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Josiah Birch, Kaiapoi. W. H. Grimmer, Geraldine. Th os. D. Jones, Christchurch. P. W. Stubbs & Co., 'l'imaru. D. Caro & Co., Christchurch. Jas. Shepherd, Timaru. Predk. Platman, Waihi Bush. William Murray, Lyttelton. Miles & Co., Lyttelton. Miles & Co., Christchurch. Miles & Co., Southbridge. Miles & Co., Timaru. John M. Martin, Temuka. Thomas Hancock, Christchurch. Edwards, Bennett & Co., Christchurch. J. Dransfield, Christchurch. J. Dransfield, Lyttelton. Dudley and Craig, Kaiapoi. A. B. Preston, Christchurch. J Mendelson, Temuka. J. Mendelson, Temuka (Pleasant Yalley, Geraldine). J. Mendelson, Ashburton. Wm. Manning, Christchurch. S. Manning & Co., Christchurch. Wood, Shand & Co., Christcnurch. Matheson’s Agency, Christchurch. Matheson’s Agency, Lyttelton. Wilson, Sawtell & Co., Christchurch. Sheppard & Co., Christchurch. C. W. Bridge, Akaroa. J. D. Garwood, Akaroa. H. Hawkins, Lyttelton. H. G. Watkins, Akaroa. J. P. Jameson, Christchurch. Vincent and Todhunter, Christchurch. H. L. Bowker, Christchurch. Jas. Daly, Akaroa. W. A. Knapman, Christchurch. C. W. Turner & Co., Christchurch. J. H. Andrews, Christchurch. Middleton and McQuade, Bakaia. Middleton and McQuade, Ashburton. D. Davis, Christchurch. T. J. Maling & Co., Christchurch. F. Innes, Waltham. W. Montg' mery & Co., Christchurch. Morrison, Sclanders, Fletcher & Co., Christ-

church. G. Hutchinson, Kaiapoi. Hibbard and Cowan, Timaru. P. A. Sims & Co., Timaru Bussell, Kitchie & Co., Timaru. E. B. and F. A. Bishop, Christchurch. B. Sutherland, Christchurch. Manchester, Bros, and Goldsmith, Waimate. C. and J. McWilliam, Springston. J. White & Co., Leithfield. G. Milsom, Kaiapoi. Jas. H. Sutier, Timaru. Jas. Strachan, The Point. L. Price, Waimate. J. Beharrell, Kaiapoi.

E C. SHEAEMAN, Commissioner of Police.

