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Me mill Mr* Walcot Wood are back in Obriatrhurvli from Vick la nd. Mr jnd Mr* Hector Smith (Hastin-’-O are in Wellington on a vL-iit. Mis DutigLt* McLean (Napier) i* staying in Wellington. Mis* Anderson, of W anganui, has gone to Rolorua f<»r a few months. Dr. Elizabeth Platts-Mills is l>ack in Wellington after a’short holiday. Mrs. Rhine! is liack in Wellington after u stay of some weeks at Muritai. Mr. VV. V Kennedy » Wellington». has gone to Dunedin on Im-ine-s. PmfeftHor Easterfield is back in W ellinglon after a trip South. Mr t harles Thompson (Xapicrt is viai ti ng Wei I i ngl on. Mr lluiistaii, of Wanganui, lias l»een in Wellington tor a few weeks’ holiday. Major Coyle went down to Dunedin in the Zealandia List week. Mrs SvUtiders (. Nelson > is visiting Wellington. Miss Cowlishaw (Christchurch) is leaving for a visit L» England in March. Mrs Wanklyn (Christchurch) has gone to Gi.sburne on a visit. Professor Thomas (Christchurch j was in Wellington lately. Mr ami Mrs D. Willis, of Hawor.«. spent a few days in Wanganui recently. Mr* C. Izard (Wellington’ is .staying at Silvers!ream, Upper Hutt. Miss K. Wright (Cambridgei is visiting friends at New Plymouth. Mrs Kubison and children (Elthani) are on >i visit to New Plymouth. Stedman, of Marton, is Hie guest of Mrs Tl. Sarjcant. in Wnngtunu. Mrs Frazer, of Dunedin, is the guest of Mrs Grieg, in Wanganui. Dr. knson, of Wellington, spent a few days in Wanganui recently. Mr Gill-Carey, of Hawera, wax on a visit to Wanganui recently. Ilrs Lomax. of Wanganui, has gone to Paikakai iki for a short visit. Mi’ I*’. Trembat h. Mayor of Thames, was in Auckland la*t week. Mr*, ami Miss Martin. Bluff Hill. Napier, have gone io the Hot Lakes. Mr. Lloyd, .solicitor. Dannevirke. has l»eeu -»pending a short time in Napier. Bishop Julius has been paying Rotorua a short visit. Mr, Mrs and Miss Bain, of Wh.tngirei, are paying Rotorua a visit. Mrs West Hill and son came down •from the Noilh last week and left for Kaipara on M «iiday last. Mr and Mrs B. M. Litchfield (Chris!church) have ’ aken a house at Sumner for three weeks. Sir 'l’ation >vkes, of Yorkshire, rngT.tnd, has been staving in Rut »rua lately. The Rev. Mr. \VaUh. GWmrne. is leaving shortly «»n a visit to Fugland. Mrs. W'’s health requiring the change. Miss T\ ynu-Williams (C hristchurt h) ’ha.s gone North chi a visit to her brotiter in the vicinity of Picton. Mrs. McLean, Wanganui, ix on a vi>it to Mrs. ( . McLean, Bank of New Zea land, Napivr. Mr I’red Lloyd returned to Auckland from his trip to Christchurch las* •ireek. Dr. ami Mrs. Henley. Napier, have gone for a month's visit to the Hot Lake*. , ‘Mrs Stewart Reid and little daughter are paying a visit Lu Dr. Reid’s people an <‘an ter bury. Mrs Toss well (Hawke’s Bay) was in Wellington for the races, she was the guest of her sister. Mrs A. Crawford. Mrs I tram Icy. Wanganui, who has l>eeii paying a visit to Napier, staying at Sea •View 'ferrace. has now returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Bal four-Ketutiar have Infl W<»od\ille for London on a nine months' visit. Mrs. and Miss Miles are in Australia on ,• licit way back to Wellington after a tup Home. Mrs Ranald Macdonald (C hristchnrch) has gone on a visit to friends at (tan.

