Ailsa 8.4, Boomerang 8.4. Stronghold 8.4. Delaware 8.9, Marguerite 7.11. Sir Tristram 7.11. Delamere 7.8. St. <T:iimer 7.8. Petticoat 7.5. Prelude 7.8. Pas Seul 7.5. Jolly Friar 7.3, Medallist 7.3, St. Bill 7.2. Tomorrow 7.2, Waitati 7.0. Eden 6.12. Matakokiri 6.7. Arc Light 6.7, Qutofcfire 6.7, White Ribbon 6.7. Electric Handicap, five furlongs.—Master Alix 9.5. Petrovna 9.2. * Chivalry 5.13. Ballarat 8.13, Ailsa 8.9, Stronghold 8.9. Glenowlet 8.3. St. Ciaimer 7.13, Sir Tristram 7.13, Delamere 7.11, Prelude 7.10. Pas Seul 7.5, liigi°nei!k 7.8. Gawain 7.7. Medallist 7.5, St. Bill 7.5, Waitati 7.4, Miretta 6.13, The Seer 6.7. Handicap Hurdle Race, one mile and three-quarters.—Waitarere 11.0, Sleepweil 11.0, Catspaw 10.12. South Star 10.10. Talune 10.8. No Shot 9.8. Geologist 9.7. Kaimoe 9.5, Kaluga tahi 9.2. Ransom 9.0, Garry 9.0, Brenda 9.0, Error 9.0. Nursery Handicap, four furlongs.—lvanoff 8.12, Golden Gate 8.7, De Witte 8.5. Munjista 7.13, Lady . Landen 7.9. Grand Siam 7.9. Chicane 7.9. Loftus 7.8. Knastikoff 7.7. Volume 7.6, Moscow 7.2. c by Conqueror—Money 7.2, ’Frisco 7.2. Snowstill 6.U. Kurawaka 6.11. Carris.sima 6.11, Strathfillan 6.11. ’Frisco Maid 6.11. Tangiinoana 6.11. Mahuta 6.11. Tongariro Hack Handicap, one mile.— Bourrasque 9.7. Pushful 5.13. Pretty Maid 8.13. Maui 8.11. Glvmillin 8.1 t». Dulcinea 8.7. Togos 8.7. Lady Wayward 8.7. Declination 8.2, Southern Cross 8.2. Touderghle 8.1, A.P.A. 7.12, Tekanui 7.10. Early Grove 7.7. First Vein 7.5. Merriwai 7.3.* Moloch 7.3. Windy 7.0. Moral 7.0. Aotea 7.0. Ben air 7.0. Tsitsihar 6.13. Soul t ma id G. 7. Splendid Idea 6.7, Czarenna 6.7, Secret 6.7 Gold Lead 6.7. Ruapehu Hack Handicap. six furlongs.— Nobility 9.2. Maui 8.13. Gazeley 8.11. Dulclriiea 8.9. Declination 8.7, Arc Light 8.4, The Seer 8.4. A.P.A. 8.0. Tekanui 8.0. Aorangi 7.13. Sylvan Tide 7.9. Farley Grove 7.9. Rose Petal .7.9, Devonfa 7.8. Tupoiia 7.8. First Vein 7.7. Scrap Iron Jack 7.7, Probability 7.4. Aotea 7.4. Hukaaka 7.4, Lethe ine 7 2. Kiuku 7.2. Tvtai 6.12. Pomegranate 6.12. The Voucher 6.12. Czarenna 6 12. Pat 6 12. Sen Sen 6.7. Hill Song 6.7. Queen’s Mcssager 6.7. Soultinald 6.7. Diaha 6.7. Xavier 6.7, Secret G. 7. Skye 6 7, Maura

THE WELLINGTON CUP. '4 WELLINGTON, Monday/* Th* 1 following are the acceptances for the ‘•ntef event to be decided at the Wellington Racing ciub« summer meeting:— THE M ELLINGTON Cl'P of GSOSOVS. One mile and a half.

