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Dear Hee, Angus! 15. AT HOME MUSICALE. That the high<lass musical “At Home ’ w ill never be <lisplac<*d by progressive euchre and the novelty teas which are at present Hie fashion, was Ihe general verdict of the large comjuiny that assembled at ”Te Kiteroa,” Lake Takapuua, in response* to the invitation of Mt and Mrs Brett last AVednesday night. After they had been received by the host and hostess, Hie guests wandered at will to the drawing-room ami up to the balconies, which were lighted with Chinese lanterns and coloured fairy lights. The spacious dining-room had been extemhsl by enclosing, carpeting, and seating the wide verandah, making a really ideal concert-room, which was beautifully decorated with palms ami masses of the lovely flowers for which the gardens surrounding the house are so famous. Conspicuous among these were bowls and masses of narcissi and snowflakes. In the centre of the con-cert-room there was a large bronze epergne filled with brilliant scarlet anemones, nestling in their own foliage. 'l'he blooms were exceptionally good, especially considering the rarliness of the season, ami were the admiration of all. On the enclosed verandah, opening from this room, congenial groups sat beneath the mystic light of Chinese lan terns and fairy lamps, listening to the music. The musical programme, which was distinctly artistic, was as follows:- Trio. “Mighty like a Rose.” Messrs Callow. Asbury, and Atkinson; song. “'Hie Swallows,” Miss Ivy Alison; song. “The Last Watch.” Air Callow ; songs, (1) “1 Know a Lovely Garden,” (2) “Floral Fetters,” Mrs Sutherland; solo (violin), “Two Spanish Dancers.’’ Air llerlwrt Bloy; song, “I'll Sing Thee Songs of Arahy,” Dr. Kcilh; song, •■ rhe A\ ay of Peace,” Mr A . Atkinson; song, “The Windmill,” Air H. G«ss; trio, “Faint Heart Never AVon Fair Lady,” Messrs Callow, Asbury and Atkinson; solo (violin), “Romance,” Mr Herbert Bloy; song. “The Garonne.” Mr 11. Lloyd Brett; song. ”0, My Beloved,” Miss I. Alison. I'he recherche supper was served in the breakfast room, the table decorations consisting of daffodils in specimen glasses and cent re ejiergne, from which yellow satin ribbon was <iossed and tied into hows attached to the epergne and lighted with candles in i-andrlalnas. The hostess rc«‘ived in a black chiffon tbiletie with silk rm-hings on flounce, and flow ing skives, the corsage being brightened with jet; .Mrs Hobson was attired in a ri<h black moire, with white silk vest veiled in black lace: Mrs Burton wore a black Irish poplin with guipure law motifs; Mrs A. R. Brvlt's black chiffon voile was relieved with an ecru law yoke; Mrs. Pau! Hansen looked di-dinguee in a lowly white mvrwillrux with black brocade* overskirt, having lace trnnsjiaremirs, and whitr Limerick law fichu caught in front with cluster violets; Mrs. ( has. Williamson wore a handsome black silk with daffodil yellow silk chemisette; Miss Williamson was pretty in a white a<*cordion-pleated chiffon evening corsage with duster of pink roses cning corsage with cluster of pink llowcTs. ami a black satin skirt ; Airs ! aikcs wore a black chiffon voile evening robe with numerous tiny hows of black hebe ribbon, and a black chiffon scar!; Mrs. Maeandrcw's cream eolirnne evening toilette was softened with sunray pleated chiffon frills; Mrs. O’Neil wore a recherche black chiffon gown with exquw ite law lirrthe, amt dwolletage outlined with tangerine silk; a pretty cream voile was worn by Miss llom lirn: Mrs. W. Raingcr was in a dainty black evening frock, with blue how in coiffure; Aliss K. Nelson wore a rich ivory <)ri» T n-

