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Dear Bee. The anticipation and preparatie* of weeks and ■souths reached, the climax an Saturday morning, when ax <5 .t-m- a gun was fired to annonnee the arrival at Lyttelton of Their Royal Higbnesees the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York, aad this climax was reached 1 may say ta the sceompanimeut of pouring rain, but with thankful hearts we can- dismiss, the subject of weather, for it, gradually cieaxed as the Ophir eame up the harbour, and from the time the. Royal party set foot on Lyueltoa wharf we have not had a spot of rain, Sunday and Monday being two brilliant days. His Excellency the Governor. lady Ranfuriy, the Hon. R. Jand Mrs Seddon. Sir Joseph Ward, Mr T. C. Field (Mayor of Lyttelton), Mr F. Waymouth (chairman of the Harbour Board), and others were in waitmg to receive tae Duke and Dnehess. As the Duchess landed Mies Trissie Waymosth banded to Her Royal Highness an exquisite shower xwique’. and His Excellency the Governor made a few personal presentations to the Duke. They left by the Royal train, which was in waix>sng. at half past eleven. A: the Christcharch railway station the Royal guests were met by the Mayna (Mr Arthar E. G. Rhodes/. Mrs Rhodes. Messrs G- G. Stead, Wigraiß, aad R. Allan * Royal Commissconers)

and a few athers. The little daughter of the Mayor presented the Dnehess with a beautiful bouquet of violets and ferns with long purple streamers*, aad the Mayor presented an address <sf welcome from the citizens to the. Duke, after Hie Exceßesaey had made the necessary presentations of those who were in waiting an the pisiform. The procession then moved cdt ia th*

direction of the Pro'ineia' Buildings*

Then aM along the route the right of the carriage eontalniM the k«ng ex-pex-trrf Duke and Dvehro- of Cornwall and York was the rigual for hats off ■ad loud an<l prolonged cheering. In the Toovineial Council Chamber, -which had been mo-* elaborately renovated and tastefully decorated Tor the occasion. two more adrfremewere presented, one from the Orangemen and one front the o'd age pensioners. Here also a cumber of people were presented, riz.. the couudilora. the executive. various membererf Pariiameat- Mayors of some of the aaburbs. chairmen of different boards, aad four of the old age pensioners. Then a move was made to Victoria Square. where the centre of attractiem was the laying the foundation atone by the Duke of Cornwall and .York of the Jubilee Memorial of sar late beloved Queen and the South African Cmtiingrnt*. Two tides of the square were built up with nigh raised wests (you will trunk I am Irish when i tel: you ibis square ie triangular). The middle portion was reserved for dioverament guests, and immediately iu front of that the seats were arranged nailer an awning on a carpeted piatforrp for the Royal party. A raised piauonn surrounueu the stone, under an often canopy. giving everyone au exeeUeut view- of the ceremony-, wuen the Duke, sccoapanied by rhe Ducbrss. wen: forward, with the Governor. Lady Mary Lygott. she Hon. K. J. Seddon. Sir Joseph Ward, the Mayor. Mr Wigram. and a few others. The Daises voice eotiic! be distinctly heard as he deciared the stone to be "wet: <uo truly laid.*' As the Royal party ret irnc! to the platform the march. past of taFriendly Societies began, nad everyone felt with what patience the Duke wad Duchess bore it all. returning with bows ami smiles the cheers of the different lodges. 'lhis over they were aßowec so depart to "Te Koraiia. the residence of Mr am! Mrs Arthur E. <.. Rhode-. the Royal oesirieoee for tae time being. The house has been re-deeorated for the occasion by Messrs W. Strange and Co. with the greatest taste, but I can only give an outline of *t. The balk room has been converted into a din-ing-room. and will seat about forty tav The twain < ■iawri ng is of terra -eotta and green; the Duke’s sjkting-rooni, Royal red; Tznd Ranroom. ’ema cotta, pine oolong, and ereara; the lisiehess' .Irawingroom. terra eorta wi roric-us shades: the general drawing-room, pale pink and pale blue: the Duchess' bedroom, the. prevailing colour is bright rose pink, but tints of light bine and electric green are also jj-ed; in the Duke’s bedroom salmon pink is the prevailing colour, with touches of myrtle green: Lady Ranfurly’s room, pale amber; Lady Mary Lygon’s room, bright blue: Lord Wenlock’s room, green of various shades, and the prevailing wood used is walnut. On Saturday afternoon an evh'iltion of wire fence jumping wax rises for the Duke and Duchess of York at Te Koraha. Fences of biack wire had been put up about three feat nine inches high. when, the following officers took part in the jumping:-— Captain Palairet. Lieutenant IVy-iMI-

