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Meeting of the Aotea District Maori Land Board.


KUPU APITI. (SCHEDULE.) Tono kia Whakatuturutia nga Tukunga Whenua. (Applications for Confirmation of Alienations.)


Wanganui, 14th December, 1922. NOTICE is hereby given that a sitting of the Aotea District Maori Land Board will be held at Wanganui on Tuesday, the 30th day of January, 1923, at 10.30 o’clock in the forenoon, to consider the matters mentioned in the Schedule hereunder written, and all such other matters as may be lawfully brought before it.

It is hereby notified for the general information of parties that unless reason is shown to the contrary the Board will dismiss, on the ground of non-prosecution, any of the applications referred to herein which are not brought on for consideration at the meeting.


Tono kia Whakatuturutia nga Tukunga Whenua. (Applications for Confirmation of Alienations— continued.)

Tono kia. Whakatuturutia nga Tukunga Whenua. (Applications for Confirmation of Alienations — continued.)

ToNO KIA HuiHUI MAI NGA TANGATA I RARO I WAHI XVIII 0 TE TuRE WHENUA MAORI, 1909. (Applications to summon a Meetings of Owners under Part XVIII of the Native Land Act, 1909.)

Nama. (No.) Nama o te Pukapuka. (Record No.) Te Ahua o te Tuku. (Nature of Alienation.) Te lugoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Nga Ingoa o nga Tangata e whai Tikanga ana. (Names of Parties.) Nga Tangata e tuku atu ana. (Alienors.) Nga Tangata e tango mai ana. (Alienees.) 1 17/97 He hoko (transfer) He m o k e t e (mortgage) Waimarino A 9 .. Napera Huiarei .. Tupeka Turehu. 2 17/277 Rangiwaea 4f 2a 1 Porokoru to Patu ma (and another) Wanganui Trust Company (Limited). 3 18/95 He hoko (transfer) Te Kauae, wahi (part) Rota (Lot) 1, Tekiona (Section) 9 Ruka Kato Vivien Patterson. 4 18/280 He riihi (lease) Ngatitanewai, Rota (Lot) 3, Wahange (Sub.) 3 Wahieroa Riakioa Wananga. 5 18/299 99 Whitianga 2b 11 Rangitaroia te Marae ma (and others) John Harrison Robson. 6 19/9 He m o k e t e (mortgage) Kai-lwi 5b 1 Kahukiwi Hekenui John Donald Welford McBeth ma (and another). 7 19/88 Ngatirahiri 4l 4o Esau William Marsh William Loveridge. 8 19/90 99 Waitara Hauauru (West) 41a me (and) Matarikoriko 1 Hematini Rona .. Mary Syme. 9 19/107 He hoko (transfer) Paranui-a-Mata 10a 2 Nepia te Tauri . . William H. Clapham. 10 19/213 He riihi (lease) Omuturangi 6a, b, c, e .. Ngahamanu Ruamoetahuna ma (and others) Tutehoro Paki Bishop. 11 19/310 He m o k e t e (mortgage) Ngatirahiri 6f 1 Tawhanga Eruera William McKenzie. 12 19/345 He hoko (transfer) „ 3f 1 Matene Raharuhi William Ernest Skelton. 13 19/411 5 y Tiniwaitara 2d .. Heta Kahunui . . Helen Margaret Marshall. 14 19/449 99 Wainui A Uru Hamiora Whakarau Eruera. 15 19/459 99 Puketotara 16 . . Te Hua Taukoi ma (and others) John B. Riley. 16 19/507 !»9 Moturoa 1a 1 Kaho Heremia ma (and another) Emily V. Fitzherbert. 17 19/516 99 Awarua 1a 3, Rota (Lot) 5 Ngaparu Ngamako ma (and another) H. G. R. Mason ma (and others). 18 19/517 Omuturangi 4a Tutawa Paraone Walter F. 19 19/611 He riihi (lease) Ngatimanuhiakia 4d Ngaraima Tamatea ma (and others) Toro Hetaraki. 20 19/629 He hoko rakau (transfer of timber) Ngatitupaea H .. Iwiaohea Tuarea Lawrence Kawanagh. 21 19/624 He hoko (transfer) 59 Waimarino A 13a Moke te Oro ma (and others) John Cyril Hale Lloyd. 22 19/626 Inuawai 143/IV, Waimate Turi te Whata ma (and others) Adolph L. Bremner. 23 19/628 He hoko rakau (transfer of timber) Awarua 3a 2k (1-7) Wanikau Hohepa ma (and others) The Egmont Box Company (Limited). 24 20/43 He riihi (lease) Waimarino A 13b Pareariki Tarihira ma (and others) John C. H. Lloyd. 25 20/62 He hoko (transfer) Awarua 4a 3c 4a Puna McTaggart ma (and others) Robert W. Smith. 26 20/75 99 Waimarino A 9 .. Ngawaiata Takaiora ma (and others) Tapeka Turehu. 27 20/87 Hamua 18a 2 .. Rawinia Pumuka Thomas Hogan. 28 20/92 He riihi (lease) Kapakapa 6b 2 Rihipeti Pene John C. Campion. 29 20/94 Parikino 5 Timoti te Aokapurangi .. Ethel E. Allen. 30 20/130 ,9 Tauakira 2m 1a 2 Tuka Matairangi Arthur L. Burges. 31 20/131 99 Rangiwaea 4f 6.. Meri Hori ma (and others) Karioi Fibre Company.

