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Laid on the Table of the House of Representatives by Leave.

Sir,— Wellington, 30th June, 1020. I have the honour to submit a review of the operations of the Department of Imperial Government Supplies from the Ist April, .1919, to the 31st March, 1920. FROZEN MEAT. The revised schedule of prices agreed to in October, 1916, by the Imperial Board of Trade and the freezing companies concerned has remained operative. fit October, 1919, instructions were received from the Imperial Government that the system of telescoping carcases of mutton and lamb should be discontinued. In December, 1919, the Imperial Board of Trade advised that in order to relieve the congestion, existing in New Zealand freezing-stores it was proposed to ship considerable quantities of New Zealand lamb to the United States of America on Imperial Government account. Subsequently definite advice was received of sales effected to American purchasers, and up to the 31st March, 1920, two shipments had been made in accordance with the Imperial Govern men t's instructions viz., 27,290 carcases per s.s. " Northumberland," and 251,798 carcases per s.s. " Armagh," which, steamers sailed on the 13th and 27th March respectively for New York and Boston. The total quantities of meat purchased and shipped from the Ist April, 1919, to the 31st March, 1920, were— Beef (quarters) . . . . . . . . . . 432,784 Mutton (carcases) .. .. .. ..3,906,751 Lamb (carcases) .. .. .. .. 3,761,166 Other meat (in 60 lb. carcases) . . . . . . 31,922 The total quantities of meat purchased, and shipped from the inception of the requisition (3rd March, 1915) to the 31st March, 1920, were its follows: Beef (quarters) . . . . . . . . 2,885,043 Mutton (carcases) .. .. .. .. 12,299,080 Lamb (carcases) .. .. .. .. .13,625,510 Other meat (in 6011). carcases) .. .. .. 286,471 The total payments for meat to the 31st March, 1920, including storage and advances, amounted to £44,344,503, which was distributed as under : £ .£ Auckland .. .. .. 3,900,627 Poverty Bay .. .. .. 4,729,446 Hawke's Bay .. .. .. 4,663,971 Taranaki ..' . . . . . . 1 ,748,384 Wellington .. .. .. 13,252,319 North Island .. .. 28,294,747 Marlborough .. .. .. 307,958 Nelson .. .. .. .. 191,134 Canterbury .. . . . . 9,845,052 Otago .. .. .. .. 3,077,235 Southland .. .. .. 2,628,377 South Island .. .. 16,049,750 Grand total ~ , , £44,344,503

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The quantities of meat which had either arrived at destination or were en route ;ts at the 31st, March, 1920, were---Beef (quarters) .. .. .. .. 2,851,319 Mutton (carcases) .. .. .. .. 12,170,253 Lamb (carcases) .. .. .. .. .13,533,299 The balance is accounted for by quantities then on board steamers loading in New Zealand, and by losses in steamers s.s. " Clan MacTavish," ' Rotorua," "Westmoreland," and " Hurunui." The respective quantities of meat shipped from each port from the inception of the requisition to the 31st March, 1920. are set out in the following table :—

The system of payment of advances, representing 75 per cent, of the value of killings which have remained in freezing-chambers for a period of six weeks, still continues, the payment of the balance of 25 per cent, being effected at time, of shipment upon presentation of the usual documents,

