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RUGBY. THAMES V. AUCKLAND. VISITORS BEATEN BY 42 POINTS TO NIL. The first inter-union match nf the season took place on Saturday at Epsom between the above-mcntiuned teams, and resulted in a decisive victory for Auckland. There was a good attendance, close on uOGO being present, the takings at the gate amounting to 4:120. The game throughout was full of exciting incidents, and was a good exhibition of Rugby, the Auckland team showing to great advantage. Mr Pitts had charge of the game, and gave his derisions with promptitude, and altogether refereed in first-class stylo. Messrs Paul (Thames) and Ohlson (Auckland) officiated as line umpires.

M. Wood was elected captain of the Auckland team, and Morgan that of the Thames. , t> At half time the score was Auckland 8. Thames nil, and in the second half the home team added .34 points.

Though the large score of 42 points to nil would give one the idea that the Thames team was a ve»y poor one, such is not the case, and although Auckland were superior at every point of the game, still the Thames put up a good fight, ami the number of points scored by Auckland was more by the excellence of the Auckland ream on the whole than rhe poorness of the Thames fifteen. Both back ami forward Auckland played splendidly, and our prospects for the coming campaign certainly look a lot brighter after the exhibition given by the local men on Saturday. To individualise the playeis. Phillips, at full back, gave as good a display as he has given this season, and there was not inuch fault to find with him. McKenzie, at wing three-quarter, played a groat game, in fact, it is doubtful if ho has ever shown to greater advantage. The kick into centre from which Gallaher scored was a nice heady bit of play, and shows that our men have evidently profited by the reports from Sydney of the. play of the British team. Renwick, at centre, was patchy, and although ho was at times brilliant, his handling of the ball. < specially in passing, was faulty, ami he lost his side two or three good chances by it. Asher, on the other wing, was the unlucky man of rhe team. Whenever an opportunity came his way, it was always spoilt by a bad pass, the ball cither going over bis head or at his feet. Renwick was principally responsible for this. Of the two halves Ward gave the best exhibition, and it is a doubt if we have ever seen a better display at Epsom than that which he showed on Saturday. 11 is picking up of the ball ami passing were splendid while his tackling was in keeping with his leputation. Wood, rhe other half, also ga*ie a good exhibition, his dodgy work, from which he made some great openings, were grand. His condition hardly lasted him through the game, but we can export to see him at his best by the time he is wanted tor the big juatcbos. As captain of the team he handled his men splendidly. Gerrard, at centre half, it is hardly fair ticriticise, as it is a big task to set a man to put him in a new position and expect him to play as well as those who have been there all the season. At the same time theie was not much to find fault with in his play, beyond a slowness in getting the ball away to his halves. Gal la tier, on the whole, put in a lot of good work, and was responsible for a good deal of the open play that was witnessed. Of the pack. Sending stood out most prominently, and his showing on Saturday stamps his as good a forward as we have had for some time. The amount, of work he got through was wonderful, and he never seemed to be at fault. Nicholson and Tyler were perhaps the best of the others, but there was not much to cavil at in the remainder, and all played right up to their best form. There was at times a slowness in heeling the bail out from the scrum, which no doubt will be remedied when the men get to know each others play better. Newdlck, at full for the Thames, was fair. Ho is a deadly tackler, but his fielding of the hall left a lot to be desired. Keating was the most useful of the threequarters. who were more of the solid order than they were brilliant. Morgan was faulty in fielding the ball, and Klngbam, beyond showing pace now and then, did not play as well as expected. Winder, at fiveeighths, was the pick of the Thames backs, and were he playing n season or two in Auckland, would develop Into a first class man. Price, at centre half, was hamllcapped by being liehlnd a beaten pack, and got no opportunities. McCollum put in some useful work ou th* wing, but bi* companion, F. Hayward, got his side frequently penalised by his oIT-side play. IT. Hayward, Ant ridge, and Baker were (he best of the Thames forwards, and wore responsible for some good play in rhe loose rushes. The others were only mod rate.