Nama. (No.) Nama o te Pukapuka. (Record No.) Te Ahua o te Tuku. (Nature of Alienation.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Nga Ingoa o nga Tangata e whai Tikanga ana. (Names of Parties.) Nga Tangata e tuku atu ana. (Alienors.) Te Tangata e tango mai ana (Alienees.) 32 20/183 He hoko (transfer) Maungakaretu 5b 2b 2d .. Te Kahu Whitiki Dorothy Collier. 33 20/190 ,9 Carnarvon 356a Wiari Paihau Marjorie Fraser. 34 20/201 99 Waipakura 4a .. Wiki Tahana Reginald C. Dunlop. 35 20/215 99 Kapakapa 6b 2 .. Rangitaua Kapea ma (and others) Cameron J. Campion. 36 20/2,46 He riihi (lease) Ngatitu 19a Ngatetau Toro. 37 20/277 He hoko o te riihi (transfer of lease) Karaka B 2b 2b Karipa Hamiora William Seaton. 38 20/323 He riihi (lease) Tokaanu Taonehipi (Township) IV/2 Patena Mariu Khushi Ram Kapoor ma (and another). 39 20/329 He hoko (transfer) Waimarino 3 k 2b 3 Te Po Raukawa ma (and another) Jane E. Beckett. 40 20/353 He riihi (lease) Mokoia 15 Hinekorako Tainini Ida C. Lauder. 41 20/369 He hoko (transNgatihawe 9b .. Hauparoa Tamatea Thomas A. Winks. 42 20/370 Kairau 2c Te Atua Taukoi Russell E. Till. 43 20/398 Raihana tapahi rakau (grant of timber cutting rights) Rangiwaea 4f 14d 3b Tetai Rewi ma (and another) Thomas Flett. 44 20/415 He riihi (lease) Ngaporo 5b Ngatoka Manihera ma (and others) Pononga Tamihana ma (and others) Robert Gray. 45 20/470 He hoko (transfer) Ngatirahiri 3c .. George N. Skelton. 46 20/512 99 Kapakapa 4b .. Wharekura Timoti Roy J. Campion 47 20/526 99 Awarua 3a 3k 6 Tekoteko Hohepa ma (and another) William M. Collins. 48 20/531 99 Maungakaretu 5b 2b 2d .. Te Ika Whitiki ma (and another) Riwai Ruakirikiri Dorothy Collier. 49 20/545 He riihi (lease) Reureu 2a 1 John H. Blunden. 50 20/558 He hoko (transfer) Reureu 1, Tekiona (Section) 34c 2 Dolly Hartley ma (and another) Henry Hartley. 51 20/560 He riihi (lease) Rangiwaea 4r 16, 3b 4 .. Moengaroa Enoka The Karioi Fibre Company (Limited). 52 20/567 He hoko (transfer) Waimarino 3a 2 Ngairo Taurerewa Harold Jenkins. 53 20/568 Ngatirahiri 6f 1 Tawhanga Eruera William McKenzie. 54 20/571 He riihi (lease) Mairekura D 2 .. Warahi te Whiutahi ma (and others) George F. Edwards. 55 20/605 99 Ngatitanewai C 3 Wahieroa Andrew H. Foy. 56 20/608 99 Reureu 1, Tekiona (Section) 22 Eria Kapene ma (and others) Tame Ranapia. 57 20/609 He hoko (transfer) Reureu 1, Tekiona (Section) 22 Eria Kapene ma (and others) Elizabeth M. Thomas. 58 20/617 99 Waiongaonga A E 2 Oma te Kaho George V. Tate. 59 20/626 99 Owhaoko D 53 .. Moroati Taiuru . . Charles Ruddenklau. 60 20/627 99 „ D 52 .. Harry Downs ma (and another) 99 61 20/651 99 Ngatimauniakai 17 Rakeiwera Noti ma (and another) Te Moa Tiraurau ma (and others) Toro Hetaraki. 62 21/49 He riihi (lease) Pukepapa 2b 2 .. Thomas H. Rattenbury. 63 21/56 99 Pukearuhe 7a .. Rangirukua ma (and another) Matihuirua Horomona. 64 21/66* He hoko (transfer) Ngatirahiri 3f 3 Ngaruake ma (and others) William E. Skelton. 65 21/110 Parewanui 37 Warena Hunia . . William Homes. 66 21/134 He riihi (lease) Ngatimanuhaikai 4d Tamatea Noti ma (and another) Toro Hetaraki. 67 21/138 99 Kai-Iwi 6f 6b .. Tarewa Peina Phillip F. Farnworth. 68 21/149 99 Rangiwaea 4f 16 Nama (No.) 3b 1 Materana Enoka Alexander Adamson. 69 21/150 99 Rangiwaea 4f 16 Nama (No.) 3b 4 Moengaroa Enoka Karioi Fibre Company. 70 21/151 He hoko (transfer) Paranuiomata 10a 2 Nepia Tauri Mawae te Tauri. 71 21/155 He riihi (lease) Pukenui 2 b Ngamako Tumango ma (and others) Neville Nicholson. 72 21/175 He hoko (transWaimarino E 10 Huaki Wiari ma (and others) Percival Gardner. 73 21/176 99 „ Ell Karauria Materoa ma (and another) 99 74 21/193 99 Rangiwaea 4f 1 Nama (No.) Ib Parahi Warera .. Ellenor Carter. 75 21/226 He riihi (lease) Moturoa A 2 Hone Kipa ma (and another) William Henry Jury. 76 21/239 He hoko (transfer) He m o k e t e (mortgage) Waimarino 3h 3/2 Mere Hakopa Hinenui Hitaua. 77 21/245 Motukawa 2 b 4c 1 Imaima Waikari Mathew Morison. 78 21/250 He riihi (lease) Parewanui 19 me (and) 20 Whaiake Pehimana ma (and others) William Homes.