Min Hislop; Wellington. i* In Auckland, and is staying with the Missea George, Parnell, for the present. Mr C. E- Horton wan n passenger to the South by the s.s. Ta rawer a last Sa i ti relay. Miss May Dawaon, Auckland. is spending a short holiday with friends at Hamilton. Mis-s C>xuard-Smkh, of Sydney, is visking Mr* Arthur Fairburn. Park*uad. Auckland. Mr and Mrs Seymour George ami Miss Neville George are at present staying at the Grand Hotel, Rotorua. Miss Herdman, from Wellington, is the guest of Mrs Montgomerie. Eaglesham, Wanganui. Mrs A. S. Elworthy has returned home to Tiiuaru after a visit to her mother at Bishopacourf, Christchurch. Miss Crosbie (Wanganui) is the guest of Mrs W. Izard, Gloucester-Street East, ( hrist church. Mr and Mrs James Watt have returned from their driving trip to Rotorua and home, via Napier. Mr Arthur Nathan his been re-elect' ed chairman of the Board of Directors of the N.Z. Insurance Co. 'Che Rev. A. T. Thompson, 8.A., 8.D.. has been called unanimously to St. James’ Presbyterian Church. Thames. •Mr I. King, chief clerk, Frankton Junction, has been transferred to Newmarket. Mrs ami the Misses McDonnell, of AVangamii, are spending a few weeks at Paikakariki. Mr E. G. B. Moss, M.HJL. has returned to Tv Aroha from Rotorua, where he has had a good holiday. Mr John Murchie, i* Fiji, whose brother. Mr M. Murchie. lives at North Shore, is in Auckland fur a holiday. Miss Blackett (Wellington) is back after a trip to C hristchurvli and Dunedin. Mis and Miss Blundell, of Wanganui, have returned from an enjoyable visit to Wellington. Mr and Mrs John Abbott (Wellington) have taken Air R. L. Levin’s house until June. Miss Atkinson is back in Wellington after a visit of two or three weeks tu Dunedin. Mr J. G. Woon (Wanganui) was in Wellington lately on his way South to visit the Southern Lakes. Mrs H. Speed (Wanganui) is spending some weeks in Picton with friends and relations. Mrs Wood, of th? Girls' College, has returned to Wanganui, after a visit to Wellington and Nelson. Mr and Mrs W . Shaw and family have returned to New Plymouth after their pleasant trip to Auckland. Mr and Mrs Tisch (New Plymouth) will leave on a trip to England and the Continent early in April. Mr and Mrs Fookc.s have returned to New Ph mouth after a pleasant trip tu Rotorua. Miss Ralston, of Wellington, is the guest of Mix ( <»wprr, ’ Kukuta,” WangaThe Rev. T. IL and .Mrs Sprott are back in Wellington after their annual holiday. Mr. R. D. D. McLean, who has been on a visit to < hristehurch, has returned io Napier. Mrs. McLean and family are spending a few weeks in Wellington. Lord Ranfiii’y has kindly consented io open the Napier drill-shed bazaar on February 10th. when he will he the guest of Sii William Russell. Mr and Mrs Ci. l.ambie, have taken Mr George Gerard's residence, "Feudalton,” ( hristehurch. and will shortly remove there. Professor ami Mrs Haswell (Sydney), are staying with Mr and Mis Gordon Rich. Worvester-street West, ( hristehurch. The Rev. and Mrs Sedgwick have taken up their residence at St. I.uko’s A Oarage Christchurch where Mr Sedgwick has recently been appointed. Mrs Kenderdine. Manukau-road, Parnell- left Auckland by the s.s. Tarav.era. on Saturday last. She has gon? to visit relatives in Gisborne. Mrs Ernest Bloomfield, Parnell, left Auckland by the Mokoia on Monday last for Sydney, where she will spend a few weeks with relatives.

