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No Bias.)

Note.—Secretaries of Bowling Clubs throughout the colony are requested to forward notices of meetings and results of games played—in faet anything of benefit to bowlers generally — to “No Blas,” "Graphic” Office.

CORRESPONDENCE. THE TOURNAMENT IN AUCKLAND. Saturday, November 11. To No Bias, —Dear Sir, — In your notes of last issue you state that strong comments are made against Northern Bowling Association continuing tournament over a week, in order to play for clocks presented by Stewart Dawson and Co. Now, I cannot see why this should be, for apart from the faet that visiting bowlers who can stay in Auckland the necessary time to play, it affords an opportunity to local bowlers and others who cannot make it convenient to attend the tournament the first week, to join in after game. Provision is also made for members of different clubs to unite and play for the clocks, which I think is a big consideration. —I am, etc., REMUERA. [My correspondent’s remarks may apply all right as regards the concessions and advantages to play for same, but my paragraph deals with the matter of expense. Who is to pay? Is the expense to be borne by all Auckland bowlers, or only by those players who compete? I should say the latter. There is no club honour attached to winning the same.—No Bias.] ® ® ® To No Bias, —Sir, —I noticed a paragraph in your notes of November 11 re. a number of bowlers at Grafton Club’s opening delivering their bowls while standing with both feet on the mat, and you say they looked cramped and stiff. Do you not think this is a more graceful style than to see a man run up the green after each delivery, and at the same time giving wear to the green.—l am, etc., BOWLER. [Style in bowling opens a very wide field of discussion. We have good bowlers with all sorts of different, deliveries, but to my mind the stepping movement, keeping the right foot well on the mat. is not only graceful but very effective. With regard to the wear of the green, I think the bumping of the bowl in delivery does more harm than the feet, and is a practice that should be early checked. —No Bias.] ® ® ® On Thursday (Prinee of Wales’ Birthday) the Newmarket Bowling Club held an all-day tournament on the new green, representatives being-

present from Auckland ami Reinttera chibs. The green was in excellent condition, being, so to speak, as fast as a billiard table. A number of ladies were present, at whose hands a cold lunch was served at 12.30, the whole affair going off without a hitch, and everyone enjoying themselves thoroughly. The following are the results of the games played: — FIRST DRAW. Stevenson, Allen, Beatty, Hull (skip), 19, v. Gamble, Perritt, Dingwall, A. Brookes (skip), 11. Garland, Cutler. Dingle, Ledingham (skip), 29. v. Spooner. Anderson, Holmes, Culpan (skip), 17. Lennox, A. Kent, C. G. Laurie, Southwell (skip), 24, v. H. Kent, Rose, Spreckley, l.axon (skip), 21. Brown, Cahill, Thornes, Holden (skip), 18. v. Bevans, McNeil, Clerk, Ruddock (skip), 14. SECOND DRAW. Garland, Cutler, Dingle, Ledingham (skip), 24, v. Stevenson, Allen Beatty, Hull (skip), 15. Brown. Cahill, Thornes, Holden (skip), 18, v. Lennox, A. Kent, C. G. Laurie, Southwell (skip), 26. FINAL. Garland, Cutler, Dingle, Ledingham (skip), 23, v. Lennox, A. Kent, C. G. Laurie, Southwell (skip), 14. The following trophy games were also played: — FIRST DRAW. Stevenson, Gamble, Clerk. Holden (skip), 21, v. Brown, Allen, Rose, H. Brookes (skip). 22. Cahill, Spreckley. Beatty, Laxon (skip), 16, v. Bevins, Fletcher, Thornes, Hull (skip), 17. FINAL (11 HEADS.) Bevins, Fletcher, Thornes, Hull (skip), 10, v. Brown, Allen, Rose, 11. Brookes (skip), 14. A subscription game for a trophy, got up as a consolation, was won by a team skipped by Mr Culpan. A consolation game for beaten teams in the first draw of the morning resulted as follows:—■ Perritt, Anderson, Holmes, Culpan (skip). 28, v, Simpson, Tims, Dingwall, A. Brookes (skip), 22. Spooner, Whittome, G. Laurie, Ruddock (skip), 33, v. Bevins,. Fletcher, Rose, Laxon (skip), 12. FINAL. Perritt, Anderson, Holmes, Culpan (skip), 29, v. Spooner, Whittome, G. Lawrie, Ruddock (skip), 14. ® ® ® The following games were played by the Mt. Albert- Bowling Club:—Bouskill, James, Hodgson. Ashton (skip), 22, v. Fawcett, Wilkins, Garlick, C. Tichbon (skip), 15. Wilkins, Harrison, Ashton, James, 16, v. Fawcett, Tichbon, Hodgson, Bouskill, 25. ® ® ® MOUNT EDEN CLUB. The following games were played

