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Dear Bek, October 3. You will have to exercise a little patience this week in reading my long letter, as I have such an amount of gaiety to write about. * This week is the CARNIVAL WEEK OF HAWKE'S BAY, and the festivities are generally as numerous as those of Cup week in Christchurch. Before mentioning the race a, 1 have several other functions to jot down, the first of which is the DRUM AND FIFE BAND BALL held at Messrs Wenley and Lanauze’s new weol store at Port Ahuriri, the attendance at which was phenomenal, it being estimated that fully 1.500 persons were present. You will be surprised at this number being able to be under one roof, but as the building is 196 feet in length and 80 feet wide, you will perceive the practicability of it. '1 he decorations were superb, every flag and banner in the Port being ustd, and the evergreens must have taken dajs to pick. In the middle was a large raised dais for the Band stand, and like all the walls it was profusely decorated. The new Band looked extremely neat in their unifoims of navy blue sailor costumes and white braid. After the first polka and grand inarch, when His Worship the Mayor (Mr G. H. Swan) led od with Mrs Wenley, followed by Mr Wenley and Mrs Swan, the City and Garrison Bands took their place and played inspiriting music till the end of the evening. The Mayor, during the interval, in a congratulatory speech, presented a drum major’s staft on behalf of a gentleman at the Port, to the band, and Captain Tonkin suitably responded. Fancy dresses were very numerous, and the scene was one to be remembered when dancing was in full swing, the excellent lighting effects added greatly to the brilliancy of the scene. The catering was equal to all emergencies, and the host of waitersand waitresses were kept busy in supplying all the demands of hungry dancers. The tables were tastefully arranged. The next occasion on which the public wi 1 have a chance of dancing in this giant hall will be on Tuesday evening, when the Port Ahuriri Lawn Tennis and Bow ling Club hold a large ball. Over a thousand people will be present, including His Excellency the Governor and suite, and the captains and officers of H.M.S. Ringarooma and Goldfinch now in port. At • Ashridge,’ Taradale, the beautiful residence of Mr and Mrs Henry Williams, a PROGRESSIVE EUCHRE PARTY was held on Thursday evening. A private drag started from town at 7 p.m., and it was one a.m. before the merry party reached the Post Office. Seven tables w’ere used, and the guests included Mr and Mrs W. Finch, Mrs J. McVay, Mrs George White, Misses Williams. Smith (two , White (Porangahan), Hobbs, M. Kennedy, Foster, Roach, Messrs White, Hughes. Cato, Todd, Maginnity, Kiely. Davidson, etc. A great many of the ladies and gentlemen contributed songs and instrumental selections after the prizes were distributed. A recherche supper was served, and the moonlight drive home was thoroughly enjoyed. CHURCH PARADE on Sunday 7 was largely attended and the additional interest of the presence of His Excellency the Governor and party, as well as the fact of two warships being in port added greatly to the scene. Lady Glasgow wore a grey silk with stylish shoulder cape of velvet, and bonnet; Lady Alice Boyle in green silk, and large hat with yellow flowers. True Hawke’s Bay spring weather prevailed on the two days of THE JOUKEY CLUB MEETING — (dear cloudless sky. bright sun with the air so beautifully mild that the lightest of muslin frocks worn seemed apropos to the occasion. The course looked perfection, especially at luncheon time in the members’ carriage paddock, when large groups of gaily dressed people grouped themselves under the green spreading willows. Large numbers of visitors from all parts of the colony were present, including Lord and Lady Glasgow and suite, who arrived in Hastings by train, and were driven thence to the course, where they were received at the lawn entrance by Captain Russell, the President of the Club. Everyone seemed to have come prepared to enjoy, his or herself. Of course a few went away wiserand sadder with heavy hearts and lightened purses, while the more philosophical hoped lor better luck next time, and the more successful ones congratulated themselves on their superior sagacity. I invested all my