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AUCKLAND AMATEUR ATHLETIC CH B 8 I ARNIVAL. Thn Au. klan 1 Amateur Athletic and Cycle Chib held their 49ta sports « ou the Domain cricket gr<n.nd on Saturday. The weather was nut entirely favourable for a sports gathering, fur uhlv ugh it was fine, a strong easterly wind made things rather unpleasant for competitors and s i-octal us. The attendance was very poor, their being only about 12'M) people present. a.ui it is evident that at present ama tear athletic.-- are nut popular. This wns ull th j more discouraging in view of the fact that the atteudume at the last meeting. and the number of entries rtueived for this, seemed to point to a revival in public interest. The meeting was. ns usual, well conducted, and there was some interesting racing. The club’s \ irtor Ludorum this time went to the runners, and was won by J. Hooker, who won the 22<>.v«ls hatuli.ap mid ran second to i’. IL .Marriott i-u the I’Xlyds and 446yds handicaps. L. B. Webster, ex champion of New Zealand, was u competitor in the sprints, but did not ’licet with success. Ilv failed to qualify for this l«»yd«, and though he run second in his beat of the 220yds event, he was unable to get placed in the fituil. Half mil'* Handicap. .V Twlname, 25yds, 1; A. B. Smith. 20yds. 2: .1. Tizard. 43yds. 3. A field of eleven stun ted. Grantviil • led over the first lap. followed by Tizard. with Chevis third. Tizard thou camo in front, hut entering the straight Twhiatne took the lead, and he and Smith fought out the finish, Twlname winning by a foot or so. Time. 2m 6 2-ss. 100yds Handicap (primary school l»<»ys under 15). 1.. Garrett. lyd. I: A. Uorxwtga. 7yds, 2; J. Gardiner, 14yds, 3. Time, 11 2-ss. Three-quarter Mite Bicycle Handicap. - First heat: H. 11. Brook, scratch, 1; C. Stewart, 45yds, 2: F. G. 1 lav*ward. !syds. 3. Time. 2m 1 4-ss. Second h at: 11. Alexander, 45yds, 1; S. Galbraith. Gvh (Is. 2; K. J. McKay. 75yds. 3. Time. Im 5(1 3 ss. Final heal: Hayward, 1: M.Kay. 2; Stewart, 3. McKay led up to the turn to the straight in the last lap. when Hayward challenged him, and won by ano'it a wheel, with Stewart < up. Time, Im 375. 120yds Hurdles Handicap. First h«*at: L. B. Todd. syds, 1; A. R. Gatland, s- ralch. 2: P. H. Foote, syds, 3. Time. 17s. Second heal: C. J. Dick sun. syu.s. 1; I’. A. K'i*rTaylur, owes lOvds, 2; .1. Bena .'.', scratch. 3. Timo, 18 3-ss. Final leal: Todd, 1: Dickeson, 2; Gatland. 3. Won uy three ut four y-aa’ds. Time, 17 2-ss. 220yds Handicap (Ladies’ Bracelet). — First heat: N. P. Wyatt, LCyls. 1; L. it. Webster, scratch, 2: W. E. I’.ush. 11yds. K. Time, 23 l-ss. Sevoml heat: J. Ho»ker. l«yds, 1; (’. G. Dickeson, 15vds, 2; W. T. Tyler. 13yds, 3. Time, 23 1 3s. Third heat: L. R. Todd. IGyds, 1; '£. Williams. 