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Personal Paragraphs.

Mr. and Mrs. W. Lavin (Rangitikei) •re in Wellington at present. Mrs. C. Colbeek, of Palmerston North, is visiting in Napier.

Mr and Mrs Hope, of Tiinaru, are •pending some weeks in Wanganui. Miss Beard, of Masterton, is staying tn Wanganui with Miss Izard.

Miss Peach* (Mt. Somers) is in C'hristehureh, staying with Mrs J. C. Palmer. Miss Witchell, of Auckland, is staying in Wanganui with Mrs Arthur Lewis. The new county engineer for Pohaugina is Mr. T. Harland, of Carterton.

Mr R. E. Isaacs has returned to Auckland from his trip to Sydney. Mr. F. Barton, of Gisborne, has left f&r England via San Francisco. Mr. J. C. Andrew, of “lea” station, M’airarapa, is at present in Wellington.

M iss Stewart, -of Wellington, is the guest of Mrs Griffiths, in Wanganui. Miss Hamilton (Fendalton) is paying • visit in Ashburton.

Miss K. Wheeler (Wellington) is visiting friends in New Plymouth. Mrs. Mellsop has returned to Palmerston North from a trip to Wanganui. Mr. and Mrs. Eliott (Gisborne) have gone to Napier for a few days. Mr and Mrs Goodwin, of Canterbury, •re spending a holiday in Wanganui. Mr. and Mrs. Rutledge (Gisborne) are on a short trip to Napier. Captain and Mrs. Worsp are in Auckland staying at the Grund Hotel. Major and Mrs. Winter (Gisborne) •re making a short visit to Napier. Miss Muriel Waldegrave (Wellington) is the guest of Mrs. 11. L. Fitzherbert, Palmerston North.

Mr Christie, St. John’s Hill, Wanganui, has returned from a flying visit to the Empire City.

The. Misses Brandon, of Wellington, have returned home after several weeks in the South-

General Booth, of the Salvation Army, is expected to arrive in the colony in April next. Mrs Williams (Anderson Bay. Dunedin) is staying in Wellington tor a chart time.

Sir Robert Stout has now recovered from the attack of influenza which recently incapacitated him. Miss Gilmer (Wellington) is in Christchurch, staying with her sister, Mrs Ziele.

Mrs. and Miss Didsbury are back in Wellington after a stay of some weeks in Australia and Auckland.

Mr Gonville Saunders, of Wanganui, has been spending a holiday with friends in Napier. Mrs H. . Buchanan (Little River) is •faying in Christchurch, and is tin: guest of Mrs Anson, Worcester-street. Mr. Spencer, of the Union Bank, Palmerston North, has returned from his holiday.

Mis C. Johnston, of Wellington, who has been in Wanganui for some weeks, has returned to her home.

Miss Hardy, who has been staying with Mr. and Mrs. A. Seymour, Gisborne, has returned to Canterbury. Mr Edgar, M.R.C.V.S., of Wanganui, leaves .this month for a visit to England.

Mr. Vaughan, of the Union Bank, Palmerston North, has left for a six weeks’ trip to Tasmania. Major-General Babington is still in Australia. His leave of absence will expire on the 26th inst. Mrs Justin Aylmer, of ’Wellington, is ■faying in Wanganui with Mrs Colin Campbell and Mrs Basil Taylor. Air and Mrs Finlay .Saunders, of Wanganui, have gone io Dannevirke, where they intend to reside.

Mr J. J. Craig has been appointed a director of Messrs. Bycroft, Limited, Auckland.

Mr. A. 11. Elkin, the well-known dentist, returned by the Mararoa from his trip to Sydney.

Mr and Mrs Craeroft. (Pieton) are staying with Mr and Mrs 11. Harris at Port Hegar, Pelorus Sound,

Mr Harris has had to shorten his visit t® Pelorus Hound, and return to I’ieton on account of ill-health. Miss D. Moore has return* d to Christchurch after a lengthened visit to Wellington and Napier. Mr G. and Miss Humphreys (Christchurch) have been to Hamner for a short holiday.

Mr and Sirs Spong have resigned the charge of the Old People’s Home at Thames.

Miss Ferguson (Blenheim) has been appointed to the llaniuer Springs Sanatorium.

Mr Albert Hinman, of the Savings Bank, Auckland, is spending a holiday at Rotorua.

Mr and Mrs Hugh Lusk, of Napier, are now on their way out to the colony from the Old Country. Lieut. Edden. of 11.M.5. Penguin, canto over to Auckland by the mail btiat last week, on leave till the arrival of his ship.

