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Dear Bee, March 19 I am always fir lad when anyone in thia color y buys local products to send Homa The Earl and Cour t *rs of Glasgow have ordered to be shipped tn Scotland a beautiful suite of bedroom f' rnitnre mad«> of handsome New Zealand woods. Lady Dorothy accompanied her narents on their visit of inspection nf our f<»re«t treasures as exhibited in Queen-street, ana Captain El’iot wa« in after dance. We w p re all much concerned to learn last Saturday that, there were unpromising symptoms in connection with Lady Augusta Boy’e’s ankle, and a consultation of surgeons took p a e at Government House on Sunday morning. Everyone is much p’eased tn hear that, some slight improvement has taken place, and we all earnestly trust it may continue. Her enforced inaction this love’y weather most he very trying Sir John and Lady Thti’s’on and family have gone to Wellington We are quiet this week, the opera engrossing most of our time. THE REMUERA MUSICAL CLUB crave a large ‘at Home’ last Thursday evening in the Mount Hohsnn Hall, having issued one hu- dred and fifty invitations. Mrs Heywood rec ived the numerous guests as they arrived with the a--istav»ce of Mi-s the Secretary. Mi-s Hardie distributed th* 1 pretty go’d edged programmes containing the mure 1 items, which were well rendered, viz Tiio by the viss®* Pier- e, Purchas and Thorpe: riann solos by Tilly. M. H-ywroi, Batger. McMillan and Mrs Petrie; by Mrs Tait, the Mis-es Thorpe. Ida Pierce. Hesketh and Porch kr The hall was beau'ifu’ y primmed with ivy teives. the floor was softened by rugs, and chains and forms were placed around: a tab'e in rhe centra with photos, ec making the hall l«ok verv snuor. The strge was decorated with bamboo, pampas, and large sunflowers. which fonned a sp’endid background for the singers. The supper, which was laid out at the lower end of the hall, looked exceedingly pret’y with its rakes and large bunches of flowers intermingling. Tea and coff*e with a great variety of cakesand sweets were handed round diving th- interval. Dr. Purrhas thanked the ladies of tie Musical Club on behalf of the guests for the very enjoyable evening that had I een spent. I not d aw smart fr* c :s Amongst the wearers thereof were Mrs Heywo»d black silk with whi’e lara red ve \e r cap wi’h wh’te lace: Miss Heywood, blue nun’s vei ing. Mj«< M. H« ywood old rose pink benzaline : Mr and xlrs Diirnan the lady Poking exceed it g y w ell in a sty ish combination of b’ack and white; Mis Seegner, violet gown \ eik d in black lace: vlisa Whist’er. tec-ming white gown: Mrs H obi son, M»-x s qne blue surah : Mrs ColbecV. black silk with lace: Miss Colbeck was much admired in bl«elt n-r costume relieved with ri {‘'Sons • v r s Richmond, b a-k silk skirt he iotrope Li'teriy si k blou«e: Mrs A. C wrick, e ec’rique b’ue finished with p 1 intix i— F Kis*».ing. lovely white mrrveiileux edged with fox fur and white lace; vis* W. Killing d me blue-u r ab finished ’ ith white |»C0: Mrs Thorne-George, htack si k and I ce; Mbs T home George, v hi e crAnon with pink silk sash and b£b** s’ceves ; Mr an** M»h Danrax ille. the lady wearing black silk : Miss Dargaville. simole whi e gown: Mrs Ware <snqu“licor red flow red Ch’na si k: Mrs Thorpe hl°ck silk: Miss F'ora Thorpe looked d•^tingnee in white surah finished wt‘h chifon and green ivy leaves: Mi-s Purchas. b'ack gown fini-h-d w if h terra-cotta ; Mies Mildred Purchas. h’sck 'e’vet finished with white point lace; M.s* Winnie Buddle, serpent green velvet finished with Italie

