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Personal Paragraphs.

Miss Esther Atkinson, who spent her holidays in Nelson, has arrived back in Christchurch.

Miss F. G. Sealy left for Wanganui on Friday, carrying with her the good wishes of her many Nelson friends for success in her work at the Wanganui Girls’ College.

Mr. F. W. Shallcross, of Nelson, is leaving shortly for Greymouth to take up a partnership in the firm of H. C. Harley <fc Co. Mr. Shallcross will be missed from rowing and cycling circles, and also from the Nelson Amateur Operatic and Dramatic Society, of which he has been a most useful member. His many friends wish him every success. Dr. Hudson, of Nelson, has taken a trip to Wellington.

Mrs. and Miss S. Fell have returned to Nelson after spending their Christmas holidays in Wellington.

Mrs. A. Glasgow has returned td Nelson after a lengthy visit to Christchurch.

Rev. J, P. Kempthorne and party have returned to Nelson after their camping expedition at the Sounds. Miss M. Tonkin, who has been staying with Mrs. H. Edwards, of Nelson, has returned to Napier.

Mr. E. F. W. Cooke has resigned his position as assistant master of the Boys’ College, Nelson. The admirable suggestion of His Excellency the Governor to erect a bronze statue to the memory of our late beloved Queen in Wellington by public subscriptions is being very cordially taken up by prominent citizens and the public, arid will no doubt result in sufficient funds being collected to enable a memorial statue worthy, of the occasion being placed in the centre of this city.

Twenty polo ponies belonging to the Victorian polo team arrived in Wellington by the Westralia on Thursday last from Sydney, and excited great admiration. The polo team arrives very shortly to play several matches against New Zealand polo team, and. judging by the. calibre of the ponies which have preceded them, should prove hard nuts for the New Zealand teams. t<> crack. i The Misses Henry (Wellington) have returned from their visit to the country- • ’.fi A SCIENTIFIC "PICK-ME-UP.”—No bettex tanioand restorative for the victims of social festivities exists than a morning draft of Hunyadi JSnos. Bare, swift, searching, vet sata and in every respect ralutary. The best and safest natural aperient.

uA \bbott, “Balgowrie,” Wanganui rs pavia'g • ”' Horl ’ rf M* <o w *’- «<i p~-*“ V he Hutt ra cJon Cup Pay 1»’« week. Major Maddocks received a very warm welcome in Wellington upon hia arrival there on Thursday last from Svdnev by the Westralia, a great num-ber-df his friends having assembled to welcome him on the wharf. The Rev. Father Lane is 1 about to nav a visit to Europe, and his parishioners at the Lower Hutt, Wellington, held a farewell social in the Oddfellows - Hall there in his honour on Thursday evening last, and during the evening Mr Bunny, who officiated as chairman, presented the Rev. Father with a purse of sovereigns on their behalf? and wished him every good wish for the future, and a pleasant trip. Mr Wilford, M.H.R., on behalf of the parishioners, also presented the guest of the evening-..with a very handsome travelling rug and cap as a smalt mark of their keen appreciation of-frislwork among them in the parish. * - ! » Universal mourning prevails in Wellington. fj>r the late Queen, and most .of the Jtrincipai-buildings are draped ’in black. All the flags, are flying half mast, and coloured -dresses are very seldom to be seen in the streets, and if seen at all are invariably accompanied by a band of black round the :trm, to show respect-to the memory of our late beloved Sovereign. Mrs Kiiigsmill (wife of the Captain of the Mildura) is in Wellington, staying at Miss Pye’s, in Mulgrave-street. Mrs Ellis (wife of Lieutenant Ellis, of the Mildura), is also expected in Wellington from Christchurch shortly. Mr Jphn Duthie will .«ni«e in Wellington from England at the end of February. Miss Sealy, of Nelson, has gone to Wellington. Miss Gwendoline Perrin left Nelson last Week for Pahiatua.- - • **'- ' 1 Mr and-„Lady Dorothy GathorneHardy have arrived >in Wellington from the South, and are the guests_pf Mr and Mrs r T. C. Wilflains, of Hobsonatreet.