tai satin, profusely pm I uvkvd; Alls. Maetier, black silk tollvltc and touches of white twlle; Mrs. 11. f.hnd Hi eCt was in a niaek dttcfivss satin vtvning froek, with corsage lmnqiK*t of crimson roses; Airs. Cotter looked hawdsuws? in black satin, with cream Irish face on skirt , and black tiKH-aife tweiskilt, outlined with moonlight paillettes; Mis. lins-ti. rich black velvet rtAv, with black and white chitton lace yoke; Miss t otter’s pojqiy re<| crepe frock with a cream lace \ , ami wide panne ceintnre, was very ettec tire; Mrs. Sutherland wore a black nterveilleux evening gown with Honiton lace herdbe, and large tangerine crush rose on corsage; Mrs. Cartis, crimson blouse with eream Iflrv insertion, arid black skirt : Mrs. E-sd.iilc was in a black taffetas evening gown with point luce on deeolletage, and superb cream laee scarf; Miss Moon wore a blaek voli.-nne gown, with l‘aris-tinled lace yoke outlined with black lace applique; Mrs. Shin land in a black silk Russian net mounted on a silk foundation, and had a tulle tucker; Airs. Masfen worn an effeet-ivs priruroso silk eross-over blouse with touches of white lace, and black silk skirt; Aliss Seaman. <>ream and Wack spotted blouse, trimmed with black guipure lace, and black skirt; Aliss Crmrtnyne’s cream lace canvas robe over rose pink silk, with pink silk folded brettelles and roses, was very much admired; Miss A. Berry looked exceedingly well in a blaek frock with eream lace applique; Airs. Keith was graceful in a black inerveilleux evening robe with white point lace berthe. and cluster of crimson roses; Mrs. llellaby. black crepe d- ebine gown; Mrs. Jackson wore a blaek toilette with white chiffon chemisette; Mrs Unis had a love, ly moorriiglit blue silk evening blouse with very full white chiffon elbow sleeves, and black satin skirt; Mrs. Weston, black taffetas gown, and blue chou; Airs. Alison wore a pretty blue and pink Bompatlom* silk evening corsage, with superb Honiton lace round deeolletage. and blsek silk skirt; Aliss Alison s black silk toilette had a lovely cream Maltese lace transparent, yoke; Aliss Ivy Alison was dainty in an ivory silk checked chiffon over blue; Miss Kirk was graceful in a white silk evening blouse, and black skirt; Airs. Arthur I'. Smith wore a coral pink blouse, and black skirt; Mrs. Quick had a white silk grenadine blouse over silk, and a corsage bouquet of yellow banksia roses, and Wack skirt: Mrs. W. J. theddis, pretty blue and white striped silk, with white la<c applique; Aliss Maud Abbott looked chic in a black evening frock, with lovely eenr lave berthn and tangerine velvet bow and corselet licit ; Miss May Abbott was winsome in a dainty white silk, coiffure banded with tangerine velvet: Miss Jackson, becoming evening frock, and pretty cream scarf embroidered with tinted roses: Miss Goldie was daintily fracked in while silk; Aliss Elsie Goldie looked charming in Hack taffetas, with wide Paris tinted lace falling from deeolletage caught in front with forget-me-nots; Afjss Crirtis wore n pretty trnsjuoise blue silk blouse., ami black skirt; Mrs. Mfi|tu, dainty white crepe gown, with la'e£ on bodice; Mrs. Porter looked exceedingly well in a navy and cream figured 1 silk chiffon, with Paris tinted lace yoke, mounted on a blue silk foundation; Aliss Porter was pretty in a turquoise blue accor-dion-pleated frock, with niched ribbon lattice bertlie, and flowing sleeves; Airs. Blomficld was attired in cream silk; Aliss Flower wore a becoming black nurveilleux evening frock, with ecru vandyke laee bertlie; Mrs. H. Griffiths was in an effective emerald green sun ray pleated chiffon bhniso and sash, and black skirt; Aliss Beck wore a black evening froek; Mrs. Shakespear's black eolirnne gown had chiffon fiills, anc corsage brightened with damask roses; Misses Aloon were daintily frockcd in cream silk blouses and voile ckirts: Mrs. J. Buchanan wore a pretty whits tucked silk blouse, with Paris laee insertion. and blaek satin skirt: Mrs. E, T. Hart was in a rose silk evening gown, and white chiffon fiehn; Mrs. Oxley, pink silk, and white chiffon; Airs. Boak wns becomingly gowned in white silk. Among the gentlemen were: The Rev. A. !•’. Smith. Colonel Burton. Dr. Parkes, Dr. Keith, Afessrs. C. Williamson, Esdailc. Masfen. 11. Cotte-.-, Paul Hansen. Crisp, llonehen. W. J. Geddis. Goldie. William, son. O'Neil, K. T Hart, 11 Gass. Buchanan, and Donald. AIISS TITTEf.I. BRI NF.'S RECEPTION The reception arranged by Mr Harold Ashton (on bclialf of Mr. J. C. Williamson) "to meet” Miss Tittcll Brune, wan a well arranged, well managed affair. If took place on Friday afternoon at thl?

Choral Hail, width was nicely decorated and tuniishcd for I he occasion. Small tables were scattered about the hall, and at ilioe afternoon tea and cakes wen handed round by very smart waitresses. J h* idea of introducing a star artist to prospective theatre or opera goers, is, oi emii'W. a* admirable as it is novel, but it is npt every actress who has achieved ‘‘greatness.” c ho would l»e so complaisant as to be worried with such un a Hair, amidst the strain oi travelling and heavy performances. Miss Brune has. however. youth, good nature, and boundless enthusiasm in her profession. ami realising the advantages, inanagerically ami artistically. of such "ivcoptioiis.” threw herself into this one ‘*cou a more.” and * seemed genuinely pleased to meet th os? whom she will doubt les* see often again *’iii front” during the season, which. I»y (hr way. opened with enormous eclat on Saturday. 3 o us it was quite delightful to he presented to an actress who has made a name for herself so young, and who has unquestionably a great future before her. A tremendous crowd of guests had accepted the invitations issued, and, as they were coming and going all the time, 1 couldn't possibly see everyone. I forgot to mention the music, which was excellent, a capital little programme being arranged. Amongst those who caught rny eye were: Miss littell Brune, wore a lovelv gown of turquoise blue Oriental satin. pro finely irimmed with Roman embroidery, a lovely coat of lace and satin fastened on the shoulder with a cluster of violets, amt large white chiffon Romney hat with blua shaded feathers and chiffon; Mrs. Arthur Myers was in a periwinkle velvet gown and a long while cloth coat with a velvet hat to match; Mrs. L?o. Myers. brown doth costume with a Victorian yoke of cream lace and satin, and a pretty brown toque; Mrs. Sliarinan '.yas In a lovely gown of heliotrope glace silk, tucked and shirred with a prettv heliotrope piedur.? hat wreathed with pink roses; Mys. Coombe wore a hlaek chiffon voile, eream lace vest threaded with picture hat; Mrs Cotter, black cloth tailor-made costume. wh-tj» vest, pretty black toque relieved with bhi •; Mrs. Hope Lewis wore a dark blue coal Hud >kirr. faced with velvet of a darker Hhade and a toque to match; Miss Lewis, reseda green clot h tailormade, cream lace vest, ami a large white felt hat ; Mrs. Isaacs wore a handsome black silk gown, hlirnk silk and lace mantle, " * I| >, et t,y black* chill on atul sloe! bon<‘d ; .Mrs. Dargavillc. black silk voile costume, cream ‘ lace yoke, black toque with a white ostrich feather; Mt's. Er-’ nest- Bloomfield wore a -tahac brown silk voile, relieved with touches of cream, ami a very becoming fawn beaver hat; Mrs. h. Horton, dark blue coat ami skirl, faced with white cloth, while vest, pretty blue ami white toque; Mrs. Tewsley was in a handsome gown of gre.v velvet, cream lace yoke threaded with blue velvet rilibon, pretty pale blue toque, ami white furs; Mrs. Houghton, violet doth east ume. pale heliotrope vest, and a charming hat composed of violets and pink roses; Miss Hargreaves, cream flecked tweed coat and skirt, white vest, and a large black hat; Mrs, Hunt wore a brick red. Russian coMinne, piped with velvet of a darker shade, and a small black and white toque: Mis. Kissling. 'in n black voile gown, with a pretty black ami blue bonnet : Miss X. Kissling was iu a bottle green tailor-