Lady Ward and her youngest son, who have been staying in Napier for the. benefit of their health, have returned to Wellington. Miss Phillips, of Canterbury, who has been staying in Wanganui for some time with her aunt, Mrs Barnieoat, has returned to her home.

Mr. Leslie Lewis, of Melbourne, is shortly coming over to Wellington as accountant of the T. and G. Mutual Life Society.

Mr Lacy Peake, of Cambridge, who has been staying in Wanganui with Mrs If. Peake, has returned to his home.

Mr George Joachim, general manager of the Westport Coal Company, is paying one of his periodical visits to Auckland.

Miss Woodbine-Jolmston and Miss Evans, of Gisborne, are the guests of Mrs Marfarlane, of Clive Grange, Hawke’s Bay. Air and Mrs D. Love (Waikawa), Mr and Mrs Riddell, and Miss J. Seymour were among the Picton visitors to the races at Blenheim.

Mrs and Miss Carew, of Dunedin, came up to Auckland last week, and are now at Rotorua with Mrs and Miss Moss, of Parnell.

Mr. Seymour (Christchurch) and Airs. Seymour, who have recently arrived from Ireland, are staying with Mr. A. S. Seymour, Gisborne.

Among the passengers on the Orontcs, now on the voyage to Australia, is Mrs Snell, of Auckland, who lias been at Home for the past two years. Miss Muriel Dargavillc (Parnell) leaves this week for Inglewood, Taranaki, on a visit to her sister, Mrs Harold Thompson.

Dr. Carolan, of Birkenhead, who underwent a serious operation for appendicitis some time ago, is making good progress towards recovery.

Airs Young and Miss Emmie Young, and Miss Dagmar Gilfillan, of Parnell, Auckland. are staying at the National Hotel, Cambridge.

Mrs Fenwick (Christchurch) and Mrs L. Fenwick are having a few weeks’ change at the Rhodes Convalescent Home.

Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Waldegrave hare returned to Palmerston North from their trip to .Sydney. Mr. Waldegrave is much improved in health.

Air. and Mrs. A. Strong, Mr. and Airs. J. Strang, and Mrs. Lionel Abraham have returned to Palmerston North from Napier, where they’ have been playing in the recent golf tournament.

Air and Mrs Harry Bloomfield, who have been having a delightful holiday since they left Auckland, have started from England on their homeward journey.

Air. R. Angus, of Messrs. Thos. Cook and Hons., who has been on a visit to Christchurch to appoint new agents for the. firm in that eity, returned to Auckland last week.

Airs. Quick has returned to Wellington after a long visit to her daughter, Mrs. Quick-Ingles, in Melbourne. She spent a week or two ia Sydney on the way back.

Airs Turner (Cannibal Bay. Queen Charlotte Sound) is in Pieton, staying with Airs Scott. She intends going on to Seddon shortly to **• jjer daughter, Mrs Himpaou.

Mr ami Mrs Percy Cibson, of Wliakapirau, Kalpnra, who have been at Home for some time, leave this month on the return journey, which will be made via Frisco.

Air W. Ware, of Remneva, returned to Auckland on Monday by the Manuka after a ten months' tour, during which he visited the Argentine, the Gid Country, Canada and Australia. A handsome set of table cutlery has been presented by the senior staff of the Union Company’s branch office at Wellington to the traffic manager. Air. W. G. Fraser, who has just been married. The Rev. Joseph Clark, pastor of the Baptist Tabernacle at Auckland, intends to be present at the Baptist Conference in Dunedin, lie left Auckland on Saturday. Air. Ilorr, manager of the Union S.S. Co. at Blenheim, was a passenger from the South by the Tarawera last week. After visiting the Hot Lakes lie proceeds on to Svctaey.

Airs R. Herbert Rathbone, who has been on a visit to Auckland, has now returned to her home in Alasttrten. While in Auckland she was the guest of Airs Cotwill (daughter of the late Hon. IVm. Swanson) and Airs Captain Braduey, of Aft. Reskill.

Air Al. Dobson, one of the British footballers, remained in Sydney after the team left for .England, and is now on a cruise of the New Hebrides in the steamer Tanibo.

The Wellington Presbytery, on the motion of the Revs. Dr. Gibb and J. K. Elliott, agreed to nominate the Rev. D. Borrie, of Dunedin, ns Moderator of the General Assembly’ for 1905.

