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The second inter union match of the season took place on Saturday at lopsom, aniil resulted in another victory tor Auckland. -The match' attracted- an attendance of. about 4000, the sum of BUM. being taken at the gates. Mr Geo. Katterns officiated as referee, and Messrs Ohlson and 11. Speight as line umpires. - M: Wood captained the Auckland team, and Garvey that of the visitors, the homo team won by 15 points to nil. The exhibition was in marked contrast to the display of the previous week. We were then treated to some fast, exciting work by both teams, but on baturday it was anything but luterestinB boyond a few Hashes of scientific work by the local men. The Goldfields forwards were ahead of those of. the Thames, but lacked the necessary knowledge to take advantage ox the chances that came their way. Auckland’s forwards beat them in the scrum, but they more than held their own in lineout work. To individualise the players, Renwick at full-back was very patchy, ns handling of the bail being faulty, while there was a decided disinclination to stop rushes. Of the three-quarters, McKenzie was the pick, and gave a good display, lhe pace he showed after he Intercepted a Goldfields pass at his own 25 was an eye-opener to those who have always classed him as a slow man. Murray, on the other wing, * played a good, sound game, and mane no mistakes. He is as good as any ol them, which is saying a lot. Gerrard in the centre was weak, and played a long way below his form. Of the halves, Ward was the best, and was responsible for some tricky work. Wood was evidently not over-exerting himself, anti beyond a flash now and again took matters easy: lie showed a tendency to bang on to the ball too long, and threw away one or two good chances. Kiernan behind the pack was fair, but is not yet showing his true form. Gallaher on the wiug played his usual hard game. The forwards as a whole seemed to take matters anything but seriously, but woke up now and again and made things Interesting, There was a marked improvement in heeling the ball from the scrum, It coming out quicker and cleaner, than on the previous Saturday. Lewis, Nicholson, Tyler, and Seeling were perhaps the most prominent, although Joyce and Trevarthen were conspicuous on several occasions. Of the Goldfields team, I’owdrell at full-back played fairly, but was weak in his tackling and taking the ball. He badly missed McKenzie when the latter scored his second try. Gaudy was the best of their three-quarters, Cootc on the other wing getting very few opportunities. Mel ike in the centre gave a very poor display, and is evidently a long way below his old Torn l . Flynn at live-eighths was the best of the Goldfields bucks, and was responsible for a lot of good, useful work. His want of pace was against hlm._ Garvey as centrehalf got very few chances to show prominently. There was very little to choose between Hramble and Fraser on the wings, both showing a decided tendency to offside play. The. forwards all played hard, solid gomes, but were, lacking in the finer points. Their line-out. work was splendid. Cunningham, t’apili. Sorensen, and Arns were about the best. McDuffi was sadly wanting In condition. In the evening the two teams dined at the Commercial Hotel, and afterwards visited His Majesty’s, where they witnessed •‘The Manxman’' by the Woods-Williamson * On Sunday afternoon lhe Goldfields team were taken for .a drive,.calling around at Onehuuga to see Mr Murray, the off to Wellington. Mr Murray’s trip was made for the purpose of assisting in the selection of the New Zealand team to meet the Britishers. AUCKLAND V. NORTHERN WAIBOA. The match between the Auckland “B” team imd the Northern Wairoa representatives, played at Araiapu on Saturday afternoon. resulted in. a win for the country team by 16 points to 14. W. Harrison (Northern WaUoa), who represented the province last year, gave a veiy fair display. Mays (fullback). Absohun (threequarter), aud Doran (wing) played well for Auckland. Mr Charles Sticlibury. manager of the 'Auckland is of opinion that Harrison should be given a trial in the “A” and “B” match next ‘Saturday. AUCKLAND TRIAL MATCH. K trial match will bo played at Alexandra Park on Saturday to assist Mr Murray, ths Auckland selector,, ift picking the Auckland team to play Wellington on 6th August. The teams are: — 4 A Team: Fullback, Renwick; three-