on the above green on PriHee of Wales* Birthday: — Itink I.—Eady, Mountford. Gray, Hudson (skip). 27. v. Esam, Newman, Hoyte, Burns (skip), 19. Kink 2.—Garland, Mahony, Hooper (skip), 17, v. Ferguson, St. Clair, C. Brookes (skip), 22. Rink 3.—Simpson, Robins (skip), 12, v. Newman, Hoyte (skip), 19. ® ® ® The weather last Saturday was anything but favourable for out-door sports, rain falling very steadily in the forenoon, but about 2.30 the clouds lifted, and old Sol shone out for a while, thus enabling two rinks to enjoy a game on Newmarket Club's green. The following cards have been forwarded to me. Rink I.—G. Heron, Fletcher, J. Kilgour, C. May (skip). 20, v. 11. Collins, Garland, Wilson, Dr. Laishley (skip), 21. Rink 2. —Tindale, Holmes (skip), 20, v. Wright, Spreckley (skip), 26. ® ® ® MOUNT ALBERT. The following games were played by the Mt. Albert Bowling Club on Saturday last:—T. A. Ashton. T. Webb. J. W. James. J. Wilkins (skip) 20 v. J. Bouskill. J. Garlick. J. L. Hart-Ison. E. Barker (skip) 14. J. Garlick. T. A. Ashton, J. W. James (skip) 19 v. J. Wilkins, E. Barker. J. Bouskill (skip) 16. ® ® ® MOUNT EDEN. The following games were played on the Mount Eden Green on Saturday afternoon:— No. 1 Rink: Hooten, Mountford, Spooner. James (skip) IS v. Esam, King, Newman. Pooley (skip) 17. No. 2 Rink: Eady. Jones, Ross. Brookes (skip) 23 v. Hudson. Brimblceombe, Hoyte. Hooper (skip) 16. ® ® ® DEVONPORT. The following games were played at Devonport:— No. 1 Rink: W. B. Eyre, J. 11. Harrison (skip) 32 v. G. H. Brookes, M. Nlceol (skip) 8. No. 2 Rink: G. Glenister, Jones (skip) 23 v. J. Mitchel. Phipps (skip) 27. No. 3 Rink: McGlasban, J. Entrican, Woods. R. Eagleton (skip) 28 v. C. Dacrc, Creeth, Lelievre, D. Miller (skip) 5.


It is a noteworthy fact that there are no less than eight bowlers contesting seats in and around Auckland electorate, namely: Auckland City: Messrs Baume, Fowlds, Holland and Napier; Parnell: Messrs Campbell and Allen; Manukau: Mr Hull; Eden: Mr Niccol. This means a distribution of about 500 bowlers’ votes.

The Wanganui Bowling Club have presented the following prizes to the successful contestants: — Mr A. McFarlane, senior bowls; Mr I). McFarlane, junior bowls; Messrs C. 11. Chavannes and G. Spriggens, the Dewar trophies.

The same Club have t'he following prizes promised for competition this season: —The President's link trophies, senior club bowls, junior club bowls, also Messrs Thomson, Lewis and Co.'s and James Tawse's pair trophies. Mr F. Thomas, hon. secretary N.S.W. Bowling Association, has notified the different clubs to forward nominations to him of those willing to attend the Tournament, in Auckland in January next. The Newcastle Association have offered one rink, which has been accepted. In New South Wales the runners-up to the Pennant flag winners arc presented with a certificate. Why not. do the same 'here in Auckland? The Miniature Tournament held on the Newmarket Green on Prince of Wales’ Birthday was a great success. The following skips were prizetakers at Newmarket Club's Tournament on November 9: — Messrs W. Ledingham, W. Culpan,and IL Brookes. If Mr Ledingham plays up to the form displayed on this occasion he must stand a good c’hance of skipping Grafton Club's champion rink. Other players worthy of mention arc Messrs Lennox nnd Brown. Bevins and Spooner (leaders), and Messrs Allen, Speckley and Cutler (second players). W. Southwell played a real good skipping game on Thursday Inst, ami his selection committee will do well to keep their eyes upon him for a. place in the Pennant teams. What was wrong with H. Kent? I ‘have seen him show much better firrm. than that displayed on November 9tji. Look out Henry, or your brother