made costume. and a pretty black picture hat; Mrs. Pollen was in a black voile gown, with Victorian yoke of satin and lace threaded with black, pretty toque composed <4 rose*; Mrs. Grierson wore a handsome black glace gown, ami a charming toque of black chiffon a ml ostrich tips; Miss Gl icr-.on. in a navy coat and skirt, and a whit? felt garlanded with berries; Mrs. Derry was in. a fawn tweed Eton coat and skirt, with a tomato velvet toque; Mrs. Lent ham wore a red tailor-mode costume. with velvet revels, and a black velvet hat with a white wing; Mrs. J. I*. Stevenson wore a gobelin blue cloth costume. braided.with black, and a black felt hat with a white bird; Mrs. F »ster was in a violet cloth costume, with a cream net vest, and a charming toque of shaded heliotrope chiffon, and white furs; Mrs. Edward Anderson a white serge costume, and a becoming white felt hat, with black and while wings: Mrs. Keck wick looked well in a dainty gown of cream voile and a pretty brown hat; Mrs. Southey Baker wore a shirred gown of white voile, and a most becoming toque cd’ red chiffon: Miss Lloyde, black, voile skirt, an embroidered white silk blouse, and a pretty toque composed of violets: Mr*. Ranson was in a grey flecked tweed coat and skirt, crean-fvest. ami a black ami white toque; Mrs. Gamble wore a blue tailor-made costume, a silk ami lace vest, with prettv toque; Mrs. Friend wore a dark brown cloth Russian costume, brown felt hat. and black and white furs; Mrs. Waller was gowned in a black serge coat and skirl, and a smart black toque; Mrs. Colegrove. dark blue voile, with bauds of blue glace, cream lace yoke, and a blue hat to match: Mrs. Bruce, in a navy blue tailor made costume. and black plumed hat; Mrs Mitclielson wore a brown cloth costume, with a cream lace vest and a prettv brown toque; Miss Mitehelson was in a white cloth coat and skirt, and a white beaver hat wreathed with shaded roses; Mrs Cheeseman wore a grey decked tweed, with a cream lace vest and a toque composed of roses; Mrs Keesing wore handsojne hlaek brocade, relieved with white, and a black b° n * net with a white osprey; Miss Keeping, dark blue tailor-made costume and a blue and white toque; Miss — Keesing. navv cloth coat and skirt, with facing of velvet, and a pretty hat to match; Mrs Phillip*, pretty pale blue silk gown, with strappings of black velvet, and a becoming blade hat: Airs '-.lack Reed, blue decked tweed costume and a small black hat ; Miss Pickering wore a dainty cream voile gown, with a yoke of cream lace, and a black picture hat; Miss B. Pickering, blue cloth coat and skirt, pretty cream vest, and a white felt hat. wreathed with berries: Mrs Phillips wore a charming gown of black silk voile with a white silk ami lace vest, ami a black, toque to match: Miss Phillips was in a dark green coat and skirt, and a becoming red hat; Mrs Archdale I ayler, pretty black cost time, long grey cloth coat, ami a large black hat: Mrs Ashton, grey tweed coal and skirt and a white felt hat with clusters of violets; Mrs Hudson Williamson wore a champagne-tinted voile gown, relieved with red, and a charming toque en suite: Mrs Ernest Moss Davis wore a most becoming gown of pearl grey voile over pink glace silk, and a large brown ami white hat: Mrs Eliot Moss Davis, white serge tailor-made costume and a brown fur toque, with a large white bird: .Mrs ('astelburg was in black embroidered voile gown, with a Victorian yoke of cream satin and lace, and a smart black toque with a white Paradise plume: Mrs Alison, black cloth coat and skirt, cream vest, ami a becoming black toque; Miss Ivy Alison wa* in a biscuit-coloured voile, relieved with touches of red and a pretty red and white hat; Mrs Bice won* a dark blue voile gown, with a cream Victorian yoke, and a black bonnet with a white osprey; Miss Rice wore a dark cloth coat ami skirt, and a white felt hat; Mrs Harry Marsack. in a dark blue serge tailor-made costume, and a becoming red toque; Mrs Roberts wore a black cloth cost iinie, with a cream vest ami a pretty black and white toque to match: Mrs ( . C. McMillan wore a handsome black gown, ami a becoming black and white toque; Mrs Benjamin was in a dark grey tweed tailor-made costume, with a pretty lace vest and h black toque relieved with white; Mrs ( raig wore a dark blue cloth coat mid skirt, with white facings, a ml a pretty violet toque, grey furs; Mrs Charlie Baker was in a navy blue cloth tailor-made, with strappings of white, ami a toque composed of lace and roses; Mrs Rob-