quarters, Asher, Gerrard, McKenzie; fiveeighths. Ward; halfback, Kiernan; wings, lionm aud Eraser; forwards, Tyler, Gal.aher, Nicholson, Lewis, Seeling, Joyce, Trevarthcu. B Team; Fullback, Mays; three-quartets. Absoluui, Murray and; flve " eighths, Magee; halfback, • King; wings. Wells and W. Tyler; forwards. Irvine, Caplll, Autridge, Giuuilughain, It. Hayward, Francis, McCluskle. Emergencies: Phillips, Wood, K. McGregor. I.endrum. Kcott, .Mackiell, I’lliama, Herring. MacCormJck, Warbrick, Heath. THIRD FIFTEENS. ■ Ponsonby ami North Shore played a drawn game, neither side scoring. These teams are leading for the championship, qnd will probably play off again on Saturday next . OLD BOYS’ MATCHES-Hcresford-sti eet (18) beat Grafton (nil). Parnell and Itlehmond-road drew (no score). PouKonby won from ML Eden by. default. Onehuuga (21) beat Newton (nil). PUBLIC SCHOOL MATCHES. Remuora v. Bayfield. —Remuora won by 3 points to nil. Parnell v. Ponsonby.—Parnell won by 3 points to nil. Wcdlesley-stfcoet “B” v. Mangere Bridge.—Wellcsley-strcct won by 6 points to nil. Wellesley-strect “A” v. Nelson-street. —- Wellesley-street won by default. » Marist Bros. v. Beresford-strcet. — Marist Bros. wOn by default. Onehuuga v. Newton East. —Onehuuga won by 9 points to nil. -Newmarket v. Mount Roskill. —Newmarket won by default. The draw for the supplementary round in the “B” g*ade competition, commencing on Saturday. July 30th, is as under:— Bayfield v. Epsom, Remuera v. Ellerslie; Bayfield v. Remuera, Epsom v. Ellerslie; Bavfiold v. Ei’ers i<‘. Fnsom v. Remvera. SECONDARY SCHOOLS MATCHES. St. Jehu’s I. boat Sacred Heart I. by 8 to 3. St. John’s 11. beat Sacred Heart 11. by 4 to nil. - FROM THE GOLDFIELDS. THAMES, Monday. On Saturday the Cup competitions were continued. In the senior match, NativeRose v. Thames, the former won by seven points to five. For the winners James scored a tiy, and Newland kicked a goal from a mark. For Thames Cordes scored, a try, which Nowdick converted. The junior match. Hoven. 11. v. Thames 11.. was won by the former by 3 points to nil. PAE ROA, Monday. The junior representative match, Paoroa and Kaiangahake, was played on Saturday at‘Mackaytown. and was won by the latter by 13 points to nil. WAITH, Monday. The final for the junior championship football cup was decided on Saturday afternoon on the local i eserve. Suburbs meeting City. The game was mostly noted for forward play, little passing being indulged in. At half time no scores had been recorded. During the second spell got over the line for Suburbs, but the try was not converted. No further score resulted. Suburbs thus winning the •cup for the fourth time in succession. Mr McWhirter gave general satisfaction as referee. Thames and Walhl met on Saturday for the second time this season. at Walhl, the latter winning by five goats to . two. For the winners, goals were scored by Seelve and Torrens, Roberts, and Ulrich. For the* losers Horne scored one goal, and one. Horne and Martin were best among lhe forwards, and the Rev. Wlllhuns and Whitebead of the backs. For the winners Seely o aud Ulrich played finely, the former’s two goals being narlh-ularl.v good. McKinley. Giuy. and Mclndoe were the best of the Walhl backs. HAMILTON V. CAMBRIDGE HAMILTON', Monday. Hamilton defeated Cambridge by c» to nil; and Iluntly and Ngaruawuhla played n draw, scoring 3 points cacti. The former won the championship. Te Awaniutu defeated Otorohangn by 11 to 0: aud Kihikihi I‘cat Puterangi by 15 to nil. WAI PA UNION. TE AWAMI’TF, Monday Te Awamutu beat Otorohnnga by 11

points to nil, thus seepring the Walpa Rugby Union’s senior championship for the year. W HANG AR EI UN iON. WHANG AREI, Monday. The competitions for the Whangarei Union’s seuioi cup were concluded on Saturday, when Whakapara defeated Whangaiei by 10 points to nil. Whakapara thus win the Union’s shield and caps for the year. -Whakapara also won the- junior championship, beating the South juniors on Saturday by G points to nil. TAURANGA CUP MATCHES. TAURANGA, Monday. The cup competitions under the auspices of the Tauranga Rugby Union were continued on Saturday afternoon in perfect weather, when Tauranga mot and defeated Paengaroa by 26 points to 3. TARANAKI BEAL’ WANGANUI. HAMILTON, Monday. The representative football match Taranaki v. Wanganui was played a t Ha worn last week, and resulted in a victory for Taranaki by 14 to 3. In the first half Glenn, for Taranaki, scored a penalty goal, and also a try, which was converted by Glasgow. O’Sullivan also obtained a try. (Taranaki 11; Wanganui nil.) In the second half, tries were obtained by Thompson (Wanganui), and Hunt (Taranaki). HAWKE’S BAY T>EFEAT BUSH UNION. NAPIER, Monday. Despite the wintry weather, there was a good attendance to witness the Bush Union (North Walrarapa) v. Hawke’s Bay match. The home team won easily by 21 to nil. The play of the winners was ve?y creditable, but not up to their previous Wednesday’s form, their passing at times being faulty. The losers played a plucky uphill game throughout, and with combination would give a good account of themselves. Before the teams had crossed over Hawke’s Bay had scol’cd throe trios, per the medium of Smith, Toohill, and Bishop, McVay converting two with lovely kicks. In the succeeding spell Toohill ami Bishop crossed the visitors’ line, McVay negotiating the ball over the cross bar on one occasion. Mr Logan was referee. The visitors returned to their homes by this morning’s express train. Hawke’s Baj’ play a return match with Dannevirke in Napier on Wednesday. G. Willis, forwaid, has been recommeiKied by the Hawke’s Bay selector for inclusion in the New Zealand team. WELLINGTON MATCHES POSTPONED. WELLINGTON. Monday. On account of the inclement weather, the Rugby Union’s local matches were postponed. > WAIRARAPA BEAT WELLINGTON. MASTERTON. Monday. A fresh southerly breeze, accompanied by showers of rain and a sloppy ground, were the conditions under which Wellington and Walrarapa rep. teams played their return match of the season at Carterton. In the first half McKenzie punted high, and McGregor, who tried, to take the ball with one hand, naturally mulled it. with the result that the green forwards carried the leather over. Cadwallader gaining the first try. O’Leary converted. A charac-

