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D<ai Hee, .July 14. On Thin*day evening THE CARD CLI R held the euchre party postponed fr< in .June lath. Mrs Milltoil won the kuli. *’ prize, a china fruit dish, and Mi-s Moeller the second, a va*v. Air Gibbons as the w inning gun: leman. received a book of poems, and Mr llayne*, who was >uu ond, got a fancy penholder. Mrs Campbell was wearing a black *atin >kirt and a pretty white silk blouse with lace insertion; Mrs Million, blaek velvet, cream laee berthe. and cluster of crimson roses; Airs Waldegrave. black silk, lace yoke ami frills of black chiffon; Mrs Gould, pale blue silk, berthe ami sleeves of white accordion-pleated chiffon, silver embroidery on corsage, deep crimson rose in hair; Mrs Laing, black silk, black lace yoke; Airs Nannestad, black net over silk, frills edged with black, satin ribbon on skirt, black ami white chiffon on bodice; Airs Bell, black brocade, white chiffon vest; Mrs Snelson, black silk, bud.’ce handsomely trimmed with black jet ; Mrs AlvKnight. black satin, deep yoke of Paris-tinted laee. cluster of scarlet berries on corsage: Mrs Coombs. black net over silk, frills of accordion-pleated chiffon on bodice and sleeves; Aiiss Armstrong. black skirt, pale blue silk blouse with white laee; Miss Bell, white tucked silk, bands of white lace insertion on blouse, pink silk belt; Miss W aldegrave. white silk, frills edged with Maltes-? lace, pale blue silk chou; Miss Watson, black skirt, pale pink and white silk blouse; Aiiss Moeller, black satin skirt, white silk and insertion blouse; Aiiss E. Wilson, white tucked silk, transparent yoke and sleeves of tine white lace, scarlet silk belt: Aiiss (.’oombs, black satin skirt, white silk blouse with frills of white laee; Aiiss Randolph, black silk much trimmed with inched ribbon, lace berthe, and spray of pale pink flowers; Aiiss F. Randolph, black skirt, black silk blouse with transparent yoke of cream lace: Aiiss Jensen, black crepe de chine, skirt accordion-pleated, cream lace on bodice; Miss Glendinning, black silk ami lace. On Saturday, Mrs F. E. Watson. Fer-gusson-street, gave a •KITCHEN TEA” for Aiiss Chrissie Porter, who is to be married shortly. It was a cold, showery afternoon, and the bright fires in all the looms looked most comforting. Tea was laid in the dining-room, the table being tastefully decorated with white chrysanthemums. After tea, Aiiss Porter unwrapped the pile of parcels given to her. and disclosed a large and varied assort inent of useful kitchen articles; Airs Watson was wearing a black voile skirt ami pretty cream silk blouse; Aiiss Wat-

'• r. ii v* blue -kiit. pale pink and cream b’tii* . with P.iri* tint'd insertion: Mise Wiiiiii- Wat-on. blauk skirt, pale yellow bha c. Mis Porter, black cloth coat and stiil braided in black, black hat with tip*: Mi** ( hri**i»~ Porter, black *kirt, tl»n • qit.»i er g:<‘\ c'uji braided in white, lari’< retHiat with red silk inching; Miss Stanford. gruy and white * perk led tw«*e<l << -u m< -••arid hat: Mi— Doris Robin- .*« u. g»‘<y I ton costume, Maltese laee v<*t bin m straw hat with ueri*e silk iiu-l.iiig: Mi*s Belle Robin*oii. navy blue coat and skirt, (ream lace vest, navy hat wit It na\ \ and pah* blue silk trimming; M»*-. I . Wilson. navy blue and white speckl'd frock. with touches of *uarlet, x’.’iri't hat with ribbon and fawn bird; Alis* Randolph, black cloth coat and skirt, red doth collar. black hat lined with white; Mi*s F. Randolph, black skirt. blauk caracal coat, scarlet hat with rueliiiig; Mi*s Bell, tuts v blue doth coat and skirt, bind velvet collar, rod hat; Miss Dolly Wil* i. blauk skirt, grey coat with capes on shoulder, brown fur hat with brown whig; Miss Waldegrave, grey Russian co-tume. cream and blue spotted vest, rod full hat with blauk pompon: Miss Margaret Waldegrave, bright blue frock, scarlet hat : Miss Richter, navy blue strapped with navy glace, grey fdt hat with navy velvet and pompon; Miss Heed, daik skirt, three-quarter grey eoat, seailet hat: Miss Alice Reed, green doth Russian costume, cream hat with green velvet and lace drape: Miss Patterson, greer. c<mi and skirt. Paris-tinted lace vu*t, navy fill hat with fawn quill: Miss Siggs. biaek skirt, blauk caracal eoat, blauk hat with glace hows; Miss Armstreng, blauk skirt, three quarter grey coat,, navy i’elt hat with white glace t.iimmmg: Miss Keeling, navy blue coat and skirt navy hat with silk niching and fawn bird’; Mi— Phyllis Keeling, dirk skirt, grey coat, uream hat with white silk trimming. This week Palmerston can think and talk of nothing but the opening of Till All Xl( I PAL OPERA HOI SE, ami the enti r iinmcnts follow ing that event. Wednesday was a beautiful day for the official ••erumony, and a very large crowd collected in front of the building

