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Personal Paragraphs.

Mrs and Miss Kemp (England) spent a few days in Nelson last week. Miss Heath, of Napier, has returned from a visit to Wellington. Mrs Matheson, of Manaia, has come to reside in New Plymouth. Mrs H. Burnett (Woodville) is staying' in Nelson with Mrs Burnett. Captain and Mrs Daldy have returned to Auckland from Napier. Miss Sealy, Nelson, has gone away for a short holiday to Wellington. Miss L. Hunter-Brown has gone t<J Wellington for a few weeks’ holiday. Mr V. Hoadley has left Napier for a trip to England. Mr. John Brown, of Auckland, has arrived, in London. Mrs Young and her daughters are spending the holidays at Sumner. Mr Dickey, from Auckland, has been on a short visit to New Plymouth. Mr Embling, general manager of the Bank of New Zealand, has been on a short visit to New Plymouth. The Misses Harding, Wellington, have gone to Dunedin on a visit to Mr and Mrs C- C. Graham. Captain Jackson Barry, before leaving for Rotorua, spent a few days in New Plymouth. Mr A. J- Mounteney Jephson, the well-known novelist, is at present travelling in New Zealand. Mrs Skerman, Marton, Rangitikei, is on a visit to Mrs Anson, Wellington. Mr and Mrs Shepherd and family, from Hamilton, are at present visiting New Plymouth. Miss Sutton, Hawke’s Bay, is paying a visit to her sister, Mrs Edwin, in WellingtonMrs Broham is visiting Christchurch, and will be welcomed by many old friends. The Rev. H. and Mrs Fell drove overland to Blenheim from Nelson last week, en route for Wellington. The Misses Palmer, of Graham’s Town, South Africa, are the guests of Mrs G. G. Stead, “Strowan.” The Misses Wilson, “The Grove,” Sydenham, gave a most enjoyable ping-pong evening last week, Mrs Pearson (Australia) is staying with her father, Mr Browning, of Stoke, Nelson. My and Mrs A. Parsons, of Christchurch, are on a visit to Auckland. Mr Parsons, of Sfydney, and his bride, are on a visit to their relatives in Ponsonby, Auckland. M r and Mrs J. Lane, of v\ 7ellingtou, left Auckland by the Mararoa on a trip to England. Mr T. Henderson, the newly appointed city surveyor for Nelson, has arrived from Sydney. Mr. and Mrs. John Watson, of the Thames, left for ’Frisco by the mail steamer. Miss K. Fell' has returned to Nelson from Hawke’s Bay, where she has been visiting for some weeks.

MajorXleneral Hogge is enjoying moderate sport on his shooting excursion at the Bay of Plenty district. Miss Winnie Sirncox, of Poraugahau, has been staying with Mrs Kettle, of Napier. Miss Bendall. of Wellington, is staying with Mrs Edgar, Tennyson-street, Napier. Mr C. La Roche, of the Auckland Harbour Board, has gone on a business trip to Dunedin, via Wellington. Mr H. H. Bridge, of Waipawa, Hawke’s Bay, has left for a sixinonths’ trip to England. Mrs H. J. and the Misses Hall, Glou-cester-street, Christchurch, are spending a few weeks at their cottage at Sumner. On Thursday a shooting party, including Messrs 1. Gibbs, F. Waymouth, J. J. Kinsey and J. Bickerton Fisher, left for Mr J. Hall’s, Motonau. Mr Cyril McKellar, who has been in Dunedin for some time, passed through Wellington last week on his way Not th. Miss Florence Balgarnie. the wellknown temperance lecturer, was the guest of Sir Robert and Lady Stout during her stay In Wellington. Mr. John Ross, formerly of Sargood, Son & Ewen, has with his family arrived in London. A private cable states all are Well. Mi- George Bloomfield has returned to Auckland from a shooting- tour in the Kaipara. He was the guest of Mr Percy Gibson. Dr- SkermAn, Marton, paid a flying visit to Wellington to welcome the Sixth Contingent, which he accompanied to South Africa as surgeon. Mr Howard Chambers, the wellknown Auckland singer, has left for San Francisco. He had been in Sydney for some time past. Dean Mahoney left Nelson to visit the Old Country. Though the boat left at a very early hour many of his friends assembled on the wharf to say good-bye. Mr. E. D. Westmacott returned to New Zealand by the Rimutaka. He does not, however, intend to remain, having come out to settle business matters here. Judge Edger, of the Auckland Native Lands Court, and Mrs Edger, left for Rotorua last Tuesday, and intend to spend some weeks there. The Bishop of Wellington has gone to Auckland in order to be present at a meeting of the Governors of St. John’s College. His stay will not occupy more than a week. Mr Humphries, solicitor, Napier, and Mrs Humphries, who passed through Auckland recently, left on a tour round the world. It is reported in Napier that Dr. De Lisle, who went to England last year for the purpose of obtaining the diploma of public health, has been successful in passing the examination at Cambridge. Mr Philip Moore, LL.B., has been admitted as a partner in the wellknown legal firm of Pitt and Moore, barristers and solicitors, Nelson. Mr Moore’s many friends wish him every success. Miss Dora Judson has been appointed pianoforte teacher in connection with the Nelson School of Music. Miss Judson was formerly a pupil at the Nelson Girls’ College. Sergt. Mackay and family left Nelson last week for Christchurch. A short speech was made on the wharf, bidding Sergt. Mackay God-speed, and ringing- cheers were given as the vessel moved off. Mr. J. Tarry, who is well known in New Plymouth and at Ilawerain business circles, was in New Plymouth last week, having just arrived from London. He is on his way to Auckland, where he w-ilFprobably settle. Mrs Pritt intends holding the first of her sewing meetings on behalf of the Auckland Ladies’ Benevolent Society on Monday next, May 26th. They will be continued every other Monday, and it is hoped that the ladies will take an interest in this good work. It is reported (says a Southern paper) that a well-known Dunedin commission agent has been left a legacy