Mr* Arthur Ileuipton, of Taranaki, i-t paying a visit to Auckland, is the guest of her sister, Mrs Noble, in Ila veloek-st reef-

Mr George Lawlor, Thames, Is paving a flying visit to Auckland. While in Auckland lie is staying with Mrs Gray, at Otahuhu. Mr. Leslie Reynolds. C. E., lias arrived in Wellington. where he intends to make his permanent headquarters, instead of in Dunedin, as formerly. Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Berre are baek in Wellingtpn from their honeymoon trip to Rotorua, and have taken possession of their house. “Goldiesbrae.” Dr. Wohlmann (Rotorua i. who was recently in Wellington, has gone South on a visit of inspection with Mr. Donne, of the Tourist Depsrtnhent. Mrs Satchel), widow of t’ae late Dr. Satchel!, who has been on a visit to Mrs 11. C. Satehell. St. Alban’s. Christchurcli, has returned to Nelson. Mrs and the Misses Rolleston (Christchurch). who have been staying with Mrs Grace, have left for a trip to EuropeMr and the Misses Hislop. Wellington. have returned home after a delightful trip to Rotorua and other places of interest in the North. Miss Gore has returned to Wellington from a visit to Hawke’s Bay. where she has been the guest of I.ady Russell, "Flasmere,” and other friends. Dr. Innes (Blenheimi. passed through Wellington last week on his way home after a trip to Christchurch and the South. Mr Percy Foote, son of Mr F. Foote, of Whangarei, has recently passed his intermediate medical examination at Dunedin. Mr W. T. Wood, M.H.R. for Palmerston North, has been asked to allow aimself to be nominated for the Palmerston Mayoralty next April. Lady Dibbs, wife of Sir George Dibbs, of Sydney, is touring New Zealand with some members of her family. They were recently on the West Coast. Sir William Russell, who has been seriously ill since New Year’s Day, is recovering, but it will be some days before he will be able to leave his house. Dr. J. B. Wilton, who practised in Northern Wairoa. has started in NewSouth Wales, at Canowindra, near Forbes. Mr and Mrs John Mitchelson, of Dargaville, are staying in Te Arolia, as the former has been ailing seriously for some time past. Mr George George, director of technical education, and family returned to Auckland last week after a three weeks’ holiday at Cambridge. The visit of Bishop Neligan to Wainrainaku and Northern Wairoa, whi'-h was to be made at the beginning of February, has been postponed. Sir Robert and Lady Stout are back in Wellington after a trip of about a month to Auckland and Rotorua. Miss E. Smith (Taranaki) is spending a few days with Mr and Mrs Maurice Smith at Khandallah (Wellington) on her way home from Dunedin. Miss Nbake, who lias been for many years one of the best known residents of Wellington, has decided to go to Feilding to live. Mr H. W. Davies, secretary of the ■Wellington ami Suburban Coursing Club, has been presented by the members of the club with a handsome marble clock. Mr J. Edmonds, of the Sydney- ‘‘Bulletin,” who is re-visiting Maoriland, passed through Wellington recently on his way South. Two young Wellingtonians, Messrs M. Luke and A. Ballinger, are leaving in a few weeks on a trip Home on business affairs.

