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now on isroT THE LAST DAY, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20 CLOSING OF THE GREAT BOOK SALE. THE OFFER OF TO SUPPLY A REMARKABLE OPPORTUNITV . The system assumes peculiar importance IS PASSING. ffll T 1 1 1 • fl • 1 • in connection with the approaching with Iho knflvfl nnm Kpitahhira 5®A« e E Srai^r AHU bIiUJ UlUpCUlllQ 111 llQUllWa tne relief -bseHhere Before t £ % TIMES’ unprecedented otter to residents In V X him to send t cliwin." for »’IT Jr al ,?J The rec e |it n notr c e n publ“ t in at these “f- AT £ HSSS UAI CPRIPE IQ AT AM EMI) nALr-rnlbt lb Al AN END. cial prices will be taken up within the next signed and St ‘ THE TIMES few Intending subscribers are there- *hv Wellington. ae fore notified that if they wish to take ad- JuTnea There U h./w11v.!.’.. T. (? r vnntaxre of this opportunity they must do so O;-f/1A II fl B e I guinea. I hen Is. houevet. no time to on TueJday, February 20tb. The f \ br^ta^nh^'V/n”’ arrangement made by THE TIMES in vir- ’l i! Vo i BRITAA nt tile present low prices tue of which it has been possible to bring XSPfc i poB |"m pe ‘ lB .*‘ 0,1 Tuesday. February down the price of the ENCYCLOPAEDIA WiM M: i ' >th ’ *"‘ l wln “'"J"' rwed either at the BRITANNICA to a ptrtnt within the means Mb ’ W l-rereut or any other prices. of all buyers of books has resulted in an * unexpectedly large number of subscriptions. THE POPULARITY OF THE WORK Not only does every delay In piaring an r== cs== ■ HLfg 111 The popularity of the ENCYCLOPAEDIA order mean a greater delaj in t r £S e ‘ v ,5 lIIIIIP ieJCT^^^WIIIDjIIUIJ I I lIHL . BRITANNICA is sufficiputlv shown bv the the volumes but it mean scriber will be shut out from IHE . i 10 ■ Bill// / 7/.'/aA/A67;than twenty thousand cooies of •• The distribution altogether, as it ndllmrt be I 1 II B ' 'MI! .. Hmes " Reprint of th ■ repeated. It was express y stated from the .yr. )]g|jaal&BM G 1 I I have been sold In tlie Vnlted first that this offer was limited, and when Z&M Fff d/i w II I Kingdom alone, in addition to copies sup the number of sets which was originally •//%?/•' ■ ! g ® I >1 J 5 9B fLJWgB ill plied bv ’‘The Times” in Indio < lU .h, arranged f » r distr [bution obtained sss J J ES»U& Africa, ‘and Australia, as well as’to the have been taken, no more can be obtained .•/,///.<• I ’lilted States, where this complete and at » th ®. ad J < ? 11 t t n g t e heir annHcations '•’;##£ S = ilsSP*’ rehb- authentic Reprint of the great library is subscribers who send•*“ J?S r orders Ul eagerly woleoima! no>t withstanding mat th. at once are guaranteed tha-t their orders I country has. ..wing to the faulty condition will be filled if all the requirements are I j f~g ' I MgS. <>f the copyright laws been flooded w h complied with, providing they posted three or four hundred tlionsand copies of not later than Tuesday, February 20th piratical and mutilated editions. ’ The subscriber has simply to send One cmckuMemib. J -—■** 11 The aggregate sale of ” The Times ” Kt Guinea with the order bejow £*""*»*■ Dwirajl j ■ Iprint of the ” Encyclopaedia ” has l»een. at legibly filled in, or, his. cheque in full .f . /Ay.-?// — I J | Home and abroad, over twenty five thou he wishes to pay for the work at once. ?” * .u o : j sand sets of twenty live volumes each i ;A.v=.K=«"s?=' k Mi ; , : liifc ,„■ a l?s:!Ssr:;:.:\K h "IKKg/fA ;.sis. l * > ; l ,2=K,.s placed in h'is library. •. ???••?. CiwttZ? Ii i <*f really good literature, and go far to The entire 2o vo ' U Ji I S Mined • I prove that the public taste is by no means one time carefuoy sealed in a ! 1 V/l so debased as some alarmists believe it to case. To make sure of participating in , -_ , j be THE TIMES’ extraordinary offer, rea ers " I I ! I'.l They are figures, too. so astonishing that of THE GRAI HIC should 8^ e that their ‘.•??-?/2-; ’ • I they cannot readily be grasped. names are enrolled without further delay. •.•?.•/•?.•?/ 1 1 Every copy of the ” Encyclopaedia ” con It is impossible to accept aI )Z. de C i. hi! talus twenty-two thousand pages, and this later than next Tuesday. Those i ! W means that over five hundred ami fifty a distance who wish to ma« e »n :•.??.??.