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Personal Paragraphs

Mrs Henry Wood (Christchurch) has gone South on a short visit. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Haydon (Christchurch) left for the Argentine last week. Miss Gregg, of Wanganui, is staying With Mrs. C. McLean, of Napier. Mrs. Morrison, of the Wairarapa, is staying in Wanganui. Mrs. John Barton, of Wellington, is at present on a visit to Wanganui. Mr J. CunuinglUam of Melbourne, is making a short visit to New Plymouth. Mrs Babington (Wellington) is staying at Waikanae for the present. Mrs. J. T. Stewart, of Wanganui, is staying with friends in Wellington. Mrs and Miss Ross (Dunedin) are at present in Wellington. Mrs Alec Crawford (Wellington) is Tialting friends in Hawke’s Bay.

Mrs and Miss Roy (New Plymouth) have been staying in Wellington lately. Mrs. Cave, of Waverley, has been staying in Wanganui with Mrs Sarjeant. Miss A. Gibson (Palea), was the guest of' Mrs Hirst (Hawera) last week. Mrs. Friend, of Palmerston North, is staying in Wanganui. Mrs Loughnan (Timaru) is visiting friends in Wellington. Mrs. and Miss Humphries, of Napier, are staying in Wellington. Miss V. Wilson, of Napier, is staying with her sister, Mrs. Reed, of Waipawa. Mr J. J. Devine will contest the Wellington Mayoralty. The Rev. Herbert-Williams. M.A., of Gisborne, has been visiting Napier. The Rev. C. E. Beecroft, of Napier, has returned from a visit to England. Mrs. Barnieoat, of Wanganui, is paying a visit to Napier. The Misses Techemaker (Oamaru) are in-Christchurch on a visit. Miss McLean (Wanganui) is the guest of Mrs. R. K. Reed, at Palmerston North. Mrs and Miss Russell (Palmerston N.) are the guests of Mrs T. C. Williams, Hobsou-street, Wellington. Mrs and Miss Montgomerie (Eagleeliam, Wanganui) are staying with friends in Wellington. Dr. and Miss Bennett (Foxton) are leaving there in order to spend a few months in RarotongaMr. and Mrs. A. S. Elworthy (Tima ru) are staying at Bisjjopscourt, Christchurch. Miss Bedford has returned to New Plymouth after a pleasant trip to Rotorua and Auckland. Mrs and Miss Martin (Napier) made a short stay in Wellington on their way to Christchurch. Mrs Foote, wife of Capt. Foote, H.M.s. Psyc-he, is staying at Caulfield House, Sydney-st., Wellington. Miss Durie (Sydney), is at present staying with her sister, Mrs R. H. Nolan (Hawera.) Miss Eva. Biggs, of Hamilton, is visiting New Plymouth, and staying with her aunt, Mrs Paul.' Mrs. IT. Campbell (Hawke’s Bay) is staying with Mr. and Mrs. George Eliott (Gisborne). Mrs Gregg. Mabakipawa, Marlborough, has returned home from a short trip to Wellington. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Russell and family left Palmerston North on Monday en route for England. Mrs Rule and Miss Ida Rule, of Christchurch, are staying with Mrs P. Webster of New Plymouth. Airs. J. M. Johnstone, Palmerston North, has gone to Dunedin for a change after her reeent illness. Mrs. Baldwin, of Wellington, who was staying in Napier with her sister, Mrs. Moore, has returned home. Lady Plnnket and the Hon. Kathleen Blanket left Christchurch on Tuesday for Dunedin. Mr. Holmes Hall, of Melbourne, who has been staying with Mr. and Mrs. Tabuteau, of Napier, has returned home.