1011-15 Season. 1915-16 Season. 191 Port of Shipment. , j Beef. ' Mutton ! Lamb. Beef, j Mutton. Lamb. Beef. |" Quarters. Carcases. Carcases. Quarters. Carcases. Carcases. Quarters. Whangarei .. 23,094 .. .. j 41,457 11,323 3,222 25,067 Auckland .. 52,533 41,204 74,983180,587 42,975 108,104 76,063 Whakatane ..•[.. Tokomaru Bay ' 6«,463 58,460 41,897 8,950, 107,846 67,526 7,742 Gisborne .. 25,024 220,038 101,073 62,261 325,172 165,752 33,933 Napier .. 34,802 208,775151,982 64,802 377,599 301,282 33,092 Waitara .. 46,612 49,485 28,250 77,080 54,929 44,126 34,608 New Plymouth .. .. .. .. .. .. 8,531 Wanganui .. 17,812 95,713 38,012 26,783; 88,569 67,766 56,011 Wellington .. 58,979 610,073411,351 166,93l| 734,540 782,383 88,287 Total North 265,919J 1,283,808847,548^685, 451 1,742,953 1,540,161363,334 Nelson .. 521 1.0,31.2 20,549] 4,763 16,623 21,563 4,256 Pieton .. .. 22,410 31,035] .. , 27,650 42,392 Lyttelton .. 11,128 244,750 772,152 38,102 274,884 770,312 52,205 Timaru .. 2,618 153,374 623,925 7,624 102,373 334,357 15,507 Oamaru .. .. 29,871 97,868 .. ] 10,095 32,402 Dunedin .. 11.876 85,884214,387; 22,246 102,716 189,680 30,388 Blufl .. 45,673 156,552 282,044 61,634| 144,396 217,847 52,018 Total South 71,816 703,153 2041960 1 134,429, 678,737 1,608,553 154,374 Island ports 1 ] •• ■ Grand totals 337,735 1,986,961 2889508 769,880 2,421,6903,148,714 517,708 ! I 1914-15 Season. (5-17 Season. Mutton. Lamb. Carcases. Carcases. 4,271 3,155 22,942 9,464 33,186 143,881 13,562 248,209 88,516 13,918 13,389 12,761 2,567 65,784 24,004 395,542 402,350 1017-18 Season. Beef. Mutton, j Lamb. Quarters. Carcases. ! Carcases. 34,595 9,991; 1,079 146,2139 30,534; 40,040 0,721 4,071 50,905 35,811 190,555 100,023 30,702| 263,763 211,958 61,543 33,832 26,198 12,952; 9,043 9,345 57,900 176,227,121,674 134,810 420,894 257,605 1,540,161 363,334 940,494 1557,007 525,344 1,185,744 767,922 21,563 42,392 770,312 334,357 32,402 189,680 217,847 4,256 52,205 15,507 i 1,671 17,592 237,954 1.58,713 9,541 107,912 101,723 I , 1,684 23,217 352,344 248,520 2,527 54,700 75,507 2,646, 8,526, 10,324 1,099 25,419 23,690 37,049 312,976588,620 7,038 88,455 283,701 61,636 28,670 8,316 82,697 112,692 31,455 105,744 55,825 30,388 52,018 1,608,553 154,374 635,106 758,499 87,603J 685,453 1103522 i 612,94711,871,197 1871444 3,148,714 517,708 15756001 1315506 1918 10 Season. 1010-20 Sea 119-20 Sen ion. Total. Port of Shipment. Beef, j Mutton. Lamb, ; Beef. Mutton. Beef. Mutton, Lamb. Beef. Mutton. | Lamb. Quarters.; Carcases. Carcases. Quarters. Carcases. Whangarei .. .. .. 24,767 .. .. .. 35,92' Auckland .. .. .. 83,11-5 188,406 105,879 20,613 53,63 Whakatane .. .. .. 23,550 29,626 1,067 6,028 26,68, Tokomaru I'mv .. .. 14,209: 67,050 49,581 .. 67,75 Gisborne .. .. .. 83,815 278,026 75,681 4,609 205,74' Napier .. .. .. 46,709 590,811 238,409 5,428 196,13 Waitara .. .. .. 20,425 97,825 35,908 7,088 New Plymouth .. .. 24,44o! 43, 60 14,400 8,895 42,56Wanganui .. .. .. 43,595 173,034 163,484 17,392 84,131 Wellington .. .. .. 97,3411,013,251 033,110 31,963 316,02' Total North Island poiis .. 461,9662,481,689Jl,317,585J102, 6161,028,601 Quarters. 20,613 6,028 4,609 5,428 7,688 8,895 17,392 31,963 Carcases. Carcases. 35,929 2,362 53,631 10,135 26,685 5,599; 67,751 3,1341 205,747 92,543: 196,131 88,782l 2,961 42,564 10,628 84,135 41,551 316,027! 286,007! Quarters. 149,580 565,150 36,299 41,435 245,453 215,535 248,556 54,818 219,493 578,311 Quarter 149,i T 565,1 36, i 41,4 245,4 215,ir 248, £ 54,c 219,-1 578,3 rs 5c If 2! 4: 4f 5? 5f 81 4! 31 s. .81 5C M X 5: .3f I5( lie 9£ 11 0 ,o i9 5 3 ■5 6 8 3 i: Carcases. Carcases. I 61,514 9,818 i 379,752 348,605 I 56,311 0,666 i 385,198 162,138 11,363,419 548,634 . I ,885,288 1,080,929 I 249,989 150,892 I 108,028 36,946 I 683,4621 456,491 3,490,327 2,773,400 I I 102,616 1,028,600 544,302' 2,354,630 354, fi 6S ,31 8,663,2885,574,525 Nelson .. .. .. 5,014 15,762] 9,183! I'.ctoo .. .. .. 948; 38,815 70,410 Lyttelton .. .. .. 20,833] 284,920 992,907 3,203 71,54: Timaru .. .. .. 4,370 175,727 609,155 7,461 92,101 Oamaru Dunedin .. .. .. 14,772 73,970 107,011 .. 26,61' Bluff .. .. .. 25,570 112,003 106,999 20 41,87! Total South Island ports .. 71,507 701,197 1,955,615 10,684 232,14( Grand totals .. .. 533,473 3,182,8863,273,200 113,300 1,260,741 I [ 71,542! 92,108' 26,6171 41,879 328,132 155,837 47,368 16,274 35,225 I 17,2 2,0 162,5 44,6 87,5 216,3 530,4 885,0 17,200 2,047 102,580 44,618 87,598 216,370 2C 1)1 56 61 5<; 37 41 ill 00 47 80 18 US' 70 13 43 0 7 0 8 8 0 3|i 3: 52,894] 63,253 131,886J 190,744 1,427,026 3,804,467 770,7502,255,41)5 111,143 208,835 479,796 694,744 662,297 833,447 Is, 635,792 J8,050, 986 I2,299,08o'l3,025,5l0 232,146 582.836J 1,260,7461,127,138J 530,413 _ ... J2,885,043