TURF TALK FROM THE SOUTH. CHRISTCHURCH, Friday. In Otago the new year was ushered in with quite a number of country race meetings. At the Wyndham meeting on January Ist the Dreadnought gelding Sirius beat Juniper in the New Year Handicap, and subsequently won the District Welter Handicap. Crichton carried 10.4 to victory in the Flying Handicap, w’lile Bill I’erkixis appropriated the Open Welter Handicap. At the Cromwell meeting Flower o’ Clutlia heat Visionary in the Cromwell Handicap: but next day the latter turned the tables on her conqueror in the Jockey Club Handicap. The Cajolery horse Toney won' the Flying and Farewell Handicaps. and Tugcla annexed the Grandstand Handicap. The Palmerston Cup. th? principal event decided at the Palmerston South meeting, fell to Ruluwayo’s half-brother. Quagga, and the Shag Valley Handicap to Ointment, a gelding by The Workman, who also won the Maiden Pl.ite. Th? Musketry—Dudu mare Lolah appropriated the District Han* dicap, and the Cuirassier horse Transport the Farewell Handicap. At the Waikouaiti meeting Catheron. by Obligado, defeated Lolah in the Hawkesbury Handicap, but tae latter afterwards won the Bray Handicap. The Goodwood Plate fell to Octave, by Obligado, who was followed home by the ancient Maremma. The first day's racing of the Southland Racing Club was heid in most disagreeable weather, and was marred by a couple of accidents. In the New Year Hack Welter Handicap J. McGuire, the rider of Eremah, had his foot injured by collision with a post, and it was found necessary to amputate one of his toes. In the Flying Handicap Canada fell, and Captain Kettle blundered over him. with the result that Jamieson. the rider of Captain Kettle, -had one of his legs broken, and Canada injured his shoulder. Astrakhan, the throe-year-old brother to Petrovna and Master Alix. fr= still troubled with intermittent lameness. I hear good accounts of a two-year-eld colt by Birkenhead—Merganser, who is in training in Southland. CIIK LSTCIIERCII, Saturday . The local racing world is still seasonably quiet. Rircarton is deserted, and it is likely to be in that state for at least another week. The entertainment that Canterbury, race-goers have had during the holidays has been a trotting meeting and a few picnic race meetings, at which there was no tote. At one of the latter, held under the auspices of the Tinwald Racing Club, the principal event, the Tinwald Cup, was won by the Hotchkiss—Lady Augusta gelding Thunderer. Silent Member won the Grandstand Handicap: Contest, by Mannlicher, the Malden Plate; Gold Reel, by Gorton', the* Domain Welter - Handicap; and Conquercss, by Conqueror, the Consolation Handicap. At another, the Mcthven Sports and Raeing_Club’s -annual . race meeting, the Methven Cup was won by Silver King, and the Ladies’ Purse by Tomtit, by Mannlicher. The other two racing events fell to Hawke's Bay-bred horses—Miss Hamilton, by Captain Webb—l.ady Hamilton, appropriating the -Mount Unit Handicap, and Thryrlis, by Apremonl—Tliryra, the Fiat Race Handicap. Mr G. L. Stead has bought the jumper Numa in the North Island. The price paid for the horse was 90gs. It is stated here that Kirriemuir has gone amiss in one of her knees, if the report is true Sir George Clifford has no reason to look back with pleasure at the recent Auckland meeting. Th * great -Northern Foal Stakes will hardly compensate him f<>r being deprived of .the services of two such fine performers as <J::arrynian and Kirriemuir. In the case of the latter it is to be hoped that the loss is only temporary. Major George, who has been on a visit to Christchurch, went out to Rlecarton and renewed acquaintance with his old champion Nelson. - The only incident in local sporting circles worth mentioning is the recent raid on the premises of th* local bookmakers. Most of the best known of the local fielders are under remand to appear before the Court on a charge of keeping common gaming houses. Mr Fried lander has still further reduce*! his fast diminishing stud by the disposal of the stallion Finland to Messrs El’worthy Bros., of South Canterbury. ilr Waiiklyn. the secretary to the Canterbury Jockey Club, who has been on a holiday Visit to Australia, has returned home. (By Telegraph.—Special to “Graphic.”) CHRISTCHURCH. Monday. The local sporting world Is still very quiet. It Is likely to begin tn brighten up «oon. however. Several absentees 'hot*

