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RUGBY. AUCKLAND CHAMPIONSHIP MATCHES The attend* me at Alexandra Park on Saturday afternoon was only moderate, owing io ihe fact that both Grafton and PoDFonby. the teams engaged in the principal match, had been twice defeated, i CITI V. SUBURBS. Thia match was played on No. 2 ground a».d resulted .n a win for City by 14 points to nil. AH the points were scot cd in the first spell. .City were expected to put up a bigger score. Suburbs played better than usual, but even so, the town team should hare won by a greater margin if all their <T port unities were takru full advantage <f. The team plaved iu two 3t»'j». Tries wen* secured by Gladding <2), Nicholson, Tyler converted one, and a goal was kicked from the field. NORTH SHORE S EASY WIN. North Shore, playing on the Devouport ground against Parnell on Saturday, beat the visitors by the .decisive total of 29 points to nil. The Shore had matters nearly always their own way. and the match would have been very uninteresting but for occasional bursts of individual brilliance on the Parnell side. Ear and away ahead of their opponents in eombiiiatiou. dash, and weight • f forwards, North Shore opened the game with a procession over the Parnell line, four tries being scored in the first half, three of which Yeoland converted with Very fine kicking. It was a much harder game in the second half, when Varnell contested every inch •ff ground, and the Shore men had to defend for a short time. However, the Aucklanders were much too disunited io stand toe combined work of the Shore men, and Wynyard, Smith, and Joyce crossed the J ameil line in turn. Yeoland converting Foananga. the Parnell five-eighth was injured towards the end of the first spell, and did not resume. Final score: North shore, 4 goals. 3 tries: Parnell, nil. Mr Green bough was the referee: FONSONBY DEFEAT GRAFTON. 'nie match in front of the grandstand was between Grafton and Pnnsonbv tii»> latter wwn!n B hy 24 to « For tlu ; wi|) _ K»i». tries were obtalued l.v Tolson. Lendrom Cu Carlaw. ami Wright. I' wn . verted three »:><! kicked a penalty goat. >< r J.rafton, Hil land Macdonald scored, ward converting oi:e. The game was a disappointing one it was thought by many that as both teams were capable ot showing good combination s-n interest?ug exhibition of the open game would be given, but this was not so. There was some very satisfactory combination. Int taking the play ail through it was not er a high standard. i'onsonby, though outclassed in the first *P*-I>. proved themselves far the better team. Graft, n had all the !>est of the first *pe||, but were not aide to push home their >»«l vantage*. This was in a large measure due to the fact that Ward was out of his place on the wing of the three-quarter line sml was very much off-colour. lie was • l,ft * well (he went off in the second *l*ll*. 2nd *t would have I wen bettor for bis side if he had not played. A good scoring nun in bis place would proltably have a couple of. trie siu th.- first spell, the Grafton backs showed a decided tendon, y to got ..ut of their places when call- • d upon to stop the rushes of their opponents. Craig played a very satisfactory game at full-back, although he made one <r two mistakes. McKenzie played the t-.-at game on the side, and without him it wvuhl have gone hard with Grafton. KlerMh played below his form of the previous Saturday, and wax guilty of an astonishing error of judgment. The forwards did not xbow much kuowldcdge of the game, and ***med to play without system. Ail the Fousonby backs played well. *<-»* tf their passing was satisfactory. ; tMI tbrir ta.-kling was very safe. Renwick played a very sound game, and ]>»ndrum on the wing showed plenty of dash, i hr forwards generally beat their opponent* in the scrums. SECOND FIFTEENS. I’onsonby v. Grafton.—Pnus«mhr won by a.• nil, the game lasting only 23 minutoK. rtii Sb.-re v. I'arncil.—North Shore wen ly 25 to X THIRD FIFTEENS. North store v. Varnell.—North Shore Won by 17 to nil. North Shore 111. it v. Ponsoulay.- This« L ended iu a draw, neither side scoring. Fensri.l.y HI. and North Shore 111. B A'ayed a drawn game, there befog do score. SECONDARY STROOL ’MATCHES. St John's I. i>cat Sacred Heart by G to x King* College I. and Prince Albert J. >iayed a drawn gam* <5 points eac-h). Sa. red Heart 11. beat St. John • 11. by if u u

