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Personal Paragraphs.

Mr Lincoln Rees (Gisborne) has been visiting Wellington. Mr C. Kolling (Sydney) is visiting "Wellington. Mrs Andrews, Danevirlie, is at present staying with Airs AV. Jones, of Paten. M. Eugene Tangier (Paris) is making a stay in Wellington. Dr. Stephenson '(Dunedin) was in Wellington recently. Air A. Strang, of Pabnerston, is the guest of Mrs H. Sarjeant (Wanganui). Mr C. Gould (Melbourne) has been visiting Wellington. Mrs Harden, of Fcilding, is staying with friends in Wanganui. Mrs and Miss J. Moore (Wairnrapa) are in Wellington lor a week or two. Dr. Leahy, late house surgeon to the Napier Hospital, his left for Si dney. Alias ( han-man, of Napier, is the guest of Airs Bidwell, Featherston, Wairaiap.t. MPs Morrison, of Wapiti, Epsom, left by the Talune last Saturday for a trip to the South. Captain and Mrs Johnston (England) are staying at the Hotel Cecil (Wellington) while looking out for a house. Mr J. H. Williams (Wellington) has gone North on a visit to Te Arolia and Rotorua. Mi - D’Arcy Chaytor has returned to Blenheim after a few days spent in Wellington. Mr Phillips, of Canterbury, is staying in Wanganui with Mr and Airs Barnieoat.

Miss MeLennen, of Palmerston, is staying in Wanganui with friends.

Miss N. Gibson lias returned to Patea, from Wellington after a very pleasant visit to that city. Mrs White, of Blenheim, who has been in very delicate health for some time, died at Hobart, Tasmania, on July 6. Mrs and Miss Gudgeon Renwick, Marlborough, have gone to Wellington for a trip. Mr Broddriek, 'Wellington, is shooting and fishing in Queen Charlotte Sound, making Pieton his headquarters. Mr V. A. Sproul was a passenger- from Wellington to Sydney by the Monowai last week. Airs W. Van Asch, Waitotara, who has returned from a short visit to Auckland, spent a few days in Wanganui this week. Mr. Earl (president) will repf'fesent the Auckland Acclimatisation Society at the conference inWellington on July 25. Mr Thomas Finlayson, partner in toe firm of Sargood. Son and Ewen, went to Wellington by the Mararon last week. Mrs R. IL Rhodes (Christehnreh) was a passenger to Sydney by the last steamer. Mr R. S. Abraham and Mr E. flodbehere (Manawatu) paid a short visit to Wellington lately. Mr and Mrs W. Birch have gone back to Marton after a short stay in Wellington. Mr K. Wilson has returned io Palmerston after a brief stay in Wellington. Mr H. A. Parker, who has been in the South Island for a few weeks, is back again in Wellington. Miss Stevenson (Wellington) has gone on a round-the-world trip, travelling by Way of Sydney and South Africa.

Mr C. B. Morrison, who had such a narrow escape in the Opunake coach accident, has returned to Auckland. Mr and Mrs Paul Hunter, the Misses Hunter and Mrs Simeox. of Poraugahau, are staying at the Masonic Hotel, Napier. Airs Maedonald and her sister, Mrs Smith, of Dunedin, have b.-’en on a visit to Rotorua, and are staying in Auckland at present. Miss Lawlor, who has been spending some weeks with her grandmother, Mrs Grey, at Otahuhu, returned to the Thames on Monday last. Alias Fitzherbert, of the Hutt, who has been staying in Wanganui with, her aunt, Mrs S. T. Fitzhei-bfej-t, h.i< retiii-i-.-ed to Wellington. Mr O. W. Peek (England), who lias been in Wellington lately, went on io Christehnreh and Dunedin, lie returns to England via Australia and India. Airs Ward, of Palmerston, who has been staying in Wanganui with friends for a few weeks, is visiting her daughter, Airs Barthorpe, Silver-hope. The Rev. Mr Lewis, late of Woodville (H. 8. has been selected out of six candidates for the Presbyterian ebarge of Pderoa, Karang.ihake and Waikino. Captain and Mrs Davidson, of Napier, who have been staying at the (train! Hotel, Auckland, went to Rotorua last week. Mr and Mrs E. C. Horner are to leave Patea shortly for a trip down South. They will be absent, for about a fortMiss L. Greensill, of Pieion, has returned home from a visit to Wellington, win-re she lias been staying with Captain and Airs Baillie. Air IT. Robinson, headmaster of the Tua Marin,i (Marlborough) sihopl. has returned from a trip to New Plymouth, Rotorua, and the Waituangu Geyser. Alias Jessie Stuart, of Papeete, who has been visiting friends in Auckland, returned to Tahiti last week by the Taviuni. A presentation has been made to Mr Thompson by the pupils of the Greytown School (Wairarapa), with which he has been connected for a long time. Air R. Cock (New Plymouth) is in Wellington for a few days making arrangements for the coming industrial exhibition in Taranaki. Captain F. A. Maxwell, the chief officer of the Talune, has been appointed to the command of the Whaugape. Mr ('. P. Read is now chief officer of the Talune. Air Arthur Alloway, who has been for some time past on the Auckland stall' of the Bank of Australasia, has been transferred to the Marton branch, whither he went on Sunday- last. Air T. E. Pearse, head gardener at Rotorua, who has been laying out the gardens of Te Arolia, is now under order to proceed to Haiuner Springs to carry out similar work there. Alessrs. Edwin Hail and L. R. Phillipps, who represented Auckland province at the Colonial Conference of the N.Z. Farmers’ Union, recently held in Wellington, returned to Auckland last week. Dr. F. Goulburn Gibson has started practice in Christchurch. Dr. Gibson is an old Christciiureh boy,- and In- went through a very sueceasful course of training in England. The new manager of the Eketahuna brunch of the Bank of New South Wales is Mr G. A. Greenwood, who for some lime past has been accountant at the Wellington office. A gold natch has been presented by the residents of Nelson to Mr 11. Baigent, who has been Mayor for some time, besides filling other important public positions. A handsome dressing-case and travelling rug have been presented by the employees of the Wellington Woollen Company to Mr E. J. Read, who is retiring through ill-health. Mr W. I*. Morgan (Wellington), who lias just been admitted as a solicitor to the Supreme Court on the motion of Mr Guinne-s, is on the staff of the Lands and Deeds Department. A presentation of valuable books has been made to Air William Stuart (Wellington) on the occasion ( >f ids retiring from the position of District Lands Registrar.

