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His Excellency the Governor and Lady Ran fonly entertained the following guests at dinner at Government House on Wednesday last:—Sir Robert and Ivady Stout, Hon. Dr. and Mrs Grace, Hon. W. and Mrs Reynolds, Hon. C. Johnston and Mrs Johnston, Hon. Captain Russell, Mr and Mrs Geo. Hutchinson, Mr and Mrs Heaton Rhodes, Captain Browne (H.M.s. Tauranga), Mr and Mrs Percy Smith, .Mr and Mrs Tolhurst, and Mr and Mrs Prendergast Knight.

Mr Arthur Mac Shane, of Blenheim, left on Saturday for Wellington, to join the staff of Messrs Levin and Co.

Mr J. A. Gilruth has received the appointment of chief veterinary surgeon to the Government.

Miss Turnbull, Wellington, leaves by the lonic for England, and her marriage to Mr Wood will take: place shortly after her arrival there.

Mr W. Andrews, of New Plymouth, has left for Wanganui, in order to take up the position of instructor of wood carving at the technical school at that place,.

Lord and Lady Ranfurly gave a small dance at Government. House on the 3rd of August, a.t which Captain Browne and the officers of H.M.s. Taurangia were present. The, countess wore an exquisite black satin and gauze ball gown, diamond ornaments and black gauze wings in her hair.

Messrs A. R. Carnie and T. H. Hurstwick have been gazetted inspectors of explosives.

Miss Ethel Seymour, who has been staying with Mrs Allen in Picton, returned home to TyntesfiOld on Saturday last.

Mr J. Mowat, who has been visiting Sydney, returned home to Blenheim last week.

The New Zealand and Wellington Football Associations have erected a handsome stone on the grave of Mr Alex. M. Henderson at Karori Cemetery, Wellington. Mr Henderson Was for many years the secretary of the associations.

Mr W. H. Skinner has been elected President of the Taranaki Scenery Preservation Society. He was also made a life member on account of the immense amount of professional work he gratuitously had done for the Society.

Mr A. McKenzie, the late ticket inspector of the Wellington tramways, vras presented with a beautiful silver mounted pipe (meerschaum) on Tuesday evening last by the drivers and guards on the city tramways, as a small token of their esteem and appreciation of his courtesy to them. Mr F. Petters, who made the presentation to Mr McKenzie on their behalf, expressed the great regret of all present at losing so good a comrade.

Miss Hewitt, Palmerston North, is staying with Mrs Charles Johnston in Wellington.

Mr and Mirs Charles Pearce have returned to Wellington after spending their honeymoon in the North.

Miss Allan (Christchurch) is staying in Wellington with the Misse* Heywood.

Mr N. K. MacDonald was elected President of the Taranaki Horticultural Society on August 4.

Misses Nellie Allen and Nina Greensill (Pieton) have returned to Christchurch to continue their University studies. Miss Allen is sitting for her M.A. degree.

At the opening of the Art Exhibibition in Wellington on Saturday last Lady Ranfurly wore a very striking gown of green of a striped material, with collar and cuffs of white moire and a large chiffon tie. Her red hat was trimmed with black chiffon and feathers: and Lady Constance Knox wore a plum-coloured coat, and skirt, with a plum-coloured velvet hat and sable boa.

The anouncement of the death of Mr J. P. Hamlin, the Native Interpreter, came as a great shock to his numerous friends in Hastings; it is only a few weeks since he paid a visit to this town, and then appeared to be quite well. Widespread regret is felt at his death, both by Englishmen and Maories, for by the latter, as well as by the former, he was universally trusted and esteemed.

Mrs L. AL Myers, of Auckland, was a passenger from Sydney by the Moana on Saturday.

Among the passengers for San Francisco (en route for England) by the Moana on Saturday were Professor F. D. Brown, of the University College, Auckland, and his two young daughters.

Mr James Mills, managing director of the Union Steamship Company, who was among the Waikare’s passengers, returned to Wellington by the Takapuna on Saturday.

Captain Davidson, of the Bluff Hill, Napier, has been for a short visit to Sydney.

Mr Adolf Schulze, the Government Viticulturist, is visiting Napier.

Mr and Mrs Jackson and the two Misses Jackson left Auckland for Europe, via America, by the Moana on Saturday.

M.r H. A. Cornford, of Napier, was present at the Opera House in Wellington on the day when a presentation was made to the Premier in honour of his fifty-third birthday. Mr Cornford, amongst many others, made a short and interesting speech and heairtily congratulated Mr and Mrs Seddon.

The Stipendiary Magistrate for the Chatham Islands, Mr Florence, took his departure to the Chathams last week from Lyttelton, his family accompanying him.