tu hear the pddrcFb of the M-iyor. Mr. Cohen. Others on th? platform with Mr and Mix. Cohen were Mr. »n<l Mrs. J. Herbert Hunkiris, Mr. and Mrs. S. Luxford. Mr. and Mrs. Beck. Mr. and Mrs J. Nash. Mr. and Mrs. 11. Palmer. Mr. and Mi". S. \brnhanis, Mr. ami Mrs. Inder, Airs. Snelson. Major Dunk, and others whom I did not know. It would b<» useless l*or me to try to describe the hall to you. Ml I can say is that it is a splendid building, beautifully finished, and has seating .iceominodation for 1300 people. The municipal hall iqMairs is a very line room, measuring “0 feet by 40 feet, and is 20 fret high. It is designed for h el urrs. balls, and similar gatherings. At the conclusion of the -Mayor’s speech the Mayoress oprm d the door, and the building was thrown opi n lor inspection. Both bands were in attendance, and played <m the stage. Mis. Cohen was most becomingly dressed in a bright navy blue costume, handsomely embroidered in shaded silks, navy strawhat with dark green silk ribbon, and two clusters of petunia-coloured llowws and foliage. Among the spectators I noticed Air. and Mrs. Warburton. Mr. and Mrs. Bar ram I, Mr. and Mrs. M< Knight. Air. and Mrs. Buick. Miss Buick, Air. and Airs. Whiteford, Mrs. and the Misses Wylds. Mrs. Staine. Mrs. Brown. Airs. Holmes, Mrs. Clarkson, Airs. Bunting, Airs. Jamieson. Mrs. Guy. Mr. and Airs. ]). Monrad. Mr. R. S. Abraham. Airs. Bell. Misses Inder and Drew. Mrs. and thr Misses Smith. Miss Mayo. Mr. Holben, chan man of Municipal Opera Hous.? Committee, presented Mrs. Cohen with a handsome gold key as a memento of the occasion. Miss llolben presented her with a beautiful bouquet. Thursdav was a line, calm day for the large “Al HOME” Gl\ E\ BY THE MAYORESS. MBS. Al. COHEN. The Municipal Hall was used for the reception. which was on a scale never before attempted in Palmerston. About 800 invitations were issued. The hall was arranged as a large drawing-room, ami was decorated with masses of beautiful palms, f rns. cabbage trees, and bamboo. The stairways and the large entrance hall were similarly dccoratid. Mrs Cohen, always an ideal hostess, had made perfect arrangements, and everything passed off brilliantly. The Palmerston Military Band was stationed in the dress circle. Afternoon tea was served in the large supper room down stairs, tho tabb-s bring brightl\ decorated with spraxs ot holly. Airs. Cohen was exquisitely dressed in embroidered silk muslin, over green glace, and elaborately trimmed with inchings of white-ilk. pal? string coloured straw hat, with lovely shaded roses. She carried a beautiful white bouquet. Airs. C. J. Alonro wore champagne voile with lace ami black velvet bows on bodior, large black hat; Airs. Percy Baldwin, cream cloth Eton c<»-lumr. lace vest, sable toque and furs; Airs. Pratt, navy blue Russian costume collar ami rovers of white cloth, *vith large navy blur spot. black bat with black osprey-: Mrs. 11. Cooper, Mrawberry coloured costume, much trimmed with Paris-l inted inseitiun, Tuscan hat with wreath of pink roses; Mrs. Louisson, navy him* frock with lace medallion- and touches of green velvet, large given velvet hat, with -ilk of paler shade; Airs. C. \\ aldcgrave. black skirt, handsome caracal ' eoat. black hat; Mr-. Guidingham, brown Norfolk costume, cream cloth facings, cream hat with pink and green ehaded ribbons; Mrs. Stowe, blue tailormaffi* coat and skirt, black and white nt ole, black hat with ostrich feathers; Airs. \\ . 11. Smith, black skirt, caracal coat. Maltese lace scarf, large pale blue hat; Mrs. Eliot. grey blue costume, with touch of gilt braiding. him* hat with shaded ribbon: Mrs. Eitzherl •-it. brown coat and skirl, brown velvet collar and ruffs, brown hat : Mrs. R. S. Abraham, grey costume, grey Inverness coat, grey chiffon hat. with grey feather; Miss Ethel Abraham, navy blur frock, navy felt hat with blur pompon; Mi-- ILwvift, cream serge Eton cost nine, large black chiffon hat: Mrs. Campbell, black tailor coat and skirt, collar and rovers of white cloth l»raid<<l in black, pah* blue eilk and white insertion vest, black hat with tomb of whit.*; Mrs. Gould, violet doth co-ttime with velvet of deeper ► hade, brown hat lined with white chiffon ; Mrs. Gregg, blur grey coat and hkirt, black hat: Mr- Rogers, cream doth Eton costume, large rrennt hat with rrvain ostrich feather; Mrs. Hankins, black voile much trimmed with I tidied ribbon. Maltose lace vest, black hat with black tip; Miss Hank in*, brown Eton costume, cream vest, hat of two