spare coins—and they are few enough at present—in sweepstakes in the wild hope of making a small fortune, but. I lost everjthing, and came back wondering what any one could see in races, but no doubt at the next opportunity given me I shall be present on the course. The city band discoursed enlivening selections during the day, and during luncheon hour took up their stand on the inner lawn. FIRST DAY’S DRESSES. The Countess of Glasgow' was gowned exquisitely in shot green and black brocade with ciel blue sprigs and point de venis lace collar, blue bands on corsage, striking bonnet of blue and green flow'crs arranged in an artistic mode, parasol <-» suite ; Lady Alice Boyle w’as much admired in pale blue silk with bodice of a peachy shade of heliotrope, picture hat of cream straw thickly adorned with blue flowers, large white veil: Mis Russell, black silk: Miss Russell was prettily gowned in eau de-nil check silk, black hat and green tips; Mrs J. H. Coleman wore a handsome English importation, consisting of heliotrope shot brocade and black chiftbn and jet pei.dants. r/iic bonnet with heliotrope flowers ; Miss Watt, pale lilac sprigged silk with ruche at hem of lilac silk; the bodice was of a deeper shade veiled in fine black net, pretty large white chip hat with cream feathers and lilac, cream veil spotted in black ; Miss Gertrude Watt, a dove grey and pink mousseline fie soic with pink surah collar, large black hat with pink roses and black plumes ; Mrs Ormond, black and heliotrope ; Miss Ormond, buff crepon and lace insertion, black hat with wings; Miss Ada Ormond, Gobelin blue crepon and black satin bands, black hat; Mrs Johnston (Wellington), black merveilleux, with white satin front and jet epaulettes, black bonnet and white aigrette, handsome cape edged with wide black lace; Mrs Percy Baldwin (Wellington), cream merveilleux, brocaded satin sleeves, large cream hat and veil, satin parasol lined inside with wide lace; Mrs Fenwicke wore a dainty white nainsook with Valenciennes lace round the hem, and also insertion, large bishop sleeves and square collar edged with lace, satin waist belt, black velvet hat; Mrs Moore (Rakamoana), black crepon with heliotrope and jet, stylish bonnet; Mrs Wood, green check and silk, black hat; Mrs Swan, black satin and heliotrope, stylish bonnet of violets; Mrs F. W. Thompson (Christchurch), grey beige and green velvet rovers, white silk front, large hat with feathers; Miss Kennedy, black skirt, blue blouse; Mrs Rathbone, black surah and heliotrope silk; Mrs Kinross White, black crepon with check silk on bodice, and stylish shoulder cape with ribben rosettes: Mrs Lowry, grey silk, and bonnet; Miss Mary Lowry, electric blue crepon with biscuit coloured lace, small toque; Miss A. Lowry, fawn crepon with ecru lace, black tooue with roses; Mrs Lowry North, bufif beige with lace over satin, cream hat; Miss Williams (Frimley), art blue with shot silk, black hat; her sister, in dainty white frock with lace waterfalls on skirt, pretty white fichu, chip hat and feathers; Mrs J. N. Williams, heliotrope shot brocade, and stylish redingote, black bonnet with lilac : Mrs John McVay, black satin with yellow satin veiled in lace, styli h little bonnet with green velvet rosettes; Mrs Hoadley, black crepon with heliotrope silk, becoming jet bonnet; Mrs Arthur Gore, brown cloth tailormade gown with satin vest braided in gold, sunburnt straw toque lined with brown velvet; Miss Balfour, navy serge, and black chip hat; Miss Danvers, cream and pink, large hat with pink roses; Mrs Charles Loughnan, stylish costume; Mrs Kettle, bull’ tweed; her daughter in green velvet; Miss Birch, black with green velvet yoke and jet; Mrs J no. Close, black moire and mantle; Mrs Philson, sprigged muslin, black toque; Mrs Galway, tweed; Mrs Wenley. two shades of green crepon, black hat; Miss Roach, black ; Miss Smith, check print, and black toque; Mrs Humphries, grey tweed ; Mrs Chas. Nairn, black mourning costume; Miss Nairn, fawn tweed with blouse, sunburnt straw’ hat with roses; Mrs F. U Gordon, cream alpaca with yellow vest, hat with ytllow rosettes; Miss I’carl Seale, white drill and lavender tie : Mrs Mason Chambers, peacock blue drill with lace collarette; Mrs Pilcher, black; Miss Macfar.ane (Christchurch), black and white; Miss Luckie, green and black brocade; Mrs Douglas, black ; Mrs Richardson, brown tweed and beaver; Mrs G. Donnelly was in black and heliotrope; her daughter wore pink gingham, black and pink hat: Mrs Moeller, fawn cloth, black cape, hat trimmed with magenta velvet and

