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Personal Paragraphs

Judge Cooper, 'Wellington, spent the Easter vacation in Auckland.

Mrs F. Richmond (Nelson) is visiting her sister, Miss Seymour, in Picton.

Mrs. and Miss Ledger passed through Wellington on their way to Sydney.

Mrs and Miss Nicholls (Christchurch) have left for England, via Sydney. Mrs W. Barton (Featherston) is spending a few days in Wellington. Mr. J. K. Coudy (Napier) has been visiting Wellington. Miss Hull (Auckland) is visiting Wellington.

Mrs G. Burns (Christehureh) is visiting Wellington for Easter. Miss M. Stuart (Wellington) is visiting friends in Pelorus Sound. Mr. J. V. Dingle, Auckland, is at present in New Plymouth. Mrs T*. Izard (Wellington) has gone to Wanganui for a week or two. Miss Dunlop and Miss Metcalf (Auckland) are visiting Wellington. Mr. N. Janies, Auckland, is visiting Mr. J. J. Curtis, of Otaki.

Lieut .Colonel Chaytor (Wellington) has gone up the Wairarapa for Eas’er. Major Hayhurst was in Wellington lately en route for Auckland. Mrs. John McVay, of Napier, has returned from a visit to Rotorua. Mr. and Mrs. Kinross 'White, of Napier, are staying at Pohui. Mr. Leekie. of Hastings, has been paying a visit to Napier. Mrs. Roehfort is staying with Mrs. pharazyn, of the Bluff Hill.

Mr. and Mrs. Percy, Webster, New Plymouth, are on a visit to Auckland.

Mr. and Mrs. Nelson are paying a short visit to Napier. Mrs C. Izard, of Wellington, is the guest of Mrs Pattle-Izett in Wanganui. Miss Holmwood, of Wellington, is the guest of Mrs Iloldship, Wanganui.

Mr, Mrs, and Miss Izard, of Christchurch, are staying in Wanganui. Mrs Lomax, of Wanganui, recently paid a flying visit to Wellington. Miss Higgle (Wanganui) has been visiting in Wellington.

Mrs Moller (Palmerston North) is in Auckland, staying with relations.

Mr and Mrs €'. Colbeck (Palmerston North) have gone for a trip to Sydney.

The Wapiti Hockey Club has elected Mr. J. M. Shera president for the ensuing year.

Mr E. Gerard will be a passenger for New Plymouth by the Takapuna this evening.

Mr E. J. Watt, the well-known Hawke’s Bay squatter, was in Auckland for the races.

Dr. Pomare, native health officer, is leaving for the South in the Takapuna this evening.

Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Briscoe left Auckland for America and Europe by last week's mail steamer.

Dr. and Mrs Kendall (Wellington) are spending the Easter holidays at the Upper Hutt. Mr and Mrs Peter Wood (Christchurch) and children are at Sumner for a few weeks.

Mr. Mrs and Miss McNab (Blenheim) are in Picton, staying at the Federal Hotel.

Miss Beswick. matron of Seaeliff Asylum, is spending a holiday at Rotorua.

Miss Harding (Wellington) is in Wanganui, staying with Mrs Montgomerie nt Eaglesham.

Mrs Armstrong (England) has come to 'Wellington after her stay in Picton. Miss Mann is travelling with her. Dr. and Mrs Henry (Wellington) are contemplating a trip fo England shortly.

Mrs Arthur Harper (Greymouth) is in Christchurch visiting relations and frienfls.

Professor McMillan-Brown has returned to Christchurch, after a few days in Wellington.

Mr Herdman, M.H.R., (Wellington) has gone South for Easter to pay a visit to his constituents at Mount Ida. The Hon. G. Richardson and Miss Richardson (Wellington) have gone to Sydney for a short stay.

Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Cottier and Mrs. J. Avery, New Plymouth, have gone for a short visit to Wellington. Mr. and Mrs. Fitzherbert, New Plymouth, are visiting their relatives in Palmerston North. Mrs, Sheffield, who has been on a visit to Wellington, has returned to New Plymouth.

Dr. Craig, of Rotorua, has so far recovered from his illness as to be able to go and stay with his brother at AVaihi. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Bailey, New Plymouth, are spending their Easter holidays in Wellington. Mrs. Elliott, New Plymouth, has gone to join her sister, Mrs. C. T. Mills, who lias taken a cottage at Lak? Takapuna. Miss Tregear. who has been visiting Mrs. Alexander, New Plymouth, has returned to her home in Wellington.

Mrs. R. Coek and Miss Cock have b en visiting Auckland, but have now returned to New Plymouth. Mr. Williams, of the Bank of Australasia, New Plymouth, spent his Easter holidays in Auckland. Mrs. Major (Hawera) was in Wellington lately for a short stay on her way across to Sydney. Mr. J. W. Joynt (Wellington) has been appointed chairman of the Wellington Musical Union for the coming year. Miss Hargreaves (Christchurch) has been in Wellington staying with Mrs. J. Rose, Lower Hutt. Mrs. anw Miss Brown (Wellington) have gone to the Hot Lakes. They will spend Some time in Auckland en route.

