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Presented to Both Houses of the General Assembly Pursuant to Section 41 of the Patriotic and Canteen Funds Act, 1947

The Hon. the Minister op Internal Affairs, Parliament Buildings, Wellington. The New Zealand Patriotic Fund Board has the honour to present, on its own behalf and on behalf of the National Patriotic Fund Board, reports and balance-sheet for the year ended 30th September, 1948, in accordance with Regulation 21 of the Patriotic Purposes Emergency Regulations 1939 and section 41 of the Patriotic and Canteen Funds Act, 1947, respectively. NATIONAL PATRIOTIC FUND BOARD Introduction The activities of the Board, which concluded on the 30th April, 1948, covered a period of some eight and a half years, during which time it handled approximately £9,000,000. The various phases of its work have been dealt with in the annual reports.


To quote from the Patriotic Purposes Emergency Regulations 1939, the Board was charged with the responsibility for —- (a) The relief of distress occasioned by the war, whether in New Zealand or elsewhere in the British Dominions, or in any territory under His Majesty's protection or mandate, or in any territory of any State allied to His Majesty, whether such territory was in enemy occupation or not. (b) The supply during the war of comforts, conveniences, special equipment, and assistance to members of (i) His Majesty's naval, military, and air Forces of New Zealand or of any other British State or the colonies or dependencies or mandated territories thereof respectively, or the naval, military, and air forces of any State at any time allied to His Majesty ; (ii) The intercolonial or foreign-going merchant navies of New Zealand or of any other British State or the colonies or dependencies or mandated territories thereof respectively, or of any State at any time allied to His Majesty ; (iii) Any voluntary aid or other voluntary organization actually on service with His Majesty's naval, military, and air forces of New Zealand or of any other British State or the colonies or dependencies or mandated territories thereof respectively, or with the naval, military, or air forces of any State at any time allied to His Majesty. (c) The relief, assistance, and support of dependants of members of any navaL military, or air forces, merchant navy, or voluntary organization referred to in the preceding paragraph. (d) The relief, assistance, and support of persons who, having at any time during the war been members of any such naval, military, or air force, merchant navy, or voluntary organization, as aforesaid, and having ceased to be members of any such force, navy, or organization, may be disabled or out of employment, or otherwise in need, and the dependants of any such persons, or the dependants of any members of such naval, military, or air force, merchant navy or voluntary organization, as aforesaid, who have lost or may hereafter lose their lives as a result, direct or indirect, of service in the war. (e) The relief, assistance, or support of members of any such naval, military, or air force, merchant navy, or voluntary organization as aforesaid who may be sick or wounded, or prisoner of war. In regard to prisoners of war, the moneys for food parcels were provided from patriotic funds until the Ist October, 1942, and thereafter by the Government. Realization of Assets The sum of £419,000 was realized on the sale of assets in New Zealand and overseas, and this amount is included in the general funds available for relief of distress of ex-servicemen and their dependants. Assets As at the 30th April, 1948, the liquid assets of the Board amounted to £1,358,632, and of this sum £400,000 was earmarked to provide comforts and amenities for the sick and wounded. In addition, the Board owned the homes known as Evelyn Firth (Auckland), Mowai (Wellington), Rannerdale (Christchurch), and Montecillo (Dunedin), and several recreation huts attached to hospitals.



