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CHAPTER XXII. 'ASPIRATIONS AND COMMON-SENSE. Rumour spoke truly. Young Walter Blake was back in town with an entirely new crop of aspirations maturing in the ready soil of his mind. The first crop had not proved fortunate. It had brought him into a position most disagreeable and humiliating to reflect upon, and into struggles for which he felt himself little fit. He had been given time to meditate and to cool —to cool even to shuddering when he recalled that night in the Sailor’s Rest, and pictured the tragedy for which he had so nearly become responsible. His old desires waning, his aspirations were transfigured at the suggestion of a new attraction. He had been on the wrong tack—that was certain. Again virtue seemed to triumph in this admission. He no longer desired to be made good—it was (as he had conceived and attempted it) such a stormy and soulshaking process. Now he desired to be kept good. He did not now want a guiding star, which he was to follow' through every peril, over threatening waves and through the trough of an angry sea. The night at the Sailors’ Rest disposed Of that metaphor and that ideal. Now he wanted an anchor by whose help lie might ride out the storm, or a harbour whose placid bosom should support his gently swaying barque. Strength, constancy, and common-sense supplanted imagination, ardour, and self-devotion as the requisites his life demanded. Again Caylesham showed tact. He ■would not ask the lady’s name. But when Blake next dined with him, and he enjoyed the metamorphosis, and silently congratulated Grantley Imason, “So it's St. George’s, Hanover Square, and everything quite regular' this time, is it?’’ he asked, with an indulgent .humour. ‘''Well, I fancy you’re best suited to that. Only take care!” “You may be sure that the woman I marry will be ” Blake began. ‘'Perfection? Oh, of course! That's universal. But it’s not enough.” He lay back comfortably in his armchair, enjoying his cigar. “Not enough, my boy! I may have two horses, and you may have two horses, and each of my frorses may be better than either of your horses; but when we come to driving them, you may have the better pair. Two good ’tins don't always make a good pair.” He grew quite interested in his subject—thanks, perhaps, to the figure in which he clothed it. “They've got to match —both their paces and their ways. They’ve got to go kindly together, to like the feel of one another, don’t you know! Each of ’em may be as good as you like single, but they may make — by Jove, yes!—the devil of a bad pair! It’s double harness we’re talking about, Blake, my boy? Oh, you may think I know nothing about it, but I’ye seen a bit- . Well, that’s not a thing I boast about; but I have seen a bit, you know.” ‘‘That's just what I’ve been thinking,” said young Blake, sagaciously. He referred to Caylesham’s doctrines, not his experiences. “Oh, you’ve been thinking, have you?” smiled Cayleshim. “Come a mucker, .th«i, I suppose!” “I—l miscalculated; Well, we must all-learn by eArerience.” “Xlevilish lucky if we can!” no other wav,” Blake insisted.? ‘Slave I said there is?” He looked at Blake in an amused knowledge, “Going in for the straight thing this time?” Half in pride, half in shame, Blake answrrerf: “Yes.”

“Quite right, too!” Caylesham was very approving. “Weil, if you say so—” began Blake, laughing. “Quite right for you, I mean.” There was a touch of contempt somewhere in his tone. “But don’t forget what I’ve been saying. It’s double harness, my boy! Pace, my boy, and temper, and the feel—the feel! All the things a fellow never thinks about!” “Well, you’re a pretty preacher on this subject.” “I've heard a lot of things you never have. Oh, well, you may have once, perhaps,” His glance was very acute, and Blake flushed under it. “You’re well out of that affair,” Caylesham went on, dropping his mask of ignorance. “Oh, I don’t want to know how it happened. I expect I can guess.” “What do you mean?” Blake’s voice sounded angry. “You funked it—eh?” It was a strong thing to say to a man in your own house. But a sudden gust of impatience had swept Caylesham away. The young man was in the end so contemptible, so incapable of strength, such a blarney over his weakness.. “Now, don’t glare at me; I’m not afraid. You tackled too big a job, I fancy. Ch, I’m not asking questions, you know.” He got up and patted Blake’s shoulder. “Don’t mind me. You're doing quite right. Hope you won’t find it devilish dull!” Blake’s bad temper vanished. He began to laugh. “That's right,” said Caylesham. “I’m too old to convert, and nearly too old to fight, but I’ll be your best man, Walter.” “It'll keep me straight, Caylesham.” “Lord Hess you, so it will!” He chuckled in irrepressible amusement. “The other thing is no go!” “No more it is. It needs—- No, I’m not going to be immoral any more. Go ahead! You’re made for double harness, Walter. Choose her well. You’ll have to learn her paces, you know.” “Or she mine?” Blake was a little on his dignity again. “Have another whisky and soda,” said Caylesham with admirable tact. His .advice, meant as a precautionary, proved provocative. Memory worked with it—the calking memory of a failure of courage. Blake might blarney as he would about awakened conscience, but Caylesham had put his finger on the sore spot. Pleasure’s potentiality of tragedy had asserted itself. It had been supremely disconcerting to discover and recognise its existence. Young Blake was for morality now —not so much because its eyes were turned upwards, as for the blameless security of its embrace. He had suffered such a scare. He really wondered how Caylesham had managed to stand the strain of pleasing himself—with the sudden tragic potentialities of it. He paid unwilling homage to the qualities necessary for vice—for candid, unmasquerading vice. He knew all about the other speeies. Yet he was not hard on Sibylla. He recognised her temperament, her unhappy circumstances, and his own personal attractions. What he did not recognise was the impression of himself which that night in the Sailor's Rest would leave on her. He conceived an idea of his own magnanimity resting in her mind. Yes, though such a notion could gain no comfortable footing in his. Cay lesham let him go without more