I.ieut.-Col. Garnett and Mrs Garnett (England), who are touring the colony, made a short day in Wellington last week. Mr and Mrs Harold Watt, of Palmerston North, spent a few days iu Wanganui recently on their way home from New Plymouth. Mr ami the Misses Fitzgerald, of Wellington, were in Wanganui last week ou their way back from Pipiriki and the I’pper Reaches. Mrs Young, of Stratford, is staying with her mother, Mrs Duncan, of Wanganui, having come down to attend her sister’s wedding. Miss Colchester, of (Wanganui, - has left for Wellington. She intends going to England by- the Corinthie early in February. Mr and Mrs Alfred Kidd arrived from Te Aroha last week, where they have been staying for a week on account of sickness in the family. The Rev. Julius, Mrs Julius and family were guests at. Bishopseourt. Christchurch for a few' days before proceeding to Akaroa where the Rev. Julius has been appointed viear. Mr E. Horton, of Auckland, left by the Mokoia on Monday for Sydney, where he is to be married next month. He was accompanied by Miss Horton and Mr A. Horton. Mrs Seagar and family, Parnell, have taken part of Mrs Woodhouse’s house at Waiheke, and are spending a month’s holiday there- Miss Kathleen Hill, Graf ton-road, will be Mrs Seagar’s guest for part of the time. Mr and Mrs W. Wastney, and Mr and Mrs M. M. Webster (Nelson) were recently in Christchurch en route for Haniner Springs. They spent a few days with Mr and Mrs T. Garrard, Merivale. Mr and Mrs R- E. McDougall and Mr and Mrs Keith Garrick have returned to Christchurch from a driving tour to Otira Gorge. They had lovely weather amt a most delightful outing. Dr. and Mrs Collins, Wellington, with their camping party, are still greatly enjoying themselves in the Rotorua district. They intend staying a fewweeks longer. Mr. T. A Hunter, of the Waitaki High School, has been appointed professor of mental science and political economy to Victoria College, Wellington. ; ; Adjutant Lonnie, of the Salvation Army, late of Toowoomba (Queensland), has been appointed to the charge oi the Auckland Corps, and arrive by the Mokoia on Sunday. Commissioner McKie, leader of Hie Salvation Army throughout Australasia, is at present visiting the various Army centres in this colony, and is expected shortly in Auckland. Mr and Mrs James Trounson, Mrs Gilimour and Mrs W. H. Smith, of Auckland. are contemplating a trip to the Old Country, by w-ay of Europe. They hope to return via America. Mr. B. B. Matthias, clerk of the Napier Magistrate’s Court, has resumed his duties, after a well-earned holiday lo the Hot l.akes, from which he returned much benefited in health. Mr M. A. Phillips, who has been an inmate of “Woodside” private hospiUil, Burleigh-street, Auckland, for several weeks, is now much better, and will be about again in a week or so. Mrs. Donnelly’s camping party are having lovely weather at Taupo. They are having splendid fishing, having landed about ticwt. of trout up to the present time, writes our Napier correspondent. Miss Glendinning. “Waikua,” and Mr. H. Ramsey, Dunedin, who has l>een on a visit to Mrs, Glendinning, arrived at Napier on Tuesday week by the Tangaro.i from Wairoa.

Mr. Geo. Stock, who for many years was chief clerk with Messrs. Carlile an-1 JWcLean, solicitors, Napier, has now joined the firm of Messrs, de Latour and Parker, Gisborne. The post of manager to the Bank of New Zealand at Stratford has been accepted by Mr W. J. Crawshaw, formerly in a similar position at Eltham, Taranaki. Mrs Christie (Wanganui) is visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs Reginald Bayley, New Plymouth, before she leaves with her husband (Dr. Christie) for a trip to the Old Country. Mrs and Miss Broughton, of Durie Town, Wanganui, leave in February for a tour in England, the Continent and South Africa. Their present intention is to be away about eighteen months. Mr and Mrs Munro and family, of Perth, spent a few days in Wanganui recently, having .come down the river from Taumaranni after visiting the wonders of Rotorua. Mr E. Cowper, of Wanganui, has r» turned from a year’s trip in America and England, where he has been studying at the best dental colleges. He intends to start practice in New Zealand. Mrs and Miss Wilford, of the Hutt, .Wellington, spent a few days in niii on their return journey from Rotorua and Auckland, via the Wanganui river. Ensign Woodford, of the Salvation Army, has been transferred from Rotorua to the charge of the Hamilton force. Lieut. Sexton, also of the Rotorua staff, has been granted furlough. Mr W. H. Baker, B.Sc., who at one time was director of the Karangahakc School of Mines, is visiting the Thames. He is now director of the Launceston (Tas.) School of Mines. Mr James McKerras, who has for some years been organist of St. Peter's Presbyterian Church, Arch Hill, has been appointed to a similar position at the Onehunga Presbyterian Church. A silver wedding celebration was held at "Karorj.” Wellington, on January 19th, by Mr. and Mrs. T. Campbell, who Sire among the oldest inhabitants of that district, Mr. Campbell being the son of the first settler. - Mr F. G. Brown (Nelson) has been formally appointed secretary of the New Zealand Fisheries Company, and has set up temporary offices in Wellington until the arrival from England of Mr Weston Dering, one of the promoters. A presentation of a handsome silver tea set was made to Mr Campbell Campbell (Wellington) by the members of the Institute of Marine Engineers to mark their regret at his retirement from the office of president. Mr. F. Seed (Wellington), has gone to England for a trip. For many years he has been an able and energetic secretary to the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals., and his absence will be felt until his successor is au fait with the work. Herr Van der Velden, the well-known Continental artist, was a passenger from Australia to Wellington by the \ ietoria. For the last few years he has been living in Sydney. His stay in New- Zealand, is somewhat indefinite at present. Mr and Mrs B. Taylor, of Wanganui, have returned from their honeymoon trip in the South, and are spending a few days in Wanganui before proceeding to their new home up the Wanganui giver. It is probable that the Rev. H. Mason, the new vicar of Otahuhu-eum-Panmure, will be inducted by the Anglican Bishop on February’ 21. Mr Mason is at present Vicar of Huntly, and is to be succeeded by the Rev. A. J. Beck. Lieut. Symons, R.E., now’ attached to the Permanent Force of New Zealand at Wellington, is superintending some submarine work at the Auckland forts just now. Miss G. Harper, who has been transferred from the Glen Murray school to that at Clevedon, was presented before her departure with a dressing-ease by the Glen Murray residents in recognition of her services. Professor Mild Smith, of Victoria, and Miss Knox Smith arrived in Auckland last week from the South, where the Professor attended the Science x Congress. They went on to Okoroire and Rotorua, and return here at the end of this week.