shades of green; Mrs. Claik.son, cream aerge Eton uv»tuine, large bl ck hut, sable fur-; Airs. Bunting, cream doth Russian costume, cream hat with glace ribbon; Mrs. Wallace, grey frotk with capes. braid'd with lighter shade < i braid, black hat ; Airs. Gardiner, blue cloth coat and skirt, cream ku . • vest. ’Jack hat wit a tips; Airs. 11. J. Alanson, winecoloifrcd costume, velvet hat of same shade with shaded pink ribbon; Airs. Randolph, black skirt, caracal coat. Alaltese lace tie, black and white toque with black tips; Miss Randolph, black t oat aid skirt, sea rl.‘t collar ami revers, viva in cloth waistcoat, black hat lined with white; Mrs. Moeller, cream serge Eion eo-tumv. with gilt braiding, scarlet hat; Mrs. McPherson, navy blue skirl, sealskin coat, black hat with black and whit? lips; Airs. Park, navy blue tailor-made coat and skirt, (team silk and insertion vest, black hat with black tips; Mrs E. \V. Hitchings, navy sac coat and skirt, large white cloth collar and lexers, white hat xvith white glace i nching; Airs J. Hew itt (Pahiatua), navy blue Eton costume, white felt hat with quill; Miss Hitchings (Levin).grey Norfolk eoat and skirt, grey felt hatxvilh white ospreys; Mrs Rett, blue voile, with trimming of blue niched ribbon and cream lace medallions, blue hat with wings; Mrs Archer, blue sac coat ami skirt, large black hat with black tips; Airs Palmer, black skirt, seal skin coat, black hat ; Mrs Coombs, black tailor costume. lace vest, large black hat with ostrich feather: Airs AIcK night, blue Norfolk costume, cream cloth vest braided in black, black hat; Airs R. Hewitt, brown Norfolk coat and skirt, faced with red cloth, brown hat xvith touch of red; Airs Thompson, brown frock, vest and cuffs of cream cloth braided in brown, brown hat with brown feather and touch of tangerine: Mrs O’Brien, black voile frock, yoke of Paris-tinted lace, black hat with silk inching; Mrs Patterson, navy blue costume, cream galloon trimming on bodice, hat of two shades of green ; Aliss Bond, black tailor coat and skirt, cream vest, black hat xvitli tips; Airs Armstrong. black skirt, long sealskin coat, black bonnet with black and white tips, touch of pink silk; Airs Haynes, black skirt, long grey coat, black and white bonnet ; Mrs R. K. Reed, black skirt, caracal coat, black toque with black tips; Airs \V. Harden, grey blue tweed Russian coat and skirt, navy blue hat; Airs Harden, navy blue coat and skirt, cream hat with cream ospreys; Mrs Macintyre, mourning costume; Airs Barnicoat, black frock, with capes on shoulder, strapped with silk, black and white hat: Mrs Millton. navy blue coat and skirt, black xelvet collar, black hat with black wing; Mrs Leary, navy blue Russian coat and skirt, blue straw hat with shaded ribbon: Alis< Keeling, navy blue sac coat and skirt, blue