advice—though he had half a mind tc tell him not to marry a pretty wo man. "Oh, well, in his present mood he won't; and it would do him lots of good if he did,” the impenitent, clear-signi ed, good-humoured sinner reflected, with all the meaning which his experience could put into words. He was of opinion that for certain people the only chance of salvation lay in suffering gross injustice. "It what a fellow brings on himself is injustice,’’ he used to say. He always maintained that fellows brought it on themselves—an expiring gasp of conscience, perhaps. Gossip and conjecture had played so much with Walter Blake’s naune that Mrs Self ord had at first been shy of his approaches and chary of her welcome. "We must think of Anna,” she had said to her husband. But thinking of or for Anna was rapidly becoming superfluous. The young woman took that department to herself. Her stylishness grew marvellously, and imposed a yoke of admiring submission. It was an extraordinary change from the gawky, dowdy, suppressed girl to this excellently appointed product. The liberty so tardily conceded was making up for lost time, arid bade fair to transform itself into a tyranny. The parents were ready subjects, and cast back from the theories of to-day a delusive light on the practices of the past. They conclude.l tha»t they had always indulged \nna, and that the result was 'most satisfactory. Then they must indulge* her still. So Blake’s visits went on, and the welcome became cordial. For Anna was quite clear that she at least had nothing against Blake. His attraction for her was not what had been his charm in Sibylla’s eyes. Her impulse was not to reform; it was to conquer. But gossip and conjectures as to his past life were as good incentives to the one task as to the other. His good looks, his air of fashion, his comfortable means, helped the work. He widened the horizon of men for her, and made her out of conceit with her first achievments. She was content that Jeremy should disappear from her court; she became contemptuously impatient of Alee Turner’s suit. She, was fastidious and worldly wise. Again Mrs Selford rejoiced. She had been in some consternation over Alec Turner’s now obvious attachment, coming just at the time when Anna had established the right to please herself. Suppose her first use of liberty had been to throw herself away? For to what end be stylish if you are going to marry on a hundred and fifty pounds a year? But Anna was quite safe strangely safe, Mrs Selford thought in her heard, though she rebuked the wonder. Almost unkindly safe, she thought sometimes. as she strove to soften the blows which fell on poor Alec—since, so soon as he ceased to be dangerous, he became an object of compassion. “Anna is so sensible,” she said to Selford. “She’s quite free from the silliness that girls so often show;” but she sighed just a little as she spoke.

