Kaituna Valley Scenic Reserve, Banks Peninsula
IN March 1957 the Canterbury Branch of the Society was appointed to manage Scenic Reserve 4881, having earlier offered to assist in the maintenance of the Reserve, which had been bought and fenced by the Department of Lands and Survey in 1956. Most of the area of just over 14 acres consists of a typical remnant of Banks Peninsula bush through which the Kaituna Valley Stream flows to its mouth at Lake Ellesmere. The Kaituna Run of 25,000 acres was first taken up by the Rhodes Bros., who in 1852 appointed T. H. Parkinson as manager. He purchased 12,000 acres in 1869, and several of his descendants still farm in the district — a member of the third generation being the owner of the bush before the Government purchase. We are therefore grateful to members of the Parkinson family who protected the area for over 100 years, and for a long period permitted the public to use it as a picnic area. Possibly the extensive flax swamps in the valley protected the bush from the raging fires which destroyed much of the Banks Peninsula forest during 1862, 1863, and 1880. Coop’s sawmill was taken from Springvale, Little River, in 1900, to cut much matai and totara from the upper reaches of Kaituna Valley, including Port and Sawyer’s Gullies. A few totara trees were cut from the reserve area probably for posts —but one very large specimen remains, with a number of large matai and kahikatea. How To Get There From Christchurch the reserve is 25 miles along the Main Akaroa Highway, and then there is a further 3 miles of tar-sealed road up the valley after the turn from the main road at t b e Ataahua telephone exchange. The writer’s father recalled that about 1898 a new
bullock wagon became bogged in the track up the valley near the bush. The bullocks were unhitched and the wagon abandoned to decay. Wild pigslong since disappeared from the Peninsula —then frequented the bush/ which was a source of firewood for local settlers. The Parkinson family saved the bush from milling, and probably before the end of last century had planted macrocarpas on the south and west edges, and willows on the north, to protect the native vegetation from the winds which sweep through the valley. The variety of introduced flowering plants would indicate that a number were planted to add colour, rather than being garden escapes. Violets and “honesty”, among others, still survive where periwinkle and convolvulus thrive. There is one very large walnut tree, and a few smaller ones which are probably self-sown. Willows have increased considerably, especially along the stream banks. Elderberry and hemlock are a problem on the bush edges and wherever the light penetrates the overhead tree canopy. Society’s Maintenance Work Since the Society assumed responsibility regular work parties have concentrated on cleaning the stream, maintaining tracks, and removing exotic vegetation. Heavy rainfall in the stream catchment area, which includes the slopes of Mt. Herbert (3,014 ft), has caused several floods which have swept down the valley in recent years. Several chains of the new boundary fence were smashed flat within a few months of completion. In addition to damaging fencing, flooding washes away accumulated humus and has spread seeds of noxious weeds through the reserve. Only a small part has not been flooded, and this was mostly covered by broom when the
Society took over. After clearing, this was the site of the first plantings, but growth has been poor owing to the dry soil.
During summer droughts the stream carries very little water and the wide fluctuations of the water-table must adversely affect the regeneration of a number of native species. The Society has arranged each year an Arbor Day planting of species native to Banks Peninsula. Since the exclusion of stock for 10 years, natural regeneration is now evident, and with annual plantings it is hoped to cover all the reserve apart from the parkingarea. Prolific growth of grass in spring and early summer makes staking and weeding of trees essential for their survival, until they are higher than the surrounding cocksfoot. The most spectacular growth has been a shelter belt of 120 Pittosporum tenuifolium, planted inside the - northern boundary, which now protect a recently planted area. The poisoning of willows has been followed by encouraging signs of regenerating native plants. Opossums Cause Concern Opossum damage has caused concern, and control measures were undertaken by Society members before the Banks Peninsula Rabbit Board accepted responsibility for opossum destruction. In common with other Banks Peninsula districts there has been a noticeable
decline in the number of native birds frequenting the reserve. Pigeons, bellbirds, warblers, kingfishers, and fantails are often seen, but fantails are probably the only species that regularly nest. Moreporks have not been reported for some years and one of their known nesting sites in a hollow tree has since been found to be occupied by opossums. Magpies are considered to be a contributing factor in the reduction of native birds. An increasing number of the public are using the area for picnics, and they appreciate that this is the most easily accessible scenic reserve of its type in Canterbury. The main track winds through a grove consisting largely of titoki and mahoe, past towering podocarps to a clear, flowing stream —a popular attraction during summer. Support from Society members has generally been disappointing, though a small enthusiastic number continue to maintain the area for the enjoyment of all. Considerable assistance has been received from other organisations, especially from the Department of Lands and Survey, the Ministry of Works (Nursery Division), and the Wairewa County Council, which prepared the vehicle access and the parking area. The notice board near the entrance proclaims our Branch’s interest, and for the people of Canterbury the reserve is a showcase, demonstrating our practical concern for the protection of the remaining stands of native bush.
Thames Camp Venue Changed
OWING to difficulties with accommodation the site of the Society’s camp at Thames, from Thursday evening 4 January 1968 to the close on the evening of Wednesday 10 January (depart 11th), is now changed to Waiomu Holiday Camp, 8 miles from Thames on the Coromandel Toad. This is an excellently laid-out camp with tree-shaded location, and is right alongside a clear stream and the sea beach. There are camping sites, caravan points, and eight 4- to 7-berth cabins and five 2- to 4-berth cabins, ranging in price from $16.80 per week to $29.40. Each cabin has separate cooking
(power) facilities. T will allocate these to various parties as best I can, grouping some as at Dawson Falls. As change 'of plans does not give me the opportunity to get all details of any adjacent hotel or motel accommodation in time, I will list this in a circular to be ready in September. Please send stamped and. addressed envelope. Please note that Thames hotels are 8 miles from this site and Glenavon Guesthouse, Thornton Bay, about 4 miles. —BERNARD TEAGUE, Mali i a Avenue,- JU air oa. ;
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Forest and Bird, Issue 165, 1 August 1967, Page 6
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1,183Kaituna Valley Scenic Reserve, Banks Peninsula Forest and Bird, Issue 165, 1 August 1967, Page 6
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Kaituna Valley Scenic Reserve, Banks Peninsula Forest and Bird, Issue 165, 1 August 1967, Page 6
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