Mrs Donnelly, of Crissoge, has returned to Napier after a short visit to Wellington.

Dr. Barclay, of Timaru, has been appointed surgeon of the mail steamer Moana.

Mr and Mrs Hunter Brown, of Wairoa, are paying a visit to Auckland.

Mr R. Lockhart, of the Bank of New Zealand, Thames, has been in Auckland during the past few days on a visit.

Mrs John Roach, of Avalon, Parnell, gives a farewell afternoon tea on Wednesday next, August 10, to Mrs and Miss Fenton, who leave Auckland for England on August 22. The invitations have been issued for half-past 2, as the afternoons are so short,

At Her Majesty’s last drawing-room held in Buckingham Palace in June, Mrs Earl’s daughter. Miss Ida Macdonald, was presented by Mrs Mackay Mackenzie. She wore a lovely white duchess satin gown trimmed with white chiffon and lilies of the valley; the Court, train was white broehe, a sash of white chiffon hung at the side of the skirt. She carried a lovely shower bouquet of large white lilies, lilies of the valley and ferns. At the drawing-room tea given by Mrs Mackay Mackenzie she was much admired.

Mr J. H. Morrison, managing director of the Mosgiel Woollen Company, Otago, who was 'among the number of the Waikare’s excursionists, has gone on from Auckland to Dunedin.

Mrs Tonsoil Garlick, who received the sad news of her husband’s death when she reached New York on her way to join him in England, has turned back and is now on her way home to Auckland again.

Mr Fred. Page who leaves Wellington for England, by the Elingv.iniite on Thursday, was entertained by a large number of his friends sit n farewell socintl in the Soefail Hall of the Trociulero. and Mr Shackleford presented Mr Page on behalf of those present with a very handsome silvermounted dressing-rose ns a souvenir of their regard. Later on in the evening tin- Working Mein’s Club, through Mr Mowatt, also presented Mr Plage with a silver-mounted elwmy crook

walking stick and a pair of Held binoculars in a case. During the evening songs were contributed by Afessrs J. King, H. Boecker, A. Fowler, W. Naughton, T. Hedge, A Watson, and by the guest of the evening, and a long toast list was duly honoured, including that of the departing guest, proposed by Mr Shackleford, who in the course of his speech alluded to the readiness with which Mr Page had always responded to requests for charity and other objects, and wished him ‘bon voyage’ and a happy future on behalf of all present.

Mr James France, of the Picton Post and Telegraph Office, has been ehose.n to proceed to ’Frisco this week as assistant mail agent.

Colonel Pole-Penton, Commandant of the Forces, returned to Wellington on Wednesday last from Nelson and the West Coast, where he has been inspecting the volunteers.

Mrs Barton, Fareham. Featherston, is staying for a short visit in Wellington with her aunt, Mrs S. A. Rhodes, at The Grange.

Mrs Mclntosh, wife of the manager of the Bank of Australasia, New LTymouth, is very seriously ill—so ill, in fact, that her father. Captain MeClatchie, and her brother and sister have been sent for.

Miss Jagger has resigned her position on the Nelson Telephone Exchange, as she is shortly to- be married. Miss Jagger’s place at. the Exchange has been filled by Miss Bunny, of Nelson.

Mr and Mrs Hyde and family, who have been living for some time in New Plymouth, have gone to Wellington.

Mr and Mrs C. W. Hill have bivn at Sumner for a week for the benefit of Mrs Hill’s health, but who is, I am sorry to say, still very unwell.

The Misses Hatherly and Dampieir left Christchurch for Ashburton on Tuesday, en route for Dunedin.

Miss Rochfort, who is a nurse in the Wellington Hospital, is spending a short holiday with her people in Nelson.

Mrs Fookes. of New Plymouth, is the guest of Mrs Lightfort. Nelson.

Mrs Gregg, Mahlakipawa, Picton, has gone to Wellington for a week or two, to replace necessaries which were burnt in a recent fire.

Mr S. Thome George, junr., was a passenger from Auckland to the Islands by the Ha.uroto last week.

Mrs C. H. Mills returned to Blenheim from Wellington, where she has been staying’ for part of the session, last week.

Miss Robinson, Blenheim, is paying a visit to Wellington.

A benefit concert was given in St. Joseph’s Schoolroom, New Plymouth, on August 3, when the Liliputinn Minstrels went through an excellent programme. Part songs were given bv Miss B. O’Donnell and Messrs E Clarke, L. Coek. Gordon and Nash E. Clarke and Miss O'Donnell contributed a duet, and a pianoforte solo was played by Miss Ryan.

