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24. Fowler’s, Pemberton, and Rangiwahia, thrice weekly (alternative) 25. Foxton and Kereru, daily. 26. Grey town North and Railway Station, . as required. 27. North, Morrison’s Bush, and Martinborough, daily. - 28. Halcombe and'Stan way, daily. 29. Homewood, Flat Point, and Glenburn, twice weekly. 30. Hutt Railway Station and Post Office, Taita, twice daily. 31. Johhsonville and Obariu, twice weekly. 32. Karori and Makara, twice weekly. 33. Martinborough, Whakapooni, Waiapawa, Tora, Te Awaite, White Rock, and Stoney Creek, weekly. • 34. Martinborough, Ngakonui, Big Flat, Sutherland’s Bush Gully, Kai Kuri, Glendreyrieach, Glen Dhu, and Lower Pahaua, weekly. 35. Makuri and Coonoor, weekly. 36. Mangahao and Nikau, twice weekly. 37. Masterton and Glendonald, twice weekly. 33. Masterton, Taueru, and Brancepeth, weekly. 39. Masterton and Kuripini, daily. 40. Masterton and Railway Station, as required. 41. Masterton, Taueru, Tenui, and Whakataki, twice weekly. 42. Otaki and Railway Station, as required. 43. Paremata and Pahautanui, daily. 44.. Pahiatua and Eketahuna, daily. 45. Pahiatua and Eketahuna, twice daily (alternative). 46. Pahiatua, Mangahao, and Ballance, twice weekly. 47. Pahiatua, Mangahao, and Ballance, thrice weekly (alternative). 48. Pahiatua and Makuri, thrice weekly. 49. Pahiatua and Makuri, daily (alternative). 50. Pahiatua and Woodville Railway Station, daily' (one way only). 51. Pahiatua and Woodville, four times daily (alternative). 52. Pahiatua and Kaitawa, thrice weekly. 53. Pemberton and Rangiwahia, thrice weekly. 54. Palmerston North Post Office and Railway Station, as required. 55. Sanson, Campbelltown. Mahi, Carnarvon, Parawanui, Scott’s Ferry, and return to Bull’s, daily. 56. Sanson, Mahi, Carnarvon, Parawanui, Scott’s Ferry, and return to Bull’s, daily (alternative). 57. Shannon and Moutoa, twice weekly. 58. Waikanae and Reikorangi, thrice weekly. 59. Waituna West and Pakihikura, weekly. 60. Wellington and Karori, twice daily. 61. Wellington Post Office, Wharves, and Railway. Stations; clearing branch post offices and receivers; also delivery of Letter carriers’ bags to various parts of town, as required. 62. Woodville Post Office and Railway Station, as required.

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Fair Play, Volume I, Issue 26, 1 October 1894, Page 14

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