erts wore a dainty gown of pale blue ami a black plume*! hat; Mrs Bo<lle. black cloth coat and skirt, braided with white, and a black tricorn hat; Mrs K. A. Carr, dark blue tailor-nuule costume, and a pretty toque to match; Mrs de ( live Lowe wore a pastel green cloth gown, with [lipings of a darker shade, ami a black picture hat; Mrs Bcdfonl was in a . brown, silk voile . gown, with yoke and medallions of Paris lace, and a brown beaver hat; Mrs Grant, becoming cream serge gown and large white and black Gainsborough hat with plumes; Mrs A. E. Devore, elegant black embossed silk gown ami black Marie Stuart bonnet with damask roses and black aigrette: .Miss K. Devore was in a pretty pale grey frock, and white felt hat with violets; Mrs (’. J. Parr wore a smart brown cloth costume, and brown hat swathed with shaded Nil green satin; Mrs Bleazanl Brown, black toilette; Miss Brown was in gr.ey tweed, with brown furs and white felt hat with violets; Miss (raw ford, salmon pink blouse, black skirt, and black picture hat; Miss Savage, fawn cloth skirt, white silk blouse and violet hat: Miss Rothschild, brown costume, and white ami brown hat with cluster of tangerine roses; Miss I). Knight was prettv in cream serge and crimson picture hat; Madame Wielaert was graceful in black Italian doth gown- navy chiffon and white lace, straw hat, and white ostrich feather stole: Miss Madoline Knight wore a smart navy cloth Eton costume, and shaded crimson hat; Miss Torrance, light, grey tweed costume, and white plush hat: Mrs Stewart, smart hlaek crepe de chine, and black bat with blue roses; Mrs C- Owen, navy tailor-made gown, and brown hat; Mrs O. Nicholson; Mrs Maitland, black cloth, stone marten furs, and pretty Hora I upturned hat composed of violets and white osprey; Mrs J. J. O'Brien, olive silk costume; Mrs E<l. Lewis, black gown and bonnet ; Mrs Rose, black toilette: Miss Philson, cream velvet blouse, navy skirt and hat; Miss Virtue, cream costume; Mrs M. McLean, smart fawn tweed costume and becoming black upturned hat; Mrs Dawson, black costume, and violet toque; Misses Dawson wore grey and brown respectively, ami hats en suite: Mrs Baiime. black cloth tailor-made and black bonnet; 'Mrs Moritz-on. fawn tweed, trimmed with brown cloth,*cliiffon tdijue: Mrs .1. Reid, black crepe de chine; Mrs (Dr.) Scott, navy tailor-made, white toque; Mrs J. J. Craig, "rev and white flaked tweed gown, brtuded with brown, wallflower velvet hat and brown furs; Mrs R. trater, black voile, with white ebifl’on vest, black plumed hat; Mrs Kronfeld, brown tweed, dress and white felt hat wit a cluster of dark red roses; Mrs Gamlin, brown cloth costume and pretty brown hat. bestrewn with bright pink flowers; Mrs N. Burton, stylish brown costume; Mrs Oxlev, heliotrope voile, black Gainsborough bat; Mrs Abbott, handsome brown doth gown and picture hat. grey ostrich stole: Mrs Mackay, black voile m>wn, the bodice softened with black Brussel* net and black upturned bat; Mrs Ziman, brown costume and brown

ami fawn Marquise bat; Miss Bessie Ziman, smart cream Sicilian cloth frock ami large plush hat with white plume; Mrs Lonergan, navy blue gown, adorned with cream lace, black picture hat; Mrs \V. J. Ralph, dark blue toilette, black hat and handsome brown boa; Airs Noakes, dark green cloth gown, with cream lace epaulettes, green hat wreathed with violets; Mrs Forster, navv costume; Miss B. Moir, navy frock ami black picture hat; Miss L. Moir wore dainty cream serge: Miss Kelly, dark blue gown, black crinoline hat, and fawn ostrich boa; Atiss Gorrie. navy cloth tailor-made, and a charming red French straw hat; Miss McDiannid. peacock blue cloth coat and skirt, and a black picture hat ; Mrs. R. Masefield, was in a shepherd’s plaid coat ami skirt, faced with white and a white hat; Miss Percival wore a black serge coat ami skirt, and a smart black toque with ostrich tips; Miss Alice Percival, brown cloth skirt, brown fur coat and a pretty red hat; Miss Sanders ( Melbourne), grey tweed tailor-made Russian costume, cream vest, and a becoming red hat ; Miss Nelson, brown coat and skirt, with a cream vest and a white felt hat; Miss Firth, in a brown cloth costumo. and a brown straw hat trimmed with shaded roses; Miss Browning wore a dark blue voile over glace silk and a small blue hat; Miss — Browning was in a dainty gown of white voile and a black picture hat; Miss Lennox was in a brown cloth tailor-made costume, cream

▼eat, and a becoming brown hat; Ida (ieorgc was in a white cloth Ettm costume, white silk vest, a black tricora hat and white furs; Miss Buller wore • grey tweed coat anti skirt with ceinture, and facings of turquoise blue, white felt hat wreathed with violets; Miss Walker (Thames) blue cloth Gulor-piade with nil. grwn facings, and a pretty white felt hat; .Miss Jessie Reed wore a black shirred gown, relieved with white, and a black and white hat to match; Mrs. Ernest Simpson wore a dark blue serge coat ami skirt, pretty pale blue vest, and a brown beaver hat; Miss Ireland was in a grey plaid tailor-made costume, white silk vest, ami a becoming green hat with clusters of violets; Miss J. Ireland was in navy blue serge ami a whit? felt hat with white wings; Miss Mact'ormack wore a red coat and skirt, pretty cream vest, and a small felt hat to match; Miss Binney. pale blue hopsack costume with a pretty blue hat; Miss T. Binney was in a white serge tailor-made costume. and a becoming black hat; Miss Boult in a brown cloth coat and skirt and a cream vest with a brown hat trimmed with red; Miss Elirenfried. black cloth coat and skirt, white vest, and black hat to match; Mrs. Ba lien wore a spotted brown voile costume with a cream lace yokv?, and a becoming brown hat ; Miss Ba I leu was in a grey tweed tailor-made, with a white felt hat. and grey furs; Miss Worsp, pretty blue doth coat ami skirt, w'ith pale blue facings, and a white felt hat garlanded with violets; Mrs Wynyard wore a blue cloth coat and skirt , and a becoming to*pie of shaded roses; Mrs. King was in a black cloth laih»r-mado costume, and a pretty black and whit# toque; Mrs. StFggtflL dark blue -vloth coat and skirt, with a pretty cream vest, and a. shaded blue hat; Mrs. ‘E-li’rcnfried wore a black voile gown with strappings of black ribbon, and a handsome silk and lace mantk*, black toque with ostrich tips; Miss Henderson, black cloth coat and skirt, white vest and a black velvet picture hat with a long white feather; Airs. Roberton in a dark blue tai lor 1 made costume, and a smart black toque; Mrs. Binney wore a handsonv gown of black silk, softened with white, and a pretty black and white bonnet. PROGRESSIVE EUCHRE AND DANCE. At the invitation of Mrs Jackson about sixty guests assembled at h-er residence at Lake < Takapuna • last Al on day evening at a progressive euchre party ami dance, when one of the most pleasant evenings of the -season- wa> spent. Euchre was-continued with inuetu merriment for some hours, and the re- : suit of the play was as follows: Mrs IJ. Lloyd Brett won*-the first »• ladies prize; Airs Arthur R. Brett the second, and Mrs Herrold won the consolation prize. The gentlemen’s prizes were won by Mr Brett (first), Mr Tompkins (second). and Mr O’Neil the booby. After supper dancing was enjoyably indulged in for a short time. Among those present were Alesdames Boak, Weston, Geddis. Hart. Griffiths. Herrold, Masfen, IL L. Brett, Tompkins, Sharia nd, Shakespear. Corry, Esdaile, Quick/ Arthur Brett. Gilmer, Misses Berry (*2), Alison. Corry. Kirk (2), Frater, Williamson. Flower. Courtayne, Evans (2), Goldie. Abbott. Keith; Alessrs. Masfen, Nicholson, Quick. Corry, Tompkins, O’Neil. Esdaile, Oliphant, Brett (3); Evans, Cook, Goldie. Someriield, Williamson. Frater, Hart. Jackson. Culpan, Abbott. Palmer, Baliantyne. THE AUCKLAND GARRISOX OFFICERS’ ( LI B DANCE. An exceedingly smart and enjoyable ball was that given on Wednesday evening last by the members of the Auckland Garrison Officers’ Club in the gun-room attached to fhe Drill Shed. The decorations were very well arranged, and the First Battalion Band furnished excellent music. The platform was comfortably furnished with big chairs, and there was also ample sitting-out room in the Drill Shed itself, which was arranged as a garden. Supper was served in a. screened-off portion of the shed, and wsU quite delirious. The billiard-room- upstairs was thrown open, and there was also a smoking-room. 1 did not know nearly all those present, of course, but amongst those I remember were: Mrs Davies wore a rich black TiierveilletiK silk toilette, the bodice trimmed with handsome jetted lace; Airs Abbott was effectively gowned in ciel blue silk, the decolletage outlined with pretty frilled berthe edged with lace; Mrs Pilkington, lovely gown of salmon pink Louisine silk over glace foundation, the bodicn wa* finished with Paris-tinted neR edged with narrow lace; Mrs Robarts

