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Personal paragraphs

Canon Mac Murray, of Auckland, arrived home from Napier on Sunday last.

Mr and Mrs Devenish, from Auckland, are visiting New Plymouth. Mr. and Mrs. C. McLernon, of Napier, have gone to stay at Wairoa. Mrs lleid, Blenheim, has been visiting Mrs Redman, in Pic ton. Mrs L Gibbs returned to Christchurch on Saturday from her visit to Auckland.

Miss Hempton (New Plymouth) is visiting Mrs J. Ilcinpton, of Wellington. Miss E. Hursthouse (Wellington) is visiting Mrs Jacob, of New Plymouth. Mi-s Harold Cooper, Palmerston N., is on a visit to Wellington. Sir Robert Stout (Chief Justice) arrived in Auckland from Napier on Sunday. Mr M. Harding, MH.R. for Kaipara, is on a visit to Sydney. Mr and Mrs Moss Davis, of Auckland, left on Monday on a short visit to Australia.

Mr and Mrs Oliver Nicholson, of Auckland, have gone on a short visit to Australia.

Mr James Kirker, general manager of the South British Insurance Company, is now on a visit to Wellington. The new captain of the s.s. Herald is Captain S. Holford, late chief officer of the Talune.

Mr. and Miss Crerar, who have spent a pleasant visit in Auckland, returned to Napier last week by the Westralia. Mrs H. Baillie, who aas been visiting her people in Picton, has returned home to Carterton.

Mr. John Kinder, of the Napier High School, has been appointed second master of the Gisborne High School. Mr and Mrs D. Teed (Auckland) are paying a visit to their relatives in New Plymouth.

Mrs. and Miss Begg have returned to their home in Napier after a delightful trip'to England. Miss M. Paisley, who has been spending about six weeks in Napier, left for Christchurch last week. Mrs Fenwick and Mrs Reeves are back in Christchurch after a pleasant change to the Port Hills.

Mr. Leo Buckeridge, who has been liv ing in Napier for about two years, has gone to reside in Christchurch. Miss Flossie Evans, of New Plymouth, has joined Miss Freeman’s school nt 'Wellington. Mrs J. J. Kinsey (Christchurch) went to Dunedin last week on a visit to her daughter (Mrs W. A. Moore). Miss Dora Bedford, who has been visiting Wanganui, has returned to New Plymouth.

Mr A. Carriek (Christchurch) is seeking health at Sumner; his niece (Miss Martin) accompanies him. General Babington has gone to the South Island to inspect the volunteers there.

Mr W. T. Jennings, M.H.R. for Egmont, is to be banqueted by his supporters on Saturday.

Archdeacon and Mrs Cole, with three children, from Auckland, have come to live in New Plymouth.

Mrs F. Lysaght (Hawera) is visiting relatives in the South, and is at present staying with Mrs Wigley (Orari). Mrs T. White, of New Plymouth, has returned with her daughter (Mrs Cummins), who resides at Napier. Mrs Hempton, with her daughter, Mrs W. Newman, of New Plymouth, are on • visit U» Auckland.

Mrs and Miss Myra Kerr, who have been visiting their relatives in Whangarci, have returned to New Plymouth. Archdeacon end Mrs Gould, of Oamaru, have been presented with an illuminated address by the parishioners of St. Luke’s. Mrs Holdworthy (Lady Buckley that was) arrived in Wellington from the Old Country last week by the Whakatane. Miss Edson, who has been visiting Miss Corkill, of New Plymouth, has returned to Auckland.

Mrs T. Kennedy Macdonald, of Wei-

lington, and her daughter, leave for Europe, ■via Sydney, next month. Miss Brown, of Auckland, is visiting her sister. Miss Brown, Matron of the New Plymouth Hospital. Mr G. H. Bethune, captain of the Star Boating Club, will leave next month for a trip to Europe. Mr Norton Francis, of Waimate, has returned to Canterbury after a round trip extending over some months.

Mr and Mrs Arthur Buchanan have returned from a trip to Australia and South Africa.

Mr Danneford, director of the Soldiers’ Mission, Poona, Bombay, India, is now on a visit to New Zealand.

