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The Mayor of Auckland’s Coronation Reception.

Ou Saturday evening Mr Alfred Kidd, Mayor of Auckland, held a very large and representative reception at the Municipal Buildings and Art Gallery, in honour of the Coronation of His Most Gracious Majesty. Brilliantly lighted, and with corridors warmly carpeted in royal crimson, the art galleries and the reference library made an ideal place for a gathering such as this, and as one looked round the animated throng in th - picture gallery, or listened to the concert in the library, one could not help regretting that our Mayors so seldom use this opportunity of entertaining the citizens. In other cities municipal hospitality is one of the pleasanter and lighter duties attached to the honour of the chief magistracy. The affair of Saturday was exceedingly well arranged, and Mr Kidd has the satisfaction of knowing that the Mayoral reception was greatly enjoyed by his guests. By eight o’clock a steady stream of gailyapparelled ladies and their escorts mounted the main staircase and made their way to the picture gallery. Here they were received by the Mayor in his crimson fur-trimmed robes of office, supported by his daughter, Mrs Gillies, the young bride looking exceedingly well in her wedding dress of white peau-dc-soie, relieved with red blossoms. Mr Wilson, T«wn Clerk, in his academical-looking robes of office, was also in attendance on the Mayor. Marriage’s band played through an excellent programme in the Art Gallery, and in the Library an excellent concert was enjoyed. Refreshments were served in the Council Chambers, and, in fact, everything was done to promote the enjoyment of those present. The costumes were very bright, and the presence of not a few uniforms materially lightened the usually sombre nttire of the men. Captain Boscawen, in the blue-faced uniform of Lord Ranfurly’s A.D.C., looked impressive, and Captain Todd, with the D.S.O. medal on his breast, was congratulated on every side. The following is the list of invited guests:

Mr and Mrs Graves Aickin. Mr and Mrs Arnold. Mr and Mrs H. Atkinson. Miami Mrs A. C. Atkin, Mr and Mrs W. Anderson. Mr and Mrs R. 11. Abbott. Captain Archer. Mr Ewen W. Alison. Jun.. Miss Aickin.

Mr and Mrs J. 8. Brigham, Mr and Mrs H. Brett. Mr and Mrs Blorafield, Mr Mrs. and the Misses Berry, Mr and Mrs Bm-k---land. Mr and Mrs L. J. Bagnall. Mrs and Mr A. S. Bankart, Mr and Mrs F. Baxt r. Mr and Mrs W. Beehan. Captain, Mrs, and Miss Boscawen. Mr and Mrs H.* W. Brabant. Mr and Mrs Biss, Mr and Mrs H. C. Brewer, Mr and Mrs Edwin Bamford, Captain and Mrs A. Bartlett. Mr and Mrs J. Bollard. Mr A. Bell. Miss Bingley, Professor and the Misses Brown. Mrs Baume, Mr and Mrs W. B. Buller. Mr and Mrs F. J. Bodie. Dr. and Mrs Bedford, Colonel and Mrs Banks. Mr Bradbury, Mr. Mrs, and Miss BrookeSmith. Mr W. L. Bradbury, Miss Barker. Surgeon-Captain Bakewell, Mr and Mrs L. H. Benjamin. Mr and. Mrs A. Bach. Mr and Mrs Bond. Mr and Mrs Boulton. Consul for Denmark and Mrs Baume. Consul for Belgium and Mrs J. Burns, Acting-Consul for United States and Mrs Bachelder. Consul for France and the Countess de Courte, Consul for AustriaHungary and Mrs Langguth, Consul for Liberia (Mr A. Myers), Consul for Germany and Mrs Stegner, Consul for Netherlands and Mrs Millar. Consul for Sweden and Norway, Consul for Italy and Mrs Carr. Consul for Portugal and Mrs Rees George. Sir John and Lady Campbell. Mr and Miss Court. Mr and Mrs J. Carlaw. Ven. Archdeacon and Mrs Calder. Mr Carey, Mr and Mrs W. Coleman. Mr and Mrs A. Cleave. Captain and Mrs Coyle. Pastor and Mrs Clark. Mr and Mrs Hugh Campbell. Inspector and Mrs Cullen, Mr and Mrs T. Cotter, Mrs, Mr W. J. and the Misses Crowther, Mr Justice Conolly, Mr and Mrs R. Cameron, Mr and Mrs Cheeseman, Mr and Mrs W. E. Cochrane, Mr and Mrs E. Clifton. Lieutenant-Commander and Mrs Clemens. Dr. and Mrs Collins. Mr W. J. and Miss Courtney. Mr and Mrs E. Coleman. Lieutenant and Mrs Cumming. Mr. Mrs. and Miss Calder, Mr and Mrs J. J." Craig. Mr and Mrs J, Currie. Miss M. A. Coleman. Captain Colbeck, Captain Clayton, Miss Clouston, Mr and Mrs H. C. Choyce, Mr and Mrs A. C. Caughey. Mr F. Carter, Mrs MoCosh Clark. Dr. and’Mrs Clouston. Mr and Mrs Arch. Clark, Mr and Mrs M. A. Clark. Mr and Mrs Culpan. Miss Culpan. Mr and Mrs Dlgnan, Mr Charlton Dawson, Mr and Mrs A. E. T. Devore. Mr Bertram Dawson, Captain and Mrs Darenay. Mr W Doran, Mr and Mrs D. W