Board Members Tlie members of the Board who held office at the conclusion of the Board's activities were — His Excellency the Governor-General (Chairman). The Hon. Sir William Perry, M.L.C. (Deputy Chairman). A. H. Allen, Esq., C.B.E. J. A. C. Allum, Esq., C.B.E. Will Appleton, Esq. B. C. Ashwin, Esq., C.M.G. E. E. Brooking, Esq., M.B.E. D. C. Cameron, Esq. H. D. Caro, Esq. H. E. Combs, Esq., M.P. T. A. Duncan, Esq. Mr. Justice Goldstine, 0.8. E. G. A. Hayden, Esq., C.B.E. T. W. Hercock, Esq., 0.8. E. B. J. Jacobs, Esq., 0.8. E. W. Jones, Esq., M.B.E. P. A. Kusabs, Esq. W. S. Mac Gibbon, Esq. W. Mulholland, Esq., 0.8. E. E. R. Neale, Esq., 0.8. E., M.P. The Hon. J. T. Paul, M.L.C. I. J. Quigley, Esq. The Hon. J. Roberts, M.L.C. F. W. Schramm, Esq. W. F. Sturman, Esq. L. 0. H. Tripp, Esq., 0.8. E. Percy Thomson, Esq., M.B.E. Colonel the Hon. F. Waite, M.L.C., C.M.G., 0.8. E., D.S.O. C. A. Wilkinson, Esq. Appreciation At the final meeting of the Board the following resolutions were passed:— That this final meeting of the National Patriotic Fund Board desires to place on record its appreciation of the great assistance given to the Board and the Provincial Councils throughout the whole of the war by the Government of New Zealand, particularly in paying all the staff salaries, office, store, and administration expenses of the Board ; all internal and external freights on patriotic goods, and the cost of all prisoner-of-war parcels from Ist October, 1942, at a total cost of approximately £1,500,000 ; and generally for its ready co-operation in assisting the Board and the Provincial Councils at all times. That this Board places on record its appreciation of the generosity of the people of New Zealand in subscribing the funds to enable the National Patriotic Fund Board and the Provincial Patriotic Councils to provide comforts and amenities for the Service personnel, and for the relief of distress overseas and the welfare of ex-service personnel. It also places on record its appreciation of the wonderful work carried out by the women of New Zealand in knitting, packing parcels, sewing, staffing clubs, and assisting in a multitude of other services. These made the patriotic effort of the Dominion possible. The Board also expressed its appreciation of the action of the Government in introducing the Patriotic Purposes Emergency Regulations 1939, which were instrumental in co-ordinating all patriotic work in New Zealand and in making it the success it undoubtedly was.



NEW ZEALAND PATRIOTIC FUND BOARD Introduction The New Zealand Patriotic Fund Board, which was constituted under the Patriotic and Canteen Funds Act, 1947, for the purpose of administering the funds'of the National Patriotic Fund Board for the benefit of sick, disabled, needy, or unemployed ex-service-men of the 1939-45 War and their dependants, came into operation on the Ist May, 1948 r the first members of the Board being : His Excellency the Governor-General. The Under-Secretary of Internal Affairs. Nominated by— The National Patriotic Fund Board — E. E. Brooking, Esq., M.B.E. Mr. Justice Goldstine, 0.8. E. G. A. Hayden, Esq., C.B.E. Hon. Sir William Perry, M.L.C. Percy Thomson, Esq., M.B.E. Northland Provincial Patriotic Council: William Jones, Esq., M.B.E. Auckland Provincial Patriotic Council: J. A. C. Allum, Esq., 0.8. E. Waikato Provincial Patriotic Council: H. D. Caro, Esq. Bay of Plenty Provincial Patriotic Council: P. A. Kusabs, Esq. East Coast Provincial Patriotic Council: I. J. Quigley, Esq. Hawkes Bay Provincial Patriotic Council: T. W. Hercock, Esq., 0.8. E. Taranaki Provincial Patriotic Council: C. A. Wilkinson, Esq. Wellington Provincial Patriotic Council: Will Appleton, Esq. Marlborough Provincial Patriotic Council: E. J. Harvey, Esq. Nelson Provincial Patriotic Council: E. R. Neale, Esq., 0.8. E., M.P. Westland Provincial Patriotic Council: A. R. Elcock, Esq., M.B.E. Canterbury Provincial Patriotic Council: W. S. Mac Gibbon, Esq. Otago Provincial Patriotic Council: Sir Donald Cameron. Southland Provincial Patriotic Council: W. F. Sturman, Esq. New Zealand Returned Services' Association— C. 0. Bell, Esq. Major-General Sir Howard Kippenberger, C.8., C.8.E., D.S.O. M. S. Myers, Esq. Second N.Z.E.F. Association : J. Nigel Wilson, Esq. New Zealand Homeservicemen's Association — S. B. Butler, Esq. Keith Mills, Esq. A. J. McDonald, Esq. Air Force Association : A. J. M. Manson, Esq. Ex Royal Naval Men's Association and Merchant Service Guild : B. R Bain, Esq. His Excellency the Governor-General is Chairman of the Board, the Deputy Chairman being the Hon. Sir William Perry, M.L.C. Mr. G. A. Hayden is the Honorary Trea&urer.