Sir Robert and Lady Stout have re- - turned* tovWeWington frbm Australia. Ufifoftimately, Sir_ £b?fe?t cc&Srfasted i I Press .befbrft hfettef tjfor.- N ew ‘Zealand, and has not yet fljfitere- . covered, although able to be intttrviewX : ? --- Wrs has retftrped to from *'a lengthy. JO friends in the South. ’ •»« -Mr* Geoffrey- Horton,\ Blenheim, has. succeeded rin getting away wrttft-tjtjj.-Sixth Contingent, and is now on his way to the (.'ape. His many friends wish him well. w » - Mr and’Mrs R- McCallum have re-, turned to Blenheim from a delightful trip to Sydney. . : Mr and Mrs T. Bassett, of Hornby, Christchurch, have returned after a prolonged and delightful trip to Australia, Japan, America and England. Lieutenant Hughes, who has at last reached Napier from South Africa, was met at the railway station by the local volunteers on Tuesday evening.. He at once took his place as adjutant, of the East Coast Battalion,. ..and .marched with the others to the Drill _ 'Shed, where he, together with several other returned members of the H.B.‘ Contingent, were formally vg'eleomed by the Mayor. In about a/J' week’s time a .more cordial reception' witUfee accordSd them, but of course-ythat is <-out oft the preseM* ’ ■ The General Synod - ' isggSjing 3ft Napier... ~The. Primate and py. Bishop of Wellington are staying--rwitht he Bishop of AVaiapu and Miss Williams, ' the Bishop of Dunedin with Igrs CH?> lite, the Bishop of Melanesia'andMrs Wilson with Mr and Mrs F.uW. Williams, and the Bishop of Nelson with Dr. and Mrs Locking. ' Miss May Loudon, of Wellington, has lieen appointed to the . musical staff of the Girls’ High School,'Napier. Archdeacon Cholmondeley, of . Christchurch, is staying with Mr. and hjrs Hindmarsh, of the Bluff Hill, Napier. Miss Cholmondeley is the guest of Mrs Neville, also of Napier. -, , Archdeacon and Mrs Wright, of Nelkoii, are' staging . with Mr and Mrs Steadman of .the Bank of New South »> ales, Napier. . z , ’Mrs Kells,- of Gisborne, is visiting Napier, - - - -■ -.

' Mr Field, M.H.R., and Mrfa Field returned to Wellington froip attending the Commonwealth celebrations in Sydney by the Westrali’a <jn .Thursday lasi. ’ * - (

Mrs. Fraser, who visiting Wellington, has returned Jif} New Plymouth. " (

Mr.. —. WchUmv. of Christchurch, is visiting New Plymouth.

Miss E. -Raker and Miss W. Baker, of New Plymouth, are visiting their relations in Auckland.

Mrs. Kerr and Miss Myja Kerr have returned to New Plymouth, after their pleasant trip to Wellington.

Mr. Cottier and Mr. Quilliam, who have been visiting Australia, have returned to New Plymouth.

Mrs. Falder. who has been visiting her daughter, Mrft A. D*. Gray, of New Plymouth, has returned to her home in Auckland.

Miss Barnes, who has been visiting Auckland, has-returned to New Plymouth.

Mr and Mrs Hawke’s Bay. were, among the Hawke’s Bay visitors Wellington for the races last week. Miss -Peter,- of Christchurch, daughter .of. the late -Hon. W. Peter, M.L.C., - of-Anama Station, Canterbury, who left New Zealand * T2 months ago for South Africa as a hospital nurse for the war. has returned* to Christchurch, and has many thrilling and interesting experiences of the campaign to recount, and her many friends are delighted to welcome her safely back amongst them once more. . Mrs and Miss Friend, Wellington, are visiting Wanganui, and are staying at the Ladies' Club vihi|_e there. 'Sir Henry and Lady Miller. OSmaru, went to Dunedin td welcome ’ their son, Mr George Miller, who returned from the Transvaal with the invalided troops -.the Ofient last week. „ . ■ /

Mrs. Bain, matron of the Girls’ College, Nelson, has resigned. The Governors have appointed Mrs. ■ Satchell, wife of the late of Palmerston North, as her'successor.

