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Personal Paragraphs.

Mrs Markham (Auckland) left by the Westralia for Sydney on Monday last. Mr Moffatt, of Dunedin, is spending a month or two in Auckland. Captain and Mrs Worsp are still staying at the Grand Hotel, Auckland. Mrs and the Misses Louisson (Christchurch) are visitins' Wellington. Mr and Mrs Grierson (Christchurch) Rre on a trip to Wellington. Miss Hyde (Marlborough) ir the guest of Mrs Travers (Wellington). Miss Ledger (Nelson) is the guest of her aunt, Mrs T. Ward, Wellington. Miss T. Leggatt (Nelson) is staying with Mrs Webb (Wellington). Miss Constance Hatherley (Wanganui) has been staying in Wellington. Mrs Maclean has returned to Dunedin after a short visit to Wellington. Colonel Porter, C.B. (Christchurch), has been on a visit to Wellington. Mr Hamilton (Nelson) paid a flying Visit to Wellington last week. Miss T. Beetham (Masterton) is staying in Wellington with friends. Miss Graham (Dunedin) is the guest Of Mrs. Hislop, Wellington. Miss Madge Rhodes is visiting friends in Wellington. Mrs. and Miss E. Abbott have returned to Wellington from a trip to Australia. Mr. and Mrs. Moss Davis (Auckland) are visiting Wellington. Mr. H. A. Parker (Wellington) has gone to Christchurch for a few days. Miss Fordham has returned to Whangarei after a flying visit to Auckland. Mr W. Bain, of Whangarei, is spending a short holiday in Rotorua. Mr McKinstry, of Whangarei, spent a few days in town last week. Miss Chrystal, of Australia, is on a visit to Auckland, and is staying with Mrs Julian, Remuera. Mr E. Innes (Parnell, Auckland) went to Wellington by the Taka puna on Monday last for a short holiday. Mr Gillon, of the Railway Department, Whangarei, has returned from a short trip to Dargaville. Sir Kerr, District Manager, M.L.A., Wellington, is staying at Kamo Hot Springs. Miss E. McLean, of the Bank of New Zealand, Napier, has returned from a Visit to Wanganui. Miss Vida Reynolds has returned to her home in Dunedin after a round of visits in Christchurch. Miss Dora Preston (Sumner) is staying with Mrs. Starkey at Brackenfield, Amberley. Dr. and Mrs. Lindo Ferguson and Mr. and Mrs. Percy Sargood, of Dunedin, recently spent a few days in Christchurch. Miss Montgomerie (Wanganui) was staying with Mrs. Gore during the golf week in Wellington. Mr and Mrs Duthie returned to Auckland last week after spending a very pleasant fortnight in Wellington. Miss Ada Preece arrived in Auckland from Ngaruawahia last Saturday, and is staying with Mrs Fenton (Parnell). Mi’ Stanley Orbell paid a flying visit to Auckland last week, and left for Taranaki again on Monday last. Mr. William Morris, of Masterton, has been presented by the citizens with a gold watch. Miss Isa Bain has returned home to Whangarei after a short holiday spent in Auckland. Miss Amy Mander, of Puriri Park, Whangarei, is spending an enjoyable holiday in Auckland. bliss N. Campbell (Christchurch) was Staying with Mrs. Babington for the golf week in Wellington. Captain Williams, it is understood, will take command of the Rotoiti, Captain Robertson retaining the Takapuna. Mr J. B. Harcourt succeeds Mr John Dunean as President of the Wellington Racing Club. Sir Rupert Clarke and his brother, Mr Ernest Clarke, were passengers by the Westralia for Sydney on Monday.