Nama. (No.) Nama o te Pukapuka. (Record No.) Te Ahua o te Tuku. (Nature of Alienation.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Nga Ingoa o nga Tangata e whai Tikanga ana. (Names of Parties.) Nga Tangata e tuku atu ana. (Alienors.) Nga Tangata e tango mai ana. (Alienees.) 79 21/260 He riihi (lease) Taraketi la Areta Tuatini . . Dolly Downs. 80 21/294 99 Reureu 2e Keremete Riawi William Lancelot Aynsley. 81 21/309 He hoko (transNgatitanewai 11 Te Hiko Ngaoko James Randall Corrigan. 82 21/327 161) He riihi (lease) Kaiwhaiki 1c 2a Maremare Ringa Keepa ma (and another) William Reuben Ford. 83 21/369 99 Awarua 4c 12a 2 Hiroinina Tamehana ma (and others) Victoria Amohau Bennett. 84 21/376 He hoko (transfer) Parewanui-Paeroa C Hakeke Warena ma (and others) William Homes. 85 21/378 Ngapakihi In Wairaka Meriana Tereita Elizabeth Pedersen. 86 21/381 99 Waimarino 3l 2 Rangiapohia Ngarongo . . Henry Richard Pike. 87 21/505 Waimarino Ell Te Rihi Rewi Percival Gardner. 88 21/506 99 Reureu 1 /26b .. Waapu Toni ma (and another) Jean Mace Thoms. 89 21/514 99 Rangiwaea 4f 11c 1 Ngahina Tahana, ara {alias') Ngahuia Tahana Ellenor Carter. 90 1 He riihi (lease) Hua E me (and) Waiwakaiho Mangumangu Whakawe .. Thomas Parker. 91 4 99 Reureu 2b 3a .. Wairangi Wairi .. Ngapapaki Pakuru. 92 8 99 Taraketi 1g John Hartley ma (and others) Dolly Downs. 93 45 Karaati taku mana (grant of easement) Awarua 4c 15f 1a Ngahoa te Whaara ma (and others) Otaihape Farmers’ Meat and Produce Company (Limited). 94 51 He hoko (transfer) Waimarino 6f 2 Mangina te Ruruku ma (and another) Philip Devereux Smith. 95 57 99 „ E 9 .. Hinerangi te Huaki ma (and another) Arthur Percival Gardner. 96 58 99 „ E 12 Te Ata Ngarau .. David Gardner. 97 81 99 „ E 12 Roi Ngarau ma (and others} Alice Mary Gardner. 98 91 99 „ E 7a Rakapa Tiopira 99 97 99 Waiotama 9d Ritai te Hama ma (and another) Clarence Ivan Shrimpton. 100 112 99 Raetihi 2b 3b .. Rawiri Porangi . . Charles E. Pedersen ma (and others). 101 113 99 Waimarino 3l 2 Ngawhakaaraara Ngarongo Henry Richard Pike. 102 136 99 „ 3h 3 Tapeka Turehu .. Arthur Benjamin Harris. 103 137 Raetihi 2b 2c 3a Parekuku Hume Thomas Abraham Harris. 104 144 j * Inuawai 6a Ngati te Kaho .. Robert Johns. 105 96 99 Waimarino 4b 1 Te Rehina Ngatapapa ma (and others) James Edmund Crowe. 106 145 99 „ 4b 1 Te Rangiapohia Ngarongo ma (and others) 99 107 147 Whakanekaenga o nga tan riihi (extension of lease) Hauhungaroa 8 .. Kuara Ririhau ma (and others) Taringamutu-Totara Sawmills (Limited). 