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Personal Paragraphs.

LORD RANFURLY and party will join the • Aorangi ’ at Vancouver, and the steamer will come direct to Wellington.

Miss Miller (Hawke's Bay) is staying with Mrs Gore in Wellington. Mr and Mrs J. MaTHIESON Auckland' have been staying in Wellington with Mrs Fisher. Miss Cot-thrill, who has been visiting Mrs A. Gore in Wellington, has returned to her home in Napier. Captain Fairchild, of the ‘ Tutanekai.’ is going to take soundings outside the Manukau Harbour to ascertain whether the depth of water there is less than it was some time ago. The new pastor for the Auckland Tabernacle, the Rev. Joseph Clarke, arrived in that city last Monday. Mr and Mrs — Cowlishaw (nee Miss Helmore who are on their honeymoon trip, spent a few days in Wellington on their way North. Mrs Fulton, who has been paying a round of visits in Palmerston North, has returned to Wellington all the better for the change. Mrs Captain Hewitt Palmerston North) is staying with her sister. Mrs Humphries, at the Hutt.

Captain and Mrs Humphries (Wellington) and their son leave for England in about a week. MrT. G Macarthy received a handsome presentation for his brave wife last week from the directors of the Wellington and Manawatu Railway Company. It consisted of a beautiful silver salver, a teapot, cream jug and sugar basin, with her initials thereon and a suitable inscription. Councillor Peter Dignan has been formally installed Mayor of Auckland. Mr Dignan was born in that city, and has long been a valued member of the Council. He is therefore thoroughly familiar with the details pertaining to his office, not the least arduous of which is presiding at the multiplicity of meetings beloved of Aucklanders. Mr and Mrs Stott are at present in Wellington. MISS Taylor (Rangatikei) is the guest of Mrs Swainson in Wellington. The under-secretary of Mines, Mr H. J. H. Eliott, has gone to Wellington from Auckland. A New Plymouth footballer is winning golden opinions for his prowess in England. This is Mr Ernest F. Fookes. Miss M. Whitelaw Auckland) is staying with her sister, Mrs J. Gray, in Wellington. Mrs A. Russell Palmerston North) is paying a visit to her mother. Mrs Williams (Wellington). Mr D. McCorouodale, manager of the Northern Roller Mills, Auckland, left for Sydney by the ’ Tarawera ’ to attend the Conference of the Chambers of Commerce of New Zealand and Australia, which opens at Sydney on the iSth instant. Miss Stace, of Robin Hood’s Bay. when in Blenheim for the tennis ball, was the guest of Mrs Rogers, ‘ Eltham Lodge.’ Last week there arrived in Auckland Judges Edger and Johnson from Whakatane, where they have been holding a sitting of the Native Appellate Court. The principal business was the hearing of appeals against decision given in 1594 re the Ruatoki block. Capt. Herbert Boucher Dobbie has been appointed harbourmaster for the port of Picton, in place of Andrew Duncan, resigned. The Rev. P. Walsh has gone to Napier from Auckland. Dr. George Craig has re-opened the Hospital at Upolu A brother of his is at present staying in Raratonga for the benefit of his health. Mr R. Lawrence, of Ellerslie, Auckland, who has been in ill-health for some time past, was a passenger to Sydney by the ‘ Tarawera ’ last week. Mr W. H. Tizard, second engineer of the Northern Company's steamer ‘Gairloch,’ having successfully passed his examination, has been appointed chief engineer of the ‘ Bellinger.’ Mr G. H. Hardey, of Onehunga, received a nice little token of the appreciation felt by the vestry of the Anglican Church for his services as organist for five months during the absence of Miss Ethel Jackson, the regular organist. The Rev. Canon Haselden. Vicar of St. Peter’s, made the presentation, which consisted of a copy of the ‘ Messiah ’ and a copy of ‘Elijah.’ Both were handsomely bound in morocco and lettered in gold, and bore Mr Hardey's name. He also presented to him a metronome of the best make. In making the