Summary of Receipts and Payments The following table shows the position of the National and Provincial Funds as at Ist October, 1947, and the 30th September, 1948 :

New Zealand Patriotic Fund Board (Incorporating figures of the National Patriotic Fund Board) Balance as at Ist October, 1947 £ s. d. £ s. d. Cash .. .. .. .. 76,049 0 0 Investments .. .. 1,282,583 0 0 1,358,632 0 0 Receipts from all sources.. .. .. .. .. 103,807 0 0 1,462,439 0 0 Payments .. .. .. .. .. .. 150,236 0 0 * Cash and investments as at 30/9/48 .. .. £1,312,203 0 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. * Cash .. .. .. 5,723 0 0 Cash: Agents' .. .. 22,621 0 0 28,344 0 0 Investments .. .. .. 1,283,859 0 0 1,312,203 0 0


Receipts. Payments. Provincial Patriotic Council. Balance on Hand, 1st October, 1947 (Including Investments). Received, 1947-48. Payments. Balance on Hand, 30th September, 1948 (Including Investments). Northland .. Auckland .. Waikato Bay of Plenty East Coast Hawkes Bay Taranaki .. Wellington Marlborough Nelson Westland .. Canterbury Otago Southland .. £ 52,182 237,446 71,977 47,099 50,087 135,080 94,877 277,073 22,682 85,282 39,210 151,440 | 263,544 103,839 ; £ 1,798 9,281 2,251 * 1,906 4,173 * 10,560 1,103 2,668 880 5,136 7,521 3,320 £ 3,156 7,663 625 * 1,797 1,349 * 13,411 2,161 2,547 160 13,451 11,789 6,652 £ 50,824 239,064 73,603 * 50,196 137,904 * 274,222 21,624 85,403 39,930 143,125 259,276 100,507 1,631,818 50,597 64,761 1,475,678 * Figures for Bay of Plenty and Taranaki are not available.


Expending Agents At its first meeting the Board appointed the following expending agents : The Joint Council of the Order of St. John and the New Zealand Red Cross Society. The Commercial Travellers' and Warehousemen's Blinded Servicemen's TrustBoard. The High Commissioner for New Zealand in London. The New Zealand Senior Trade Commissioner in Australia, Sydney. Major K. R. Collins, Cairo. The Joint Council of the Order of St. John and the New Zealand Red Cross Society This organization is entrusted with the work of providing comforts and amenities for the sick and wounded, as well as the conduct of the four convalescent homes mentioned previously, and the recreation huts attached to the hospitals at Auckland, Rotorua, Lower Hutt, and Wellington. An important phase of the organization's work is that of diversional and occupational therapy, which does much towards promoting the happiness of patients, and in many instances equips them with a means of livelihood on discharge from hospital. During the twelve months ended 31st March, 1948, the following comforts, &c., were distributed by the Joint Council to ex-service patients throughout New Zealand Cigarettes (packets) . . .. .. .. 146,884 Tobacco(packets) .. .. .. .. 22,249 Tissues (packets) .. .. .. .. 22,257 Fruit (cases of 40 lb. each) ~ .. .. 930 Chocolate and sweets (packets) .. .. 79,182 Cake (blocks) .. .. .. .. 713 Aerated waters (dozens) .. .. .. 72 Periodicals .. .. .. .. .. 26,752 Clothing (including pyjamas, dressing-gowns, and underclothing) .. .. .. .. 2,237 Handkerchiefs .. . . .. .. 2,033 Hospital supplies (including face-cloths, towels, sheets, hot-water bags, pillow-slips, &c.) .. 1,99^ Soap (tablets) .. .. .. .. 144 Games of all kinds (including playing-cards, assorted games, table tennis, cricket-sets, golf-balls, &c.). Tea (lb.) .. .. .. .. .. 1,260 Sugar (lb.) .. .. .. .. .. 2.520 Books—a comprehensive range supplied to all homes and huts. In addition, supplies of tooth-paste, tooth brushes, razor blades, safety razors, &c. r were made available when requested. Picnic parties, sports events, concert parties, and other recreational facilities were also arranged for the sick throughout the year. The Commercial Travellers' and Warehousemen's Blinded Servicemen's Trust Board This Board has been appointed expending agent to provide relief, assistance, and support for blinded ex-servicemen and their dependants. An amount of £25,000 has been allocated for the purpose.