Duthie, Mr and Miss Dawson, Mr and Mrs Moss Davis, Leutenant and Mrs Kennett Dixon, Mr and Mrs \V. Duncan, Captain and Mrs Duder, Mr and Mrs P. Darby, Mr and Mrs W. S. and Miss Douglas, Mr and Mrs Jas. Dacre, Mr and Miss Dunnet, Mr and Mrs A. J. Denniston.

Captain Eccles, Mr and Mrs J. Endean, Mr and Mrs G. Easton, Mr and Mrs 11. Erikson, Miss Edmonds, Mr and Mrs A. J. Entrican, Mr and Mrs F. Earl, Rev. Dr. Egan, Mr and Mrs F. G. Ewington. Mr and Mrs G. Fowlds, Mrs Robt. Fenwick (Takapuna), Mr Fish, Mr 11. B. Farnall, Mr and Mrs R. Farrell, Captain and Mrs Fratcr, Mr and Mrs T. Finlayson, Mr Fountain, Mr J. Fawcus, Mr and Mrs R. Fenwick.

Mr and Mrs Grey, Mr and Mrs Garratt, Mr and Mrs Gio ver, Mr Gazzard, Mr and Mrs D. Goldie, Mr B. Gould, Mr and Mrs W. Goldie, Mr J. B. and Miss Graham, Mr and Mrs J. M. Geddis, Dr. and Miss Glrdler, Rabbi and Mrs Goldstein, Mrs Shaile and the Misses George, Mr Goldsbru’, Mr and Mrs T. Garlick, Mr and Mrs Garland, Mra M. M. T. Gregory, Mr and Mrs Gunson, Mr and Mrs Garland, Rev. C .H. and Mrs Garland, Captain and Mrs F. E. Gaudln, Mr and Mrs Gillies, Mr and Mrs Harle Giles, Mr and Mrs T. and Miss Gresham, Mr an l Mrs Wm. Gorrle, Mr and Mrs W. J. Geddes, Captain and Mrs Grant, Mr and Mrs Angus Gordon.