108 150 He hoko (transfer) Waimarino E 6b Rungaiiterangi Matuahu ma (and others) David Gardner. 109 160 „ A 9 Te Waaka te Kihikihi Tapeka Tuaehu. HO 165 99 Taku 9 Hihi Huriwaka ma (and others) Christian Le F. Honore. 111 177 He riihi (lease) Ngatirahiri 5a 2a Rahiri Rawiri .. Lewis Henry Knuckey. 112 193 99 Waimarino 6a 2 Kopere Tanoa .. Arthur Edwin Congdon. 113 194 He hoko (transfer) Ngatirahiri 2b 2 Paekohatu Paratene Rosa Agnes Stead. 114 200 99 Waimarino 11.. Hepina Teri ma (and others) Percival Gardner. 115 203 He riihi (lease) Taraketi 1a Rangipouri Marumaru William Enterpe Gibbs. 116 217 He m o k e t e (mortgage) Awarua 2c 7a .. Te Whareherehere te Awaroa Matene (Limited). 117 218 He hoko (transfer) Parewanui 29 .. Tahupotiki William Homes. 118 220 9 9 „ 17 .. 119 222 He riihi (lease) Ohanga A Topine Horomona Fred Sarten. 120 225 He hoko (transfer) Ngatihaupoto 6a Taohua Ani Patene (Harriet) Henry Newnham Kitching. 121 232 He riihi (lease) Hamua 14a Waipungarangi Tamarapa ma (and others) Harry Mullions. 122 237 99 Reureu l/23c .. Matiti Rangihoapu ma (and others) Jean Mace Thoms. 123 239 He hoko (transfer) Pukorokoro 4 me (and) 1 Whaiaki Pehimana ma (and others) James Craig. 124 267 99 Araukuku 13/2b Pikitawhaki Taniwha Joseph Coutts. 125 270 He riihi (lease) Ngatirahiri 6a I me (and) 6b 1 Tiko Rutera ma (and another) Charles William Sarten. 126 271 Ngatirahiri 6a 2 99 99 127 278 Whakamana hari wai (grant of water-rights) Taraketi 2a Utiku Potaka The Rata Co-operative Dairy Company (Limited). 128 283 He riihi (lease) Mokoia 6 me (and) 9 Te Raita William Boyle. 129 284 He hoko (transfer) Araukuku 5a me (and) 5b Hinteau Pihopa ma (and others) Leslie Preece.

Nama. (No.) Nama o te Pukapuka. (Record No.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Motini hei Whiriwhiringa. (Resolution for Consideration.} 130 20/122 Wahapakapaka 7c .. He hoko atu ki a Arno Cole. Sale to Arno Cole. 131 20/304 Waiongona A E 4 He hoko atu ki a Benjamin Lewis Longstaff Sale to Benjamin Lewis Longstaff. 132 21/102 Mangati (A-E) He hoko atu ki a Bernard A. Fama ma Sale to B. A. Fama and others.

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Ko te Kahiti o Niu Tireni, Issue 51, 21 December 1922, Page 653

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Meeting of the Aotea District Maori Land Board. Ko te Kahiti o Niu Tireni, Issue 51, 21 December 1922, Page 653

Meeting of the Aotea District Maori Land Board. Ko te Kahiti o Niu Tireni, Issue 51, 21 December 1922, Page 653

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