Payments are made to freezing-companies free of exchange in accordance with the arrangement made with the associated banks at the inception of the requisition, and this arrangement has application also to payments made to the companies' clients on account of shipments and advances. The following statement furnishes particulars of frozen meat in store and of shipments made in the equivalent of 60 lb. carcases from 3rd March-, 1.915, to 31st March, 1920 :— In store on — 1915-16. 1916-17. 1917-18. 1918-19. 1919-20. April 30 .. 1,792,362 2,304,258 2,946,781 4,082,323 7,265,253 May 31 .. 2,048,454 2,642,362 3,290,072 4,794,787 7.931,103 June 30' .. 2.165,342 2,480,846 3,483,324 5,230,000 7.934,921 July 31 .. 1,865,283 1,892,504 3,383,235 5,314,602 7,780,394 August 31 .. 1,410,167 1,396,540 2,949,545 5,233,308 6,960,556 September 30 .. 665,992 816,933 2,873,277 4,970,053 5,923,651 October 3.1. .. 199,936 367,975 2.557,881 4,576,942 4,953,429 November 30 .. 140,836 161,31.1 1,890,489 4,446,726 4,321,729 December 31 .. 597,817 451,361 1,915,451 4,293,315 4,466,364 January 31 .. 1,093,300 1,137,438 1,954,490 4,992,719 5,131,901 February 28 . . 1,575,336 1,901,085 2,609,618 5,766,815 5,912,670 March 31 .. 2,152,250 2,409,541 3,398,364 6,567,871 6,628,789 Shipments during— 1915-16. 1916-17, 1917-18. 1918-19. 1919-20. April .. .. 498,971 540,204 340,374 490,339 423,003 May .. .. 389,223 500,097 338,507 365,688 572,871 June .. .. 302,293 605,890 239,793 94,855 745,147 July .. .. 761,641 740,845 229,402 75,290 308,049 August .. .. 602,647 555,630 453,178 98,327 823,780 September.. .. 795,766 609,362 96,059 264,780 1,037,465 October .. .. 474,055 465,983 321,127 394,722 971,223 November.. .. 282,450 321,497 743,065 133,486 .663,906 December .. .. 241,734 235,316 394,941. 369,577 405,525 January .. .. 514,036 440,168 904,810 217,749 419,553 February .. .. 498,964 272,910 369,043 31.7,679 369,143 March .. .. 542,586 800,539 335,303 549,936 638,129 5,904,366 6,088,441 4,765,602 3,372,428 7,377,794 The freezing companies in the Dominion have further increased the storage capacity of their works during the period under review by 313,095 freight carcases, making the total refrigerated storage accommodation 7,718,367 60 lb. freight carcases, represented by 5,089,656 in the North Island and. 2,628,711 in the South Island. CHEESE. The requisition of cheese on behalf of the Imperial Government came into operation on the 4th November, 1915, and has continued during the interval. The conditions of purchase for the 1919-20 season's output are the same in all respects as those for the previous season, and provide for the payment on delivery of the cheese f.o.b. ocean steamer, subject to an advance of 90 per cent. in the event of the cheese remaining in store for a period of fourteen days prior to shipment. All insurance risks up to the point of shipment are borne by factories, but liability for storage is accepted by the Imperial Government should the average period during which the cheese remains in. store exceed two months. The present contract expires on the Ist July, 1920. The following table shows the number of crates and the value of all cheese purchased from the inception of tlie requisition up to the 31st March, 1920 : — c Number of Value. beaSolh Crates. £ 1915-16 .. .. .. .. 189,502 918,104 1916-17 .. .. .. .. 518,327 3,271,982 1917-18 .. .. .. .. 756,142 5,013,295 1918-19 .. .. .. .. 789,550 5,634,389 1919-20 ... .. .. .. 644,773 4,269,096 The figures for the present season include 274,411 crates awaiting shipment on. the 31st March, a portion of which has been advanced against in accordance with the conditions of purchase.