ham t.rwy, I-ieutenaar* Bethel! a*d Lance (<Mun Mounted Fttffrs). ami Lieutenant MeLeaa (Ashburton Mounted Like*). wad although the light waa on the wane, the exhibition went off well. After the jumping beggvant Tubman iCantrrbary Mourned Rifle*). who is His Royal Highness's orderly, gave a display of fancy riding, going through some difficult feats of hersetualßship. ata-' making ii» horse lie down at wroed of eommami. Colonel r’ale-Pentom. Captain Lewin, and other wffieers were present, and the Duke seeaaed well friensni with the exhibition. The Srrt State dinner was given by His Excellency the Governor and LadyRanfurly on Saturday evening at “Te Kora ha,” when she following had the honour of being invited to meet Their Royal Highnesses the Duke am! Duchess of Cornwall and York:—Captain His Serene Highness Prince Alexander of Teck. l.xdv Mary Lygon. Lady Katherine Coke, the Hon. Mrs Derek Keppel, Lord Weulock, G.CJ-E-. Lieut. Colonel Sir Arthur Bigge, Commander 11. Godfrey Faussett. R-N., the Hon. Derek Keppel. Chevalier E. D Martino. His Excellency the A imival. Mr Share (private secretary to the Admintl), General Sir James Fraser-Tytler, the Right Hon. R. J. Seddon. Mrs and Miss Serfdom the Bishop of Christchurch. Mrs ami Miss Julius, the Hon. C. C. Bowen. Mrs am: Miss Bowen, the Hon. Hail - Jones and Mrs Hall-Jones, Sir George and Lady Clifford. Mrs I lea ton Rhodes. Mrs G. liouid. Mrs IVigram. Miss Harper, Mr and Mrs Pyne, aad Captain Alexander (private secretarr to H is Exeeliency- the Governor). The larges- reception ever given in Cisristeburvh took place in the Vunteroury Hal! on Saturday evening, gtwen by the Mayor <Mr -Arthur E. G. Rhodes) and Mrs Rhodes. The deoorations were magniacm* and worthy of Royalty, the hall was draped ami carpeted throughout, the waits hung with red and blue, relieved between with <-ream Madras muslin and festooned at rhe top with old gold. At intervals round the walls mirrors, draped with plush of rich shades, interspersed with groups of tall pungas and palms, while up the room at intervals were groups of the same. The door was covered with rich red and blue earpef.brith a raised dais on the uwthero sidte-. and or the opposite Side aw open >irc was arranged of gas logs, whieh fiiekereri merrily on the bright dogs, giving a real glow of warmth. The stage eras a bower of ferns *nd palms, backed by the handsome crimson phish drop curtain, ivordered with gold fring-e. The eorrwtsr was just as r.aucmomelv and luxuriously furnished; tai? mirrors at Speh end of the corridor, gracefully draped with crimson plush, and lace curtains gave the impression of one vast drawingrcKami the louuges, chairs, settees, cabinets und statuettes were of the very besfc The offices of the secretaries of rhe Hall Company and Industrial A — xvesarion were specially fitted tip for five Duchess’ retiring room, and those of the County Council for the use of the Duke and suite. Many spring fioarers were found for the Duehess' room, primroses, violets and snowfiakes Iseing conspicuous. The gttesxs uegaa to arrive shortly after eight

o’clock, a carpeted covered way reachlug to the edge of rhe lowtpwah. The Mayor and Mrs Rhodes reserved about eleven hundred gwestw before a.3*. who ■sored abaut and ctvwtled. Miaw ScUiveuor’b band helpang to wude away the trine before the arrival of the Horn! gwesta. Stvortly after bait-past tee. with the guest- in two Irises front the hall door to the dais, to the strains of the Xntional Aivrix in come the Rova! procession, heeded by Captain Dudley Alexander, the Hen. Hill-Trevor, the Hon. C. H. Rittler, then eutne His ExeeHeucy the Governor and Lody Rsnfnrlv, the Right Hon. the Premier. Mrs and Miss His Wbrdrip the Mayor and Mayoress. His Excellency the Admiral and Commander Winsloe. The Royal suite eame next. H»s Serene Highness Prtnee Alexander of Teek. Lord Wenloek. Viscount Crichton, the Duke of Roxberghe. Sir ArAnr Bigge. Sir Charles ( list. Sir Donald Wallaee. Hon. Derek Keppel. Lieu tens nt-Colonel Byron. Chevalier Martino, airi Dr. Manly. Taeu came Their Royal Highnesses the Duke ami Duchess of Cornwall and York, followed by Lady Mary Lygoit. Lady Katherine Colse and the Hou. Aire Derek Keppel; and a* the Dake aud Duchess passed ap the line of bwwing guewt- ;bey bowed and smiled mo-1 pleasantly. The Royal visitors took their seats immediately on the data, followed by the ia«Ues-in-waiting and she rest of the Royal |«arty. and the State concert bggun. Miss Laing.Meason opeue-.l the prtgramme with a piano solo. “Polonata,' hi A Major” iChopin). then came Mr Hugh Reeves, who sang “Lueia” delightfully: Mrs Bur os came next and gave Ganz's “Sing. Sweet Bird” very charmingly; Mr F. M. llaliaee then gave a violin so’o in Gipsy style, followed by Miss Graham, who sang “The song of the River.” and Mr A. Millar couclnde-d the programme with “The Admiral’s Broom” in fine style. Miss Katie Young acted as an efficient ■«- eompanist. The Royal visitors then left the date, the Duke with the Mayoress, the .Mayor escorting the Duchess; they moved about amongsthe guests for a few minutes, and the Duchess graciously asked tae Mayor to prre-ewr Mrs Muros tier Kavwi Uigbness expressing to Mrs Burns the pleasure her singing had given her. The Royal visitors then left for “Te Korjc ha.“ and a move was made for supper, four room- taring available; about SO*' guesri*- were served at one time, and this, iu -fae hands of Freeman and Co.. was as perfectly niarsged as all the other arrangements. As the crowd was very great and time limited a general presentation did not take place fo the guests to rite Duke and D'ichews. but the grace and sweetness of manner o' Her Royal Highness makes one wish to keep to the old name of “Princess Muy,” and has won all beans. The Duchess of Cornwaii, as -he paaaed to her aept <n the dais, was the ’ore’s o» iownireos of owaa. and bore it with unfiinching grace and stately carriage, fn a trained gown of satin and ietteJ chiffon, the sleeves firmed of jet butterflies. Her fair a dr was enrinetari with a magnificent tiara of diamonds; she also wore a d amorsd collar and necklet, and long diamond ehaiu eaught to the bodice with a diamond rfasp; the front of her