Name. Offence. By whom Arrested. How Disposed of. Ashworth, Robert ... Disobeying a summons Sergt. Mullin, Fined 20s. and costs (On warrant) Harding, James Whyte, John Drunk and disorderly and using obscene language Drunk and incapable Const. Haldane, Kaiapoi Police Sergt. Pratt, Leithfield Police Fined 20s. and costs Fined 10s. and costs Perkins, Alfred Using obscene language in a public Sergt. OVonnor, Waimate Police Fined 60s. and costs Lee, George Drunk and disorderly and exposing Sergt. O’Connor, Fined 10s. his person in a public place Waimate Police Remanded for 8 days Shackleford, W. F.... Lunacy from drink Const. Johnston, Timaru Police Gray, William Drunk and disorderly, using obscene Const. Jobnston, 3 months’ imprisonment language in a public place, and resisting the Police in the execution of their duty Timaru Police Fined 10s. Airey, Edward Drunk and disorderly and creating a Sergt. O’Connor, disturbance in a licensed house Waimate Police Frazer, Andrew Drunk and disorderly, using obscene Sergt. O’Connor, Fined 70s, language in a public place, and resisting the Police in the execuWaimate Police tion of their duty Fined 20s. or 48 hours’ imBurt, Thomas Drunk and disorderly Sergt. Barlow, Leeston Police prisonment Feeney, Patrick Lunacy from drink Const. Wildermoth, Discharged with a caution Washdyke Police 6 months’ hard labour, after Anderson, James ... Larceny in a shop Const Hills, Timaru Police expiration present sentence Egan, Daniel Obtaining money by means of a valueOtago Police Dismissed (On warrant) less cheque Fined 70s. and costs Harkin, Patrick Drunk and disorderly and wilful deSergt. O’Connor, S'ruction of private nr iperty Waimate Police Fined 20s. and 7 days’ imRamsay, William ... Drunk and disorderly and exposing Sergt. McDonald, his person in a public place Timaru Police prisonment Russell, Thomas Drunk and disorderly and using ob-Mt.-Const. Weedon, Fined 30s. scene language in a public place, and committing a breach of the Waimate Police peace in view of a Constable To be privately whipped Lebeau, Lucien Stealing from a dwelling (under £5)... Sergt. Ramsay, Akaroa Police Lorimer, Jane Lunacy Const. Haldane, Committed to Asylum Kaiapoi Police Wilson, James Larceny as a bailee Sergt. Pratt, Dismissed (On warrant) Leithtield Police Lilly, Frank Lunacy from drink Sergt. Wallace, Remanded to Christchurch Thompson, George... Rangiora Police Hospital lor 8 days Larceny (under £5) Const. O’Malley, 3 months’ imprisonment Arowhenua Police Crawford, Richard ... Exposing his person in a public place Mt.-Const. Gilchrist, Fined 5s. Fisher, Peter Waimate Police Drunk and disorderly and exposing Sergt. O’Connor, Fined 20s. Perkins, Alfred his person in a public place Using obscene language in the bar of Waimate Police Sergt. O’Connor, Fined 60s, and costs Sullivan, Timothy ... Waimate Hotel Waimate Police Using obscene language in the bar of Mt.-Const Wtedon, Fined 60s. and costs McIntyre, Samuel ... Waimate Hotel Waimate Police Drunk and disorderly and using ob-Mt.-Const. Gilchri t, Fined 60s. or 14 days’ imToomey, Stephen ... scene language in a public place Waimate Police pri onment Drunk and disorde ly and exposing Mt.-Const. Gilchrist, Fined 30s. his person in a public place, and resisting the police in the execution Waimate Police Savage, Abednego Benjamin Barry, William of their duty Lunacy Const. Jas. Wallace, Committed to Asylum Drunk and exposing his person Lyttelton Police Const. O’Shannasy, Fined 5s. Harrison, Joseph ... Refusal of duty on ship Stonehouse ... Lyttelton Police Const. O’Shannasy, 7 days’ imprisonment Rusher, William ... Refusal of duty on ship JBallochmyle Lyttelton Police Const. Jas. Wallace, Discharged with a caution Whiteside, John Breach of prison regulations Lyttelton Police Const. Jas. Wallace, Discharged with a caution William, Henry Drunk and committing nuisance on Lyttelton Police Const. McGorman, Fined 20s. Pring, Thomas railway Refusal of duty on ship Stonehouse ... Lyttelton Police Sgt.-Major O’Grady, 4 weeks’ imprisonment Watson, James Larceny of ship’s stores on board Eastern Monarch. Lyttelton Police Detective Walker 1 week’s imprisonment Clarke, Thomas Broaching cargo on board Eastern Detective Walker Dismissed with a caution McKinley, Samuel ... Refusal of duty on board Eastern Detective Walker 1 week’s imprisonment Wickstone, Charles... Refusal of duty on board Eastern Detective Walker 1 week’s imprisonment Pearce, Frank Refusal of duty on board Eastern Detective Walker 1 week’s imprisonment Toben, James Refusal of duty on board Eastern Detective Walker 1 week’s imprisonment Mcllroy, Darcy Refusal of duty on board Eastern Detective Walker 1 week’s imprisonment Hearon, Thomas Jones, William Refusal of duty on board Eastern Monarch Assaulting Medical • Officer ship Eastern Monarch Detective Walker Detective Walker 1 week’s imprisonment Remanded