Mr. W. J. Napier has been re-appointed by the Governor-in-Council as a member of the Auckland Harbour Board. Miss Buchanan (Peninsula) is staying with Mrs Pyne, Park Terrace, Christchurch.

Mr Guinness is freely spoken of for the vacant Speakership, but the Government disclaim that any steps have been taken.

Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Grey, of Auckland, left on Monday to join the Omrah at Sydney, whence they go on a visit to the Old Country.

A Loudon weekly states that Bishop Terregiani, of Australia, weighs 21st., and is said to be the heaviest bishop in the world.

Mr. J. S. Large has been appointed honorary representative in Napier of the Associated Board of the Royal Academy of Music and Royal College of Music.

Mrs and the Misses Masefield, Manaroa, Pelorus Sound, have been visiting Picton and Blenheim for the Association cricket match.

The Rev W. C. Waters, vicar of St. Peter’s, Wellington, has been offered by King Edward the living of Shernbourne, Sandringham. Mrs Edward Kenny, Picton, has returned home from a visit to Dr. and Mrs Millington at the West Coast. Mr Kenny went to Nelson to meet his wife.

Mrs W. Ware and Miss Ware, of Remuera, Auckland, went to Sydney by the Zealandia on Monday en route for England.

Mr Burkett, chief officer of the Zealandia, lias been transferred to . the Westralia, Mr Taylor taking his place on the Zealandia.

Major William Jukes Steward, exSpeaker of the N.Z. House of Representatives, has been formally gazetted a Knight.

Miss Elsie Swinnerton, who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs Burgess, of New Plymouth, has returned to.her home at North Shore.

Mrs Rhodes (Wellington) has been the guest of Mrs B. Moorhouse, Oxford terrace, during the week, and now both have gone to Hanmer Springs. Mr and Mrs James Embling are in Christchurch this week, bidding goodbye to old friends prior to leaving for England by the Ruapehu on the sth. Mr and Mrs H. Beauchamp and family, of Wellington, passed through Auckland this week en route for London. They are accompanied by Miss Dyer. Mr James Hardie, of Remuera, Auckland with his son and daughter, left the Northern city for England, via Sydney, on Monday last.

Sir W. J. Caldwell, of the firm of Macky, Logan and Co., Auckland, has returned from Wellington, greatly improved in health by his trip Home.

The Hon. Dr. Grace, M.L.C., who has been in a critical state of health for some time past, is now reported to bo very much better.

The Very Rev'. Dean McKenna, who has been staying at Rotorua for tho benefit of his health, has returned to Masterton.

Lieut.-Colonel Owen has been placed on the retired list of the army with the rank of major; this is by his own wish.

The Hon. A. Meeks, M.L.C., and Mrs Meeks, who have been on a visit to Rotorua, have returned to Wellington, and are staying at the Empire Hotel.

Mr and Mrs Beauchamp and family leave this week for a trip to Great P.ritain and Earape. Thny will be absent for some months.

General Booth, of the Salvation Army, who is now in his 74th year, is touring America, and expects to visit this colony towards the end of the year.

Mr David Craig, general manager of the New Zealand Insurance Company at Auckland, is now on a visit to Wellington.

Mr R. D. Meagher, M.L.A. of New South Wales, Deputy-Chairman of Committee in the State Parliament, is touring the Hot Lakes District with his wife.

The retirement is announced of Captain McClatchie, who has represented Lyttelton on the Harbour Board for some years.

Mrs R. Ferguson, of Devenport, Auckland, and her two children, left Auckland for Sydney en route for London per the Omrah. The Rev Mr Ferguson accompanies them as far as Sydney. The English cricketers, while in Blenheim, were much delighted at the sight of a twelve pounder trout, and went out to try their luck in the local rivers, tout the only fish willing to bite were eels. Miss Freda Mackellar-Kissling left Auckland for Sydney on Monday for a trip to England. She was accompanied as far as Sydney by her sister, Miss Ethelwynne. The Ist of May next will be Mr Seddon’s tenth year as Premier of the colony, and, so he said at the Hokitika social, not a single Act has been repealed. Mi- and Mrs William Nosworthy, Blenheim, have gone to Nelson for a change of scene and rest for Mr Nosworthy, Town Clerk, who has broken down through his hard work. Lord Northland, the son of Lord Ranfurly, and Mr John Holmes, of Wellington, reached Sydney by the Omrah on Saturday last en route to New Zealand.

