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Presented to loth Souses of the General Assembly by command of Sis Excellency.

No. 1. The Hon. the Colonial Secretary to the Agent-General. Sir, — Colonial Secretary's Office, Wellington, 25th November, 1871. I have the honor to transmit to you the accompanying Memorandum from the Defence Department, and to request you to ho good enough to procure and forward the medals referred to therein. Arrangements have been made by this mail to place £400 at your disposal for this service. I have, <&c, "W. Giseorne. The Agent-General for New Zealand, 7, Westminster Chambers, Victoria Street, London, S.W.

Enclosure in No. 1. Memorandum for the Agent-General for New Zealand. The Agent-General is requested to procure from the Imperial authorities one thousand more New Zealand War Medals for issue to the Colonial Forces, under the authority granted by Her Majesty. A statement of the cost of the medals obtained by Mr. Morrison is enclosed for the AgentGeneral's information. An inscribing machine and type for the purpose of marking the names of the recipients on the medals was purchased by Mr. Morrison from Mr. G. Austin, 13, St. James Street, at a cost, including packing, of £73 10s. Owing to the inequality in the size of the type, the whole is entirely useless, and the medals have to be engraved by hand. The machine and type will therefore bo returned, by first vessel leaving this port for London, to the Agent-General, and steps should be taken to recover the cost from Mr. Austin, as the fault rests entirely with the maker of the type, and the Government have been put to great inconvenience and expense in consequence. It would be useless now to send out a fresh supply of type, as, after the issue of the medals now sent for, there will be no further use for the inscribing machine. A copy of Mr. Austin's account is enclosed. Donald McLean. Colonial Defence Office, "Wellington, New Zealand, November 25th, 1871.

Sub-Enclosures in No. 1. i Eoyal Mint, 18th May, 1871. The Government of New Zealand to the Master of the Mint. £ s. d. 995.50 ozs. of silver, at ss. Gd., ... ... ... 273 15 3 Manufacturing 1,000 medals, at 3d. each ... ... 12 10 0 £286 5 3