Name. Offence. By whom Arrested. How Disposed of. McCormick, Samuel Drunk and wilful destruction of proConst. Emson, Fined 60s. Rowland, Matthew... perty Larceny Christchurch Police Chief-Detective Eeast 24 hours’ imprisonment and Brown, Thomas Drunk and disorderly and using obSergt. Wilson, flogged Fined 20s. Hayes, James scene language Christchurch Police Drunk and creating disturbance in Const. Davis, Fined 40s. Littlecott, Charles ... railway c irriage Christchurch Police Larceny Coast. Emson, 1 year Industrial School Kerson, William Christchurch Police Creating a disturbance in a licensed Const. E. Hughes, Fined 10s. Docherty, James house Christchurch Police Creating a disturbance in a licensed Const. E. Hughes, Fined 10s. Graham, John house Christchurch Police Lunacy Sergt. Mitchell, Committed to Asylum Ogilvie, George Chri tchurch Police Lunacy from drink Mtd.-Const. Loose, 1 month’s imprisonment Clarke, James, alias “ The Brusher ” Christchurch Police Creating a disturbance in a licensed Const Emson, house Christchurch Police McKenzie, Hugh ... Drunk and insulting females Sergt. Willis, Fined 40s. Christchurch Police Reed, James Disobeying an order of Court for Sergt. Wilson, Cautioned and discharged (On warrant) breach of “ Destitute Persons Relief Ordinance ” Christchurch Police Bruns, William Drunk and disorderly while in charge Sergt. Willis, Fined 20s. ot horse and dray Christchurch Police Humphries, James ... Drunk and committing a nuisance in Const. Adam, Fined 20s. a public place Christchurch Police Adams, Robert Larceny of a watch Chief-Detective Feast Committed for trial Tracy, Lucy Drunk and disorderly Const. Emson, 12 months’ imprisonment Christchmeh Police Lane, John Not appearing to bail on charge of Sergt. Kennedy, Fined £5, pay cab hire 2s. (On warrant) being drunk and disorderly Christchurch Police Clarke, John Robert Larceny Const. Bass, 3 months’ imprisonment Rrtkaia Police Wright, Robert EdLarceny Const. Bas , Cautioned and discharged ward Kakaia Police Hawker, Thomas ... Drunk and committing breach of the Const. O’Shannassy, Fined 10s. peace Christchurch Police Romulus Peter, alias Lunacy Sergt. W illis, Committed to Asylum Charles B own Christchurch Police Connor, Johanna ... Keeping a disorderly house Sgt.-Maj >r O’Grady, 2 months’ imprisonment Lyttelton Police Cogian, Joseph Drunk and creating a disturbance in a Const. J. Smith. 1 ined 20s., or 48 hours’ in licensed house Christchurch Police default Walsh, Michael Vagrancy Sergt. Kennedy. Committed to Asylum Christchurch Police Wylie, Jaaaes Drunk and creating a disturbance in a Sergt. W Ison, Fined 20s., or 48 hours’ in public place Christchurch Police default Robinson, Joseph ... Drunk and indecently exposing his Const. J. Smith, Fined 20s., or 48 hours’ in person Christchurch Police default Ashford, Prederick ... Drunk and disorderly at • railway Const. Firman, Fined 20s. station Christchurch Police Guillon, John Drunk and creating a disturbance in a Const. O’Shannassy, F ned 10s., or 24 hours’ in pub ic place Christchurch Police default Hildrew, G-eorge ... Drunk and ci eating a disturbance in a Const. O’Shannassy, Fined 10s., or 24 hours’ in public place Christchuch Police default Murphy, John Drunk and disorderly and vagrancy ... Const. E. Hughes, 6 months’ imprisonment Christchurch Po ice Const. O’Shannassy, 1 month’s imprisonment Stephens, George ... Drunk and disorderly and vagrancy ... Christchurch Police Nor thy, Emily Lunacy Const. Wilkinson, Christchurch Police Committed to Asylum Murphy, Thomas ... Drunk and wilful destruction of priDetective Benjamin, Fined 20s. vate property Christchurch Police Austin, Woodman ... Drunk and indecently exposing his Const O’Shannassy, Fined 20s. person Christchurch Police Robertson, Peter ... Lunacy from drink Const. O’Shannassy, Committed to Asylum Christclmrch Police Connor, Martin Drunk and fighting in a public thoConst. O’Shannassy, Fined 10s. roughfare Christchurch Police Lee, John Drunk and fighting in a public thoConst. O’Shannassy, Fined 10s. roughfare Chrisichutch Po ice Boswell, James Drunk and creating a disturbance in a Const. E. Hu hes, Fined 20s. public place Chrisi church Police 4 months’ imprisonment Johnson, Phillip Obtaining goods by false pretences ... Chief-Detective Feast (On warrant) 43 hours’ imprisonment Wedge, Charles Non-payment of D. W. for breach of Const. E. Hughes, City bye-laws Drunk and exposing his person Christchurch Polic Con-t. Reeve, Fined 20s. Ryan, Denis Christchurch Pi lice Fined 20s. or 48 hours’ Marks, Thomas M. .. Wilful destruction of private proConst. O’Shannassy. perty Christchurch Police Committed for trial Geddings, Samuel ... Larceny Mt.-Const. Lamb, Ashburton Police Morgan, Robert Larceny Mt.-Const. Lamb Ashbu'ton Police Committed for trial Wedge, George Larceny Chief-Detective Feast 3 years’ Industrial School Stephenson, Charles Larceny Detective Benjamin Christchurch Po ice Cautioned and discharged Hall, George Lunacy Const. E. Hughes, Con m'tted to Asylum Christchurch Police