Mr and the Misses Ainger (Christchurch) are leaving shortly for a trip to England, and Mr and Mrs C. Newton, have taken their house in Worcesterstreet during their absence.

Mr and Mrs Guthrie Moore and Mrs Kiver (Christchurch) went to Hanmer last week, Mr Moore returning in a few days; Mesdames Moore and Kiver remaining for a week or two. Sir William and Lady Steward, with their daughter, Mrs R. Curtis, and Miss Daisy Roberts, returned from a pleasant trip to Hanmer last week and went South.

Mr and Mrs C. Graham (Dunedin) are in Wellington for a few days, and leave shortly for Rangitikei, returning in time to meet their daughter, who is now on her way from England.

The Havelock “Guardian” makes reference in its columns to Mr Smith, of Kenepuru, who, on the 15th of this month, will celebrate his 99th birthday. Mr Smith is still hale and active.

Mr Eliott, secretary of the Mines Department, is now in Auckland to attend the sittings of the Australasian Institute of Mining Engineers. He will subsequently make a tour of the goldfields.

The friends of Captain Morrison, ■of the Permanent Artillery, Dunedin, will be pleased to hear that he has been promoted to the rank of major. The captain was six years in charge of the forts at Takapuua.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baden-Powell are on their way to New Zealand, and arrived in Melbourne on the 9th inst. by the Wilcannia. Mrs. Baden-Powell (nee Miss Florence Watt) is a step-daughter of Mr. J. H. Coleman, of Napier. Mr and Mrs Holworthy returned to Wellington by the Whakatane, and intend to live at the Hutt. Mrs Holworthy wm formerly well known as Lady Buckley, and married Mr Holworthy in London three years ago. His Excellency Lord Ranfurly paid a flying visit to Wellington, during which time he interested himself in the arrangements for the garden fete to be held in tho College grounds on the 11 th February in aid of the Veterans’ Home.

It is stated that Mr S, G. Smith, formerly a leading butcher of Dunedin, will be one of the experts sent Home by the Government to supervise the distribution of Now Zealand meat.

Other visitors at the Empire Hotel are Mr and Mrs Bubb (London), Mrs «nd Miea Caselburg (Masterton), Arch<cacoa, Mm and Miss MoLcan (Wan-

gnnui), and Mrs and Miss Royse (Dun edin).

Mr Henry Wetherilt, Government Inspector of Machinery and one of the survivors of the Elingamite No. 11. raft party, has left Auckland and gone on a visit to the South with his wife, partly with the object of recruiting his health. Friends of Mr Gow, of Dunedin, will be pleased to tear that that gentleman, who left that city less than a year ago for London, has already secured the diplomas of M.R.C.S., Eng., and L.R.C.P., London.

The Very Rev. Dean Grogan, of the Napier Roman Catholic parish, has been appointed to the permanent charge of the Wanganui parish, and takes up his new duties at once. He is succeeded in Napier by the Rev. Father Goggan.

Among visitors at the Auckland Regatta last week was Mr John Coutts, • veteran yachtsman, now resident in Wellington. This is Mr Coutts’ first visit to Auckland after an absence of 42 years.

Mr H. A. Gordon, consulting engineer of the State Coal Mines, has been elected president of the Australasian Institute of Mining Engineers. The first meeting of the institute held in New Zealand will take place in Auckland this month. Once more is the flag at Sargood, son & Ewen’s, flying at half-mast, this time for the death of Mr Ewen, which took place in London. Mr Ewen was well-known in Dunedin, where one of his daughters, Mrs W. Sargood, is living.

It is rumoured that Sir James Hector, director of the geological survey of this colony, will ask to be relieved of his duties this year. Sir James has held the post for 37 years, and he has been Chancellor of the New Zealand University since 1885. He came to the colony in 1861.

