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THE Governor of New Zealand and the Countess of Ranfurly attended a ball at Government House, Sydmy, on April 12th.

The Rev. G. Mae Murray, Vicar of S. Mary's. Parnell, Auckland, pointed out forcibly that the prospective war between Spain and America is a judgment on the former for her behaviour to the Incas at the conquest of Peru, and the cruelties perpetrated in Mexico, etc.

Miss Douslin. head mistress of the Blenheim Girls’ School, spent the Easter holidays in Wellington, but has now returned and resumed school work.

Mr ano Mrs Robison return from Auckland to Nelson next week, both having had a thoroughly good time amongst their many Auckland friends.

Mr and Mrs Pollen, of Parnell, Auckland. leave shortly for New Plymouth. Mr Pollen has lieen transferred by Government to that town. Both are very sorry to leave their many Auckland friends.

The Messrs Rathbone have returned to Auckland from their Sydney trip.

Mr R. G. Bauchope. of New Plymouth. has been elected a member of the Victoria College Council.

Mr C. C. MacMillan, of Remuera. Auckland, is suffering from an attack of bronchitis.

Captain Robinson. late of the barquentine Handa Isle, has been appointed chief officer of the s.s. Pareora.

Miss Pulliene (Victoria), who has been staying with Mrs Rogers, Eltham Lodge. Blenheim, left last Friday for Wellington.

Miss Johnston, who made a flying visit to Wellington, returned to Blenheim on Saturday.

The famous Scotch athlete. Donald Dinnie. -well-known in Auckland, has gone to his native land via Sydney.

Miss Fannie CotterelL who is staying with her aunt. Mrs Seymour, in Picton. visited Blenheim last Wednesday.

Mr Cable, of Wellington, is in Auckland for a few davs.

The Misses Fell, of Picton. cycled "o Blenheim on Saturday, and stayed until Monday with Mrs Waddy.

Dr. and Mrs Deck, of Motneka. Nelson. have gone for a short trip to Australia.

Mr A. Davis (Messrs 1,. D. Nathan and Co.'s warehouse) is improving in health.

Mr J. M. Butt, who has been making a short visit to his sister. Mrs Roger, in Blenheim, returned to Wellington last week. Mrs Salmon, of Auckland, is visiting her Sister. Mrs Sharp, of 'Fellworth.' Nelson. Ur- McCallum, who has been visiting her parents in Wellington, returned to Blenheim last week. The friends of Miss Etlgecumbe. Hamilton, are pleased to see her about again after her accident. The Rev. J. and Mrs Crump left Auckland for Dunedin last week. Miss Hobden. of Nelson, has gone to England with the intention of studying in order to devote herself to the Anglican Missionary Society’s work. Miss Beatrice Horton, of Blenheim. lm r gone to Featherston to lie present at Miss E. Barton's marriage. Miss B. Boyle, after spending a few weeks in Nelson, has gone to Wellington. Mrs Johnston, who has lieen spending a few weeks with Miss Johnston, in Blenheim, left for Wellington last week, on her way to Kaikonra. an-1 was accompanied as far as Wellington hv her daughter

Mr and Mrs Clifford Stevens, who were spending a holiday with Dr. and Mrs Kenny, Hamilton, have returned to Auckland.

Mrs Ludlow Rich has been spending the last fortnight in the Waikato district.

The new Jewish Rabbi at Dunedin is the Rev. Chodowski, of Brisbane.

Mr H. C. Hunter, late chief officer Government steamer Tutanekai, is making’ a fair recovery. It will be remembered that he underwent amputation of the left leg below the knee, owing to an accident at Westport on Easier Monday.

Mr Justice Conollj opened the Court of Appeal at Wellington last Thursday.

Mr and Mrs R Fenwick have left ~nd for Dunedin.

Rev. and Mrs Cowx. of Westport, are staying with Colonel BrantU, of Nelson.

Dr. MacGregor, the Inspector of General Hospitals, has been paying a short visit to New Plymouth. Mrs Mathias has left Hamilton on a visit to Mrs Pilling. Waihou. Mr W. Brown.late of the s.s.Pareora, has been appointed chief officer of the Government steamer Tutauekai. The famous South Sea explorer. Mr F. W. Christian, is atpresentin Auckland. Miss Hastie. the lady who is proposing an expedition to the Islands, has been visiting Rotorua and drinking the waters. Mrs Carey. Blenheim, is visiting Mrs Fell. Te Weranga. Picton. At the recent supplementary examinations held under the conduct of the Auckland University College. Mr A. C. Maginnity. of Nelson, passed the first section for the degree of Bachelor of Laws, in the New Zealand Univerfeity. The Inspector of Native Schools. Mr Pope, has left Auckland for the North on departmental business. Miss Burden. Woodville, is staying with Miss E. Carey. Blenheim. Mr Theo. Cooper. Auckland, is in Wellington, attending the sittings of the Appeal Court. Mrs Buxton's son-in-law. Mr HicksRoss. is now in Auckland, having gone there to manage her Kawau Island and Kawau steamer. Miss Beatson. of Blenheim, who has lieen visiting various friends in the North Island, returned home last- Saturdav.