Prince Albert 11. beat King's College 11. by C to V. PUBLIC SCHOOL MATCHES. Richmond Road ▼. Newton West.— Richmond Road wod by 3 to nil. Ellerslie v. Newmarket.—Ellerslie won by <J to nil. Fonsonby v. Beresford Street. —Ponsonby wnu by 'J to nil. Kemuera v. Mangere Bridge.—Reiiiuera won by 14 to nil. Onehunga v. Marist Bros. — Onehunga won by 12 to nil. Newton East ▼. Napier Street.—Newton East won by II to nil. Wellesley Street v. Parnell. —Wellesley Street won by 14 to nil. GOLDFIELDS MATCHES. WAI 111, Saturday. The football matches were continued on Saturday on (he local reserve. The match Chy v. West resulted iu a win for City by 3 to nV. In the junior division Suburbs defeated West by 9 to X PAEROA, Saturday. The senior football match under the Paeroa Rugby Union was played at Hikntaia to-day, when East and Suburbs met for the second round. The game was keenly contested right through, and was eventually won by East by 7 points to <5. For the winners I*. Brenan potted a nice goal from the field, and Smith scored a try, and for Suburbs Rlvklts and McMahon scored tries. The junior match between W’est and Suburbs resulted in a win for West by 6 points to 3, McCarthy and Shaw scoring for the victors, and Cato for the losers. COROMANDEL. Saturday. The second of the Coromandel Rugby cup matchy was played this afternoon, between Coromandel and Manaia. Coromandel won by 6 points to 3. TARANAKI CHAMPIONSHIP. NEW PLYMOUTH, Monday. Inglewood and Tukapa seniors met on June » at the Recreation Ground. More interest than usual was shown in the match, as a win for Inglewood would have meant another meeting between Star and 1 oka pa before the Northern Championship could be decided. luglewood's opponents,however, had no difficulty in securing a vicfvry.tlr' fina Scores reading — Tukapa i K “‘Kiewooj n j| Tries were registered by Jenkins, J. Woods, Fookca, Mynotr. ami Frew in, none of them Wing converted. J ukapa having won all their matches except a draw with Star, take championship honours, with Star as runners-up: and then ••ome Inglewood, Stratford, and Clifton in order, the last-named having two engngeV?-‘‘ r ? ts - et to Tukapa JI. went to vvaitara, where they met and defeated Clifton 11. by 19 points to six. In the second grade competition Tukapa have a lead, and it looks as if they will follow tne example of the club's first grade team > y coming out on top, with Star as runners up. The Tukapa Club will then win the two shields presented by Mr and Mrs Dan. <> Brien. In the third grade section Stratford had a mortgage" over the premiership, hut the first grade team's dual forfeit put them out of the running. The contest lies now between Star A and Tukapa. who were running level at the end of the first round. following senior players have been •‘fnciai.y requested to keep themselves in g<k*d fvrin for the coming division matches: - ltid:anJ. Mynott, l*o<tkes. Frcwiu,* Semark. Allen, Hi!). Callander. Humphries, Ki veil Ryan, Weir. Stokes. J. Smith Abbott, Potier. Giddy. Street. Burkett. Ptirdu\ Dyne, Flatt, Duke, Davidson, Jenkins. At Opunake the Waimate seniors defeated Opunake by b to X HAWERA, Monday. Tn the senior football matches on Saturday llawera _<3o) beat Patea lull); Waimate 18) beat Dpnnake «3); Eltham and Okaiawa played a drawn game (no score). Tn the juniors Hawera 425) beat Patea (nil); Wnimate d«Vi Wat Dpnnake inil): EltUam ami Okaiawa played a drawn game (3 each). The second juniois' match, Hawera v. WaiDiatc, was won by Hawera by 8 to nil. HAWKE'S BAY UNION. NAPIER, Monday. '»')••-re was Meal weather for football, but the games played on the Recreation Ground were not in keeping with it. The City v. Suburbs.senior game was without doubt the worat exposition of Rugby given this seasou, collective play being conspicuous by it* alienee. City scored a try p* r medium of Tyne, which was con ver toil. Their failure to •••ore oftenrr was due to bard kicking and a lack of judgment. In the next half City pulled themselves together and rattled off n good score. Nkholsob <2>. Darcy, ami Twohill crosaed the SttbuW Une. two of the tries Wing concerted. The game ended: City 21, Suburbs 0 In the junior matches the results were:

— Ahurirl 8, Tangoio nil. Given a good general, the Maoris would Wat any other team in the competition. The Scinde v. Suburbs match went to the former by default. In the president's cup competition City Wat Sclnde by 30 to nil. The Hastings sub-union matches ended: —Seniors: Sciude 8, Ileretaunga nil; Tamatca 29, Kohukuranui 5. The latter game was played in anything but a friendly spirit, rough play predominating. Juniors: Heretaunga United 13, Waiohiki 9; Rovers 13, Tama tea nit; Havelock v. Roy's Mill, a draw —do score. FROM THE EMPIRE CITY. WELLINGTON, Monday. The principal interest in the Rugby senior competitions centred in the PonekeMelrcsc game, which was unusually fast and open throughout, aud productive of capital forward rushes and excellent passing ou W»th side. Poneke eventually won M hard-fought struggle by 15 points to 11. In the first spell Wallace scored for Poneke after a brilliant dodgy run, and converted. Stevens landed a beautiful goal from the field, and Bush and Griffiths notched tries. G. Spencer kicked a penRjty goal, and Thompson registered a try, Spencer adding the extra points. Play in the succeeding spell was very fast, the ball travelling up and down the field at a great bat. Melrose had the best of the deal. A big forward rush to Poneke territory led to Hodgson registering a Irv." The final tally was—Poneke 15 points, Melrose 11The Athletie-Wellington contest was anything but brillliant or interesting In the first half, for 'Wellington Cooper scored a try, which Adams converted, and Scott Wilson placed a penalty goal. For Athletics, Halls kicked a penalty goal and Green crossed the yellows’ Hue. Just before •’noside" was called, Scott Wilson kicked another penalty goal, making Wellington 11, Atheltics six. The Petone-Okl Boys match resulted in an easy win for tW suburban team. Pctone notcheil two tries in the first spelt In the secoud half Braid. Brice, Sharp, and McGregor placed tries to Petone’s credit. McGregor converted „two and Ryan one, the former also kicking a penalty goal. Gardiner crossed the suburban «*hafkmark. Thomson piloting the W.B over the crossbar. The game ended I’etone 27 points, Old Bovs 8. The first round is now completed. Pet»>ne has won all its matches, Poneke, with one loss, being runners-up. In the junior championship Athletic were defeated by Petone by 13 to 3; Southern 8, St. James nil; Melrose-11, St. James nil; Victoria College 10. Oriental nil: Kia Ora 22. Johnsonville nil; Wellington 14. I’oneke 3, Third class championship: St. Patrick's College 9, Oriental X Fourthclass championship: Southern S, St. Patrick's College nil. Fifth-class championship: St. Patrick's College 9, St. Janies nil. WAIRARAPA COMPETITIONS. MASTERTON. Monday. Carterton and Greytown seniors met at Carterton on Saturday, the home team winning by two tries to nil. The game was very fast, but not a particularly brilliant exhibition of Rugby. The rival rearguards were very ragged. Work was mostly confined to the forward division, in whfeh Carterton asserted their superiority. Tries were registered by D. McKenzie from loose rushes. Maguire aud Workman were penalised for obstructing an opponent not in possession of the ball. Greytown juniors having failed to meet their engagement, the match went to the Masterton juniors by default. CartertonTuhuanga match was a draw—three points each. Gladstone defeated Martlnboro’ by 14 points to 3. Masterton third class team went under to Grey town thirds by 11 to 3, and Grey town beat Masterton by 12 to 3. The following shows the position of the clubs, after Saturday’s games: — Seniors: —Carterton. played 3, won 2, lost 1, drawn 1. |Hduts 2; Greytowu, 4,2, 2,0, 2; Masterton, 3, 1. 2.0, 1. Juniors: Carterton, 5,3, <•, 2.4; Gladstone. 5. 3. 1. 1,3 J; Tuhurangj, 5. 2. 1. 2.3: Mastertoll, 5,2, 2,1, 2|: Martinhoro’, 5. 2,3, 0,2; Greytown, 5,1, 4,0, 1, forfeited one. At its meeting ou Saturday night the Watrarapa I'niou de< lded to play Otago ou September 7 or 8 at Masterton, provided that the Union is allowed to >harge for the match. The Union is writing to the North Canterbury. Southland, and Buller Unions, asking that their rep. teams which visit Wellington this setMtu may I>e sent on to play Watrarapa. It was derided to make a trip to Taranaki, playing on July 27 or 28, and on the return trip to play Wanganui on July 3t», Manawatu Augnst X Hawke's Bay August 8. provided Taranaki make a guarantee of £l3 and Wanganui •»ne of £29. WANGANUI RESULTS. WANGANUI. Monday. Old Boys l>eat Wavcrley by 9 to 3. after a struggle, which was stubl»ornly contented, but devoid of anything approaching brilliancy. For Old Boya Craig scored a try.