The “Lyttelton Time *>” questions the probability of the Hen. W. P« Reeves returning to the colony. and thinks it more likely that he will stay at Hume and enter the arena of’ English politics. Mr ami Miss Daxx-on. of Dunedin, mid xiis-y Maffinnity. of Wellington, have* made a visit tu Rotor tin and Taurnnga. and intend to leave Auckland fer the Eolith this week. Mrs Hay, of Au’-kbi'.d. who ha< been p.ying an extend, i vi-it to her -Ker, u'.hs dills, >n Me’th.iirne, r. turned via Wellington b\ the Z; alandia on Sunday Ic-r. Th< Rev. E. c. Evam, <f st. Mary's Church, New Ply uiuiit ii, who b «n x Kling Auckland with hi* wife for a sv. <iay>. returned io New Plymouth last week. Miss Morrison. “Wapiti.’’ Epsom, AUvkhUid, left by ihc East Coa-L boat on .Saturday lor Chrisu hurvh. where san will slay for some lime with relations. Mr 11. S. Paul, of Invercargill, has been appointed mana* r of the Napier branch of the Bank of A”.K ralasia, in place of Air R. B. Scull h, who has been promoted to Dunedin. Mrs J. Levien, cf Binwood. Sx uncy, came tn Aucklan I to meet her son fr >m America, who arrived by file R.H.s. \ <■ 1-

tuia. After :» Hu.-rt x i .it to Rotorua, and Auckland, they left fur Sydney by Imi Zeal;•ndia lasi ‘ Monday. Mr C. If. Izard has been clc.-p. d a member of the Board of Governors of the Wellington Colic* c a.ed High Sr-mol. JI is father wn- for many y.ars one of the Board. ami ha - always taken great interest in edit, at tonal matters. Miss Linton ( Masde - !on) who has I • ti for some years on Uie stun of in? Wellington, has her position and Home. Nur-e E’eneker succeeds lu Miss Linton's place 011 the staff. Mr (’. R. \\ ilii.inis ha re < ; ,icd his position as engineer of the Nubon Harbour Board in cun sequence of the whole u; his services bring repin'd at Lyi triton. The resignation was accepted 1r *m the ond' o 1 Ju'y. Mr Tom Alann, the well kimxvn labour leader and organiser, is conducting .1 tiircc-months’ lecturing tour in West Australia. He has b;en in laccifd of a salary at the rate of £6OO per annum from the Victorian Labour party. ( apt. G. li. Hardman. who is joining the Japanese Army as British Attache,