Mr Paul Hunter (Porongahau, Hawke’s Bay) is in Wellington for the coming Kennel Club’s Show. Mr A. B. Woolf, managing director of the Neuchatel Asphalte Company, went to Sydney by the Ventura. Mrs J. G. Ralph, of Sylvia Park, went to Sydney by the Ventura. She joins her husband in South Africa. Mr J. M. Clark, of Wellington, has consented to act as judge of the coining elocutionary contest n Dunedin. Miss Worsp and Miss Blanche Worsp are visiting their sister, Mrs Thornton, Maungakawa, Cambridge. Mr H. Hewitt has been appointed to the position of first assistant at Parawal, seliool, Thames. Mr W. B. Common has been elected president of the Gisborne Chamber of Commerce. Mr A. R. Nicholls is being transferred, from the Bank of New South Wales at Napier to the head office in Sydney. There is a decided improvement in the condition of His Honor Mr Justice Conolly. Lieut. Langley has been elected Captain of the Mounted Rifles corps at Raglan, and Trooper W. F. Willis succeeds him as lieutenant. Captain Colbeck, of the Morning, is a passenger for New Zealand by the Papanui, and it is expected that he will arrive in Lyttelton on October 3. Mr L. Hansen, manager of the Paeroa Butter Factory, has been appointed as butter grader and inspector by the Government. Bishop Neligan has appointed the Rev. F. G. Evans, vicar of St. Mary’s, New Plymouth, to be one of his permanent chaplains. Mi- and Mrs Kettle (Napier) passed through Wellington, on their way home, after a stay of several weeks in Australia. Mr 0. S. Turner (Ballarat) has arrived in Wellington in order to act as judge in the coming Kennel Club’s Show. Mr J. Sparrow, of Dunedin, who has been staying at the Star Hotel for some time, went to the Islands by the Manapouri on August 26. Among the passengers to the South Sea Islands on August 26 was Mr A. Aldred, manager of the Bank of New Zealand at Tiinaru, who is on leave. Miss Wales, who has been staying for some time at the Kamo Springs Hotel, has left for Auckland, where Colonel Wales joins her shortly. Mr. and Mrs. Strang, of Palmerston North, have gone to Napier for the golf championship meeting, and are staying at the Masonic Hotel there. Dr. and Mrs Choyce left for England last week by the Talune, after a two months’ pleasant stay in Auckland with their relatives. Dr. Pentreath returned to Auckland on Sunday week from England, where he has been studying in the London hospitals during the last year. Mr J. Salkeld has been presented by the members of his choir (the Thorndon Wesleyan, Wellington) with a silvermounted baton. Mr 0. W. Jones (local manager of the Huddart-Parker line) has returned to Wellington after attending the annual conference in Sydney. Mr John Dunean, who has resigned his position as President of the Wellington Racing Club, has given £ 100 to the institution. Mr C. B. Russell, Auckland manager of the American Tobacco Company, arrived by the mail steamer and went on to Sydney, acompauied by his wife, who joined him here. Mr. and Mrs. A. Chaytor, of “The Grange,” Richmond, Nelson, are in Picton staying with Mrs. Chaytor’s mother, Mrs. Allen. They drove overland through the beautiful Rai. Mr and Mrs Clement Govett (New Plymouth), who have been visiting Rotorua and Auckland for the past three months, returned to Taranaki last Wednesday. Mr and Mrs Nicholson and family, Carleton, Ngaruawahia, came to town last week for a fortnight's holiday. They are at present staying at the Lake. Mrs 0. Brown, who has been staying with her sister-in-law, Mrs Palmer, Huntly Avenue, Auckland, left for Australia on Monday last by the s.s. WesIndia.

Miss Halle Kenderdine, Manukau-road, Parnell, left for Sydney by the s.s. Westralia on Monday last. While in Sydney Miss Kenderdine is to be the guest of her cousin, Mrs Maxwell. The Ohinemuri County Council has appointed Mr J. Black engineer, in place of Mr D. McArthur, who has been appointed engineer by the Waihi Borough Council. Mr Gillespie, secretary of the Ponsonby Football Club, is to be given a complimentary concert on September 3 by way of farewell. He is removing to Wellington. An old and much-esteemed resident of Marlborough, Miss Hyde, who has been to England for medical advice, has returned to New Zealand by the Paparoa. She is visiting Mrs. Travers in Wellington. The Government House party to proceed to London by the lonic, leaving Wellington on November 12th, will consist of the Countess of Ranfurly, Ladies Constance and Eileen Knox, Miss Costello, and the Hon. Charles Hill-Trevor. Dr. Will, of Havelock, Marlborough, who is leaving the district for Rangiora, was recently entertained by the Masonic brethren and the Foresters. Dr. and Mrs. Will leave many friends behind them in Havelock. Mi- C. J- Parr was elected president of the New Zealand Natives’ Association last week in the place of Mr W. J. Ralph, who has decided not to seek reelection. Messrs W. Coleman and T. H. White were elected vice-presidents. The Very Rev. Father Smyth, who has just celebrated his twenty-fifth year of priesthood, was presented by the Sisters and scholars of the Roman Catholic School at Hastings with an engraved gold chalice. Mr Arthur Hume, R.N.R., who is hon. secretary of the newly-formed Maorilanders’ Association in Natal, is a son of Lieut.-Col. Hume, Wellington. Mr Hume, who is a marine engineer by profession, holds a good appointment in Durban. Mr Maurice Denniston (Christchurch)' has arrived in Wellington, where he intends to practice his profession. Mr Denniston has just returned from a year in the United States, where he went to finish his studies in dentistry. Mr. R. Joseph Laird, son of Mr. W. Laird, of the Northern S.S. Co., has passed his London Board of Trade examination for a first class marine engineers certificate. Mr. Laird, who is now on the Tyser line, was apprenticed to Messrs. G. Fraser and Sons. Detective Herbert, formerly of Auckland, who has been on duty at Christchurch for -the last twelve months, has been promoted to Chief-Detective at Dunedin. Chief Detective Campbell, who has held the position in Dunedin for many years past, has been transferred to Greymouth. Mr. S. W. Haines, chief engineer of the Ventura, remained in San Francisco to recuperate. His health has been unsteady for a little time past. Mr. T. Lawrence, first assistant, is at present in charge, and Mr. Haines will probably resume possession on the return of the ship. Mr. A. T. Thompson, B.D, who was at one time in charge of the Edendale and Epsom Presbyterian Churches, has returned to the colony, and will be licensed by the Southland Presbytery. Mr. Thompson gained the degree of B.D. at Yale University with honours. Mr Richard Monk, ex-M.H.R. for Waitemata, is in London, and on July 23 was present at the House of Commons with Mr Thos. Peacock, when they were fortunate in hearing all the leading statesmen during a debate traversing the foreign policy of the Government. Mrs Arthur Colbeck, who has been visiting her relatives in Sydney for the past few months, arrived in Auckland by the Zealandia, and will spend a day or two in Auckland before returning to the Kaipara. Mr A. E. Traycs, -who has been appointed first assistant at the Ponsonby school, was presented by his friends and pupils at Waihu with a silver inkstand (from the children), and a dressing-case (from the residents). Mr Trayes has been 6} years in the Waihu district. Consul-General Dillingham has appointed Mr Leonard A. Bachclder, aa

