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Personal Paragraphs.

HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR and the Countess of Glasgow visited the Primate (Dr. Cowie) at Bishopscourt, Auckland, last Tuesday. Mrs Nelson, wife of the Canon of St. Paul’s, Auckland, and Mrs J. Goodall, Park Road, are kindly selling tickets for the Art Union of the paintings generously donated by Mr Kenneth Watkins.

Captain Preston was in Dargaville last week enjoying a few days’ duck shooting.

The Rev. W. Curzon-Siggers,feneni.of St. Mary’s, Auckland, lectured on the Transvaal, in the Parish Hall, Parnell, last week. The lecture was an excellent one. The secretary of the Auckland Roman Catholic Literary Society, Mr F. J. O’Meara, reports that society to be in a flourishing condition. For the ensuing term Mr Edmund Mahoney is President, Messrs Gray and M. J. Sheehan being Vice-presidents. The Rev. Scott West is away from Auckland for the present, lecturing at Matakana, etc., on ‘J. M. Barrie and his Works.’ Captain and Mrs Daldy have returned to Auckland from Christchurch. IT is proposed by members of the legal profession in Auckland to have a memorial painting of the late Mr Justice Richmond. Mr J. Pascoe, the mining expert, is at present in Auckland. The Misses Chapman (Australia) are leaving Wellington for Dunedin, where they make a short stay, thence they return to their home. Mr and Mrs Lane (Halcombe) are in Wellington for a short visit. Mr and Mrs C. LouGhnan (Hawke’s Bay), passed through Wellington on their way down to Christchurch, where, it is said, they intend to settle down. Mr Guy Johnston is spending his holidays with his family in Hobson-street, Wellington. Mr and Mrs Biss leave Wellington for a trip to Sydney by the ‘ Waihora ’ next week.

Mrs Ogal (Christchurch) is staying with her sister, Mrs Wardiop, of Wellington.

Mrs Robert Turnbull (Limburn) is at present staying at Littlebourne.

Mr and Mrs Friend have taken a house in Tinakori Road, Wellington, for the session. They are coming in from Karori next week.

Mrs Graham (Dunedin) is the guest of Mrs Leckie, Wellington.

Miss NevilL (niece of the Bishop of Dunedin) has returned to Bishopgrove after a long absence in England, looking all the better for the change.

Mr and Mrs Alex Williams have been staying in Wellington for a few days. They leave shortly for their home at Palmerston North.

The ‘Tasmania’ brought Mr Edwin Hesketh to Auck land from the South.

Mr J. Laurenson, of the Palmerston Post and Tele graph Office staff, who has just returned from San Francisco, has been transferred to the Wellington office. Mr Laurenson has been attached to the Palmerston North office for 12 Jj years.

Mr Geo. Fowlds, of Auckland, intends to stand lor Parliament this next election. He is also a candidate for membership on the Mount Albert Road Board.

Mr Woodford has left Suva for Sydney, cm route to the Solomon Group, to take up his new appointment as Deputy Commissioner over the Group.

Captain C. E. Bird, of the ‘ Warrimoo,’and wellknown in New Zealand, is to be transferred to the ‘ Miowera,’ vice Captain Stott, who has resigned from the Vancouver service. Captain M. C. Hepworth, of the Anglo-Australian line, is to be the new commander of the ‘ Warrimoo.’ Mr A. Mair, of Halcombe, and for many years headmaster at Hawera School, is very ill indeed. A petition is being signed at Gisborne asking Mr Isaac Bayly to stand for the district at next election in the Opposition interest.

Mr ATack, editor of the Canterbury Times, was the recipient of a cheque from the Lyttelton Times Company, and a purse of sovereigns from the employees on the occasion of his marriage in Christchurch some days ago. The literary staff of that paper also presented him with a silver teapot and set of carvers.

Miss Clara STEEL, leading lady soprano in the Baring Square Church choir, was lately married in the Wesleyan church, Ashburton, to Mr Frank J. Bevan, of the Sydney Daily Telegraph.

Mr Percy Upton, at present in the office of the South British Insurance Company, Napier, leaves Auckland shortly to take up a position in the Calcutta branch of the same Company.

Mr and Mrs Buckleton are going to Sydney shortly on a visit. Mr Buckleton is accountant in the Bank of New Zealand, Auckland.

Miss Lily Russell, of the Cambridge Secondary Training School, and a new arrival in the colony, has been appointed third mistress of the Napier High School.

Mr Johnston, of the Hawera branch of the Bank of New Zealand, has been transferred to Wellington, and Mr Pinkney is to proceed to Christchurch. Mr Hempton, of the Waitara branch, succeeds Mr Johnston.