Mr. Fred. C. Emlean, of Auckland, who went Home to England to study medicine, has successfully passed his enter,neo examination, and is now studying at the famous Guy’s Hospital, London.

At a meeting of the Parnell Borough Council last week leave of absence was granted foi' six weeks to Mr Foster, who intends spending a holiday in Sydney and Melbourne.

Dr. Aforgan was presented at Waihi the other evening with a handsome ease of pipes by members of (ho United Friendly Societies’ Bail Committee in recognition of his services as secretary.

Mr Jesse Thnson, who has conducted the Dunedin Liedertafel for the past ten .years, has been presented with a golden lyre by Hie members of the Society in recognition of their appreciation of his services.

Air A. C. Elliott, of the Accountants’ Branch of the Post and Telegraph Department, will retire from the Public Service at the end of the present month in order to enter into business on his own account.

Airs Arkwright (“Overton.’’ Rangitikei), who has been spending the last two or three months in Welliiigt m, has returned home. The Hon. F. Arkwright, AI.L.C.. remains in Wellington till the end of the session.

The Hon. C. J. and Airs. Johnston, ‘Tlomewood,” Karori, are back in Wellington after a hurried trip to Wanganui to see their youngest son. who was seriously ill. He is now, fortunately, vjuite convalescent.

A purse of sovereigns has lieen presented by the employees of the “Evening Post,” Wellington, to Air A. Williams, who is leaving to set up on his own account.

Air Nepean Kenny’, of the National Bank, who has been i ransferred to Grey mouth, left for his new duties lasi week. Before his departure the stall presented him with it pair of gold sleevelinks and a sovereign case.

A Dimedin telegram states that at a representative gathering of members of the, legal profession, Mr W. G. Riddell was congratulated on his appointment as magistrate, and presented with a handsome silver salver and an umbrella.

Mr and Miss .Mandel, who have just left Wellington for a holiday trip to Australia, each received a souvenir from the staff of the Empire Hotel. Mr Mandel’s was a travelling rug. and Miss Mandel's n silver-bx ked hand mirror.

Major Whitney (general manager of (he Colonial Ammunition Company) left for Wellington on Sunday per s.s. Rarawa. Major Whitney will spend :* '.holt time in Wellington <,u business connected with the company and then leave for Sydney en route for Melbourne.

Air. J. T. Al. Hornsby, of Carterton, Ims been waited upon by a deputation from the AVairarapa Libera) Association, who invited him to stand for the electorate at the next election. Air. Hornsby gave no definite reply, but seemed unwilling to contest the election again.

Mrs Aeland, of “Aft. Peel,” Rangitata. who has beer, staying in Wanganui with her daughter, Mrs W. Empson. at the Collegiate School and at liar.era. with Mrs Lysught, has returned (o Christchurch.

Dr. Neligan, the Anglican Bishop of Auckland, will pay his first visit to tho Raglan rur.l Kuwhin portions of his diocese on Sunday, 11th December, when he will hold a confirmation service in the local church.

Air E. AV. Goteh, of the Wellington branch of the Customs Department, has just returned from a trip to England. He travelled there by the American route, and came buck by the Red Sen and Australia.

Mr. Lyons, Government veterinary, who is exceedingly popular'in Waikato, where he is well known, and who is now on a visit to Scotland on leave, was recently married in Edinburgh. Mr. Lyons will shortly return io the colony. Mr C. Croucher, of Wellington, secretary of the Alorehant Service Guild of Australasia, has tendered his resignation. Air Croucher founded the guild, whieh was first known as the New Zealand Mercantile Marine Officers' Association. Air and Mrs Elgar, who have neen spending the in \V •liiington. have gone home to "Fernside,” Carterton. They only returned from a tup to England a few months ago. so it is some time since they were in t'ac \\ airarapa. All’s, ami Alias Gore are. back in Wellington after a trip to Sydney. Tisiy went across with the New Zealand lawn tennis learn, of whieh .Mr. U. Gore was a member, and were natural’y much interested in the tournament. Miss Gore is one of the host lady players in Wellington. Great sympathy (writes our Palmerston North correspondent) is fell for Air. and Mrs. l.iggs at the death of their eldest son, Mr. Hany Uggs. He •lied in the Palmerston Hospital on October 7. Air. 11. Liggs was a dentist, and was formerly a resident of Auckland. Air W. Ferguson (Wellington) intends to let his large house on the ’leirace, mid is moving to Newton. The change is for the benefit of Atrs Fergiison'n health, as she finds ;> flat phi<-e easier tor getting about, and their la.use 011 the Terrace is situated on a very steep hill. Mr, J. JK Alentiplay, who -m been rce.leeted lion. see. and treasurer of the Nortaern Howling Association, is ne of Wellington’s most enthusiastic liowhis, and for many years has been a prominent, member of the Wellington Club, lie has competed at most, of the. championship tournaments, am) at various times has filled most of the official positions in his club with much .success. Proof of the keener interest taken by Wellinglonians in cricketing matters ibis season is shown by the newly-fi rm< <1 Umpires’ Association, convened by Mr, D. McKenzie. A strong committee was formed, and Mr. G. Warren was elected hem. secretary. Alessrs. Bevan, Stevens, Alilwurd mid Barclay are among the members.

