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Personal Paragraphs

Air and Mrs Algiv. of Paeroa. are visiting Rotonra at present. Mr and Airs Haslet (Christchurch) are in Pieton, staying with Mrs Duncan. Mrs Broddrick (North Island) is staying in Pifton at Airs Ma'ea lister’s. Mrs F. Haggitt (Feiklmg). was a visitor to Palmerston North lately. Aliss Jensen (Dannevirke) is staying with Mrs Namiestad, Palmerston North. Mrs and Miss Haybittie are back in Wellington after some weeks in Nelson. Miss N. Curtis Mamikau, is on a visit to her many friends in Auckland. Dr. Bedford Left San Francisco last week by the Ventura for Auckland. Air Gaisford (Hawke's Bay I was hi Palmerston North for the Winter Show. Mr and Mrs Eichelbainn (Wellington) have gene to Af asterton for a few weeks. Mrs and Miss Dorothy King (Gore) are visiting Mrs E. Suisted,-West port. Mrs M. Ross (Wellington) has gone to Dunedin for a few days. Miss H. Harding (Weil’mgton) is in Dunedin for a short stay. Miss Elder (Waikanac) is spending a week or two in Wellington. Colonel Ovsen (Nelson) has been spending a week or two iii Wellington. Mrs 'Westen ra, of Hawerx, is paying a short visit to Wanganui. Mrs Arthur Fitzllerbert. of Rangitikei, was in Wanganui last week. Mr and Airs John Dunean (Wellington) have gone to Fiji for the winter. Miss Horton (Auckland) is staying with Atiss Coates (Wellington). Mrs Ostler (Dunedin) has been staying with Lady Stout (Wellington). Miss ChoJniondley has returned to Christchurch from Tfmaru. Miss D. Hindmarsh, of Napier, is visiting Airs. Bolton, of Woodville. Airs, and Miss Foster (Christchurch) are visiting their' fri< nds in Wellington. Mrs. and Miss Ga is ford. of Oringi Station, Hawke's Bay. have hern spending a few weeks in Napier. Miss Simcox, of Porangahau, is the guest of Mrs. S. 11. Coleman, Waititirau, Napier. Mr and Mrs Herdman are back in Wellington after their trip to the South Island. Mrs. C harles Gordon (Hastings), who has been in Christchurch for some lime, has returned home. Mr Fisher, of the Union Office, New Plymouth, has gone for a short holiday to Dunedin, where his parents reside. Aliss Kane (Wellington) is at present in Christ church, where she has been staying with Mrs Litchfield. Miss Wilder (Kangiora) is the guest of Mrs. Wigram, Park Terrace. Christchurch. Miss Burnett (Wellington) is visiting her aunt. Airs. Walter Ollivirr, at Opa wa. The Rev. Dr. Nisbet (Dunedin) and Mrs Nisbet are spending two or three weeks in Wellington. Mrs Wallis (Bislmpsconrt) has returned to Wellington after a round of visits in the country. Miss F. Brandon (Wellington) is hack from a short visit to the Rangitikei district. Mrs O. Moeller has returned home to Palmerston North after spending some months with relatives in Auckland.

Mr J. Page, formerly Town Clerk of Wellington, and latterly City Treasurer, has resigned owing to ill-health. Mr. (Tenn nt Wraggo will probably return Io New Zealand before the English winter sets in. The Rev. Mr. Fraser, of EdendaL”. ha* rrc< ive<l a call from the Waipu congrcga lion. Miss Blackett '(Wellington) has gone to Hawera for a visit. She is the guest of Mrs Lysaght. Aliss Lloyd Hassel! (Wellington) paid a Hying visit to Palmerston North last week. Miss Tartt (Sydney) is visiting Wellington, where she is staying with Dr. and Mrs Webster. Mrs Tosswill (French Puss) has been spending a week in Picton, with her cousin. Mrs 11. C. Seymour. Aliss Booth has re', anted to Nelson after a stay of some weeks in Welling ton with Mrs Reid. Miss M. Borlase has returned to Wanganui after a stay in Wellington of two or three weeks. Mrs Gardner, of Havelock. and her niece. Miss Mat-Lean, are staying at the •‘Bungalow,” Rotorua. Mrs Stevens and her daughter piawera), who are visiting Rotorua, are staying with the Rev. F. Stubbs. Air Justice and Mrs Edwards have removed from the Grand Hotel to their house, “Nedeen,” in Symonds-street. • Air J. M. Roberts, of the Tauranga branch of the Bank of New Zealand, has. been transferred to Auckland, his place being taken by Mr Thornton. Mr and Mrs Woodward are in Roto rua just now. Air. Woodward is relieving Mr Millar, manager of the Bank yf New Zealand. Mr Millar, manager of the Bank of New Zealand, Rotorua, leaves on a two months’ holiday very hortly. He intends visiting Sydney. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid of Christ church, ami Mr. ami Mrs. Cotter, of Wailarapa, have h:*en staying in Napier during tin* past Week. Mrs J. Al. Johnston, who has been in Dunedin for some months, has returned home to Palmerston North. She has recovered from her recent severe illness. Mr ami Mrs IL Harris (“Ketu Bay," Pelorus Sound) are staying in Picton with Mrs Harris' people, Mr ami Mrs Philpotts. Air and Mrs Harden, of Feibling. who have been on an extended trip round the Islands ami Sydney have returned home. Mr TL Woodhouse, who has been railway stationmaster at the Thames for some years, lias been promoted to tire charg<‘ of the Helensville station. Colonel Gilmour, commanding officer of the Salvation Army in New Zealand, has received instructions to proceed to London for orders. The Rev. George Budd, of Milburn, has. according to a l*ress Association telegram, accepted a unanimous call to Feihling. Air Campbell Campbell, who was for some time chief engineer on the Hinemoa, died °n Alonday week in Wellington. Miss Aimes, who resides with her sister, Mrs Win ( lrr. New Plymouth, has gone on a trip for some mouths to Dunedin. Mr and Mrs Walter Bewley. New Plymouth. who have been on a visit to the <>l<l Country, are now on thrir homeward jou: n<*y. Mr llalrohn. Waverley, who has been transferred as manager of (be Bank »»f Australasia, is now in New Plymouth to take up his duties. Mr .Joseph Ings, son of Mr W. AL Ings, of St. Clair, Dunedin, has passed his final medical professional examination al Edinburgh. Lieutenant the Hon. A. AL R. Bingham. A.D.C. to His Excellency the Governor, has received notilicntion of bis promotion to a captaincy in his regiment, the Ffth Lancers. Air W. T. Bolton, of the Railway Department, llunt ly, who has been stationed there for some time, ami has been very popular with the public, has been transferred to Alercer on well deserved picinotion.