Mrs C. Watts, of Nelson is now staying with Mrs G. Robinson in Blenheim. and a number of ladies were invited to meet her on Friday afternoon. Miss Williams. Dunedin, is striving iv ith Mrs Izard, in Hobson-street, Wellington, for the session. Mi’ C. F. Halloran, of Waitara, who has been seriously ill, is sand to be recovering. Mr Nelson, of Nelson. Afoate and Co . Auckland, went to the SiJntli last week. Colonel Penton has left Nelson for Blenheim, accompanied bv Colonel Pitt. Mr and Mrs Charles Pearce have returned to Wellington from their honeymoon trin. nnd are at present staying with Air and Aliss Pearce. in Mml Smith-rireet until their new house is finished.

Mi- and Airs Rees, of Blenheim, have given up their lodgings und have taken a house in Whitnev-street.

Lady Ranfurly has no fewer than six water-colour views from her own brush on the walls of the Wellington Art Exhibition this year, and has also lent pictures by Skinner, Pront, Leopold Rivers, etc., Cattemole, and a pencil drawing by Bartaloggie; also, a little gem by Airs W. H. Field, of Wellington, in the shape of a small water colour, ‘Near Christchurch.’

Mrs Allen, Pieton, has hud a. short story accepted by the proprietors of the ‘Otago Witness’ for theiir Christmas Annual.

The Misses Duff and Al. Trolove have opened a tea Kiosk in Trafalgar-st., Nelson. Their friends wish them success.

Miss Lysaght. Alokoia, Hawera. is visiting Airs William Pharazyn, in Hol>son-street, Wellington.

Airs and Aliss Afoss Davis, Auckland, are visiting friemds in the Empire City.

On Monday morning the passengers of the up and down trains on the Summit Railway Station. Rimutsuka, kept themselves warm by a most lively snow-balling match, in which the youthful members of the Pollard Company, who were on the up train, played a very prominent part. The scene was a. most lively and picturesque one, and many of the passengers who enjoyed the novelty of the snow-balling for the first time submitted to their snow bath with the greatest good humour.

The Rev. Dr. Erwin, of Christchurch, is to receive a call to the Mornington Presbyterian Church, Dunedin.

Aliss Pitt, of Nelson, is paying a visit to Mrs Hanna, in Wellington.

Miss Weston, the Auckland lady whose lately published Ixvok entitled ‘lmperialism’ is highly spoken of in London, is now on her way out to New Zealand, where she intends to make a short stay.

Mr Mirarns, Blenheim, is visiting Wellington, hoping that the change will assist his convalescence from influenza.

The many friends of Captain Millward in New’ Zealand will lie glad to learn that. the Board of Trade enquiry in London into the loss of the steamer Alatnura. of which he was eantain. has resulted in Captain Alillward being exonerated from blame.

Airs Arthur Russell, of Palmerston North, and her children are staying in Wellington with Airs T. C. Williniins.

Professor and Airs Michel-Clark returned to Christchurch last week and are residing at Mr Beswick’s house. Fendalton.

The officers of the Auckland Infantry Bnttia.lion feel that in energetic Afa’or Murray they have got the right man in the right place.

Air Jas. MeKee, the well-known footballer in Wellington, had a most novel and by no means pleasimt experience while, cycling round the Rocks Rond in Wellington on Saturday afternoon. Going down the Kilbirnie Hill he managed to lose control of his machine, and being unable to stop it. both he and his machine were lii rled into the water, anil but for the timely assistance of a fellow cyclist Mr McKee would in all probability have been drowned, as he was entangled in his machine under the water, but escaped with no more ill effects than a ducking and severe shaking and a damaged machine.

Aliss Beswick has gone South on a round of visits until her brother's return about November.

Mr Reid. Scotland, who has lieen visiting his relatives, Mr and Mrs Orr here in Blenheim, left for Wellington last week, ami intends to visit other parts of the colony before returning Home.

Air and Mrs Sydney Webb, joint authors of ‘The History of Trade Unionism' and 'lndustrial Co-opera-tion,’ and Mr Trevelyan, son of Sir George Trevelyan, M.P., arrived at. Auckland by the ‘Moana’ from San Francisco, and after spending a few days in Auckland left for Wellington via Rotorua and Napier on Monday. They are studying colonial institutions. nnd during their stay in Auckland saw a number of prominent citizens who have, had experience in the working of the municipal, industrial and educational laws of New Zealand.

Miss Ethel Atkinson, of Parnell. Auckland, left by’ the Takapuna last Monday on a visit to Wellington.

Over £4O were realised bv the Church of England sale of work in I’aeroa.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXI, Issue VII, 13 August 1898, Page 208

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PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXI, Issue VII, 13 August 1898, Page 208

PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXI, Issue VII, 13 August 1898, Page 208

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