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BUTTER. The prices fixed for the purchase of the 1919-20 season's output arc as follows :- — Creamery Butter. —First grade, 181s. per hundredweight, with a reduction of (id. per hundredweight for each half grade point by which the butter falls below first grade. Whey and Dairy Butter. —First grade, 1625. 4d. per hundredweight, with a reduction of -|d. per pound for second grade. Milled Butter. --First grade, 148s. 4d. per hundredweight, with a reduction of kl. per pound for second grade. No provision was included in this contract regarding any division of profits, and the prices quoted above represent the final payment to the exporting factories. As in the case of cheese, arrangements were made for the payment of advances representing 90 per cent, of the purchase price in respect of produce which had remained in store for a period of fourteen days. [nsurance risks are borne by factories until the butter has been placed f.o.b. ocean steamer, but liability for storage is accepted by the Imperial (Jovernment beyond tin average period of. two months based over all consignments throughout the season. The following table shows the number of boxes and the value of all butter purchased from the inception of the requisition up to the 31st March, 1920 :— a Number of Value. Season. -d „ boxes. £ 1917-18 .. .. .. .. 724,699 2,829,032 1918-19 .. .. .. ..667,114 2,926,139 1919-20 .. .. .. .. 483,099 2,387.929 1,874,912 £8,143,100 The figures for the present season include 77,482 boxes in store advanced against and awaiting shipment on the 31st March. The present contract for the purchase of butter by the Imperial Government expires on the 31st July, 1920. Equalization Funds. As indicated in my previous annual report, the 50-per-cent. profits ar.ising.out of the proceeds of butter requisitioned by the Imperial Government for the 1917-18 season formed an Equalization Fund for the purpose of equalizing the profits of the manufacturers who sold creamery butter for local consumption with those who exported their produce under the requisition scheme. The amount of such fund was £307,919, and from this sum payments were made to manufacturers representing approximately I|d. per pound in respect of all creamery butter exported, and of |d. per pound in respect of butter sold locally, equalizing the returns to factories for export or local sales to Is. sfd. per pound at factory-door. Under the authority of section 16 of the Appropriation Act, 1919, the New Zealand Government assumed the liability of equalizing the profits on local buttersales, the sum of £340,000 being appropriated for this purpose by Parliament for the 1918-19 and 1919-20 seasons. The rate required to lie paid to such manufacturers amounted to l-955d. per pound, and this was duly distributed on 1918-19 season's creamery butter sold for local consumption, after the returns of all factories throughout the Dominion had been duly audited, by the Department's travelling auditors. The total payments made out of the fund in respect of this season amounted to £211,815. A similar arrangement obtains in respect of the 1919-20 season, and an interim payment of lfd. per pound is being made on monthly returns forwarded by the factories. The payments made on account of this season to date total £64,344. The provisions contained in the Gazette governing the distribution of moneys from the Equalization Fund have recently been amended in the direction of authorizing the Department to make equalization payments in respect of sales made at prices in excess of the equivalent of Is. 5d., factory-door (the price fixed by Order in Council dated 16th April, 1918), subject to a deduction to the extent of such excess.



