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visit to Grey mouth, where she has l»een staying- with Dr. and Mrs Millington.

Mr Councillor Chas. Haynes, of Dunedin, will be a candidate for one of Dunedin city seats next general elecl ion.

Mr and Mrs Arthur Pearce (Wellington) are spending Easter in the Wnirarapa. where they are the guests of Mr and Mrs Bidwell.

Sir Robert Stout left Wellington by the Rotoinahana on Wednesday night, on a visit to Otago.

Mr and Mrs Sydney Johnston, of Hawke's Bay, have returned home after a year’s trip to England. They arrived in Napier by the Waihora yesterday. Their many friends are delighted to see them again.

.Mrs H. D. Bell has her country residence at Lowry Bay well filled with visitors for the Easter holidays.

General Booth was the guest of Sir Kobert and Isidy Stout in Wellington.

Mrs Ewen (Wellington) spent the Easter holidays with her mother in Napier.

Dr. La Praik. who has been visiting Auckland, has returned to Hawera.

Miss Lamb (Australia) is visiting her sister, Mrs Holmes, in Wellington.

Miss Borlase (Wellington) is arranging for a series of dances to be given fortnightly in the Sydney-street Schoolroom. The subscription for gentlemen for the season is £1 1/. and the ladies to be invited. From all accounts these dances will be a great success. The first is to be given on April 14th.

Mrs and Miss Friberg, of Makotoku. Hawke’s Bay. have gone for a. visit to Auckland.

Messrs li. Wilson. F. Wilson, and F. Nelson have returned to Auckland after an enjoyable time at Wellington and New Plymouth.

Mrs T. Wilford (Wellington) has gone to liotorua for the benefit of her health.

Miss Annette Webster, of Auckland is on a. visit to her mother (Mrs Fred Webster), of New Plymouth.

Captain and Miss Anderson are guests of Dr. and Mrs Anderson in Blenheim.

Mr M. Fraser, of New Plymouth spent his Easter holidays in Wanganui

Miss Calder (Melbourne) has been spending a few days with Mrs A. Pearce at their pretty residence at Lowry Bav.

Miss Trimnel! (Nelson) paid a farewell visit to her many friends in Wellington. remaining in Wellington only a fortnight. Her marriage to Mr B. Lewis, of Nelson, takes place in about a week's time.

Mr A. Paterson, of New Plymouth, has been spending his Easter holidays at his home in Auckland.

Mrs Charles Izard intends leaving Wellington shortly for a trip to England.

Mrs Biss, of New Plymouth, has gone for trip to Wellington.

Miss Heywood left Wellington last Saturday for a year's trip to England.

The basalt pedestal which Lady Von Haast is about to present to the Canterbury- Museum to take the place of the wooden affair which now supports the bust of her late distinguished husband, is a very handsome affair. It will be placed in the mammal room.

Miss Izard, Wellington, is the guest of Mrs W. Bidwell, ‘Ruanui,’ for the Wairarapa race week at Tauherenikau next week.

Mrs Bright, Blenheim, and Miss Dyer, her young visitor from Wellington. are visiting Mrs Cradock Beauchamp at Anakiwa. Queen Charlotte Sound. Mrs Bright has not been very well lately, and hopes to benefit by the change.

Mr E. Strong, late organist of the Holy Trinity Church, Richmond (Nelson). who has left for Auckland, was entertained at a social prior to his departure. and presented with a silver mounted travelling bag. Mr Strong will be much missed in the district, having done much good and useful work.

Mr and Mrs Henry- Overton and family. Mr and Mrs MacFarlane, of ■Ackray.’ Mr and Mrs D. MacFarlane, of ‘Lyndon.’ all leave Christchurch shortly for England for a few months.

Mr G. C. Tripe, son of Dr. Tripe, of Wellington, leaves for Sydney by the Talune on Saturday next, en route for London, in order to spend 12 months at the London Dental Hospital.

Mr and Mrs W. Moorhouse, of ‘Knottingley-.’ Wellington, are visiting Mr and Mrs Paul Hunter at Porangahau. Hawke’s Bay.

The Premier and Mrs Seddon have returned to Wellington from th »ir trip North, having travelled overland from Te Kuiti to Mokau in a four-horse drag, and riding as far as Urenui. whence they drove by buggy- to NewPlymouth. Although the journey was somewhat rough. Mr Seddon was charmed with the country he passed through, and felt amply compensated by the knowledge of the district which he obtained.

General Booth was the guest of Dr. Knight during bis short visit in Auckland.

Mrs Pulliene, who has been staying with her mother and sister, Mrs Butt and Mrs Rogers, ‘Eltham Lodge,’ Blenheim, left for Wellington last week, where she will stay for a while with her sister-in-law, Mrs J. M. Butt, before returning to Adelaide.

