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Homes for Ex-servicemen A considerable amount of preliminary work has been done in connection with the establishment of homes for ex-servicemen. It has been ascertained that there are three types of cases to be cared for — (а) The aged veteran, (б) The bedridden case, (c) The convalescent. In regard to (a), there appear to be few, if any, aged veterans of the 1939-45 war, but it is thought there is a number who saw service in the 1914-18 war and again in the last war who would soon be within this category. The Board is negotiating with the Auckland Veteran's Home Board in regard to these men. As regards (b), this class of case is receiving care in the homes conducted by the Joint Council of the Order of St. John and the New Zealand Red Cross Society on behalf of the Board. In respect of (c), it has been decided to establish two homes, one in the North Island and one in the South Island, and inquiry is being made for suitable sites on which to erect the homes. Relief and Assistance All applications from ex-servicemen in New Zealand for assistance are submitted in the first instance to the Provincial Patriotic Councils' Welfare Committees. In accordance with national policy a number of special cases have been referred to the Board by Provincial Councils, and under this heading fifty cases have been dealt with and grants totalling £3,371 have been made. In addition, loans totalling £1,150 have been made mainly from a bequest to the Board by the late Mrs. Helen Ross, of Wellington. Further, assistance has been granted by the High Commissioner for New Zealand in London to eighty-nine New Zealand ex-servicemen, mainly bursars, to the extent of £1,859. For and on behalf of the New Zealand Patriotic Fund Board : A. H. Gibson, Secretary.