boracs and meuj wUa have been either to the Weal Cuiiat ur lu the North Island, have returned, and lu a few days all those team* without engagements at Wellington (Will be home again. Meanwhile local racegoers will find a little amusement at the Hororata Racing Club’s annual race meeting, wbiVh is set down for to-morrow. This meeting is always enjoyable, and this year promises to be no exception to the rule. The following horses may run forward in their respective engagements:—Bangor - Plate, Petrovna; llor-»rata Cup. The Mohican; Farmers’ Plate, Buccleugh; Flying Hack Race, Ettaree; Welter Handicap, Munderer; Haldon Stakes, Hilarity. W. Pirie left his North Island team at the Hutt, and ran down for a brief visit last Saturday to see how his home team was faring. He states that Martian is peeping sound, and satisfactorily. but that Tsitslhar is suffering from thin soreness. If Martian continues to improve he should certainly be dangerous in the Wellington Cup. The Sydney-bred horse Narrangeri has changed hands, having been purchased by F. P. Claridge. who has placed him in F. Holmes’ hands. F. Jones has taken up his quarters under Hobbs. and for the future will act as first horseman to the Racecouse Hotel team. Most of the team are well, the two-year-old Ivanoff especially so. but Field Gun. the Hotchkiss—Gannet colt, is troubled by one of his knees, which has been blistered. ■The rain which fell on Friday did a great deal of good to the training tracks. The tan track has been widened, and the work of re-erecting the semaphore on th? new site opposite the stewards’ stands is nearly finished. Two Riccarton residents have mot with accidents recently.- Mr S. Wilson, the former owner of Rosemere. had a leg broken while engaged in farming work, and F. Di Ila more sustained a fractured leg when Orkan fell with him at the Tinwald meeting on New Year’s Dav. Messrs T. Campbell and B. Reid, who Were present at the Auckland Racing Club’s - summer meeting. returned to Christchurch on Saturday. If Achilles is at his best he ought to take a great deal of beating io the Wellington <’up. On the Auckland Pat * running Nightfall should hold Mahutonga safe.- but Martian, fit and well, may beat both of ♦hem. Vladimir has a chance, and Vari-, tutu. Putty. Savoury, Auratus. Convoy. Armistice. Makaroff. Lyrist. and Ropa should all be worth watching. ® © © English Racing. Australasian sires do not make a brilliant show in the .list, of winning sires for’ the English racing season of 1905 now closeil. Taking them alphabetically, we find that Abercorn’s progeny racing here have won four races worth £(540: Au rum 11. has a race and a half to his credit, worth £U)3; and the repatriated Bi 1 of Portland is r - presented by eight winners of b» races, worth £4114 1) Carbine -has been the most successful, of the Australian sires, his stock having won 20 races, worth £5401: but Mannan cuts a poor figure. with two winners of forr races, worth £317 all told. Patron is represented by a single winner of a race worth £407. and the dead Trenton'by four "Winners of l’» races, aggregating £1772. Deducting Bill of Portland’s contributions. the preg'ny of Australian sires running in England this season have betw?«n them amounted for 451 races. worth £S73O. twenty-three annuals contributing to this amount.SALE OF CAMBRIA AND GLENORA PARK YEARLINGS. A MOST SUi’CESSFFL SALE. One of the most successful blood sfuck field in Auckland for some time was that of the (’a mb ria aii I Glonora Park yearlings. which were submitted to auction'yesterday by Mr li. O. Nolan on behalf of the N.Z. Loan and Mercantile to. In all 21 <is were offeree!, which realised I’SlOgs. There was a large attendance of siK»rtsmen and others, and bidding was brisk. Included in the number were Sir Geo. Clifford. Bart.; Sir Robert Lockhart. Bart.: Him. James ■Carroll. Dr. Newman. Major Pitt. Messrs A. Yuillc i.Melb.k M. McEtan. D. St-wart. It. Duder. G. Dunneit. A. Kidd. M.11.R.; F. La wry. M.11.R.; D. McKinnon. a. Hughes? W. Lyons. S. Bradley. M. Mil’s. AV. Handley. F. Earl. G. Currie. E. 11. McCrae. c. Parker. C. Cooper. F. \V. Edward*. J. Sewell. M. Taylor. T. Dwan, and several of the leading trainers. The first lot to bo offered was the colt by Heaton Dclaval — St. Edith, which went cheaply at 35gs to Mr Do.g. Wellington. A bay colt by Eton —-Beqiifst was let go at 35gs t and was one of the bargains of the sale. The bay filly by Cyrenian—Anna, after starting at 3’Jgs. quickly.ran t«» ‘Jogs, at which price the Messrs Duder Brps, secured her. A bay filly 'by '^ouß—Cliiara fe.’lJo Mr G. Robinson at 145 gs. while Mr F- W. Edwards got a nice colt l»y Smilt — Gold Wvb for s«»gs. There wgs Jiot much competition for the bay filly by EtonRapid. Mr Parker getting her for the small outlay of .*U»gs. “The colt of the season.” was Mr Nolan’s comment when Lot K. the brown colt by Soult — Rose and White xfas led* in the ring. A beautiful colt, looking every inch an aristocrat, it did not need a very good judge to tell that there wou’d be keen competition for his possession. Mr Hughes gave the colt a start at 300 gs, and quicker than one could write it down he advanced in 50-gulnea bids to llOOgs. at which _prlce Mr A. Yullle (Molb.l silenced the oppo£*tfilon -mid ~<<ecured • iiitn amidst applause. Several New Zealand sportsmen Hon. J.