SCHEELITE. The contract for the purchase of scheelite by the Imperial Government, which commenced on the 20th September, 1.9.15, was determined on. the 30th April, 1919, and the Imperial Ministry of Munitions agreed to pay compensation on the basis of 50 per cent, of the deliveries during the preceding twelve months, or, in. certain cases, on the estimated production during the six months following the date mentioned above. The total compensation distributed to the various producers concerned amounted to £19,128. The total quantity of scheelite shipped, under the terms of the contract amounts to 774 tons, and the payments, inclusive of the compensation referred to above, amount to £175,970, distributed to various-districts as under:— £ Olenorchy.. .. .. .. .. ..87,713 Macrae's Flat .. .. .. .. .. 38,063 Otago Centra,l .. .. .. .. .. 7,416 Marlborough .. .. .. .. .. 34,077 Charges .. .. .. .. .. .. 8,701 £175,970 Final accounts in respect of the last shipment to leave New Zealand have not yet been received from London. TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS. The total disbursements by the Department from the 3rd March, 1915, to the 31st March, 1.920, were as follows : — . £ Frozen meat .. .. .. .. .. 44,344,,503 Cheese .. .. .. .. .. 19,106,866 Butter .. .. .. .. .. 8,143,100 Scheelite .. .. .. .. .. 175,970 Wool .. .. .. .. .. 49,600,913 Freezing companies' slipe wool . . . . . . 5,880,344 Sheep-skins .. .. .. .. .. 2,573,155 Hides .. .. .. .. .. 735,663 Miscellaneous.. .. .. .. .. 2,530,726 Grand total .. .. ..£133,091,240 The salaries, postages, cables, telegrams, office expenses, rent, stationery, and all other incidental charges connected with the internal administration of the Department since its inception to the 31st March, 1920, have amounted to £63,497 os. 10d., representing 0-0477 per cent, on above disbursements, or less than one shilling for each £100 of business done. SHIPPING. As forecasted in my last report, tfie shipping position has improved during the past year, and, so far as provision for general cargo has been concerned, the number of steamers available has very considerably reduced the quantity of cargo a,waiting shipment. Insulated tonnage has been provided in increased quantity, but, owing to congestion at ports in the United Kingdom causing delays in discharging at that end, the stocks of frozen meat have not been reduced, sufficiently to enable freezing-works to cope with all the fat stock offering. Urgent efforts have been made during the year to have the quantity of insulated space allotted to New Zealand increased, and in consequence vessels have been transferred from the South American and Australian trade to relieve stocks in the Dominion*



It is anticipated that a sufficient clearance will be made by the end of the year to enable freezing-works to treat without great difficulty all fat stock offering during the following season. The following table shows the number of insulated steamer's which sailed from the Dominion during the years 1914-19 inclusive, together with their total insulated carrying-capacity : —- Total Number of Insulated Capacity Year. Steamers. (60lb. Freight Carcases). 1914 .. .. .. .. 99 8,800,700 1915 .. .. .. ..84 7,682,000 1916 .. .. .. ..78 7,322,500 1917 .. .. .. ..62 5,626,350 1918 .. .. .. ..52 4,926,300 1919 .. .. .. ..79 7,694,000 The New Zealand Overseas Shipowners' Committee, which, has been responsible for the allocation of space in overseas steamers loading in the Dominion, has continued to meet daily, and has carried out its onerous duties with strict impartiality according to the requirements of the various districts. Produce in Store awaiting Shipment. The foflowing table shows the quantities of meat, cheese*, and butter in store and awaiting shipment on the 31st March, for the last five years : —