After the game the two tonus dined together, and in the evening visited His

Majesty’s Theatre, mid witnessed the performance of • Hands A* loss the Sen.” AUCKLAND HEP. TEAM. The team to represent Auckland against the Goldfields i ntoii reps, on July 23rd will lx* the same as originally selected by .Mr Murray. Renwick will take his original place as fuil-baek. Gerrard will play centre ttu*ee-qii«irtor-b:ivk, and Kiernan, who stood out last Saturday owing to an injury, will play behind th? pack. PUBLIC SCHOOL MATCHES. Poiisonhy fill beat Richmond (d). Kemuera (20) beat Epsom (3). Parnell ((»> beat Mount Eden U». Mnngere Bridge (5) beat Newmarket (Oh Newton East (15) beat Nelson street «’). Bayfield (<5» heat Wellesley street B <3». MaHst Bros. <l») heat Newton West (5). SECONDARY SCHOOLS MATCHES. st. John’s I. v. King’s College I. —St. John’s won by 20 points to nil. Grammar School 1. v. Prince Albert I.— Grammar School won by 11 points to nil. Nt. John’s 11. v. King’s College 11.—St. John’s won by 13 points to nil. A. CLARKE AND SONS V. MACKY. LOGAN, STEEN AND CO. The annual football match between the employees of Arch. Clark and Sons. Ltd., and Macky, Logan, Steen, and Co. was played at North Shore on Saturday, and resulted in a win for Hie former by 26 points to 3. For the winners tries were scored by Boiid, Rowe, h>ov-. Wells, and Lowrie, the latter also potting a goal. Trebilcn. Hate, and Booker stood out as the best forwards on the ground. Amongst the backs, Lowrie. Bond. Rowe, and Riddell were responsible for some brilliant passing runs, and Wells played a solid game. “STAR” V. “HERALD.” A match between teams from the “Star" and “Herald” newspaper offices was played at Eiiersiie <»n Saturday, and was won by the “Herald” b.v 14 points to nil. In the first spell the winners ran up eleven points. The second spell was more evenly contested, the >core 1 eing increased by only three points. For the winners, tries were scored by Mackerall (2). N'inkey. and Bagnatl. Mackerall converted one of the tries. Mr 11. Speight refereed. After the inatch the teams dined at the Harp of Erin Hotel, and subsequently adjourned to the Ellerslie Hall, where an enjoyable outing was brought to a successful conclusion. PUKEKOHE MATCHES. A match between the Pukokohe and Tuakau juniors played at Pukekohe on Saturday last. anJ i»iuved one of the best matches seen .-m ibis ground for some time, resulting in a win for Pukekohe by nine points to nil. Tries were scored by R. Blake (2) and G. Reynolds. The J’ukckohe Seniors also had a win over the local team at Tuakau by points (a penalty goiil) to nil. BOMBAY \ . B AIL KU. The Bombay and Waiuku seniors met on July 16. when a well contested game was witnessed by a good number of spectators. Wniuku obtained two tries, and the visitors from a penalty kick registered a goal, Waiuku thus winning by « points to 3. CAMBRIDGE V. WAIPA. TE AWAMUTt; Saturday. The inter-union match het ween the Cambridge and Waipa Union teams resulted in a victory for Waipa by 16 points tu 5. V. 11A NG ARE 1 1< H >TB ALi WIIA N<; Alt EI. Monday. The senior football match between North Ward ami South Ward, played on Thursday, resulted in a win lor the North Waid by G points to 3. The junior match was won by South Ward by 14 points to 1». FROM THE GOLDFIELDS. PAEROA. Monday. The Inter union match Waith v. Karnugnhnke took place at Mnekytown on Saturday afternoon, and resulted in a draw, neither side scoring. The game was not very interesting. being principally confined to the forwards, and the rough ground caused the players some eon fusion. East seniors detested Suburbs at PaOrori on Saturday by points to nil, Cock, Pennell, nnd McCulloch each scoring tries. Air Fielder refereed. This leaves Fa t ami West level fur the rup. and a inatch will bo played to decide rhe matter. West juniors defeated East by :: points tn nil, Dryland scoring from full-back.

