29th : the Voice of the 29th Battalion masthead

29th : the Voice of the 29th Battalion



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The 29th : the Voice of the 29th Battalion was a fortnightly typewritten camp magazine printed in 1943 by the 29th Battalion of the Second New Zealand Expeditionary Force in the Pacific (2nd NZEF IP) during World War II. The 29th Battalion were stationed in various Pacific postings during this time, including New Caledonia.

Created by the 29th Publishing Committee, who were also working on an unofficial Battalion history, the committee ran a contest for story entries that could be included in the unofficial history. One such winning contribution was the story of the Battalion mascot dog Major. These stories were featured in The 29th alongside local sporting news, hand drawn cartoons, songs, and jokes. In many instances, issues were instructed not to be sent home or shared outside the unit.

While it is not clear exactly why The 29th stopped publishing, in September 1943 the 29th Battalion moved to Guadalcanal to assist with the Solomon Islands campaign. By June 1944 the 29th Battalion were in the process of disbanding and returning to New Zealand as part of the first draft of returnees.