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(By Telegraph.—Special to “Graphic.”) CIIRI «TCIII RCII. Friday. Rose Shield, who continues to look light ami wasted, will probably be sent to the hors? before she is raced again. Old Djin-Djin has become very musical after the severe attack of strangles which nearly killed him last winter. Petrovna’s two-year-old brother, Astrachan, in Taggart’s stable, shows considerable promise, and is coming on nicely. The Seaton Dchivnl (’antatrice Lilly Canticle, in the same stable, also continues to do well. Hobbs has had an addition to his tt’nm in th? shape of a two-year old gelding by Cyrenian from th? Cuirassier marc Chiara. This youngster, who was in a very bad way from strangles after his arrival In re from Auckland last summer, lias picked up remarkably well, and is now a lusty, powerful customer. II? may never be a champion, but he should develop into a useful horse. The yearling by Finland from the Perkin Warbeck 11. Chiara mare Walda has been added to the list. Golden Lily ami the two-year -Id colt Delaware, by Seaton Delaval. left for Napier on Wednesday to fulfil their respective engagements at the Hawke’s Bay Jockey Club’s spring meeting. Delaware met with an arc ident which might: have? ended his career there, and (lien, while he was being swung ou Hoard, >*omr part of the steam winch broke, with th;* result that th? box was precipitated on to the dv?k. Luckily neither the colt nor his attendant suffered any injury from the mishap. Cruciform. Nightfall. Martian, and Grand Rapids returned from Sydney by the Waikare yesterday. The horses, who were in charge of Mason, had a good passage, amt wore landed in capital miler. Cruciform still shows the marks of her scrimmaging at Randwick. Mason also brought: over a couple of yearlings purchased in Sydney by Mr C. G. Daigety. Calibre gave further evidence tif the improvement which a rest has wrought in him. With 8.12 on his hack he won the Geraldine Cup comfortably from De La Key. to whom he was conceding 231 bs, while the Stepniak three-year-old Somaroff, a recent winner, in receipt of 231 bs, was third. Good though his performance was, it was eclipsed yesterday, when, carrying 9.8, he appropriated the Spring Handicap, beating De La Hey 7.8 and Terrapin 7.11, and covering the mil? in 1.45. Evidently the son of Light Artillery will have to he reckoned with in the New Zealand Cup, in which, despite the penalty lie has earned, his weight is m?re featherweight. Oblivion 21. started in the Geraldine Cup, but: ran. if anything, worse than he did at Tlmuru and Ashburton, am! it is clearly evident that Taggart did not make a good bargain when he leased the son of Medallion. Local racing folk were pleased, though somewhat surprised, at the victory of Signalman in the Wanganui Guineas. No doubt Stronghold, who carried Hewitt, was the hope of the stable, and unless the stable estimate was all wrong we may see the form reversed before long. Th? Hon. Geo. McLean has named his yearlings as follows:- Mist lilly, Arfal; Beira fitly. Ilamattcs; Laricn iilly. Z?o: Ventura filly, Sonia; Kumarl colt, WindHower: Tourmaline colt. Amethyst; Plevna lilly, Rosabel; Tiara colt, Erskine. r rii? Castor horse Sarchedon has joined Ellis' stable at Wingatui. It is reported that an offer <»f £150) was made recently for Buluwayo. The offer, which is said to have been made on behalf of a South African racing man, was declined. The half-brother by Multiform or Saint Ilario to Buluwayo Ims been named Gamhu. Grand Rapid’s- sire. Gipsy Grand, has changed hands, Mr. J. F. Reid having sold the (iisappointing son of Grandmaster Jo a Timaru resident, for guineas. i am afraid the horse Is md designed to get many more high-class mares' where he has gon? to. This is a pity, because, properly nicked. he might: yet do well at the stud. The Geraldine Racing Club were favoured with fine weather -for the opening of their spring meeting on and there, was a better al tendance than on the corresponding day of last year, and scam* interesting racing, but the trolling horses were of -poor class and out of condition. Th? club permitted licensed pmicillers ti» follow their calling, and a good many were doing business. Tic* district hurdle rare was won with smicdhing io spare by Gi? favumritje Early Van. a s.m of Vanguard, who had only <»ne hors? to beat—this was Gnat, a son of K.uhdnc, the other Corr" conteslers having run off. LeeEntleld was a hot favourite for the Squatters* Handicap, and managed tn run lute third place a furlong from lumie. hut then colldspetl Ilk? a pricked balloun, and King Stork ami Rangltata drew away, and. after a good race. King Stork won, with Bouncing Bob. the outsi<ler of the field, Who carried Lllb overweight, third, and the favourite last. The best field numerically that has started for the Geraldine Cup for som * years was seen out. and live of the -seven cunnersr were backed. Terrapin, De la Key, (’allbre, and t'lanburn being those that carried most money. Somaroff, the outsider of (he field, went to th? front, ami. slicking to his ’work well, was only caught hi tiie last furlong by Calibre ami Do la Rey, who just heat him on the post for first and second ImnouTs, with Terrapin and Oblivion right up. Clanburn, who never got well on his legs, being last. Th course is not fast, and a private watch mail? the time 2.12. A close finish, spoilt by the winmu-, Baden, boring Early Van over th? course, was witnessed in th* Ladles’ Bracelet. Baden getting his head home in front, while Jolly Roger, the favourite. was not more than three parts of a length away. A fine finish between Ability and Miss Hamlltoi] in the Flying looked likely to result in favour of one or

