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I REVIEW BY THE GOVERNOR. , THE ROYAL SALUTE. The principal event of the Queen’s Birthday celebrations in Auckland were the review of volunteers and the firing of the royal salute and feu-de-joie in the Domain, in the presence of His Excellency the Governor and suite. There was an excellent turn-out of the Auckland garrison forces, and the proceedings were marked by great enthusiasm. A large gathering of spectators watched the review with great interest. The Auckland Volunteer Companies fell in at the Drill Hall at 9.30 o’clock, marched up to the Outer Domain,, headed by the Garrison Band, under Bandmaster Hunter.

The whoe parade was under Lieut.Colonel J. H. Banks (Officer-Command-ing the District), who had associated with him as staff, Majors Morrow and Pirie, Captains Schofield, J. Grant, and J. Reid (District Adjutant). The Naval Brigade was commanded by Lieut.-Commander H. Parker, and Infantry Battalion by Major W. B. iWUite, Lieut, Mairkhaan (Adjutant) and Lieut. Dormer (Quartermaster) were also present. The following medical officers were present: BrigadeSurgeon Lieut.-Colonel Dawson, Sur-geon-Major Walker, Surgeon-Captains Lindsay, King, and Erson. Major White acted as Brigade-Major. The following are the parade states of the various companies on parade:—• Auckland Mounted Rifles, Captain Holgate, 36 all told. “A” Battery Artillery, Captain O’Brien, Lieut. Lipscombe, 53. No. 1 Battalion. Auckland Navals, Lieut.-Commander Clemens, Lieuts. Salmon, Endean and Baxendell, 66. Ponsonby Navals. Lieut.-Commander Patterson, Lieuts. Spinley and McKay, 84. Dtevonport Torpedo Corpus, Lieut.Commander Parker, Lieuts. Robinson and Reid, 67. Devonport Coastguard Artillery, Captain Napier and Lieut. Gardner, 45. Auckland Engineers, Capt. Walker and Lieut. Johnson, 53. No. 2 Battalion (Auckland Infantry Battalion No. 1, Countess of Ranfurly’s Own). No. 1 Victoria Rifles, Capt. Skinner, Lieuts. Cox and Derrom, 37. College Rifles, Lieut. McHardy, 40. No. 1 Native Rifles, Lieut. Gaudin and Lieut. Markham, 38. No. 2 Native Rifles, Lieut. Ratjen and Lieut. Warnock, 48. Auckland Rifles, Capt. Caughey, Lieuts. Gower and Boyce, 45. No. 3 Native Rifles, Capt. Reid, 44. No. 2 Victorias, Lieut. Shaw and Lieut. McKay, 49. Newton Rifles, Lieut. Markham, Lieut Cox (in charge), 55. Bearer Corps, Surgeon-Capt. Parkes, 20. Garrison Band (Bandmaster Hunter), 26. Battalion Drum and Fife Band (Bandmaster Dormer), 17. Total on parade, 823 officers and men. The Rifle Battalion bore their Queen's and Regimental Colours, which it will be remembered were presented to them last Queen's Birthday by Lady Ranfurly. The review-ground was in the Outer Domain, in the hollow where the presentation of Colours to the No. 1 Infantry Battalion took place last Queen’s Birthday. The hills on either side of the hollow were the ground from which the crowds of spectators viewed the proceedings. THE VETERANS. The naval and military veterans, numbering about 160 (whose names are given below) were formed up in double rank on three sides of a hollow square. In the centre of the square stood a flagstaff, from which a Union Jack fluttered in the breeze. Captain Richardson was in command of the veterans. The latter were in mufti, but sported all their medals and decorations. Each veteran wore a. button-hole, consisting of a rose, representing England, a shamrock for Ireland, a sprig of heath for Scotland, and a spray of

fern to represent a Federated Australia. The button holes were donated by Messrs A. Yates and Co., seed merchants. Miss Grant, daughter of Captain John Grant, late district adjutant, was present with the veterans.

Handsome bouquets were presented yesterday to Lady Ranfurly and Lady Constance Knox by the Imperial veterans and colonial veterans respectively. A third bouquet was presented by Messrs Yates and Co. to Lady Eileen.