American citizen, to be Vice-Consul-General at Auckland, and Air William Read, an American citizen, formerly United States Viee-Consul at Glasgow, to be Consul at Wellington. The United States Government has confirmed both appointments. Mr H. E. Bly th, of the Bank of New South Wales, Christchurch, has been transferred to a North Island branch. Before leaving Christchurch Mr Blyth was presented by his fellow-officials with a travelling case, silver-mounted. He also received a silver flask and a silver inkstapd and pen from the members of the leading Christchurch business firms. The Auckland Referees’ Association, in recognition of the past services of Mr Peter Alackie, has decided to present him with a silver cigarette-case, holder and match-box, each article being inscribed. Mr V. Langsford, manager of the Auckland touring team, has been invited to make the presentation to Air Afaekie at Wellington. The Rt. Rev. Dr. Wallis, Bishop of Wellington, who left on a trip to England last November, returned by the Aloeraki on August 26, travelling by the route from Vancouver. While away Dr. and Airs Wallis visited most places of interest in England, and were successful in obtaining much assistance, monetary and otherwise, for the Church in New Zealand. Air. F. Somerfield, late of Auckland, who is joining the Oceanic S.S. Co. at San Francisco, has left the employ of Alessrs. Blacklock and Allen to improve his position. He occupied the position of chief engineer of the company’s steamers Hawaii and Afaori, and had made himself very popular in the islands. Before his departure he was given a farewell social by his friends at Alatautu. The Misses Roberts (Dunedin) are the guests of Airs. G. G. Stead at “Strowan,” Christchurch, and with Air., Airs, and Aliss Stead and Air. E. Stead spent a few days recently at Alacdonald Downs, Waikare, Air. Stead’s country residence. On dit, the marriage of Air. Wilfrid Stead and Miss Roberts is arranged for October, and their future home will be at Waikare, writes our Christchurch correspondent. Air. J. C. Burns, of Rikiorangi, who has been transferred to Levin, received a number of presentations before his departure. Air. J. P. Dtigdale acted as spokesman on behalf of the residents, and presented Air. Burns with an ebony walking-stick mounted in silver, a silver cake-dish, salad-bowl and afternoon ternkettle. Air. Burns has been widely known throughout the Wellington district as a good all-round athlete, and is very popular everywhere. Air T. AV. Hicks, who for many years owned the picturesque farm of Trelawney, Pukekura, has sold his property, and is going home to Cornwall to see his aged father, who is now over 80 years of age. Air and Airs Hicks left Cornwall in 1871, and after staying at Alelbourne (Vic.) and Hastings, they settled on “Trelawney.” Waikato huntsmen will miss Air and Airs Hicks, for no one ever welcomed huntsmen so cordially as -they did. Air A. Batty has bought "the farm. Air and Airs Thos. Peacock, of Auckland, and the Misses Peacock, arrived in London in June, and after spending a few weeks sight-seeing made a tour through Scotland, returning to London at the end of July. On the whole they did not experience good weather in Scotland, but they enjoyed their visit. Mrs and the Misses Peacock return by the P. and O- R.M.s. China, sailing from London on October 16, via Suez Canal. Air Peacock goes over to Canada and then on to Japan, joining his family at Sydney on his way home.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXI, Issue X, 5 September 1903, Page 694

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Personal Paragraphs. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXI, Issue X, 5 September 1903, Page 694

Personal Paragraphs. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXI, Issue X, 5 September 1903, Page 694

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