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Personal Paragraphs.

lfi» Excellency the Governor and Lady Plunket are as energetic as ever in making themselves thoroughly acquainted with Wellington ami its surroundings. One day recently a large party from Government House drove out to Wainui-o-Alata, alvout 2® miles away, and inspected the city’s reservoir. The line scenery and the beautiful native bush called Torth much admiration. Another day they went by invitation to the Skating Itiuk. and were initiated in the alluring pastime of rinking, the building being closed half-an-hour curlier than ordinary to avoid the usual crowd of skaters.

‘ Mr. and Mrs. R. Davies (Woodville) are staying at Day’s Bay, Wellington.

Mr and Mrs R. A. de Lautour, r.f Gisborne, are on a trip to Auckland.

' Mr. J. Wallace (London) is spending a few days in Wellington.

Mr. and Mrs. Courtney, New Plyluouth. have gone to reside in Tauranga.

Mrs. Pain. New Plymouth, is on a visit to Auckland. Miss Woodbine-Johnson (Gisborne) is in Wellington staying with relations. Mr W. Fitzgerald (Wanganui) is on a pliort visit to Wellington.

Mrs. Neave has returned to Christ plilircti from a visit to Pelorus Sound.

Mr. G. Hunter (Patangata, H. 8.) was Recently in Wellington.

Mrs Harden, of Kimbolton, has been playing in Wanganui lor a short visit.

Mr. E. F. Lilley (Belfast. Ireland) is making a stay in Wellington.

' Mi-s Page, of Wanganui, has returned from a visit to friends in Rangitikei.

Mrs T. Rawson (Dunedin) has gone to .Wellington to live.

■ Miss Moore, of Wanganui, has been playing at Bulls with Mrs. J. G. Wilson.

Mr. G. Fenwick has returned to Dunedin after a short stay in Wellington.

Mrs. Symes (Christchurch) has gone OP a visit to her brother in Blenheim.

’< Messrs. Mandi and Murdoch (West Coast) are visiting Wellington.

i Mr. and Mrs. It. Russell (Brunner) are f<< Wellington for a short time.

J Messrs. E. and P. IlaHenslein (Dunedin t are making a short stay in Wellington.

Mrs Stanley Orbell, of Taranaki, is mt present paying a visit, to her mother. Mrs Daere. in Park Avenue.

Miss Fodor, of Christchurch, is at present in Auckland, staying with lardy Campbell. “Kilbryde,” Parnell.

Mr Winstanley, health officer, is at present in Coromandel on a visit of inspection.

Miss Tobias (Auckland) sang with miuch success at an At Home given by Mr. and Mrs. Alack (Wellington).

’ Miss Dalrymple, of Rangitikei, who Has been the guest of -Miss Izard in Wanganui, has returned to her home.

Miss Izard, of W anganui, who has been in Christchurch for some months, has returned home.

Messrs. <l. Fowlds and R. McNab. M.H.IL's, returned to Wellington on Sunday.

Mrs. Ronalds (Christchurch), who lias been on a short visit to her sister. .Mrs. «T. Mills. Dunedin, has returned home.

Mr. James Buttle, general manager of the’ New Zealand Insurance’ Company, went South on Sunday liv the Rarawa.

;Madame Lilian Tree left. Auckland on Sunday for Wanganui to fulfil a musical engagement.

The appointment of assistant engineer to the Feilding Borough has been accepted by Mr. IL Btirmister.

Miss Cliaytor has returned to Marshlands (Marlborough) after sonic weeks in Wellington.

Mrs. IL C. Godfrey. Miss Hodgson end N ish A. Hodgson (Christchurch) have gone on a visit to Westport.

-Mr Joseph Mackay (SI rat ford I. has been rr visiting Wellington after 'some years’ absence.

Mrs Hamner, of Christchurch, is the guest of Mrs H. F. Christie, St. John's Hill. Wanganui. Mrs. Jtorlase. of Tailinpe, is the guest of Mrs. Cecil Cornford, Bluff Hill, Napier.

Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Johnston, Mrs. Watson and Miss Inglis are visiting Napier. . .

Mr. and Mrs. Hutchinson. of Rissington, have returned from a visit to Feilding. writes our Napier correspondent. The firemen of the Wanaka presented Mr. J. .Sinclair, second engineer, with a gold albert as a wedding gift. Miss Chohnomlrlcy (Christchurch) has gone to Tiniaru to stay with her sister (Mrs. G. A. U. Tapper).

Mr Thomas Henderson. Hobart, manager of the Union Company, goes to Vancouver on a health trip shortly. Mr and Mrs Moss. of Wanganui, have returned from a long visit to Tiniaru, Dunedin, and AVairarapa. ’ Mrs and Miss Montgomerie, of “Eaglcsiiam,” Wanganui, have gone to Wellington for a visit.

Air Aylmer Kenny, Government ranger for Marlborough, is in the Pic-ton hospital suffering from typhoid fever. Air. C. V. Houghton, general manager of the N.Z. Shipping Company, returned to Auckland from the South last week. The Misses Martin (Auckland), who have been visiting Mrs Baird, of 11awera, have now returned home. Miss Gardner succeeds Alias Bartieman on the senior nursing staff of the Wellington Hospital. Airs Nicholas, of Wanganui, has returned from a visit to Airs Richmond, in Nelson.