Mrs. and Miss Morrison, of Auckland, are spending a short holiday in Wanganui. Miss Cameron, of England, is staying at "Wharenui,” Wanganui, with her sister, Miss Cameron. The Rev. F. R. TTarbord, an English clergyman, who is now visiting the colony, went to Rotorua last week. Mr G- Allport, secretary of the Marine Department, is visiting Auckland. Mr W. Gothard, editor of the Westport "Times,” is visiting Auckland. He left for Rotorua on Monday. Mi' Arnold will contest Dunedin South, and Mr Millar Dunedin Central against allcomers. Mr Henry Wood, of the firm of Wood Bros., of Christchurch, arrived in Auckland by the Zealandia on Monday. Dr. Mason (chief health officer of New Zealand) in Auckland on Monday. He will attend tire Medical Conference. Mrs Pharazyn (Napier) and her daughter, Mrs Steadman (Napier), are spending a few days in Wellington, and are staying a few days at the Royal Oak. Miss Morgan, who accompanied the Waihi soloists at the band contest, has been presented with a handsome brooch by- the competitors. Mr Geo- H. Buekeridge. provincial organiser of the New Zealand Fanners’ Union, is at present visiting the Northern districts. Mr IL Stead, who conducts the Australasian edition of the "Review of Reviews," is about to visit New Zealand. Mr Stead is a son of Mr W. T. Stead. Mr David Moles worth, sen., the oldest working coal-miner in the Waikato, left Huutly last week on a six months’ trip to the Old Country. The Rev. W. E. Gillam received a telegram from Mr. Seddon stating that he will be present at the consecration of St. Matthew’s Church. Mr. and Mrs. Jupp, of Wellington, went up to Rotorua last week with a party, and will return to the South by way of the Wanganui river. Mr R. IL Nolan and his son. Vernon, left Hawera last Tuesday for Auckland, en route for England, where they intend remaining for about a year. Mr H. A. Parker (Wellington), the well-known -tennis player, has left for England in order to compete at the English Championship Meeting. Miss Amy Murphy (Dunedin) is now in Wellington, having accepted an offer to sing at the Navy League concert to be held in the Town Hall. Mrs. Greig, of Wanganui, has gone to Dannevirke to be present at Miss Knight's wedding, which takes place next week. Mrs Beauchamp, "'Anikiwa,'’ Marlborough, and Mrs T. Cawte, Mahakipawa, Marlborough, were in Pieton this week, staying with Mrs H. Gre.ens.ill. Mr W. Denison Roebuck, F.L.S., is in Auckland just now. He goes to Sydney next month. He has been making some scientific investigations in the colony. The Rev. C. Griffin, whose name appeared in the Southward passenger list of the Rotoiti, did not go on her. He

left on Monday for the eonfenme at Wellington . Mr Ernest Chitty, nn inmate of th* Jubilee Institute for the Blind, has rereceived intimation of passing the first section of the examination for the BA, degree. Mr and Mrs T. C. Urquhart, of Whangapoua, Coromandel, who have left that district for Auckland, were presented with souvenirs of the locality by the people of the district. Mr Roy Furness. Blenheim, a student of Canterbury College, has passed hie final B.A. examinations successfully, and is receiving numerous congratulations from his .Marlborough friends. Lord and Lady Ennismore arrived in Wellington from Sydney per Warrimoo, and will make a short stay here. Lord Ennismore is an ardent, fisherman, and hopes to get some sport in the district. Mr and Mrs Mart in Kennedy, who went to Christchurch in order to be present at the consecration of the Roman Catholic Cathedral, have returned to Wellington. Mrs and Miss G'osman (England), who have been spending some months in New Zealand, are returning to the Old Country next month. They are at present in Wellington. News lias been received by cable of the death of the Hon. Capt. Addington, R.N. Capt. Addington was a brother of the lion. Mrs Arkwright, Overton. Rangitikei, and was in command of 11.M.5. Phoebe until a year -or two ago. Mrs Ferris, of Parramatta (New South Wales), who is a sister of Mr W. Lyons, the well-known Auckland bowler, is at present in Rotorua. She has been seriously ill from pleurisy, and is now recovering rapidly. Mr Henry Clayton Brewer, of Auckland, who has been very seriously ill for the last twelve weeks, is slowly recovering, ami though still confined to bed, is now able to see his friends occasionally. Mr Archibald Stewart was wailed upon by the Mt. Wellington' Road Board a few days ago and presented with an illuminated address, recognising his 2.5 years’ work as a member of the Board. Mr Stewart has just retired from the Board. Information has been received privately that Miss Caddick, traveller and authoress, left England for New Zealand on the 28th ult. One of Miss Caddick’a feats of travel was to penetrate Africa, by herself. The outcome of this journey was that interesting book "A White Woman in Central Africa.” The Revs. Blair. Slade, Griffiths. Rothwell, Luxford, Griffin, and Greenslade went, to Wellington last week by the Rotoiti. They are bound to Wellington, where the annual session of the New Zealand Methodist Conference is to be held. The many friends of the Rev. T. 11. and Mrs Sprott (Wellington) will ba glad to hear that they have just received the news that their son, Dr. Maurice Sprott, has passed the final section of liis B.A. degree, and has won the Senior University Scholarship in Greek.