is leaving Wellington, on rule for the East. Capt. Hardman served with the C Battcry oi R.H.A. in (he South Afiivan war. Air Harold W. Hudson, office manager to Messrs L.J). Nathan and Co., is likely to be confined to his bed for some time, in consequence of a recurrence of unfavourable syinptoms in an injury sustained to his knee when a buy'. It is considered probable that Dr. Birraelough, who is at present assistant medical officer at Porirua Asylum, will relieve Dr. Beattie at the Avondale Asylum, in order to allow the latter to take a six months* holiday. Mr Arthur Carbines, a well-knoxvn Auckland musician, was entertained by his friends last week in the Hibernian Hall as an expression of their esteem and by way of fa re well. He is going to England. Mr. Samuel Holloway, who has for the last live years been a local preacher ami Sunday-school teacher in eoimcclion with the Thames Methodist Church'. w la*t week presented with an Oxford teachers' Bible and pocket-book. Airs R. D. and Miss Gladys Thomas (Christchurch) have left for Adelaide for a three or lour months' visit. Mrs Thnma> has a son in the Eastern Extension Cable ( o. 1 here. Vi — Dale 1 Marlin accompanied them. hut will make a visit of shol’ter duration. r l he election of officers for the Waihi Rifle Volunteers xvas held last week. Lieut. Rollingston was rdeeted captain, and Sergt. < hirke was elected lieutenant. Sergt. Clarke is late of No. 3 0.R.V.. and is holder of the W’ailii championship belt for 1 he present year, Mr Edward Acton, a well known farmer from Pleasant Point, South Canterbury, is at present on a visit to Auckland. Air Acton represented his province nt the recoil < Colonial Conference of the N.Z. Farmer / Cnion. Air Maughan Barnett (Wellington) has been asked to act as judge of musical competitions at the coming Marl*

bo: <nigh Industrial Exhibition, which "ill be hehl in Blenheim in the spring. Air Barnett occupied a similar po-iiion at a big Dunedin carnival a par «>r two or’Jv doing the “i?’Us of the South Island, Mr and Mrs v -ott (Basutoland, South Africa) a •hurt stay in Wellington before • miing cd to Auckland ami Rolon 4. M’- \\ .J. Jours (Natal) was also in Wellington lately. The following transfers of pi stniastcrs have been decided upon; Mr R. C. Rim.., Album, to Dann, virke; Air J. Brown. Danncvirke to C.iri-’rion; Mr V.. C. Drake, (’aiL rlon to \\ lia.agrn ci; Air A. AKolum, Whangirei to Milton; Air !•'. H. Barnard, xas. by to Ehham; Air C. A. Wei’s. Whitianga to Na-eby. Txveniy-two applications \v i* 1 received by t •:<* I’e Aroint Distiicl Co operative Dairy ( o. for the position of mxnnger oi its factory al Waihou. Mr. James Alorrow. at present in charge of Iho Alnnaxvaru Co-operative Factory, was appointed.

Mr. R. Owen, who is a dental student in Dr. Owen's surgery, is going to the Harvard deui i sclnxil by the American mailb.o it. following the one that ieaxethis w.’<k. Gt* xvii! bi’ away for thita xcars at lens’. Mr Owen is a very pupa lar member ei 11m King-' College OI; Boys’ AssoeiaHon. Mr Seymour Wilson, a w<al 4 !iy American, who has been h\ ing at Onchuuga fur a cuii mlcralJe Him-, but xvho rec.-:’< ly disposed of Ir’s pr< •\ , i : v there and h is since livid in the Ce. Ural Hutel, left Auckland h; v xxcek in ti !e Mourn to pax a v'sit h, Honolulu in th.- Miowrra, under Messrs Cook’s arranyeineilf s. ( Ed. McLeod has rejoin, d the Terranora as ma.-u r. Captain R. G. Htinkin, late of Hie Terran-, ra. is redwing Captain Faulkner, M the Alan.- - papa, who has b c . n granted hohdux' leave. Captain \V. Betti?, of the Waini.iric, is spending a holidax in th • South, and h>. phi. - his been fillo 1 b.• Caj, .tin i,', 11. s. tioertz, chief officer < f the I'aniwiia. Mr and 'dis C. Siddle, of KI rk-.hup. South Aft iea, ivlui arc ;i‘ r.resi nr at I’otorici with hr iV. E. Cetllry, of London. and Mr W. Derby, of the l«l<> of Might, arrived from Dome hv the Tttrakitm. .Mr and Mrs S'iddle leave Attekhind for America, by the Sierra on the *2Gt h. Mr M. C. Barnett, representative at. < hi is-church for the Public Trustee, who has obtained six months’ leave of absence.. and i.s proceeding to England, via -\tnerie;i, joined the .Moura lust week to connect with the Miowcra. for Vaneo.iver at Suva. .Mr Barnett will be