Shipment op Lambs sold to United States ok 1 America. Sales have been made by the Imperial Government to the United States of America of lambs in store in New Zealand for shipment as under : — a. Number of Steamer. n Carcases. "Northumberland" .. .. .. .. 27,290 "Armagh" .. .. .. .. .. 251,798 "Suffolk" .. .. .. .. .. 222,568 501,656 to be followed by the s.s. " Surrey," " Durham," " Somerset," and " Hororata." WOOL. Kequisition and Disposal. Greasy Clip. The method of purchase followed for the 1919-20 clip was on the same lines as that adopted during the previous years. Valuation. Valuations have continued to be carried out with general satisfaction to growers, there being very few appeals. Kemuneration paid to the valuing staff was at the same rate as last season. Valuations were at the following centres : Auckland; Tokomaru Bay, Tolaga Bay, Gisbome, Napier, Wairoa, Waitara, Wanganui, Wellington, Nelson, Blenheim, Christchurch, Dunedin, Timaru, Oamaru and Invercargill.

Date. Erozen Meat (60 lb. Carcases). Oheese (Grates). Butter (Boxes). list March, 1916 ■1st March, 1917 .1st March, 1918 list March, 1919 ilst March, 1920 2,152,250 2,409,541 3,398,364 6,482,529 6,628,789 i 73,927 185,417 363,790 474,754 274,411 87,678 224,506 , * 350,315 93,729 77,482



Wool bought and shipped. From the commencement of the requisition up to the 31st March, 1920, wool has been bought and disposed of as under : — Total number of bales valued (as per valuation certificates received).. .. 2,039,157 Number of bales lost in transit .. . . .. . . 9,668 Number of bales arrived at destination (in 211 steamers) .. 1,090,393 Number of bales en route to Great Britain (in six steamers) . . 30,202 Number of bales shipped to America .. .. ~ .. 10.321 Number of bales shipped on account of other Governments .. 110,994 Number of bales of greasy wool delivered to scourers for treatment 357,434 Number of bales of greasy wool available for shipment or scouring 430,145 2.039,157 Number of bales of scoured and follniongers' slipe wool, shipped . . .. 282,185 Number of bales of scoured and fellmongers' slipe wool available for shipment 56,142 Total number of bales paid for .. .. .. .. .. 2,031,092 The sum of £49,600,913 was disbursed in payment of the 2,031,092 bales referred to above. Wool for other Governments. Acting under instructions from the Imperial Government, the undermentioned quantities of wool have been selected for other Governments : For the Government of— Bales. France .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 85,422 United States of America . . . . . . . . . . 112,401 Canada .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 32,466 Total .. .. .. .. ..230,289 Of the above quantities, shipments to the respective Governments have been effected as follows :— To the Government of— Bales. France .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 49,207 United States of America .. .. .. .. 58,658 Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32,466 Total .. .. .. .. .. 140,331 The balance of selections unshipped- namely, 89,958 bales —has been cancelled and the wool held for shipment to the United Kingdom. The prices charged for the wool shipped were arranged by the Imperial Government. Wool for Local Mills. The arrangement whereby local mills were enabled to select such wool as they required, prior to valuation, at the Imperial Government rates plus the cost of valuation, has been continued, up to the average quantity of wool used by each woollen-mill during the previous two years. For any wool purchased in excess of the average for the years ending 31st October, 1918, and 31st October, 1919, the local woollen-mills are required to pay an additional price, representing half the net average margin between appraised values in New Zealand, plus charges and London sale values. WOOL-SCOURING ARRANGEMENTS. The arrangements made for scouring locks, pieces, lambs' and heavy conditioned fleece wool have been continued as in previous years, and the following shows the quantities distributed to or set aside for wool-scourers up to the 31st March, 1920 :— Bales. Season 1916-17 .. .. .. . . .. 80,951 Season 1917-18 .. .. . . .. .. 107,739 Season 1918 -19 .. .. .. .. .. 121,064 Season 1919-20 (to 31st March) . . . . . . 60,354