looked charming in a lovely gown of ivory Oriental satin, trimmed with wide Paris applique, cluster of pink roses in front of corsage; Mrs Myers wore a handsome black silk toilytiy. the bodice finished with beautiful lace; Jty-s Arthur Myers was beautifully gowned in a rich forget-me-not blue Louisinc silk, thg front panel of skirt and the Irodiee draped with lovely Faris-tinted lace, orchid mauve miroir velvet chou on front of corsage; Mrs Coleman wore a graceful ivory crepe de chine toilette, elaborately tucked ami finished with chiffon and lace; Mrs Sharman was picturesque in a black frilled mousseline de sole, the bodice trimmed with jet ami black applique; Airs Sliera, primrose yellow silk, veiled in black Spanish lace; Mrs Dawson, handsome jetted net robe over black glace foundations; Mis Challinor Purrhas was charmingly gowned in white brocaded silk, the bodice softened with cream lace, cerise ribbon chou in front of corsage and in hair; Mrs Jack Heptl wore a graceful black silk gown with white chiffon tucker threaded with black l>ebe ribbon; Mrs Firth wore a pretty while crepe dr chine toilette, the bodice draped with chiffon and lace; her sister also wore white with cluster of pink roses in front ; Mrs VV. R. Bloomfield wore a lovely gown of white chiffon,.embroidered with pink chiffon roses and green leaves in a raised design mounted on white chiffon *Uid glace silk; Mrs Wynyard wore an ivory Oriental Katin trained gown, the bodice softened with chiffon and lace; Mrs J. Wynyard was in white satin, veiled in flounced and tucked white chiffon; Mrs Stevenson wore a striking gown of rose pink «ilk, shirred and trimmed with cream lace, the bodice was relieved with touches of cream lace; Airs Mackay, black satin with transparent yoke of jetted lace, cluster of pink roses on corsage; Airs Tewsley was effectively gowned in a cream embroidered net toilette with roleau .of myrtle green velvet in front of the bodice; Mrs Segar wore a beautiful black glace silk, the bodice finished with Paris lace, relieved with touches «of turquoise blue, turquoise blue ceinture; Mrs Holgate, was wearing black with lace and chiffon encrustations, cluster of flowers in front of corsage; Mrs Browning, rich black silk toilette with transparent lace yoke, and sleeves; Airs Wall, wore ivory satin prettily finished with lace, caught with cluster of pink roses; Mrs Ernest Davis, black velvet picture frock with lovely white Irish lace berthe, corsage bouquet of roses and an osprey in her coiffure; Airs Elliott Davis wore cream Oriental satin with lace berthe and clusters of pink roses, embroidered corselet belt; Airs K eke wick, pretty cream voile richly inset with wide bands of Paristinted lace, black silk opera coat encrusted with cream lace medallions; Mrs Charlie Buddle wore a lovely shade of azure blue Yamaga, with pretty tucked skirt; Mrs Seagar, black silk relieved with touches of pale blue; Airs Lecky wore soft pink chiffon inserted with bands of cream lace, white shirred chemisette; Miss Minitt, black satin softened with chiffon; Atiss Philson won* black with (Team lace, and touches of pale blue; Aliss Graham, pretty pale blue accordion-pleated gown with cream lace encrustations, and clusters of roses on bodice; Mrs Southey Baker, cream ring-spotted net over white satin, violet ceintures and clusters of violets on corsage; Aliss Lloyd, white tucked crepe de chine softened with chiffon, pale pink ceinture and corsage bouquet; .Miss Southey-Baker was prettily gowned in a white peau-de-soie granny gown, with folded Empire belt: Miss Little, dainty cream voile trimmed with cream applique. turquoise blue ceinture and chon; Aliss Izo White, pretty black frock with white tucked chemisette, corsage spray of shaded roses; Miss Mimi Devereux, wore eau de nil chiffon over glace silk, the cross-over bodice displaying a Alaltese lace yoke; Aliss Hesketb was wearing a pretty white frock tucked and trimmed with chiffon and lace, brightened with touches of pale blue; Atiss Walker was charming in a cream rrepe de chine trimmed with lovely lace; Aliss Torrence, black with shaded ribbon corselet, and clusters of rosebuds outlining decolletage; Miss Isaecs wore a pretty sea-green satin with chiffon frills; Aliss Drnler wore black with cream lace; and her sister was in white with clusters of red roses in front of corsage; Aliss "Lane, cream figured chiffon over glace silk, her sister wore white with pink roses; Miss Eva Firth was graceful in a pink Oriental satin picture frock,