Mr and Mrs Hewson, Mr Hewson, Mr and Mrs Hannan, Mr and Mrs A. Hoskings, Mr and Mrs E. Hickling, Mr Stephen Hughes, Mr, Mrs, and the Misses Holland, Mr and Mrs A. Hanna, Mr and Mrs Haynes, Mr Frank Howarth, Mr and Mrs Hampton, Mr and Mrs Hahn, Mr and Mrs S. Hesketh, Mr and Mrs Hipkins, Mr and Mrs P. M. Hansen, Mr and Mrs W. R. Holmes, Mr and Mrs Higgins, Mrs L. Harris, Mr and Mrs R. H. Hacket, Mr and Mrs C. Hesketh, Miss and Miss Constance Horne, Mr and Mi’s Houghton. Mr and Mrs Horning, Mr and Mrs R. Leslie Hunt, Mr C. J. Hutchinson, Major and Mrs Holgate, Captain and Mrs Hutton, Major and Miss Harris. Mr and Mrs A. B. Irvine, Mr D. K. Ingram.

Mr and Mrs C. Johnson, Mr and Mrs J. T. Julian, Mr R. Johnson, Mr and Mrs James.

Mrs and Mrs Harry Keesing, SurgeonMajor and Mrs Knight. Mrs B. Keesing, Mrs and Master Percy Kidd. Mrs H. Keesing, Mr and Mrs A. J. Kidd, Herr and Mrs Kreutzer, Mr and Mrs J. Kirker, Mrs and the Misses Knight, Captain and Mrs Knight, Mr and Mrs G. Kronfeld, Mr C. Kidd, Mr and Mrs B. Kent, Mrs Keesing. Mr and Mrs D. Latimer, Miss Laing, Mr and Miss Llndesay, Mr and Mrs J. Lovell, Mr and Miss Laird, Mr and Mrs T. VV. Leys, Right Rev. Bishop Lenihan, Lieutenant and Mrs Lewis, Mr and Mrs W. and Miss Lambert, Mr and Mrs J. Lawson, Mr and Mrs Lennox, Mr and Mrs F. Lawry, Lieutenant and Mrs Lipscombe, Mrs Lawry, Mr and Mrs Lonergan, Mr and Mrs Lewis, Mr Lawrence, Mr and Mrs C. H. Lushlngton.

Mayor of Devonport and Mrs Alison, Mayor of Parnell and Mrs Fitt, Mayor of Newmarket and Mrs McColl, Mayor of Grey Lynn and Mrs Warnock.

Mr and Mrs T. T. Masefield, Dr.. Mrs, and Miss Moir, Mr J. 11. Maxwell. Dr. Makgill, Sub-Inspector and Mrs Mitchell, Miss Mackay, Mr and Mrs T. Morrin, Mrs and the Misses Myers, Mr and Mrs Leo Myers, Mr and Mrs Mowbray, Rev. G. B. and Mrs Monro, Mr and Miss Moss, Mr D. L. Murdoch and Miss Todd, Mr and the Misses Meddings, Hon. E.. Mrs, and Miss Mltchclson, Mr and Mrs G. Mueller, Mr and Mrs O. Mays, Mr and Mrs McLeod, Mr and Miss Mclntyre, Mr and Mrs McGovern, Mr and Mrs M. McLean, Mr and Mrs C. McGregor, Mr and Mrs McLeod, Lieutenant and Mrs McHardy, Hon. W. and Mrs McCullough, Mr, Mrs, and the Misses McDonald. Mr and Mrs McMillan, Canon and Mrs McMurray, Captain and Mrs McCullough, Mr John McDonald, Miss McShane, Mrs Judge McDonald, Mr and Mrs M. McCullun, Mr and Mrs J. C. Macky. Miss Mulvaney, Mr, Mrs, and Miss Murcott, Mr Morrison. Mr and Mrs Morath, Mr F. Morton, Mrs Johanna Myers. Mr R. Monk, Mi* and Mrs W. F. Massey, Mrs J. E. Macdonald, Mr and Mrs Murchie, Mr and Mrs Menzies.