“She’d make a good wife for any man.** declared Selford proudly—a general declaration in ihvt contradiction to Gaylesham’s theories about double harness. Anna paid no heed to opinions or comments. She went about her business and managed it with instinctive skill. It sometimes puzzled poor Alec Turner to think why his presence was so often requested, when his arrival evoked -so lit-tle enthusiasm. He did not realise the part he played in Anna’s scheme, nor how his visits were to appear to Walter Blake. Anna’s generalship had thought all this out. The exhibition of Alec was a subsidary move in the great strategic conception of capturing W alter Blake on die rebound from Sibylla. But the pawn was not docile, and objected violently so soon as its function began to be apparent. Anna precipitated what she did not desire —a passionate avowal in which the theme of her own gifts and fascination was intermingled with the ideal of influencing the trend of public opinion from a modest home and on a modest income. She was told that she could be removed from the vanities of life and be her true, her highest self. When she showed no inclination to accept the path in life thus indicated, Alec pas.-r j through incredulity to anger. Had he cast his pearls before — W ell, at inapprecia i ive feet ? At this tom* Anna became excusably huffy: to refuse a young man is not to deny all the higher moral obligations. Besides, Alec annoyed her very much by assuming persistently that the * dictates of her heart called her towards him, and that worldly considerations alone inspired her refusal. ‘"Oh. you’re silly!” she cried. “I tell you it’s nothing of the sort.” Ihe dusk of the afternoon softened her features; the light of the lire threw up in clear outline, the stylish, wellgowned figure. Poor Alec, in his shabby mustard suit, stood opposite her, his hands in his pockets, in dogged misery and resentment, with all the helpless, angry surprise of a first experience oi this kind, fairly unable to understand how it was that love did not call forth love, obstinate in clinging to the theory of another reason as the sole explanation. Things did not exist in vain. For what was his love? “But—but what am I to do?" he stammered. Rather puzzled after all. rather flattered, Anna prayed him to be sensible and friendly. He consented to hope for her happiness, though he was obviously not sanguine about it. For himself all was over. So he said as lie Hung out of the room, knowing nothing of what lay before him on the path of life; discerning nothing of a certain (laughter of a poor old political writer—a little round woman who made her own gowns, was at once very thrifty and very untidy, was inclined to think that the rulers of the earth should be forcibly exterminated, and lavished an unstinted affection on every being, human or brute, with which she was

•wr brought in eontuet. And if she did not greatly influence the trend of public opinion; well, anyhow, she tried to. Just now, however. Alee knew nothing alauit her; he was left to think hopelessly of the trim figure and. the lost ideals-the two things would mix themselves up in his mind. To his pathetic, stormy presence there succeeded Walter Blake, with all his accomplishment in the art of smooth love-making, with his aspirations again nicely adjusted to the object of his desires (he .was so much cleverer than poQr Alec over that!), with his power to flatter not only by love, bit still more by relative weakness. He, of course, did not run at the thing as Alee had done. That would be neither careful of the chances nor economical of the pleasure. Many a talk was needed before- bis purpose became cer tujn or Anna could show any sign of understanding it. lie dealt warily with her; . he was trying unconsciously perhaps to perfonn the task Cayleshain had indicated to him—the task of learning her paces ami adapting ids thereto. It was part of his theory about her that she must be approached with great caution; and, of course, he knew that there was one very delicate bit of ground. How much had she heard about himself and Sibylla It was long before he mentioned Sibylla’s name.. At last he ventured on throwing out a feeler. Anna s unruffled composure jiersuadecl him that she knew nothing of the facts; but her shrewd analysis of Sibylla showed, in his judgment that she quite understood the woman. It was the dusk of the afternoon again (Anna rather affected that time of day), and Blake, with a sigh which might, be considered in the nature of a confession, ventured to say: "f wish 1 could read people as you can. I should have avoided a lot of trouble.” "You can read yourself, anyhow, can’t you?” asked Anna. “By Jove! that’s good—that’s very good!” No, 1 don’t know that I can. But I expect you can read me, Miss Selford. 1 shall'have to come to you for lessons, shan’t 1 ?” "I’ll tell you all the hard bits,” she laughed. "You’ll have to see a lot of me to do that!” Anna was not so quite sure of the need, but she did not propose to stop the game. "Do I seem so very reluctant to see a lot of you?” she- inquired. Blake’s eyes caught hers through the semi-darkness. She was aware of the emotion with which he regarded her. It found an answer in her, an answer which tor the moment upset both her coolness and her sense of niaptery. She had a revelation that her dominion, not seriously threatened would be pleasantly chequered by intervals of an instinctive submission. This feeling almost smothered the element of contempt which had hitherto mingled in her liking for him, and impaired the pride- of her conquest. “I was judging you by myself. Compared with me, you seem reluctant,” he said in a low voice, coming a little nearer to her. "But then, it does me such a lot of good io come and sec- you. It’s only the pleasure I come for, though that s very great. You keep up my ideals.” "I’m so glad. The other day 1 was told I'd ruined somebody’s ideals. Well, 1 oughtn't to have told you that, 1 suppose; but it slipped out.” Things will slip out, if one takes care to leave the door open. She was standing by the table, and Blake was now close by her. "Since 1 have known you— —” "Whv, you’ve known me for vears, Mr. Blake!”