bodice also glittered with diamo&Js. wad the white ribbon order, with a toeuutiful buuquet of white lo»«r> tied with oue white xud one red broad ribbon, fiaiahad a most exquisite costs me. The Countew of Raafurly wore Mack satin trimmed with jet, a diamond sad jet tiara, a diamond necklace. and beautiful diamond ornaments oa her uodice. Lady Katherine Coke wore black poplin and jet, diamond star and btack aigrette; Lady Mary Lygon, black satin and sequin net, the square-cut bo<:ice trimmed with jet. jet shoulder straps and diamond ornaments; the Mon. Mrs Derek Keppel wore oiack silk and jet embroidery, diau>->uu> on the bodice and in her hair. Lady Ward, bandsunie black silk and jet gown, diamond necklet; Mr* be.Kion. biack meneilleux and jetted chiffsn. diamond ornament-; Mrs vV. S. Bean, black silk and je». aigrette Li her hair; Mis- Seddon. black siik and sequin net; Mrs Arthur Rhode-, very handsome black silk and sequin gowu. beautiful diamond oruameuts; Mrs Heaton Rhodes. black crepe de chine, ulaek rose* on the bodice, diamond aigrette and necklace; Mr* George Rhodes, rich white brocade ad peurl trimming, and panel vioiet-- on eorsage. diamond tiara.

necklace, and brooches; Mrs Stead, handsome black satin with white chrysanthemums on corsage, and spray across the skirt, black aigrette ami

diamonds in hair, diamond necklet, and brooches, lovely white <>ouqtiet: Mr- Wigram, black saUu and lace, tulle on corsage; Mr- Julius, black velvet and jet. Mrs Pat. Campbell, black velvet. pearl necklace, and aigrette in hair: Mrs Rolle-tor.. black satin draped with rich old lace, pearl necklace; Mts A. C. Rolleston, lovely gown of pale heliotrope satin, the skirt trimmed with chiffon frills, the bo-Jice draped with embroidered chiffon; Miss Itoitasion. black satin art chiffon. Mr* Michael Studhoime, black satin and Honitou lace fastened with ostrich tips; Mr* J. Studbolme, black merveilleux and jet. diamond an 1 pearl ornameuts: Mrs (.'. ( . JJowen. black silk with jet and old face; Mrs Julian Scott, black chiffon over satin and handsome old tare on corsage; Mrs J. D. Hall, black satin and chiffon; Mrs T. Cowlishaw. her bridal gown of witMe crepe de chine and -att:. train, the e rs»gc jasr • «eh- i with 4>laek. pearl necklet; Mm F Cowitabaw. black moire, tin- -ornngv trimmed v - h black and white iaer and violets, black aiere- e; Mrw Hawke, white aud silver, with touches of black: Mrs (Prof.) Cook, black -atin and white chiffon, aigrette in hair: Mrs J. D. Lance, black silk, jet and lace, feather hair mount; Mr* FI. 11. Lo-.ghnan. handsome gown of black and white, white aigrette and beautiful bouquet: Mrs A. C Wil-on, handsome costume of black satin and lace. b!a--k aigrette: Mrs J. A. Cassidy. rich satin in black duchesse, jet trimminsr. black fichu caught up wit!» white feathers, aigrette and bea- tiful white i- ’.q’let; Mrs Rickert on E'.sb-’r, handsome let and -ilk gown, aigvet'e of jet. bouquet of pale heliotrope stylo-a with long ribbons: Mrs tuningham. blaek silk, the corsage finisl.ed with tnl’.e. diamond onutneno, black aigrette; Mrs Burns, handsoms biacl- sen -ni ■int-e <rrr silk, rf 'lrts

on corsage, and white bouquet; Mi-s Graham, while satin, the seams outlined with violets, strap* of violets for sleeves; Mrs V. Hargreaves, white satin, the bodice trimmed with ehiffon and black sequins, white aigrette, pearl necklace: Mrs Peter Wood, her a etlding gown of creamy white satin, with Jong train and chiffon trimming, black bird on shoulder, diamond star in her hair and pearl necklet; Mrs Walcot Wood, black satin and sequin net, diamond star on bodice, black aigrette; Mrs Wardrop, black satin, the corsage trimmed with heliotrope velvet, roses, satin, and chiffon; Miss Hargreaves, lovely white brocade with garlands of violets on the skirt, rosettes of black on corsage. and bunch of white Neapolitan violets: Mrs Wilding. pale grey satin, the bodice draped with white face: Miss Wilding, white satin, black velvet bands on bodice: Miss K. Young, white silk, the skirt tucked all over, the corsage finished with black velvet bands; Mrs F. M. Wallace, black silk grenadine, corsage finished with white chiffon; Mrs John Deans, handsome black velvet; Mrs Chaffey, black duchesse satin, sequin trimming, black and white feathers; Miss Chaffey, black broche and sequin net over skirt, finished with white chiffon: Mrs J. C. N. Grigg, white silk trimmed with chiffon and old lace: Mrs Waymouth, handsome black silk and jet passementerie, diamond ornaments: Mrs Neave. rich black brocade draped with old lace, small lace cap: Mrs C. Lewis, handsome black gown, aigrette in hair; Mrs H. Knight, deep heliotrope satin. with silver and jet passementerie: Mrs Orbell, black poplin and silk Maltese lace. Many other handsome and beautiful gowns were worn, mostly black, and nearly all the ladies wore feather mounts in the hair, giving much more style to the costume, and numbers carried bouquets. The Duke wore evening dress, and his Ribbon and Orders. The suite were also in evening dress, but the uniforms of the military staff and the handsome naval uniforms gave a great tone of brilliancy to the gathering.