presentation Canon Haselden spoke in very cordial terms, and expressed the good wishes of the parishioners. Mr Hardey suitably acknowledged the gifts. Mr P. Galvin, the newly-appointed secretary of the proposed mining bureau that is to be established at Wellington, who has been in Auckland for some days gathering information in connection with bis new position, left last week for a visit to the up-country goldfields. Mr Charles Riley, the popular tenor, who was long connected with Messrs Williamson and Musgrove’s Royal Comic Opera Company, now in London, has broken two blood vessels, and is in a serious condition. Miss Boor left Nelson last Sunday for Wellington, where she joins the • Rimutaka ’ for England. She will meet her father, Dr. Boor, in England, and they will probably return together. Her many Nelson friends wish her ion royo-re. Mr Tom Williamson (Auckland) is en route to England. Mrs Dr.) Mackenzie, who has been paying a long visit in Wanganui, has returned to Wellington. Mr James A. Tubby has been transferred to the * Upolu ’ as purser, Mr Adams, of the latter steamer, going over to the ‘ Flora.’ Miss Nellie Cotterill, who has been staying in Christchurch and Wellington for several months, has returned to Napier. The many friends of Mr Albert Kaye, of Messrs Kaye and Carter. Christchurch, note with much pleasure his arrival at Auckland Miss Giblin (Nelson) is staying with Mrs Rogers, ‘ Eltham Lodge,’ Blenheim. Mr S. Parker left Auckland for Sydney by the ‘ Tarawera ’ last week. Dr. and Mrs Murray-Aynsley have been in Christchurch. the former going to Dunedin, the latter remaining at Riverslaw. They returned to the North Island on Tuesday, Miss Mima Gard ner accompanying them. Miss Hoare Christchurch; is staying with Mrs R. M. Simpson, Wellington. Miss Burnett left Nelson, and will stay a few weeks in Blenheim on her way home. The pleasant news has been by the Rev. Rutherford Waddell, of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Dunedin, from the Theological College, at Belfast, that the degree of D.D. would be conferred on him at the closing of the College in the first week in April. Mrs Conolly (Auckland) is visiting Mrs Duncan, Waikawa Road, Picton. She also intends to stay for a few davs with Mr and the Misses Greensill, ‘Brooklyn,’ previous to departing for the North. Miss Conolly and Miss Ethel Greensill will accompany Mrs Conolly to Auckland. Mr Walter Stoddart, of Waitara. left there on May nth en route for England with the view of establishing a new thawing process lately invented by Mr Furlonge. of Hawera. Mr H. Pullienb. who was transferred from the Thames to the Blenheim Branch of the Bank of New Zealand, is staying at present witn his aunt. Mrs Rogers, at ‘ Eltham Lodge,’ in that town. Miss Maud Wilkins was the winner of Lady Glasgow's golf prize, she being the best Auckland lady golf player. Miss Evelyn Mac Lean, of Dunedin, is still staying in Wellington. She intends staying in that city until the end of July. Her sister is at present in Christchurch. Colonel Hume, Inspector of Prisons and Commissioner of Police, arrived in Nelson on Tuesday from Wellington. He stayed a short time on his way to the West Coast. Miss Rita Mill returned to Dunedin last week. She has been in Christchurch for the last few months, and seems to have had an enjoyable visit. Mr Banks, who has been acting as Clerk of the Court at Nelson during the absence of Mr C. H. Webb Bowen in Australia, resumed his duties in the Magistrate s Court in Wellington this week. Mr and Mrs Robison shortly leave Auckland for Nelson. Mr Robison is accountant in the Bank of Australia, and has just been removed to Nelson branch. Mr and Mrs Dymock, who have been staying at Mrs Waddy’s, Maxwell Road, Blenheim, returned to Wellington last week Many Dnnedin people are visiting in various places. Mr and Mrs B. C. Haggitt are back again from their trip to Hanmer Springs. Mr and Mrs Mills are also away ; they left last week for Melbourne. The Misses Mills are also away, they are staying in Canterbury. Mrs James Allen and Miss lua Allen left Dunedin by Wednesday morning express for Christchurch where they catch the s.s. ’Rimutaka.’ They go straight to London, thence to Dresden, where Mrs Allen intends leaving her daughter for a couple of years to study music. Dunedinites hope to see Mrs Allen back amongst them towards the end of the vear.

