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Hearne’s Bronchitis Cure. THE FAMOUS REMEDY FOR GOUGHS, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA aqd CONSUMPTION, HAS THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY CHEST MEDICINE IN AUSTRALIA. Those who have taken this medicine are amazed at its wonderful influence. Sufferers from any form of Bronchitis. Cough. Difficulty of Breathing. Hoarseness. Pain or Soreness in the Chest, experience delightful and immediate relief; and to those who are subject to Colds on the Chest it is invaluable, as it effects a Complete Cure. It is most comforting in allaying irritation in the throat and giving strength to the voice, and it neither allows a Cough or Asthma to beerime chronic, nor Consumption to develop. Consumption has never been known to exist where ‘"Coughs” have been properly treated with this medicine. No house should be without it, as, taken at the beginning, a dose is generally sufficient, and a Complete Cure is certain. A Lady in London. A FEW EXTRACTS FROM LETTERS Gratitude and Appreciation. A MARTYR TO COLDS AND BRON- HUNDREDS CURED IN THEIR OWN CHIAL ASTHMA. “J UE( wj yovr Bronchitis Cure for three of my family, and It cured each of them CIRCLE. CURED BY ONE BO BILE OF in from one to three doses.—A. E. MULLINS. Cowies Creek, Victoria." "The "Scientific Australian' Office. HEARNE’S BRONCHITIS CURE. *T©> Queen-street. Melbourne. THE DOCTOR SO INTERESTED THAT “Your Bronchitis Cure relieved my son wonderfully quick. I only gave him four "Dear Mr Hearne.—The silent workers HE CARRIED OPE THE EMPTY doses, and of the medicine vet: but I am sending for another battle in are frequently the most effective, and if - BOTTLE. , . case I should want it.—D. McDONaLD. Trinkev. via Quirindi. N.8.W." there is anybody in Victoria who during -Qrsogo N.S W. the f* - * years has been repeatedly “Mr Hearne— "Yqjir Bronchitis Cure is a wonderful medicine.—A. B. SIMMONS. No. 7 Reany- an ? .? ,n ?! n 8 ll h' “Dear £tr.-I er.close tor your own pri- st. Paddington. Sydney. " BroDchitis Vare - st ojr Mr rate perusal portion of a letter received 1 ..' l 2? s * , frorn my jnother. Mrs ——-,, of London, “My wife is years old. and lam 79. an! lam glad to inform you that your was reetr ire d vo* h^ C bXn" a wonderful deal of good having quickly cured cure b Mr accountant.' '< blilniLnd te a t» aS” bMh ~ R T " Strat “ ‘ vta Broadford. V ictoria. stre «L«“? :: ha ‘ l *“ “ asthma. I do rrot wish any names to be ~T . x ... , , ~ marked he has ever since been conmentioned, but you are at liberty to make LA a .Y of your Bronchitis Cure with great benefit to myself, ps tlnual.y reeommondlr.g it to others. use of any portion 'M this letter you the L:u, comp.eiei.. me.—(Lrsi JOHN RAH.LLY, Glenmaggic. It e are glad to add this bur testimony choose, and you can confidently refer * c ’* a ' Iv value of Hearne s most valuab.a anybody to me. •»- Bronchitis Cure, which has cased the suf“i beard cf your excellent remedy, and . J have found your Bronchitis Cure a splendid medicine. — JOHN MADDEN. firings of hundreds and hundreds of x-ei ivi'fci.Lt,*d. Vou —dtp. tsee for s ? oiir— SlLipton, \ ioto*m. people ev en in our own circle of acquaint—self what an. Jmmense success it was.— - anc«t Yours faithfully. . “I have finished the Branch Cure you sent, and am amazed at what it Believe us always to be, Extract alluded to above:— has done in the rim?. The difficulty cf breaihing has all gone.—J. HARRINGTON. “Yours most faithfully. “You will b’» he aring that El ng egong. Mcrur.dah, N.S.W.” PHILLIPS, ORMONDE & CO.** I think the BroaiphitisJ Cute really excellent. I was very oad it arrived, “My cold, had '= it v.s. disacp-e.ired after two doses.—C. J. CURRIE. Solicitor, Queensland Testimony, and I immedately flew to ix. That was Vrctcria Chambers. Queen-street. Melbourne.* . T last Friday, dwa it has qu’Ue cured me. FROM BR.bPANE WHOLESALE He came . ■ r' ... L-,.; : off the S pACKER dnf QuZ’ra “• «««»•«•• Brisbane. Queensland, empty bott-Fta find out IT he could get a ®« aw “ HACKER. Quiera. - Mr w Q Hearne. Dear Sir.-Please full one from a chemist who is In a large ‘ -- - - send us dozen Bronchitis Cure by first was* here.” r I - .... c, boat- We enclose our cheque to corer The names are withheld from pub’icn- X?,- r - - Cure, as usunl. acted sp: noi^ly.