THE INVITATIONS. The following n> ■ li*X of the guests who accepted the invitation of the Mayor and Mrs A. E. <*. Rhodes; — Mr and Mrs F. A. Archer. Mr and Mrs Andrew, and Miss Anderson. Mr ■nd Mrs John ami Miss Anderson, Mis* Ainger, Mr and Mrs W. D. Andrews, Mr Leo Acland. Mr Alex. Anderson, Mr R. Alien. Miss Acland. Dr. and Mrs C. Morten Anderson, Mr O. T. J. Alpers. Mr ansi Mrs Archie Aynsley, Mr and Mrs R. Alien, Mr E. C. Ashby, Miss Allen. Miss M. Allen. Rev. A. W. and Mrs Averill. Mr anti Mrs W. G. Aspinall. Mrs and Miss Aiken. Mr and Mrs H. A. Adley. Mr A. Allen. Mr and Mrs Aldred, M iss Murray-Aynsley, Mr and Mrs W. G. Atack. Mr Gus. Bennetts. Mr and Mrs Bourne, Miss Buckley, Mr and Mrs G. Buckley, Mr and Mrs W. Buckley, Mr and Mrs and Miss Bas.-ett. Mr and Mrs Bruges, Mr and Mrs B. H. Burns. Mr and'Mrs H. J. Beswick. Mr and Miss Brittan, Mrs Croasdaile Bowen, the Hon. C. C-. Mrs and Miss Bowen. Mr and Mrs H. Buchanan, Mr J. F. Buchanan, Miss Buchanan. Mr and Mrs W. Bond, Mr Percy W. D. Barker, Mr and Mrs S. D. and Miss Barker. Mr J. Bay ne, Mr and Mrs IL W. Bishop. Mr and Mrs A. R. Bloxam, Mr and Mrs T. H. Barnett. Mr and Mrs G. G. Bridges, Mr and Mrs D. Buddo. Mr and Mrs A. H. Bristed, Mr and Mrs W. Boag. Mr and Mrs J. Barclay. Mr and Mrs A. L .Barker. Mrs J. M. Barker, Miss Barker. Mr M. Barnett: Mr and Mrs C. E. Bevan-Brown. Mr and Mrs E. C. Brown. Mr and Mrs W. Ballantvne. Mr and Mrs A. W. Bennett. Mr R. I. Pishop. Mr and Mrs F. J. Board, Mr and Mrs J. Baiiantyne. Rev. W. S. and Mrs Been. Mr and Mrs R. C. Bean, Mr and Mrs R. N. Healey, Mr and Mrs J. R. Brunt, Mr H. Bilton. Mr A. L. Beattie, Mr C. Bowen, Mr and Mrs F. Barker. Mr and Mrs Cobham, Mr and Mrs Pat. Campbell, Sir George Clifford, Mr and Mrs W. B. Cowlishaw, Mr and Mrs Frank Cowlishaw, Mr and Mrs Tom Cowlishaw, Miss Cowlishaw, Dr. G. Campbell, Mr and Mrs Chas. Clark, Mr Leo. Clark, Mr and Mrs Percy- and Miss Cox, Mrs Cunningham, Mr A.

Carrick, Mr and Mrs W. T. Charlewood, Mrs and Mis> Campbell, Dr. Crosby. Mr H. Cotterill. Mr E. J. Cotterill. Miss M. Cotterill, Mr Duncan Camefvvn. Dr. and Mrs Crooke, Mr and Mrs R. Chapman. Professor and Mrs Cook. Mr and Mrs E. Cuthbert. Mr and Mrs W. W. Collins. Mr and Mrs W. H. Collins, Mrs and Mis* Coeks, Miss Cox. Mrs Owen Cox. Mrs Curtis. Mr T. Chapman, Mr and Sirs Dampier Crossley. Mr and Mrs W. Chrystal. Mr and Mrs Cutten. Mr and Mrs Thos. Coverdale, Mr John Connal. Mr T. Cane. Mr and Mrs W. B. Clarkson. Mr and Mrs J, J, Collins, Mr and Mrs W. H. Cooper, The Hon. J. Carroll. Captain and Mrs Chaffey and Miss Chaffey, Mr and Mrs J. C. Clarkson. Mr and Mrs W. B. Clarkson, junr., The Rev. C. and Mrs Coates. Miss E. Mendelson, Miss Cook, Mr Scott Cranston, Mr and Mrs W. Cartwright, Mr and Mrs J. A. Cassidy. Mr. and Mrs. John Deans, Mr. I. Deans, Miss Deans. Mr. Justice, Mrs. and Miss M. Denniston. Mr. M. Denniston, Mr. and Mrs. C. Dalgety. Mr. W. A. Day. Mr. and Mrs. E. Denham, Mr. and Mrs. A. Dobson. Mr. and Mrs. J. Daly-. Dr. and Mrs. George Deamer, Mr. and Mrs. M. Donnelly, Mrs. Dixon, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Dixon, Mr. R. O. Dixon, The Hon. T. Y. Duncan. Miss Dennistoun, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Donne. Mr. Percy Denton. Mr. and Mrs. Donald.

Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Elmslie. Mr. and Mrs. W. Evans. Miss Earle, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. England (junr.), Mr. and Mrs. G. 11. Elliott, Inspector and Mrs. Ellison, Mr. and Mrs. A- Ferguson, Dr. and Mrs. Fox, Mr. and Mrs. Wilder Fox. Mr. and Mrs. Bickerton Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Flatman. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Field, Mr. T. S. Foster, Miss Fairhurst, Mr. and Mrs. Norton Francis. Rev. C. and Mrs. Fraser, Mr. and Mrs. H. Friedlander, Captain and Mrs. Fisher. Mr. H. J. C. Ferguson. Mr. I. Gibbs. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. N. Grigg, Mr. and Mrs, George Gould. Dr. Gane. Mr. E. Grigg, Colonel and Mrs. Gordon. Mr. Wyndham Gray. Miss Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. F. and Miss Graham. Miss Gerard. Mr. and Mrs. George Gerard. Mr. F. R. Gillingham.