Expending Agents, England, Australia, and Cairo These expending agents are provided with funds for the purpose of assisting New Zealand ex-servicemen in the respective countries. Policy The following policy of expenditure, which is intended to secure co-ordination of effort and uniformity of procedure between this Board, the Canteen Fund Board, and the Provincial Patriotic Councils, has been adopted by the Board : (1) That care be taken not to lay down any rigid rules as to assistance that may be granted. (2) That no time-limit be fixed for the expenditure of the funds except that they be expended in the lifetime of the discharged servicemen of the 1939-45 war. An actuarial investigation of all funds to be made immediately, and every three years thereafter. (3) That as many welfare committees as practicable be set up by the Provincial Patriotic Councils and that service organizations be requested to send cases for relief to those committees ; and, further, that the Welfare Committees and service organizations be asked to act on cases as early as possible without waiting until the need has become acute. (4) That moneys allocated in pursuance of clause (8) be expended to the individual through the same local channels, providing all Welfare Committees throughout the Dominion include in their membership representatives of the ex-service organizations as mentioned in the Act which may be constituted in their district, and who shall be nominated by the organizations concerned. (5) That shortness of service shall not debar an applicant from receiving assistance, and that the paramount consideration in granting assistance shall be the need of the applicant. (6) That cases be investigated on the basis of granting complete assistance rather than temporary relief. (7) That to achieve uniformity throughout the Dominion, assistance to any individual shall be — From local Welfare Committees, not more than £5O in any one year ; From Provincial Patriotic Councils, at the discretion of the Council, — but it is recommended to Provincial Councils that, in order to obtain uniformity, they refer any application exceeding £lOO to an individual to the combined Welfare Committee of the New Zealand Patriotic Fund Board and the Canteen Fund Board for reimbursement in approved cases. (8) That, in connection with individual relief, the funds of both the New Zealand Patriotic Fund Board and the Canteen Fund Board be spent pro rata, according to the amount allocated by each Board, subject to clause (4). (9) That all Welfare Committees be visited and the full policy explained to them. (10) That Provincial Patriotic Councils be recommended to provide adequate liaison between the service organizations who are administering their own funds and local welfare organizations. Welfare Conference A conference between Provincial Welfare Committees and the Board was held during the year with a view to obtaining uniformity of procedure and to prevent overlapping, as well as to ensure that ex-servicemen will receive equality of treatment irrespective of where they reside or enlisted.



Homes for Ex-servicemen A considerable amount of preliminary work has been done in connection with the establishment of homes for ex-servicemen. It has been ascertained that there are three types of cases to be cared for — (а) The aged veteran, (б) The bedridden case, (c) The convalescent. In regard to (a), there appear to be few, if any, aged veterans of the 1939-45 war, but it is thought there is a number who saw service in the 1914-18 war and again in the last war who would soon be within this category. The Board is negotiating with the Auckland Veteran's Home Board in regard to these men. As regards (b), this class of case is receiving care in the homes conducted by the Joint Council of the Order of St. John and the New Zealand Red Cross Society on behalf of the Board. In respect of (c), it has been decided to establish two homes, one in the North Island and one in the South Island, and inquiry is being made for suitable sites on which to erect the homes. Relief and Assistance All applications from ex-servicemen in New Zealand for assistance are submitted in the first instance to the Provincial Patriotic Councils' Welfare Committees. In accordance with national policy a number of special cases have been referred to the Board by Provincial Councils, and under this heading fifty cases have been dealt with and grants totalling £3,371 have been made. In addition, loans totalling £1,150 have been made mainly from a bequest to the Board by the late Mrs. Helen Ross, of Wellington. Further, assistance has been granted by the High Commissioner for New Zealand in London to eighty-nine New Zealand ex-servicemen, mainly bursars, to the extent of £1,859. For and on behalf of the New Zealand Patriotic Fund Board : A. H. Gibson, Secretary.