Mr and Mrs W. J. Napier, Mr and Mrs Sidnev J. Nathan, Mr and Miss Nelson, Mrs Norris, Mr H. O. Nolan, Canon, Mrs, and the Misses Nelson, Air and Airs Noton, Mr and Mrs P. J. Nerheny, Mr and Mrs Arthur Nathan. Mr and Mrs L. D. Nathan, Mr and Mrs N. A. Nathan, Mr and Mrs Newton, Airs Norris. Lieutenant O’Dowd, Officers of the. Zelee, Mrs Oakden, Mr J. Owen, Sir Maurice and Lady O’Rorkc, Mr and Mrs O’Halloran, Mr and Miss O’Neill. Mr and Mrs G. W. S. Patterson, Lieut. Parker, Mr and Mrs Parr, Mrs Philson, Mr and Airs F. L. Prime, Mrs Parker, Mr and Mrs T. Peacock, Mr J. 11. and Mrs Phlllpot, Mr and Airs W. Percival, Air and Mrs G. Powley, Air and Airs E. B. Parsons, Mr and Mrs J. A. Pond, Dr. and Mrs Parkes, Air and Airs E. W. Payton, Mr and Mrs Patterson, the Rev. Father Patterson. Mrs H. Parker, Lieutenant Plugge, Rev. Dr. Purchas, Air I’. Phillips, Mr and Mrs Gerald Peacocko, Lieutenant Peacockv, Mr and Mrs W. \V. Philson. Mr and Mrs Rosser, Miss Winnie V. Reed, Mrs J. Robertson, Miss Haynes, Mr and Mrs Rice, Miss Rogers, Mr, Mrs A. H., and the Misses Russell, Lieut.-Col. and Mrs Reid. Mr and Mrs XV. Rathbone, Mr and Mrs J. Regan, Captain and Mrs Rolleston, Air A. and Miss Rose, Mr and Mrs H. H. G. Ralfe, Captain A. T. Reid, <’aptaln and Mrs Reed, Mr and Mrs W. J.

Rees, Mr and Mrs W. Rattray, Captain Reni Richards, Mr and Mrs D. Russell, Dr. and Mrs Rayner, Mr and Mrs Roscoe Reeve.

Mr and Mrs SUehbury, Mrs William Stewart, Mr A. Sexton, Mr and Mrs Horace Stebblng, Mr, Mrs and Miss Sime, Mr Steel, Mr and Miss Savage, Mr and Mrs Suggate, Mr, Mrs, and the Misses Speight, Mr and Mrs Salmon. Mr and Mrs Hy. Seagar, Dr. and Mrs Sharnian, Capt: and Mrs Skinner, Mr and Mrs W. Spragg. Mr and Mrs Sumner (Papatoltoi), Mr and Mrs J. M. Shera, Mr and Mrs J. W. Speight. Lieutenant J. D. G. Shera, Mr Stromfels, Lieutenant L. M. Shera, Mr Schmidt, Mr and Mrs C. H. Smith. Mr and Mrs F. R. Trevithick, Mrs Tanton, Mr and Mrs J, Thompson. Mr and Mrs Tyke, Mr and Mrs A. Tilly, Mr and Mrs J. Townley, Mr and Mrs T. C. Turner, Hon. J. A. and Mrs Toie, Mr and Mrs W. S. Turner, Mr and Mrs R. Tudehope, Mr and Mrs W. Thorny, Mr and Mrs J. W. Tibbs, Miss Tibbs. Hon. T. and Miss Thompson, Mr P. O. Tierney, Mi’ and Mrs E. Turner, Mr and Mrs E. C. Towle, Mr and Mrs H. C. Tewsley, Captain Todd, Mr and Mrs Tapper. Mr and Mrs T. Ussher, Mr and Mrs J. H. Upton.

Mr and Mrs C, R. Viekerman, Lieutenant and Commander J. C. Watson, Mr and Mrs Winks, Mr and Mrs Young Warren, Rev. H. and Mrs Williams, Mr and Mrs Wright, Captain Wynyard, Mr and Mrs Woodward, Mr Woolf, Mr Worrall, Mr Frank Whitaker, Lieut. Wynyard-Joss, Mr and Mrs M. Walsh, Lieut. Wall. Mr Wynyard, Herr Bernhard Walther, Mr and Mrs H. W. Wilson, Mr and Mrs H. Munro Wilson, Mr and Mrs E .Wrigley, Mr and Mrg Warren, Mr and Mrs Wrigg, Mr and Miss Williams, Mr and Mrs Woolley, Mr and Mrs J. H, Witheford, Mrs. Mr H. G., and Miss Wade, Dr. and Mrs Williams, the Rev. J, and Mrs Wilkins, Dr. and Mrs Walker, Mr W. Will, Lieut.-Colonel and Mrs W. B .White. Mr and Mrs A. C. Whitney, Mrs and Miss Waller.

