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To quote from the Patriotic Purposes Emergency Regulations 1939, the Board was charged with the responsibility for —- (a) The relief of distress occasioned by the war, whether in New Zealand or elsewhere in the British Dominions, or in any territory under His Majesty's protection or mandate, or in any territory of any State allied to His Majesty, whether such territory was in enemy occupation or not. (b) The supply during the war of comforts, conveniences, special equipment, and assistance to members of (i) His Majesty's naval, military, and air Forces of New Zealand or of any other British State or the colonies or dependencies or mandated territories thereof respectively, or the naval, military, and air forces of any State at any time allied to His Majesty ; (ii) The intercolonial or foreign-going merchant navies of New Zealand or of any other British State or the colonies or dependencies or mandated territories thereof respectively, or of any State at any time allied to His Majesty ; (iii) Any voluntary aid or other voluntary organization actually on service with His Majesty's naval, military, and air forces of New Zealand or of any other British State or the colonies or dependencies or mandated territories thereof respectively, or with the naval, military, or air forces of any State at any time allied to His Majesty. (c) The relief, assistance, and support of dependants of members of any navaL military, or air forces, merchant navy, or voluntary organization referred to in the preceding paragraph. (d) The relief, assistance, and support of persons who, having at any time during the war been members of any such naval, military, or air force, merchant navy, or voluntary organization, as aforesaid, and having ceased to be members of any such force, navy, or organization, may be disabled or out of employment, or otherwise in need, and the dependants of any such persons, or the dependants of any members of such naval, military, or air force, merchant navy or voluntary organization, as aforesaid, who have lost or may hereafter lose their lives as a result, direct or indirect, of service in the war. (e) The relief, assistance, or support of members of any such naval, military, or air force, merchant navy, or voluntary organization as aforesaid who may be sick or wounded, or prisoner of war. In regard to prisoners of war, the moneys for food parcels were provided from patriotic funds until the Ist October, 1942, and thereafter by the Government. Realization of Assets The sum of £419,000 was realized on the sale of assets in New Zealand and overseas, and this amount is included in the general funds available for relief of distress of ex-servicemen and their dependants. Assets As at the 30th April, 1948, the liquid assets of the Board amounted to £1,358,632, and of this sum £400,000 was earmarked to provide comforts and amenities for the sick and wounded. In addition, the Board owned the homes known as Evelyn Firth (Auckland), Mowai (Wellington), Rannerdale (Christchurch), and Montecillo (Dunedin), and several recreation huts attached to hospitals.