The following have been elected members of the Wellington Fire Underwriters’ Association for the coming year:— Chairman, Mr. A. E. Kernot; vice-chair-man, Mr. W. Gill; auditor, Mr. J. Horn Hall; committee, Messrs. (’. W. Benbow, C. J. Cooper, C. A. Ewen, J. S. Jameson, and G. T. Mason. The first place in the Queen’s scholarship has been won this year by Miss Helen Whyte, aged 12 years 11 months, daughter of the Rev. A. Whyte, Presbyterian minister, Havelock, H. 8., with 1556 marks'. The Bishop of Waiapu recently installed the Rev. Canon Eccles, of Woodville, as a member of the Cathedral Chapter, Napier. The Rev. C. L. Tuke read the special lesson, and the Dean assisted the Bishop in formally inducting Canon Eccles into his stall. At a meeting of the Hastings Firg Brigade, held on Thursday week, the Mayor presented a handsome silver medal to Dr. Tosswell, and also a five vears’ medal to Branchman Flynn. Dr. Tosswell has acted as hon. surgeon to the brigade for five years. Mr Geo. Chernside, of Werribbee, New South Wales, who lately spent a long holiday in and about Rotorua, angling, has cabled to the Rod and Gun Club to say that he is forwarding to the Chib eleven red deer for liberation. This handsome present will be highly appreciated. Amongst enthusiastic anglers in and about Rotorua we have had Mrs Phillips (Auckland), Dr. Collins (Wellington). Mr Morton (Auckland), Dr. Rogers, Mr Haines, Mr O'Rorke, Dr. Hope Lewis, .Major Crowther, and Mr McCulloch, and fishing is reported to be excellent (writes our Rotorua correspondent). Miss Rose Impey, daughter of the well-known Auckland bandmaster, was married to Mr B. Snowden at Kaeo a few days since. Misses Minnie Snowden and Jessie Foy were her bridesmaids, the bridegroom being supported by Mr Harold Hovell. Professor J. Parks, of Otago University, who was for many years director of Thames School of Mines, has purchased the residence of Mr C. E. Button at Birkenhead. It is the. intention of Mrs Parks and family to reside permanently in Auckland. Mr H. F. Wyatt, the Navy League envoy, left Auckland for Wellington by the Takapuna last week in order to meet Mr Setldon. He speaks in Wellington, and goes thence to the South Island, returning to Auckland early next month. He goes to South Africa from here.

At the conclusion of the business of the Magistrate’s Court at Westport on January 20, Mr Hawkins, S.M. and Warden, who is being retired on the age limit, was presented by the justices of the peace, members of the Bar, and mining advocates, with a handsome illuminated address.

Mr V. W. Brame, youngest son of the late Mr John Brame, after an absence of 17 years, returned to Auckland by the s.s. Tarawera last week. Mr Brame is founder of the Hobart Naval Club Room, and is one of the leaders on the Helping Hand Mission of that ci tv.

Mr Harry Bates, of Ponsonby, who has for some time filled the position of purser on the Union Company’s Wainui, on the West Coast trade of the South Island, has received intimation that he is to fill a like position on the Takapuna. On leaving the Wainui Captain Nordstrom, on behalf of himself and fellow-officers, presented Mr Bates with a gold-mounted silk umbrella.