NEW ZEALAND PATRIOTIC FUND BOARD ♦Receipts and Payments Account, Ist October, 1947, to 30th September, 1948 Receipts Payments Interest on investments— £ s. d. £ s. d. General .. .. .. .. .. 27,650 13 7 Refund of amounts held on deposit .. .. .. 10,672 10 4 Sick and wounded •• •• •• •• 10,890 5 6 Expended by agents overseas .. .. .. 16,336 15 8 Investments matured .. .. .. .. 18,583 11 6 Comforts— Refund of unexpended advances to agents .. .. 40 10 10 Troops in New Zealand .. .. .. .. 408 3 10 Donations .. .. .. .. .. 1,696 13 1 Troops overseas .. .. .. .. .. 5,017 13 2 Hospital fees, &c. .. .. .. .. .. 27,481 14 3 Expended by agents in New Zealand— Sundry receipts overseas .. .. .. .. 1,349 3 10 Navy League .. .. . . .. .. 34 4 1 Reimbursement from art-union profits: Account expendi- Church of England Military Affairs Committee .. 77 10 8 ture on welfare of troops overseas .. .. .. 3,500 0 0 Y.M.C.A. .. .. .. .. .. 773 13 1 Miscellaneous receipts and recoveries .. .. 2,808 4 10 Joint Council (sick and wounded) .. .. 81,473 7 9 Sale of assets recovered or on charge at nominal value .. 28,530 2 9 Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. .. 57 9 4 Helen Ross Trust .. .. .. .. .. 2,696 19 0 122,531 0 2 Comforts for hospitals in New Zealand .. .. 1,762 17 4 - , ■ , Food for Britain .. .. .. .. .. 29,070 14 9 £ s. d. Realization of assets . . .. .. .. 28 15 1 Cash in hand and at bank, Ist October, 1947 .. 45,153 7 4 I Insurance .. .. .. .. .. 240 19 1 Cash in hand of agents, Ist October, 1947 .. .. 30,895 17 2 Administration expenses, including travelling-expenses of Board Members .. .. .. .. 869 13 2 Purchase of motor-vehicles .. .. .. .. 715 0 0 Amounts invested .. .. .. .. .. 20,000 0 0 £170,236 6 4 £ s. d. Cash in hand and at bank, 30th September, 1948 .. 5,723 9 8 Cash in hand of agents, 30th September, 1948 .. 22,620 8 8 £198,580 4 8 £198,580 4 8 * Includes accounts of the National Patriotic Fund Board from Ist October, 1947, to 30th April, 1948, on which date the funds were vested in the New Zealand Patriotic Fund Board.



NEW ZEALAND PATRIOTIC FUND BOARD— continued * Income and Expenditure Account, Ist October, 1947, to 30th September, 1948 Grants and comforts supplied to ex-servicemen and service- &d " Donations £ 42 jg % eIiSSEl 6IP T 80 r 6i ? :: " £'£? 2 I tSZT m *" Zea,Bnd ■■ " II w „S e * m kursement from art-union profits on account ofTroops A St n ™ * 7oi m J Miscellaneous receipts and reverie, !.! " »'& 1i! Surplus for year, transferred to Accumulated Fund .. 53,018 8 4 £61,655 4 9 £61,655 4 9 Sick and Wounded Reserve Net cost of maintaining convalescent homes, comforts, " d ' Ist October, 1947: Balance Is/fISB oin andamemt.esfors'ckandu.eunded .. .. 40,039 7 4 Interest on investments . " " 8 ?o'S 30th September, 1948 : Balance .. .. .. 354537 10 ••••.. iu,«yu d b £394,576 8 4 ~~ I £ s d £394,576 8 4 | 30th September, 1948: By Balance.. .. .. 354,537 1 0 * Includes accounts of the National Patriotic Fund Board from Ist October 1947 to 30th April, 1948, on which date the funds were vested in the New Zealand Patriotic Fund Board.



Helen Ross Trust £ s d. £ s. d. Grants to ex-servicemen 2,696 19 0 Ist October 1947 : Balance 5,349 3 9 30th September, 1948: Balance 2,769 4 9 Interest on Investments » £5,466 3 9 £ s. d. £5,466 3 9 30th September, 1948 : By Balance .. .. •• 2 > 769 4 9 Specific Bequests and Donations for Sick and Wounded £ s d l £ s. dExpenditure 2,539 6 7 Ist October, 1947, Balance 2.979 19 30th September, 1948: Balance .. •• •• 1,714 6 11 Receipts .. .. •• •• • £4,253 13 6 £ s. d. £4,253 13 6 30th September, 1948: By balance .. .. • • 1,714 6 11



NEW ZEALAND PATRIOTIC FUND BOARD— continued Food for Britain £ s. d. £ s d Expenditure .. .. .. .. .. 35,380 18 2 Ist October, 1947: Balance.. .. .. 35 762 12 8 Transfer to General Account.. .. .. .. 381 14 6 30th September, 1948: Balance £35,762 12 8 £35,762 12 8 B.M.A. War Services Fund £ s. d. £ s d Refund of deposit .. .. .. .. .. 19 0 2 Ist October, 1947: Balance .. .. .. 18 13 11 Interest .. .. . . . . .. , t g 3 £l9 0 2 £l9 0 2