Thus. Ward, Royal /Artillery; John Pennalligen, Royal Artillery; E. B. Laing, Taranaki Volunteers; Win. Porter, 58th Regiment; Robert Miles, 65th Regiment; W. J. Cosely, Petty Officer, H.M.S. Leanander and Peels. Naval Brigade, Crimea, 1854-56 two medals and two bars; J. M. McLachlan, Ist Company Volunteers, Auckland, active service during war; Major R. B. Morrow, Imperial and Indian Army; J. W. Robinson, Waikato 3rd Regiment; James Montgomery, H.M. 65th Regiment; William Over, Colour-Sergeant 52nd Oxfordshire Light Infantry; Jas. Conley. 58th Regiment; Malcolm S. Ramsay. Sergeant Ist Waikato Regiment, N.Z.; John Webley, Grenadier Guards; Thos. Andrew, sapper 4417, late Royal Engineers; Joseph Measures. late 58th Regiment; John Driscol, late 40th Regiment; Jos. Huckstep, H.M. 58th Regt. Foot; Thomas Wood; David Mulmoyle, late 58th Regiment; James Chapman, late 58th Regiment; John Wilson, Royal Artillery; Daniel Mcßrierty, late 65th Regiment; John Moul, late 95th Regiment; Henry Doube, late H.M. Commissariat Staff Corps; Joseph Milnes, 84th Regiment, Indian Mutiny; J. F. Ahrens, 2nd Regiment Infantry (German Legion), Crimean War; Lawrence Cosgrave, late 58th Regiment; Patrick Cumarford, late 40th Regiment; F. Conway, Navy and Maori war; John Steer, late 35th Regiment, Band Sergeant; Thos. O’Bierne, 55th Regiment; A. C. Fort, Waikato Regiment; James Trayes, Volunteer Bandsman; Geo. Squibble, 2nd Company Waikato Regiment; Chas. Osborne, 58th Regiment; C. Whelan. 50th, the Queen’s Own Regiment; Daniel Quinn, Military Train; J. B. Jackson, Militia; Wm. Rylance, 12th Regiment; E. O. Saunders, Royal Navy; Robt. Nelson, Royal Artillery; Wm. Andrews, H.M. Ist Bat. 12 th Regiment; Chas. Rose, 70th Foot; Alfred Rogerson. 70th Foot; R. Madden, Ist Waikato, No. 7 Company; Alex. Whisker. 58th Regiment; John Groves, Lucknow campaign; C. C. Hansen, 43rd Light Infantry; Wm. Knapp; T. J. Sansom, Sergeant No. 1 Royals, Camp Quartermaster Colonial Forces; George T. Codlin, No. 1. Royal A.R.V.; David Cromarty, Ist Bat. Auckland Militia; T. Songhurst, Sup. Baker to Army Service Corps; James Forrest, Bth Royal Irish Huzzars; John Thorburn, 58th Regiment; Jeremiah Murphy, late of the 18th; John Griffin, Crimea veteran; Peter Coleman, 2nd Waikato; Thomas Hamilton; 14th Regiment; Juo. Banburg, First Class Auckland Militia, No. 1 Company; Henry Williscroft, No. 7 Company 3rd Waikato Regiment; Wm. Moslen, Royal Artilery, No. 3 Battery, 12th Brigade; Wiliam Healy. 58th Regiment; Jas. Madigan. Military Train, Crimea; George Cornish, 2nd Battalion 14th Regiment; Adam Brock; John Cox, No. 1 Auckland Rifle Volunteers; Matthew Cummings, Ist Waikato Militia, No. 3 Company; George Dunklin, Corp, Commissary Staff Corps; Charles B. King, Canadian Vol. Militia, 35th Battalion; H. A. 11. Hitchings, 2nd Queen's Royal Army Med. Staff; Edwin Lightfoot, late 65th Regiment; Anthony Canavan, ISth Royal Irish; James Gibbons, 2nd 18th Royal Irish; Captain F. T. Blackmore, late 49th Regiment, Berkshire Regiment; John Haley, late 15th Queen’s Own; John Gallagher. 18th Royal Irish; Warrant Officer E. Leckie, 18th Royal Irish: Jesse Sage, Sergeant of H.M. 58th Regiment; Thomas Hilditeh, 801 h Regiment: Henry James Smith, 2nd Regiment. Waikato; Rolev Hill (N.Z. Cross), Royal Navy; .1. Stevens, 18th Royal Irish; Frank Simmons, Royal Navy; Henry Cope Wright. Ist Waikato Regiment: Patrick Madigan, late Forest Rangers; W. Robertson, Royal Navy (Crimea): Charles Clark. 18(h Royal Irish Regiment; Robert Nesbitt, 3107. 65th Regiment. Rofval Bengal Tigers; Archibald Clements (N.Z. Medal), Corporal 3rd Waikato Regiment ami Imp. Transp. Co.; Thomas Garvey, 65th. Regiment; Deins llcrlihy. late 65th Regiment: Lewis Lyons Levy, late Wanganui Volunteer Cavalry; Michael Loonev. 2nd Battalion 18th Royal Irish; William Connell. 18th