—H. RADFORD. Caster- amount of order. tbs. but wHi be-stilted, privately when t3n - Victoria. ' - We often hea ’ r your B ronc tiltls Cure desired- v spoken well of. A gentleman told us to- — “Krhd’v forward another bottle of y jur fam •-•is Cure without delay. day that he bad given it to a child of his m-nviaivr as 1 to “ most valuable ya>-d:c 5 i»<».—«Mrs) J. SLATER,Warragul,Victoria. ’ with the most remr.rkab> result, the child 7t S - --v. C 2 VG i: - „ being quite cured by three doses. NINE MONTHS* TORTURE. “I am very with vovr T-r -hi 'is Cure. The result wa’s marve’lous It “We are. faithfully yours. RELIEVED BY ONE DOSE OP eased xne right off at —G. SETTER. Bouike. New Sou.h Wales.” ‘'THOMASON. CHATER & CO.. HEARNE’S BRONCHITIS CURE, AND “Wholesale Chemists.** CURED BY TWO BOTTLES. “Your medicine for asthma is w .rth £1 a bottle.—W. LETTS, Heywood, VicVictoria. toria.” “Dear Sir. —I wish to add ray testimony Ten Days. to the wonderfni effect of your Bronchitis “j hr,ve tri - d lots of medie:ae. 5 ’ t vours is the best I ever had Tam recom- THE EDITOR OF THE OLDEST Cure. I suffered for nine months, and men Zing it to everybody.—S. STEEI ~’, ‘Y -vko S.dire. Nev. South Wales*’ NEWSPAPER IN VICTORIA EXthe cough was so distressingly bad at PRESSES GRATEFUL APPRE?P aD^ Ei , t " -T sufr-rei from r- r ., r: . /st! ,- a arS Bronchitis for vrtilcb I obtained no relief CIATION. until I tried your rm-lxm ■. lut I fc n truly say that T am astflnmhed at my present *‘W. G. Hearne. Esq. Dear Sir.—Permit T.'J »«. freedom, as a direct resu.. fmy brief -rial. — JOHN C. TRELAWNEY; Severn ”1’ to express my grateful appreciation your-, and never had ant of coughing RiV er. via Inverell. N.S.W.' of the value of your Bronchitis Cure. I v first uose. sud though had. some months ago. a severe attack c* 1 have iT3<l Out two I IC<"i I ftm _ „ - ... . , Rrnnphftie unrt fnr.L- tv -.. •i, did‘not' to gSS*: bS“I ‘your c”™. an’d the ““J* at , t} ;“ e . nJ .?£ ten J! ‘“ known tire your wonderful re = - ’’ ' ' " ' HOOD. Brcoklanda. Avoca-Street. South ! " eV er"w l iho: ! Y’’t) ; e medirin- ir.'r.e a: - yor,e 1 see afflicted.—Yours Yarra. house, and at the first indication of a cad £ "JAMES ASTBURY " "Plekfe seed me half-a-dozen cf ycur Bronchitis Cure. This medicine cured me J.V.V' tak ® n - WUh immedlate ft" _ ’ ,n T t I fc A^ ai! £ ”* S ”? ° f miEe ° f a ' ery bad Bronch,tis “A- “l am. mv dear Sir. vours faithfully. ALLEN, Ozone House, Lome, ,. R QL - ARRILL We, the mxdersigised, have bad occasion “Editor ‘Geeloag Advertiser.’ ** to obtain Hearne’s Bronchitis Cure, and “Your Brorwhitis ’ure he's done me much good. This is a new experience, for we-certify that it was perfectly and ra- a’ l the. medicine J previously to made much worse. lam satisfied that the pidly successful under circumstances I' 170 bcttlcS rYr? 0 *^ C ” have puded me through a long anj “Upon loohing through our books we which undoubtedly prove its distinct dangerous inness. nENRY LRLCD, Aima. near Maryborough \ ictona. are ct ruc k with the steady and rapid inhealing power. Signed by the Rev. JOHN . crease in the sales of your Bronchitis SINCLAIR, Myers-street, Geelong, and “The hottie of Bronchitis Cure I got from you was magical In its effects—CHAS. Cure. ’—ELLIOTT BROS.. Ltd.. V.iivie-fifty-nine other leading residents. 'WYBROV’, Enoch’s Pcint, via Dariingford, Victoria.’’ * sale Druggists, Sydney, NSW.” Consumption. until I used your Bronchitis Cure, which Last winter three of my children had W.*3 A GREAT SUFFERER, rnn ttv TnTViVP vric Pvn gave me relief at once, and completely very bad coughs, and one bottle cured TT . w- -r. T , TOO IL— TO - HIS BED. cured me. lam delighted wifh it. It is the three of th. m. The housemaid also HAD NOT ..LhED FOR T'\ EL\ E A COMPLETE CL RE really a wonderful medicine; does good had such a severe cold that she entirely MONTHS. Mr W. G. Hearne —Dear Sir, —I am writ- at once, and “can't be lickedY —Yours sin- lost her voice, but half a hottie cured her. fcg to teil you about the wonderful cure cerely. W. TREMELLEN. I always keep it in the house now, and re- ALvt Ai S V. ALKS N( ;W , AND IS your medicine has effected in my case. Mo-dewarre, Victoria. commend it to anyone requiring a medi- QLITE WELL. About-three years ago I began to cough. cine of this kind. FEELS STRONGER TH Ax. SHE HAS At first tbe cough was not severe, but it A Chi’d Seven Months Old. *’l now want yon to send Mt one? four DONE FOR YEARS gradually got worse, and I beeame very _, pv pn-YD ppnu ptpth bottles to England to my mother, who is weak and troubled with night sweats, av r rz . -i . suffering greatly from bronchitis. The “8 Watson-street. Burton-on-Tren*. pain tn my chest, and great quantities of CURED BY A BOTTLE OF HEARNE & address is enclosed. “Staffordshire. England, phiegru. On several occasions there was BRONCHITIS CURE. “Yours gratefully. “Mr W. G. Hearne, Geelong. blood in tbe expectorated matter. I had Mr W. G. Hearne. Dear Sir.