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His Excellency the Governor, accompanied by Lady Ranfurly, Lord Northland, Lady Constance Knox and Captain Alexander, will attend the Mercer Regatta on the 26th November and will travel via Napier, Waiakie, and Rotorua, and after a few days’ rest there will pay an official visit to Hamilton and Mercer, and then proceed to Auckland to open the Exhibition and dedicate the new wing of the Hospital. Lady Ranfurly is to present the colours to the Auckland Battalion.

Lord and Lady Brassey attended morning service at St. Paul’s ProCathedral, Wellington, on Sunday last, accompanied by His Excellency the Governor and Lady Ranfurly, and suite.

Among the passengers by the Miowera on Sunday last was Colonel the Hon. W. E. Sackville West, formerly of the Grenadier Guards, who intends making a short tour of New Zealand.

Archbishop Redwood is visiting Wanganui, and held a large confirmation service there on Sunday last.

Miss Mary E. Morton, who is well known in Auckland circles as a clever painter of animals, especially horses and ponies, is in London at present, devoting a great deal of arduous study to her art. She is attending the studio for animal painting of Mr Frank Calderon, son of the late R.A., and her progress has been so marked as to elicit the surprise of Mr Britton Riviere, to whom Miss Morton submits her work for criticism at the end of each term. She has also received from other celebrated artists flattering enconiums on the promise her work show’s. In the intervals of study Miss Morton has been enjoying visits to various parts of England, and has managed to ‘put in’ one delightful week in Paris. She -will probably return to New Zealand about the beginning of the year.

Colonel and Mrs Gorton, of Bulls, returned to New Zealand by the Miowera on Sunday last from a visit to Hawaii, where they made exhaustive enquiries into the working of the sugar and coffee plantations there.

Monsieur H. Casier and Miss T. A. Hargrave were-the recipients last week of a purse of sovereigns from His Lordship Bishop Lenihan and the clergy and members of the choir of St. Patrick’s, Auckland, on the occasion of their approaching marriage. The presentation took place in St. Patrick’s choir, and Bishop Lenihan, in making it, spoke of the valuable services rendered by Miss Hargrave and M. Casier as members of St. Patrick’s, and wished them health and prosperity. M. Casier made a suitable reply for Miss Hargrave and himself.

Mr John Tonkin, of the Thames, has left for Queensland, where he has received an appointment as underground manager in the Northern Queensland Gold Mining Company’s mine.

Mr I. Gibbs (Christchurch) and Captain Rose returned from the South last Thursday.

Miss Fraser, of New Plymouth, has gone for a trip to Auckland.

The Misses Johnston, of Wellington, have gone to Hawke’s Bay to be present at the races.

Mrs Cranstoun Wigley returned to Christchurch from her visit to Wellington this week.

Mr Carey Hill, of Christchurch, anticipates a visit to Auckland the end of this week.

The Misses Johnstone, of Wellington. are paying a visit to Mrs Russell, of Flaxmere, Hawke’s Bay.

Mrs and Miss Hughes, of Gisborne, are staying with Dr. and Mrs Moore, of Teunyson-street, Napier.

Mrs Speed, of Wanganui, is paying a visit to Napier.

The many friends of Mr G. J. Jackson, of Onehunga, will be pleased to learn that he is recovering from his recent illness under the care of Dr. Erson, and expects to be able to be about again very soon.

Mrs Chaytor, ‘Marshlands,’ spent a day or two in Picton last week.

Dr. O’Carroll, who was seized with a paralytic stroke about a month ago, has not improved in health, and will not be able to continue the practice of his profession in Taranaki, which is much regretted by his patients and friends. Mrs O’Carroll’s health has also broke down under the strain of nursing her husband, and Dr. McCleland. who has been attending her, enjoins complete rest for a time.

Mr P. Dignan has intimated that he is standing for re-election to the Mayoral Chair of Auckland City.

Mr Arthur Hill, son of the late Mr Thomas Hill, Collector of Customs at Auckland, has been successful in passing for mate, a very stiff examination, in London.

Lord and Lady Brassey left Wellington for Australia on Monday last.

Mrs W. Barton, of ‘Fareham,’ Featherston, is staying in Wellington w’ith Mrs Adams for the Fancy Dress Ball at Government House.

Miss Elworthy, Timaru, is the guest of Mrs Adams in Wellington for a short visit.

Mr Theo. Cooper, of Auckland, is at present in Wellington on business.

Miss Studholme, of Christchurch, is visiting Mrs Adams, in Wellington, for the sessional gaieties.

Mr Justice Pennyfather, accompanied by his private secretary, Mr Hoggett, arrived in Wellington last week from Dunedin to attend the Appeal Court.

Among the passengers by the Gothic, which sailed for England on Thursday, were Mrs and Miss Napier Bell, of Dunedin.