Regiment; John Clifford, Auckland Ist Class Militia; James Brown, 58 th Regiment, English Regiment; «T« Tomney, 40th Regiment; W. 11. Flyger, West Coast Volunteers (Wanganui); John Burns, 55th (and volunteered to 14th) Regiment; Capt. Emmingway, late Sergl. No. 2 Auckland Company; G. M. Cameron, late Captain No. 3 Pukekohe Rifles; Jos. Scott; John Condon, 57th Regiment; Edward Vasey, No. 2 Dev. Armed Constabulary; Ed. Heighway, No. 1 Co. Ist Class Militia; Joseph Neylon, late 18th Royal Irish; Peter Holmes, late 18th Royal Irish; Henry Lawrence, late 58th Regiment; Owen McGinn, late 18th Royal Irish: Thomas Taylor, late Mil. Train; Matthew Harford, 14th and 68th Regiments; Robert Hutchison, 68th Regiment; Alexander Allen, late 31st Regiment; Robert Hawes, Napier Military Settlers; Alf. W. Gladding, Corp., kite 40th Regiment; Ambrose Rogers', Royal Navy (H.M.s. Sanspareil); John Dods, late 3rd Waikato Regiment; John Whitford, Royal Engineers (Crimea); Thomas W. Allen, Royal Navy (H.M.s. Achilles, Revenge and Caledonia); John Stillwell, late Royal Eng.; John Edgerley, late Remuera Rifle Volunteers Regt., No. 3 Company, A.R.V.; Wm. Speakman, late Sergt. 65th Regiment; W. G. Garrard, Royal Navy; R. Shepherd (N. Z Cross). Imperial and Colonial Service, lute Sergt A.C.; Samuel Swain, Crimea: J. W. Smith, Wellington Defence Force: John Bain, Auckland and (Waikato No. 10 Company) Militia; James George Cook, 79th Camerons (Crimea), and Ist Waikato J W. B. Castray, Wanganui Cavalry; John Fanch, 59th Regiment; John Farrell, 18 th Royal Irish; Thomas Eyton (New Zealand medal), Otahuhu Cavalry, Taranaki Rifle Volunteers, Patea Light Horse and Armed Constabulary; °J. L. Holland, Auckland Rifle Volunteers, 1859-1864; James Wilson, No. 5 Company A.R.V.., 1863 (twenty-two years’ service); John Hunter, Indian Regiment, No. 5 Company; E. Archer, No. 1 Company Auckland Volunteers; John Rowe, 58th Regiment; Walter J. Hill, No. 3 Company A.R.V. (New Zealand war medal);’William Kother, Forest Rangers -and No. 6 Company N.Z.M.; John Elliott, Taranaki Volunteers and lieutenant unattached, militia; J. Howard, 40th Regiment (19* years' service); Adam Turnock, 65th Regiment (19 years' service); James Stitehbury, First-class Auckland Militia; A. Ayles, Royal Navy, chief gunner’s mate; G. E. Cooper, New Zealand Militia; W. D. Bush, late 12th Regiment; George Leahy, late Captain R.1.R.; Dr. Bakewell. staff assistant surgeon. Crimea; J. Gerrard, late sergeant 70th Regiment; Francis Gribbin, late sergeant 65th Regiment; William Reid, 3rd Waikato Regiment; John McConnel, late captain A.R. Vol.; E. G. Aston, Basuto War. Cape Mounted Rifles and Danders' Light Horse; John Hillman; Walter Rutherford, 43rd Regiment; William Vickery, No. 7 Company First Battalion, Auckland Militia; F. Davies, No. 4 Company First Battalion, Auckland Militia; IL W. Napper, R.L.; Colour Sergeant (No. 227) T. Diver. 3rd Waikato Regiment; Teter Gregory, 68th Regiment (10 years); Quedley. 55th Regiment, Crimea, New Zealand 14th Regiment); Captain R. Richardson, Bombay Army; George Pegg; Francis Brogan, private 18th Royal Irish, in Indian Mutiny. Cape Colony; Charles Baker, No. 1 Division Armed Constabulary; John Bogg (Ist Waikato Regiment); William Patterson (70th Regiment). RECEPTION OF THE GOVERNOR. Punctually at eleven o’clock His Excellency the Governor and party arrived on the ground, escorted by the Auckland Mounted Rifles. His Excellency, who was accompanied by Lady Ranfurly. Lady Constance Knox, and the Hon. Charles HillTrevor, was received with a royal salute. the bands playing the National Anthem. As the Governor's carriage drew up in front of the veterans’ square three of the veterans —Rowley Hill. James Whisker, and Sergeant Hutchison —advanced and presented bouquets to Lady- Ranfurly and Lady Constance, and handed a third bouquet to Lady Ranfurly for Lady Eileen Knox, who was not present. THE FEU-DE-JOIE. After the presentation the Governor drove along the line accompanied by the staff and inspected the volunteers with much interest. On the viceregal party returning to the saluting post, the royal salute and feu-de-joie were fired in honour of Her Majesty's birthday. The "A" Battery of Ar-