14yds, 2; IT. McLod, 12y.15. v . Timo. 23 2 ss. Final heat: Hooker. 1: Wyatt. 2; Todd. 3. The finish was a clos • one. Webster was fifth. Time, 22 2-~»s. One Mile Bi cycle Handicap. First heat: Slewart, 60vds. 1; .1. Twiss. 45yds. 2; E. J. McKay, b- Jyds. 3. Tim -, 2m 12 i-3s. Second heat: G. F. Robinson. 100yds. 1; W. Hendry. 40yds, 2; F. G. Hayward, 20yda. 3. Time, 2;a 45 3-3 s. Final bent: Twiss. 1; Robinson, 2; Hendry. 3. Robinson I ■<! for over half-way, when Twiss cnine to tho front, eventually winning by abaut a dozen yards. Time. 2m 31 3-&j. 100yds Handicap (for voulhs under 19>. - First heat: J. R. Wynyard, H.vds, 1; ri. Ellis, 6yds, 2: F. Harvey, serai ch, 3. Ils. Second heat: li. G. Smith. 6yds. I; IL Sprague, 3y<Ls. and U. Coles. 4lyds. d -a-i heat, 2. Time, 11 l-ss. Third heat: M. E. Wilson, 64yds. 1: b. Rose. -14yds. 2; U. D MvFnr<|uh:ir, 24yds, 3. Time, It) 3-ss. Final beat: Wynyard, 1; Smith, 2; Coles, 3. Time, 10 3-3 s. One Mile Handicap. A. Rogers, 75yds, 1; A. Twiname. GOyda, 2; .1. Tizard, sl)yds. 3. Rogers led all the way nnd won easily. Twlname beatlag Tizard by about syds. 'rime, 4m 55 3-ss. High Jump Ilandi ap. T. A. Korr-Tay-lor, 3in handicap, 1; U. Laurie, scratch, 2; W. Oliphant; ‘Jin, 3. Kerr Taylor cleared 3ft Gin and Laurie sft 7in an t Oliphrr.t sft 2!n. Laurie tried at sft 1) I-Min. fhe record, but failed. Laurie and Kerr l iylor jumped well, and their efforts were heartily applauded. Two Mile Bicycle Handicap (Ladies’ Bracelet). - U. Kidd, 1; W. Hendry. 60yds, 2; E. A. Ciickscy, icyJs. 3 This race produced the last finish of the day. Hendry was leading at the Ucsiital bend in the last lap. but Kidd «<i ill oig--d him, •ind, after a keen struggle, won by .1 mailer of inches. Timo, 3m 475. 44Uyds Handicap. F. IL!t,, 1; J. Hooked-. 26yds, 2; .1. B. Al-km. filiyds. 3. Marriott cut through the fi ll i 1 grand stv le. and won in hollow fas'.ilon. Time, 53a. WELLINGTON’ ATHLETIC (LUU’S CARNIVAL. WE LI ING TON. Saturday. The innunl apart.* meeting of the Wellington Anriteur Aihlelfi- Club was Iwld to <lny in beaiitii'ul weather, and M»iue 2;»«hi l»ei sons were present, including the Pre miir and Sir Joseph Ward and party. T'lh* one mile walk w:» w hi easily by !•’. Rosa from scratch In 7m 26 4 ss. Moat<hi (2‘M»yds» being second. in the two-mile flat litindlvap W. F. SimpM<»:i, th? New Zealand champion, endeavoured to bent his own record of 9m 42a, but failed. He covered the tlrat half mile in 2m 265. the mile In fitn ss. Hie mile and n-haif In 7m 50s, nnd the full <lUtnnee In 10 m 22 4-sm. finishing ’lUOyds 4n front of Robinsum (D Oyds). Roas < an ted off the linlf-mile walk In 3m 15 1-ss. 11. W. Klug won the long jump with ’.V)fl Gin. ’Lug !.•’ 11, i-wii g 15,\ us, tinl hod first in