Mr. and Mrs. Heaton Rhu<h*s, have returned to Christchurch from AuMraiiu. Mr. and Mrs. Barclay (England) returned with them to pay them a length died visit.

T'lie lion. G. Marleau (Dunedin). Mrs and the Misses Marleau ha yr taken hou-e in Wellington for tin- winter months. They came up troni the <outh last week.

Mr. ami Mrs. Arthur Elworthy • Par* ora) have left for Sydney, where they intend spending a few weeks. During thrir absence their children are staying with Mrs. Elworthy, Papanni Road.

Air A. P. Butts, who has been for mhoc years accountant of the Kawcra biamh of the Bank of Australasia, has been promoted to the managership of the bank at Waver lev.

Lieutenant. J. AL Roberts, senior subaltern of thr Tauranga Mounted Rilles, who has been transferred to Auckland, has been presented by his dmirades with a portable leather dressing case.

Air and Mrs Isidoi* Alexander, of Auck land, were, by letters of last mail, in Paris, and were wending there way to London. Mrs Alexander is much improved in health. Miss W\ Leys ami Mr Leri! Leys left New York by the Celtic on June 2nd for Izomlon. after a most delightful visit to all the interesting sights eii route across America.

Miss McFarlane, of t.-hrisfchurch, arid veil from the South yestenlay. ami stayed at the Grand Hotel. She left for Rotorua this morning, where she intend.* spending some time sight-seeing. Mr G. O’Halloran, secretary of the Auckland Sailors* Home Council, has just recovered from an illness of five weeks’ duration. He was very cordially welcomed hark to his duties last week by tlw? Council of the Home. The residents of Otahulm and surrounding districts purpose entertaining Mr and Mrs Samuel Luke at a social in the Public Hall. Otahuhu, this week on the occasion of their golden wed<iing. According to a Press Association nu« sage from Ashburtmi, Mr W’m. FitzgrrahL Wat ters, 8.A.. first assistant of the Alorningtoh school, Dunedin, hax been appointed headmaster of the high l School nut of 33 applications. Mr E. F. Reynolds, of Coromandel, who left last February for Americji, for the purpose of realising reCain properties left him by his brother, has <*«nnpleted his business, and returns to New Zealand this month. A presentation was made last wrek to Air. W. <». Edmunds, who is leaving tin* firm of 11. Af. Snieefon and Co. the presentation was in the form of a massive marble rlork, suitably inscribed with the name of the recipient. Mr A. Conbrough, of Te Aroha, wh«> is leaving tlip district, was presented recently with a dressing-case by his many friends. The presentation was made by Mr. A. -I. Farmer, the Mayor of ie Aroha. Mr G. Brown. 8.A., of the Cambridge District High School, has been appointed to the charge of the Paerou High School, and was presented last week by his Cambridge pupils with a travelling hag. as a mark of the esteem and appreciation in which he was held. Air Roach, late chief clerk at the Auckland Board of Education, was presented last week with a -ilver tea ami coffee service by the Icarhcrs of the Auckland district. Air R. I). Stewart made the presentation on India If of the teachers. Air. Roach intends taking up a farm at Papakura. Mr -I. D. Greig, manager of the Bank of Australasia, at Wanganui, has brrii promoted to the Auckland branch of the bank, ami was presinted by the local suiff ami sub managers at Taihape ami Marton with a smoker's out til and a travelling rug. Mrs. AL A. Browne arrived last week, from the South by the Takapuna. She is well-known in Victoria imuical « ir<les. and has been a resident in Victoria for 54 years. Mrs Browne is cil route for Europe, and is at present visiting one of her m»iis. Air J. \ . Browne, of Eden Terrace. A social in connection with the Birkenhead .Met hodist choir was held last week in the Zion Hall Schoolroom, Birkenhead, the object being to bid farewell to two of its members, Messrs. S'. F. Benton and O. <-hamplnloup. who are leaving for Dunedin and Tnvercargill.