The Hon. Spencer Lyttelton accompanied Lord and Lady Brassey from England but left them at Wellington in order to go South to inspect his property there. He was the guest of Lord and Lady Ranfurly at Government House while in Wellington.

While in England Lord and Lady Brassey were present at the Queen’s State Ball, and Lady Brassey was honoured with a private audience with the Queen at Windsor, and also attended the third drawing room held by the Princess of Wales on behalf of Her Majesty. Lady Brassey’s health has greatly benefited by the voyage, and both she and Lord Brassey hope to be in Melbourne in time for the race week festivities there, when they entertain a large house party, which will include the Governors of New South Wales, Queensland. Tasmania and Western Australia.

Captain Ward, A.D.C. to His Excellency the Governor, and Major Maddox left Wellington last week on a visit to Australia.

The beautiful house and grounds in which Mr Edward Pearce has so long resided in Wellington have been bought by Mr T. Gale, manager of Messrs Johnston and Co., who intends residing there when Mr Pearce leaves for England in January next.

Miss Buller has deferred her departure for England, so she did not, after all, leave by the Gothic last Thursday.

Mrs Green (Wakatipu) is visiting her parents. Mr and Mrs Reid, in Wellington.

Lord and Lady Ranfurly and Lord Northland and Lady Constance Knox paid a visit of inspection to the Gothic before she left Wellington, and on Tuesday last Captain Kidley dined at Government House.

Miss Ella Johnston (Rangitikei) is staying with Miss Duncan in Wellington.

Mrs Tavener, of Rangitikei, is the guest of Mrs Jellicoe, in Wellington.

Sir James Hector, at a meeting of the Wellington Philosophical Society, spoke feelingly of the recent death of Mr John Buchanan, at Dunedin. Mr Buchanan was a botanist of considerable note, who has made very importtant contributions to the botany of New Zealand, and Sir James hoped that all his work would be most carefully preserved.

Judge Kettle, who has been spending a few days in New Plymouth, has returned to Wellington.

Professor Vigouroux, the French political economist, who is travelling all over the world in the interests of the Musee' Social of Paris, has been visiting Auckland, Rotorua, Thames, Te Aroha, and neighbouring districts, is at present busily gathering information at Dargaville about the kauri gum and timber industries. Professor Vigouroux’s expenses are being defrayed by the well-known Parisian philanthropist, the Count de Chambrun.

Miss Nora Allen, Picton, has gone to visit the H. C. Seymours at Tyntesfield. She expects to be away for a month.

Mrs A. P. Green left Blenheim on Friday evening to make a short stay in Wellington.

Mr Joseph Ansenne, of Auckland, was a passenger by the Waihora for Sydney on Monday last.

The Rev. Jas. Chisholm has sent in his resignation of the charge of Tokomariro Church. Mr Chisholm has the distinction of being the oldest clergyman of the Presbyterian Church in Otago.

Mr and Mrs R. W. Young and Miss Renwick took their departure from Blenheim last Saturday, to pay a visit to Nelson before proceeding to Auckland, where they propose to make their home.

Mr and Mrs Lambourne and family, of Auckland, left on the Waihora for a trip to Sydney on Monday last.

Dr. and Mrs Hope Lewis returned last week to Rotorua, having been recalled to Auckland after one day’s stay, on account of their son breaking his collarbone. Their son is well enough now to accompany them.

Mr Leech, of Morrinsville, who has had charge of the Congregational Church at Raglan for the last half year, has returned to his home at Morrinsville.

Mrs C. Beauchamp, who has been on a long visit to her son in Christchurch, returned to Picton this week.

Miss Leslie, who has been staying with Mrs F. Greenfield, in Blenheim, has returned to Motueka.

The death is announced at Dunedin of Mr John Buchanan, F.L.S. Mr Buchanan was formerly foreman daughtsman ir the Geological Survey Department, and rendered great service ro the New Zealand Institute by illustrating volumes one to 22 of its ‘Transactions.’

Mrs L. D. Nathan gives an ‘At Home’ on Tuesday, Bth of November, at ‘St. Kevens,’ Karangahape Road, which is being looked forward to by Auckland people with great pleasure, as Mr and Mrs Nathan and Miss Nathan make such charming host and hostesses.

Mr Harry Roberts, who has been on an eight months’ trip to the Old Country, returned to New Plymouth on October 17th.

Mrs Walcott Wood, with her two bonnie children, arrived in Auckland from Christchurch last Saturday. She intends to remain over Christmas on a visit to her parents at Lake Takapuna.

Mr James Whittali, of Wellington, manager of the China Traders’ Insurance Company, Limited, has been appointed manager of the Company’s branch at Shanghai, and will probably leave New Zealand in the course of a few weeks.

Captain Ward, A.D.C. to Lord Ranfurly, left last week for a trip to Australia.

The Rev. J. B. Findlay, who has iust been appointed organising agent and lecturer for the New Zealand Alliance, has already begun his prescribed work in Palmerston North. The electorates of Wellington, Hawke’s Bay, and Taranaki, are to be worked by Mr Findlay.