120y<ls hurdles In ID l-5«, Thompson, owing 10yds, being t»er<»iM}. in the mile raw Simpscn RtHilwi, and though-he broke the »taud:ird. hnishiug iu 4iu 41«. he only ran third to Blundell (lOUydtu and De Lumarc (7<»j <1?*). Blundell won easily In 4m 34 2-ss. THAMES FORESTERS’ SPORTS. The following handicaps have been dered by 11. J. Fielder for different events at sports cn Easter Monday: —

R Backman. — - 140yds IGOyds (Those marked ”—” arc not competing la that event.) One Mile Malden Bike. -E. Whitehead scr, E. J. McKay scr. 11. Elliott 15yds. W. Renshaw 30yds, R. Hawkes 40yds, <’. Chester 40yds, R. Backman 50yds. FOOT RACES. Easter Handicap, 100yds. 200yds. .’toOyds. - E. J. Morris, scr. scr. scr; 11. Fearnley, 2yds, syds, Syds; T. E. Foster. 3. 7. 12; A. Jones, 4|, 10, 15: 11. (Hadding, 5. 13. 18; F. Wilson, 6, 13. IS: W. Williams. (», 13. 18; R. Power, 7. 15. ID: E. Edwards, 8, 16. 20; 11. Brown, 8. 16. 20; D. Payne. 8. 15. IS; <». Davidson, 1). 17. 22; W. A. Churton, 9, 17. 22; F. W. Hindman. 10. IS. 23. 150y<ls Handicap.—C. J. Morris scr. H. Fearnloy 3yds, T. E. Foster syds. 11. Cladding 7yds, F. Wilson 10yds. E. Edwards 12yds, M. Power 12yds. E. Edward 13yds, W. Williams 10yds, A. Kirkwood 12yds, 11. Donkin Uiyd.s. J. Noonan 12yds, G. Davidson 13yds, E. Cole 13yds.J. Glasson 14yds, J. Brown 13yds, F. W. Hindman 14yds, M. Giil 14yds, 11. Rowe 13yds, 11. Brown 13yds. Quarter-mile Handicap. —C. J. Morris scr, T. E. Foster 10yds, E. Edwards 15yds, E. I’ayne 20yds. D. Payne 25yds. A. George 25yds, W. M. Roberts 20yds. A. Kirkwood 30yds, J. Irwin 30yds, ('. Holton 35yds, R. Power 35yds, H. Bro»n 35yds. W. ,1. Foy 4Oyds, A. Cameron 40yds. 11. Donkin 40yds. F. Ryan 45yds, A. Smith 45yds, M. Gill 45yds, (’. Hawkes 45yds. Half-mile Handicap. —E. Edwards scr. W. E. Roberts loyds, I'iro Pirc 20yds, T. E. Foster 25yds, C. I). Roiton 30yds. A. George 3Oyds, E. Payne 15yds, A. Jones 25yds, W. G. Whitten 35yds. A. Kirkwood 46yds. J.. Irwin 40yds, G. Roiton 45yds. R. * Power 45yds, F. Koileston 45yds. WJ J. Foy 50yds. A. Twetnnme 50yds. H. Donkin GOyd. W. Dovell 50yds. A. Caimron 50yds. 11. Clarke 55yds, W. Ryan 55yds, C. John me n 40yds. (►ne Mile Handicap. —W. E. Roberts scr, Piro Piro 20yds. A. Goorg< 25yds. ( . D. Roiton 35yds. W. G. Whitten 45yds. J. Irwin 50yds, G. Roiton 55yds, F.‘ Holiest on GOyds, W. J. Foy 80yds. S. Rea 80yds, ( . Johansen (‘•syds, A. Twet name 85yds, 11. Donkin 90yds. H. Clarke- KHiyds, D. Cameron 100yds, W. Dovell 1 lOyds.

cycij: races. J-mile Indie 1} ndie 2 mile II. O. Hnyward scr. scr. scr. scr. F. J. Twiss.... 10yds 23y<*s 30yds 4<lyds F. <i. 11 ay wan! 15yds 3Ovds 55**ds 4’yds Q. 11 ay ward 35yds 4»tvds 55yds J. Gibbons .... 25yds 45yds 55yds GT: yds A. Fellows .... 35yds GOyds 75yds Ji5yds Kidd 30yds 45yds GOyds 70yds W. J. Irwin... 4Oyds (50yds 4 5 v (is !»Oyds E. Whitehead. 50yds — — — K. J. McKay... 50yds 75yds 110yds 7 30yds 11. Elliott .... 55yds — —— W. Renshaw.. GOyds — —— — R. Keating . .. GOyds 90yds ——- —— L. Gribbln. .. . — 70yds — 12 jyds

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXII, Issue XIV, 2 April 1904, Page 21

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ATHLETICS. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXII, Issue XIV, 2 April 1904, Page 21

ATHLETICS. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXII, Issue XIV, 2 April 1904, Page 21

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