New Zealand Sheepowners' Acknowledgment of Debt £ s. d. £ St Refund of deposit 9,448 15 0 Ist October, 1947 : Balance 9,355 1 5 Interest .. .. • • • • • • • • »o j. o / £9,448 15 0 £9,448 15 0 Blinded Servicemen's Fund £ s. d. £ s - d - Expenditure .. .. •• •• Nil. Ist October, 1947: Balance .. .. •• 25,000 0 0 30th September, 1948: Balance .. .. •• 25,000 0 0 £25 000 0 0 £ s. d. £25,000 0 0 30th September, 1948 : By balance .. 25,000 0 0



NEW ZEALAND PATRIOTIC FUND BOARD— continued Balance-Sheet of the New Zealand Patriotic Fund Board as at 30th September, 1948 Liabilities Assets Accumulated funds: Balance, Ist £ s. d. £ s. d. Convalescent homes and hospitals: £ s. d. £ s. d. October, 1947 . . .. 980,405 6 1 land, buildings, furniture, and Add surplus from Income and Ex- equipment .. .. .. 57,761 7 1 penditure Account for year ended Recreational huts and furniture for sick 30th September, 1948 .. 53,018 8 4 and wounded .. .. .. 4,631 1 0 1,033,423 14 5 Launch, Rotorua .. .. .. 1,737 8 9 Sick and Wounded Reserve : Balance, Furniture and equipment, Joint Ist October, 1947 .. .. 383,686 2 10 Council .. .. .. 2,618 12 5 Less deficiency, year ended 30th Motor-vehicles .. .. .. 9,985 15 6 September, 1948, after crediting interest and other income .. 29,149 1 10 76,734 4 9 354,537 1 0 Less Depreciation Reserve .. 10,969 0 0 Special funds— 65,765 4 9 Blinded Servicemen's Fund .. .. .. 25,000 0 0 Huts in camps in New Zealand (residual Helen Ross Trust .. .. .. .. 2,769 4 9 value) .. .. .. .. 500 0 0 Specific bequests and donations for sick and wounded 1,714 6 11 Furniture and equipment, Head Office 432 10 3 Sundry creditors .. .. .. .. .. 684 15 10 Less Depreciation Reserve .. 87 0 0 345 10 3 Investments, New Zealand Government stock and local-body debentures, at cost— General Fund .. .. .. 931,492 10 3 Held against Sick and Wounded | Reserve .. .. .. 350,380 3 1 Helen Ross Trust .. .. 1,986 16 9 — 1,283,859 10 1 Investments : first mortgage, Helen Ross Trust .. .. . . 782 8 0 Loans to ex-servicemen . . .. .. 186 3 1 Sundry debtors .. .. .. .. 7,730 0 7 Accrued interest .. .. .. .. 8,810 13 2 Stock on hand .. .. .. .. 21,805 14 8 Cash in hand and at bank 30th September, 1948 .. .. •• 5,723 9 8 Cash in hand of agents, 30th September, 1948 .. .. .. 22,620 8 8 28,343 18 4 £1,418,129 2 11 £1,418,129 2 11



froiE.—Rent of premises and salaries of staff of the New Zealand Patriotic Fund Board are met from the Public Account. G. A. Hayden, Hon. Treasure?. A. H. Gibson, Secretary. I hereby certify that the Receipts and Payments Account, Income and Expenditure Account, and Balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby.—J. P. Rutherford, Controller and Auditor-General. Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, not given ; printing (593 copies), £25.

By Authority: R. E. Owen, Government Printer, Wellington.— 1949.

Price 6d. J


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NEW ZEALAND PATRIOTIC FUND BOARD (REPORT OF) FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30th SEPTEMBER, 1948, Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1949 Session I, H-22a

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NEW ZEALAND PATRIOTIC FUND BOARD (REPORT OF) FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30th SEPTEMBER, 1948 Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1949 Session I, H-22a

NEW ZEALAND PATRIOTIC FUND BOARD (REPORT OF) FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30th SEPTEMBER, 1948 Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1949 Session I, H-22a