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Miss N. Morali (Welling'ton) lias gone on a visit to Hawke’s Bay. Miss Butts (Wellington) is back from a stay in Wanganui. Dr. Mason. Health Officer, left Auckland last week for the South. Dr. C. Monroe, of Wellington Hospital, has been laid up with measles. The Hon. Captain Morris. M.L.C., has arrived in Auckland from Wellington. The Hon. J. T. an.l Mrs. Peacock, Christchurch, returned from Wellington on Saturday. Mr. e C. W. Jones, manager in chief for Xew Zealand of the HuddartParker line, is on a visit to Auckland. Mrs and Miss Neave passed through Wellington last week on their way from Christchurch to Pelorus Sound. Miss Johnson (Auckland) is at present staying in Wellington with friends. Mr. and Mrs. C. Dalgety and family, Christchurch, have gone to New Brighton for a change. Mr. and Miss Neave. Christchurch, left for the North last week. £ believe they proceed to Pelorus Sound. Mr. Joachim, manager of the Westport Coal Company, is at present in Auckland on business. Mr. and Mrs. Murdoch McLean left Auckland for Sydney by R.M.S. Sonoma last week for a short' holiday. Captain and Mrs. Marciel. Christchurch. have gone to Sumner for a change. Mr. James Parr, barrister and solicitor. of Auckland, returned to the colony from Europe by the Zealandia. Miss Lulu Roberts has gone back to Dunedin after a stay of some weeks in Wellington. Mrs. 11. Burnes (Wellington) has gone to Dunedin to stay with her sister, Mrs. Finch, at •‘Woodhead,’’ Dunedin. Mr. T. Herd, landing waiter at Auckland, is to replace Mr. Millar as postmaster and customs agent at Rarotonga. Miss Empson lias returns I to Rotorua from Tauranga. where she went to attend a ball, an 1 visited friends for a fortnight. Mr. Corkill. of the Bank of ’ New Zealand. Dunedin, has been appointed 1o the bank at I’aeroa. and has arrived with Mrs. Corkill and family. General regret is expressed in Taranaki at the resignation of Mr W. L. Kennedy from the Taranaki Ed illation Board. Mrs. Heal on Rhodes htft again for Wellington on Tuesday after, a brief visit to Christchurch for the bulb show. Mr A. R. Hislop has left Wellinigton for Sydney to make arrangements for The fishing .syndicate recently formol jn the Empire City. Mr. and Mrs. George Henning, of Auckland, are now well on their return journey from Wellington to Auckland. Mr. and Mrs. A. Maefarlanr, of Achray, North Canterbury, returned from Nelson last week, where they have been most of the winter. Sergeant-Major Coleman, of the Permanent Force, instructor to volunteers in North Canterbury, is

about to be transferred to a similar position in Auckland. The resignatrons are announced in Wellington of Mr A. Ball, manager •»f the Corporation Trainways, and of .Mr A. R. Hislop, secretary of the Marine Engineers' Institute. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Lough nan and Mrs. F. M. Wallace. Christchurch, left for Dunedin last week, the two latter having been very unwell for some t ime. Mr. A. R. Hislop left last week on a business trip to Sydney. Mr. Hislop has resigned his position as secretary of the Marine Engineers' Institute ow ing to press of private affairs. Mr. C. A. Benbow, one of the leading members of the Phoenix Cricket Club, Wellington, has been presented with a handsome silver dessert service on his recent marriage. Mr. Arthur Beauchamp, of the Marlborough Sounds, returned to New Zealand by the Tomoana after an absence of six months in the Old ('on n try.

Sir Arthur Douglas and Miss Douglas are leaving on a trip to the Old Country, and have taken passages by the Paparoa. sailing during the first week in October.

Lieutenant-Colonel and Mrs. Chaytor have left Blenheim to live in Wellington, Colonel Chaytor having accepted an appointment on the staff of the Defence Office.

Sir Gilbert Parker and Sir Conan Doyle have sent appreciatory letters to the .Journalists’ Institute in reply To The latter's resolution of congratulations. Lieutenant Trask, who is leaving Wellington for Nelson, was prior to his departure presented with a sil-ver-mounted walking stick from the Defence Department officers. Mr. E. M. Grant, formerly of the post office stall at Woodville, who went to South Africa with the Fourth and Ninth Contingents, is now postmaster at Lydenbiirg’, in the North-western Transvaal. Mr. J. R. Blair, who is well known in Wellington as a prominent business man and an important member of many local boards, has left for a six months’ trip to South Africa, where he will visit relatives who arc living in that country. Lieutenant Trask, who is returning to Nelson after spending some time in Wellington on the staff of the Defence Office, was presented by the officers of the’ Department with a sil-ver-mounted walking-stick.