tulle: Mrs Nel=on George, black silk with blue velvet seevea: Miss Thomas (Christchurch). black velvet finished with Seen sleeves; Mrs Chees*man. black skirt, ciel blue silk blouse; iss Keesing, black lace with cardinal velvet b£b£ sleeves: Mrs Hay i Rem uera). black : Mrs Foster, black silk; Mrs H «y. black siik; Miss Hardie, white silk with green velvet b£h£ sleeves; Miss back lace: Mrs Gorrie. b'ack silk: Miss Gi Allan, dark skirt, t ink b on e : Mrs Kempt home, b’ack silk : M ’s* Kempthorne buttercup-coloured i o rini-hed with back b»ais: Miss G. K- m >tho*ne. w hi«e Lite ty aiik ; Mi-s Kilgour w bite »-ilk with mo s Kiern r bb ns: Miss L. Gorrie. w hi e bengaline wi h yel’ow ribbons; Mr and Mrs Arch C’ark. th- wea ing b ue silk finisher! with white lac«: Miss Wi kins black tevH trimmed wit»- mignonette green Liberty -ilk : and her sister b ar-k velvet fini-he.l with white ace; Mis* Kfosiing. heliotrope crepon: Miss F Whyte white silk with iiac ribbon stve«mer«*: Mia James Ku-seil ve»y handsome b ack striped >-iik : Mrs Robert Browning, black morveillenx: Mrs Eliot b’acksilk: Miss Elliot. whitecr»pon with gendarme green s e« ve- : Mias Fame Elliot cream nun’s veilii g <* i h Tu-can Liberty si k Empire sa-h and Tuec n velvet b£be s.eeves; Miss Botger. but'etcup si k trimmed with sa-in to match; Miss Reexe*. corail pink with m ss guen watered silk sleeves : Mrs Ashton B U'e. black silk ; Miss Carr white mu-lin with pink ribbon bo • s: Mrs Ker-Taylor, wipe embroidery gown; .Mis-es Kerr-Taylor, cteain crepons; Miss Hesketh. lilac silk veiled in striped n« t: and her **ster wore white; Miss Ida Pierce, whit - surah : V;«s AicMillan, whi e Empi-e s»lk gown; and hers ster » O’ - white finished with \ellow ; Mrs Tait, handsome Mack silk finit-hed with white lace; Mrs Thompson, black si k relieved with white; she w-as a’so wearing -mal yellow sunflowers: Mi-a Thomson was sim ly go » ned in cr am L berty silk ; and her si-t r wore white with the audition of link ribbon : Miss Ti'ly. prey sa’in with pink roses; Mis Kemp ho ne (oisl erne), black sik: ai d le* daughter, a tu«can coloured Liberty silx ; Mrs Petre and her mothe** were l»oth gowned in back; Miss S heliotrope surah: and her sister, a becoini'g white gown : Miss Hooke pretty pale pink silk finished with white lace ; MisGu-j Cates b’sck silk finished with white lace. Mis- Hilda Wor-p. terra-cotta Empire gov n : Miss Baber b a?k silk with rtd velvet neck and sleeves. Amon ■ the gentleman were Messrs Carr (two). Callender. Wa e u i,ewell. Gould Shepherd. McLean. Stubbs. Bruce. Paton. Hardie. Dr. Purchas. an.t Dr. C. Purchas. Me-srs Hesketh, VVinkleman, and many others whom I cannot remember. Mr and Mrs Arthur Bull, of Mount Eden, gave a small IMPROMPTU DANCE last week as a farewell e’er Mr and Mrs Bull and Miss B. Bull left Auckland for a trip to the Old < ountry. Our hostess wore a handsome black silk: Miss Bull and her>i-ter. Miss Ethel. w*re similarly attir* d in white surahs; Mi-s B. Bull, cie. blue Liberty siik: M 8 (Majot) George, black silk: Miss Thomas (Christchurch), pink bengaine: Mis A. GiTnore. white; Miss Hida Worsp. ttrra cotta Empire gown: Miss Nicholson (Meiboun e>, black lace; Mi-s Banks b’ack silk finished with chiffon; Miss E«i th Banks, pink ere kid fini-hed with blue; Mi-sHet-ke h pink, and ter sister was gowned >n white; the Mis-es Bubh (two) w* re both gowned in white: Stevenson, old gold gauzy mstenal. and her sister, ti ik : Misses Ireland (two». preitj comoination of black and white; Messrs Anderson, Goodhue, Noakes, etc., w ere amongst the gentlemen present. The auku.uu meeting of the Auckland AMATEUR ATHLETIC SPORTS took place last Saturday. The day being brilliantly fine the Domain wras crowded with spectators. Delirious afternoon tea was served with cakes, etc . in a large ttnt for the beneti o: the ladies to which ample jus*ice * as done. 1 did nut know a great m»ib amongst the c-owd but I h tve me lioued a few the most suiting gowns. Mrs Cruick-h .nk. very h*nd ouie while mervei.leiix trimmed with while lace v hite bonnet to match ; Miss Fiorrie Buckland, grey check, white vest, hat with wuiie ost’ich feathers; Miss Maud Bucx and. whitesergefini h»d with ribions, hat to correspond: Mr® Holland, blick. and her d ugh ter. grey check u ith bl< ck siik ; Mrs Devereux, grey check : iVii»» Devereux, lilac Eephyr; Mrs Brown, fa ~n gown (rimmed with green velvet; Mrs Neil, green skirt, pink blouse ; Miss Aunrey, black skirt, w hiie blouse; Mi«-s And»rson. lilac gown finished wi h white lace; Miss Percival, black skirt, b ue blouse; Miss Duiin<tt, black moire: Miss Devore, peacock blue cas nmere trimmed with siik of the same