Mr. and Mrs. J. (brim woo*, Mr. tri Mrs. W. M. Gibb. Captain and Mrs. Garland, Mr. F. Graham (jwnr.), Mr. and Mrs. T. Garrard, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Greenwood, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gapes. Mr. and Mrs. George and Miss Harper, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. S. Harman. Mr. and Mrs. Fairlic Hobson. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Harman, Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Harman. Canon. Miss and Miss E. Harper, Captain and Mrs. Hutton, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hall, Miss Helmore, Professor Haslam, Mr. and Mrs. George Hanmer, Mr. and Mrs. George Harris, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Hill. Miss and Miss E. Hill, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Harper. Mr. and Mrs. James Hay, Captain and Mrs. Hawke, Mrs. C. A. C. Hardy. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. M. Hayhurst. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hargreaves. Mrs. and Miss Hennah. Mr. Norman Hanmer. Rev. W. A. Hayre, Mr. and Mrs. George Helmore, Dr. and Mrs. Hayes, Mr. and Mrs. Howell, Captain and Mrs. Hobday, Mr. and Mrs. C. Harper. Mr. and Mrs. W. Harris. Mr. and Mrs. J- Hay, Mrs. R. t?. and Miss Harris, Mr. W. H. Hargreaves. Mr. and Mrs. H. Harris, Mr. John Holmes. Colonel Hume. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Harris. Miss Hargreaves, Miss Heywood. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Hobbs. Mr. and Miss Haydon, Mr. and Mrs. T. and Miss Hay. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Howland and Miss Howland. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hill. Mr and Mrs Inman. Mr and Mrs Izard.

Bishop and Mrs Julius. Miss and Miss A. Julius. Dr. and Mrs Jennings. Mr and Mrs G. and Miss Jameson. Mr W. and Miss Jamieson. Mr T. Jamieson. the Hon. and Mrs Hall-Jones, Mr and Mrs W. Jacques, Mr and Mrs P. H. Johnson, Mr T. I. Joynt, Col. and Mrs Jowsey. Mr Hardy-Johnston, Mr and Mrs J. Johns.

Mr and Mrs Kinsey, Mr and Mrs Kettlewell. Mr and Mrs P. Kippenberger. Mrs and Miss Kettle. Mr and Mrs H. Kohn. Mr and Mrs H. Knight. Mr and Mrs A. W. Kaye. Mr and Mrs Kettle, the Hon. J. and Mrs Kerr. Mr E. F. Knight. Mr and Mrs Geo. King, Mr and Mrs J. Knubley.

Mr B. Inne. Mr aad Mr» H. Loagh b»d, Mr W. M. Lewis. Mr and Mrs F. Lance. Dr. Levinge, Mr and Mrs Chas. Lewis. Capsun and Mrs Lewin. Captain and Mra I andsay, Mias M. LaingMeason. Mr and Mrs Creo. Laurenson, Hr and Mrs T. H. Lance. Mr and Mrs A. Lyon. Miss lasan, Mr and Mrs Laurie, Mr and Mrs Lichfield, Mr and Mrs W. H. Lane. Mr and Mrs Lambie, Rev. Father Le Menant des Chesnais. Mrs J. Lance. Mr and Mrs Launeelot Lane, Miss Lewis, Mr Loughrcy. Mr and Mra II O. I). Meares. Mr and Mrs W. J- Moore, Mr and Mrs Marsh. Mrs and Miss Moorhouse, Dr. Moorhouse. Mr F. Moorhouse. Mr and Mrs Ranald Macdonald. Mr E. Macdonald. Mr G. Macdonald. Mr and Mrs T. Maude. Miss E. Mendelson. Hon. W. Montgomery. Mr and Mrs C. D. Morris. Commander McAllister. Mr George Mclntyre. Mr and Mrs B. P. Manhire. Mr and Mrs C. N. Macintosh. Mr A. B. Morgan. Mr and Mrs R. E- McDougall. Mr and Mrs A. J. McCulloch. Mr and Mrs and Miss Maling, Captain and Mrs Mareiel. Mr and Mrs Murchison. Miss Laing-Meas->n. Mr XV. Mendelson, Mr and Mrs W. Macfarlane. Mr and Mrs L. Matson. Lieut, and Mrs Merton, Mr •nd Mrs David Matson, Mr and Mrs G. F. Martin. Rev. Dr. Morley, Miss Hartin, Mr and Mrs B. M. Molineanx. Mr and Mrs G. H. MeHafiie, Mr R. Moore, Mrs J. T. Matson. Mr C. Millar. Mr and Mrs H. L. Michel. Mr and Mrs D. Mac far lane. Mr A. Matheson. Mr XV. McKochnie. Mr and Mrs J. G. Moore. Mr J. and Miss MendL Mr and Mrs D. MeLa ren. Hon. J. McGowan. Hon. H. •nd Mrs McGregor and the Misses McGregor, Colonel and Mrs Moore. Mr A. Millar. Dr. and Mrs A. McArthur. Mr and Mrs S. Manning. Mr.. Mrs. and Miss Ned will. Mr. and Miss Neave. Dr. and Mrs. J. Northcote, Mr. and Mrs. M. Nalder. Nalder.