which N. Town* 11 converted, and Craig kicked « goal from the lie I<l. PowUrell converted a try scored by Sheehan, and Syme placed a penalty goal to the credit of Waverley. Old Boys obtained their points lit the first half Waverley following suit in the next half. A record crowd watched the PiratesKaieriau game, which was willing from startr to finish, hut although the referee was forced to keep a tight controlling hand on the proceedings, no rough play was detected. A pretty piece of passing between Freemont, Butler, McLean, then to Freemont and Tregear, saw the last mentioned get over near the corner, Fowler converting. Shortly after Kaieriau made a brilliant charge from one end to the other, and KUpatrick scored before '‘no side’* was called. A. McGonale scored a try for Pirates. The final result was Kaieriau 8 points, Pirates 3. A fast and interesting game eventuated between Wanganui and T.Y.M.1., Wanganui winning by 9 to 3. The junior matches ended Wanganui 23, College nil. Hunter, of the College team, sustained a compound fracture of the collar? imne, ajad had his ankle badly sprained through being charged with unnecessary roughness. Pirates forfeited to Waverley. Third Class: Kaieriau beat Old Boys, who played six men short by 42 to nil; Waverley beat College by 32 to nil. MANAWATU MATCHES. I | MANAKAU, Monday. In the senior match. Levin v. Wanderers, the former won by 7 points to 3. For the winners Burns potted a good goal and Barnett scored a try. Whallo registered a try. for the losers. The junior matches resulted: —Otakl 3, Maiiakau nil; Tainui 14, Levin liil; Wanderers forfeited to Ohan. As the Manawatu senior matches conclude next Saturday, it is suggested that another round be played, the Union presenting caps to the winning team. PALMERSTON NORTH, Monday. . There was a record attendance on the Showground, including a fair sprinkling of the gentler sex,' Old Boys-Awahuri match claiming principal interest. This game produced the beat game of the season. It was fast and open from start to finish. John-. Men and Mclntyre started operations by scoring. t ries for Awahuri, neither being converted. Just before half-time Beifit crossed the Awahuri line, G’arnie’s kick at goal Iteing successful. In the succeeding spell Hammer registered a try wbi< h Garnle converto<l. The latter also notched a penalty goal. 'The closing incidents were the brilliant saves by the rival full-backs. The match was vigorous, but contested in a good spirit and devoid of reprehensible play. The final scores were: < »ld Boys 13, Awahuri 6. Old Boys by their win are a point ahead in the competition. . There was a good scientific display of back play in the Institute-Palmerston match. For some time Palmerston held a load of five points, gained from a try by. Horgan and converted by Tyrell. Ultimately Institute scored two trios with the aid of Cox and Baker. The final tally was: Institute 6. Palmerston 5. The junior results were:—Huia 14. Toko, mam nil; Feilding 13, Palmerston 5; K?a Toa v. Orua Bridge a draw—l)»> score. Third class: Kia Tua v. Hula, a draw —no score. SOUTHERN FOOTBALL. € H RISTCIIU RCH, Sa t nrday. On Saturday Christchurch beat Sydenham by ♦' to 3. Linwood beat Old Boys by 14 to 8. and Albion beat Canterbury College by 13 to nil. DUNEDIN, Saturday. The weather was fine for the senior football matches to-day. Zingarl and University played a drawn game <3 points each). ’Varsity seoiing a try and Zingari a penalty goal; Southern beat Pirates by 6 to nil; Dunedin beat Union by 11 to 8; Alhambra beat Kaikorai by 6 to nil. THE TE AUTE COLLEGE TEAM'S TOUR. SYDNEY, June 11. The weather was fine to-day, when the Te Ante College team (New Zealand) practically overwhelmed the Newington College tram, having ail the best of it right through, and defeating their opponents by 21 points to nil. With a strong lead at the end of the first spell, the Maoris in the second half played rather loosely, the passing at times being inaccurate. Kongo gained the first try. jumping over bis last opponent s head. Erikanai failed to convert. Tukere obtained one try and Kani a couple, all of which Errkanal converted, while the latter also drop kicked a goal off a penalty. SYDNEY, June 11. In the Inter-State match l*etween New South Wales and Queensland the former won by U points to G in a well contested