. Rev. J. F. Snee, who has acted as 1 curate, at All Samta’-fESrurch, Nelson, ifj .-leaving to tjfke up work at 'Cheviot. He was presenter! oji Sunday night,, by the church wardens, on behalf of the parishioners, with a purse of sovereigns. ’ * : ~

- Mrs Empsbn' has'gooe- from Bleuliei mi t od'a-t whete Ahe: Wil I visit tier going to Melbourne to stay- with Herr daughter, Mrsf&atf. ; * *. ’*’•■ '''sc-- ' * * « z i- ’file-MisseS GreerftieM (jtj, Bienheim, J -weat 4t»> Wellington „last week, and from there Miss Greenfield will g» to Melbourift’iiftd-Sydney,"and i later to -England,' where .she -will prb-“‘ bably spend a year.-. r ’

Mr Teschemaker, “Avofufale,” has returned to Blenheim, having left his son at a sanatorium in Duiiediu, which all his friends hope will-benefitt his health. Miss Carey, Hokitika, is in Pieton staying with her aunt, Mrs Fell,, but is coming to Blenheim this week to stay with Mrs Griffiths at ’’The Barton.” ’ i . The formal ceremony 1 of opening tfte_new Catholic convent at Hastings took place last Sunday, vtfhffen the Very Iwev.'Deah Wanganui, and Fathers Pi'quet"_Sffhyths /and Goutenbire, were the' clengy pifesent-. Father Smyth' left for a ,tq Wellington. - has resided ih HavJfte s' Bajf, deft there-for AusitTalia'' en* riidti*' f oli • England, by the Marhrea.' "She jle^ r s. B ! 6t intend ret timing *tosNeW'JSm&id; and will be greatly niijisiWl ra-Hawke’s Bay, by a yery largeftifete of friends.

• Chptahi •A- H. Russeir, of the Hawke’s: Bay: Mounted Rifjes, sprained tris ankle while playing polo on Saturday, but is* fortunately, recovering rapidly.

Miss Hitchings. late oft Napier, but now .with .a. theatrical * company in has been engaged .to play the part of . Lady Winifred, Crosbie, the principal,, character in ‘‘Hearts are Trumps.” a part originally taken by Miss Violet Vanbrugh.

' Miss May- Alison, of Lake Takapuna, left last"week by the Tajune for Syd-ney,-en route for Melbourne, to meet a.'-friend (Miss Reed) from London. Both ladies will eome op. to Auckland by the Star of Australia via Svdney.

Mr. H. Gray haa returned to New Plymouth after hia trip to Wellington.

Mr. Spencer, of New Plymouth, is attending the School Conference in Wellington. - Mrs. and Miss Tilly, who have been visiting New Plymouth and Wanganui, hare returned to Auckland.

Miss Good, of Oeo, is visiting Mrs. Read, of New Plymouth. Mr. and Mrs. Moore, of Napier, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. C. George, of New Plymouth.

Miss L. Biss has returned to New Plymouth, after her pleasant trip to Wellington. Mr. and Mrs. Deacon, who have been visiting Wanganui and Napier, have returned to New Plymouth. The Bishop of Wellington and Mrs Wallis, and also the Ven. Archdeacon Fancourt and Mrs Fancourt, and the Rev. T. and Mrs Sprott. of Wellington, have gone to Napier to attend the fifteenth session of the Anglican General Synod, whieh is held every three years in one of the centres of New Zealand.

H.M.s. Mildura has arrived in Wellington from the South, in order that she might send representatives to attend the Memorial Service to the Queen, ami later the combined funeral service and church parade, which is being arranged for by the Government and clergy-. Miss Fisher and her niece. Miss May. both of Adelaide, are making a long stay with Mrs Joseph Palmer, “Woodford,” Christchurch, and have been spending a week or two at Hamner Springs.

Mr and Miss Connal and Mrs H. C. Godfrey returned to Christchurch from Hamner.