Mr J. M. Jefferson, of Auckland, who is leaving soon on a visit to the Old Country, was on Saturday last presented with a handsome photo shield by his employees, whom he entertained at a most enjoyable picnic at Waitakerei on the same day. Mr Hogarth, the officer in charge of the Admiralty stores at Sydney, is now fn Wellington. It is understood that he has come over at the Premier’s request, and is making enquiries as to the cost of provisions, etc., in New Zealand, with a view to making purchases for the naval depot in Sydney. Mr Hogarth will leave shortly for Auckland.

Prior to leaving for England, Mr JSeddon was entertained in Dunedin, when a draft address was presented. Last week • the Mayor of Dunedin waited on the Premier ancT presented the address in its illuminated form. The souvenir, which is signed by the Mayor and Councillors of Dunedin, is very handsome. Mr Dilnot Sladden, secretary of the Meat Exporting Company, has just returned from a visit to the Old Country, in which both pleasure and business were combined. Mr Sladden went to some trouble in making enquiries as to the feeling which existed as to tire respective merits of New Zealand and River Plate frozen meat; the former, he found, was considered by far the best, and was in great demand.

Mr. Allardyce, the Colonial Secretary of Fiji, has arrived in Brisbane, on 13 months’ leave. He will visit England, In an interview, he said the bulk of the Europeans and natives in Fiji are anxious to work out their own salvation in their own way. New Zealanders recently endeavoured to annex Fiji, but the Fijian natives and Europeans both object. Of Fiji’s trade, now close upon a million sterling, the bulk is done with Australia.

Among the visitors staying at Lake Hotel, Taupe, last week, were: Drs. Mason, Makgill, Gow, Beattie, and the_ Misses Anderson. Also Dr. and Mrs Gordon aud family, and Dr. and Mrs Pomare; and at the Spa, Sir W. Thurston, the Countess Seafield and party, Mr Jones. Mrs Dunn and the Misses Dunn and Bowman, Mr and Mrs Ormsly Gore-Adams, and Messrs Brabant, Reynolds (2), Markan and Secretary. Mr. W. L. Fitzherbert, until recently in partnership with Mr. Napier, of Auckland, has decided to take up his residence in New Plymouth, where he will practise his profession. Mr. Fitzherbert, who has the respect of all who have been brought into business relations with him, will be much missed in Auckland, not merely in his profession, but socially. His integrity and conscientiousness in business are equalled by his geniality and courtesy in private life. Mr. Fitzherbert is a tennis player and a cricketer, and should from every standpoint be a welcome addition to the community of go-a-hea l Taranaki.

Lieut. R. S. Ready was informed at the settling-up meeting last week that he had been awarded first prize in the Nursery Match included in the programme of the association’s meeting held in Auckland at the New Year. Lieut. Ready had held second place in this match with one point behind, but it was explained that the top scorer had been disqualified, entitling the second man to first place. At the two preceding meetings the Nursery Match has gone to Waihi men, Privates W. Morrison and A. Samson being the successful competitors. Waihi has secured first prize for the Nursery Match three years in succession. Mr John Court, draper, of Auckland, entertained his employees at a picnic at Buckland’s Beach, Tamaki, on Anniversary Day. The party went in the s.s. Greyhound, and on the return trip Mr John Court was presented with an illuminated address by Mr McKenzie on behalf of the employees. Valuable prizes for the various events on the sports programme at the picnic were given by Messrs Sargood. Son and Ewen, Macky, Logan. Steen and Co., A. Clark and Sons, Roslyn Mills, Wellington Woollen Mills, Auckland Hat Co., Bunting, R. Johnstone, and Seegner, Langguth and Co.

Mr A. Al. Watt, son of the late Mr James Watt, formerly manager of the Bank of New Zealand, who has been residing in Elgin, Scotland, for some time, has received a desirable appointment under the African Banking Corporation. He is now in London, where he will remain for a few months in the head office of the bank, prior to sailing for the Cape. Mr

Watt has been in the Elgin branch of the British Linen Conwuny Bank under Mr Gall for nix years. HU many friends will be pleased to learn of his promotion, though at the same time they will regret his departure, for Mr Watt was very popular, an<L especially in musical circles, will be greatly missed.