Carroll, Messrs Mason, George. Hughes, and A. Kidti. .M.H.IL were competing for the colt, but the weight of foreign capital was too much for them. This is the highestpriced colt yefc reared at Gleudra Park. There was only one bid of s«»gs for.the bay filly by Eten—Guinevere, which fell to Mr F. MacMauemin. A nice buy <<*lt by Cyreuian Miss Annie, a perfect little gcntU* man in appearance and one of the nicest colts yet offered at Cambria Park, ran from 2Uogs to. 32‘>gs. when he fell to the bid of Mr J. Thorpe, the Ellerslie trainer. A filly by Soult—Ma uterine fell to Mr T. L»wan for s<>gs. and a nice brown volt by Soult--In-amorata was knocked down t-o Mr M. Mills. Taranaki. A nice, shapely bay volt by Eton — Irma was a bargain at 145 gs. Mr Martin Taylor securing him. A big chrstuut filly by Cyrenian—Lute only elicited one bid (lOOgsi. going to Mr K. Heaton: but the brown colt by Soult — Hotcherina was the subject of -keen competition. Starting al uOUgs. he quickly advanced to 52t»gs. which was Mr J. Thorpe’s bid. A bay filly, half-* sister to Ixindlock. by Cyrt niaa. a racy? looking young lady, was cheap al 165 gs. Mr C.’ Coleman being the pm chaser. A black volt by Soult— Lady Emmvthie. that looked almost ready to race, was another that brought about keen bidding. The first bid. lungs, was immediately rappt d by 11<». ami th«n he advanced in leaps and bounds to 450 gs. Mr A. Yuillc again silencing the opposition. A bay coit b> Cyrenian—Sjirltc was purchased at 40gs by Mr J. SeweP. Oamaru: and a bay filly by Eton — Lady Agnes at 55gs by Ms’ G. Tighe. A black fillv bv Smilt Sataneila (half-sister to St. Paul, St. elements. St. Ursula. et- .L quality all over, ran from 50gs to 25i>gs. Mr A. Kidfl. M.H.IL. securing her. A nice filly by Cyrenian—Amadyomene was at 35gs knocked down to Mr W. Handley: and Dr. Newman secured the last lot on the catalogue, a lil y bv Soult- Merry Maid, for 6dgs. The 21 lots sold realised 3SUigs. an exceptionally good average of ISligs. Sales were as follows: - Bay colt, l»y Seaton Delava I — St. Jxlith, 35gns. Mr Doig (WellingtowL - - Bay coit. by Eton—Bequest. 15gns, Mr Uooper (Mastorton). Bay liliy. by Cyrenian—Anna. 95gns, R. Duder. Bay filly, by Sonlt—Chiara.-ns. G. Robinson. Brown colt. by. Soult—Gold . AA eb, 50gns. F. Edwards. Bqp- lilly. by Eton—Rapid. 30gns, C. Parker (Gisborne). Brown coll, by Soult—Rose and White ibrother 1 o*’ Wairiki). I IOOgh J , A. Yuille (Melbourne). Bav filly, by Eton—Guinevere. 50gns, F. Macniiinenrin. Bay colt by Cyrenian—Miss Annie. 320giis. T.’ TfiortiP? Brown lilly ”lh* Sbult—Mauserhie. 50gns.-Mr Dwan (Wellington). Brown colt. . by, Soult*—lnamorata, lOOgns. M. Mills (Taranaki). Bay col: by-Eton? —lima. 145gns, Martin Taylor.' (.bestnut filly by Cyrenian- Mu c. ItKlgs.. K. Heaton. Brown colt by Sculi- -Hoicherinu ibi ot her l o Marshal S< uk ); 320g5., J. Thorpe. Bay lilly bv ( yienia.i l - D.caniland, lfisgs..~<A'C<nemai’. - , . Bla<k ‘ ; dt by SowU—Etdy En ui? i e (brother to C ordon RuugeT. 4 O s.. A; Yuille. Bay e;dt by A yr<nian —Sy t . .Ogs . J. Sewell (('anitniru k Black iillv bv. Soult —Sataneila, loOgs., A. Kidd. Brown lilly by Eton — 1 • Agues, 55g5.. (.. Tigiie. 2- . Chestnut i?Hy by C‘yrenin-n-*-Aivdyo.--inene 35g<.. AV. Handley. Brown liily by Soult—Merry maid, Ofigs.. Dr. Newman (Wellington).

