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Personal Paragraphs

AUCKLAND PROVINCE. His Excellency the Governor (Lord Blanket) has signified his intention to spend the summer months as usual in Auckland, and it is expected that he will arrive here at the end of October, it being anticipated that the House will rise in time to enable him to reach Auckland before the beginning of November. His Excellency has granted the use of the Government House paddock to the committee which is arranging a big Maori'fete in aid of the Queen Victoria Maori Girls’ School in Parnell. The function is fixed for Dec. 9, and is practically entire!/ a Maori bazaar, organised and supplied by Maoris. His Excellency ami Lady Plunket have stated that they themselves purpose to be present at the fete. Miss Stella Empson (Rotorua) is spending a few days in Hamilton. Miss Roche (Christchurch) is at present staying with her parents at Hamilton East. Miss Eileen Cussen (Raglan) is spending her holidays at her home in Hamilton. Mrs. and Miss Langdale Sunderland, who have been staying in Gisborne have returned to Napier. Mrs. Pavitt and Miss Boylan have gone for a trip to Auckland, writes our Gisboraie correspondent. Mr. H. E. Partridge, of the tobacco firm of H.- E. -Partridge and Co., went to Sydney by the Victoria on Monday. Mr. John Farrell, Mayor of Grey Lynn, is at present staying at Rotorua. Mr G. Kronfeld left Auckland on a business visit to the Islands by the Manapouri last week. Dr. C. E. Rice was a passenger from San Francisco to Auckland by the mail-boat. Tire Tongan Collector of Customs (Mr R. G. M. Denny) returned to the Islands by the Manapouri last week. Messrs S. Luke (chairman) and V. E. Rice (secretary) of the Education Board, have returned to Auckland from' their visit to Wellington. Mr C. 30. Kettle, SAI., has resumed duty after three weeks’ absence through a severe attack of influenza, from which he has not yet completely recovered. Mr Wharton Thompson, who was formerly organist and choirmaster at Pitt-street Methodist Church, and is now living at Te Aroha, is confined to his bed with sickness. Mr Malcolm Fleming left by the Rarawa last week for Greymouth for. the purpose of meeting the represent*-. tive of the British people for whom he reported on certain coal properties. Last week the residents of Morrinsville entertained Mr J. T. Spargo, managing clerk of Messrs H. and J.Clifford, en the eve of his marriage to Miss McGee, of Otahuhu. Mr Cecil A. Whitney, manager and attorney of the Colonial Ammunition Company's New Zealand branch, is at present on a visit to Wellington. Captain H. Sergeant, R.N.R., who has been acting as chief mate of the Takapuna, has been appointed assistant wharfinger at the Auckland Harbour Board’s wharves. He is the holder of an extra master’s certificate, and is a lieutenant in the R.N.R. Mr C. F. Goldie has sold his picture “The memory of things that have been and never more shall be,” which was so much admired at the last exhibition of the Art* Society, and which was admirably reproduced by the “New Zealand Graphic.” The purchaser is a Southern collector, and the price paid was £ 100. By the mail boat last week there arrived in Auckland a prominent Amerl. ean lecturer, Mr J. F. Brown, who is a leading supporter of the Church ot Christ. He is on a tour of the world, and will make an excursion through this colony. He is well spoken of ah • lecturer by- the American Journals. ,