Among the visitors staying at the Star Hotel, Auckland, this week are: From Sydney, Mr. E. Wellmann, Mr. and Mrs. Fadgen, Mr. and Mrs. Pattinson, Mies D’Arcy, G. Herbert, J. A. Paterson, W. J. Eilbeck, Mr. and Mrs. Walker, Miss Walker, E. Tyson and valet, Miss Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Little, Mrs. Irvine, Miss Robinson, H. S. Bohn, Mr. and Mrs. Moses, Mr. and Mrs. Heslop, Mr. and Mrs. McWhater, Miss McLaren, Mrs. Murisson; from Wellington, Mr. T. Rose, Mr. E. J. Finch, Mr. W. Finch and Mr. James McLellan; from Geelong, Mr. G. B. Humble; from Wanganui, Mrs. and Miss Abbott; from Foxton, Mr. and Mrs. Austen; from Philadelphia, J. de Menneville; from Hastings (Hawke’s Bay), Mr. G. Sollitt; from Dunedin, William Wright Smith; from Papatoitoi, Mrs. and Miss McLaughlin; from Paris, Mr. Boulay; from England, Mr. and Mrs. Green: from London, F. J. Lascclls, A. R. Willis, C. Alliston, J. Alliston, H. M. Gooch, R. F. Drury, 8.A., A. J. Jephson, L. M. Allen, J. B. Jackson, C. Al. Potts, F. Brookes.

There has again been a large number of visitors at the Grand Hotel, Auckland, during the past week. Amongst them have been the following:—From England: Mr and Mrs V. A. Busbridge, Mrs Whitcombe, Mr J. C. Armstrong, Misses Hudson (2), Mr Arthur Moore, Mr Sam. S. Lockwood, Mr and Mrs O. J. Marsh, Mr G. L. Burton. From Glasgow: Miss Carrick. From Dublin: Mr J. Gorevan. From New York: Mrs W. Tod Helmuth, Miss Kate Lockman, Mr and Mrs Chas. N. Nelson, Mr Chas. Nelson, jun. From Chicago: Mrs C. A. Hawks. From California: Mr and Mrs John Gilchrist, Mr and Mrs 8. M. Millar, Mr Frederick Brand, Mr E. Boyle. From Rabun, New Britain: Mr and Mrs Paul Kolbe, Master P. Kolbe. From Colombo: Mr J. M. Russell. From Melbourne: Mr and Mrs C. W. Russell, Mr E. Thurston, Mr Gerald Balding, Mr and Mrs Mudds, Mr and Mrs E. H. Connell, Mr John McKendrick. From Adelaide: Mr and Mrs W. Warren, Mr and Mrs J. P. Lee. From Kalgoorlie: Mr D. C. Thompson. From Sydney: Mr H. J. Ulph, Mr R. Nichol, Mr Gooding, Mr and Mrs H. C. Ellison Rich, Miss E. Everingham, Miss B. Everingham, Miss C. Charters, Mr A. E. Nott, Mr and Mrs O. J. Craig, Mr J. Silly, Mr A. H. Norton, Mr Hugh Macneil, Miss Macneil, Mr and Mrs L. North, Master North, Miss Dunnage, Miss Groom, Mr W. Hinson. From Brisbane: Mr Charles A. Morris, Mr Alex. McNab, Mr Thos. O’Sullivan, Mr T. S. O’Shea, Mr L. O. Lukin. From Tasmania: Miss Taylor, Miss Young. From Townsville, Queensland: Mr Justice Chubb, Mrs Chubb, Miss Chubb. From Wellington: Count and Countess de Courte, Hon. C. H. Mills, Mr Justice Cooper, Miss Ella Cooper, Miss Gertie Cooper, Mr and Mrs R. W. Haselden, Mr A. J. Fell, Miss Fell, Miss M. Fell, Mr J. Salmond, Mr F. G. Roach, Mr J. Schloss, Mr W. Boyd. From Christ-

church: Mr J. Montgomery, Mr and Mrs MacMillan Brown, Miss MacMillan Brown. From Okuroire: -Mr T. Keenan. From Rotorua: Dr. and Mrs Wobhnann and child. Miss Ure. From Waikato: Captain Worsp, Mr Jas. McVitie. From Napier: Mr J. R. Crerar, Miss T. Crerar, From Coromandel: Mr and Mrs H. C. Woolmer, child and maid.