Prinee Bernhard von Saeksen-Weimar is expected to arrive in the colony on February 4 by the Islands boat. Extensive arrangmenis have been made for his conduct through the scenic wonders of the colony by the Cook agency, a special service being organised on his behalf. The Prince goes hence to Monto Video.

Mr W. F. .Burrows, C.E., second son of Mr R. Burrows, of Auckland, lias been transferred from Luskintyre (East Maitland), where he was resident engineer for the New South Wales to Richmond (Hawkesbury River), where he will be in charge of the construction of a large concrete bridge. Mr Burrows is a specialist in bridge building, and has achieved great success.

Colonel Kerma, V.C., whose exploits in Somaliland have of late appeared in the cablegrams, is a nephew cf His Eminence Cardinal Moran, of Sydney. He won his V.C. for bravery in the Omdurman charge. In India he was noted for his daring steeplechase riding. In the Boer War he was on Gen ?- ral French's staff. Like his countrymen, Wellington. Roberts, ami French, Kenna is a small man. At the conclusiol of the South African War the Cardinal invited Colonel Kenna to Sydney. He desired to come, but the authorities refused leave of absence. He was shortly afterwards ordered to Somaliland, where he is winning renown. The cordial relations which existed between Mr David Craig, formerly general manager of the New Zealand Insurance Co. and the staff was testified in a pleasant way last week at Auckland, when he was presented with two large shields, handsomely framed in oak, comprising

the photographs of the various executive officers in the service throughout New Zealand and Australia. Mr Jas. Buttle, the present general manager, in making the presentation, said that ail the managers had wished to give Mr Craig a memento of some description, and that they believed he would specially value the form of presentation they had decided upon, because it would remind him of those who for many years had been glad to aet under his leadership. Their earnest desire now was that, he should be long spared to enjoy his well-earned retirement- Mr Nelson Pierce, manager of the Auckland branch, cordially confirmed the expressions of goodwill given utterance to by Mr Buttle on behalf of the staff. He congratulated Mr Craig upon having attained a much-needed rest after 36 years of hard work in the interests of the company, and hoped that he and every other officer—after they had been as long in the service would have as fine a record as their late general manager. Mr Craig, in acknowledging the presentation said he had not expected any further expression of regard from the branch managers, every one of whom had written him most kind letters at the time of his retirement. He could assure them all that the shields would ever have the most prominent place in his home, and that they would continually bring to his mind the pleasant relations he had always had with his staff. He would continue to take a personal interest in the members of the staff, and it would give him great pleasure if at any time lie could be of use to any of them, or could further in any way the interests of the company he had so long served.

It is always pleasant to hear of young New Zealanders making their way to fame and fortune in the Old Country, and many Aucklanders who knew him will be interested -to hear that Mr Clifford Harris, at one time in Messrs Court's drapery establishment, is now doing exceedingly well at Home as a librettist, for comic operas and musical sketches, etc. Mr Harris writes:—“Less than three years ago I was behind the counter of Messrs Court Bros’, using my persuasive eloquence to induce the purchase of drapery. As I made so many friends during my two years residence in Auckland I thought it might interest many of your readers to know that the young man who trembingly ventured his first essay at the Auckland Athenaeum Literary and

Debating Society is now acknowledged among the writers for the stage in London. Since joining my present partner (who supplies the music— Mr Jas. W. <ate, the husband of the famed LoUio Collins) six months ago I have been most unexpectedly successful over ten of my lyrics being already pnblisherf, and the new musical comedy which we are completing has been bought by ;i well-known Loudon manager, and will be staged in Jxmdon at Easter. I made many friends, in your hospitable land - was a member of Messrs Smith and Caughey's Corps, the Auckland Rifles, and was generally among the doings of Auckland, which I regard as the happiest city in the world. I live in the hope of again visiting this fair land of yours.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXII, Issue V, 30 January 1904, Page 46

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Personal Paragraph?. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXII, Issue V, 30 January 1904, Page 46

Personal Paragraph?. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXII, Issue V, 30 January 1904, Page 46

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