th? other, but King Stork, comiu; bit by bit from the rear, finally w«»n l»y half a length. Bayonet. w**ll ridd-n by llerrett. won the Belfield Handicap after a g«»*»d race from Zingari, Liberation, Royal Crown. Lee-Enfield it he favuuiil?». ami Casabiaiicn. Good weather was again experienced f««r th? second day's racing, ami the firi«i< were good, and though speculation was aomv short of the corresponding first day of last year, the returns for the second day exceeded those of (he first, ami on th • two day* showe<i an increase over those of the last meeting of £l7, ami in all departments there was a general improvement. Early Van, at ait outside price, after a good race beat th? favourite Jolly’Roger In the limiters* Hurdle Race. Agitator running off al the second hurdle. Zlngari was favourite for the Stewards’ Stakes, but could md get nearer than fourth io Magaifi-enl. Royal Crown, mid Liberation. Wanaka. Ihe outsider in the Domain Trot, never gave anything els? a chance, and Rupee upset a supposed good thing in Little Mary in th? Electric. Tin* Spring Handicap resulted in .a fine race. Somaroff led to tin* distance, when (’alibr*? challenged, ami th? pair emu? on together. Then Terrapin ami Dr la Rry. who w*re always handy, joined Issue, but t’nlilo-c. uuder hard luessure all up th? straight, gut home by a short head. Do la Key ami Terrapin nose to nose for second pine*, ami Somaroff handy. King Stork g<>( Ids head in front of Ability in the last fifty yards in the Railway Handicap, and won by a long neck. Miss Hamilton lasted just long enough t<» beat the faster-finishing L<»lah in the Shorls I landicap, lu which Rangitata ami Te Taraba were the best back •<(. Cl I RISTCII FRCIL Tuesday. The weather Ibis spring has been very broken. Just when, to all app -arances, a fine week is promised, the. wind changes, and a storm comes on. (hie of the heaviest falls of rain experienced for some time, occurred on Friday night, and II was followed by an equal’y heavy one on Sunday evening. After the second/ the weather cleared quickly, ami on Monday morning the ground was while with frost, ami I lie temperature down h» 2t>. Consid- ritig the vagaries of the weather, th? local Hainers have managed to k. ep their charges well up to th? coll-ir, and most of the horses are forward in tlupr pi-eparations. One of the few exceptions is Lady Lilian. The lameness which I reported last week, has turned out even more seriously than I anticipated. So serious is it. that the daughter of Phaeton has been thrown out of (raining, and 1 understand that she has permanently retired from the turf. I have not heard yet what horse she is to visit, but. no doubt, she will go to th* slud forthwith. L. King, who was Io have ridden her in the New Zealand Cup. has now been engaged to pilot her stable companion Calibre. He will have In dcclafc a few pounds overweight, but ibis will not matter, as the son of Light Artillery is well aide to carry weight. By the way, Calibre looks all the better for his exertions al Geralilim*. Kiatcre is now pronounced to have fully recovered from (be illnes which prevented him taking part in the Grand National Steeplechase, and he will pr<»bablx' be shipped to Auckland next week. The pony Reduction, who has been idle for some time, has resumed work. Ayns'ey intends having for Dunedin on Monday, taking with him Th? Mohican. Huku. and 'Th<» Guesser, all of wliich have engagements at tin* Dunedin Jockey Club's Spring Meeting. D. Moraghan. who rod? Catherine Gordon in both her winning engagements at Wanganui, returned home on Sunday. it turns out that before In* left Riccarton. Stronghold was running at the nose, and it is surmised that he has developed influenza. otherwise Rircarton people- ar? at a loss to account |\»r his poor display in the Wanganui Guineas. General Symons is very sore again, ami I think you may safely discard him fruai the New Zealand Cup. Lve-Emleld was kicked whi’e al tin* post fur the Squaiters’ llamticap in G raklim*. and has been idle* since. The Glinka and Eyrton Juckey Club's annua! race meeting will b? lin'd to-mor-row (Thursday), when the following horses may run forward In their respective engagements: Hunters’ Flat Rue**. Gysi »r: Ohoka and Eyrton Handicap. Sandy and oblivion IL: Novel Handicap. Cannonit?; 'Mnmlevii e