of £lO,OOO by the Ute Mr Cecil Rhodes. The lucky man is said to have seen considerable service in the Chartered Company’s troops tn Rho.esia years ago. Captain Adair Blythe, of the Masterton Rifles, and late of Napier, is now in London, and his brother. Corporal Girthon Blythe, has been chosen as one of the ten to represent the Seventh New Zealand Contingent at the Coronation. Sir Henry Berkeley, late Chief Justice of Fiji, who recently resigned that position in order to aceepl the Attorney-Generalship of Hong Kong, is making a short stay in Wellington before proceeding to China to take up his duties there. Among the passengers by the Rimutaka which arrived in Wellingt. ii last week, was Mr J. F. Norris, K.C-, formerly Judge of the Hugh l ourt, Calcutta. Mr Norris, who is lining the round trip for the Benefit ot hit health, is accompanied by Dr. Walters. Maior and Mrs. George have arrived in London The Major, writing to an Auckland friend, says that Mrs George was seized with malaria! f, ver at Colombo, and the Indian trip, which had been intended, was abandoned After a few days in Colombo Major and Mrs. George went on to Italy, spending a few days in Venice and Florence, and then on to London. Mr. James Williamson, who has retired" from the service of the Union Steamship Company, to take up the position of inspector of machinery under the New Zealand Government, was entertained by the officers of the Union Company’s steamer Wakatipu at Sydnev on the 10th insf.. and presented with a travelling bag and rug. Mr. Major, the retiring Mayor of Hawera. has been presented with a solid silver epergne and salver subscribed for by the public, in recognition of his twenty years’ service to the borough in the capacity of councillor (eight years) and Mayor (12 years.) Mr. J. Nixon, an old Taranaki bov, is visiting New Plymouth, having just arrived from London. Mr. Nixon has been a marine engineer for years, and in that capacity has visited most trading places on the globe. He was engineer on a steamer lying in Havana Harbour when the U.S. Maine was blown up. Mr. C. Simmons, who has been running as- guard on the main line between Clinton and Invercargill for the past nineteen years, has accepted the position of coaching foreman at New Plymouth. Mr. SimmoriSr was brakesman on the engine on rhe night of the Wairnna tragedy, when the fireman was shot at his post. Miss Blanche Banks, of Gwninelands, met with a painful accident on Saturday before last when riding in Cambridge. . Without the slightest warning a cur bit her horse on the heel, causing it, to throw its rider violently to "the ground. Unfortunately Mi's Banks was not only much bruised, but also receive! a compound fracture of her arm, and Dr. Roberts says she will be laid up for some weeks. Lieut. Frank Hume, son of Colonel Hume, has returned to Wellington after an absence of three years. Lieut. Hume went to South Africa with the West Australian Bushmen, he was invalided Home, and after a stay of several months in England, came out to New Zealand to see his relatives. The D. Battery. with .which Lieut. Hume was connected for some years, has warmly welcomed him, and if is hoped that he will again join themAmong the many young men who have left the service' of the Eastern Extension Cable Company to join the staff of 'the Pacific Cable Board is Mr Frank Smith, son of Mr Amelias Smith, well-known in Wellington as Private Secretary to many Ministers in succession. Mr Frank Smith has been some time training at Wakapuaka, but has now been appointed to South Bort, Queensland, the terminal station of the Pacific Cable Company. The very successful chamber concerts given in Wellington last year by

