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Votes SUBJECT OF PAPERS. Paper. md Proceedings. KO. PAGE. Bishop of New Zealand. A—No. 6. 69 Despatch from Secretary of State respecting salary of. (In continuation of papers laid on the table 21st August, 1855). Canterbury—Provincial Council. A—No. 2. 5 Land Fund—Letter from Speaker enclosing resolution of, respecting an alleged overpayment on account of the Land Fund. Supreme Court —Letter from Speaker enclosing resolution ot, respecting the incon- A—No. 11. 151 venience sustained by the Province in not having a Session of the Supreme Court held there. Chatham Islands, British authority at. C—No. 5. 73 Correspondence relative to the establishment of; and copies of all correspondence with Mr. Shand since his official appointment at. Tarimissions of his Excellency. B—No, 5. 5 Copies of Commission as Governor of New Zealand, with Royal Instructions, also Commission as Vice-Admiral of the same. (institution Act. A—No. 3. 94 Extract of Despatch from his Excellency to the Secretary of State for the Colonies dated 25th September, 1855, relative to the power of the General Assembly to make alterations in the. Customs. C—No. 14. 155 Estimated Receipts and Expenditure on account of the Customs Department for the year ending 3"th June. 1856 ; also, return of probable Receipts from Duties of Customs at each of the vaiious Ports of the Colony during the same period. Estimated Revenue for the year ending June, 1857; under "Customs Duties C—No. 15. 260 Act, 1856," of 5th August. AucUand —Return of all Spirits, &c., taken out of bond during four weeks ending * 260 ith August, 1856.* Duppa, George. C—No. 6. 147 Decision of Mr. Justice Stephen relative to a Land Claim in the matter of. Electoral Rolls. A—No. 9. 203 Scrutiny of. Finance. A—No. 1. 91 Assets and Liabilities of the General Government, returns of. Detail, d accounts of Expenditure on account of the management and survey of B—No. 6. 152 Waste Lands of the Crown. Also cost of management and collection »f the Customs' Revenue. ■Estimated Ordinary Revenue and Expenditure for 1856-7. Estimated Expenditure t for 1856-7 chargeable on the Temporary Loan. Additional Estimates for 1856-7, chargeable on the Ordinary Revenue. Expenditure in comparative statements on account of each branch of the public C—No. 3. 5/ service from 1st January, 1853. ; I 1 • Printed in Government Gazette with Mr. Brodie's return of August 8th, Votes and Proceedings folio SCO, 4 Comprised in C No. 15 (see Customs).