Weller Handicap. Magnificent ami f.otab; Flying llamlicap. Lolah and King Stork. At Mr Frietllander’s st«d. Asliburtou, Leila, by Castor Wcl<*<»tm* Katie, has foaled a volt to Pilgrim's Progress; Gossip, by Wallace ('aro’.iuc, toll to Finland; Lysis, by Glories Maitgati.-.. a filly t<» Finland: ami Wheedirr. by Sluneyliursl l laitvrer. a < «»lt to Finland. The Clirist<-liur«*h Raring Club will distribute JCNSS in stakes at its Summer Meeting in Dri’ombvr. The fo lowing business has been «L»ne I »- caliy during the week on Un* New Zealand Cup: lhM> to !»5 against Martian; 7ihi to 35. Com oy; <PK> to :15, Grand Rapids., 550 to I(>L l i aims; to 27. Nightfall; 500 to 5. Oblivion I! : si»O to 2. Lilt! * Turk: I ' IL Heroism: 2<M» to 12. Ghoork:i; to s, Shrapnel: 2<mi to <», Halberdier. f’up and Stewards’ Handicap- 1000 to 10, against Achilhs ami Stronghold; !'«)•» to G. Grand Rapids and Lee-Enfield; 11*00 to :;. General Average and Ruesal; 1000 t-» 2A, General Ayeragl* ami Alisa; 1000 to I. Roseshiehl a mi Ropa: S(Hi (<> I ran us ami Boris; suo to 2. Fraims ami Ailsa; 7'>o to 7. Markham ami Mnclihr? Gun; 7<h» to ”. Glmorka and Achilles; 500 t<» 2, Mahu t <*i'g i ami Kremlin: 500 to I, Onewa am! Rosea!: don to 1, Achilles ami Kremlin. Melbourne and New Zealand Cups. 400 to 1 against Seaport and Heroism; Sim to 2. Canteen and M?'<»d(*on: ”00 to 1. Waiuku ami General Avcrag*: 150 to 1. Abundance ami Gboorka: 150 to I. Emir and Martian. 125 to 1. Wairiki and Bulawayo; l'H» t-» lA. Wairiki and Achilles; 100 to 1. Canteen ami Calibre: Ido to 1, Canteen and Martian. ® ® ® WANG AM I JOCKEY CLI It’S SPRING MEETING. FIRST DAY. Spring Handicap.- Loch Erm*. 5.3. 1; I.hss o’Gowrle. 7.5. ami Shrapr.el. 8.12, dead heat for second. Scial clu’d: Regulation. Halberdier. Roseal. Tukapa. Livonia, I’atuna. and General Average. Time. 1.4 G 2-5. Dividends: Loch Erm*. £2 3/; Shrapnel £4, Lass o’Gowrie 18 G. Maiden Handicap. -Chivalry. 7.13. 1; Rotoaire. 7.7. 2: St. Winifred, 8.0, 3. Time, 1.19. Dividends, £2 12/6 and 10/. Scratched: Wild Duck ami Exphaii*. Wanganui Guineas. Signalman, 8.10. 1; Buris. 8.10, 2; Beau Staton. 8.10, 3. Also started: Stronghold. Okehu Handicap Hurdles. 2 miles. Mr Frh'dlnnder’s Catherine Gordon (D. Morraghan). 1: Moccasin 2. Walwera 3. Also slarled: llippowai. Klliarney, Cavalry, and Merry l‘oy. Cavalry took up the running from llippowai, Catherine Gordon, and. Kiilarmy. Walwera being last . The order was preserved round the bark of the course. In tin* straight Catherlur Gordon slud out. and. stalling off Moci'flsin, won easily by a length. Walwera being a length away third. Cavalry fourth, and Merry Boy last. Time, 3.561. Dividends. £4 0/6 amt £1 18 . Gonvilie Hack Hurdles. Mr G. T. Donnelly's Trumpery, aged (Millar). I; Irish 2. Defoe ’J. Also started: Toledo, The Dauber, Position, Tom Flynn, Delight, First Lesson, Jonquil. Cutwater. Delight and Position led over the first hurdle, followed by Defoe and Trumpery. The Dauber ran into second position passing tin* stand. Delight ami The Dauber fell al the back of the course. Tiumpery went on in the lead, followed by hish, with Defoe ami Position next. Trumpery, going well within herself. I(*d over th? lasi jump, where Position cairn* down. Trumpery was tackled by Irish in tin* straight, hut th? mare easily held her own ami won by a length, Defoe btdng five lengths away third. 'rime, 3.9 2 5. Dividends, C2 16/6 ami 18'. I‘uliki Hack Handicap of 75sovs, 1 mile; Hoi. W. \Y. Johnston's b < Fiameu. •*’»yrs, by Son’-wester Balm (IL Oliver), 1. Sea Lion 2. Delamrrc 3. Also started Tom::’! a ngi. Ftarina. Veneer, I’atumi, L<x Beau. Hcnmori*. Opacac, Aureole, Mariii<*l!a. Alliol Maid, Crimson Lak?. Walunui, i'hemb*, Domestic, The Romany. J hi* colours of Ve.eer, Sea Lion, and Marinelli' were first prominent. Round the back Fiameu ran up to the leaders, ami Marinvlla retired. Driamei’e took third position at th? Recreation, where Fiameu had a clem- length’s lead from Sea Lion and \ em*<»r. Coming on full of running, the

