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Dear Bee. August .20. (hi Monday evening the Cambridge Comedy Club made its initial appearance. under the management of Mr Faw <(‘it Rowe, before a large and fashionable audience. The piece chosen was ‘ Betsy.” which kept the audience rippling with mirth from start to finish. I'he piece was splendidly staged, and new scenery had been painted for it. by Mr Rowe. I'he piece was in aid of the uniform fund of the No. 3 Waikato Mounted Riffes. I) Squadron Amongst the ladies the place of honour must be given to Miss M. Dunne, who took the part of Mrs Birkett, the gentle old lady, in exact contrast to her fussx old husband. Miss Dunne left nothing to be desired in her acting, and >he had a. verv hca\\ part. I bis young lady only took up the part when 1 hr rehearsals were half through, the lady originally intended for the part having Io resign on account of sickness. “Betsy.” the maid, by Miss J. Hall\. was exceedingly good, and some of the situations in which she was placed were intensely funny. Miss E. Hill, as the wife of Cap tain McAtanus. looked and acted '**ry pleasiuglv. Miss Skvet (Madame Polenta). Miss K. Willis (Nellie Bassett », Dolly’s Sweetheart. Miss R. Skeet (Clara Peytoij. Dick's sw’oetheart). took their parts very well indeed. Mr A. Wilkin <on (Air Birkett, the itiiied fussy old gentleman) was admirably wiled, and he was an-swerable for a good deal of the fun. Mr R. Fnrnail made an ideal "Dolly.’’ His acting and get up were splendid, and he brought down Hie house. Air AV. R. t ’. Walker, us tutor to "Dolly.” and a friend «»f the family, had a part exactly suited to him. which he carried out most efficiently. Mr A. A. Kenny, as “Dolly’s” friend, was good, and so was Mr I*. Forbes (William). Needless to say. Mr Faw«<dt Rowe made a capital Captain McManus. In fact, he was the life of the piece. I he Cambridge Orchestral Society, under the condiirtor«hip of Mr J. 11. Edwards, added greatly to the enjoyment of the evening. It in tJ»e intention «»£ the 4'oinrdy Club tu

repeat I In* prrf*»rm'imc in Hamilton at an early date in aid of the flumilton Volunteer**. <hi Wednesday evening the third of the WIMER ASSEMBLIES was held in I he Alexandra Hall. The attendance was not as large as usual owing probably tn so many soeial events coming off this month. Mrs Wells was the hostess for the evening. A very dainty supper was provided, the floral arrangemen's being carried <»ut with daffodils ami namlina. Mrs Wells was wearing black broche silk with cream front, long red coal trimmed with black; Mrs.Brocks, black silk: Mrs Richard son, electric blue silk blouse, black skirt; Mrs James Hally, black silk ami lace evening dress, dusters of scarlet geraniums on corsage and in coiflure; Mrs T. Walker. black velvet: Mrs Dickenson. black: Mrs I’erguson, black silk: Mrs ('. Hunter, white silk blouse, black silk skirt, white coat trimmed with fur; Mrs Chitty. black silk, grey cloak: Mrs A. Gibbons. rose pink silk with overdress of black spotted net: Miss Cave, pale bhfe silk blouse trimmed with cream lace, and black velvet, black voile skirt, black sequin butterfly in hair: Miss GwyiiHeth. pink silk blouse trimmed with silk Maltese lace. black silk skirt, blue coat trimmed with brown fur ; Miss ('. Cave, pearl satin gown, bodice trimmed with berth? of sequined net. crimson roses in bodice* ami hair; Miss Nora Brown (Auckland). white silk, berth? of white lace interlaced with heliotrope* ribbon; Miss Williams, white silk, with crimson roses on cordage; Miss E. Hill wore a becoming dress of black silk and lace, with yellow on corsage, and a yellow rose in her coiffure; Miss Grace 11 ill was much admired in Rofl white silk with pale him* sash: Miss I*. Skect looked exceedingly well, in pink silk trimmed with chiffon’; Miss Skect, ■white silk relieved with pale blue; Miss K. \\ illis looked sweet in her debutante s dress of white net and white Rutin with white hyacinths in her hair ami on her corsage: Miss Clarke, white silk wi.h touches of pale pink; Miss Yonge. white silk, crimson coat: Miss If. Wells, a becoming dress of white silk trimmed with champagne lace, a coronet of blue forge!-menots in her coiffure, long him* coat trimmed with white f<r; Miss .1. Brocks, pale hlfte voile; Miss Carley, pale blue silk; Miss R. Carley, red silk with yellow sash: Miss Veale. black evening dress with tangerine roses; Miss I'.. \ eale, a becoming black evening dross with touches of pah* blue; Miss R. Selby, black evening dress; M<>s M. Selby, pink silk: Miss Brunskill. heliotrope muslin trimmed with cream insertion, crimson roses on Corsage; Miss I). Brunskill. pink muslin; Miss Hally, white silk; Miss Young, black s.jtin evening dress. electric blue velvet. <oat : Miss Stewart, whit? net; Miss Chitty, white net; Miss DirkenAou, white silk. blouse, black skirt; Miss M. Fisher, pale blue; Miss C. Fisher, pink; Miss Jeffreys, white silk: Miss J*. Ferguson, white silk. Amongst the gentleim*n were Messrs. Fa mail. Richardson (3). Fishei (3). Hav (2). MaddiKon. Falls. Garrett. Wells, Brunskill (2), Madill. Bedford. Selby, Watchorn, Peppercorn. Clarke. Payze. Ferguson (2)’ Hally, and others. I he golf foursomes with Hamilton, which were to have been played on the local links mi Saturday, have hern postponed until the following Saturday, out of respect to Mr Roper, who died last week. Hr was secretary to the Hamilton Golf ( bib. A most brilliant and repi esent at ive < ON\ ERSAZIONE was held in the Alexandra Hall on I’iiduy <*v tor t*j»e purpose* of presenting Mr Thomas Wells, our exMayor. with an illuminated testimonial and a purs* <*f 150 sovereigns. Mr Wells h id bee:: ask* d to chose* a gold watch and rlitiin for himself to be paid for out of the L* 150. I hey were on view during the evening and very much admired. 'l’he hall for the occasion had hern turned inti) a huge drawing room, and no trouble had been spared in th** decorations. Large fern trees, and cabbage trees were standing at intervals about the room, while Yiikau palms and other greenery adored the walls. Curtains were hurg at all the windows and panels of glass between the windows draped artistically; bad a charming effect. The floor whs Covered with carpet aquares. Oriental Bugs, etc. The usual acuta were dia-