Mr A. IT. Brookes, who has been travelling for the Campbell -Eh rcn fried Co. lor some time, has left the firm to manage the North Shore-Taka puna Motor 'Bits Co., and the employees with whom he has been associated in the brewing company have presented him with a drri»ing-ca.«e a> a token of their esteem.

At the Onehtinga 'District High School last week. Mr. 'J*. F. Warren. a popular teacher in the school, was presented with a handsome silver-mounted pipa and ca-ie. The presentation was made on behalf of the Football Chib by J. A. Parry, who referred to Mr Warren’s great services in the past season. Three hearty cheers were then given for the teacher by the club. Marton, Kargitikei, is the Jr»mc ot Miss Amy Millirent Remington, who has just distinguished her.* elf by successfully passing the examination for certificated pianist of Trinity College, London. The success is more emphatic when it is known that Miss Remington is only twelve years of age — surely unprecedentedly young for so stiff an examination. Last year she carried off an exhibition of nine guineas. It is hoped that her futuie career will cany out the promise of her gifted youth. Mr A. Remington, M.H.R., is an uncle of hers. Mr. A. E. Cohen. Parliamentary representative of th? ••Dunedin Evening Star,” ■was entertained at dinner in the Parliamentary pressroom last week by members <>f the press gallery, on the occasion of bis retirement from duty in the gallery. Mr. Cohen has had nearly a-quar-tcr of a century’s service in the gallery, and his departure is keenly felt by his confreres. The toast of the gnr>t of the evening was proposed by Mr. F. K. Reeves (chairman of the gallery), spoken to by Messrs. A. M. Burns (vice-chair-man), Malcolm Ross, R. A. Loughman, and J. Oakley Browne, and enthusiastically honoured. A capital spread was provided by Bellamys, and the whole proceedings were marked by that spirit of warm comradeship which is an outstanding feature of the Parliamentary pre-s gallery. *

Official intimation has been received by the Premier that Lady Onslow and 1 lie Honourables Dorothy and Huia Onslow will sail for New Zealand in the Ohpir on November 11, reaching Sydney a boil t December 17. and if they come direct by the L'nion Company’s .steamer, they should reach New Zealand about December 21. As a t iniuriki (c.r baby), 1 he Honourable Huia Onslow was formally admitted into the Ngatihuia trib?, and from them he takes his name, Huia. The chiefs and members of the tribe intend, in true Maori fashion, to give a hearty huoremai to their rangitira, who left them as a tamariki, and now returns in early manhood. 'the Bishop of Auckland gave an oflical dinner at last week ■before the Synod, at which the following were present: The Mayor of Auckland (Hon. E. Mitehelsou). the Chancellor of the. Diocese (Judge SethiSmith). the Officer Commanding the District (Colonel Davies), District Judge K«*ltle, the Archdeacons of Waikato. Waimatv. Auckland, and Taranaki; the chairman of committees (Mr t’pton), iTofes-or Brown, the warden of St. John’s (Bev. 11. Anson), the vicar of the Cathedral (Canon AlacMarray). the diocesan registrar (Mr Cochrane), the bon. medical officers (Dr*. Hope Lewis and I’oberton), members of council of 'Diocesan School (Canon Beatty. Messrs. Speight. I uuks, Gilfillan. E. Horton); Ihe ordination preacher (Rev. E. M. Cowie), and the domestic chaplain (Rev. M. Sutton). The Bishop of New Guinea was to have been one of the guests, but he was unable to be pi esent on account of his illness.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXIII, Issue XVII, 22 October 1904, Page 45

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Personal Paragraphs. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXIII, Issue XVII, 22 October 1904, Page 45

Personal Paragraphs. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXIII, Issue XVII, 22 October 1904, Page 45

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