•■ i iI | million pages have been printed and sold, they will not be shut from this ’??W? u«t™SS 1 J ! I| I• Large figures of this sort produce upon offer may vSKASSi n'ltl’iM i ! tho mind an effe.-t which a contemporary WILL BE RESERVED hOR THEM, if the 1 , H i ! foreign writer has aptly described as a order, accompanied by T( Guinea, or M i ! “brain-blur.” One cannot easily picture Cheque for the full amount is posted at the —i tf • I ' printed pages floating through tin* air and same time. viiii voL'i'Mvn? 1 ?! vql iSlf®" - * 1 Z lying like snow upon th<‘ ground, but a , -. : ':L l i. : : fal-fvSfvglgotl mib W ° L Xll simple comparison will assist the imagina ONE LAST [CHANCE. ,1 tion. Each of these pages is 11 inches in If for any reason it should be inconven 1 dP V th by h,, hes !'! . Tl, r h ’ lout- ar iinn«>«Mil>le for vou to send a remit- t I gate supertices would theiefote he. If th. tance with your order TO-DAY, or to front and back of each leaf could be spilt W rite us, you may have a set reserved . apart nnd all the pages spread out, no less for vou BY SENDING A TELEGRAM. ' ™ -- <.»"< ARy-two thousand nine hundred mid reading as follows:-’’The London Times. -' *'- -■ thirty-seven imlllons live hninlred thousand Wellington. Reserve Set Encyclopaedia - -- sipiare Inches, or .Wo.<>.l ~>_i sipinre feet. Britannica: remittance follows- by post.’’ - /t. _ = * l , . r 8 ’ 4 , 39 , nrr< ’ s ’ ~r •? '1 ~. l " ,'‘s , And sign your full name and address. In --SS = --S£t? Conceived as one gigantic sheet of prlnnsl this manner vou can secure a set of the ‘ ~ words having ts centre al a given pout. Ei evelopaedia, providing yon comply with , : = the whole would extend nearly two miles the conditions of the s.ale within 24 hours - - " ,, ,V lh ’ nP,,rly J WI * m , lle ? 80,11 ',’ , “' , ’ rly t X° Z. 11™!.. XT«n>ain» of ffinir telecram - ---’t•■!•':■<■- -...••—. - miles east, and nearly two miles west. On following tlie sending of your telegram. this enormous st there I appear no M . TV X_. - less than 750,000.(MM),(MM> words, for there WHAT A GUINEA WILL DO For the convenience of purchasers who have not sufficient shelf-room for the EN- arc more than 30,000,000 words in each copy In the public mind there exists an im- CYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA, a compact revolving boo'kease has been manufactured. of the “Encyclopaedia.” I ’sing anot'hcr pression, which years of .advertising could which will be supplied to purchasers of the ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA only. familiar illustration. r». r >O.(MM).(M)O pages each hardly eradicate, that the ENCYCLO- It will l»e sold for £3 in cash, or for three monthly payments of One Guinea ear'll. 11 inches in depth would. laid eml to mid. PAEDIA BRITANNICA is a costly work, cdd-ctat Rooxrr- a Gaw> make a ribbon more than 1>5.4X(5 miles in that unless a man can afford to draw a inifi nuunvaaa. length, reaching nearly four times round cheque for forty or fifty pounds he had Some persons may hesitate to take advantage of “The Times” offer, simply be- the earth. better not think of buying'it. The table of cause they have no shelf-room for the volumes. ” The Times” cut down the price of Each copy of the ENCYCLOPAEDIA prices shows, on the other hand, what the “ Encyclopaedia Britannica ” by per rent., but the size of the volumes—like BRITANNICA, packed in a box for drone guinea will do. their quality—remains unchanged. And the cast of a bookcast* large enough to hold livery, weighs aliout one hundred and One Guinea is the only preliminary pay- the 25 massive volumes would, under ordinary conditions, be a serious addition to ninety-six pounds. The whole would ment to be made by purchasers who avail the cost of the “ Encyclopaedia.” therefore weigh over two thousand tons, themselves at once of the novel plan of For the convenience, therefore, of those who subscribe through “ I'he Times a as much as can be carried by a dozen or sale adopted by THE TIMES for the dis- handsome revolving bookcase has been (‘specially designed to receive the “ Eneyclo- dinary goods-trains. tributlon of THE TIME’S Reprint of the paedia Britannica.” , , „ , , °Uier book devised by human ingmi Niuth Edition of the ENCYCLOPAEDIA Subscribers who elect to pay for the “ Encyclopaedia Britannica in monthly in uity Ims ever had a sale which can b»* BRITANNICA. The prices, for monthly stalments of one guinea each, will, if they desire the bookcase, be called upon to make compared to this, and after the recapitula payments, are only one shilling in the three further monthly payments (after the payments for the ” Encyclopaedia ” have tion of these figures the acceptability of pound more than for payment in cash, and been completed). the ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNK’A as the purchaser has the use of the volumes Subscribers who pay for their sets in cash may procure the bookcase by remit a timely investment can hardly bp ques while he is paying for them. ting a cheque for £3. tioned. TEMPORARY PRICES UNTIL FEBRUARY 20TH. order form-monthly payments. (Date) CLOTH Monthly Payments of One Guinea each j,, THK Manager. “The Times" (London). New Zealand Office. snHi. ieat i>rovi»<m h»» been RINniNG i or, If Cash in Full accompanies the order. £l7 Government Life Insurance Buildings, Wellington. N.Z. made for the tilling of orders v Publishers Price for this style of Binding, £3.. I enclose One Guinea. Please send mo The Times Reprint of the Enuvi loi'ACDIa Britanwho ’hesitate may find Unit the MOROCCO f 22 of One Guinea eaeb. («> CLOTH, for which I agree to'niako to you. or to anyone yon j |S( ik f number of Seta reserved for New (which we | p 0 . 1 ;*; c ? s .‘ l ,n Ful'v-c'.nq.arnee tie o><lei.. £22 appoint. Ki additional monthly payments of one 1 T**’7 Zealand has been exhausted, and recommend)’- Publishers Pnee for this style of Binding, £4... guinea each. {..LkIT * g * that the offer has been withdrawn, roo Mnnihh- D O v«..n»e n/Maain HALF MOROCCO, for which 1 agree to make to you. or to any- Jiv.’.iv without further notice. FULL Monthly Payments of One Guinea ■ . BOUND one you may appoint, 21 additional monthly payments of i-mvihJ y ' I or, if Cash in Full accompanies the Older.. £29 IN one Iruinea each leaving the one MOROCCO ( PubHshers’ P.ioe for this style of Binding, £rtf,. FULL MOROCCO, for which I agree to make to you. or to any- *'■ ” h one you may appoint, *2B additional monthly payments of I .J, ’ ‘ ,,ng [ L one guinea cacn, ) ‘ ‘ ‘ 1 The Sets will be delivered to Subscribers carefully sealed in Tin-lined Cases. The my next payment upon delivery of the complete volumes, and my succeeding payments on the first 500 Subscribers in New 7eAlnnd will receive their Sets delivered FRRF nf Cnst as fur corresponding day of each month following. Until such payments arc complete. I engage that wi h auDSCPIDers ,n wew ealan <> wll » receive tneir bets delivered mu or cost as rar tbc vo f nmeH ron min your property, and shall not be disposed of b\ sale or otherwise. I further as Wellington. agree that if. owing to unforeseen circumstances, of which you shall be the judge, the volumes cannot be delivered, the return of this deposit of one guinea to me shall cancel t his agreement. OrriAP Fnrm—Cnch Pnvmenf Sub«riberH who elect to send Cheque in «■*«,* / yre ,o n,.,k r tarre f, lrl l,er 1 strike out If Bookuraer rorm vasn rayment. , ul i with tho order have the tuivunugc of' <■— an additional saving of one shilling in the guinea, as shown above, and no order form is required. **Gnq>hi ’*l xif/nrd Cheques should be drawn to the order of the Bank of New South Wales, Wellington, and sent to « »’ •«- dcldreo The Times (London), New Zealand Office, at Government Life Insurance Buildings. Wellington. (f books arc to b< , delivered elsewhere than in Wellington, the purchaser should add hore N.Z. the name of the carrier in Wellington to whom delivery is to tie made.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXIV, Issue VII, 17 February 1900, Page 327

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Page 327 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXIV, Issue VII, 17 February 1900, Page 327

Page 327 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXIV, Issue VII, 17 February 1900, Page 327

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