Mr. C. Ollivier. Mr. and Mrs. Ogle, Mr. and Mrs. J. and Miss Overton, Dr. Ovenden, Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Drbell. Mr. and Mrs. H. Overton, Mr. •nd Mrs. H. C. Or bell. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. O'Callaghan, Mr. R. C. Orbell. Mr. Pitman, Mr. and Mrs. J. Palmer, Mr. George Palmer. Dr. and Mrs. Palmer. Mr. A. C. Perry, Miss Prins. Mr. E. V. Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Parting. Mr. and Mrs. R. Pitcaithly. Mr. and Mrs.- H. Pearce. Mrs. T. Potts. Mr. Percy Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Palairet and Miss Palairet, Mr. and Mrs. F. Perry. Dr. and Mrs. Perry. Mr. 0. R. I'emuerton, Canon and Mrs. Pascbe.~Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pmdhoe. Mr. Pearse, Mrs. Palairet. Mr. and Mrs. Powell. Rev. Father Price. Mr. and Mrs. H. Quaine. Mr. and Mrs. Heaton Rhodes. Mr. and Mrs. George Rhodes. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Rolleston, Miss Reeves, Mr. H. Reeves. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Ross, Miss Ross. Mrs. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. E. XX. Roper. Mr. J. B. Reid. Mr. snd Mrs. A. F. Roberts. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Raphael, Mr. and Mrs. T. G. TlnsseH. Mr. and Mrs. XV. RoUitt, Mr. and Mrs. -1- S. Rutherfurd, Mr. and Mrs. Dunean Rutherford, Mr. and Mrs. A. Rutherford. Mr. and Mrs. XV. O. Rutherford. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Rayward. Mr. R. H. Rhodes, Hon. XV., Mrs. and Miss Rolleston. Mr. H. F. Reece. Mr. and Mrs. G. XV. Russell. Mr. and Mrs. XV. T. Robinson. Mrs. Ross, Master A. T. G. Rhodes. Miss K. M. Rhodes. Miss M. Eoileston. Mr. T. Ronayne. Major and Mrs. Richards, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Rutherford. Mr. anti Mrs. C. L. Russell. Mr. G. Reeves, Mrs. and Miss Ross. Commander and Mrs. Holies*on.

The Right Hon. Mr. R. J. Seddon. Mrs. Seddon and Miss Seddop. Mr. and Mrs. George G. Stead. Mr. XX lifted Stead. Dr. and Mrs. Symes. Professor and Mrs. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. T. XV. Stringer. Mr. Mrs. and Mi-s Secrvtan. Miss Sanders-. Mr. and Mrs. Starky. Colonel and Mrs Slater. Mr. and Mra. E. G. Staveley. Mr. and Mrs. •V. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Sorer. Mr. ami Mrs. XV E. Samuels. Mr. and Mrs. George Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. E. Skog. Mr. and Mrs. IL R. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Sansom. Mr. and Mrs. Saunders. Lieutenant G. Stapleton. Mr. and Mrs. P. fclig. Mm. Michael Studholme. Mr. and Mrs. XX. Studholiae, Mr. and Mrs J. Btndbtiuc, Mr E. C. StadLolnae. Mr. Carlisle St udholnte. XFss M, Rtudholme. Mr. and Mrs. P. Studholnae. Mr. and Mia XV. Strange. Mr. and Mrs. Strothers. Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Smith, Mr. aad Mra. Steel, Mr. aad Mrs. Km h. Mr. and Mrs XV. H. Seed,

Captain and Mrs. Saow. Mr. aad Mrs. C Hurst Heager. Mr. and Mm. James Suisted. Mr. aad Mm. J. T. Smith, Miss Sinter. Mr. and Mm. O. Swann. Mr. and Mr*. Strain. Mias Simpnon. Mr. and Mm. SawteH. Major Steward. Major Smith.

Miss Thomas, Mr and Mrs J. M. TurnbuD, Mr and Mrs E. M. Turrell, Mr and Mrs R. D. Thomas. Mr Teschemaker, Mr XV. Fraser-Tytler. Mr and Mrs J. M. Taylor, Hon. J. M. and Mrs Twomey, Mr and Mrs XV. T. Thomas, Mr and Jin XV. H. Triggs, Sir J. Fraser-Tytler, Mr C. Turrell. Captain. Mrs, and’Miss Temple, Miss Tripp. Mr and Mrs T. E. Taylor, Mr and Mrs H. Thompson. Mr and Mrs C. Turner. Mr G. Tabart, Mr and Mrs A. H. Turnbull. Mr and Mrs J. M. Thompson. Rev. Chas- Turrell, Mr and Mrs F. XX. Thompson, Mr and Mrs A. Tyree. Dr. Thomas. Mr J. B. Tunbridge. Hon. J. XV. and Mrs Taverner. Mm and Miss Thomas. Dr. and Mrs Thacker. Mrs and Miss Talbot, Commander Tupper. Mr J. V. Vincent, Mr and Mrs Vernon. Mr Henry Wood. Mr and Mrs J. E. Way, Miss Wynn-XVUliajns, Mr

and Vn P. Wileoo. Mr and Mr* Wardrop, Mr* Wo®Ak®«*r. Mr aad Mrs Wigtev, Mr and Mr* XVoodrvßh. Mr. Mrs, ii»d Mian XVildlag. the Hon. W C„ Mr*, and Mi«e Walker. Her. Alrey Watson, Mr. Mra. and Mias Wilder, Mr aud Mra G. P. XVilliama, Mr aad Mra F. Vkayinouth. Mr and Mra J. C. XX ilkin, Mr aad Mrs Cracroft XVUaon and \i XVilaou. the Hon. Lancelot Walker. Mr and Mrs F. E. XVright. Mr and Mrs T. S. XVeston, Mr and Mrs IL F. Wigram. Mr and Mrs T. Wallace, Mr and Mrs C. XVray. Mr and Mrs S. XXeetman. Mra J.-Wilkin, Mr and Mrs E. G- XVright, Major Wright. Mrs A- J. XVhite, Professor and Miss XX all. Mr XV. Wood, Mr and Mrs C. XVood. Miss G. Wilson, Sir Joseph and Lady XVard, Miss Eniily Wilson, Miss Wignail, Mr and Mrs G. H. XVTiitcouibe. Mr and Mrs J. F. Wachsmann. the Rer. and Mrs XVinter, Mr and Mrs Peter XVood, Mr and Mrs C. Hood Williams. Mr and Mrs F. M- Wallace, Lieut, and Mrs XVeeks, Lieut. XVatson. Mrs E. Young. Miss K. Young. Mr T. and Miss Y’ork. The Rev. I. and Mrs Zachariah.