The Rev. Father Mahoney, of Auckland, with Miss Mahoney (his sister) and his niece, Miss Haven, are about to visit England and the Continent shortly.

Lieutenant Willis (H.M.S. ‘Royalist') has taken the place on H.M.S. ‘ Pylades,’ rendered vacant by the absence of Lieutenant Parker on sick leave ; his serious attack of diphtheria having caused him to be invalided home.

The Master of the I’akuranga hounds this year is Colonel Dawson, of Ellerslie, Auckland. The Huntsman is Mr Selby.

The Matakana fruitgrowers are represented al the Wellington Fruit Conference by Mr I. G. Carrie. Mr L. Hanlon is the representative of the Wellington fruitgrowers. Both gentlemen have gone to the Empire City.

A new member of the Carlyle House Memorial Trust is Professor Gilfray, of Dunedin.

Mr H. Hobden, a young Nelsonian, who entered the Eastern Extension Cable Company’s service at Cable Bay, where he has been stationed for some years, has received notice of his promotion to Port Darwin.

The Ven. Archdeacon Lingard, of Christchurch, is now sufficiently convalescent to resume his parochial duties.

Mr H. C. Pilcher, formerly of Wellington, and now manager of the Capetown branch of the South British Insurance Company, was attacked with dengue fever when on a business trip to Johannesberg recently. When the last mail left he was convalescent.

Captain and Mrs Rose, of Wellington, will probably leave for England by the ‘ Kaikoura,’ which sails this week.

Major Harris, M.H.R., has quite recovered from his recent accident, and was in Auckland fora few days prior to leaving for Taranaki with the other members of the Land Board.

Miss O’Grady, who for more than two years and a quarter did excellent work as Matron of the Women’s Home, has left Auckland for her home in Ireland. Her departure is much regretted by the members of the Committee and her numerous friends, and last, but certainly not least, by the many girls who have come under her wise and almost magnetic influence for good.

The Rev. N. D. Boyes has left Papakura for his new charge at Stratford. Before his departure—which is much regretted in the district—some of his Papakura friends presented him with a purse of sovereigns, saying how much he and Mrs Boyes were respected ami liked.

Miss Duncan, Wellington, intends to pay a visit to the Old Country, leaving shortly after the session. She will probably be away some time, seeing all her relations at Home.

Mr J. M. Batham has resigned his position as a member of the Christchurch Cathedral Chapter, and the Bishop has appointed in his place Mr C. E. Bevan Brown, M.A., the well known and respected Headmaster of the Boys’ High School, Christchurch, who has for so many years carried on Scripture instruction classes in his school with the approval of all concerned, and with conspicuous benefit to the youths receiving it. Mr T. SKELLER.s left Auckland for the south last week to take part in the Brunnerton Commission.

Mrs Philip Russell and Miss Le Oren passed through Wellington this week on their way home after paying several visits in the Napier district.

Mr S. G. Stanton has been appointed Registrar of Electors for the Wairarapa district in place of Mr R. C. Black, transferred.

Mr and Mrs Edward Riddiford and the Misses Cooper and Riddiford went across t"> Nelson from Wellington to be present at the wedding of Miss Broad and Mr Ormond Cooper.

The Bishop of Wellington and Mrs Wallis arrived in Auckland on Saturday.

Mr and Mrs Thus. Rose are in Wellington again from their Southern visit, and the Misses Rose have also returned home after paying various visits among their city friends. Canon Haugtain is at present in Auckland.

In I’ictou last Thursday night three of the Messrs Seymour, Mr Hugh McCormick,and MrG. B. Richardson left for Wellington en route for Sydney. The party were given a very jolly ‘send off’ by the rowing club, the regatta committee, and a goodly proportion of the male residents of Picton. The rowing club have instructed Mr Hugh McCormick to purchase another boat for his use instead of the one broken by collision with the yacht ‘ Maia. ’