■ou'-west er colt ran in an easy winner by • length and ahulf from Sea Lion, who was half a length in front of De Ja mere. Qi me. 1.48 1-5. Dividends, £9 6/tt and £ I 14/.

Flying Handicap, 6 furlongs.—Mr A. McFarlane's h in Matuku (Young), 1; Auratus 2, Tessera 3. Also started: Convoy. Regulation, Blazer, Reclaimer, I'aratutu, Nov* gorod. Alerope, Livonia, Alba Rose, Kaharoa, I’arksliot. Reclaimer and Tessera were the first away. Alerope being left. Along the back stretch Matuku ran into the load. an»l coming on full of running won easily by a length from Auratus, who came fast at the finish. Tessera a length away third. Time, 1.17 1-5. Dividends, £7 9/ and £9 3/.

The second day’s racing of the Wanganui Jockey Chili was held in fine weather, and there was a large attendance, the racing being capital. The amount put through the machine at the meeting was £14,189, against £13,846 last ytnir. Halberdier pulled up slightly lame after the Wanganui Handicap. The icsults are: —

Aramoho Hack Hurdles. - Trumpery (Millar), 1; Irish. 2; The Dauber, 3. Also started: Tom Flynn and Cutwater. Trumpery dashed into the lead at the Hag fall, and closely followed by The Dauber and Irish, led past the stand. Tom Flynn and Cutwater were last. Thereafter the lace was a procession, the gray running homo an easy winner, under a strong pull, from Irish. The Dauber, two lengths away, third. Time. 2.56 4-5. Dividend, £1 13/. Wanganui Handicap of 250sovs, one mile • ml a quarter.—Mr <». Moore’s b in Armistice, syrs. by Mahaki —Melinite, 7.2 (V. Cotton), 1; Loch Erne, 2: Lass o'Gowrle, 3. Also started: Convoy. Ghoorka, Halberdier, Full Cry, Durable. Shrapnel Shell. Opaoae. Halberdier was left by several lengths. The rest of the field got away on even teims. passing the stand in the following order: Armistice, Shrapnel Shell, Opaeae. Durable, and Ghoorka, Halberdier • Uli last. Entering the back stretch Armistice drew out by three clear lengths in advance of Lass o’Gow t ie, Ghoorka. Shrapnel Shell, and !.<•• h Erne. Racing round the top turn Armistice was galloping easily In the lead, Loch Erne ami Ghoorka coming through, while Convoy, on the rails. Occupied a good position. Making everv post a winning one. Armistice romped home an easy winner by two lengths from JLoch Erne, who beat Lass o’Gowrie by a length, the next in order being Convoy, Shrapnel Shell, Durable, and Gbooika,’ with Halberdier ami Opaoae last. Time* 2.11 2-5. Dividends, £7 7/6 and £1 10/0. Railway Hack Handicap.—Chivalry (C. Jenkins), 1; Catspaw, 2; Firelight, 3. Also started: Veneer, Federation, Quartz, Amelia. Stepmar, Delhi, and Bowflold. Chivalry aud Firelight were first away from the barrier, Federation and Quartz