Mr, Mrs, and Miss rates, Mr and Mrs Yates, Mrs Young.

It is impossible to mention all the dresses, but 1 noted the following: — Mrs Henry W. Wilson, who looked well in a black trained satin, brightened witlh red roses; Miss Wilson (South) wore geranium pink satin gown with bright red Chou and ribbon streamers; Miss Kenvig was in white silk and chiffon with crimson poppies on her shoulder; Mrs C. M. Nelson, black silk trained gown with decorations of ivy leaves, pink roses and cream lace; Miss Nelson wore white silk with touches of blue; Mrs Galder, beautiful black watered silk, the bodice swathed with white and Coronation red silk; Mrs Cheeseman was gowned in an apple green and black brocade; Miss Dunnett, black gown with transparent sleeves and sequin bolero, red flowers on corsage; Mrs (Dr.) Collins, very lovely ivory white lace with silver spangled lace berthe and touches of black velvet; Miss Savage, white merveilleux en traine, silver trimming on lo.w bodice; Mrs Myers, black satin, softened with black chiffon; Miss Myers, becoming black brocade, ornamented with jet and lace; Miss Ettie Myers wore white silk and chiffon; Mrs Sylvester Brigham, black satin gown with black velvet strapped sleeves, corsage bouquet of violets; Miss Gresham, black silk evening gown, white feather boa; Mrs Thos. Morrin, elegant white silk veiled in black lace, apple green silk ebon on corsage and ivy leaves in coiffure; Mrs Tewsley was distinguee in black satin, embroidered with sequins; Mrs Moss Davis was gowned in black brocade with lovely crimson rose on decolletage, white brocaded cloak; the Misses Moss Davis wore dainty white silk frocks with white lace boleros, blue chiffon and forget-me-nots; Mrs Shera, black and crimson; Mrs J. A. Tole, black silk and jet, pale blue and pink roses on decolletage; Mrs .1. H. Upton, black brocade; Mrs Arthur Nathan, black silk with gold embroidered bodice and crimson roses; Mrs F. E. Baume, white silk gown, effectively arranged with white lace and black velvet; Mrs Payton, black silk and jet; Miss Percival, black satin with white chiffon’ frills on bodice; Mrs Sidney Nathan, white silk and chiffon; Miss Rogers, blush rose pink silk: Mrs Brabant, black velvet and silk; Mrs Edward Lewis, black and violet silk; Mrs T. Peacock. pigeon - wing grey satin figured with yellow flowers; Miss — Rice, black frock with touches of pink; Mrs Tibbs, bright red satin blouse with rich cream lace collar, black silk skirt; Miss Tibbs (Tasmania), pure white silk and lace; Miss Leys, blush rose pink silk with