with white chiffon underskirt; .Mi«s Ida Thomwore a pietureMpie gown of ivory Oriental satin bodice finished with crepe dr chine and lace, white crepe de chine front panel oxer pink silk, wreath of leaves in coiffure; .Miss Myra Reid looked charming in white inset with wide insertion, pale blue chou on bodice; Miss Kathleen Shera wore white silk; Miss Ethel Dawson wore a very pretty frock of white lilierty sitk inset with lace, pale blue ceinture; Miss Mabel Dawson was in an a word ionpleated crepe <ls chine finished with lace; Miss Jessie Reid wore white; Atiss (Tssie Bell, pale grey inset with cream insertion, pale blue ceinture and chou; Aliss Maude Browning wore a sweet frock of while spotted net trimmed with Valenciennes lace mounted on white glace silk: Aliss Lulu Browning looked chic in cream silk with embroidered frills; Miss Morrow, pretty pink silk combined with chiffon and lace; Miss Seager wore black, relieved with pale blue; Miss Olive Aicken, white net over white silk, prettily trimmed with black applique and x’iolets; Aliss Julian, dainty white inserted muslin over pale blue, pale blue ceinture: Miss Ethelwyn Cooke looked pretty in white with lace berthe; Aliss Pickering, rich yellow brocade, with lace berthe caught with clusters of primroses, wreath of primroses in coiffure; Mrs ' F. E. Gaiidiiii black satin, tastefully combined with lace, relieved with touches of crimson; Mrs F. Battlev wore eau de nil xvith crimson roses on corsage and in coiffure. THE (’ll AM PIONSIII P GOLF MEETING. Several .members of the Auckland Ladies’ Golfers’ Club left last Saturday for Napier, under the charge of Mr*. \V. R. Bloomfield (captain). They included Miss Lewis (present champion), and Misses Pierre (2).„ ! .Cotter i (2). Buckland, Torrance, and Gwen. Gorrie. HIS MAJESTY’S THEATRE. It was a gala house that welcomed Aliss Tittell Brune, the clever young tragedienne, on Saturday night in the. French historic, “LAiglon. lhe dress circle and orchestra stalls contained a full representation of Auckland’s first-nighters; but it is difticiilt in such a crowded house to distinguish individual dresses. 1 have, however, noted below those that caught my eye. Miss Brune’s attire, being that of the young Napoleon, does not call for description. Among the audience were: Mrs Myers (Mayoress) was gowned in a handsome white Oriental satin evening gown with corsage bouquet of violets and long xvhite ; cloth coat; Airs LoMis Al yers, black evening toilette and black yoat embroidered with white; Mrs Stewart, black evening gown with wide Paris-tinted lace falling from berthe; Mrs Sharman. black crepe de chine, lovely black and white cloak; Aliss Ireland, forget-me-not blue silk gown; Aliss J. Ireland, dainty white silk with folded silk fichu; Mrs Keck wick, white silk gown and grey silk coat; Mrs Ernest Bloomfield wore a blue crepe de chine and emerald green velvet cloak; Miss Scherff, blush rose pink silk blouse, black trained skirt and grey cloak; Mrs VV”. Lambert, black: Aliss Great hatch, white silk evening frock: Miss Firth was in white Oriental satin with emerald green ceinture; Mrs C. Buddle, azure blue silk; Mrs (Dr.) Savage, black evening toilette; Airs John Beale, white silk gown and grey shimmering silk theatre jacket ; Airs Keesing, pale blue satin, white applique theatre coat; Miss Belle Aloir wore a pretty black frock and large pink crush rose on corsage; Airs VV. S. Douglas, black evening gown with corsage bouquet of pink roses; Mrs (Dr.) Dawson, black satin; Misses Dawson were in white* silk and black sal in respectively: Mrs N. Burton, maize brocaded silk with white yoke, yellow roses in coiffure: Mrs Montague wore a becoming white chiffon over lemon-coloured silk, cluster of violets on corsage; Miss Keesing. black gown and wreathlet of violets; Mrs lluilsonWilliamsoii. black satin evening dress and grey velvet cloak; Mrs Daws, lemon silk blouse, edged with xvhite nulled silk, and black silk skirt; Mrs. \V. (ole man. black evening toilette with (-ream entredeux; Mrs Rankin Reid was becomingly gowned in black; Aliss BleazardBrown, black frock with cream lace sleeves and berthe; Mrs Phillips, white satin evening bodice and black trained skirt, handsome turquoise blue cloak; Aliss Keesing, yellow satin, veiled in white lave, crimson cloak; Misses Jourdain wore black satin and xvhite silk