coming next, with Delhi last. Chivalry, nicely ridden by Jenkins, drew right away, and won easily by three lengths from Catspa w. who came fast In the straight. Time, 3.4 4-5. Dividends, £3 IS/ and 15/. Marangal Handicap —Mr D. Hughes’ b g Kaharoa (W. Young) 1; Bowman, 2; Regulation. 3. Also started: Shrapnel, Ostiak, Blazer, Maro, Ilardwork. Bowman got the worst of a good start. Ostiak and Regnla ion led round the back, where Kaharoa went up to the leaders, followed by Maro and Bowman. Kaharoa led into the straight from Regulation. At the turn Bowman came with a rush, beating Regulation by a head for second money. Time 1.4. Dividends, £5 IR/6 and £3 1/. ® ® ® WELLINGTON SPRING MEETING. The following weights have been declared for the Wellington Spring Meeting: — October Hurdles, mile.—Comfort 10.12. totnerlue Gordon 10.11, Killarney 10.1, < aya’ry 9.13. Westguard 9.10, Lissa 9.9, f o ?r. ’ B V K ’‘P” ls « V.B, Jeanne d’Albert ami Miss King 9.0. Hhorts Handicap, 5 furlongs.—Kremlin 9.6, .Starshoot 8.13, Ballarat 8.9, Matuku S.«, Ropa 7.10, Gold Crown and Solution 7.SJ, Beau Seaton 7.6, The Stake and Bounce Promotion, Mystification, and Lolah 6.12, Parkshot, Gold Dredge, and Rose Madder 6.9, Sunfish 6.7. Wellington Handicap. 1} mile.—Convoy 9.4, Grand Rapids 8.13, Regulation anil Loch Erne 8.9, Romeo ami Full Cry 8.5. Halberdier 8.3, Mahutouga, Ghoorka, ami Durable 8.2, Shrapuel Shell 8.1. Fleka 7.13, Sandy 7.10, Armistice and Nightfall 7.8, Madrigal 7.5, Heroism 7.2, Cyrus 7.0, Immersion 6.12, sir Percivale and Submarine 6.10, Inglewood, The Stake, and Tercelet 6.9.

Rimulaka Hack Handicap. 7 furlongs.— Joe Chamberlain 9.0, Tomarangi 8.9, Sychem 8.7, Chivalry 8.4. Ngatarna <8.3, Galahad 8.2, Heritas 7.13, Bonheur, Hlnerawa. ami Fla men 7.1 A Benmore, Rapides, and Togos 7.11. Trumpery, eneer. ami Position 7.10, Benair 7.8, Matakohiri, St. Winifred, ami St. Alba 7.7, Zlugari and Rotoario 7.6. Delight. Ardchallan, ami (’urn ulus 7.5, Bombast os 7.3, Laertes 7.9. Guelder Rose. Hippodrome, ami Whangamoani 6.13, Delhi 6.12. Error. Athol Maid, ami Ambia 6.10, Fireball, Tlwha, ami Blue Rose 6.7. Wahmi Handicap, seven furlongs.— Muscovite 10.0. Regulation 9.13, Romeo 9.12, Ostiak 9.5, General Symons, Lass o’Gowrie, Kaharoa, and Float 8.12, Armistice 8.11, Blazer. Waiterere. Gold Crown, and Maro 8.7. T.olah 8.4. Bounce, Wind, and Rose Madder 8,2. Bowman, Louisa, Pure Silver, Shellfire, and Wattohi 8.0.

Nursery Handicap, four furlongs.—Multiple, Makaroff, King Billy, Boomerang,

Astrakun, and Annameuto 8.5, Medallist 8.2, Vardo, Czarlviua, Truce, Scotch Heel, Cantlele, Tupono, Kaiuku, Olivette, and Marguerite 8.0.