The Misses Molesworth (Melbourne) who are visiting their aunt, Mrs Tolhurst. in Wellington, intend leaving very shortly for a trip to England.

Mr R. T. Scott, who has just joined the business of Ballantyne and Co., Timaru. was before his departure for that place presented by his former colleagues with a handsome pair of solid gold sleeve links and a sumptuous travelling trunk.

Mrs Palmer, from Paeroa, is paying her mother (Mrs Fred. Webster), of New Plymouth, a visit.

Mr and Mrs Flinders Mcßae were in Blenheim last week, and were the guests of Mrs J. Mowat.

Mrs Stace, ‘Robin Hood's Bay,’ has been staying with her niece. Miss Nicholson, in Blenheim, and also paid a short visit to her mother. Mrs Mowat. at ‘Altimarloch,' in the Awatere.

Mrs W. Gray and Mr D. S. Gray returned to Wellington by the Aorangi, having greatly enjoyed and benefited by their trip to England.

Mr and Mrs Edward Chaytor. ‘Top House.’ are making their first visit to Blenheim since their marriage, and are staying with Mrs Chaytor at ‘Marshlands.’ Evidently a epuntrylife suits Mrs E. Chaytor, as she looks remarkably well.

Mrs Charlie Pharazyn passed through Wellington last week, and stayed a few days with her mother, Mrs Izard. Mr and Mrs Pharazyn have been spending their honeymoon down South.

Messrs Cox. Collins, Williams, and Styche left Christchurch for Wellington on Thursday night to have a tennis match during the Easter holidays.

Miss Hilda Moorhouse. Wellington is paying a short visit to Mrs W Barton, at. ‘Fareham,' Featherston.

Mrs Monro, who has let her Blenheim residence, ‘Holmdale,’ to Mr Reid, the new manager of the Loan and Mercantile, moved to Bank House last week, which is situated twelve or fourteen miles out of town. Mrs Reid and family have arrived, and by this time must be settled in their new home.

Mr Kenneth George McKenzie, of Fontrose. Southland, was accorded a most enthusiastic ‘send-off’ prior to his departure en route for England last week. It took the form of a fruit supper, and the Hon. H. Feldwiek, M.L.C., occupied the chair. Many complimentary- speeches were made, and Mr McKenzie was presented with a magnificent gold lever watch and massive 18-carat chain.

Major Elliot, who made many friends in New Zealand when private secretary to Lord Glasgow-, arrived in Wellington by the Aorangi from Sydney on Wednesday last, and is staying with Dr. and Mrs Collins.

Mr and Mrs Aleck Crawford, ‘Miramar,’ Wellington, are the guests of Mr and Mrs Bidwell during the "Easter holidays, at ‘Ruanui.’

A highly successful farewell social was tendered to Mr P. B. Hume, at Port Chalmers, last week. Mr Hume, who ha’s been transferred to the Christchurch office of the ShawSaville Company, was presented with a walking-stick and case of pipes, all being handsomely mounted and suitably engraved. The Mayor of Port Chalmers presided, and all sorts of pleasant, speeches were made.

Mr and Mrs H. D. Crawford, Wellington, are the guests of Mr and Mrs Fred. Pearce for the Taurenikau races next week.

Mr and Mrs Jellicoe, Wellington, are spending the Easter holidays at ‘Moutere House,’ Otaki.

The Rev. C. S. Ogg, of St. Andrew’s Presbyte’rian Church, Wellington, intends paying a six months’ visit to Scotland, have obtained six months' leave of absence. The Rev. Mr Hall, of the West Coast, will officiate at St. Andrew's during Mr Ogg’s wellearned holiday.

Mr R. Evait, chief clerk of the Agricultural Department. Wellington, was presented with a gold watch and chain, watch pendant, and a wellstocked cabinet of plate by the officers of the Department on Monday last, upon the completion of his 21st year in connection with the Civil Service. Mr J. D. Ritchie, Secretary of the Department, in a very happy speech, made the presentation on behalf of his fellow officers in the service, and spoke in eulogistic terms of the energy, business ability, and widespread popularity of Mr Evait.

Sir Walter Buller has been staying at Warwick House, Nelson.

Miss Ethel Carey has returned to Blenheim, after spending several months in the country at ‘Hillersden’ as the guest of Mrs J. Bell.

Miss Browne, of the VogeltownBrooklyn School (Wellington), was on Friday evening last presented with a beautiful marble clock and a silver coffee pot from the teachers and scholars of the school, as a slight recognition of her services while in charge of the school, with which she is about to sever her connection.

Mr J.* D. Joynt visited friends in Nelson before taking up his new duties in Wellington.