WAT HL Monday. Owing to the luter-unlon match, W iihi v. Karang.ih.H- -. <>.ily a Junior ganu- wax played on Saturday afternoon between Uilv and West. The fm'.nor won l y 5 t<> 3. Dare scored for the juniors, ami < larko kicked a goal. Hogg obtained a try lor the h»seis, which was not converted. PAEROA. Monday. 1 he following team has been chosen to represent the Goldfields I ulnn against Auckland next Saturday: Fullback. I’owdreli: three-quarters. Coote. Mcpike. Johnson: five-eighths, Flynn; half. Garvej : forwards. Fraser. Bramble (wings). Sorensen, t’aplll, Rnkutala, Cunningham, Mcl>un Arns. Ansell. The team is not considered the first available, ns Breuan at half is regarded by most people as mm h superior to Garvev. whilst the claim of GnJims to a place in' the forwards is second tn none. Nevertheless, the tcu'ii should do fairly well, having g<H»d backs in Powdrell, Coote, and McPike. ami a first-class five-eighths in F.'ynii. whilst the forwards are heavy ami willing. TARANAKI MATCH lIS. NEW PLYMOUTH. Monday. The first match for the third grade premiership nf th-* province was played in the Recreation Grounds on Thursday afternoon between Waimate and Tukapa. Tim ground was very heavy, and the hall became greasy and hard to play shortly a f ter the game was started. In the first spell W.almite, through Blair’s agency, .s orod a try. 'l'he second spell was evenly contested, but no further score was registered. ’Hie game was very disappointing. the play being confined principally t«» forward rushes a ml scrambles. Mr Spurdie acted as referee in an impartial manner, hut sonm spectators showed a great deal of bad taste by hooting when he gave decisions that did not meet with their approval (says the “Herald"). if this sort of exhibition continues it will mean that gentium a will not be found to JLako up the position. A referee’s duties are vi ai! tsui s onerous, and he should receive the support of all fnh inimled supporters of the v.inler game. There has been a tendency c-f late to hoot a referee <<n the slight?-:: pretext, and without any justifiable cause. These who control the matches sh aid see that referees shoa <| have the fulh st protection from insiEC 1 . otherwise football fields will simpl.v become veritable bear gardens. THE REPRESENTATIVE TEAM. Mr G. Syme has selected the following representative team: Fullbnck. Bly th • (Haw. rm; three-quarters, J. Hunter (H.iwera). E. Burke iWaimate). Dr. Fookcs (Tukapat: five-eighths. Mynott (Tukapa); halt’. A. Humphries (Start; wing forwards, Guv (Opumikc), Hamblyn (El:linnit; forwards, Wilson (Hawera). Glasgow (hitham), O’Sullivan (Okaiaw.m. Glean <\\aimate). Doudns iHawem). Thomas iStrat lord), J. Bom tee (Wahnate). Emergent-; *s: Back Abbott (InglcWGodi: forwards. Young (Wnininte). McKay (.Wnimatej; wing, Duthio HAWKES BAY UNION. • NAPIER. Mon<U» Not withstanding threatening weather, there was :i largo ati‘-ml:uicc on Saturday to witness the continuation of the championship mnfciies. To Ante team, frosh from its Australian visit, made its re appearance in cup matches, ami appeared to have profited by its travels, giving a clever exhibition of passing, in spite of the heavy ground. Its win against t’lty after a linrdfought game was a meritorious one. Sulmrl'S were short-handed, and had to pIRV several substitutes, while Ahurlrl had the* services of several juniors. A dull and uninteresting game was won by Ahuriri by IN to nil. Tries were scored by Hum. Tier, and Heron (3). Petersen converted three. One of the most interesting matches tins season was the Te Anfe-Uity game. In the first spell clover combined play by the t oKegians closed with Uuulornwa scoring near the corner. Shortly after sides had l>een changed, Jdullany. breaking througii. punted high, and :i rucr down to the Te Auto line emled in Tyne registering 11 try. The <’ity five-eighths kicking over his head. Te Auto swarmed over the line, Kitnl touching down near the posts. Grennell a tided the major points. Even play followed till "110 side, To Ante winning by S to 3. Hastings sub-union matclies result <-d: Horetnungn t'niled beat Kulinkuranui by 30 to o. alter a tough game. A junior tiial match was tdayed to enable tbe selectors to pick a team to play tin- Daiinevlrke juniors on the 2<fill hist., and tin* following were soloeteil: i.agor. Steer. Spcnce.l ib y. Nutliorliiml. Popplowell, t'alnau. Shepherd. Butcher. Brown. Lowe, Tellwood, Heaney, Strut hers, Sturm. Mr Coney, of Wnlpnkurnu h:is presented n silver cup to <ti«- \\ Nub-l aioii, which It offers for a junior competition, 'i he 1-cprt sentatlvoß ot the Waipnwii SubUnion im-et a Hawke’s Buy tcniu at *’apier on Wedncs iay.