Lieutenant L. W. Braithwaite, R.N., brother of Captain Braithwaite, A.D.C. to his ExceHeney the Governor, has been" appointed first lieutenant to H.M.s. Pyramus, whieh has been commissioned to join the Australian squadron as drill-ship in New Zealand waters. Major G. M. S. Patterson,’ of Auckland, who is now travelling to England on a holiday, sent a post-card to an angling friend from Kioto, Japan, dated August 10, in whieh lie states that he had some good sport in the trout streams of that district, though the fish were not as good as those in the King Country streams. Colonel Davies, C. 8., went to Wellington by the Rarawa on Sunday to attend the conference of Officers Commanding Districts with the Commandant of the Forces (Major-General Babington)." They will discuss subjects connected with the improvement of the defence of the colony. A pleasing function took place at the conclusion of the Rotorua Town Band practice last week, when Mr J. Munro, bandmaster, on behalf of the members, presented Mr B. Harp with an afternoon tea set, at the same time wishing the recipient of this token of his fellow-bandsmen’s esteem for him. The death in Sydney, at the age of 7C, is announced of Mrs Wm. Levy, who used to be well known in Auckland, where she arrived in 1861. She lived in Prinees-street till about 15 years ago, when she went to Sydney. Her children included the late Messrs. M. and L. Levy and Mesdames I. Alexander and Posseniskie. Mr XV. T. Penny, the well-known supporter of athletics in the XVaikato, has left Hamilton for Blenheim, where Mrs Penny is nt present, and will spend a few days with her relatives there before sailing for South Africa in the. Haversham Grange. Mr Penny, who has been, with the Hamilton branch of the Loan' and Mercantile Company for 2J years, is going to a lucrative post at Johannesburg. He should know South Africa well, having been there with one of the earlier contingents whieh saw service in the field. Mr Fred. McDonnell, who. after ten years’ service, has severed his connection with the firm of Messrs Sargood, Son and Ewen, was presented by his fellow-employees with a purse of sovereigns and a gold sovereign case, suitably inscribed. Mr H. C. Tewsley, in making the presentation, referred to the many good qualities of Mr McDonnell, and the esteem in whieh he is held by the staff, and wished him every success in his new sphere. Mr McDonnell isabout to make a business tour of Australia and America. Mr. Graham P. Moore, the examiner for the. Associated Board of the R.C.M. and R.A.M., who arrived from Sydney by the Zealandia on Sunday, is, owing to his exceptionally heavy work, in very indifferent health, and under his doctor’s orders has proceeded to Rotorua for treatment and complete rest. The examinations previously announced to take place' this week have, therefore, been postponed until the 11th. At the Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron meeting last week, Mr C. P. Murdoch, who has been commodore for several years, was presented with an illuminated address and a purse of sovereigns. Mr Alex. Alison, in making the presentation, attributed the strong position of the squadron to Mr Murdoch’s untiring zeal in promoting its interests. Mr Murdoch said his vfork had been a labour of love and he hoped to do as much again" in the future as in the past. Dr. Harding Porter, who delivered his last lecture this season to the nursing division of the Auckland centre of the fit. John Ambulance Brigade. last week, has been presented with a slight token of remembrance from the members of tire Brigade. Mrs. C. Smith filled the position of lady superintendent. Miss M. McLeod, of first officer, Miss Webster of second officer, Miss E. Homer of inspector of stores, Miss E. Batty of treasurer, and Miss M. Edmiston of secretary. The membership numbered 30, and there is much promise for an increase in 190 fl. Mr Harold L. Hayman Is leaving Auckland for Dunedin after three years’ stay In this city with the Auckland branch of Messrs P. Hayman and Co. Last week the employees assembled to big good-bye to Mr Hayman, and Mr Eyre (accountant), on behalf of tbs employees, presented to him a revolving

bookeuse built of New Zealawl woods and bearing a silver inscribed plate. This, he explained in making the presentation, was to be a memento of the cordinl relations that had existed between Mr Hayman and the employees in all parts of the house and a testimony of their esteem for him. Mr J. M. Jefferson, who used to be in business in Auckland and went Home some time ago, has returned to Auckland, and proposes to settle down in the colony once more. The friends of his son, Mr Frank H. Jefferson, who is a pupil with G. Phillips and Co., Limited, engineers and shipbuilders at Dartmouth (England), will be pleased to hear that he has been successful in passing examinations in. connection with the South Kensington School of Engineering in steam (first class) and machine construction (first class), and Iras been awarded a special prize for his success. Mr F. Seed, who was an inspector for the S.P.G.A. in Wellington, and went Home last February to spend the rest of his days, has been compelled to return to the colony, and is now on his way South. Mr Seed has with him a special “humane cattle killer,” whieh he is endeavouring to get adopted in the colonies. It is in effect a patent rifle. In the breech of a rifled barrel is placed a cartridge, over which is fitted an apparatus for exploding the cartridge. At the other end of the barrel is a broad brass-chambered head, which has to be placed over the brain-pan of the animal to be killed, ensuring its absolute painless death when tire shot is fired with a blow of a small mallet. Mr Seed says that the prevention of cruelty in England is very complete, the society having uniformed inspectors in nearly every town, and the police also keep a sharp look-out. Consequently a lame horse on the streets is a rarefy. In Sydney and Melbourne, where the society’s work is subsidised to the extent of £lOO a year and £ for £ by the Government, the inspection is W’ell maintained; but in Adelaide and Hobart the law does not allow arrests for cruelty, in which respect the law in New Zealand is much advanced. Las Palmas, in the Canaries (Spanish), he found to be the cruellest he had ever seen —there was absolutely no protection for dumb animals, not even for women and children. Mr Seed is not sorry to return to the colony; he says he finds it preferable to life in the Old Land, for which his residence in the colony has spoilt him. HAWKE’S BAY PROVINCE. Mr. and Mrs. MeHandy are spending a few days in Napier. Mrs. Johnston and her daughter are -spending a few days in Napier. Miss Kennedy (Christchurch), is spending a few weeks in Napier. Miss Tucker (Otago), is the guest of Mrs. Mason, Hospital Hill, Napier. Miss Bailey (New Plymouth), is staying at the Masonic for a few days, writes our Napier correspondent. Miss Winnie Simcox is the guest of Mrs. George Nelson, Clyde Road, Napier. Miss Maude Wallace, of Gisborne, is spending a few weeks in Napier as the guest of Mrs. Gore, Barrack Hill. Mrs. Joseph Rhodes nnd her two sons are on a visit to Napier from Sydney, and are staying at tire Masonic for a few days. TARANAKI PROVINCE. Miss S. Webster, New Plymouth, is visiting her sister, Mrs R, Lusk, Auckland. Miss W. Nixon, New Plymouth, has gone to join the nursing stuff' of the Invercargill Hospital. Mrs McKenzie and Mrs Tester, who have been visiting Mrs Fraser, of New Plymouth, have returned to XVaipu, Auckland. Mrs R. Lusk and children, who have been visiting Mrs XV. I>. Webster, of New Pymouth, have returned to Auckland. Nurse Lawson has resigned her posh tion as head nurse of the New Ply* mouth Hospital. Nurse O’Brien take* her place. ‘