respectiv<*ly : Miss Barley, black evening frock ami cerise sal in cloak; MDs Nellie I pton, pretty while crepe de chine blouse, finished xvith pink rose, black skirt; Mrs 11. Vaile was in a dainty white silk gown and rich white hro<-ad**d satin jacket bordered with fur: Miss Binney. xvhite silk gown and emerald green cloak; her sister wore 11 white and blue bow in coiffure; Mrs Forster, black crepe de chine, REt EPTION GIVEN BV T MR AND AIRS LEYLAND. A very pleasant evening xvas spent last Friday night at a reception and supper given by Mr and Mrs Leyland in honour of the approaching marriage of their son, Mr Sam Leyland. The Foresters’ Hall. Newton, was beautifully decorated xvith flags and greens, and everybody- enjoyed the gathering exeredinglx. Among the ladies present xvere Mrs* \V. B. Leyland, Airs J. J. O’Brien, Mrs G. Watkins. Airs A. Adamson, Mrs V.' Atkinson. Mrs B. Johnston, Miss Levland. Miss L. lx*yJand, Miss AL Leyland, Miss Murphy,"Misses O’Hare (2), Mrs A. Elder. Air and Airs Leyland are extremely popular, and the general esteem in which they are held is shared by their son. The proceedings xvere most, enthusiastic, and the various toasts were most heartily honoured. A very tempting supper was provided, and during the evening there was a delightful programme of dames, interspersed with the following items: Quartette, •‘Cornfield’s Medley,” Messrs C. t’alloxv, A. Asbury, V. Atkinson, 11. Moore (the. Meister Quartette); song. “A Dream of Home,” Aliss Leyland; sailor’s hornpipe, Mr A. Elder; quartette, ‘‘Mighty Like the Rose,” the Meister Quartette; song. “Butterflies,’’ Mrs V. Atkinson; song. 'By the Waters,” Mr C. Callow; humor ous item, Mr E. McbTixvain; song, “l he Admiral’s Broom,” Mr V. Atkinson. EUCHRE PARTY AND DANCE. A very enjoyable euchre party and dance, under' the auspices of the West End Tennis Club, was given in the Pon sonby Hall last Thursday evening. There were 45 tables, and play was kept up with much animation until after 11) o’clock. Miss Warnock carried off lhe Hist prize, a handsome gold brooch, Aliss Rees xviiming the second, a lady’s leather companion. Air Faulder won the gentlemen’s Hrst prize, a leather pocket book, and Mr J. Hodgson the second, military brushes in a case. After a daintx’ supper had been partaken ot, dancing was entered into with spirit until the early hours. Mr Armiger supplied the music, lhe success of the. entertainment was largely dur to the efforts of the ladies’ committee and Messrs H. Burton. S. Cpton and Angus. Mrs Heighington Jones svas becomingly gowned in black crepe de chine with ]>ailetted collarette showing A’ corsage; Miss Rothschild, effective black taffetas evening frock with net tucker; Miss \ inlet Tibbs was graceful in white silk; Miss Ipton xvas daintily frockrd in white silk with wide tucks and inset with lace; Mrs Devore wore a recherche black crepe de chine with tinted epaulettes; Aliss Lena Butters rich ixorv brocade was effectively brightened with pink roses; Miss Burton, black taffetas evening gown: Miss K. Devore, dainty can de Nil silk blouse with cream lace yoke and black skirt: Miss MacGregor. pretty daffodil yellow silk with Paris lace yoke and bkick skirt; Miss C. Butler, turquoise blue crept* frock, adornvdwith cream lace; Miss Belle .Moir looked well ill a black taffetas evening frock; Miss Lily Moir pretty white silk Victorian frock with cluster of pink roses on corsage and in coiffure: Miss Oldham wore a becoming rose pink crepe with ruchings on skirt and cream lace on corsage; Miss M. Abbott looked charming in black eolienne with handsome lace berthe caught in front wilh tangerine velvet bow. and yellow **irk (•(‘iliture; Miss Ala\ Abbott was dainty in black taffetas, inset xvith lace, and ecru point d’esprit yoke, large t ttiigerine (•rush rose on corsage and band on coiffure; Mrs Nexvell, black taffetas evening gown; Mrs Ifwerson. black satin evening robe. xvith Paris tinted lace berthe; Alias Basley, pretty xvhite tucked silk; Mrs Phil lips, heliotrope crepe de chine blouse, xvith touches of black velvet and ereani lace, black skirt; Mrs Gentles, black satiu, xvith transpareat laee yoke and sleeves, and rolranx of cerise velvet outlfning square yoke; Miss Doro-