The illumination* T ‘ball not •*- tempt to deaerfbe. except to aay the Cathedral, outlined In electric lights of various iciv n, and the "WetcJia ♦o one f'it'iT* and Queen” in tha Kame, was a beautiful right, and tlx touu seemed a blaze of light. Ou Sunday Their Royal Highnesses •V---tendeil wrviee at the tai hedral, where a large space near the chancel had been specially fitted up for them, the rest of the middle aisle being a Honed to ticket-holders. The north a*d sontji transepts were open to the public, and filled in a feu minutes, all available standing room also. The Governor and lavdy Ranfurly. and Captain Alexander, were the first to arrwe, then some members of the Royal suite, aad then the Duke aid Ihaebess. wh« were cheered occasionally, despite it being Sunday. The service was intoned by the Ret. Audrey .lutius, the Bishop of Christeliurvh delivering Mie sermon. Mr G. F. Tendail presided at the <Mgvn. assisted by Mr < . Trudail. Shortly after luncheon, at "To Koraha.” Her Royal Highness re-

•rived Mrs Arthur Rhodes, -Mrs Georg* Rhode*, and Mr* VVigraui in the drawing room. sbo presented ou behalf of the women of Canterbury a present to Prince Eddy, that being his seventh birthday, ft was a letter-weight, the base of polished gold, with bevelled edge, five inches long and three inches wide; on this rests a slab of polished greenstone, encircled with a gold rope; the handle is a dog's head; at the top and round the dog's neck is a gold collar, studded with diamonds. The letter-weight is fitted into a silk-lined case of New Zealand wood, and forms a handsome present, and bears the Inscription: "Presented to H.R.H. Prince Edward of Cornwall and York, toy the women of Canterbury, June 23, 1901.” The Duchess seemed pleased with the present, and very graciously accepted it on behalf of her little son. During the afternoon advantage was token of the beautiful weather by all the Royal party. The Duke and Duchess, accompanied by His Excellency the Governor. Lady Katherine Coke, and the Hon. C. Hill-Trevor, visited the Museum, and were condncted over it bv the curator. Captain H utton. They then proceeded to the Cathedral, and were met by the Rev. Canon Harper, and ascended the tower, wbeie a splendid view of the surrounding country was obtained, the snow elad Southern Alps standing out in alt their magnificence. In the evening the second State dinner was given by Lord and Lady Rtinfurly to meet Their Royal Highnesses, and those who had the honour of being invited were: — Prinee .Alexander of Teck, Mary Lygon. Lady Katherine Coke, the Hon. Mrs Derek Keppel. Lord Wenlock. Sir Arthur Bigge. Sir Charles Cust, Sir Donald Wallace. Commander Winsloe, Lord Crichton, the Duke of Roxburgh*. Mr Sydney Hall. His Excellency the Admiral, the Flag Lieutenant, the Hon. W. • . and Afrs Walker, Miss Walker, the Mayor, and Mrs Arthur E. G. Rhodes. Mr G. G. and Mrs Stead. Mrs and Miss Milder, Airs Hawke, Lieut. Colonel Byron. Captain Alexander, Captain Osborne. and Major Bor.

On Monday, in real Royal weather, another big day wa- got through, beginning with the children's demonstration in A'ietoria Square, where between two thousand and three thousand children of Canterbury- had assembled to see the Duke and Duchess. Tin r. was very little to do here; the little voices sang the National Anthem *ml cheered most lustily, and a dainty little maiden; Afiss Ida Alarv Reese. Supported l>y three other little girls, pre-cnted the Dr.ehess with a bouquet. Her Roy al Highness did not alight from the carriage, but the little girls, led by the Mayoress, stepped down flint the platform, when Ida Alary advanced to the carriage, and sweetly said: "On behalf of the children of the -. bools of 4 anterbury. I have the honour welcome your Royal Highness, and presented the bouquet. The Duchess smilingly took it, and said " Thank you. my dear/’ when the tltree Ltrie white-robed figures, with red. white and blue sashes, returned to the stand, and the function was over. The carriages then rolled awav, great cheers being given for the Duke and Duchess, the Governor and Lady Ranfurly. the Premier, and the Afayo’r and Alayores.-. The Duke then had" to turn his thoughts to the review. He was in the uniform of Colonel of 7th Fusiliers, and rode a beautiful horse. In tin meantime all the troops had proceeded to Hagley Park, over eleven thousand in ail. A large stand had keen erected for the publie to be able to witness the spectacle, in the centre of which was the Royal pavilion, very handsomely decorated with old gold Kilk and crimson plush. andTaH palms, and in front of this was the saluting point. As the Duchess arrived at the pavilion Mis- Ruby Seddon presented another beautiful bouquet to Her Royal Highne-s. The Duke was very heartily cheered os he rode on to the ground, and as the Duchess had been the centre of attraction at the Saturday night reception, so was the Duke How. and very handsome he looked Bn his charger as he sat at the saluting base with Prince Alexander of Teck on his left, and Colonel Pole-Penton on his right, and surrounded by other officers in brilliant uniforms, especially ihe two Royal Horse Guardsmen. The Duke rode off on his tone of inspection, the volunteers reaching ns far as one could sec to right and left of the saluting flag, fin his return the march pass began, and occupied sixty-five minute*, without a moment’s delay.

Then as they were all back iu position before the last section passed. at a signal they marched up, facing the stand in a wall calling forth rounds and rounds of applause and cheering.