Mr Thomas Snape. J.P», ami an aiderman of the city of Liverpool, was in New Plymouth last week.

The Most Reverend the Primate of New Zealand paid an episcopal visit to Whangarei last week.

The Rev. Father Power has been appointed by the Archbishop of Wellington as parish priest- to the Catholic Church at Hawera.

Mrs Alex. Williams. Palmerston, is staying with her mother. Mrs Cooper, at Karori. Wellington.

Mrs Gillam and child, of Epsom, Auckland, returned from their trip to Whangarei last- weex.

The Hon. W. C. Walker. Minister of Education, has returned to Auckland from Whangarei.

Mr and Mrs J. Close, of Napier, have gone to visit Rotorua, and Miss Hobbs is accompanying them. They all went via Auckland, and would have an enjoyable time.

Much sympathy is felt for Dr. Erson. of Onehunga, who received a cable last week announcing the death of his mother, aged 85.

The many friends of Mr IL G. Turner, manager of the Commercial Bank of Australasia (Limited), are glad to learn that he is well enough to return to Melbourne.

Miss Miller, of Napier, has gone for a long visit to Christchurch.

The Government Auditor at Gisborne. Mr Carlyle, is unfortunately ill with typhoid fever. Mrs Cottle, of Parnell, has gone to Rotorua. Miss Maud Donnelly, of Creesagv. has-returned home after an enjoyable visit to the Hot Lakes. Mr John Fawcus left Wellington for Auckland last week. Miss Wook-ot is on a visit to Mrs Blaekburn, Hamilton. Mr John Ross (Sargood. Son and Ewen), of Wellington, is visiting Auckland. The Rev. F. G. Evans has been chosen by the parochial authorities for the position of vicar of SKMary's parish. New Plymouth. Mr and Mrs A. P. Green have returned to Blenheim after spending Easter in Wellington. Mr R. Blair (Auckland Kauri Timber Company) has gone to Sydney. The Hon. W. McCullough left Auckland for Lyttelton last week. Mr J. Tomlinson (Nelson), whilst out shooting during the Easter holidays w as accidentally struck in the eye by a shot. At first it- was feared the accident was serious, but it is now evident that the shot did not enter the eye and Mr Tomlinson has sufficiently recovered to lie able to resume his work. The Hon. J. Carroll went to New Plymouth in order to be present at the tangi over the late Major Kemp. Mrs Holdgate, of Kawau. Auckland, returned from Sydney last week. Mr P. H. Watts, Mount Eden, has just taken his B.A. degree, and carried off a senior scholarship in mathematics, worth £5O a year. Major Gascoyne, Stipendiary Magistrate at Chatham Islands, has been succeeded by Mr R. S. Florence, late solicitor, of Woodville. The Chief Justice of Fiji, Sir Henry Berkeley, has been staying in Rotorua for the benefit of his health. He was to have dined at Arawa House (Mr Griffiths') as the guest of Mr Boult; but a heavy shower of rain kept him prisoner at the Grand Hotel. The office of Resident Magistrate at Oamaru is to be temporarily filled by Mr R. S. Florence, solicitor, of Woodville. as Major Keddell is at present absent from Oamaru. Mr D. L. Murdoch, Auckland, and family had a narrow- escape from a serious accident whilst driving from Taupo to Rotorua last week in a buggy. Mil Mrs and Miss E. Johnston, Rangitikei. are at present paying a visit to Wellington. Miss Falder. who has been staying with her sister. Mrs A. D. Gray. New Plymouth, has returned to her home in Auckland. Mrs Moorhouse, Christchurch, is staying in Wellington with Mrs Rhodes at The Grange. Miss Ethel Greensill. Brooklyn. Pieton. has returned from a week's visit to the Empire City. Mr and Mrs Elgar, of the Rangitikei district, passed through Wellington last week. Miss Nellie Allen. Picton. has passed her final B.A. examination successfully. and is being congratulated by her friends in Marlborough.

The Hon. J. McKenzie. Minister of Lands, returned to Wellington on Wednesday last, after his extended tour in Otago and Southland.

Mr and Mrs Walter Johnston and Mias Ella Johnston. Rangitikei. are staying in Wellington, at the Royal Oak Hotel.

Mr and Mrs Arthur Pearce have arrived at- Albany, and are expected in Wellington about the end of this month.

Mr Esdaile. from Kalgoorlie, is paying Mrs Westmacott a visit at New Plymouth. Miss Connal. Christchurch, returned on Saturday, after being' round the North Island, going as far as Auckland Mr John Connal extended his visit to Nelson, and does not return for a week later. Acting-Detective Cox. who has been transferred to Christchurch, was presented by his brother officers in the force with a handsome travelling-bag and appurtenances as a mark of the esteem in which he is held by them all. the presentation being made by Chief Detective Campbell on their behalf, who referred to the many good qualities and great popularity of Detective Cox. who would be much missed in the force in Wellington. Mr Bartrop, who has been on a visit to Auckland, has returned to New Plymouth.