The Misses Wilson are back in Wellington after a round of visits in Canterbury and Otago. Captain and Mrs. Edwin (Wellington) are visiting friends in the Rangitikei for Easter. Miss Nairn, of “Porere,” Hawke’s Bay, has returned from a visit to Taupo and Rotorua. Miss I. Robertson, of Hastings, Hawke’s Bay, has gone for a visit to Wellington. Mr. and Miss Edwards, of Napier, are staying for a short time at Waikaremoana. Miss V. Hunter, who has been visiting her aunt. Mrs Tonks (Hawera), has returned to Hamilton. Mr and Miss Thomas of GreymoutTi, are the guests of Mr and Mrs A. E. Allison, Wanganui. Mr Geo. Moore and his sister Miss Moore, of the Wairarapa, are the guests of Mrs Earle in Wanganui. Mr and Mrs J. P. Innes (Palmerston North) have gone to Napier for a short holiday. Mt and Mrs MeKnight (Palmerston North) were in Hunterville spending Easter with relatives. Inspector Cullen has returned to Auckland from Wellington, where he attended the conference of police inspectors. Mr. and Mrs. Studholme, well-known Wellington people, are travelling to ’Frisco in the Sierra, and will also visit the Old Country. A call from the Chalmers congregation to the Rev. B. Maclaren. M.A., of Waipu, has been sustained by the Dunedin Presbytery. Mr James Edgar, of Dunedin, the general manager of the Victoria Fire Insurance office in New Zealand, is visiting Te Arolia. Mrs. Rainer, who, with Dr. Rainer, has been touring the colony, leaves for ’Frisco in the Sierra. Dr. Rainer will follow in the Sonoma. At the annual meeting of the TauTanga M.R. Q.M.-Sergt. Spooner was presented with a set of carvers by the company on the occasion of his marriage. Mr. W B. Lees, of the Wellington firm of Bing, Harris, and Co., Wellington, and wife, were passengers to ’Frisco by the Sierra, en route for England. Mr. and Mrs. MacDiarinid, the former manager of the Bank of New South Wales New Plymouth, spent their Easter holidays in Hawera and Stratford. Mr. W. D. Kirkpatrick, of the Oukw* School, has accepted a position of second assistant at the Gloucister strcst (School, Chrbitchuixh.

Mrs Walter Maefarlane (Kaiwarra), who has been in Christchurch shopping, has been staying with her sister (Mrs R. Brown, of St. Alban's). Mies Cawte and Miss Wyatt (Wairarapa) are visiting Mrs 11. Greensill (Pieton) and Mrs T. Cawte (Mahakipawn). Mi- and Mrs W. Dustin (Wanganui) were in Wellington for a day or two lately, on their way to Sydney, en route for EnglandMrs Leonard Dwan has been appointed president of the kiosk at the Floral Fete Bazaar, to be held in Wellington at Easter. Captain Tudor and Commander Armstrong of H.M.s. Challenger, went to Havelock deer stalking while the warship was in Picton. Mrs and the Misses Fitzherbert, of Wellington, were in Wanganui for the Collegiate School sports on Easter Monday. Mrs Snelson, who has been visiting friends in Sydney for the last six months, has returned to Palmerston North. Mrs. S. Wolford is visiting Auckland, and at New Plymouth on her way home to Wellington she is to be joined by her mother Mrs. Cunningham. The Rev. .1. C. Andrew (Wairarapa) has been making a stay in Wellington on matters connected with the University. Dr. -Arkle (England), who has been travelling about New Zealand for a few months, was in Wellington last week on his way back to London. Mrs. Houghton lias returned to Auckland after a few weeks in Wellington, where she has been staying with her people. Mr. and Mrs. J. Rose, and Mr. and Mrs. H. Rose, Waiwetu, Lower Hutt. Mrs. and Miss Fenwick (Dunedin) have come up to Wellington to meet the Gothic, by which the'Misses Fenwick are returning from England.