hue ; Miss vv right., black : Miss Hooper, white muslin : Mre McUormick. dark green costume, white vest, large hat with ostrich feathers: Mrs Nichol, fawn hoi land ; Mrs a. Carrick, mode grey cashmere; Miss Minitt. pale pin* finished with black lace; Miss Mac Cr-e. sky blue drill; Miss Churtou. whi e mu-din re ieved with red libbons: Mi-s Rees, pa.e blue cambric; Miss Greenwood, tomato red crink ey. large white hat with red poppi«s: Miss Nora Greenweed. pa«e bue cambric; Miss Woolcot. grey skirt and pink blouse; Miss Claud, grey; Mi*s Ryan, navy; Mrs R an. brown hoiland writh white braid; Miss Davy, white relieved with red bows; Miss Courtayne, navy serge relieved with white lace: Mi*H Harding. fawn gown finished with green velvet; Misses Brigham (two), wbire nius in finished with white lace; Miss Bertna Devore, grey skirt, blue b.cuse; Miss George, white musdn; Miss Savage, green skirt, white biouse. while hat wjihoatncn feathersMiss J< bitstone, pale nil green crinkiey with fawn si k sleeves* Miss Cowie, white gown; Miss Ireland, white spotted musin’ Mis* Flossy White, heliotrope and white gown; Miss Garrett a combination of b'ack and white; Mrs Goodwin, a haud&ume black dress, b ack bonnet: Mrs E. Mahoney, a pretty bmwn costume. large hat wiih flowers : Mis* Coffey, a pret.y pink blouse, cream serge skirt, la ge white hat. her sister wore a pretty cream Lee dress, cream silk sleeves, white hat with trimmings of black velvet; Miss Watson (Sydney), a pink cambric, large white hat, pink roses; Miss H -sketh (Melbourne), whi.e China siik trimmed with biack jet, black lace hat writh purple poppies. TEXNIS. Mrs Ruck and Miss Mowbray gave a large afternoon tea last Saturday on tne Parnell Lawn. Tie day was beau til u ly fine. Some of the Club matches were placed off. The tea laoie was prettily d-*corat<d witn bel adonna i ies and gieen leaves. Mrs Ruck were a hand-ome black cosraiie; Miss Mowbiay,* fawn striped zephyr trimmed with lace ; Mrs Leathern, eiectrique blue finished with fawn crepon: Mrs O’Neill, back siik; Miss O’Neill, grey Cheviot twe« d : Mrs Lyons, white pique; Miss Von rturmer. canary coloured mu-uin : Mrs Goring looked d stinguee in white piqu£ with petunia vest and bonnet* Mrs Kaihbone. gendarme green with corselet of ecru lace: Miss Lusk, simule white muslin; Miss Snell, white cambric wi'h orange coloured sash: Miss Power 1 ok<d very pretty in her whi e embroidery gown, whit hat: Mi-s Bursiil pale heliotrope zephyr: Mrs Kilgour. terracotta cashm re; Miss Ki.gour blue flowered rnusli' with havante brown ribbons, hat ensuite witn tmle veil; Mis*- T da e. pa.e pink with green velvet sleeves and her sifter wore a.mou pink; Mrs Whyte back siik; Miss Floss.e Whyte, lire gown; Mra Steven-son. pa.e si.ver grey and while ftrip.d crepon, with bodice veind in ecru lace cha.ming white floral b»nnet; Mr< Rich, tabac brown cishrnere* Mi s Winnie Rich looked well in mode grey mm’s v i ing reneved with white lac*, becoming hat with whim ostrich feathers: Mrs C. Haines, pnk cambric, plaid vest, paid ol. steel butterfly bonnet: Mi-s Is*acs. pale pink finished witn back braid* Miss Thomas iCr»ri-tchu"ch), sky blue crepon; Mrs vVorsp. fawn hoiland fini-hed with black ; Mis- Hi da Wor-p. fawn skirt, blue blo>se*. Mi-s Atk'nsin fawn skirt, p nk b<ou e; «niher si-ter dark skirt, and spotted blou»e: MissChambeis. wh te cieponette*. while hat with oat irh feathers : Mrs smith, fawn gown fin shed with lace : Miss Fairchild pal - bhiecrin-ley zephyr finish d with white lace ; Mrs Dews, black gown ; Mrs Ward, check costum • * Mr* Thompson, black silk, blaca binnet wi.h pink roses; Miss Thomp-on. navy serge; Mrs Thom-on. black siik ; Mi-s Thomson pretty pink gown; Mrs Logan Campbell black silk, laige black picture h»t with spotted veil: Miss Shepherd, b own cheviot tweed ; Miss Annes ey. pale pink flnis od with whneiace: Mrs Pollan, striking costume of ardoise g ey and canary bands of silk: Mrs Be le. white >pitied muslin; Mrs Tom Wood Srey flowered mu-lin ; Mrsßi tham. sty i-h fawn holltndgOAn' lack butterfly bon» et; Mis Ki-sdng. b ack; i-s Ki-s i. g black gown fini-hed