Miss Jervois. England, is the guest of Mrs William I’harazyn, in Wellington. Mrs and Miss Kinsey spent a few days at New Brighton last week for a change of air and scene. Mr R. Wright, foreman of the •Mail.’ was last week presented with a handsome breakfast and tea set and set of cutlery by the staffs of the ‘New Zealand Times' and the ‘New Zealand Mail.' upon the occasion of his marriage. The presentation was made by Mr C. Wilson. M.H.R.. editor of the 'Mail.' who referred in eulogistic terms to the esteem in which Mr Wright was held throughout the office, where he had been employed for the last sixteen years, and on behalf of the employees he wished Mr and Mrs Wright long life and much happiness. Misses Beauchamp (2), Anikiwa. Pieton. spent a few days with Mrs Chaytor. at Marshlands, this week. Mrs Cunningham. Christchurch, returned from Hamner Springs at the end of last week. Mr and Mrs Strang, of Palmerston, are staying with Mrs N. Reid in Wellington. Messrs Harold and Newton Dingle, from Hutt, are paying New Plymouth a visit. The Wellington Cycling Club is about to lose its popular captain. Mr Howard Reid, who has been in the firm of Laery and Co., for 13 years. Mr Reid having accepted an appointment with a large English house in New South Wales, and he leaves for Sydney at the end of this month. Mrs A. D. Gray, of New Plymouth, is paying her mother, Mrs Falder. a visit, at Auckland. Miss Teed, of New Plymouth, has gone to visit her sister. Mrs Macklow. in Auckland. Mrs John Aiken is at New Brighton, recruiting after some weeks of illness. Mr Seddon, accompanied by Mrs Seddon. presented the prizes to Professor Pannell's pupils at the Thorndon baths on Saturday morning, a very large gathering of juvenile swimmers and their friends being present at the baths in honour of the event. When presenting the prizes, which were won at the recent swimming tournament at the baths. Mr Seddon. in a short speech, dwelt upon the great necessity of both boys and girls lieing taught to swim, saying the art ought to be compulsory he thought in all the schools. After the presentation of the prizes Professor Pannell and his pupils gave an exhibition of swimming. Dr. Duff (Free Church of Scotland), v. ho came to New Zealand to attend he Jubilee celebration of the Otago Irrsinterian Church along with the Rev. R. Mclntosh, left on Monday for Australia, where they purpose being present at the New South Wales and Queensland General Assemblies. Mr James Blyth left Nelson last week on a tour to England and America.

Dr. and Mrs Mickle, who have been staying with the former’s mother at Kuklington. in Yorkshire, have left by the Gothic for New Zealand.

Mrs H. D. Bell is returning immediately. Miss Campbell, who has been visiting her sister. Mrs Peacock, of Ponsonby, Auckland, has returned to Wellington. Mr James Peacock is again in Auckland after his visit to Napier. Mr and Mrs A. P. Burnes have returned to Nelson after a trip to Dunedin. Miss C. E. Collet, the niece of Mr Edward Dobson, of Christchurch, read a learned paper on ‘The Collection and Utilisation of Official Statistics bearing on the extent and effects of the Industrial employment of Women’ in London before the Royal Statistical Society. She drew attention to the absence of trustworthy statistics of the effects of industrial employment on women’s health, which she held were too slight to enable one to come to a positive conclusion as to the influence of the employment of women and girls on infant mortality, and she made a number of suggestions which should be carried out in the next census returns to elucidate this point. The paper received high praise from such authorities as Sir Robert Giffen. Mr Noel Humphreys. Sir Rawson Rawson. and Mr Charles Booth, the author of ‘Life and Labour of the People in London and the Aged Poor,’ to whom Miss Collet was at one time secretary.

Mrs Marciel, of Christchurch, who went Home in the Gothic with her little daughter, is having a very enjoyable stay with her brother-in-law and sister at Southbroom Vicarage, in Devizes, and intends later on visiting friends in the Isle of Wight. Thence she purposes going to Devon and Cornwall, taking a run up to Scotland, and returning to England to see friends in Bath. She does not think of coming back to New Zealand until August or September. Mr F. G. Gibbons, of Christchurch, was a prominent forward in the victorious Guy’s Hospital team (London) that wrested the Inter-Hospital cup from St. Thomas’, its holders for the last ten years. Guy’s victory by a goal and three tries to a Iropped goal was very popular, and their play clearly superior to that of their opponents.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XX, Issue XVIII, 30 April 1898, Page 544

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PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS New Zealand Graphic, Volume XX, Issue XVIII, 30 April 1898, Page 544

PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS New Zealand Graphic, Volume XX, Issue XVIII, 30 April 1898, Page 544

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