TIIE WELLINGTON UNION. W ELL! NGT< )N, Monday. £h«-ie wrtM imi attendance of over 4IKM> spectators at Athletic Park on Saturday to vxhmss lii«* second match between the two leading teams, Poneke am! Petone, for the senior championship. The ground was in fair order, but the display of football was mu as good as might have been expected. There were occasional flashes of brilliant play, but for tiie most part it was a \ igorous tight between the forwards. The suburban foiwards, usually a brilliant combination, did not show up to advantage, nod on the game were thoroughly beaten by their opponents. Well on towards the end of the first spell Griffiths got the leather in Petone territory, ami fired it out to Slattery, who finished up a strong run by scoring near the corner, the angle pioviiig too diiiicuit for Wall luce to add the major points. The most striking feature of tin* game followed in the succeeding half. Wallace gathering in the ball from a long Jim* out, ran up the centre of tin* ground, dodged brilliantly thiougli the cordon of i he opposing backs, and some of the for wauls, and went over fhe line behind the goal posts. amidst deafening • heets, which were renewed when the trygetter put the ball over the cross bar. foncke had all the best of the concluding stages of the game, and left tin* field victors by 8 points to nil. Petone thus experiencing its fit st defeat of the season. By this win Poneke arc now level with I’chun- for the championship, ami the Wellington Union, in view of the coming rep. matches, has decided that these teams shall play off for the premiership next Saturday. The stubborn but unfit’Riant Oriental team again proved its character when, after having a week before nearly stopped Petmie s march, it failed to beat Wellington. securing merely a live points draw. Oriental notched the first points, the scorer bling A. Wylie. Ilighet converted. McIntyre. who has played himself into the representative three-quarter line, scored a try for Wellington, and Scott-Wilson conv< rt< <l, equalising the figures. The looked-for result happened at Petone. Melrose getting home comfortably from the never-victorious Athletic. The losers, with thirteen men, played their usual pluckv uphill game. The win was Ly four trie’s to nil, the scorers being McGrath (2), Hodgson, and Adams. Junior championship matches results wen-: Athletic defeated Wellington by 24 to nil: Johnsonville 11, Oriental 6: Petone 11. Victoria College nil. Third Class: Athletic won from Poneke by default. Fourth Class: Selwyn 22. Karori A nil; Athletic S. Railway 6. Fifth Class: Selwyn !>, Oriental 3. WELLINGTON V. WAIRARAPA. WELLINGTON. Monday. The Wellington and Wairarapa senior representative teams play their ictupi -match of the season at Carterton next Saturday. W A NT: AN UI CH A M PIONSII IPS. WANGANUI, Monday. A large concourse of spectators watched the senior games on Saturday. Pirates wnt under to Old Boys by 4 to 3. Shortly after the gam- had begun Craig, for Old Bovs, kicked a beautiful goal from a mark on the half-way line. A capita! bit of pl.iv by Pirates enabled Mitchell to score re ar the corner. Then? was no further Feiring, though Old Boys just missed getting over their opjionents* line on throe oc-