carded entirely. and in their place were easy chairs of every description, couches and little tables, at which some amused themselves with cards. The supper laid at the end of the hall was quite an ornament to the room. Th** flowers were lovely, consisting of an arch in the centre beautifully arranged with daffodils and narcissus, and small vases of blue and white violets here and there the whole length of the table. The supper was a dream, every delicacy of the season being there. Great-credit is due to the Ladies’ Committee, to whom the success of trie evening was due, and especially to Mrs James Hally, who was at the head of affairs. 'l’he Ladies’ Committee consisted of Mrs James Hally, Mrs Brooks. Mrs If. Clark. Mrs G. Clark, Miss Clark. Mrs Dickinson, Mrs C. Hunt* r. Mrs H. Kerr. Mrs Roberts. Mrs Willis. Mrs McCullagh. Mrs Runciman, Mrs Reynolds and Mrs A. T. Stone. The Reception Committee were Mesdames Willis. Hally. Brooks, Roberts, Dickenson and Reynolds. Mesdames Willis and Hally received the guests of the evening on behalf of the committee. 'l’he Cambridge Orchestra*, under Mr J. 11. Edwards, gave their services and delighted the audience with their selections. Vocal items were given by Miss E. Veale and .Messrs J. L. S. Richardson. W. Maddison and Fawcett Rowe, Mr M. McDermott being accompanist. Mr John Fisher presided, and spoke of all that Mr Wells had done for Cambridge during his residence here. Mr G. Dickinson then read the address. The presentation of sovereigns follow-' ed. Mr J. Fisher making some further appropriate remarks, and handing Mr Wells an alphabetical list of the names of subscribers to the fund.' 'I he following gentlemen then spoke, and each in turn eulogised Air Wells:—Messrs G. E. ( lark. J. Fisher. F. J. Brooks. Richard Reynolds. Archibald Clark (Auckland). Robert Fisher. Archdeacon Willis. Messrs J. Forrest. E. Wale. T. W. Hicks. “For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow*’ was played by the orchestra at the conclusion of the speeches, and cheers were given for Mr Wells and family. Mr Wells was warmly applauded upon rising to reply. He returned sincere thanks in a feeling manner for all the things said about him that evening. Ho said it was the proudest moment of his life his heart was hill, and he was indeed grateful. He resumed his seat amidst loud applause. After a delicious supper was partaken of a most successful and represent ative gathering was brought to a close by th? singing of the National Anthem. Amongst those present I noticed: Mrs. James Hall, wearing black crepolim* .rimmed with ruchings and satin bows and a spray of Neapolitan violets on corsage: Mrs. \\ illis. black brocaded silk, spray of primroses and maidenhair on corsage; Mrs. Roberts, black velvet evening dress, with spray of violets on bodice; Mrs. John Fisher, black silk; Mrs. R. Reynolds, black silk: Mrs. Brook-, black silk, with handsome silk Maltese collart i t?: Mrs. G. Clarke, black silk, lace cap: Mrs. 11. Clark, white silk: Miss A. Clark, white silk blouse, with blue spot, black skiri : Mrs. McCullagh, black silk voile, trimnud with lace; Mrs. C. Hunter, black silk, white coat; Mrs. Dickenson, black silk: Airs. IL Kerr, black silk: Mrs. Wells, handsome black silk, trimmed with passementerie and cream silk front.: Miss IL Wells, a blue ami white flowered canvas voile, with pah* blue ribbon in her coiffure, and blue and white coat: Mrs, Vosper. black silk; Miss \'osper. white silk; Miss Allan, him* blouse, black skirt; Miss Veale. green and white blouse, trimmed with green satin ribbon; Miss E. Veile. black evening dress, with spray of white poppies on corsage: Mrs. A. Bell, black voile trimmed with white lace: Mrs. ('. black silk, point lac? collar; Mrs. Boyce, black silk; Miss Gedge. whit*' blouse, black skirl; Miss (lane, pink and blue flower?*! blouse, black skirt: Mrs. Marfel! (Taramiki), black silk; Miss C. Fisher, white silk blouse. black skirt; Airs. W. Clark, white silk blouse, nhick skirt ; Mrs. .Runciimtn. white sßk blouse, black skirt ; Mrs. Dixon, white silk blouse, with pink bows, black skirt ; Mrs. Webber. black silk: Mrs. Onions black silk; Mrs. McDermott, white silk blouse, black skirt; Mrs. Rowe, black silk: Miss M. Fisher, blue satin blouse, black skirt; Miss Dickinson, white silk blouse, black skirt ; Miss Ferguson, whit** silk blouse. bla* k skirt : Mrs. A. Wilkinson, black silk; Miss Pleshei\ black voile: Miss A. Boyce, white silk, red wit • Miss K. Selby, pink silk blouse, with lace yoke, black skirt; Miss M. Selby, white silk blouse with pink bows, black skirt; Aliss Al.