Miss Benjamin is the daughter of Mr Henry Benjamin, of Dunedin, and was born in the Southern city. She was placed first in the Education Board Provincial Junior Scholarship, and proceeded to the Girls’ High School, Dunedin. Subsequently at the University of Otago she took a first place in the first-ciass division of Jurisprudence and Constitutional History and law. She headed the list for the colony in Roman law and graduated LL.B, this year. Mr H. Gourley, postmaster at Waitara, has received notice of his promotion to Waimate. and Mr E. Clark, telegraphist at Christchurch, takes his place at Waitara. Mrs Gus Lucas, of Pahiatua, is staying with her sister, Miss Clark, at ‘ Cowley,’ Blenheim. Lieutenant-Colonel Banks, officer in command of the Auckland volunteer district, paid an official visit to Lieutenant-Commander Ash, of H.M s. ’ Goldfinch,’ whilst lying in Auckland Harbour. Colonel Banks was accompanied by Lieutenant Grant, district adjutant, and conveyed on board by a cutter's crew belonging to the Auckland Naval Artillery Volunteers. Miss Marshall. Miss Bayly, and Miss C. D. Bayly, all of New Plymouth, are friends in Auckland. There are a good many changes just now in the peritmnel of the officers of the various boats belonging to the Union Steamship Company : —Captain Post, of the • Pukaki,’ will take up the position of wharfinger in Wellington during the temporary absence of Captain Strang in Dunedin ; Captain Downie, of the ‘ Rosamond.' is appointed to the * Pukaki ;’ Mr Ward, first officer of the ■Talune,’ to master of the ‘Rosamond;' Mr Worrell, first officer of the ‘Te Anau,’ to first officer of the ■ Talune ;’ Mr Walker, first officer of the ‘ Marapouri ' which is being laid up for some months), to first officer of the 'Te Anau Mr Hely. second officer of the ' Manapouri.’ to second officer of the ‘Te Anau Mr Drewett, third officer of the ' Manapouri,’ is relieving Mr Hutchings, third officer of the ‘ Talune,' temporarily.

Mrs Walter Johnston, of Wellington, is paying a visit to her daughter. Mrs Baldwin. Mrs Levien has returned to Nelson, looking all the better for her trip to Wanganui. Mr C. D. Whitcombe. formerly Crown Lands Commissioner of Taranaki, but lately secretary to the Premier of Tonga, intends shortly to leave that island on a visit to New Zealand. Mr M alter Stoddart, chief engineer of the Waitara Freezing Works, has left on a trip to England. Mr J. C. Firth left Auckland for Sydney by the ‘ Tarawera ’ last week. Mrs and Miss Spencer, of Napier, have gone away for a change. M iss Stavely (Wellington who has been the guest of Mrs Baillie at Para, drove with Miss Robertson from Blenheim to the Awatere on Saturday afternoon, where she will stay with Mrs Renwick. Mrs Ridings has returned to Auckland from Dunedin. The Hon. J. McKenzie left Dunedin for his home at Shag Point last week, and dia not return before proceeding North. The ' Upolu ' has left the Waitemata Harbour for the Eastern Pacific. Mr C. Shearer, formerly connected with the Taranaki Harbour works, who has been to Johannesburg, has returned to New Plvuiouth. He says there is little likelihood of a war in Transvaal, as it would be much against the interests of the Boers to fight.

The new master of the Auckland College and Grammar School. Mr W. J Morrell, was married the day before he sailed for New Zealand (April ist) to Miss Tucker, who is also a literary scholar. She was mistress of a first-class ladies’ school at Blackheath prior to her marriage. Thus both Mr and Mrs Morrell will prove great acquisitions to literary circles in Auckland. Mr Morrell is also an excellent musician. He is twentyeight years of age. Mrs Duncan Smith has returned to Picton from a visit to the Rev. H. Ensor and Mrs Ensor in Canterburv. Mrs Smith has enjoyed her visit to Canterbury amazingly. Mr J. W. Joynt, M A., principal of Nelson College, is at present on a visit to the Hon. J. A. Tole, Auckland. Miss F. Campbell has returned to Nelson from her long stay in New Plymouth. The name of Mrs Bosca wen, of Auckland, was ac cidentally omitted from the list of Auckland candidates who passed the New Zealand University examinations for the degree of B A. Miss Jean Rutherford has gone to the Pelorus Sound to visit Mrs H. Wynn-Williams. Misses Isabel and Gretchen Rutherford have gone to spend the term’s holidays with Mrs J. Duncan at the 'Grove.' Queen Charlotte Sound, and Misses Grace and Belle Allen are spending a week with Mrs C. Beauchamp at ‘ Auikiwa. Queen Charlotte Sound. A cablegram was received last week in Wellington from San Francisco from Mr Seddon, the Premier, announcing the arrival there of Mrs Seddon, his daughters, and htmself, all well. The trip, he adds, was a very pleasant one. Mr J. Vile, the Mayor of Pahiatua. has been on a isit to New Plymouth.