The returned troopers came next to receive their xnedals. The Duke having alighted, and his staff, this was all done in about fifteen minutes, showing what military precis-ion can accomplish. Colonel Jowsey, Major Smith and Captain Lewin came in for special cheering. The Veterans came next, and the Duke, who was now joined by the Duchess and His Excellency the Governor, went up both lines, speaking kindly and asking for the history of some of the medals they wore. The review ended soon after one o’clock, and the Royal party returned to “Te Koraha'’ to luncheon. At 5 p.m. a second reception was held tn the Canterbury Hall, but it was limited in number on account of the shortness of time, and many who were invited did not get the invitations till too late. The third State dinner took place on Monday evening, and those having the honour of being invited were:—Prince Alexander of Teck. Lady Alary Lygon. Lady Katherine Coke, the Hon. Derek Keppel, the Hon. Mrs Derek Keppel, Lord Wenlock, Sir Arthur Bigge, the Rev. Canon Dalton. Sir John Anderson. Chevalier Afartino, Dr. Manby, His Excellency the Admiral, the Flag Lieutenant. Mr.lustice Denniston. Mrs and Afiss Denniston. Captain and Mrs Hutton, the Rev. AV. S. Bean. Major Aladocks, the Hon. E. C. J. and Mrs Stevens, Air A. E. G. Rhodes. Mrs and Miss Hill, Mrs Woodroffe. Airs P CampbelL Airs Teschemaker. Airs O’Rorke, Captain Alexander and Captain Osborne.

The town was again brilliantly illuminated on Alonday night, and the streets thronged with many thousand people. This morning, with everything thick with winter rhyme and glistening in brilliant sunshine, our Royal visitors left by special train for Dunedin: they have several functions awaiting them on the way and must be getting more than heartily tired, for they are human after all. June 26. THE AFTERMATH. AVbat a blank life seems to-day. the Royal visit over, with nothing to look forward to; but w e certainly could not live at the high pressure of i the last few days. The visit of the Duke and Duchess of York will remain until our lives end as one of the pleasantest memories we have. The Duchess, with her grace and smiles, has endeared herself in reality in the hearts of the people, and as we have appreciated the visit of the King's messengers, so have Their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and A’ork received with much graciousness our efforts to welcome them. The enthusiasm of the people has only grown during their stay amongst us, and as the Royal party drove away from “Te Koraha” on Tuesday mosning for the Christchurch railway station the whole route was lined with a cheering crowd, the Duke and Duchess smiling and bowing their “good-bye." On the platform, waiting for Their Royal Highnesses, were the Royal Commissioners (Messrs <4. G. Stead, R. Allan and Wigram), Mr J. Cassidy, the .Mayor and Afrs Arthur E. G. Rhodes, Bishop Julius, several members of the Reception Committees. the Hight Hon. the Premier, and Airs Seddon. Sir Joseph Ward, and the Hon. J. Carroll. At a few minutes to ten the carriages rolled up His Excellency the Governor and Lauy Ranfurly first, followed by the Duke and Duchess. Their Royal Highnesses shook hands and bade good-bye to many of those present, the Duchess smilingly accepting a bunch of violets from Alaster Tabu Rhodes (the little son of the Atayor), with whom she shook hands, and thanked him. at the same time remarking to Air Rhodes, though some month.- younger than her own son he was bigger. At 10.2 the train slowly started on its way, the Duke and Duchess remaining on the platform of rhe carriage, the Duehess smiling and bowing her farewells, the Duke acknowledging the cheers by raising hi- hat. The guns boomed out once more, and the Royal visit to Christchurch was over.

A pleasant ceremony occurred at “Te Koraha” on Monday night, when the Mayoress was present at the State dinner to meet Their Royal Highnesses, the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and

York. The .Mayor, who was dining at the Cbrwtchurea Club, was sent for, aud on arrival the Atayor and Mayoress were invited into the Duehesa’ sittingroom. Here they were presented with beautiful portraits of the Duke and Duchess, signed with their autographs. The Mayoress was also presented by the Duchess with a handsome scent bottle, mounted in gold, set with diamonds. The Duke presented the Mayor with a beautiful Malacca cane, having a silver medallion of Their Royal Highnesses sunk in the gold top. The monogram “C. and Y.” surmounted by a ducal coronet, is on the top, and “E.R.,” surmounted by a erown, on the gold band. The Mayoress has also received a letter conveying the thanks of the Duke and Duchess to the women of Canterbury for their present to Prince Edward on his seventh birthday; they were specially touched by the kindness of the thought for their little son.

All A’ew Zealand will rejoice at the honour done Mr John McKenzie, at Shag Point railway station yesterday, in the Royal carriage. His Excellency the Governor and the Hon. R. J. Seddon were pleased to greet the old statesman, now very infirm and changed. Lord Ranfurly took him to the Duke’s carriage and presented him to Their Royal Highnesses,when the Duke handed him the insignia of knighthood. Mrs McKenzie, now Lady McKenzie, and the Afisses AfcKenzie, were also presented to the Duke and Duchess. During the Royal visit “Te Koraha” was the home of Their Royal Highnesses the Duke-and Duchess of Cornwall and York, His Excellency the Governor and Lady Ranfurly, Lady Mary Lygon and Captain Alexander. His Serene Highness Prince Alexander of Teck, Lady Katherine Coke, the Hon. Derek Keppel and the Hon. Mrs Derek Keppel have had Mr H. J. Beswick’s residence, which is not far from “Te Koraha,’’. and was also suitably fitted for the distinguished visitors, Lord Wenlock. Admiral Beaumont and three of his staff, with the remainder of the Royal party, have been received at the Christchurch Club. Their Royal Highnesses have been pleased to express themselves delighted with Canterbury's welcome, and we certainly gave them the pick of weather, England and New Zealand combined—thorough English cold, with New Zealand sunshine.


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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXVII, Issue I, 6 July 1901, Page 36

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CHRISTCHURCH. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXVII, Issue I, 6 July 1901, Page 36

CHRISTCHURCH. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXVII, Issue I, 6 July 1901, Page 36

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