Fljiug Handicap, six furlongs.—Exmoor 0.5, KremHii 0.3. Muscovite 8.13. Shrapnel 8.11, Melodeon and Ballarat 8.8. Matuku 8.4. Ostiak 8.2, Eaas o’Gowrie and Ropa. 7.9, Solution 7.6, Immersion and Pari tutu 7.5, Beau Seaton and The Stake 7.4, Auratus 6.13. Promotion 6.11, Parkshot and Valois 6.10, St. Winifred 6.8, Snnflsh 6.7. Spring Hack Handicap, five furlongs.— Catspaw 8.12. Syeliem 8.10. Chivalry 8.7, St. Albert 8.6, Pntnna 8.5, Ilinorewa. Flsmen, and Veneer 8.1; Togos 8.0, Sonia roff 7.12, Matakokihi and Declination 7.11, St. Winifred 7.10, Hnkaka 7.9, Kotairo 7.8, Banzi and Bed Bild 7.0. T.aertes and Coxswain 7.5. Unaware 7.3. Hippdrome 7 2 Imitation, Quartz. Delhi 7.0. Elaine 6.1.2 St. Emllam 6.11, Forest Vale 6.9. ® ® ® OTAHL’IIU RACING CLUB. The following handicaps have been isstu <i by Mr 11. Johnston for the otahtihu Haring Club’s meeting on Labour Day, October 32th. Acceptances elose on Friday next, Oetober 7th:— Dash Trot, 1 mile.—Heiress scr, Thorndean Is, Isabel 4s, Miss Iluon ss, Donizetti Bs, Black Bess 9s, Corouella 9s, Nat Gould Ids, Lady Florence lbs, Miss Munroe Ils, Bert Ils, George 13s, Pleasanton 17s, iluon Clair 17s, Acme 17s. Porangi 17s, Berlluwood 17s, Miss Wilmington 17s, J.Y, 17s, Dolly 17s, Adelaide 21s. Hurdles, 1J mile. — Illppowai 12.2. St. Rowan 10.12, Flower of Gold 10.6, Rolfe 10.6, Perseverance 10.2, Tuni 9.10. Peter Simple 9.9, Aesop 9.0, Clyde 9.0. Tapu 9.0, Riikupo 9.0, Mozart 9.0, Belfast 9.0.

Malden Plate, 7 furlongs.—Airgun 8.10, Whakahlhi 8.8, Cuiragno 8.6, Albuera 8.4, Tuni 8.2, Simple Simon 8.2, Bineskin 8.2, Escape 8.2. Seatonia 8.2, Terence 7.12. Bedfellow 7.12, Freemount 7.12. Str Alberton 7.7, Mikado 7.7, Cutler 7.5. Rukupo 7.5, Lney Godfrey 7.0, Tapu 7.0, Dynamite 7.0, Frankton 7.0.

Pony Race, five furlongs.—Della Rose. 9.7; Eureka, 8.12; Gladys Rose. 8.8; Fashionable, 8.6; Sentinel, 8.5; Little Mabel, 7.7; Wandering Jew, 7.3} Shrewsbury, 7.3; Waitata, 7.0; Mosquito, 6.10. Railway Handicap, six furlongs.—Strathavon, 9.8: Ben Blair, 8.11: Sonoma, 8.9; Sergius. 8.9; Bacchus, 8.8: Coidon Rouge, 8.8; Haklrla, 8.8; Whakahlhi. 7.12; Cuhagno, 7.10; Albuera, 7.10; Jack Brown, 7.10; Soultflsh, 7.10; Leo Delaval, 7.8; Seatonia, 7.8; Bedfellow, 7.5; Blueskin, 7.5; Freemount, 7.5; Simple Simon, 7.3; Belfast. 7.3; Merry Soult, 7.0: Celerity. 7.0: Mikado, 7.0: Cutler, 6.12; Frankton, 6.12; Dynamite,

Labour Day Trot, 1J mile.—Typewriter, ■cratch; Le Rosier, 4s; Thorndean, &•; Isabel, Os; Miss Iluon, 10s; Black Diamond, 12a; Duchess of Hothaehlld, 13s; Nat Gould, 18s; Lady Florence, 18s; Bert, 20s; Miss Munro, 20s; George, 235; Pleasanton. 20s; Tataralmaka, 20s; Miss Wilmington, 20s; Dolly, 295; Invicta, 355. Cup, 1} mile.—Strathavou, 9.6; Hipnowai, 8.9; Annoyed, 8.8; Geologist, 8.8; Bacchus, 8.6; Irish, 7.12; Yolette, 7.10; Jack Brown, 7.7; St. Rowan, 7.7; Soultnsh, 7.7; Lavade), 7.7; Cuiragno, 7.2; Leo Delaval, 7.2; Belfast, 7.0; Seatonia, 6.12; Frankton, 6.10. ® ® ® AUCKLAND TROTTING CLUB SPRING MEETING. The following handicaps have been declared by Mr F. W. Edwards in connection with the Auckland Trotting Club’s Spring Meeting, which opens at Alexandra Park on the 15th inst.:—

Spring Trot Handicap, 2 miles.—Taihoa scr, Young Salisbury Is, Rebel Bov ss, Thorndeau 7s, Le Rosier 9s, Belladonna 9s, Old Judge 14s, Redlcaf 18s, Duchess of Rothschild 18s, Miss Huon 19s. Stewards’ Handicap Trot. 1} mile.—Ballot scr, Dnke C. ss, Harold Abdallah 6s, Waitekaiiri Bs, Typewriter Bs, Rosier 12s, K.D. J3s, Old Judge IGs, Colenso 19s, Empress 19s.