st lb st th .... 9 0 XL.-:. Delava: 7 Scotty V . 7 o Putty ..... s *1 Monofbrm ... 7 0 Gladstone . .. 13 ZsCe.ka < GeenMe 7 9 Detanfct . C 12 XXaipuna .... Rookbv . . . « 12 Akarana Lovelink . . *» »• Te Aroha .... 3 Kinr Paul . . G in Ironmouki ... Soul: fish ... <; 7 Cyrano • RANGITOTO STHEri.RCllASK K.v Thrcr miles and w~half. st Hi Inniskijleu .. 11 •> I*ier?v !• K Raaaua 11 z I.oeh 1'yae ... 9 t Sol 10 13 Merry sense . . 9 Swimmer .... 10 7 Brixham .... L*

st. lb. st. lb; Achilles .... ... 9 Nightfall ... 4 Martian ... 8 i:t Vladimir ... ... 8 ] i Paritntu .... ... 8 1 I-yrlst it i*_5 Putty ... 8 3 Ropa ... 6 It Auratus .... ... 8 o Solution .... ... 8 o Armistice .. Cianburn ... ... t> T

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXVI, Issue 2, 13 January 1906, Page 19

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TURF GOSSIP New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXVI, Issue 2, 13 January 1906, Page 19

TURF GOSSIP New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXVI, Issue 2, 13 January 1906, Page 19

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