with p**tunia trimninzs; and her suner white pique; Miss Nat « n. dark skirt, o ange-coioured blouse: Mrs G odnue looked exire™**ly *ell in a handsotn * black go vn. and bonnet to m vch : Mrs M iMo-i *ld (Ponsmiby black siik with lace domui: Miss Fl< ra MacdonaM nivyskiit an<l spotted biouse* Mrs Ireland back movrMng costume; Mis* Ireland white pique: Mias Gypsy Walker was mu h admired in white; Mrs Pritt and Mrs Wi liam-* we e attind in b<ack; Miss Ray mode grey; Mrs Bo»m1eld (Wonona). back; Mrs Munroe.’black si k; Mrs Munroe j m ) g ey cashmere; Mrs Fairburn, black silk; Miss L. Von Stmmer, paid blue zephyr: Mrs Thorne-

George, navy delaine: Mi*s Thome-George. spotted batiste gown; Mrs Blair, dark skirt. *hiie bouse: Mrs Harrison, navy skirt, pink blouse; Miss Eva Rich, navy skirt spotted blouse: Miss Ch e eman. bright pink zephyr; Miss Out h waite. canaryc » oured gown: Mrs ogstune (Dunedin), mack aiik ; Mrs Patton, b.ack; Mrs (Jorbec. black cashmere: Mrs M'Ciean. black »i.k wth heliotrope in h r bon »et. Miss Kempthorne, fawn hoi land ; Miss G. Kempthorne. red skirt, white blouse; Mrs Birstow, black widow's we*~ds: Miss Barstow, navy serge: Mrs Ware, coquelicot flowered gown: Mrs You ng husband, grey finished with lace ; Mrs u. Stone, mode grey ; Miss Lti->nley. white pique ; Miss Fen 01. g**y ; Miss Lucas, grey : Mrs Harrop. black cashmere; Miss D bl*, grey cashmere; Mrs Tewesley black gown finished with petunia: Miss Fiuxum. black gown with heliotrope trimmings, heliotrope flowered bonnet; Mrs James Russell, b.ack striped moire; Mrs Heywood black cishmere: Mi s Heywood, grey Cheviot tweed; Mrs L’pfii. pi ik cambric: Mrs Arno.d, fawncoatume trimmed with green velvet; Miss Bouillon, cream go vn. A large meeting of ladies was held in the rooms of the Auckland Society of Arts in the Art Gallen last Friday, who were willing to assist in the FORTHCOMING BALL as & Jinale to the exhibition. The dan decided for this dance is April 17tn. To judge by the great number of ladies who attended the meeting, the dance to be a great success. HITHER AND THITHER. Miss Ida Thorne-George is s aying with Mrs Rees at G : sborne. Mrs Ware h>d a most enj »yable little moonlight p.cnic last Friday evening at Kuhimaramara. Mr Cureton, of the Nunn shore. who went to ('oolgardie some months ago. has been \ery ill.with typho.d fever, but we are glad to hear he is now convalescent. Mrs O'Rorke. with a lady friend, is staying st Lake Takapuna. Mrs and the Misses Hesketh t wo» are a *»> ing at the Lake. Mr and Mrs B. Webster have sold their Wdiawio estate, and have tax. n up tmir reside ce at Sylvia Park for the present. Mr, Mrs, and Miss Beatrice Bull have gone for a trip to the old country. In spite of counter attractions at the Domain the WEST END TENNIS LAWN was as largely patronised as usual on Saturday afternoon. Afternoon tea was dispensed by tne Misses Billington, who looked nice in pink, white, and blue blouse, respectively, with cerge skirts; Miss Alice Caldwell wore a becoming dress ofcream cashmere, and cream feathered hat to maten; Miss Butters handsome costume of pearl gr-y and black velvet, black hat; Miss Edwards, sea green spotted musiin. sailor hat with green ribbon: MUs Ria Edwards w r h te spotted muslin, white sailor hat: Mrs Newall and her sister. Miss Burton, wore while cambric blouses with black skirts and hats Miss McDonald, dove-cotoured frock, small while ha r .; Mr« (Joe, navy and white; Miss Maud Sellars, who came as a visitor from Mount Albert, looked pretty in a white hat and b ouse. with skirt of myrtle velvet; Miss Garrick. I think, wore a black and white costume ; Mrs Littler, fawn trimmed with black moire, hat to maten ; etc., etc.

Phyllis Broune.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XIV, Issue XII, 23 March 1895, Page 282

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AUCKLAND. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XIV, Issue XII, 23 March 1895, Page 282

AUCKLAND. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XIV, Issue XII, 23 March 1895, Page 282

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