thx Knight, white »«ilk frock, and ruby xclxet evening coat; Miss Ethel Bag nail xvas charmingly frockrd in tur« qiioiM* blue, and a long white evening coal: Miss Donald, pretty white silk, ami while coat; Miss Ex a Beale. xxhltF silk evening frock, and lox elx xieiiM rose coat, with cream lace motifs; Mi > Phillips, cream and pink spotted zephyr with pink ro%es; Miss Edward**, xvhih silk and pink boxv* ill coiffure: Mrs Dj»l dams, black crepe de chine, with <■<•> u lace round decolletage, grey coat will cream lace collar; Miss English. vff< < live rose pink Louisine silk, xvith . ream lace bel t he, and wreathlet of bankssi loses in her hair; Miss English xvas charming in xvhite silk- and Pari*tinted lace yoke with blue velvet Loirs Loxvs doxvii the front; Miss Mtiiiii Blades, dainty xvhite silk; Mrs Littler, rich black brocade, xvith ereanr Maltese transparent yoke, and large tanger ine crush rose; Miss Webb xvnrc a dainty white silk evening frock, with sunray-pieated chiffon frills, ami «lus ter of violet on corsage; Miss Thomp son, becoming turquoise blue ‘ilk biouse, xvith Paris lace yoke, and black skirt: her sister wore a pretty while silk blouse; with yoke of,inched ribbon tilled in with cobxxeb slitcliery, black skirt; Miss Geddis, black evening frock xvith turquoise blue chou: Mrs Self, white silk blouse, adorned with lace and tangerine discs, black sal in skirl; Miss May Rees, effective cerise Oriental satin blouse, with xvhite lace yoke, and black skirt; Miss ( leghorn, daffodil yellow satin evening blouse, and black skirt ; Miss Holloway, white silk blouse, with ceinture and touches «»f sage-green silk, black skirt ; her s.stei wore white silk, with damask roses, ami crimson” cldak; Misses Connolly wore pretty white silk frocks; Miss Stevenson, dainty xvhite silk semi-even ing blouse, dotted with black chenille spots, black skirt; Miss Hanna look’d pretty i« a black evening frock xvith Paris-tinted lace transparent Miss —. Hanna, white silk, xvith touches of black velvet ; Miss —• Hanna, pretty rose pink evening frock; Miss Bock* white silk, -and--effective crimson cloak: her sister wore a topaz sal in crossover blouse, and black skirt; Haven was winsome in pink silk blouse and black skirt, * A LARGE DANCE. One of the most delighttul dances ol the season xvas given by Mins Ehl rallied at- King Edward’s Hall. The hall was beautifully (k’coratrd with Hags, Nikaii palms and lilies. IT.- stage, which made a very pretty , hawing-room, was smothered in Howers, ami in one corner llardx’s band was stationed. A huge marquee was erected in front of the hall for a supper room, where one could get all till' delicacies of the season, lhe mai <piee was tastefully dforated with i«<i and white Hags, palms, and ferns. I’mk and red ribbons: hung from t liinesc hue terns on to the table, finished with large bows and pink and red Howers, and fairy lamps were d<tlte.l -about .■ Mrs. Ehrenfried wore a handsome black laee, diamond ornament; Miss Ehrenfried was effectively Hocked in poppy re<l crepe dr- chine; Mrs. B. Keesing, black lace gown: Mrs. Mef allnm. .-ream silk: Miss Hunt, heliotrope gown: Miss liar ris. white muslin, profusely trimmed with lace: Mrs. Moritzson, pale blue silk, point laee berthe: Missis I'osseuniskie. white gowns; Mrs. I-. Ballin, white elnf ton gown; Miss Ballin, ereani enibroid cred gown: Misses Nelson, white ami red satin respectively; Miss M. Kalman, white silk trimmed with line; Mrs. 1.. Moses, black silk: Miss Moses, fawn grass lawn; Miss \ . Moses, white silk: Mrs. Eliot Davis, white satin: Mrs. Sharman. pink silk, white lace coatee; Mrs. t'. Phillips, black and white silk muslin; Miss Neumegen. white silk, blue Howers: Miss Ziman. white silk: Mi-sis Lewis, bl.-.ek and white respectively: Miss t'aro. white silk: Mrs Pahd-liorp. red relieved with white; Miss Virtue, blue silk: Mrs. de t lire Lowe, black crepe de chine relieved with white; Miss E. Lewis, red silk : Mrs. Kroufeld, gu v erepe de chine; Mrs. VV. tiaudin < Gisborne), white silk with gold spot: Misses Easdown. while silk frocks: Misses Roth child, white silk, the latter pale blue: Mr*. W. Coleman, black net dres.s; Mrs Keith, black laee relieved with red; Miss Savage, white silk: Miss (tresham. whit, silk; Mrs. Mark Davis, black spangled gown: Mrs. Ernest Davis, black silk, relieved with white: Mrs Tom K<m*sing. white silk: Mrs. '-irusr. nil black silk: Miss Alison, film silk: Missel Pi ice (Th <im(**i), ‘iii. funks; Alm

Mac Diarmid. white net frock. Among tlitt g<Mirb*nivtt I wHicrtl: t’oiniiuinder Coad, 11.M.5. IMioebe, Dis. Sharman, de Clive Lone. Owen, and Keith. Messrs. Churton. Coleman, Donald, Jowitt, Davis. Alison. Ballin. Gresham. Keening, Krotifehl. Phillips. Cu miner. Caro. Vincent. Hayman, Benjamin, and many #1 hers. DANCE AT REMCERA.

Ihe Misses Jackson. of “Holly Bush,” Itemiaer:i, had a most successful dance last Frida \ in I lie itemuera Hall. As the hall is to he pulled down in the near future everyone felt sad. thinking of the many jolly dances they had liecn to there. Ihe hall was almost hidden with flags, tree terns amt armn lilies, and the table looked sweet with paper narcissus, tomilax. aud masses of violets with maidenhair fern. Everything one could wish for wa> there. Burke- supplied the music, so that everyone had to dance with a will. Mrs Jackson looked very well in a black silk voile, trimmed with lace, and becoming lace cap; Miss Jackson, black silk muslin, very much frilled ami trimmed with cream. Valenciennes insertion; Miss (.'. Jaksoi), very becoming. blue crepe de chine, trimmed. with flounces of white lace; Mrs I’rmule, dainty pah* grey frock, relieved with white; Mrs llaitna. black crepe de chine, berthe inlet with white; Mi-s Mandeno; Mrs. Blair, soft, while silk, with violets; Mrs J. 11. Jackson, becoming dove grey frock with touches of pink; Mrs TliWrnton Jackson, white- muslin, with touches of tangcrim* on liodice ami in her hair; Mesdames McMillan, Snow, ('otter, Walker, Black, Foster, Bose. E. R. Bloomfield, Lady Lockhart. Mcsdames Maitland. Kekwick, J. H. Hanna. Horton; Miss Winifred - Small field looked very sweet ami girlish in her “coming out” frock of soft white silk, much frilled am! t rimmed with pretty lace; Misses Thorne George. Colter, K. ( lark. Stevenfltm. Taylor. Warr. Browning. Thompson, Northcroft. Crowther, Farley. Buckland, Proude, Hanna.. Douglas. As the gentlemen were in a majority it i» needless to say every (Mie enjoyed themselves. FAREWELL TO MISS EDMISTON. The other evening Miss Elsie Edmiston, “Mouna-nui,” Upper Craft on-road, who is going Home on an extended visit, was farewolled at an evening arranged by her music teacher. Mr J. F. Bennett, and held in his studio at 11 is Majesty’s Arcade. A large number of her fellowpupils were present, ami a very pleasant evening was spent. On Thursday Miss F.ihnist'Mi gave an “At Home” to a large number of her girl friends. Miss Edmiston left by the Zealandia- on Monday, ami expects to be away about two years. During that time she will visit friends in l.omhHi. Glasgow: and Ed inborough. PHYLLIS BROUN.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXV, Issue 7, 19 August 1905, Page 41

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AUCKLAND. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXV, Issue 7, 19 August 1905, Page 41

AUCKLAND. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXV, Issue 7, 19 August 1905, Page 41

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