Mrs and Miss Garrick are expected to arrive in Christchurch very shortly, having reached Australia on their way out from England. Captain and Mrs Gibson (Christchurch) are at present staying in Nelson. Mrs Hodgkins. Misses L. and E. Macl.ean left Dunedin on Wednesday tor Timaru to spend a short time with Miss MacLaren. This being a gay week in Timaru, they should spend a very pleasant time. Miss Griffiths shortly leaves Auckland for her own home in Melbourne. Mrs J. S. Smalley, of Masterton, arrived in England the last week in April. She travelled riu San Francisco. Mr J. T. Catlev, of the Lands' Department, has completely recovered from his recent serious accident, and resumed his duties. Miss L Gribben Hokitika is staying with her sister at the Nelson Girls' College. The Misses Maude and Lu u Sise left Dunedin last Saturday for Oamaru. where they are going to spend a few weeks with their sister. Mrs Chas Reid. Mr and Mrs Clarence Rennell returned to New Plymouth from Australia last Tuesday, looking much better forthe trip They have been absent three months. Mr Len. Horne has been transferred from the National Bank. Blenheim, to Wanganui. Mr and Mrs Markham have returned from England to Auckland. Those working under Mr H W. Moore, late manager of the Waitekauri Goldmining Company's mine, have presented him with a beautiful gold watch and chain, suitably inscribed Mr Moore is now manager of the Silverton Goldmining Company's Mine. Miss ALICE Grace has returned from Hawke’s Bay to Wellington. Miss Atkinson (Wellington) has been paying a long visit to Mrs C. W. Govett in New Plymouth. Mrs Hartmann has gone to visit friends in Wanganui from Wellington. Mr Alfred Hogg is moved from Dunedin to Auckland. His friends in Dunedin will miss him very much indeed. Mrs Ashcroft, of Hunterville. is staying with her mother, Mrs Carthew, in New Plymouth. Miss T. Stephenson has returned to Dunedin from Nelson, where she was spending a short time with her sister, Mrs Burns. Mrs Tripe has gone to Christchurch for a trip from Wellington. Bishop Verdon, of Dunedin, is to be presented with a carriage and pair on the occasion of his episcopal anniversary. At a meeting in Dunedin last week over /'oo was subscribed for the purpose. Mr N. J. Rusden, formerly of Taranaki, but who is now settled in another part of the colony, is on a short visit to New Plymouth. Miss Rose and her brother have returned from their trip to Rotorua, and are again in Wellington. Mr F. McGuire. M.H.R.. of Hawera, who has been on a visit to Auckland, returned home on May -th. Miss Izard has gone to Dunedin as a change from Wellington. Captain Thomas, the drawing room ventriloquist, and Miss Celia Dumpier, of Auckland, appeared at the first of the ‘ pops, which were given in the Opera House. Hawera, on May 10th. Mr and Mrs Filluel, who have lived in Oamaru for many years, have been prtsented with an illuminated address on leaving the district. On the Junction Road, New Plymouth, there is a married couple whose joint ages total 176 years. Miss Linton Picton) has been staying with Mrs Carey in Blenheim, but has now gone to pay a visit to Mrs Renwick. Dumgree. Awatere. Mr J. E. Finch, on his retirement from the post of organist of St. Luke's. Oamaru. a position he has filled for 28 years, was presented by the congregation with a gold watch and chain. Amongst the Auckland passengers to San Francisco by the ‘ Mariposa' were Mr A I. Sarle of Messrs Arnold. Cheney and Co.’s office, and Mrs and Miss Sarle. It is the intention of Mr Sarle to reside in the United States permanently. Mr T. L. Buick, ex-member for Wairau, has left the Marlborough district to join the literary staff of Mr F. Pirani's journal, the standard, at Palmerston North. Mr J. H. Witheford is expected to return to the colony from London after the Queen’s Jubilee, and intends to build a new residence on his property at Hellver's Creek.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XVIII, Issue XXI, 22 May 1897, Page 642

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Personal Paragraphs. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XVIII, Issue XXI, 22 May 1897, Page 642

Personal Paragraphs. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XVIII, Issue XXI, 22 May 1897, Page 642

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