black feathers; Mrs Arthur Carlyon, tweed finished with velvet; Mrs Herman, cream delaine, picture hat; Mrs Dixon, black crepon. chiffbn cape, .jet bonnet: Mrs Looghnan, fawn and green silk; Mrs Shaw, black. Gobelin blue sleeves; Mrs Reid, black silk: Miss Webster, green and black crepon. the bodice of accordion black chiffbn, lace and roses formed the toque; her sister wore navy blue, hat of black; Miss Price and sisters wore grey beige, velvet braces, silk fronts, sailor hats; Miss Simcox, grey and white delaine, hat of grey with poppies; Miss Hitchings (three), striped muslins, white shoes and gloves, sailor hats; Miss Herrick, navy skirt, pink blouse. Amongst the male sex I noticed Captain Johnson and officers of Ringarooma and Goldfinch. Captains Campbell-Preston and Gaythorne-Hardy. Captain Russell, Messrs Gore. Studholme, T. H. Lowry. Williams, Reid (Ellersdie). Thompson, Russell. Gordon. Fenwicke, Galway, R. J. Hunter. Dr. Nairn. Messrs Turrell. Macleod, Kennedy. Kinross, White. Kettle, Ormond, Donnelly. Shaw. Macfarlane. Beamish, R. Douglas McLean, A'Deane, Herman. Goudy. Swan, Burke, Bowen. Lusk. Sainsbury, Davidson. Nelson. Rathbone, Richardson, Close. Moeller, Gaisford, Loughnan, Gordon, Coleman, Nelson Pierce. B. Goring (Welling on), Birch. Lowry, North, Mason, Hassall, Douglas, G. E. G. Richardson, Hoadley. Fitzroy, etc. SECOND DAY. Lady Glasgow wore a very handsome pearl grey corded silk panel of grey and white striped surah, becoming shoulder cape of black ribbed silk with frill of rich lace and jet. light bonnet with pink flowers and green leaves ; Lady Alice Boyle looked very refreshing and simple in a white drill costume, sailor hat with white band, white gloves and shoes to match ; Mrs Joe Rhodes (Springhill) looked well in a stylish steel-colonred gown, pretty bonnet to match ; Mrs F. W. Thompson (Christchurch), pretty terracotta cloth draped at the side showing an underskirt of velvet of the same colour, blue silk blouse, handsome shoulder cape of fawn cloth applique, with accordion kilted frill of terra cotta shot silk, black jet bonnet with pink flowers; Mrs Mauries Mason, fawn and pink costume, bonnet to match; Miss A. Ormond, brown tweed, Gobelin blue hat; Miss Ormond, electric blue and pink shot crepon, pink hat trimmed with electric blue ribbon ; Miss Miller, pretty dress of French grey crepon, epaulettes lined with pink, becoming toque of grey with pink flowers and cream lace: Mrs Dan Riddiford (Wairarapat. black broche silk costume with white satin front covered in black jetted tulle, black jet bonnet with bows of black and white striped ribbon ; Mrs John Close, black silk, handsome mant'p jet bonnet; Mrs Moeller, black jacket and skirt. Tattersail vest. Vicar of Bray hat: Mrs George Morris, black and white checked silk with lace epaulettes of black, ribbon waistbelt and ends, small straw coloured toque with black chiffon bows; Miss Dy mock, black serge skirt and black Liberty silk blouse, large bishop sleeves, picture hat of black velvet and feathers; Mrs McVay, black, with white design, black and pink bonnet: Miss Maginnity (Wellington), red serge, pretty full body of shot brown and red spotted silk, large hat, elegant cloak; Mrs Fred Bull, brown striped tweed, small cape and bonnet; Mrs Giblin »Gwavas), pink crepon trimmed with lace: Mrs Faulknor, black costume, bonnet of black with pink flowers; Mrs Percy Baldwin, neat tailor-made tweed ; Mrs Johnston, handsome black silk elegantly trimmed with white satin and black jet: Miss Williams, pretty green costume: Mrs Nelson, handsome grey merveilleux ; Mrs G. P. Donnelly, rich red silk, pretty bonnet; Miss Donnelly, white drill costume: Miss Shaw, neatly fitting black tweed; Mrs (Dr.) Reid (Palmerston), stylish grey dress, pretty bonnet with blush pink roses: Mrs Gore, snuff-coloured tweed; Mrs Herman, cream gown: Miss Balfour, navy blue cloth trimmed with a yoke of white lace insertion, bishop sleeves, black hat; Miss Russell, back with yellow trimmings; Miss Harrirgton, navy blue serge, pink shirt; Misses Hitchings, light crepons, sailor hats ; Miss M. Shaw, light