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Personal Paragraphs.

Dr. Ronald, of Napier, is at present enjoying a holiday in the North. Mr Stowell, of Wellington, is in Rotorua.

Dr. Pollen, of Wellington, spent a few days in Nelson last week. Miss Stephenson, of London, is staying at the Grand Hotel, Rotorua. Miss Allison, of Sydney, is staying with Mrs Dr. Roberts, Nelson.

Mrs Afoyse, of Australia, is enjoying Rotorua at present. Mr John Kirkland, of Sydney, was stopping in Auckland last week.

Mr Kidd, of Australia, is taking the baths at Rotorua.

Dr. Ronald, of wapier, was in Auckland last week.

Mr arid Mrs Aforitzon, of Dunedin, are- on a visit to Rotorua.

Mrs John Neill, of Onehunga, is at present on a visit to Te Aroha.

Dr. Makgill paid Rotorua a flying visit last week.

Mr aud Mrs Roads, of Cincinnati, U.S.A., are on a trip to the Hot Lakes.

The Earl and Countess of Seafield are expected shortly to arrive in Christchurch on a visit.

Messrs Watson, Carmichael, Bradney and Corbett are among the English visitors to Rotorua just now. Miss Nelson (Wellington) has been staying with Mrs J. j. Kinsey, Christchurch.

Mr and Miss Simeock (England) are among the English visitors to Rotorua just now. Mrs G. Gould has been spending a few days with her sister, Mrs Wells, at Amberlev.

Mr Vial, of Wellington, has been on a visit to Auckland.

Sergeant-Major Hoare mid the Rev. Father Lewis, of Wellington, are staying in Rotorua.

Mr Geo. Smith, of Sydney, has been staying at the Albert Hotel, but returned to Sydney on Monday. Messrs Gittell and Fraser, and Messrs Power and Atkins, of Ohinemuri, are now on a visit to Rotorua. Mrs and Miss Manoy, of Sydney, returned from Rotorua on Saturday, and are staying at the Albert Hotel. Mr and Mrs Boyle aTe expected back from England at the'end of this month.

Mr and Mrs F. W. Thompson (Christchurch) have gone on a holiday trip to the North Island. Mr and Miss CoWbrough, of Australia, have been staying at the Geyser Hotel, Rotorua.

Miss Stowe (Wellington) is paying a visit to Mrs Bowen, Middleton.

Miss Scrimger, from the' Wairarapa, is at present on a visit to Auckland. ’s”

Mr and Mrs and Miss Brown (England) are having a pleasant stay at the Hot Lakes.

Mrs Rudd, of Sydney, is at present in Auckland, staying at the Central Hotel.

Dr. Barraclough, of Australia, is now on a visit to Rotorua.

Mrs Rudd, of Sydney, is at present in Auckland, staying at the Central Hotel.

Mr Snowball, of Dunedin, and Mr J. H. Marshall, of Glasgow, are guests at the Grand, Rotorua.

Mr Luckock, of Sydney, was in Auckland last week, staying- at the Central Hotel.

The Misses Wright, of Ashburton, arc still visiting Rotorua.

Mr I*Suncoeks and Miss Suncocks, of Kaipara, were at the Star Hotel last week.

Mr A. R. Lyons, of Wellington, paiil a flying visit to Auckland a few days since.

Mr E. O. Wright, AI.H.R. (Canterbury), with the Misses Wright, are resident at the Grand Hotel, Rotorua, at present.

Staff-Surgeon Innes spent two or three days in New Plymouth on his way to Auckland.

Captain Sutcliffe, of s.s. paid a flying "visit to Rotoriia lately.

Mrs Hughes, late of Gisborne, is on a visit to her daughter, Mrs T." Moore, of Ten ny son-street, Napier. Mr W. Bruce, of Wellington, pa*l Auckland a flying visit last week.

Colonel Davies and Captain Reid, Auckland, are on a short visit to Rotorua, where Judge Gil) is also staying.

Mr .1. Bradney, of Christchurch, is flaying Auckland af visit, and was last week staying at the Star Hotel. The Messrs O’Neill, of Australia, are having a pleasant sojourn in the geyser region. Miss Foster, from the other side, is also there.

Mr James Burnett, of Wellington, was in Auckland last week stopping at the .Star Hotel.

.Mr and Mrs Kinross, who used formerly to reside in Napier, are now living at Bedford, England. Mr Fox (England), Captain Irvine (Dublin), Messrs Todhunter and Darlot (Australia) are in the Hot Lakes district.