Captain W. D. Reid, who resigned the position of Superintendent of Mercantile Marine at Auckland, has been appointed master of the barque Clan McLeod. Mr and Mrs I. Irwin Wilson, old Whangarei identities, are visiting New Plymouth and Hawera. After 50 years of New Zealand Ife they look hale and hearty. Mrs. Philip Wirth, wife of Mr. Philip Wirth, circus proprietor, has been compelled to remain in Auckland through severe illness, which will prevent her travelling for some time. Mr Harold Watts, late head prefect of Nelson College, has passed the literary portion of the Army entranee examination. He is the eighth student, sent by Nelson College to the Indian army. The Hen. F. Dillingham, Consul-Gene-ral for the United States of America, left for San Francisco and Washington by the s.s. Sierra last week. Mrs. and Miss Dillingham accompanying him. Mr. Shirteliffe, manager for Messrs. A. S. Patterson and Co.. Wellington, and Mrs. Shirteliffe, left by the Sierra last week for San Francisco, and. after travelling through the State, wll visit Eng land. Mr. H. C. Brewer, who recently resign ed his position as Registrar of the Supreme Court at Auckland owing to illhealth, is now convalescent. He is going to New Plymouth this week to recuperate. Mrs. Forsyth, Egmont, is leaving shortly for a trip to the Old Country, and during his absence Mr. E. Maxwell will take his place as chairman of the Egmont County Council. Mr. Muir, of Wellington, is relieving Mr. Buekleton, as manager of the Bank of New- Zealand, New Plymouth, while the latter goes to Sydney for a wellearned holiday. Amongst the visitors in Rotorua for Easter were: Mr. and Mrs. R. Frater and family. Mr. and Mrs. 11. Gilfillan and the Misses Gilfillan, Miss Nolan, ail of Auckland. Mrs F. W. 'Walker (Ellerslie) has been on a short visit to Wanganui to be present nt the wedding of her eldest brother, Mr. Anthony Cottrell, solicitor, of Westport. Mrs Geo. and Miss Fenwick, of Dunedin, came up to Wellington to meet the Misses Linda and Flossie Fenwick, who are returning from Englund by the Gothic.

Mr E. Wilson, M.A., of the Hamilton West School, who is going to Europe on an extensive tour, left Auckland on Monday. He intends to study the various educational problems of England and the Continent. Captain Hill, of the Scots Greys, visited the Veterans’ Home recently, and was so pleased with what he saw that he forwarded a cheque for X 10 10/ as n contribution to the funds of the institution. Mr and Mrs M. E. Bannister left for an extended trip to America and Great Britain by the Sierra. Mr. Bannister has been secretary to the ‘•New Zealand Times” Company for some years. Mr Kenneth F. Gordon, son of the late Major Wm. Gordon, Auckland, has taken his M.R.C.S. degree at the University of London, and commences practice at Andover. Hampshire, England. Mr. Gordon was formerly in the B.N.Z. Mr and Mrs W- Smith (West Australia) have been revisiting New Zealand, after many years’ absence. They spent some days in Wellington before going on to Auckland by way of Wanganui and Rotorua. Mr Justice Denniston, who has been granted three months’ leave of absence on account of ill health, left Auckland for the South Sea Islands and America. Mr A. L. Denniston, his associate, accompanied bi n. Mr. and Mrs. Neil McLean arrived in Auckland from Wellington on Saturday, and are staying at the Star Hotel. Mrs. McLean, Miss McLean, and Mr. Gordon McLean leave on May 2 by the Union Steamship Company's Navua on her South Sea Island excursion. The “Kimberley Advertiser” states that Mr Gerald Allen, who for the past IS months has been accountant in the Kimberley Bank of South Africa, bas been promoted to Capetown, and prior to leaving had been entertained and presented with a handsome travelling dock. Mr Allen is an old Picton boy. Mr. Norman Kensington, who is doing field work with a survey partv in the King country, has returned to homo in New Plymouth, where he intends having a few weeks rest before he returns. Mr. M. W. C. Sprott, who has just gained a senior scholarship iu Greek at the New Zealand University, is the eldest son of the Rev. T. H. Sprott, vicar of St. Paul's pro-Cathedral, Wellington. Mr. M. Sprott is a student at Victoria College. Wellington. Mrs. R. Loughnan (Wellington) is taking possession again of her house, which for the last year or more has been let to Mrs. Rees George. Mr. and Mrs. Lougnan have been living in rooms for some time, but just lately they have been staying at the Hut’. Mr vl. A. Pearson, for many years chief draughtsman in the chief mechanical engineers’ branch of Hie Government railways, has been appointed district locomotive engineer on the Wellington NapierNew Plymouth section, vice Mr. T. A. Peterkin, retired on superannuation.

Mr. P. G. Morgan, director of tin Waiiii School of Mines, has accepted a position on the Government geological staff as geologist. Mr. Morgan will preeced to Wellington at the end of next month. Mr. Morgan has been director of the Waihi School of Mines since its commencement, nearly eight years ago. One of the keenest collectors of books and curios relating to the early history of New Zealand is Mr A. Turnbull, Wellington. His library contains some very valuable works, which are now cut of print. Mr Turnbull is always willing to allow access to his collection to anyone genuinely interested in the history of the colony, and many writers on the early days of New Zealand arc deeply indebted to him for information. Mr William Gill, who is one of the passengers to England by the Corinthic, is a very well known resident of Wellington. For many years he has been a prominent figure in matters connected with music, which is one of his principal hobbies in private life. He has just resigned his position as president of the Wellington Musical Union, on a<y count of his coming departure for a trip to tho Old Country. Miss Gill aa companies her father. They will prob* bly be baok in Wellington by Christina*

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXIV, Issue 17, 29 April 1905, Page 43

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Personal Paragraphs New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXIV, Issue 17, 29 April 1905, Page 43

Personal Paragraphs New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXIV, Issue 17, 29 April 1905, Page 43

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