Mr and Mrs Douglas McLean are in Wellington for a few days before leaving for Sydney en route to England. They do not intend to make a long visit, as Mr McLean must be in his district early in the summer for the electioneering campaign. Mr J. A. Browne, alias ' Rolf Boldrewood,’ has been Wellington’s guest for two brief visits during the last week or two. He spent two months in New Zealand. Miss Laura Baker has returned to Auckland alter a long and pleasant visit to Wellington, where she was the guest of Mrs Hales. Mrs Napier has gone back to her own home after her visit to her parents, Mr and Mrs E. W. Mills, in Wellington. The Rev. I. Richards, Warden of Selwyn College, Dunedin, has now nine young men studying under him. Some of these are in deacons’ orders, and like the clergy resident at St. John’s College, Auckland, in the first days, minister regularly in ‘ college ’ districts under the supervision of the warden. His Excellency the Governor and Major Elliot had a very fair day’s shooting at Mr Every Maclean’s estate, ‘ Bleak House,’ near Howick, on Friday. Quite a large number of hares and pheasants were bagged. His Excellency returned to Government House in the evening. Mr and Mrs Markham leave Auckland for England in a fortnight’s time for a short visit. Mr J. C. Hanna, manager New Zealand Insurance, Wellington, is in Auckland at present. Mr McCoRyuODALE, of the Auckland Northern Roller Mills, went to Sydney last week. The Auckland Baptist Minister, Pastor Blaikie, is staying at Rotorua for the benefit of his health. The new judge of the Native Land Court, Mr Dunbar Johnson, lately Registrar of the Wellington Native Land Court, is to inaugurate his career by presiding at a sitting of the Court at Otorohanga, Waikato, early in June. Captain Preston, A.D.C., is expected frombisducksliooting expedition at Northern Wairoa to-day. The Rev. W. Gillies, of Timaru, Presbyterian minister, has been presented with an illuminated address by his congregation in recognition of the twenty-first anniversary of his ministry. Mrs Gillies received a purse of sovereigns. Cardinal Moran and Archbishop Carr have come over from Melbourne to take part in the consecration of Dr. Verdon in Dunedin. Mr Carr (Carr, Johnston and Co., Auckland), Mr John Marshall, and Mr W. Dodge (Rarotonga) have left Auckland for Rarotonga and Tahiti per s.s. ‘Taupo.’ Partly on account of the representations of Mr Dodge, the Union Company started the service. Mr George Dunnett (Henderson and Macfarlane, Auckland) was also a passenger. ‘ Rolfe Boldrewood ’ was the guest of Judge Denniston during his stay in Christchurch.

Mrs H. Brett, of Takapuna, Auckland, returned from her visit to Christchurch and Wellington on Saturday. The ‘ Takapuna ’ last week also brought back to Auckland Mrs and MissColbeck, of Epsom, who have been staying in Christchurch. Mr Hamer, of the plains, has just returned to Christchurch from a trip to Oamaru. He received a severe shaking in a boat accident there, but fortunately escaped with little serious hurt. Mr and Mrs W. B. Common are doing the Lakes in the Auckland district, and expect to be absent from Christchurch another week or so. The following ladies and gentlemen won the prizes in the Art Union held in connection with the Auckland Society of Arts :—Miss C. Horne, /To; MrsW. Hellaby, /io ; Dr. Knight, /'8 ; Mr J. H. Upton, /'8 ; Mr J. Ranson, /'5 ; Mr E. Hesketh, /5 ; Mr J. Edson, £4 ; Mr L. Armitage, /’4 ; Miss M. Kissling, £3 ; Mrs May, /‘3 ; Miss Gorrie, /’3 ; Miss Shoveller, / 2. Mrs Bilborough, formerly of Auckland, is expected from India for the hunting season. Mrs Stuart MenteaTh, cousin of Lady Glasgow, is still, we regret to hear, exceedingly unwell. She is now in Auckland. There was a very large attendance of friends and neighbours at a social given on Wednesday night to Mr C. A. Taylor, who has been for some time in charge of the Te Awamutu branch of the Bank of New Zealand. Mr Taylor is obliged to go to England to obtain advice for his eyes. His exceeding popularity as a business man and a social acquisition was testified by the immense number of people from neighbouring districts who came to wish him bon voyaje. The Rev. W. H. Wilson presided at the social, which was most successfully arranged by the vestry. A few musical items, followed by a lively little dance and a capital supper, provided an excellent evening’s entertainment with, of course, the usual valedictory speeches to a popular man who has been connected with all sorts of clubs and societies.

Mrs Fell, of Nelson, has gone to Wellington for the benefit of her health.

The Rev. F. and Mrs Chatterton left Nelson last week on a six weeks’ mission tour in the North Island, the Rev. A. and Mrs Sedgwick, of Picton, taking charge of All Saints’ parish during their absence.

During the past week Mr Cheok Hong Cheong, an educated Chinese missionary has visited Nelson.

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Graphic, Volume XVI, Issue XIX, 9 May 1896, Page 535

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Personal Paragraphs. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XVI, Issue XIX, 9 May 1896, Page 535

Personal Paragraphs. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XVI, Issue XIX, 9 May 1896, Page 535

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