Misses L. ami B. Devore, who have been visiting their sister, Mrs Collins, New Plymouth, for some months, have returned to their home in Ponsonby, Auckland. Mr Freeth, of the Mananatu “Times,” was in New Plymouth last week for a few days on account of his father’s (Mr J. J. Freeth) sudden illness, whieh ended fatally. Misses Flossie and Mabel Evans, who have been spending their term holidays' at their home in New Plymouth, have returned to their respective schools at Palmerston North (Craven) and- at Auckland (Diocesan). Last week Mr J. XV- Fraser, hon. secretary of the New Plymouth Assemblies, who is leaving shortly to join the Union Steamship Company’s office in Dunedin, was presented with n silver cigarette ease, sovereign case, and pencil. Mr A. K. Standish, on behalf of the members, made the presentation. At the recent Trinity College (London) musical examinations held in New Plymouth by Mr A. Mistowski, -Mr Henry Salt, who passed in the higher examination for violin, gained the highest marks iu New Plymouth, nnd also higher than those gained by Auckland pupils (writes our New Plymouth correspondent). WELLINGTON PROVINCE. Mrs Buchanan (Wellington) has been jurying visits in the Wairarapa district. Mr C. 11. Izard is back in Wellington after a short trip to Sydney. Mr and Mrs Worsley (Nelson) are visiting Wellington. Mrs and Miss Fulton (Wellington) have returned from their trip to Nelson. Mrs McCarthy is back in Wellington from a stay in Nelson of some weeks. ■ Miss Stuart. (Wellington) is paying a round of visits iu Canterbury. Mr-and Mrs XV. Gale Wellington) are spending a holiday in Sydney. Miss E. Ward (Wellington) is spending some weeks in Nelson. Mrs Stratton Izard (Greytown) is in’ Wellington, staying with Mrs Elgar. Miss Coleridge (XVellington) is paying visits in Canterbury. Miss Brandon is back in Wellington after a stay in the Wairarapa. Colonel Ghaytor (Wellington) is spend - ing a few days in Marlborough. Mrs and Miss Seddon have gone t<x Christchurch for a short time. Mrs. Dyer, of Wanganui, has returned from a visit to Mrs. Innes Jones, in Feilding. Mrs XVatson, of Waitotara, has beer tire guest of Mrs. A. O. Williams in Wanganui. Miss Denniston (Christchurch) is th* guest of Mrs R. S. Abraham (Palmerston North). Mrs Sale (Marton) is visiting he? daughter, Mrs Campbell (Palmerstmr North). Mrs MeKnight (Palmerston North) has gone for a Short trip to Wanganui. She is staying with relatives. Mrs Frank Haggitt (Feilding) left, foe England last Saturday. She intends being away about a year. Miss Cameron (New Plymouth). i». staying with Mrs Fraser (Pohangina* Palmerston North). Tire Bishop of Wellington was is Wanganui last week, where he ordained two Maoris to the priesthood. Archdeacon Fanconrt. of Wellington, is staying in Wanganui with his daughter, Mrs. F. Harrison. Mrs Tweed (Wellington) is at present staying in Featherston for the Goli Tournament. Mrs Heaton Rhodris has returned to Christchurch after a short stay in Wellington.