Herr Hoppe and Mr Maughan Barnett are being continued thia winter. A committee, consisting of Lady Stout, Mesdames Butt, Brown, Embling, Fell, Fitchett, Wallis. Dr. Elizabeth Platt-Mills. Miss Fraser, Messrs Fraser, Joyut, Joseph and Towsey, has been appointed to make all business arrangements, leaving Herr Hoppe and Mr Barnett only the musical items to select and perform. Mr A. G. Kemp is acting as lion, secretary. Staying at the Geyser were last week: M Limes Goulston, Sydney; Baxter, Dunedin; Houghton. Auckland: Harris. Christrhurch. Misses Le Riron, Sinclair (2). MeKella, Hay, Baxter. Reid, Auckland; Adcock, Ito c, London; Harris, Christchurch; l.enby, Cox, Melbourne. Messrs Hay, (.’), Dunedin; Marks, Melbourne; Gheriiian, Macdona Id, Wellington; Neylon. Wanganui; Dr. Hepburn, Mackay, Edwardsfi Adcock, Abraham, London; Salenger. Goulston, Woodroffe, Sydney; Bioinfield, Russell; Harris, Christchurch; Dr. Bennett, Rangitikei. Naturally, there are not quite so many visitors in Rotorua a-s there were a month or so ago, but a fair number are still at the Grand and Geyser Hotels. Amongst those at the Grand are Mesdames Adkins, Lady Alexander, Neilson, Queensland; Alexander, Portugal. Misses Taylor (g), Baskerville, England. Messrs Sheridan, Hon. J. Carroll, Stevenson, Cuddy, Kirk, Wellington; Daver-n, Sydney; Martin, Crowe, Horton (2), Judge Gill, Sellers, Auckland; Ellis, Platts (2), Adkins, England; Falla, Westport; Alexander, Portugal; Neilson, Queensland, Amongst visitors to Auckland during the past, week the following have been at the Central Hotel:—-Messrs Owen (of Sharland and Co.), W. Watson, T. C. Williams, Dr. Pomare (Native Health Officer), Mr and Mrs Kemplin, Messrs Bunting, J. A. Anderson, Mr and Mrs lloulston, Messrs Levy and Hogben (Secretary of Education), WelHngtow: Mr Dicke on, Kaikohe; Mr Diekeson, Waikato; Mrs Lyme, Dr. and Mrs Porter, Waihi; Air T. Dunlop, Thames; Messrs Edwards, Henson, Watts, Best, Giear, Callan and Martin, Sydney; Dr. and Airs Alorrice ami child. Grey mouth; Air Pilling’, Te Aroha; Aliss Hooper, Calvin llopccraft. odelaide; Mr Brodrick, Opotiki; Mr Ogilvie, Wanganui; Ale srs Pettigrew and Goodwin, Napier; Air and Miss Hayward, Mr Morgan. Christchurch; Air and Mrs Drayton Barniield, Dunedin; Signor and Madame Cinquevnlli and child. Air and Mrs Leete, San Francium; Mr Graham. -Waihi; Messrs F. and A. Platt, Mr ~n<l Mrs Macallister, Mr and the Misses Harbi.on (2), Airs and Miss Wileox, London; Mr Terry, South Africa. The following visitors have patronised the Siar Hofei during ti e past week:—-Messrs J. Bruce-Simmons, Thos. Wilkes, F. Vert, R. J. Adcock, G. St. C. Robertson, C. D. Harford, and W. E. F. Macmillan, Dr. Susmann, Airs Edzell, Misses Adeock and Edzell, England; Messrs A. S. Goold and F. H. Kent, am! Mr and Mrs Alexander, Scotland; Mesdemoiselles Dolores and Vandour, France; Alessrs Clarence Newell. F. Kulka. G. C. Chadwick, and .1. AL Fuller. U.S.A.; Alessrs G. llappenstedt. E. If. Fritch, and G. Krafft, 'lahili; Mr Humphrey Borkelej and Mrs A. B ddard, Fiji; Rev. W. il. E.izelL New Ih brides; Messrs C. K. Pearson, Harris, T. Conacher. Benno S.-herek. C. Mackay, and J. Wiener, Mesdames Pearson and liarri and Miss Harris. Sydney; Messrs (J. i.ush and James Tait, Melbourne; Captains (1. Parson and Thos. Hogg, and lieutenants F. J. Fraser and W. T’rior, South Africa; Messrs C. J. Bea Les and G. Shirt cliff e, Wellington; Mr R. Grice, Cambridge; Mr A. WI'Uin, Waiuku; Mrs J. C. Buckland, Aknroa; Mi M. Assor, Christchurch; Mr R. Falla, Westport; Mr F. Perry, Napier.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXVIII, Issue XXI, 24 May 1902, Page 1035

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Personal Paragraphs. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXVIII, Issue XXI, 24 May 1902, Page 1035

Personal Paragraphs. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXVIII, Issue XXI, 24 May 1902, Page 1035

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