Tuyk: whit's silk, with pale blue sash; Miss Tnylor, black silk with white meilnllions on bodice; Mrs. J. Ferguson, black s Ik; Miss E. Dickinson, white muslin blouse, black skirt; Mrs. Christie, blue ti;;ure<l blouse, bltiek skirt; Mrs. W. McMillan, block silk, e’eum front; Mrs. .1, McMillan, blue and white gown; Mrs. A. Gibbons, white silk; Miss Forrest, brown costume; Mrs. Forrest, black voile; Miss Brooks, white silk with red

velvet eoat. triinmel with grey fur; Miss .1. Brooks, pale blue silk blouse, smocked, black skirt: Mrs. Price, black silk with cream front; Mrs. J. R. S. Richardson, black velvet; Mrs. J. Martyn, black canvas voile, with transparent yoke; Mrs. R. J. Roberts, black voile; Mrs. Chitty, black silk; Mrs. T. Walker, white silk blouse, black velvet skirt; Miss Richardson, white silk blouse, black skirt, grey coat: Miss Williams, white silk: Miss E. Hill white silk. with, crimson coat; Miss Hally, white silk blouse, black skirt, grey coat: Miss A. Hally, white Japanese crepe with lace yoke, white coat; Miss Young, white silk blouse, with pale blue bow in eoili'ure; Miss Stewart, white muslin blouse, black skirt: Mrs. J. M. Hally,

black silk crepe gown, trimmed with medallions: Mrs. Gallagher, grey gown, relieved with pink: Miss Kerr, black voile: Miss K. Willis, white muslin blouse, black skirt, white velvet coat; Miss M. Boyce, pale blue blouse, black skirt; Miss L. Boyce, white blouse, biack skirt; Miss Onions, white silk blouse, black skirt: Miss Nikon, white blouse, black skirt: Miss Gwynneth, pink silk blouse, black silk skirt, bln eoat. Amongst, the gentlemen were: Messrs. A. Clarke. (Auckland), Fenwick (Morrill’s, Auckland), Scott (Bycroft’s, Auckland). Sam Adams (Auckland), A. llosking (Auckland), Archdeacon Willis, Bev. W. J. Gow. Rev. W. H. Beck. Messrs .1. Fisher, .1. Taylor, R. Fisher, R. Reynolds. G. E. Clark, C. Boyce, H. Kerr, Brooks, Dickinson, W. Vosper, J. Allwell. C. Rob. i ts, ,T. Davies, J. Gane, T. 11. Hicks. M. McDermott, C. Chitty, 11. Holloway (Hamilton), ,T. Richards, D. Stubbing. S. Baldwin, 11. Webber, A. F. Stone. -I. C. Botts, .1. Forrest, E. B. Savage. .i. Ferguson, W. Maddison. A. Bell, E. 11. Rage. W. McMillan, R. Hannon, J. McMillan. J. Gallagher, ,T. 1.. S. Richardson, W. .1. I’ark, R. .1. Roberts, C. W 7 . Boyce, T. Bovcc, .1. If. Edwards, R. Fisher. E. Hally, W. Christie, 11. Clark, G. Watt. 11. Rowe. M. Wells, Onions, D. Rirani. W. R. C. Walker, F. Hunter, B. Selby. Veale, Tsherwood. Sturgess. R. Clark. W. Clark. Fawcett Rowe. J. Ward, While. F. Reynolds. Nixon. John rm, E. J. Wilkinson.'


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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXV, Issue 8, 26 August 1905, Page 43

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CAMBRIDGE. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXV, Issue 8, 26 August 1905, Page 43

CAMBRIDGE. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXV, Issue 8, 26 August 1905, Page 43

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