Miss HanJyside (“Akitio”), who has been paying visits in Dunedin, made a stay in Wellington on her way home. Dr. ami Mrs Sorley (I'eilding) arc going to England for a trip. They travel by the direct route in the Turakiiia. Mrs Tilly (Blenheim,, who is visiting Wellington, is staying with Mrs Kebbell. Miss Boyle (England) is at present the guest of His Excellency the Governor and Lady I’lunket at Government House. Wellington. Miss Margaret Lorimer, lictwl mistress cf the Mount Cook Girls’ School. Wellington, has been appointed ladp principal of the Nelson Girls’ College. Mrs (’. Cooper (Christchurchl is in Wellington visiting her parents, the Hou. T. W. and Mrs Hislop. Salamancaroad. Latly Stout is back in Wellington after an absence of some weeks in Auckland and Napier, which has benefited her health considerably. Mrs Logan Bush (Invercargill), who has been paying a round of visits in the North, is making a stay in Wellington on her way home. The Hon. Kathleen I‘lunket and the Jl.on. Captain Hingham. A.DC., were the guests of Mr and Mrs Wilson (Bulls) for the races. Mr C. Collins, accountant in the Wellington City Treasury, lias been appointed acting-city treasurer, in place of Mr J. E. Page, who has retired from the position. The Very Bev. Father Hays, who recently underwent an operation on his throat in Wellington., is doing welt, but will not be able to travel for some weeks. Dr. and Mrs Findlay are back in Wellington after a week or two in Napier. On'the return journey they travelled in their powerful new automobile, which covered the distance in very good time. Mr and Mrs G. Jellieoe are back in Wellington after, their long absence from the colony. -They are staying at a hotel until their house is in readiness for them. < Mr and Mrs Walter Nathan have moved into Mr Stuart’s house on the Terrace, which they will occupy until their own house is put in order. They have just 'bought the house in Hobsonstreet which was formerly the property of Mr. Izard (writes our 'Wellington correspondent). ' ■ : ' ■ . , ~ SOUTH ISLAND. Captain and Mrs Bone (Christchurch) have gone for a trip South. Mis? Ilelniore. has returned to Christchurch from Wellington. Mr .1. B. Reid, who has been on a visit to England, has returned to Christchurch. .Miss Rouse (Lyttelton) is staying with her sister, Mrs Cotterill, Waietitiroad, Timaru. Miss B. Fitzgerald, who has been visiting in Christchurch, lias returned to Wellington. Miss L. Mnrray-Aynsley. who has been visiting Mrs Wells," at Amberley, has returned to Christchurch. Mr and Mrs Dunean Cameron and Miss Cameron (Methven) have returned to Christchurch from their trip to Rotorua. Mr and Mrs Hartley Smith have returned to Christchurch from their visit to Timaru. where they were the guests of Mr E. G. Kerr. ‘’Harlan.” Mr and Mrs Joseph Palmer have returned to their residence. “Woodford.” after having spout the winter at Sumner. Mr Palmer’ll health has greatly benefited by the seaside air, writes our Christchurch correspondent. Miss Margaret Lorimer, M.A.. who for some ten years was on the stall' of I Im Girls’ High Schpol. Cliristehurch, and who has more recently had charge of the large girls' school at Mount Cook, Wellington. Ims been appointed lady principal of Nelson Girls' College, the present principal having sent in her resignation. Dr. Fox has returned to Christchurch from Australia, writes our correspondent. The greatest sym|>athy is felt for Dr. Fox on account of his enforced retirement owing to ill - health,

from the profession of which he was a . (Hipular and successful member.' A committee has been formed to make a presentation to him. expressive of the deep regret his patients and friends feel at. his departure from Christchurch. Those on the committee are Hie Ven. Archdeacon Averill, Captain Holiday, and Messrs 11. Heaton Rhodes, E. Scott. W. P. Townend, W. DevenishMears. AV. H. Graham. B. M. Litchfield, John Mills. B. M. Molineaux, G. Payling. 11. Elliott. W. Barnett. H. J. Bes wick, W. Broadway, and Sister Turner.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXV, Issue 13, 30 September 1905, Page 41

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Personal Paragraphs New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXV, Issue 13, 30 September 1905, Page 41

Personal Paragraphs New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXV, Issue 13, 30 September 1905, Page 41

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