Mis G. W. Mclntosh, who has been staying in Christchurch and Dunedin, returned to Blenheim last week.

Mrs and Miss Green, of Nelson, are staying in Blenheim, and are the guests of Mrs J. B. Green.

Miss Govett, of New Plymouth, who has been spending a few days in Wellington, returned home last week.

Mr Tinline, who has been spending a few weeks in Blenheim, returned to Nelson prior to visiting the North Island last Wednesday.

Mrs Allen, Picton, made a record trip to Wellington last Thursday. Mrs Allen leit Picton at 5 a.m. in the Rotorua, arrived at Wellington at 10 a.m., spent two hours with her son, Mr Stuart Allen, and his wife, who were leaving for Sydney, and was back again in Picton at 5 p.m., to the astonishment of her friends.

Mr and Mrs G. G. Stead returned from the North to Christchurch the end of last week.

Mrs L. Harley and Miss WynnWilliams are staying at Sumner.

Mr Hamilton Baillie, Bank of New Zealand, Carterton, and Mr T. Baillie, of rhe Railway Department, Christchurch, are in Picton just now, called thither by the sad news of their brother’s death.

Mr John S. Cotterell, late of the firm of Turner and Cotterell, Auckland, has received the amalgamated appointments of Custom House Office, Shipping Master, Post Master, and Licensing Officer at Rarotonga, succeeding Mr J. H. Garner. The latter gentleman is returning to Auckland.

Last week Mr Charles Edwards, L. Mus. T.C.L., arrived in Auckland by the Elingamite, and he has been conducting in the Auckland Council Chambers the annual practical examinations in music on behalf of Trinity College, London.

Misses Falder. from Auckland, are staying with their sister, Mrs A. D. Gray, of New Plymouth.

Mr Hawley, of Blenheim, made a short visit to Wellington last week.

On Friday evening at the. closing dance of the season in connection with Mrs Sowerby’s Auckland dancing classes that lady was presented by Mrs A. Kohn on behalf of her pupils with a handsome gold neck chain set with amethysts and topaz. The prizes given for the best dancers were, after a very keen contest, awarded to Miss Hattie Yates and Miss Flossie Howard respectively. Later on during the evening Mr Kohn, one of the judges, awarded a further prize to Miss Easdown, a young lady who had carried off the prize of a diamond ring two years previously.

Mr J. McConnochie, manager of Abbott’s Opera House in Auckland, spent a couple of days in New Plymouth last week.

Miss Fenwick, of Christchurch, arrived in Blenheim a few days ago, and has driven out to ‘Avondale’ to stay with Mrs Teschemaker.

The body of the late Mr W. Baillie, who committed suicide at Waitara last week, was taken to Picton for interment.

Lady Kanfurly, accompanied by Captain Alexander and the Hon. Hill Trevor, paid a visit to the Gothic on Tuesday afternoon in Wellington.

Miss Coates (Wellington) returned from her trip to Auckland this week.

Mrs Hustwick, of Wellington, is visiting friends in Blenheim.

Mr W. J. MacDermott, of Auckland, has been on a short visit to New Plymouth.

Dr. George Home has commenced practising his profession in New Plymouth. Miss E. Turner, ‘Ravenscliffe,’ Queen Charlotte’s Sound, is the guest of Mrs Moore, Blenheim. Mrs W. Rattray has returned to Auckland from the South. Mr J. M. Brigham, of Auckland, has reached London, and has already arranged for an interview with the Admiralty authorities on matters connected with the Calliope Dock. Mr and Mrs C. de V. Teschemaker. of ‘Avondale,’ returned to Blenheim from a week’s visit to Nelson by coach on Monday evening. The ladies who provided the tea and took an active part in entertaining the visitors in attendance at the opening of the Victoria Esplanade, New Plymouth, were—Mesdames W. S. Newman, Raynes, W. H. Skinner. Freith, Bullick, and Dougherty, and Misses Testar and Kyngdon.

Mr Alex. Alison, manager of the Devonport (Auckland) Steam Ferry Company, was among the Elingamite’s passengers from Sydney to Auckland last week.

Mrs Hiley and Miss J. Chaytor returned from Wellington to Blenheim on Thursday.

Captain Bernech, of the s.s. Te Anau, was warmly complimented by his passengers on the seamanlike manner in which he navigated his vessel through the hurricane gale on Wednesday night between Lyttelton and Wellington. The brigantine Linda Weber, off Cape Palliser, the same night had to use oil bags to keep down the mountainous seas. As it was she lost her deck cargo of timber and drifted fifty miles under bare poles.

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXI, Issue XVIII, 29 October 1898, Page 564

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PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXI, Issue XVIII, 29 October 1898, Page 564

PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXI, Issue XVIII, 29 October 1898, Page 564

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