Miss Gillies, Timaru, has been a month at Hanraer Springs, and is now spending a few days with Mrs G. Lainbie. Christchurch.

Bishop Wilaon, Melanesia, left for Napier. He was accompanied by Mrs Wilson.

Mrs Julius is with her daughter, Mrs Arthur Elworthy, Pareora, where her two younger daughters are laid up with typhoid fever. ■ Mrs Miles (Wellington) and her family returned from Pictou this week, where they have Deen spending the Christmas holidays.

Judge and Mrs Eyre Kenny (Wanganui) have returner! home from their visit to Auckland! The Rev., Lyttelton Fitz Gerald is visiting ,his relatives in.;;,WeHington, and goes to England in the course of a few months on a visit to, his sister, Mrs Levin, who is at present in New Zealand. .:

Dr; ' and Mrs- Ewart, -Wellington, have returned home from their holiday visit to Nelson, 1

Mr J. S. Maclaurin, D.Sc., of Auckland, is to succeed the" late Mr W r Skey as Government analyst, and has already commenced his new dutied at the Colonial Laboratory tn Wellington.

The many New Zealand friends of Captain W. L. H. Brown, R.N.,' who was so well known as the* genial captain of H.M.S. Taurnnga, were much shocked to hear of his unexpected and early death from heart failure, whieh took place at Harwich on 13th of December last.

Mr John Jackson returned • to Timaru from Auckland on Saturday. •

Mr H. A-mos, of the Timaru Main School, has returned from Christchurch. . •

Mr T, M. M; Laing, a member of the staff of * the Waimate • District High School, returned to Waiiphte fbr the opening of his school.

Mr ‘A- Cuthbert, of Gisborne-, who has been spending a short holiday In Timarti, has t returned North.

Mr J. , A.; Johnson returned to Timaru by express from the South, after a trip to Wellington and Dunedin.

Mr J. F. Pritchard, editor of the Launceston “Examiner” (Tasmania), who is at present touring New Zealand, passed' through Timaru last week. ’/ ,*: -

Mr aiid Mrs W. Rout, jun., have returned to Nelson after spending several weeks in the Waikpto and at Rotorua. .... - .

Mrs and Miss Coote are back again in Nelson, having spent a somewhat lengthened holiday in Christchurch,

. Mr and Mrs H. Wyun-Wttlia n-S who came to Blenheim to attend Miss Waddy’a wedding, have returned to the Petorus Sound.

Muw Hamilton, hMe lady principal of the Girls’ High School, Wellington, is in Christchurch, and is staying with the Misses Fairhurst and Grant. Mis* Hamilton intends to proceed to Tasmania.

Mrs F. W. Ttsompson gave an afternoon tea to Miss Hollander during her stay in Christchurch. Judge and Mrs Denniston arc expected back from England about Feb. Sth.

The many friends in Christchurch of Mr Conway Matson and Mr Harry Matson will be glad to hear they are both better for the trip, and are still travelling about Australia.

Mrs W. Bidwill has returned to her home iu the Wairarapa. after a short visit to friends in Wellington. Canon and Miss Cholmondeley pissed through Wellington from the South on their way to Napier, the former to attend the General Synod. Dr. Collins (Wellington) has returned from the South, and Mrs Collins and her children have returned to Wellington from MungaroaMr and Mrs Percy Adams, of Nelson, are in Wellington, and contemplate a visit to England shortly. Major Maddocks. who went out to Africa with the .First New Zealand Contingent, has arrived back, safe and sound, in Wellington, where his many friends extended a hearty welcome, and heard with great interest, of hia many and varied and exciting experiences at the front. Col. Francis, who left itr command of the Fourth New Zealand Contingent, has also returned to Christeburch, where a large number of citizens, headed by His Worship the Mayor, received him.

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXVI, Issue VI, 9 February 1901, Page 272

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Personal Paragraphs. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXVI, Issue VI, 9 February 1901, Page 272

Personal Paragraphs. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXVI, Issue VI, 9 February 1901, Page 272

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