Mr*. M. A. Browne, a Indy well known In musical circles in Australia, has arrived on a visit to her son, Mr J. Wt Browne, who was formerly in the police force in Anda ml, but is now in business. It is fifty years since Mis. Browne went to Australia, and 30 years since she last saw her son. Mrs. Browne was present, 45 years ago, when Burke and Wills stalled on their illfated expedition in Australia.

The mem hers of Ihe congregation of the Presbyterian Church, Northcote, tendered a farewell gathering to the Rev. W. .1. Gow, last week. The Itev. Gow is leaving for Cambridge, and during the course of the evening Mr. Lloyd, on behalf of the congregation, presented Mr Gow with a purse of sovereigns, and expressed the hope that the recipient’s work in his new sphere would be attended with success.

Mr and Airs Walter Grace, of Johannesburg, South Africa, arrived in Wei lington by the last Sydney steamer on a visit to Mrs Grace, Haw kest (me-

at reel. Mrs Walter Grace is a daughter of the late lion. Dr. Grace, M.L.C. Bhe was formerly married to Professor Michell ( larke. of Christ church. Since his death some years ago she had been living mainly in England until after her second marriage, when she and her husband, who is also her cousin, took up their residence in South Africa.

The following is a list of visitors staying at the Hot Springs Hotel. Okoroire. last week:—Mr W. E. Watkins, England; Mr T. M. Willink, England; Mr Heald, England; Mr Constable. Canada; Mr T. Keenan, Dublin; Mr Adams. Sydney; Mr Carson, Canterbury; Mr Speers. Canterbury; Mr Clepham. Canterbury.; Mr Love, Canterbury; Mr Wilson, Wellington; Mr Sure, Hamilton; Mr and Mrs McCulloch, Auckland; Master McCulloch, Auckland; Miss Gillies. Auckland; Miss I j. Gillies, Auckland; Miss Macrae, Auckland. A pleasing function took place at Mr B. J. M. Kemp’s. Auckland, last week, when Miss K. McQuarrie was presented, on Lddilf of the’ employers, with a tea service and trinket set on the occasion . of her approaching marriage. Miss McQuarrie was previously entertained .• by the -Knox Sabbath - school teachers, when Mr J. Gilmour, on behalf of the teachers, handed her a Mosgiel travelling rug in recognition of her past services in the Sunday school. A surprise Visit was paid to the Costley Home last week by a number of ladies and gentlemen. vviio entertained the inmates with a number of songs and musical selections. On behalf of the party. Mr. R. Harris, a member of the Auckland Hospital and Charitable Aid Board, presented Mr. Skynner. the retiring manager, with an illuminated address and a pair of silvermounted pipes. Air. W. Bannerman. the newly appointed manager, was also formally welcomed by the inmates of the Home. Last week Mr. Benjamin, one of the directors of the firm of L. 1). Nath m and Co., on Ivdialf of the employees, presented Mr. Urich, on the occasion of his marriage, with a marble alock and liquer stand. At the same time Mr. A. C. Harrison, who is leaving the employ of the firm in order Io start business in llawera. was presented by his fellow' employees with n gold chain and locket, together with a set of toilet accessories for Mrs. Harrison. A reception was held by Lady Stout at Wellington last week. Father Hays end a large number of her friends being invited to meet His Excellency tin Governor. Tlv* decoration of the rooms was prettily carried out. and the time’ was beguiled with the help of afternoon tea and music. Father Hays had a warm reception. His Excellency the* Governor arrived at a quarter to five, the National Anthem being played by the band. His ExO"lleney the Governor. attended bv Captain Bingham. A.D.C.. was present. Amongst the guests were: Sir .Joseph and Lady Ward, Mr Justice Williams. Mr Justice < hapman. Mr Justice Edwards, Mr Justice Cooper and Mrs Cooper. Bishop and Mrs Wallis and Miss Julius, Miss Massey, several members of Parliament, the Mav<»r and Mayoress, ami several professors from Victoria College.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXV, Issue 1, 8 July 1905, Page 41

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Personal Paragraphs New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXV, Issue 1, 8 July 1905, Page 41

Personal Paragraphs New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXV, Issue 1, 8 July 1905, Page 41

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