summer tweed ; Miss Nelson, brown tweed, hat to match. A PRIVATE DANCE given by Mrs Coleman in the Athenteum Hall was one of the smartest functions of the week. The decorations were lovely, especially the tree ferns. From the ceiling hung huge Japanese umbrellas and Chinese lanterns. The carpeted staircase was an excellent lounging place, whilst others preferred the cosy and costly drawing-room divans and couches. Our hostess was magnificently gowned in brocaded silk, and wore her diamonds. Her daughters, the Misses Watt, one wore cream, the younger blue brocade. Amongst the guests Mrs Henley was dressed in grey surah and black lace: Mrs D. McLean. pink; Mrs Morris, white; MrR Ormond, black: Mrs Wood. Mrs Carlyon: Mrs Kettle white: Mesdames Russell, Johnstone. Baldwin, Loring. Miss Price, ye’low and pink: Miss Nairn (debutante)., white brocade with pearl embroidery; Miss Balfour, yellow Liberty silk: Miss Cornford, blue: Miss Ormond, white ; her sister, black : Miss Williams white; Miss Dymocks. cream and pink; Miss Simcox, white; Miss Miller, white and silver gauze. THE CRICKETERS’ BALL came off in the Drill-shed. His Excellency the Governor, the Countess of Glasgow and suite were present, also officers from the Ringarooma and Goldfinch. The affair wrs a very successful one. Lady Glasgow looked charming in a dove grey silk richly trimmed with white lace, diamond ornaments ; Lady Alice Boyle wore bl ue silk; Mrs Russell, black and yellow; Mrs Milne Thomson, black : Mrs Griffin, black : Mrs Nairn, black : Mrs W’enley, black with yellow sleeves ; Mrs Lusk, white satin : Mrs Norris, pink and black: Mrs Rhodes, pink and green; Mrs Wood, yellow with black lace: Mrs Gore, blue velvet: Miss Miller, wh’te: Miss Fenwick, white and blue: Miss Tabuteau. rose pink satin; Miss Ormond, white: Miss Williams, black: Miss Russell, grey silk: Misses Watts, pompadour brocades ; Mi«s St. Hill, blue brocade ; Misses Price (two), lemon and pink; Miss Campbell, white; Misses Dymock. one in pink and green, the other in pink : Miss Balfour, yellow*; Miss Butts, white; Miss Shaw, black: Miss Hitchings, mack; Miss Sutton, pink; Miss Marden, white; Miss Foster, black : Miss Birch, green; Miss Kennedy, white ; Miss Groome. white ; Miss Nairn, white : Miss Williams, white; Miss Cotterill, yellow ; Miss Binney, blue velvet; Miss Locking, white brocade. The music was supplied by Clark's band, and extras were played by Mesdames Wilkie, Collins, and Kettle, the Misses Balfour and Williams. A COMPLIMENTARY SUPPER was given by the Hawke's Bay Club to the Governor and warship officers on Thursday from seven till ten. For the AGRICULTURAL SHOW we had spring weather. On Friday it was a gala day in Hastings, and there was a crowded attendance. Lady Glasgow wore green brocade with blue sprigs, floral bonnet, grey silk dost coat: her daughters were both attired in green silk with black lace over light green, black hats covered with flowers; Miss Williams (Wellington wore white muslin with lace insertion, sailor hat: Mrs Wenley, tweed, green vest, black hat with mignonette ; Mrs Nairn, black; Mrs Rhodes, grey crepon ; Mrs Murray, black, white fichu : Mrs Coleman, heliotrope ; Mrs Hoadley, black and green : Miss Watt, pink rrenon. black hat with plumes and pink roses; Miss Simcox, blue drill sailor hat; Miss Ormond, tweed, hat of cornflower blue silk : Miss Kennedy, black skirt, white blouse : Miss Williams, navy ; Miss Hobbs, brown tweed ; Miss Miller, pink gingham, white tooue with pink roses ; Miss Groome, grey check; Mies Nelson, navy blue; Miss Binney, blue serge; Misses Price, one in yellow, black belt; one in shot crepon. lace collar, sailor hats ; Miss Nairn, fawn and pink silk, white lace collar, black hat with roses: Miss Hoadley and sisters, heliotrope; Misses Kingham, white leghorns, with heliotrope flowers; Miss Haslett, white veiling.


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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XV, Issue XVI, 19 October 1895, Page 488

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NAPIER. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XV, Issue XVI, 19 October 1895, Page 488

NAPIER. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XV, Issue XVI, 19 October 1895, Page 488

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