Alr.G. Ellis, of Coolgardie, is on a visit to New Zealand.

Miss Empson, accompanied by Miss Gresham, of Auckland, has returned to Rotorua, after spending a month's holiday in Auckland. Mr V., Mrs, and Miss Rice, of Mt. Eden, Auckland, have been on a visit to Rotorua.

Mr Guiness, M.H.R., and his wife, of Greymouth, are amongst the visitors to Rotorua this week. They are at the “Grand.”

Miss Watkins, matron of the Nelson Hospital, has gone to Wellington for a short holiday. Mrs Sainsbliry and Mr O. Sainsbury have returned to Napier, after a prolonged visit to Dunedin.

Miss Chapman, of Napier, has been •staying with Mrs Frank Ormond.

Mrs James Hally and Miss Hally, of Cambridge, are on a visit to Auckland, and are staying at "Sonoma,” Alfred-street.

Mr Ingleby, of Ceylon, and Mr Mahler and Mr Durander, of Liverpool, are staying at the Grand Hotel, Rotorua.

Mr and Mrs Stafford Walker and Miss Cotter are at present staying at Lake Takapuna. Mr and Mrs Hagman left on Tues(lj,y for the South, after spending their honeymoon in Sydney and Auckland.

Mr and Mrs Court, of Auckland, are slaying at Lake House, Rotorua. Mr and Airs Roulston have rooms at the same hotel.

Air and Mrs John Reid, with their son and daughter, are expected baek in Auckland—after their visit Home —before Christmas.

Airs Wardrop and Mrs Ogle (Christchurch) went to stay with Mrs Smithson, Timaru, for the South Canterbury races.

Among the visitors at the Grand Hotel, Rotorua, this week, are Dr. and Airs Anderson, of Christehurchj and Air and the Afisses Wilson, of the same city.

Colonel Newall paid his first official visit since his return from South Africa to Napier, Hastings, and the surrounding district.

Mr and Airs Nolan- and Mr and Airs Hogarth, from the Old Country, are ill Geyserland at present. They have put up at the Geyser Hotel.

The Dean of Waiapu has returned from Woodville, where he went last week in order to preach at the opening" of the new Woodville Anglican Church.

Napier visitors to Rotorua are Messrs Luckie and Cooper. Air Willis, AI.H.R., of Wanganui, and his wife, are visiting Rotorua at present.

Afiss Innes, who has been visiting Wellington, Nelson, and New Plymouth, has now returned to Auckland.

Miss Nicholson has returned to New Plymouth, after a visit to Wanganui.

Afiss Roy, of New Plymouth, after spending six months at Wellington and Wanganui, has now returned to her home.

Me’Heathcote Williams, of Napier, Is oil.his way home after au extended visit to England and the Continent.

Auckland visitors at the Geyser Hotel. Rotorua, this week are Mrs and Mrs Moss Davis, and Messrs Marks, Howard, Murray, Arnold. Rollo and Meddings.

Mr and Airs Allen, of Honolulu, are living at the Grand Hotel, Rotorua, at present, where Mr and Mrs Kissling’. of Tasmania, are also.

Air Alex. Stewart, of Dundee, has been touring- the colonies, and returns to the Old Country on Saturday' next via San Francisco.

Among the visitors staying at the Grand Hotel, Rotorua, this week are Messrs Martin, Black, Davies, Matthews, J. Paterson, Thomson, Davy, Betlhouse, and Bryden, of Auckland. Mr C. D. Greenwood (Teviotdale), Air H. Roberts, and Mrs Mitchelson (Christdhiirch) returned from; England by the Tongariro. Cdlonel Babington has quite recovered from his recent severe illness and is back in his home. ‘■’The Bungalow," Strowan.

Australian visitors of Kotorua just now include Messrs Fletcher (Sydney) , Bugler and Thomson (Victoria). Ellis (Coolgardie), Withers (Perth). Hyndes and Bray (Maitland, N.S.W.). and Hutton (Melbourne). Mrs Clifford and her two daughters, after spending a few days in Auckland on their return from the Old Country, have left for their home in New Plymouth.

Mr J. 8.. Mrs. and Miss Way, who have been at Rotorua recently, returned to Christchurch greatly benefited by the change.