—Kindly “JOHN S. MORTIMER. ’ , “Derr Sir.— been treated by a doctor, who pronounced forward me a small bottle of your Bron- The relative in England who «s 80 rears “Your letter and Bronchitis Cure hans my Csse to be Consumption, and various chit’s Cure as soon as possible, as I can- old a | so cured by Hearne’s Bronchitis < ’ u,:e safe ’ 1 aTn B ’ ,re ? ou win sad to other Treatments had been tried,but with- speak above a whisper, owing to a Cure. know that your Bronchitis Cure has qul e out benefit. It was at this stage that I cold. I had a l»ott!e from you before for cured me. J was very glad when it rar heard of your Bronchitis Cure, and sent ray Httle girl when she was seven years as I was suffering om a ae\er« atm k to you for a course of the medicine. When she had beer, suffering from bron- 12 Years’ Agony. of Bronchitis at the time ft arrived. I it criived I was too ill to leave my bed. chitis from her birth.and now she is three DISTRESSING SUFFOCATING DRY had sent for my own doctor, tut ncu but I commenced taking it at once, and years old and has not had a return of it COUGH ENTIRELY REMOVED BY had one night’s rest for a week. st >r.gradually improved. lam glad to say since. It Is a splendid medicine for bron- “ five DOSES taking the Bronchitis Cure three time* that’ the two lots of medicine you sent chills or colds of any sort. * a day as directed, and was very much have effected a complete cure, for which I remain, yours truly, NO OTHER TREATMENT COL LD eased at once. At the end of a wee ■ T accept my very best thanks—Yours grate- * * h RAMAGE. EVEN EASE IT. only took It twice a day, and then on > J- BLAIR. Violet Town, Victoria. ’ every nfght for a week, ar I felt t y Westminster. Bridge Road, S.E.. “Sir.—My wife was fnr 12 years a suffer- much better, when.’ thanks to the I London. •♦ » r- er from a most suffocating. f Or adding His b essing. I was quhe w”, y dry cough that enu’d not be removed or and walked into town and bnck witaou* Severs Cough. On * Bottle of Hearne s Bronchitis even easec3 by anv remedy, doctors’ pre- feeling any ! had not de :c n.rt . . vupfl. scriptlona and paten: medicines having nrevfouslv for 1* months wrt ia FIVE YEARS CAtE SEA ERE COLD.WITH LOSS OF VOICE, been tried; but lam happy to say that th© omnibus), as walking cause! me s«j, v RELIEVED AT ONCE AND COM- CURED BY HALF A BOTTLE. the cough, pain in the chest, and dlfficul- pa in and distr. a in th-> chest I alwr PLETELY CURED BY HEARNE’S A SUPPLY SENT TO A RELATIVE IN ty of breathing, etc., were entirely remov- wa ]k r ~ 4 - r—. - * t .! and I am BRONCHITIS CURE ENGLAND. ed by the fifth dose of your Bronchitis stronger th’.n ’ he’*e lv*n for vo ’•« Dear S!r.-I suffered from a severe cold "LleweUjn. Katun K a. Vic. £ U ” ~ I rema w IT^ r i*M Ur ?RT2 ; KFTT t,l *P TT, 8 ” T < hl * r '‘ at “a ” ” on the chest with cou«h. for five 7 ears. "Mr Hearne - *“«*• WILLIAM CROCKETT s.nd.r.g the medlclr ar.u m d.rr si., and during that time got treatment from “Dear Sir.—l am very much pleased “Baker’s Swamp PO . via Dripstone, i oc .. r x r •• different sources, but derivad no benefit with the effects of your Bronchitis Cure. New South VS ales. -•> -« icjiA ..i. Prepared only and Cold Wholesale and Retail by the Proprietor, W. G. HEARNE, Chemist, Geelong, Victoria. SHALL SIZE, Sf, 6d.{. ARQE. 4s. 6d. Sold by Ch&mists and Medicine Vc .do<s. FORWARDED BY PORT TO ANV ADDRBS9 WHIN MOT OBTAINABLE LOCALLY.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXVIII, Issue II, 11 January 1902, Page 87

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Page 87 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXVIII, Issue II, 11 January 1902, Page 87

Page 87 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXVIII, Issue II, 11 January 1902, Page 87

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