Air J. Saunders has been elected president of the Wellington Rowing Club, Air A. G. Johnson is captain. Air IL T. Lewis, of Wanganui, is at present in -Auckland, visiting relatives and friends there.

Mrs. and Miss Montgomerie (Wanganui) are spending a few days in Wellington.

Airs. E. Mitehelson and Miss Alitchelson. of Remuera, returned to Auckland by the Moura from a trip to the Islands.

Dr. Gore Gillon, consultant, has removed his residence to Admiralty House.

Engineer-Lieutenant Wood, R.N., and Airs. Wood have left Wellington for Austrlaia. They will afterwards go on to England.

A purse of sovereigns has been presented io Air. T. P. Saxelby, who has resigned the managership of the Taratahi Dairy Factory.

Air J. Petford, chairman of the Parnell School Committee, who has been confined to his homo for the past few weeks, is now able to resume his duties.

, Airs. Alinnitt. North Shore, returned from her trip to Wellington, where she has been staying with Airs Butt, on Thursday last.

A travelling rug ami a Gladstone bag have been presented to Mr If. B. Cooper (Wellington), who has just, resigned from Hie staff of Stewart and Co. Cable advice lias been received in Auckland of the sate arrival in London of Mr J. P. llooton witli his wife and daughter.

The appointment of Captain Hugh Boseawen as Hon. A.D.C. to His Excellency the Governor (Lord Plunket) is


Mr 11. J. Dick-on (Wellington) is in Nelson, acting as clerk of the. Court during the absence, on leave, of Mr Webb-Bowen.

Air IL AV. Wilson (Town Clerk of Auckland) has returned from AVellington. where he attended the Alunieipal Conference for the City Council.

Aliss Aland Russell, of Christchurch, who lias been staying in Wanganui witli her sister. Airs Gifford Marshall, lias returned to her home. Mr. and Airs. Adkins, who have been visiting Palmerston North, Feilding and New Plymouth, have now returned to their home at Mount Eden. Auckland.

Air J. D. Perrett. who Ims been on ft tout of the South Island, held a very suecesßj'ul exhibition of his paintings while in Wellington. Mr. Rennell. of the AVaipawa branch of the Bank of New Zealand, has been moved to Kimbolton. His place nt Waipawa will be filled by Air. Alexander i'odd, >

Air. and Airs. Haggitt. of Dunedin, are coming to reside in Christchurch. and have bought Air. G. A. U. Tapper’s newhouse. Carlton Alill road, writes our Christchurch correspondent. Mr Al. Perkins, organist of St. Lnke’s Church (Itcniuera), was presented with a purse of sovereigns by the congregation at the annual meeting, in recognition of his services to the church.

Dr. Barraclough, who relieves Dr. Beattie at the Avondale Hospital for twelve months, was banqueted by I’ororua residents last week and presented with a dressingcase.

>Sir Robert and Lady T.ockliart, who are on their way to Scotland to assume possession of their property, which they recently inherited, left Auckland last week for Wellington.

Air AV. G. Monckton, ALA., honorary tutor at St. John’s College, has resigned his position, in consequence of the governors’ action in accepting the AVarden's resignation.

Air W. A. Rena 11 (Waipawa) goes to Kimbolton (Feilding) to relieve Air AV. A. Todd, at the Bank of New Zealand, who has been transferred to Hawke’s Bay.

Dr. Barraclough, who Is to relieve Dr. Beattie while the latter goes Home for a six-monihs’ holiday, was entertained at a banquet by the people of the Porirua district last week.

Aliss Kilnbell, who has been connected witli the Wellington Technical School for some time as one of its best pupils, has accepted a position on the teaching staff.

The Rev. Al. Libenrood. D.D.. of Sussex, England, arrived by the Sierra last week, and put up at the Central. After spending a few days in town he went on to visit the Hot Lakes district.

Air. Jas. Hindman, for some years a member of the Thames Batttalion Band, was presented witli a silver cruet by his friends last week, in recognition of his approaching marriage.

The officers of the Union S.S. Co.’s Wanaka last week presented Air. J. Sinclair, second engineer, with a silver tea and coffee service, on the occasion of his going to Sydney to be married.

Airs. Dillingham, wife of the ConsulGeneral for U.S.A,, has returned to Auckland much better in health for her trip to America. . She visited numerous friends and relations in the AVest and East of the States.

Air. Clement Wragge, the well-known meteorologict, who is concluding a lecturing tour in Auckland, arrived on Sunday. He is leaving Australia for good, and goes Home via the United States by the next boat.

Air. A. T. Day, the well-known Auckland mine manager, returned from a business tour in the South by the Alapourika on Sunday. He was on the AVest Coast of the South Island for- several weeks.

Mr. Gow, superintendent engineer of the Northern S.S. Co.. left Auckland on Alonday in tire AVestralia for Sydney en route to England, where he superintends the building of the company’s new boats.