accompanied by hi> brother, Dr. Barnett, W Dunedin. A proscii la Hon 'was made by "the employees of 11. M. Hnieeioii, Ltd., last toeek to Miss E. Clark, daughter Rev. J. Clark, who is leaving after seven years’ connection with the linn. The secretary. Mr. Martin, made the presentation, and Mr. Bycroft replied on behalf of Miss Clark. Mr and Mrs jiamilton Hodges passed through Wellington on their way back to Auckland, but did not give a concert which was rather a disappointment, as Wvliingt onia ns are enthusiastic in their appreciation of Mr Hodges* singing. However, on Sunday night at St. Paul’s Mr Hodges took part in tin* anthem, and also sang during the offertory, writes our Wellington correspondent. Very hearty congratulations have been showered on the Hon. Captain Baillie, M.L.C., ami Mrs Baillie, who on July 11th celebrated their golden wedding. For a year or two past Captain and Mrs Baillie have been living in Wellington, where they have many relations, but they still go over to Marlborough for the summer nionths. The death of another old resident is announced, in the person of Mr B. Blakey, Nelson-street, wife of Mr B. Blakey, Wockmakcr. and who carried on business in Albert-street for many years. They arrived in Auckland in the Alary Ann. commanded by ( apt. Ashby, this being his first, trip to Auckland, in the year 1858. Mrs Blakey leaves her husband, one son, twi; ‘laughters, 18 grand-

children, and two great-grandchildren. Lady Plunked has accepted the presidentship of the Ladies’ Committee of the Veterans’ Homo, created by Lord llanfurly in May last. Airs. Neligan is vicepresident of this cominittoe, ami Mis. Bedford is secretary and convener, the

other members being Ai.esdames McCosh Clark. Davies, Lewis. Parkes., Abbott and Banifvo. The committee Intends to hold a great military-carnival in March in aid of the home funds. Colonel Davies. C.P>., and the Polo Club having promised their support, already. It is probable that laidy Flunked will open the carnival. The “Sydney Telegraph” says: ‘•The Ttev. G. A. Carver, of Auckland, is on a short holiday, most of which hr is spending at Young, where he was formerly incumbent. Hr has not yet recovered from the effects of the tramway accident which befell him in Auckland last year when driving with the Bishop of North Queensland. Mr Carver was for several years in this colony, at Mohmg, Wilcannia. Bodalla, Young, and Wagga. In this connection attention may be directed to an advertisement relating to a mi.ssion which Mr Carver has from the Bishop of Auckland to induce three clergymen to take up work in that dioOur London correspondent writes: Mis and Miss Oliver, of Frilding, arrived by the Orient liner Ortona on (>th May. ami have taken up their residence at Sydenham, S.E. Mrs Oliver has brought her (laughter Home to continue her vocal studies, so that their stay in London is likely to extend over a year or two. MLs Oliver is now taking singing lessons from Mr George I i iley. For some years she was a boarder at SI. Al.try’s Convent in Wellington, and was during that time a pupil of Sister Al. Agnes, l»y whose advice Airs Oliver brought h« r to London. J)r. Dorn*hl AlcG.tvin and Airs XieGavin, of Wellington, were passengers for London by the Shaw Savill steamer Waiweta, which arrived last week. The pleasure oi the vox age was marred by tl'.e shocking murder which ocriirrr.l on the run bid ween Monte Video and Teuerillc, but otherwise (hr trip proved very enjoyable. Dr. Ah Gavin expects to be away from New Zealand tor about a year, pari of which time will be spent on the Continent. During his travels he will devote his attention particularly to the special st tidy of diseases of the rye, ear and throat, both in England and abroad. Next September Dr. McGaxin hopes to combine bii-ine-s with pleasure by al tending a congress of opthalunc surgeons at Lucerne. Mr James \iken. of Wanganui, who geneia I ly finds liis way to London for the summer, is in town just now, staying al the Waverley Hotel. He leaves short h for Germany in order Io make a tour up the Rhine. and on his return in 1 he autumn will probably visit Scotland and Ireland. Mi- Skerrrlt. of Wellington. arrived in London on May 3rd, travelling over-

land from Russia, through Berlin. She has liven living abroad tor some years, principally in Russia, where she has been the guest of her cousin, the Baroness l’riliiig<»tf Schell. Miss J. Skerrett reached London four days later by the P. and O. liner Mongolia, from Sydney, and was me| here by her brother and sister. The former, Mr C. P. Skerrett. bad preceded her to London some months previously, having come Home (as I mentioned at Hie time) to take some important New Zealand appeal cases before the Privy Council. Ah Skerrett and his sisters intend going to Ireland shortly, to visif their father's oldest brother in Galway, after which they go abroad fill the autumn. They are enjoying their trip to the Ohl Country immensely.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXIII, Issue IV, 23 July 1904, Page 45

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Personal Paragraphs. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXIII, Issue IV, 23 July 1904, Page 45

Personal Paragraphs. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXIII, Issue IV, 23 July 1904, Page 45

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