"No. 1 only knew a little girl till—till I came back to town this time.” He referred to that yachting cruise on which he had ultimately starteel alone. "But since then I’ve been a different sort of fellow. 1 want to go on being different, anil you can help me.” His voice trembled; he was wrapped up in JJs emotion, and abundantly sure of its slneeriiv’.

Anna moved away a little, now rather nervous, since no instinct, however acute, can give quite the assurance that practice brings. But she was very triumphant, too, and, moreover, a good • leal touched. That break in young Blake's voice bad done him good service before: it never became artificial or overdone, thanks to bis faculty of eon ling quite fresh to every new

emotional crisis; it was always most happily natural. What it hinted seemed fully to reconcile a mission in life with an exceedingly satisfactory match. Who would ask more?

“Aana!” he said, - holding -out his bands, with those skilfully ap|*caling eyes of his just penetrating to hers. With a long-drawn breath she gave him her hand. He pressed it, and began to draw her gently towards him. She yielded to him slowly, thinking at the last mcment of what she had decided she would never think about and would show no wisdom in recalling.'' The vision of another woman had allot into her mind, and for a few seconds gave her pause. Her hesitation was short, and left her self-confidence unbroken. What she had won she would keep. The dead should bury ils dead —a thing it had declined to do for Christine' F«;nshaw.

“Anna,’ he said again, “do you want me to say more? Isn’t that saying it all? 1 can’t say all of it, you know.” She let him draw her slowly to him; but she had spoken no word, and was not yet in his arms, when the door opened, and she became aware of a man standing on the threshold. Young Blake, all engrossed, had noticed nothing, but he had perceived her yielding. “Ah, my Anna!” he whispered rapturously. “Hush!” she hissed, drawing her hand sharply away. "Is that you, Richards?” Richards was the Selfords’ manservant. The man laughed. “If you’d turn the light on you couldn't mistake me for anybody - so respectable as Richards,” he said. “I’ve been with your father in the study, and he told me I should find your mother here.” Anna recognised the voice. Mr Imason! 1 didn’t know you were in London.” Just up for the day’, and I wanted to see your father.” •• Anna moved to the switch and turned on the light. She glanced hastily at young Blake. He had not moved; his face was rather red. and .he looked unhappy. Anna s feeling was one of pronounced anger against Grantley Imason. His appearance had all the effect of purposed malice: it made her feel at once jealous and absurd. But it was on her own behalf that she resented it. She Was not free from a willingness that Blake made uncomfortable; so much discipline would be quite wholesome for him. For her own part, though, she wanted to get out of the room. “May I ring for the real Richards, and—Oh, 1 beg your pardon, Blake, how are you? May 1 ring for the real Richards and send word to your mother, Anna ?” Grantley’ was, as usual, urbane and unperturbed. "I'll go and find her for you. I think she’s lying down.” “Oh, well, then— - ' No, I know’ she ll want to see von,” and Anna ran lightly out of the room. Grantley strolled, to an armchair and sank into it. He did not look at Blake, nor, his. formal .greeting given, appear conscious of his presence. 1 oung Blake was in a turmoil. He hated to see Grantley; all the odious thought of his failure and defeat was brought back. He hated that Grantley should have seen him making love to Anna Selford, for in his heart he was conscious that he could not cheat an outside vision as he could manage to cheat himself. But both these feelings, if not swallowed up in fear, were at least outdone by it. His great desire had been to settle this matter finally and irrevocably before a hint of it came to the cars either of Grantlev or of Sibylla. What would Grantley do now ? “You saw us?” be asked, in a sullen, anxious voice. “I couldn’t help it. I’m sorry,” said Grantley, in colourless politeness. “Well?” "1 really don’t understand your question, Blake. At least you seem to mean it for a question;” “Yon do know what I mean. I’m not going to ask any favours of you. 1 only want to know what you intend to do?” ”A’.'but what?” “About what yon saw- and heard, too. I suppose?” Grantley rose from bis chair in a leisurely fashion and stood with his

back to the fire. He was looking at young Blake with a slight smile. Blake grew redder tinder it. "Oh, I can’t beat about the -buebJ”: Blake went on, impatiently. “Y’oit might, if. you chose, tell Miks Selford .what you know.” “Well?” said Grantley, in his turn.