The Earl and Countess of Seafield returned to New Zealand by the Mokoia, and proceeded to Christchurch. The death of Dr. Townend, Lady Seafield’s father, occasioned their return to the colony. Mrs Collins, Mrs A. Pearce and Mrs Turnbull have all returned from Dunedin, where they have been for the Golf Tournament. Mrs Bid will has also returned to her home in the Wairarapa. She has been congratulated on all sides upojt her success in winning the. New Zealand championship. ’l'he Northern Wairoa Hospital Trustees have selected Dr.' J? B. Wilson, of Huntly. for the posit Um of -medical superintendent. Wilson has been ten years in practice, three of the years in England. He came out to New South Walts to take charge of the Warreh District Hospital during his brother's leave of absence, which was for niiie months. He was, afterwards in practice at Robertson for four years before coming to this colony. The hospital is located at Aratapu. The many friends of Dr. John Guthrie, well known in Lyttelton and <'hristohiirch. will be pleased to hear of the success of his son hgving passed his medical examinations with honours, and now ranks as Dr. .John Guthrie, junr. He will remain at Home for a few yeats for practical study, being at present engaged as demonstrator of anatomy with Professor Clelland, of the Glasgow University. Miss Martyn, of Rotorua, who is shortly to be married, left by Saturday’s train for Gisborne, where the

wedding will tuke place. She was the recipient of a handsome leather silver-mounted card case (from the Mushroom Qramatic Club), which was presented to her at a farewell euchre party given in her honour by the club prior to her departure. Dr. ‘‘Charlie” Haines. who, with liis wife, had hoped to visit lifs Auckland friends later in the year, will be prevented from doing so by business and private affairs in London. A good deal of disappointment will be felt by their innumerable friends in Auckland, as their temporary return had been pleasingly looked forward to. Both the Doctor anu Mrs Haines are in excellent, health. and both are sorry that their trip has been indefinitely postponed. Mr Norman Smnerfield. who has left the service of the New Zealand L<an and Mercantile Agenev Company. Limited', to take up a position sit Ohaitpo with -Messrs W. J. Hunlet anil Co., was entertained at a faiewcll social 'at Ellerslie on Tuesday. and was presented with a trat iling bag by Ellerslie residents and a copy of the church service fj-oni the choir x>f Christ. Church. Ellerslie, of which he was it member. The mission yacht Southern Cross has arrived from the islands at Norfolk Island. She brings satisfactoryreports. The Bevs. ( ullwiek. Percy Williams, Ivens and Hopkins and 70 Melanesians are passengers In* the vessel. It is understood that the Southern Cross will sail for Auckland to pick up the Right* Rev. Cecil Wilson. Bishop of Melanesia, and then return here. The yaeht reports that there is no news regarding* the Queensland labour schooner Sybil, which has been missing for some months past'. A pleasing little presentation took filace at Mr. .T. D. Morton's Business and Coaching School, Karangaliaperoad. on Tuesday of last week, when Mr. W. H. Hemingway, on behalf of the principal and students, handed Mr. W. Higginson, one of the civil service students, with u handsome and beautifully engraved silver teapot, the occasion being his approaching marriage. Mr. Higginson, who is n son of Mr. W. Scott Higginson, one of the oldest, residents of the Waikato. was a member of the Second New Zealand Contingent, and also served some time in the military police in Pretoria. Captain ‘'Barney" Todd. D. 5.0.. who lias left- the colony for South Africa, was entertained at the Commercial Travellers' Club, Wellington, prior to bis departure. Complimentary speeches were made by Messrs Ki;ivig. Steele, W. I*'. Hoss. Pitt, Samuels and others. iuid Captain Todd's health was heartily toasted and best wishes expressed by all for his future prosf> city. He was also entertained at the Empire Hotel by a number of the defence staff', his fellow-officers of tin Second and Eighth Contingents (for which he was adjutant), and was presented with a handsome silver cigarette-ease, letter wallet. Husk and other gifts, hearty cheers being given him for h's services to the colony. Captain Todd will, after remaining a few days in Sydney, proceed to Melbourne and I'erth, and thence to Durban, tn start in business on his own account. A pleasant fuiietioii took place on board the Cnion Company's steamer Mokoia at Sidney, when the officers and engineers took the opportunity of presenting their late commander, Captain < . Spinks, with a tea and coffee. service, on tin* occasion of fiis leaving- that vessel to take up the position of chief surveyor to the Sydney I'ntlervv citers' Association. Mr. D. MeCaig, the chief engineer, made the presentation on behalf of his fellow officers, and expressed the regret of those so iong associated with Captain Spinks lit his resigning from the service. Al. the same lime they were pleased that his ipmlitieations luid been the means of his obtaining lite position. Captain Spinks suitably responded, and tool the opport unit v of thanking* the subscribers for their very handsome present, which ho valued not only for its intrinsic worth, but for the rccelleciion of the