Trooper A. Turnbull, of Napier, is on his way home in the Delphic. His many friends will be delighted to see him again, after eighteen months in South Africa and England. Captain Davidson, of India, who is spending his long leave in New Zealand, is at present the guest of Mr land iM’rs Littlejohn, Boys’ College, Nelson.

Professor and Mrs Dendy left Christchurch for a trip to England last week, and the Hon. W. C., Mrs -Walker, and family have removed to Dr. Dendy's house on the Port Hills during their absence.

Mr M. A. Philips, a well-known young Aucklander) is now the N.Z. representative for Henry W. Peabody and Co., a very influential New York and London firm, and comes to Auckland from Sydney shortly to start a New Zealand business tour.

Our London correspondent writes: Dr. Prendergast Knight has booked his return passage by the Ormuz, which leaves London on November 23.

Mi’ and Mrs H. Meadows (Dunedin), who came Home by the Waiwera on family business, and who are making 'Balham their head-quarters, propose to pay visits to Paris, Nottingham, and Southampton, and to leave for New* Zealand, via Sydney, about the middle of January.

Messrs A. W. Thompson and C. IL Withers, of Christchurch, who were passengers by the Papanui, are temporarily resident in Lambeth, but ■have not yet decided upon their future movements.

Mr John Anderson, jun. (Christchurch), has entered Trinity Hall, Cambridge, 'where he will study engineering for three years, at the end of which time he. will probably go into works in Glasgow to make himself acquainted with the practical side of engineering.

Mr and Mrs J. E. Baker have, since their return from France and Switzerland, been staying at Southend-on-Sea. From there they go to Manchester to attend the meetings of the Congregational Union of England and Wales, which this year is to be Joined iby the Unions of Ireland and Scotland. The gathering is to be presided over by Dr. Parker, and oVer 12,000 delegates are expected to be present. Mr and Mrs Baker then go on to Scotland and several of the provincial (towns.

Dr. Jas. H. Neil (Dunedin) spent the greater part of September at Braemar. and in I he keen air completely threw off the effects of the enteric fever, only to become infected with

golfing fever.which is endemic on the Dee.->i<ie. After a day or two at the Glasgow Exhibition he went to Netley Hospital, where, at the instance of the N.Z. Government, he has been going through the course of instruction for the Army and Indian Medical Services, practically a post-gradu-ate course in public health and tropical diseases. He will remain at Netley until the end of January, returning to the colony shortly afterwards.

Mr David Thomas and his family are back in London again looking none the worse for their experiences in the merry motor, although it nearly proved Juggernaut for the genial and adventurous Ashburtonian. The family started out in their Daimler early in August, and whirled along through Melton Mowbray, Nottingham, Peterborough, Sheffield and Bradford to Carlisle. In the neighbourhood of Sheffield, while the motor was climbing a hill, Mr Thomas got down to ask a policeman the way. Seizing the standards, he tried to get in while the motor was in motion, but was dragged under the car, the back wheels of which passed over his feet and left thigh and arm. Though suffering considerable pain, he continued Iris journey to Carlisle, where the motor, which was rather out of order, broke down. The party therefore travelled by train to Glasgow, where Mr Thomas was induced to put his feet in the hands of Dr. Guthrie. The doctor pronounced the right foot broken, but after it. had been bandaged up in plaster of Paris, the motor once more made its appearance, and was safely manoeuvred by Mr Thomas and party to Loch Lomond and back. Another break-down, however, finally rendered it hors de combat, and Mr Thomas henceforward entrusted himself and his family to a less exciting but somewhat surer means of locomotion. After journeying, via Stirling, to Inverness and back by the canals and the Clyde to Glasgow, and after a brief stay in Edinburgh, they crossed to Belfast, and went down to Killarney. After another visit to Stirling they made their way down the East Coast as far as York, and then across to Manchester, Liverpool and the Isle of Man. After touring in Wales they made for Bath, and then to Southampton, intending to cross to the Isle of Wight. Kain, howrever, set in, and they returned to London, where Mr Thomas has been studying the ways of Smithfield ever since. Before they leave on the 9th of next month by the Oroya they intend to visit Maidstone, Mrs Thomas’ birthplace, Worcester and Derby, and to take a look at Brussels and Paris on their way down to Marseilles.

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXVII, Issue XXII, 30 November 1901, Page 1046

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Personal Paragraphs. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXVII, Issue XXII, 30 November 1901, Page 1046

Personal Paragraphs. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXVII, Issue XXII, 30 November 1901, Page 1046

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