The Rev. W. J. Gow, the newly-ap-pointed minister of the Presbyterian Church at Northeotc, arrived in Auckland on Sunday by the s.s. AVestralia from the Soul h. He has brought his family with him.

■Nurse Cogswell, of the Hamilton Hospital. is taking a lengthy holiday for. her health, and last week the Nurses’ Home residents presented her with a goldmounted greenstone brooch, and a number of other friends presented her with a writing companion. Mr; Claud Sainsbury (Hawke’s Bay) was in AVellington for a few days on his way back to the Argentine. He and his brothei- went to the latter country over two years ago. and are among the many young New Zealanders who are doing well on land there.

Airs C. Beauchamp has been spending a week in Pieton and Blenheim on account of Hie illness of her son. Air R. Beauchamp, who is in the Blenheim hospital undergoing medical treatment fof the results of a strain. 4

Air. R. A’illiers Surtees, ft Son-in-law of Mr. G. A’. Stewart, who left Katikati about 20 years ago for England, is returning this month with his family to again take up his quartets at his old home in that district.

The Chri-tchureh “Press” says that Captain Ada ills. of the steamer Whangape, is now making a good recovery from his recent severe illness. It is expected he will bo well enough to return to his home- in Wellington, in the course of a few days.

A calde message to Sir Robert Stout intimates that his two sons, Duncan and Bert, have been successful in passing the London matriculation, the former passing with distinction. The Messrs Stout went to England by the Gothic about April last, and are both to study medicine. ,

Before lie left New Plymouth for Invercargill, where he is to take up uie managership of the local branch of the Bank of Australasia, Air. A. J. Mclntosh was the recipient of a souvenir from the bank's New Plymouth clients. Mr. Smith, from Marton. takes Air. Mclntosh’s placi in the New Plymouth branch.

Afr Everard ini Thum, Colonial Secretary of Ceylon, who has been appointed Governor of Fiji, in succession to Sir Henry Jackson, has been in Ceylon about two and a half years. The new appointment carries with it a salary of £2700, as compared with £ 1000 attached to the Ceylon appointment.

It is stated that Mr E. 11. Carew, S.M., the well-known Otago Magistrate, is about to retire on account of illhealth. from whieh he has suffered a good deal of late years. He is the oldest magistrate in the colony, and his legal capacity lias caused his judgments to be respected throughout the colony. It is probable that Afr Cruieksliank, elevated to the magistracy while in the Thames about two years ago, will be appointed to succeed him.

Airs Eliza J. Loughlin, one of ilia oldest residents of the Thames, died yesterday after a long illness at the age of 80 years. She was the widow of the late Air J. Loughlin, a Belfast man, who came here with his wife in the Chili in. 1866. and went to the Thames goldfield in ’6B. There are four daughters and three sons surviving her. The Hon. J. McGowan sent the bereaved family his condolences, and the Thames Council’s flag, was flown at half-mast in respect of the deceased, her youngest son being u, member of the Council.

A fully representative meeting of thd dentists of Auckland was held last week to consider the Dental Bill now before Parliament. Mr A. AV. Cliatfield. occupied the chair. Dr. Cox proposed the following resolution, which was carried unanimously:—“That this meeting of dentists is greatly in favour of the spirit and provisions of the Dentists Bill now before Parliament, ; and hopes to see it speedily made law.” It was decided to telegraph this resolution to Air Sidey. the member who has charge of the bill.' A vote of thanks to Afr Sidey for his efforts to improve the dental education in this colony was proposed by Air C. 11. Moses and carried. v;

A pleasing ceremony took place last week in the rooms of the Auckland Institute of Alarine Engineeis. on the occasion of the departure of Air. G. Gow for England to execute coinmissions for the Northern Steamship Company. There was a largo attendance of over fifty members of the institute. Air. AfcTntyre occupied the chair, and after reading apologies for absence from several prominent members, proposed the toast, “The King and the Royal Family.” The chairman, after a eulogistic speech, handed Air. Gow a very handsome dressing, ease, and wished hint success in the name of the institute. The health of Afr. Gow was then proposed ami drunk with musical honours. The recipient responded and thanked the members for their handsome and useful present, and their expressions of regard and good wishes.

The Indradevi, which arrived from New York last week, brings two distinguished visitors to our sliofes-r-Mr Bay-ard-Stevens, son of Colonel B. Stevens, well-known in AA’ashington diplomatic circles, who was entrusted wit,h a delicate mission to the German' Court during the late trouble with China; and Air A. C. Kelway, whp has. been editor of several English papers, the last being the “Chureh Review;” London. Air Kelway is a brother to the chief officer of Hie Indradevi. They will make an extensive tour of New Zealand with the object of acquiring information relative to the development, of trade between'the United States and this colony. Messrs Stevens and Kelway return to America by the RAJ.s. ga August -t r

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXIII, Issue VI, 6 August 1904, Page 46

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Personal Paragraphs. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXIII, Issue VI, 6 August 1904, Page 46

Personal Paragraphs. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXIII, Issue VI, 6 August 1904, Page 46

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