association. ' AUCKLAND eOMtHITITIONS. North Shore v. Taberua cl* (S.-uiorai tried coueinslons at Devouport. and Imd a very good game. The home team t >»k the held with only ten meu. and this feet made a couslderable difference to them, as they seemed enable to organise any lasting combination. In the first spell Tabernacle had slightly the best of the game, but after half-time North Shore got to business. and kept their opponents •well la hand, and scored their two goals. Taits., however, managed to shoot three, and once more defeated the North Shore l-tm Mr Cash had charge of the whistle. In the Corinthian v. Thistle (senior, match, played in the Auckland Douialn. the ScotehAen were sadly overmatched. being beaten by seven goals to nil. The scorers were Foreshaw and Whitehead In the ‘ first spell, and Sale. Whitehad. and Foreshaw added the real between them tn Cue second spell. The Thistle men had several chances to score. but the Corinthian goal-keeper was too smart for them. Corinthian played a iiiau short moat of the time. Taylor getting bls knee hurt early tn the play. The junior matches ended: North Shore 'A 2. Ponsouby 1: Tal>ernacle T, North Shot© B t; Corinthian 2. Alexandra 1. W.Y.M.L B v. Ivanhoe. a draw. 2 goals each: W.Y.M.I. 2, Thistle IL nil; Corinthian I, Tabernacle nil. FIRST ROUND CO-NCTd'DES AT WELLINGTON. WEIJ-INGTON. Monday. The first round of the Association chamsioushin matches was concluded on Saturday. Intereat centred In the game between Diamonds and Y.M.C.A,, which proved a tough contest, and resulted In awin for Diamonds by 1 goal to nil. St. Johna beat Pearls, who last year played as Juniors by 8 to 2. Swifts defeated Rovers by 2 to nil. and Queen's Park beat retone by 4to nil. The following table shows the position of the teams:-In the senior ‘’bamptonship:—Diamonds: Won 7, lost 0. draon (». points u. St. John’s: Queen’s Park: 4—2 —I—9. Swifts 4—•» < 8. Pearls: 2-3-2-B- Rovers: 2—4—l — r» YM <* K.: 25—0 —4. Petone: 0— -rt. Junior” championship:—Swifts A: 3; Diamonds. 2; Ramblers A -, n J:’ E wilts B 3. Ramblers B 1; Kaiwara 4-St. John’s nit: Y.M.C’.A. A 1. Y.M.C.A. 81. Thf! Roys’ League matches resulted. Wanderer* 4. Wadestown nil: Marlst Bros. B. tumblers nil; Swifts 2. Kiawarra nil. FILL-IN MATCHES AT NEW PLYMOUTH. NEW PLYMOUTH, Monday. Now that Rugby football is practically over for the season, the Association people have determined to fill in the gap for the remainder or the winter. Mr Julian, of the Taranaki Hotel, has generously offered to provide a cup tube played for. and the following clubs will probably compete:—stars, Tnkapas. New Plymouth, Ornata, and Carrington Road. AUSTRALIAN GAME. MAKING HEADWAY IN WELLINGTON. WELLINGTON. Monday. Two of Australian football, the latest invader of the domain of sport In the colony, took" place on Saturday. rhe City v. Newtown game was well contested, the former combination winning by two points. In the Wanderers y. I i-derals match the latter were victorious by 4.8 amines (six goals and 14 behinds) to .21 points Hive goals and three behlndsl. On Saturday next the matches for the premiership and Stewart Dawson’s trophy will com(SKCITES INTEREST' AT PALMERSTON. PALMERSTON NORTH, Monday. Mr G. White is endeavouring to get the Wellington League to send two Wellington teams to give an exhibition of the Victorian game in Palmerston on the 21st or 24th Hist.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXII, Issue XXV, 18 June 1904, Page 22

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FOOTBALL. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXII, Issue XXV, 18 June 1904, Page 22

FOOTBALL. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXII, Issue XXV, 18 June 1904, Page 22

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