“And —and— Oh. you see what might happen as well as .1 do. I- 1 meant to • —to explain at my own time, but—” “I shouldn't let the time come in a hurry, Blake. It’ll be an awkward quarter of an hour for both of yon and quite unnecessary.” “Unnecessary ?” .

There was a ring of hope in Blake’s voice; he liked to be told that any such confession was unnecessary, and would have welcomed such an assurance even from Grantley’s hostile lips. “Certainly; and equally’ unnecessary that 1 should tell Anna anything.” lie paused a moment .and then went on. “In a different case I might think 1 had a different duty—though, being xvhat you might call an interested party. 1 should consider carefully before 1 allowed myself to act on that view. But, as matters stand, you yourself have made any’ action on my part superfluous.” “I have ?”

Oh, yes! You so far injured the fame of the woman for whom you hadn’t afterwards the pluck to fight, that, it’s not necessary’ for me to tell Selford that you were in love with her a few months before you made love to his daughter, nor that you tried to run away’ with her, but that in the end you funked the job. 1 needn’t tell him, because he knows—and his wife knows. You took care of that.” Y’oung Blake said nothing, though he opened his lips as if to speak. “And 1 ■ needn't tell Anna cither. That’s unnecessary for the same reason. She knows just as well as her father and mother know.” ■‘She knows nothing, I tell you. She hasn't an idea —” ■ “Did you see her face when she saw it was me and not Richards?” “I tell you—■ She was embarrassed, of course— But—” “She knows quite well, Blake. Ob, not the details, but the main thing. She knows that quite well. And she will leave made her decision. There’s no duty’ incumbent on me.” "You’ll say’ nothing, then?” “I shall say nothing at all.” Grantley relapsed into silence—a most easy, self-possessed silence. His eyes were on young Blake no more. Imt rested placidly on one of Selfbrd’s best pictures on the opposite walk Blake cleared his throat and shifted uneasily from one foot to the other.

"Why do you stay?”.asked Grantley, mildly. “Wouldn’t, it be better to continue your interview’ with Anna else ■where? Mrs Selford's coming in here, you see.”

Blake broke out: “God knows, Imason, it’s difficult for me to say a word to you, but—” Grantley raised his hand a little. “It’s impossible,” he said. “There can he no words between you and me about that.. And what does it matter to you what I think? I shall hold my tongue. And you’ll feel sure I've no real cause of complaint—quite sure if only I hold my tongue. And I think Anna will hold

her tongue. Then you’ll forget she knows and go on posturing before her with eutue satisfaction to yourself.’ He turned his eyes on him and laughed a little. “As long as you can humbug yourself nr anybody else, or even get other people to let you think you're humbugging them, you’re quite happy, you know.” Blake looked at him once and twice, but his tongue found no words. Ho turned and walked towards the door.

"Wait in the dining-room,” eaid Grantley. Blake went out without turning or seeming to hear. After a moment or two Anna's step came down the stairs. "Mamma’ll be down directly, Mr Imason,” she called as she reached the door. Then her eyes took in the room. “Mr— Mr Bloke?” she asked, with a sudden, quick .us., of colour to her cheeks. "I think you’ll find him in the diningroom,” said. Grantley, gravely.

She understood—and she did not lack courage. She had enough for two—for herself and for Blake. She met Grantley’s look fair and square, drawing up her trim, stylish figure to a stiff rigidity, and setting her lips in a resolute line. Grantley admired her attitude and her open defiance of him. He smiled at her in a confidential mock"Thanks. Mr Imason. I'll look for him. You’d be all right till mamma comes?” “Oh, yes I shall be all right thanks, Anna!” He smiled still. Anna gave him an< other look of defiance. “1 intend to go my own way. I know what Fra about. I -don’t care a pin what you think.” The glance seemed to Grantley as eloquent as Lord Burghley’s nod. And no more than Lord Burghley did she spoil its effect by words. She gave it to Grantley full and square, then turned on her heel and Swung jauntily out of the room. > Grantley’s smile vanished. He screwed up his lips as if he had tasted something rather sour. (To be continued.)

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXII, Issue XIII, 26 March 1904, Page 9

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[ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.] IN DOUBLE HAENESS New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXII, Issue XIII, 26 March 1904, Page 9

[ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.] IN DOUBLE HAENESS New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXII, Issue XIII, 26 March 1904, Page 9

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