hat with inching and fawn bird; Mrs Col beck. dark green frock, large black hat: Airs 1). Monrad, navy blue coat and skirt, cream lace vest, navy velvet hat with blue bird: Mrs J. Nash, brown costume, strapped with cream ( loth, cream hat with cream glace trimming: Airs Pringle, brown frock with string-coloured medallions, brown hat : Mrs Holmes, grey coat and skirl, black hat with black tip: Mrs Porritt. cream voile skirt, cream silk and insertion blouse, black chiffon hat with black tip: Mrs Connell, navy blue Russian coat and skirt, black sequin hat with black feather and touches of white; Mrs Rutherford, bright blue frock, sable furs, blue hat with pale heliotrope roses; Mrs Guy. black voile xvith cream lace yoke and lace medallions, hat with red silk trimming: Mrs AlcHardy. black coat and skirt, black velvet collar, large black hat with black tips; Mrs Coombs, black coat and skirt, black hat with ostrich feather: Miss Coombs, green silk frock, hat to match: Airs Dempsey, grey cloth costume, braided in white, black hat with while trimming. Others I noticed xvere Mr and Mrs Buick, Air and Airs Rowlands. Mr and Mrs Wingate. Air and Mrs D. Buick. Air and Mrs S. Luxford, Mr and Mrs Beck. Airs Lloyd. Aliss Kelly, Aliss Beswick, Aliss Glendinning. Airs Watkins. Air and Mrs Loughnan. Air and Airs Tingley. Mr and Airs Aisher, Mrs S. Abraham, Airs AlcDoxx’ell. Airs Dalloxv. Messrs Tiouisson, Harden, Cooper, AlcPber-on. AlcHardy, Wallace. Bond. Nathan -(3). Haynes, Armstrong. Mill ton, Eitzherbert, Barnicoat, Park, AloelIcr. l)rs. O’Brien. Stowe, Patterson, and Alacintyre. On Wednesday evening there was a poster ami fancy dress SKATING ( ARNIVAL nt the Zealandia Hall. ’The attendance xvas ry largo, and many of the costumes were very striking. The spirited

music of a brass band added to the gui<‘ty ef the evening. Among the mo<t striking fancy costumes were Mrs Stevenson, ••NightMrs Hare, blue mask and domino; Miss Sinclair. ‘Old English;” Airs Mc’i'aggart, “All that glitters is not gold;” Miss Archer, mask and domino;

Miss Sinclair, “Australia;” Miss M. Anderson, Italian Fisher Girl; Miss Lovett, ’"Hose of Persia;” Miss Hare, “lied Bird;” Miss Frankish. “Daughter of the Regiment;” Miss Quaid, “Irish Colleen;” Miss Jack, “Spring;” Miss Short, “Dutch Girl;” Miss McMillan, mask and domino; Miss Duff, mask and domino.


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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXV, Issue 3, 22 July 1905, Page 45

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PALMERSTON NORTH. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXV, Issue 3, 22 July 1905, Page 45

PALMERSTON NORTH. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXV, Issue 3, 22 July 1905, Page 45

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