/Bery stationed on the extreme jtfht of the line, with their five nine;xmnder Armstrong b.l. guns, fired the eustomary salute of 21 rounds blank. Between each seven rounds the infantry fired the feu-de-jore. The firing was first rate, and was carried out with great regularity and precision. At the conclusion of the firing the line presented arms 5n salute and “God Save the Queen” was played by the Garrison Band, after which the Colonel called for three cheers for Her Majesty. The cheers were given heartily and with enthusiasm, and none cheered more cordially than the veterans. The two battalions were then formed into column, and marched past the saluting post in that order, company distance, headed by the “A” Battery, with their field guns. The marching was on the whole good, and was favourably commented on. The Band played "The British Grenadiers’’ and other time-honoured military airs as the brigade marched past. The brigade returned is quarter-column, with areas at the trail, and then deployed into line again. The line advanced in review order, facing the colours, presented arms. and gave the Loyal salute. the band playing “God Save the Queen.” His Excellency and party then drove off back to Government House, escorted by the Auckland Mounted Rifles. As the vice-regal party left the review ground the Veterans and spectators gave three hearty cheers for His Excellency and T.ady Ranfurly. After the departure of the Governor I.ieutenantA'oiotiel Banks called the officers to the front and informed them that His Excellency had desired him to return thanks to lhe volunteers for their turn-out. Lord Ranfurly had expressed himself well pleased with the way the parade had been carried out. The colonel added that he would publish His Excellency's remarks in district orders. Before the troops were dismissed Major White called for three cheers for Lady Ranfurly, which were given with great heartiness. The colours of the No. 1 Battalion were escorted back to the Drill Shed by the Auckland Rifles. The remainder were dismissed at the Domain. On hie way back to Government House His Excellency drove into the Albert Park and visited the statue of Her Majesty, which was deeorated with flowers to-day by the City Council authorities, in honour of the day.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXIV, Issue XXII, 2 June 1900, Page 1043

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THE QUEEN’S BIRTHDAY. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXIV, Issue XXII, 2 June 1900, Page 1043

THE QUEEN’S BIRTHDAY. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXIV, Issue XXII, 2 June 1900, Page 1043

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