Maltese lace berthe and pale blue chon; Mrs D. W. Duthie, very dainty pink chiffon inserted with Maltese lace; Miss Girdler, lemon - coloured silk bodice with red poppies, black silk skirt; Mrs Churton, black velvet gown, relieved witth white lace; Mrs C. C. McMillan, beautiful dove-grey satin gown, trimmed with rieh cream lace, Coronation red on corsage and in coiffure; Mrs Myers, handsome black brocade, en traine; Miss Coleman, black silk and lace evening gown with crimson roses; Mrs (Dr.) Bedford, black silk gown, relieved with cream lace and violets; Mrs Culpan, black brocade, pink roses ’on decollet age; Miss Culpan, black evening dress with transparent long sleeves; Mrs H. Munro Wilson, black gown with sequin bolero and basque, elbow sleeves embroidered with sequins; Mrs V. E. Rice, black silk and chiffon; Miss Rice, white silk, with clusters of violets; Misses (Professor) Brown wore white silk frocks, brightened with blue and red respectively; Mrs. Mowbray ; black brocade with yellow decolletage; Mrs. Horace Stubbing was in white silk; Miss Hunt, graceful white silk, prettily tucked; Miss Francis Cook, black gown with pink chon on corsage; Miss Kent, white silk, softened with numerous chiffon frills; Mrs. Robt. Lusher, pale rose pink silk and chiffon, red poppies on Torsage; Miss Holland wore white over yellow silk ruffled with chiffon; Miss Essie Holland, pure white; Mrs. (Dr.) Lawry, black gown with cream point lace, berthe caught with Coronation red hou; Miss Moir looked pretty in cream silk with posies of violets on corsage and in her hair; Miss Belle Moir wore a soft white silk inserted with lace, corsage bouquet of white roses; Miss Crowther, lavender silk, contrasted with violet velvet, her younger sister was in white silk with spray of lily-of-the-valley; Miss Mclntyre, white silk dress, prettily tucked, bunch of violets on shoulder; Miss Berry, pretty white silk gown with touches of Coronation red; Miss Annie Berry, white silk with blue; Mns. (Captain) Daveney, black Spanish laee over crimson silk with jet- berthe; Mrs. Murdoch Mac Lean, white silk gown with long’ lace sleeves and corsage bouquet of red poppies; Mrs. W. Lambert, striking black and silver gown; Mrs. (Dr.) Walker, black silk gown with touches of red; Mrs. J. M. Geddis, black brocade ornamented with jet; Mrs. Wm. Gorrie, black silk; Mrs. W. S. Douglas, black satin gtown with! corsage decorations of crimson; Miss Douglas wore white silk with large chon of Coronation red on corsage; Mrs. Isemonger, red silk blouse and black silk skirt; Miss Wright, sea-foam green silk; Miss Mabel Wright, white satin and chiffon; Mrs. E. W. Allison, black evening gown with red corsage bouquet; Mrs. Turner, black silk gown; Mrs. Millar, black merveilleux with jet trimmings; Mrs. Easton, black merv., brightened with Czar blue velvet and jet; Miss Mackay, black silk evening gown with transparent sleeves spangled with silver sequins; Mrs. Climo Smith wore black silk trimmed with cream lace insertion; Mrs. Finlayson, black silk with berthe of white lace and crystal beads caught with crimson roses; Mrs. Benjamin, black satin embroidered with l sequinns; Miss Kennedy, vieux rose silk bodice with cream lace, and black skirt; Mrs. Barry Keesing, black gown with long transparent sleeves, crimson flowers on corsage; Mrs. Suggate wore an effective Empire gown of black peau-de-soie relieved with ivory lace; Miss Lena Butters, graceful black lace gown with dark red roses on bodice and in her hair; Mrs. Stewart, white silk gown, the low bodice swathed with lace and black Velvet; her sister also wore white silk with large chon on bodice of Coronation red satin; Miss Philson (Devonport), white net frock, edged with satin bebe ribbon, crimson roses; Miss B. Oxley, rose pink silk with white neb fichu; Mrs. M. McCallum, apple green silk gown edged with black bebe ribbon, pink roses on corsage; Mrs. Tudehope, black brocade, with red flowers; Mrs. Goldie, black trained silk; Miss Elsie Goldie, smart white silk frock prettily tucked, touches of blue chiffon; Miss F. George, soft white muslin and pink roses; Miss Muriel George, white silk flounced with olive green.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXIX, Issue VII, 16 August 1902, Page 427

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The Mayor of Auckland’s Coronation Reception. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXIX, Issue VII, 16 August 1902, Page 427

The Mayor of Auckland’s Coronation Reception. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXIX, Issue VII, 16 August 1902, Page 427

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