many pleasant years he had spent bn board the Cnion Company's steamers.. A very full visitors' list is agaDo reported from the Central Hotel, AueklaUvl, the guests being from all pnrts of tthe colonies and Eunope.. Amongst those staying at Mr Rolleston’s house last week were: From Sydney: Mr and Mrs Swales, Mr and -Mrs Tvler, Mr and .Mrs Blaek, Dight, Mr Hood, Mr Coulter. Mr Forsyth. From Wellington: Mr T. <'. Williams, the Misses Williams (21. Mr ami Mis Barnes, Mrs Wilson. Mr R. Reed, Mr Saurensen, Mr Culver, Dr. anil Mrs ,1. B. Hay, From Rotorua: < apt. McDonald. From Ciiristchureh: Mr Hall. Mr Clark, Mr and Mrs A. Harris, Mr and Mrs V. Harris, Mr and Mrs M. Harris, Mr E. L. Harris, Mrs folloek, Sub-Inspector Black. From San I'raneiseo: Mr and Mrs Washburn. From Melbourne: Mr George Barms (manager for Mr Musgrove). Dr. ami Mrs Showman. Mr and Mrs Fiseli. Front Feikling: Dr. Sent I. Mr Bueklei From Blenheim: Mr and Mrs Sevmour. From Waikato: Mr Bright. Mr Avre, Mr W. Smith. Mr Dickeson. ' From Palmerston North: Mr Nash. Mr Hodren. From Coromandel: Mr Hugh Gray. From Akaroa: Mr .racquet. I rom New Plymouth: Mr K. Cock Mr Dell Miss Ellis. From Whangarei: Mr Hobart. From the Thames: Mr • windlev, Mr Gillespie. From AVangan»n: Dr. and Mrs Conuclly and family. lor the Winter season Auckland has ;ln 11Iltlsua i number of visitors tins week, and „|| ,| le p ,. iu ,. ipal ]n) _ tels and boarding-houses have *i arge number of guests. At the (•rand Hotel the following were amongst last week's visitors: From Gisborne: Mrs. Frim. From Wellington: .Mr. Kennedy, Mr. .1. G. Silly, Mr. \. Xolkiniin. From Dunedin: Mr. Isaacs. Mr. Percy Sargood. From < hristehureli: Mr. Orbell. Mr. and Mrs. Mclntyre. From Sydney: Mr. Murphy. From Melbourne: Mr. Pitzer. From England: Mr. and Mrs. Maud. Mr. Ferris, Mr. Bowen, Mr’ and Mrs. Miln, Mr. and Mrs. Abrahams. Mr. and Mrs. Lamb, Mr. Ellis, Dr. ami Afrs. Copeland Savage. From Germany: Mi*. Weber, Mr. Schroeder. From Ireland: Mr. Jones. From Palmerston North: Mr. Costal!. From I'pper Thames: Mr. I'liih. Mr. •1. Daw. Visitors at the Grand Hotel. Rotorua. this week- are: Mrs. Abrahams, England; Mrs. Garland. Melbourne: Mrs. Turner. Mrs. McMillan. Mrs. Marshall. Auckland; Mrs. Hand. New lork; .Mrs. T\and, l.oudon; Misses Harris (J), \\ elilington; Miss Harris, Christehureh; Miss Pollack, Japan;’ Messrs. Crowe, McCormick. Sellers, Boon. .Moss Davis. Turner. McMillan. Marshall, Auckland; Garland, Melbourne; Dawson, Abrahams. England; Kempthorne, Isaacs, Dunedin: P.utler, Tasmania; Bunter. Cramond, Volkmann, Wellington: Pitt. Svdnev: Jones, Ireland: Band. New Vork; \\aml. Ellis, Smith. London; Sehroeden. Webber, Germany; Harris, (hristehureli; Harris. 'Wellington; Barris, Durban; ( oloncl Roberts. Tauranga. Electric light is being installed in the Grand Hotel at present. and will be a Ireniendous improvement when completed. I here was a full complement of guests at the Star Hotel, Auckland, last week, including: From England: Mr. W. F. Dawson. Mr. G. Stapleton. Mr. R. A. Willis. Mr. (;. J. (Jordon. Mr. IL J. Robertson, Mi*. Masters, Miss Masters. Mr. am! Mrs. Garland. From Scotland: Mr. G. D. Dunn, Miss Dunn. Mr. and .Mrs. Richardson. From Sydney: Mr. < orqtiordale. From South Africa: Mr. and Mrs. Bowness. From San Francisco: Mr. and Mrs. Wedge, Mr. F. Henderson. .Mis. Andrews. From Wellington: .Mr. Smith Bright. Mr. A. A. Bethune, Mr. W. Morton. Mr. 11. Hunter, Mr. 11. A. Hughes. From Carterton: Mr. R. A. Perston. From Gisborne: Mrs. Mel *'a ria ne. From Dunedin: Mr. Harrison Jones., Dr. Marston, Mr. S. Ivempl horm*. Frmn New Plymouth: Mr. M. I*'. Mills, Mr. B. Champion. IToni ( hristehureli. Mr. and Mrs. Crnikv. From Queensland: Mr. .MeConnel. From India: Mr. IL Chalmers, Mr. E. Stevens. From Colombo: Mr. J. E. Everett, Mr. E. 11. Holmes. From Adelaide: Mr. and Mrs. Gough ami ftiinily.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXIX, Issue XIV, 4 October 1902, Page 873

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personal paragraph?. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXIX, Issue XIV, 4 October 1902, Page 873

personal paragraph?. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXIX, Issue XIV, 4 October 1902, Page 873

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