teristic dash by Warner enabled tho home teftin, in*r the imulluua of Jackson, <o udl its srvoinl try Ihuuic tnv town mvu Hud recovered frwiu tm mst score. In th * uext spell the bdil was kicked over the iuiiikrapa line, and WntKhu* nud Wilson outpaced the opposition, the former scoring under the g.osrt-. AicUregor cnuveited. Roberts Rhoirly utterwards got over the Countrymen s chalk -mark, but the refe»eo the s.ore. ’ The gunie ended. Walrarapa h, Wellington f». The rulings of the refeie< v (Mr t’hailC’s) were pu/.zlhtg to the* vi.4lfo’rs. ’ S<*veral of his decisions nghinat Welltngtoa were ‘open to grave question.

'l’he Walrarapa rep. team leaves on its Northern tour to-morrow morning. Matches will be played against Taranaki, Wanganui, Mauitwntu, and Bush Unions. RESULTS FROM WANGANUI. WANGANUI. Monday. The final for the shield between Bulls and Marton, played at. Marton, ended in u win for the home combination by 4 points (a goal from a mark) to nil. Tennant lauded a beautiful goal from a (littlcuit angle. The game was well contested from stall to finish. In tho cup matches, Wanganui efTo< > t<‘d a slight surprlsi! by downing Pirates by 16 to 11. The game was chiefly remarkable for the tine forward play of Wells. Mitchell started scoring by creasing the Wanganui line at the corner, and a few minutes later ho performed exactly the same feat. The second spell put ft different complexion on the game, Wall scoring three tiles and Chamberlain one for Wanganui, Dumbioy convert lug t wo. Denniston crossed the Wanganui lino, Holland adding the major points. Kaierau v. T.Y.M.I. resulted in the easiest of wins fur the former, the score at “no side.” being Kaierau 17, T.Y.M.I. 3. For the winners, Trcgear kicked a goal from the field in the first, spell. After crossing over Kiiiermi piled on 13 points through the agency of Tregear (twice) and McLean. Takorangi adding the major points In two instances. Locky notched a try for the losers. Several of lhe crack players did not take part in the above matches owing to injuries received in the Taranaki match. MANAWATU M ATCIII IS. MANAKAU. Monday. The Wanderers v. I,evin match ended in n vb lory for the former by G. to 3. McKenzie scored iOr Levin in the first spell. Wallaeo Mid Smltli registering tries for tiie next naif. Tho game was productive of plenty of excitement, and was ovenlv contested throughout. PALMERSTON N.. Monday. The Hanawatu trial rep. match on Satitrdy was something in lhe nature of ft frost, only half the players selected putting in an appearance. Tho junior match, Palmerston v. Hulas', created considerable interest. Hulas winning hr 9 to nil. Campbell Street School beat High .School by 13 to SSOUTHLAND BEATEN BY CANTER BL’itV. CHRISTCHURCH. Monday. Although the football match bet ween Southland ami Canterbury was played In drenching rain? it attracted quite a large attendance The game was won by Canterbury by 8 points to 5 points. Considering that the ground wns slushy, and the ball soon became saddened. the play was really good. Southland had slightly the best of the game, and had the ground been hard would probably have won. So long as the ball remained faiily dry their tactics of holding the scrum mid heeling out to the biiekft answered well, aud for Un* first TuUf an hour they were much superior to I heir opponents. Then the latter altered their methods, and sulistii nting dribbling for passing, more than held their own. Tim backs on neither side coudl hold the ball. Ou cm* Gf the few occasions on which the Cmit.erbury rearguard managed to hold fb long enough to accomplish a little accurate passing they scored. When lhe Canterbury forwards changed (heir tael les they put a man out on the wing, and for the rest of the game played seven srrmnmngers nrninst their opponents. Under the conditlonH which prevailed, it is difficult to compare tho trams, but there i.< a consensus of opinion among the crHios that the visitors were stronger forward than the local reps.

THE LTAGO REPRESENTATIVE TEAM. DUNEDIN, Monday. The following playcin have beeu .elected to repreucut Otago against Southland next Saturday:—Fu.iback, Booth; thrcequartt'va, Baxter, Benue, Gilray; halves, Hislop, Munro, Bolt; forwards, Casey, Kpivrs, McDonald, Abbott, Stuart, Harris, ▲daiusou, Porteous (captainjl

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXIII, Issue V, 30 July 1904, Page 21

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FOOTBALL. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXIII, Issue V, 30 July 1904, Page 21

FOOTBALL. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXIII, Issue V, 30 July 1904, Page 21

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