Electric Handicap, 1 mile.—Baxter sec, Juliette 4s, Black Diamond ss, Duchess of Rothm-hlld 7s, Colenso Bs, Macquarie 9s, Donizetti 10s, I.ady Florence Mis, Nat Gould 10s, The Mooress 11s, Miss Munroe 12s, Bell Car 13s, Bert ’ 13s, George 13s, K.D. 13s, St. John 13s, Pleasanton 17s. Pony Handicap Trot, 1 mile.—lsabel scr. Rushlight scr, Eric 7s, Miss Munroe 9s, Little Paul 10s, Kitty Ils, Lance 12s, Nal 16s.

Middle Class Handicap Trot, 1} mile.— Redleaf scr, Duchess of Rothschild scr, Empress 2s, Kiteonetea 4s, Lady Florence 4s, Erie 4s, Nat Gould 4s, Albertorious 9s, K.O. 9s, George 9», Little Hen 9s, Bert »s, Little Paul 9s, Pleasanton 15s. Malden Trot, 1} mile.—Bryn scr, Albertorions 4s, Bell Car 4s. Lance 4s, Eureka 4s, Red Wilkes 4s. Ayrshire Lad 7s. Mangonui 10s, Miss Wilmington I<)s, Huon Clair 10s, Miss Dunmore 10s, Pleasanton 10s, Albert A. 12s, Clare 12s, Popinjay 13s, Green Lavender 14s, Nui 14s.

Ouehunga Handicap, 6} furlongs.—Annoyed .10.10, Eureka 8.12, Manoeuvre 8.7. Gladys Rose 7.12, Matanra 7.12, Luerece 7.10, Sentinel 7.6, Whawhal 6.11, San Toy 6.7.

Oetober Handicap, 5 furlongs.—Orange and Blue 9.4. Manoeuvre 8.7, Inspiration 8.4, Fashionable 8.0, Mataura 8.0, Gladys Rose 7.12, Sentinel 7.9, Marisa 7.3, Waltata 7.3, Solitary 7.0. Shrewsbury 6.11, Whawhai 6.11, Mosquito 6.7.