The following visitors have been staying at the Central Hotel, Auckland, this week:—From England: Mr and Mrs R. Walpole and family, Mr and Mrs G. J. Morris, Mr and Mrs Francis Chapman Mr E. Thompson, Mr J. Weber, Mi 11. M. Gooch, Mr R. F. Drury, Mr MeWatters, Mr V. Nathan, Mrs Auberton, Mr G. W. Scott, Mr F. Marples. From Melbourne: Air John Pittard, Miss Fitzmaurice Gill, Miss Greene, Mr Thornton, Mr and Mrs E. J. Rigby, Mr Grant Hay. From America: Mr and Mrs Lees, Mr A. S. Eastland. From Canada: Mr Thos. Gervis. From Sydney: Mr and Mrs L. P. Purves, Miss Purves, Mr E. A. Shail, Mr Stanley Moore, Mr Essington Moore, Miss S. Bull, Mr E. J. Bull, Mr 11. C. Henderson, Mr G. Crossing, Miss Crossing, Miss J. Crossing, Mr A. Keith, Mr Worthley, Mr and Mrs 0. T. Renshaw, Miss Joyce, Mr Charles Thorpe, Mr and Mrs F. H. Sargenty. From Adelaide: Mr Geo. E. Henderson, Mr Rupert E. Magarey. From Rotorua: Mr E. Best. From Christchurch: Mr E. Lamb, Mr J. C. Buckland, Mr 11. A. Fox, Mr Fountain Barber, Mr and Mrs Johnston, Air Henry J. Hayward, Air S. 11. Graves, Mr C. A. Lees. From New Ply mouth: Air Edgar Watt, Airs Lovell Air George Ramson, Air Corkill. Fron Whangarei: Air Jas. Alarshall, Air G. J. Jagger, Mr J. B. Hobart, B.N.Z. From Afiinga where: Mr A. Harding, M.H.K., Air Arthur Close, Air J. Close. From Akaroa: Mr C. B. Thacker. From Greymouth: Air AL Chalk, Alaster Chalk, Mr J. C. Gittos, Air J. Truscott. From Inglewood: Air Haworth. From Bay of Plenty: Mr E. Brodrick. From T Aroha: Air Gilchrist. From Wagg Wagga: Air E. Bellairs, Air A. Lewis. From Yass, N.S.W.: Air Thos. Alkin. From Robe, South Aus trelia: Air and Airs J. W. Lea. From Samoa: Air and Mrs Harper, Air and Mrs Schroeder. From Foxton: Mr and Airs O. E. Austin. From Paeroa: Air F. Alurphy. From Waihi: Airs Cox and maid. From Dunedin: Aiiss A. Aluren, Air John Gray, Air Foster, Air Geo. H. Cunningham. From Wellington: Air and Airs G. Shirt, clifl’e, Air T. C. Williams, Air T. W. Kirk, Air J. J. O’Brien, Air W. Williams, AllAlbert Levy, Air D. R. De Costa, Air and Airs Howe, Aiiss Howe, Ali-ss Alaundsley, Air Alaundsley, Air H. Alirams, Mr E. T. Williams, Air and Airs J. G. Smith. Mr R. Fullerton Steele, Air and Airs G. A. R. AlaeKay. From Auckland: Rev. Canon Cole, Airs Cole and fami'y, and two maids, Aiiss Hamilton. Air Goldsworthy, Airs Whitson, Miss AVhitson. From Hikurangi: Air W. Carter. From Eltham: Air and Mrs AVm. AleDonald. From Wanganui: Airs Brown ing. From Kamo: Aiiss Smith. From Hohoura: Air Wm. 11. Evins. From Kaikohe: Air Geo. Dickeson. From Woodhill: Air and Airs R. A. Bowl. From Tauranga: Air Cramer Roberts. From Feilding: Air John C. Cobbe.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXX, Issue VI, 7 February 1903, Page 390

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Personal paragraphs New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXX, Issue VI, 7 February 1903, Page 390

Personal paragraphs New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXX, Issue VI, 7 February 1903, Page 390

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