Name. Where Tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of. Trade. Born. Height. Make. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Mouth. Chin. Eemabks. Winfred A. F. Smith... E M.C, Jan. 6, 1871 Forgery 2 years Cheltenham Groom 18 0 5 ft 6f in Slender Fresh Light Grey Long Large Medium Small cut scar under left Ch Ch brown breast; single Mark Turner R.M.C., Jan. 6, 1871 Beastiality 5 years Kent, Farmer 1821 5ft 9Jin Medium Pale Brown Blue Small Medium Small Large mole a little above Ch Oh. England 4ft 4f in right knee; married E.M.C., July 6, 1874 Drunk 48 hours Sweeden Seaman 1830 Stout Sallow Brown Hazel Dumpy Small Small First joint of forefinger off James Harding Lyttelton E.M C., July 6, 1874 Vagrancy 48 hours Shrewsbury Seaman 1822 5ft 8|in Slight Sallow Brown Blue Medium Small Small left hand; single Hair turning grey Frederick Meyer Lyttelton Waiting July 6, 1874 Larceny Acquitted Hamburg Ship’s cook 1849 6ft 4Jin Medium Pale Black Large blue Medium Large Large Marks : Scald scar left elbow, five blue dots on left arm. Acquitted at Sup. Court Thos. Oliver, alias Gray Waiting July 6, 1874 Assault Acquitted Cornwall, England Platelayer 1841 5ft 6fin Slender Fresh Dark red Grey Long and Small Small Eed beard and moustaches, regular features, rings in straight ears. Acquitted at Sup. Eobert Quick, alias Waiting July 6, 1874 Assaulting and No bill Tyrone, Walchmaker 1843 5ft lOJin Stout Sallow Black Hazel La' ge Medium Medium No bill Pat. Quinn Gorand Dolirto E.M.C., July 10, 1874 killing Drunk 48 hours Ireland Corfu Seaman 1846 4ft 2in Stout Sallow Black Hazel Medium Small Large Cut on chin. Joseph Thompson Eobert Jameson Lyttelton It.M.C., Lyttelton E.M.C., July 7, 1874 Feb. 18, 1874 Eefusing duty Assault 7 days’ hard labour 6 months’ hard labour London Munty Clare, Seaman Clerk 1830 1824 5ft 7in 5ft 11 in Medium Stout Sallow Fresh Grey Black Hazel Hazel Medium Large Medium Large douhle Medium Small Mavks : Very large joint to forefinger of left hand Released by pardon 14th Ch.Ch. Ireland inst. Cut scar on forehead, sharp features Edward McCourt E.M C., Feb. 16, 1874 Assault 6 months’ imprisonBelfast, Bootmaker 1846 5ft lOin Stout Fresh Brown, Hazel Small Medium Mediun Eelea ed by pardon 14th Ch.Ch. ment Ireland bald on inst. Cut scar centre of forehead forehead. Second convicEichd. S. Williams ... E M.C., Ch.Ch. Feb. 17, 1874 Larceny 6 months Liverpool, England Butcher 1839 5ft 6in Medium Pale Dark Blue Medium Medium Small Marks : Small scar inside of right arm, crowfoot scar under left eye, scar on nose, nose bent to left side. Fourth conviction. Peter Eomulus, alias E.M.C., July 15, 1874 Lunacy Eemanded France Seaman 1822 5ft 44in Medium Sallow Black Hazel DeSmall Small Eight forearm man and Charles Brown Lyttelton formed woman E.T.; on left arm, mermaid, heart and arrow; anchor left hand; piece out of nostril by a bite; 1 grey whiskers; single