DUNEDIN JOCKEY CLUBS SPRING MEETING. For the D.J.C. spring meeting, the following weights have been declared:— Spring Hurdles of OQgovs, one mile and a half.--Hnku 11.4, Mohican 10.13, The Guesser 10.12, Victor 11. 10.4, II air I rigger 96, Kopu 0.6. Hack Handicap of oOaova, five furlongs. —Crichton 9.3. Bluestone 8.9. Uuidafurm 8.5, Koputai 8.0, Aid Inga 7.9, Wee Macgregor 7.7, Stepchild 7.7, Witch Winnie 7.5, Kea 7.2, Navarre 6.12. Far Niente 6.10. Heirloom 6.10. Rubel te 6.10. Mosglel Handicap of 100sovs, one mile.— Pallas 9.6. Bulawayo 8.12. Elower o'Ciuthn 8.2. Juniper 7.9. Terrapin 7.8, Detarey 7.7, Alina 7.7, Blackstone 7.6, Crown Imperial 6.7. Electric Handicap of Tusovs, six furlongs. —Bed Gauntlet 9.11, Vladimir <ll. Fallas 9.9, St. Denis 8.10. Flower o’Clutha 8 13, Petrovna 8.13, Crichton 7.3. Brighton 7.8, Donna Rosa 6.10, Casque 6.7, Crown Imperial 6.7. Bn re wood Welter Hack Handicap of 50 sovs, six furlongs.—Ouldaform 9.7, Lillystone 9.2, Quagga 9.1. Wee Macgre'gor 9.0. Navarre 8.7, Trump 8.7, Derwent 8.7. October Welter Handicap of BOsovs, S e ?L en >. f,,rJou *s — Juniper 10.3, Ringmnn 9.10, Brighton 9.8, Donna Rosa 9.0, Royal Crown 8.10, Sirius 8.7, Transport 8.0. ® ® © AUCKLAND RACING CLUB. SPRING AND SUMMER MEETINGS. NOMINATIONS FOR PRINCIPAL HANDICAPS. The following nominations have been received hi connection with the A.R.C. Spring and Summer Meetings:— SPRING MEETING. Manukau Hurdles of lOOsovs, If mile.— Andy Regan, Lurcher, Geologist, Hippowai, Princess of Thule, Up-to-Date, Rolf, St. Rowan, Paul Seaton. Trumpery, Lin-, gat’d. Irish, Cavalry, Bellman. CITY HANDICAP of 30980 vb» 1J mile.— Hluetaura. Whakawehl, Newtown, Lady Hune, Hinekoa. The Needle, Shrapnel, King Paul, Walpuna, Putty, Idas, Avalanche, Marshal Soult, Swagsman, Golden Rose, Btrathnvon, Dolores. Paratutu, Delanla, Dunmore. Scotty, Musfcerdale, Miss Lottie, Loch Erne, Lovelink, Zulieka, Idasa, Romeo. Birthday Handicap of 400sovs. 1J mile.— Gladstone, IHnetaura, Siinena, Newtown, Lady Hune, Hinekoa, The Needle, Rambler, Shrapnel. King Paul, Putty, Idas, General Average, Marshal Soult, Strathavon, Aka•ana, Dolores, Durable, Dunmore, Monoform, Scotty, Miss Lottie, Loch Erne, Lovelink, Zulieka, Idasa. Romeo. SUMMER MEETING. Auckland Cup Handicap of 1500sovs, 2 miles.—Gladstone, Si men a, Newtown, Lady Hune Rambler, Cruciform, Martian, Grand Rapids, Uranus, Nightfall, Golden Knight, King Paul, Heroism, Miss Lottie, Putty, Idas, General Average, Swagsman, Secret Society, Strathavon, Akarana, Mahutonga, Buluwayo, Alisa, Sir Percivale, Madrigal. Starshoot, Float, Melodeon, Solution, Achilles, Ghoorka, WaiHkl, Delnnia, Monoform, Scotty, Muskerdale, Kaharoa, Loch Erne, Lovelink, Romeo. Summer Cup Handicap of 500sovs, li mile.—Gladstone, Newtown, Lady Hune, Martian, Savoury, Grand Rapids, Uranus. Golden Knight, Nightfall, King Paul, Geordie, Heroism, Miss Lottie, Walpuna, Putty, Jdas, General Average, Marshal Soult, Swagsman, Secret Society, Strathavon, Akarana, Mahutonga. Quarrymau, To-mor-row, (’hrysols, Signalman, Alisa. Crichton, Cavatina, Sir Percivale, The Stake, Randal, Madrigal, Starshoot, Float, Melodeon, jHiibmarliise, Durable, Paratntu, Solution, Exmoor, Ghoorka, Sonoma, Green and Gold, Lycia, Delanla, Dunmore, Monoform, Scotty. Muskerdale, Kaharoa, Loch Erne, Lovelluk, Idasa, Romeo, Golden Rose. Auckland Racing Club Handicap of 750 bovs, 1| mile. —Gladstone, Newtown, Lady Hune, Cruciform, Martian, Grand Rapids, Nightfall, Klug Paul, Geordie, Heroism, Miss Lottie, Putty, Idas. General Average, Marshal Soult, Secret Society, Strathavon, Akarana. Mahutonga, Quarrymau. To-mor-row, Chrysels, Buluwayo, Alisa. Crichton, Cavatina, Sir Percivale, The Stake, Madrigal, Starshoot, Float, Melodeon, Solution, Achilles, Ghoorka, Walrlkl, Delanla. Dunmore, Monoform. Scotty, Muskerdale. Submarine, Loch Erne, Loveltnk. Idasa, and Romeo. Railway Handicap of 400sovs. 0 furlongs. —Gladstone, Ponderghle, Newtown, Beau Seaton, Machine Gnu. Rub la. Savoury, Golden Idly, Lady Lyouors, Waikato. Minna, Geordie, La Clgale. Hohoro, Mechanic. Seabird, Numa. General Average. Avalanche, Marshal Soult. The Middy, Golden Rose, Strathavon, Black and Gold, Kremlin, Austerlitz, Quarryman, Golden Vein, To-morryw, Stronghold, Alisa, Crichton. Cavatina, The Stake, Banzai. Starshoot, Solution. Borts. Exmoor, Sonoma, Green and Gold, Lycia, Monoform, Muskerdnie, Daffodil. Loveliuk, Lolah, Lady Annie, Romeo. Auckland Steeplechase Handicap of 350 nova, about 84 miles.—Andy Regan. Loch Lomond. Ngaru. Catherine Gordon, Flower of Gold, Dingo, Malanta. Resolution, Pharos, Princess of Thule, Phaetonitls, Comfort, Kanaka, Hylas, St. Rowan. Rolf. Up* to-Date, Rongoa, Tuul, Irish, lllnan. Slow Tom. Cannongate, Saturn, Bellman.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXIII, Issue XV, 8 October 1904, Page 19

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TURF TALK FROM THE SOUTH. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXIII, Issue XV, 8 October 1904, Page 19

TURF TALK FROM THE SOUTH. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXIII, Issue XV, 8 October 1904, Page 19

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