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NEW ZEALAND PATRIOTIC FUND BOARD— continued * Income and Expenditure Account, Ist October, 1947, to 30th September, 1948 Grants and comforts supplied to ex-servicemen and service- &d " Donations £ 42 jg % eIiSSEl 6IP T 80 r 6i ? :: " £'£? 2 I tSZT m *" Zea,Bnd ■■ " II w „S e * m kursement from art-union profits on account ofTroops A St n ™ * 7oi m J Miscellaneous receipts and reverie, !.! " »'& 1i! Surplus for year, transferred to Accumulated Fund .. 53,018 8 4 £61,655 4 9 £61,655 4 9 Sick and Wounded Reserve Net cost of maintaining convalescent homes, comforts, " d ' Ist October, 1947: Balance Is/fISB oin andamemt.esfors'ckandu.eunded .. .. 40,039 7 4 Interest on investments . " " 8 ?o'S 30th September, 1948 : Balance .. .. .. 354537 10 ••••.. iu,«yu d b £394,576 8 4 ~~ I £ s d £394,576 8 4 | 30th September, 1948: By Balance.. .. .. 354,537 1 0 * Includes accounts of the National Patriotic Fund Board from Ist October 1947 to 30th April, 1948, on which date the funds were vested in the New Zealand Patriotic Fund Board.