!n the T.Y.M.I. v. Collegiate School game the former got off the mark early, Ansley potting a nice goal. A nice passing rush by Simon, Toko, Ansley, and Walsh saw the last-incut inned cress the F.-hool chalk mark. In the next half smart passing among the T.Y.M.I. barks pushed with Ansley scoring. The final tally was T.Y.M.I. 1<». School nil. Several of the school’s best players were on the sick list. • Th' Kaiernu-Waverley match ‘ended in a draw, after an interesting game*. the score being five points all. Robert Shaw scored for Waverley in the first spell, ami Stj.Mhan converted. Knieraii retaliated by Fremont dodging through tin* opposing barks ami scoring a neat try. Fowler converting with a splendid kirk. Several minor accidents occurred in a hardlyfought contest. MA NAW ATI’. PAT.MERSTHN' NORTH, Monday. A ‘.rial match was played on the show ground on Saturday, but the exhibition was anything but creditable from a spectator’- point of view, bring dull am! uninteresting throughout. Although “A” team won by 3 to nil. the colours had the first of Hie gatin', am! their backs gave the first exposition of football. Sutton proved himself the best back on the ground. Mr Forte has selected the following to reVit'tent Maiiawatu against Dannevirkc at Palmerston on Wednesday: Fullback. G. McMinn: three-quarters. F. Hewitt. Scott, Hak« five-eighths. Stalker; half, Skelley; forwards. Hepburn and Stewart (wings), Horgan. Alex. McMinn. Wingate. Whisker, Swerm y. Smith, ami Arch. McMinn. Junior matches resulted as follows: — Hnia ami Orona Bridge played a draw: Kia Ton defeated Palmerston by 11 to nil, all scored at the end of tin* game; Foilcllng defeated Awaliuri by 14 to nil. Third class: Kia Toa and Hui played a draw. three sill: High S’hool Ohl Boys easily defeated High School. MANAKAU, Monday. JTfiere was fine weather for the matches on Saturday. ami a large crowd assembl 'd to witness tfi<* Otaki-Levln senior game, which was uninteresting throughout, being mainly ■ -oiifliird to the forwards. There was no score in the first spell. In the next half McKenzie and King scored trier:, the game ending in favour of Levin by d to nil.

Junior matches ended: —Otaki ill) v. Sw ainson and Bevan (3i: Wanderers forfeited to Oliau and Levin to Tainui. Otaki have now won the junior banner. WAIRARAPA FIXTURES. M ASTERTON, Monday. 'the final for the Saturday senior cliainpio'nship was concluded at Carterton on Saturday, when the local team defeated Greytown by 19 points to 7. The garni' was very fast and chiefly n forward one. For Greytown. Rogers kicked a goal, and Jury scored a try. which was unconverted. For Carterton, Johnston anil G roil be scored tries, which were both converted by E. McKinzie, and the remaining three were seemed by Armstrong. Smart, and Hart. The match between Masterton and Whareaimi teams resulted iu a win fol* Masterton by 17 points to nil. The Wellington-Wairarapa junior representative match has been fixed for August 3Ot In

Mastorton juniors beat Gladstone by 8 points to 6.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXIII, Issue IV, 23 July 1904, Page 21

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FOOTBALL New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXIII, Issue IV, 23 July 1904, Page 21

FOOTBALL New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXIII, Issue IV, 23 July 1904, Page 21

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