Archie will beat you; lie shapes well fur a be?’inner. Who says Mr Hose, of the Reinuera Chib, is not a good in ♦•usurer? I hate received the following parody from an enthusiastic bowler: — Wanted: The skip v. ho ever succeeded In ph a-iug his men and the critics around; "Who all is the bowling just when it Is Whose placing of the team faultless is found; Who n<l* guilty of favouritism. And aluavs- cm modestly hide his own light; A'.'ho i proof against grumbling, sugti hisni, AX hose judgment and poll* :' • ver is right. A set of four badges fur rink, contests have bel li given to the Mount llden Rowling ( Lib by MrF. S. BenI am informed that Mr Thwaites. the first secretary of the Mt. .Eden Bowling Club, has resigned membership. Owing to the inclement weather thera was no play on the Auckland Green. Thu Match Committee selected the following to practice for the pennant matches and tournament:—Crawford, James, I-land-coek. Carlaw (skip). Mennie, McCallum, Porritt. Lambert (skip); llegman, Gorrie. ■EdwardKing-swell (skip); Dingle, Thomson. Culpan, Ledingham (skip), emergencies, Dr. King. Tov.sey, Haslett, Dr. Hooper. Shackelford. Reinuera Chib formally open their green for i he season on Saturday. 25tli November. I hear that Mr J. Kirker opens his private green, \V:i 1 lace-si reel. I’onsonby, on the Dth If the green plays as well as it has done in seasons past there is a. treat in store for the invited guests. How does this read for (Grafton) Auckland's champion team: Messrs Dingle, Janies, Carlaw, Ledingham? Rev. Scott West, late of Auckland, although out of sight does not intend to be out of mind. He has forwarded U 5 towards Auckland's tournament, to be held in January next. Bowlers wishing to subscribe to this journal can do so for £ 1. if paid in advance. 25/ if booked. This entitles you to 12 months* free delivery within the colony. The Mount Eden Club have selected the following teams to play for Auckland Pennant and Championship: — Burns. Coe, Ross. C. Brookes (skip); and Hudson. Brimblecombe, iloyte, Hooper (skip). I have been asked when bowls were first introduced or played as a pastime, and on looking the matter up find--“ The game of bowls was anciently unlawful, and was the subject of prohibitive legislation in England in the reign of Henry VIII.; but the law then enacted was repealed in 1545 bv the 8 and 9 Viet. c. lU9, s.l, so that bowls or other similar games of mere skill may be legally indulged in by the people." From Australian files I gather that I he pennant matches were commenced on Saturday, October 28th, Ent the proceedings were a good deal later in starling Ilian usual, owing to the. demonstration in the city in honour o? the departure of the - A usi ra lian contingent for South Africa. tn several instances the teams ware not at all representative. There were some very tall scores made during the afternoon, notably that of Armadale against Carlton. the Carlton players being- 72 behind their opponents. M.won their game easily at Collingwood. ITahran, lhe premiers, did not do so well as might have been expected at Flemington, and will have to much improve on this performance to secure the pennant again. Victoria against Kew won easily, and so also did north Fitzroy v. Hawthorn. Williamstown showed good form on their own green, and overthrew Melbourne by 55 points. Port Melbourne, St. Kikia, Moonee, Ponds and South Melbourne each got through their first game successfully. AUSTRALIAN BOW LERS IX ENGLAND. Mr (dairies Wood, President of the Victorian Bowling Association, writing from Gloucester on September 15. say-: "On Saturday, September 9. at the invitation of Lord Jersey, the Australian bowlers now in England, also a number of the recently formed International Bowling- Association Committee, travelled to Bicester. On arrival they were driven in his lordship's carriages to Middleton Park, were welcomed by Lord and Lady .Jersey, and shown through the picture galleries and-other parts of lhe beautiful mansion and itsgrounds. Subsequently they were entertained at luncheon, and this over his lordship led the way to the bowling green, where sides were chosen and after two hours real good play victory rested with the Australians by nine points. Some of the visitors left at 1.30 pan., the remainder

at 7.30, but they one and all came away feeling very pleased and enthusiastic with the hospitality and great courtesy shown them by Lord and Lady .Jersey. The day was beautifully tine, and the bowling green in very good order. Mr S. E. Yelland presented Lady Jersey with a few photographs of the first ladies' bowling match ever played in England, with which her ladyship expressed great pleasure. The teams were constituted as follows; — England: Lord Jersey. Page, Rann. Priest, Butler, Elliott, Lancaster, Skitmore, 21 points. Australia: Alderman John Young, Charles Wood, Yelland, Price, Sheppard. Kershaw. Dixon. Southall, 30 points. Majority for Australia. 9 points.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXIII, Issue XXI, 18 November 1899, Page 915

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BOWLING. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXIII, Issue XXI, 18 November 1899, Page 915

BOWLING. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXIII, Issue XXI, 18 November 1899, Page 915

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