Mr. and Mr<. Cowper. Mr. pnd Mrs. 8. Peel. Mr. 11. Cowper. Mr. Earle, ilte Cowper (?>, and Mr.. Mrs., and Mi<s Montgomerie, hII of Wanganui, are in Dannrvirke to be present at Mr. 11. Cowper’s wedding. The Rev. Father Patterson, who has been visiting Wellington for some days, h is returned to Auckland. He intends lo go back to Yorkshire (where lie was born of iri'.h parents) and Ireland for about nine month's a holiday well deserved by many yuns of hard work. The iamiku* figure of the popular cleric will be missed greatly iu Auckland. The Rev. and Mrs. C. ('. Harper and family returned to Palau •rstoii North ou Munday from their trip to England. The Rev. R. Young, who has been actingvicar al All Saints* during Mr. Harper’s absence, left on the same day for Plimmerton, where he will spend a month’s holiday. Mr. Young will then resume the charge of the Cartertoil parMr W. R. Bloomfield, of ~nd.was injured in alighting from a tram-car last week. He was in the ad- of alighting from a car when the ear unexpectedly moved forward, uml Mr Bloomfield, losing his balance, fell to the ground. He received a cut. over the forehead and also injured his wrisls. He was able io proceed to the Volunteer Officers’ Club iu the Drill Hall, where he was attended by Surgeon Cap lain J. ’I. Neil. A pleasing function took place on Saturday at the premise* of Messrs. Buchanan & Co., I .Id., wholesale jewellers, Albert street, when Mr. T. R. Ballantine was presented with a handsome marble clock by the factory employees, in view of hi-* approaching marriage. Mr. Haydon, in u few well-chosen remarks, expressed the good wishes of the employees for Mr. and Mrs. Ballantine's prosperity and happiness, to which the recipient suitably replied. The Rev. A T. Thompson was welcomed back to Thames on Thursday night by the congregation of St. .tames’ Church. 'lhe Rev. Dr. O’Callagbaa. vicar of St. George’s Church, presented u fine sideboard to Mr and .Mrs Thompson on behalf of the congregation, and the Te Ihiia Lmlics’ Ib.-vkey Chib, o< which Mr Thompson is president. also gave him some sib. er table appurtenances. At the residence of Mr and Mrs M. 11. Walker, of l\>xton, an enjoyable garden party was given uu Wednesday last ns a farewell to the mw. Alt Harris and Mrs Harris, who leave for Auckland, on March 7. ati r a term of four years on the Foxtun Station. Mr (I. IL Stiles, on behalf of the congregation, presented Mr Harris with a silver inkstand, and then Mrs Austin, on behalf of the l.ailfes’ Sewing Guild, presented Mrs Harris with a gold chain. .Mr G. Simpson, Mayor uf Fo.xion, acting as spokesman. 'the condition of th? Very Rev. Monsignor Paul, V.G.. of Onehunga. is causing his medical adviser. Dr W. G. Scott, as well as hi-? parishioners, grave anxiety. The rev. gentleman has been Confined to his bed fur th- past three

weeks, nml notwithstanding all that can be dune, shows little signs of improvement. This is particularly regretted, as His Lordship Bishop I.enihati and the clergy of Hie were preparing a fitting souvenir for the occasion of his golden jubilee to the priesthood, which would occur in May next. Ale I**red. B. Smith, organiser of tlie Y.M.C.A. work in the United States, is expected shortly Io arrive in the colonies. He is considered by Mr J. B. Mott to be the greatest evangelist in America, and Australian religious papers consider liis meetings in Sydney will be the biggest thing of their kind ever see there. He is especialiy attractive as a speaker to men. who in Hie Slates flock to hear him. After his Sydney meetings Mr Smith loaves for Wellington on May l.Tlli, and it is probable that he will visit Auckland during his tour. T he Rev. R. Hal', who has been minister of Hie Alexandra-street I’.M. Chnreli for (he past year, lias been transferred to the Ashburton circuit, and left for his new charge on Monday next. Mrs Hall is going back to England for eight mouths by the lonic from Wellington. The Rev. W. S. Potter, of ihe Auckland No. 2 circuit, replaces him, and the Rev. G. Clements, who has bean in Geraldine lately, takes his place in Hie No. 2 circuit. The No. 3 circuit remains unchanged. Hie Rev. Mr Sinaills being veil ppoi u led. The officers and men of the Pttone Naval Artillery have bidden farewell to Cuptaiii Archibald, who is being transferred to Auckland. Major Kirk referred io the high efficiency of Captain Archibald, and the high esteem in which lie was held, not only by present members of the corps, but by those who had passed over to the Ex-Naval*’ Association. On behalf of the Pctoiv Naval* he presented Captain Archibald with a handsome silver inkstand and silver pen. as a farewell gift and a token of their esteem. Captain Archibald was also Hie recipient of a handsome gift from (lie members of the permanent staff, and a gold badge-pin from Hie members of the Ex Navels' Association. A smoke concert was tendered by ihe limit Club, in Hie Sans Souei Tea Kiosk. Onehunga, last week, to Mr. E. D. O'Rorke and Mr. W. Carminer, Mr. O’Korkc. who has Laid office as master for some time, has resigned 011 account of his intention to visit England, and Mr. Carminer, bon. treasurer, is leaving Auckland. Mr. W. McLaughlin, the master, presided, ami presented both the guests with handsome smokers’ companions in- oak cases suitably inscribed. In making the presentation, Nir. W. McLaughlin stated that Mr. O’Rorke was the best master the club had ever had, courteous, fair, and exceedingly hospitable. He also eulogised the services of Mr. Carminer, both geu tiemen respond! ng.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXIV, Issue 9, 4 March 1905, Page 41

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Personal Paragraphs New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXIV, Issue 9, 4 March 1905, Page 41

Personal Paragraphs New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXIV, Issue 9, 4 March 1905, Page 41

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