Mr and Mrs Williams, who have taken ‘Rougemont,’ have arrived in Picton, and are very busy ‘settling down’ in their new home.

The Misses Molesworth (Melbourne) are the guests of their aunt, Mrs G. Tolhurst, at ‘Goudhurst,’ in Wellington.

Dr. Andrew, who has acted as locum tenens during Dr. Hudson’s absence from Nelson, has been taken into partnership by Drs. Hudson and Roberts.

Mr N. Talbot, of Richmond, Nelson, has left for England for the purpose of following up his dental studies.

The Wellington Dramatic Students have obtained permission from Mr Robert Bronger to play the piece, ‘The Cabinet Minister,’ by A. W. Pinero, in New- Zealand, and the performance takes place next May at the Opera House, Wellington.

Miss Eyes, of Blenheim, accompanied Miss Eileen Holmes to Wellington, where she will make a visit to Mrs J. Holmes.

Mr Tunbridge, Commissioner of Police, has returned to Wellington from a visit to the Auckland district.

The many friends of Mr Winston Barron, Napier, will be glad to hear that he has sufficiently recovered from the attack of typhoid fever, from which he has been suffering in Wellington, to take outdoor exercise.

Miss Lily Fell, of Nelson, sailed last week by the Papanui for England, where she will shortly be married to Mr H. Randolph. Miss Fell will be much missed from Nelson, where she has always been a great favourite both in musical and social circles. A large number of friends were on the wharf to wish her good-bye, and she carries with her the good wishes of all.

Mr Tregear, Secretary of the Labour Department, has returned to Wellington from his visit to Christchurch.

The public testimonial to the Hon. John McKenzie is to be presented to him at Wellington on the 7th or Bth of April.

The New Zealand Philanthropic Society are to be represented at the National Council of Women of New Zealand by Mesdames C. Hinch and F. Bullen. The convention is to be held at Auckland in April.

Mrs C. W. Adams and Miss Adams (Blenheim) are spending a visit of some weeks with friends in Wellington.

Lady Ranfurly, the president of the ‘Two Garment Society’ in Wellington, has announced her intention of entertaining the associates and members of the Society at an afternoon tea in June next, when all the garments promised have been collected for distribution, each member giving at least two garments annually.

Mr and Mrs James Mills (Dunedin) paid a short visit to Greymouth to witness the launching of the ‘Mapourika,’ which was most successful.

Mrs E. C. Mills and her son, Dr. Masters, are spending a few weeks in Greymouth.

Captain Kenny, M.L.C., who made a flying visit to Wellington the other day, spent a few days in Picton on his return, and called on his old friends ere returning to his home at ‘The Rocks.’

Dr. Hudson has returned to Nelson after a ten months’ trip to England.

Mrs and Miss Dobson (Blenheim) were in Picton this week on their way to Gisborne, whither they are going for a change for Miss Dobson, who is an invalid, and also to visit Mrs H. Dobson. Several old friends took advantage of the opportunity of their short stay in Picton to visit them.

Mr N. B. Levien will shortly leave Nelson for the North Island.

Mr Leslie Chaffey (Wellington) is to be married to Miss Maud Butterworth, of Dunedin.

Miss Woolcombe, of Timaru, is staying with her cousin, Mrs Hudson, Nelson.

Mr Justice Pennefather leaves Dunedin for Auckland about the end of April, and after a short stay there returns to England, via America.

Miss Trimnell (Wellington) has returned to Wellington from a visit to Nelson, and her marriage to Mr Lewis of Messrs Sargood, Son and Ewen, of Nelson, takes place very shortly.

Miss Bertha Farmar has returned to Blenheim, having enjoyed a pleasant visit to Mrs F. B. Farmar at the Hutt, Wellington.

Mrs E. S. Rutherford, who has been visiting friends in Blenheim for a few weeks past, has returned home to Picton.

Mr Muir has been appointed manager of the Bank of New Zealand, Nelson, in place of Mr D. Winton.

Mrs Rhodes returned to Wellington from ‘Heaton Park,’ Marton, this week.

Miss Gilfillan (Picton) spent Wednesday night in Blenheim on her way to ‘Valleyfield,’ where she intended to spend a week with Mrs Busby.

Miss G. Jones has returned to Nelson after visiting her sister, Mrs Faulkner, Motueka Valley.

Mrs Dart (Picton), who had a paralytic seizure a short time back, is slightly better, though not yet out of danger. Crowds of visitors and enquiries from all parts of the colony testify to the esteem in which the family are held. .

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXII, Issue XIV, 8 April 1899, Page 454

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Untitled New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXII, Issue XIV, 8 April 1899, Page 454

Untitled New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXII, Issue XIV, 8 April 1899, Page 454

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