Name. Where Tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of. Trade. Born. Height. Make. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Mouth. Chin. Remaeks Frederick Lilley R.M.C., July 15, 1874 Lunacy Remanded England Painter 1832 5ft 7|in Medium Sallow Brown Large Large Large Thin Ch.Ch. 1847 Brown grey Long Pieter Ostrato E.M.C., July 21, 1874 Drunkenness 48 hours Roterdam Seaman 5ft 7in Stout Fresh Blue Small Medium Marks: Forefinger right Lyttelton hand broken joint, plea-s-int features Gorand Dolirto R.M.C., July 21, 1874 Drunkenness 48 hours Corfu Seaman 1846 4ft 2in Stout Sallow Black Hazel Medium Small Double Cut on chin; single. Second Lyttelton conviction James Gardener R.M.C., July 21, 1874 Drunkenness 48 hours Glasgow Seaman 1855 5ft Sin Stout Fresh Light Hazel Medium Medium Small Scar cut on left cheek Donald Banks Lyttelton R.M.C., July 21, 1874 Drunkenness 48 hours Caithness Seaman 1854 6ft 7>,in Stout Sallow brown Black Hazel Medium Medium Medium James Smith Lyttelton E.M.C., April 24, 1874 Larceny 3 months Ireland Shepherd 1829 6ft 5^in Medium Weather Black Dark Small Large Medium Marked with small-pox; Lyttelton beaten grey single Francis Coyne R.M.C., Feb. 27, 1874 Larceny 6 months Dublin Musician 1840 6ft 6^in Stout Fresh Sandy Grey Medium Medium Medium Right arm sailor and gun, Ch.Ch. lower arm crucifix; left arm, sailor and union jack, gun and anchor; scar in centre of forehead ; married ; wife and one child in Christchurch Bridget Ferrock R.M.C., July 7, 1873 Vagrancy 12 months Ireland Prostitute 1841 4ft 9in Stout Pale Black Brown DeBig Medium Speaks through her nose Ch Ch. formed James Clarke, alias R.M.C., July 4, 1874 Drunk and disorderly 48 hours Ireland Vagrant 1837 5ft 7m Stout Pale Brown Grey Fiat Big Coarse Cut scars over both eyes, “ The Brasher” Ch Ch. ditto on left cheek John Sullivan R.M.C., July 4, 1874 Drunk and disorderly 48 hours England Labourer 1802 5ft 5fin Slight Pale Grey Blue Straight Small Sharp Female, M.C., heart and dart Ch.Ch. on right arm; crucifix, bottle, glass, and L.G. on left arm ; cut scar on left wrist James Docherty R.M.C., July 6, 1874 Drunk and disorderly 24 hours Scotland Labourer 1854 5ft 6in Stout Fresh Dark Grey Straight Small Small Ch.Ch. brown Samuel Grindrod E.M.C., Ch.Ch. April 8, 1874 Larceny 3 months England Labourer 1845 5ft 9Jin Stout Fresh Dark Dark Big Large Large Anchor on right arm; rose, thistle, and shamrock on left arm Matthew Longdon ... E.M.C., Feb. 9, 1874 Vagrancy 6 months England Hawker 1842 5ft 2in Stout Fresh Brown Brown Long Medium Medium Faith, Hope, and Charity on Ch.Ch. right arm; ditto and M.A.A. on left Peter Romolus E.M.C., July 8, 1874 Drunk and disorderly 48 hours France Seaman 1822 6ft 3in Slight Pale Dark Dark Flat and Big Medium Sailor, female, and T.R. on Ch.Ch. deright arm; mermaid on Edward Jenkins formed left arm R.M.C., June 12,1874 Keeping a house 1 month Finland Coachsmith 1838 6ft 7£in Medium Fresh Brown Blue Big Medium Small Seaman holding a flag on the Ch.Ch. of ill fame left arm


Name. Where Tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of. Trade. Born. Height. Make. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Mouth. Chin. Remarks. Joseph Coglan R.M.C., July 15, 1874 Drunk and disorderly 48 hours England Labourer 1838 5ft 8in Stout Fresh Brown Blue Large Medium Bearded Dancing sailor on right arm; Ch.Ch. and grey H.C., cross, heart, and two flags on left arm; pock-pitted James Wylie R.M.C., July 16, 1874 Drunk and disorderly 48 hours England Labourer 1852 5ft 9in Medium Pale Dark Brown Straight Bg Medium 1 Ch.Ch. lips Joseph Robinson EM.C, July 17, 1874 Drunk and exposing 48 hours England Farrier 1828 5ft 4 Jin Stout Swarthy Black Dark Large Large Large Cut scar on left eyebrow Ch.Ch. himself John Guillon ' R.M.C., 1 Ch.Ch. July 18, 1874 Drunk and disorderly 24 hours France Seaman 1841 5 ft 4in Stout Fresh Black Blue Wide Big Bearded Mole on left cheek George Hildrew R.M.C., Ch.Ch. July 18, 1874 Drunk and disorderly 24 hours England Seaman 1842 5ft 3fin Medium Fresh Brown Brown Medium Small Bearded Cut scar on the left cheek Timothy Fahey R.M.C., July 18, 1874 Drunk anl exposing 48 hours Ireland Labourer 1844 5 ft 6in Stout Fresh Dark Blue Medium Medium Bearded Cut scar on right eyebrow Ch.Ch. himself brown Patrick Feeney R.M.C., Tim aru June 29,1874 Lunacy Remanded Ireland Labourer 1842 5 ft 4in Stout Sallow Black Grey Medium Medium Medium Single Rewhin Ruri (a Maori) R.M.C., Tim aru June 25,1874 Assault 14 days New Zealand Labourer — 5ft llin Stout Dark Grey Brown Medium Medium Medium Margaret Sam Martin R.M.C., Timaru R M.C., Feb. 9, 1874 Larceny 6 months Australia Housemaid 1856 5ft 5 Jin Medium Fair Sandy Hazel Medium Medium Medium William Ramsay July 13, 1874 Exposing his person 7 days’ hard labour Scotland Labourer 1836 5ft 7in Slender Dark Dark Hazel Short Medium Small Marks: Old sore wound on Timaru brown round right thigh Abraham Kelly R.M.C., June 27, 1874 Assaulting the police Fined 40s., or Liverpool, Mariner 1846 5ft 6Jin Stout Fresh Dark Blue Long Large Short Marks: Tattoo on left arm Waimate 1 month hard labour England broad thick lips square fishing smack or cutter


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Canterbury Police Gazette, Volume XII, Issue 15, 1 August 1874, Page 109

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WHOLESALE LICENSES. Canterbury Police Gazette, Volume XII, Issue 15, 1 August 1874, Page 109

WHOLESALE LICENSES. Canterbury Police Gazette, Volume XII, Issue 15, 1 August 1874, Page 109

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