Scourers were required to sort, classify, scour, dry, and pack the wool treated l>y them, and their remuneration was fixed at the following scale: Fleece, l|d. per pound on scoured weight; bellies, locks, stained pieces, and second pieces, Ifd. per pound on scoured weight; merino, ]d. per pound advance on above. Owing to the heavy increased cost of labour and material an increase in the scale was granted for the 1919-20 season of jd. per pound on wool of 48/50's quality and upwards, and |d. per pound on lower grades. The result of scouring for 1918 19 season showed that 121,064 bales greasy wool at an average weight of 374-21 lb., equal to 45,297,123 lb., were reduced to 100,011 bales scoured wool of an average weight of 297-70 lb., equal to 29,772,652 lb. -—a saving in shipping space of 21,053 bales and 15,524,471 lb. weight. The average yield of scoured wool was 66-27 lb. per 100 lb. of greasy wool. The amount paid to wool-scourers for treatment of this wool was £213,369. Condition of 1919-20 Clip. The condition of the 1919-20 clip as reported by the Chief Supervising Wool-valuer at the 31st January, was as follows : — Auckland.—Auckland wool is not quite as well grown as in the previous season, but the condition is good, with a tendency to be a shade finer. Very little seedy wool has been submitted to valuation, up to the present. Poverty Bay and Hawke's Bay. The growth of the clip generally has suffered from the effects of the drought conditions, wools coming in shorter in staple, with a decided break. The condition of the wools valued up to date has been dry and generally satisfactory, there being no excess of yolk. Many of the clips were a little dull and dusty. There is no change to note in the character of the wools except that there is a large proportion of " hunger fine " wools, and in much of the clip the effect of the shortage of feed is emphasized by a half-perished and rough tip to the wool. The southern portion of the Hawke's Bay and Wairoa do not appear to have suffered so much as the rest of the district, and many of the wools from these parts have been well grown and light in condition. Lambs' wool generally has been short in staple and not nearly up to the standard of good seasons. Wellington.- Owing to the very dry autumn the wool this season is short and shows a good deal of tenderness. There has been a very marked absence of seedy wool this season. The lambs' wool is better than an average season's, being bright and clean and free from seed. Wanganui.—The same remarks apply to this district as to Wellington. Waitara.—This district is showing a good improvement each season, owing to the burnt country getting cleaned up and very little new burning going on at present. Nelson There has been part tender wool in this district, but not so pronounced as in other places. Taken all round the clip is a good average one, being clean and bright, and free from seed. Blenheim.. — Parts of this district have suffered from the dry autumn, particularly where farmers have been overstocked. On the other hand, a large proportion of the coast and back-country wools came in in first-class order, being well grown, clean and bright, particularly some of the merino wools. Taking the whole of the Wellington Valuation District, the wool not having grown so well, the fleeces are smaller and finer. In consequence of this fact the grower, although receiving more money per pound of wool, will possibly yet receive a smaller cheque this season for the same flock as shorn last season, therebeing less bulk of wool. Christchurch and Timaru- Growth of wool : The wool is of a more robust type than could be said of last season's, particularly three-quarter-bred grown in the Timaru district, but not quite so marked in Christchurch on three-quarter bred. Half-bred and merino also show good growth, and are a better style of wool generally than last season's. Condition : Generally speaking condition is good, almost entirely free from tender fleeces, and yields should be better than the average season's in Canterbury. This is shown in the lesser number of bales that are being put out for scouring so far this season, particularly of fleece wool.



Character: Generally good. Wool grown in South Canterbury has shown a marked improvement in the past two seasons or so. Oamaru, Dunedin,, and Invercargill. Evidence of a severe winter and shortage of feed owing to the failure of the turnip crop have had a, very marked effect on the wool-clip in Dunedin, Oamaru, and Invercargill districts. Wools for the most part are poorly grown, and very much shorter in staple. Also, a- very marked feature is the fineness of the clip : what were usually 44/46's this year run out at 46/48's quality. Hoggets are poorly grown and very tender with few exceptions. A big proportion of last year's preparing-wool is only carding this season. It has also run finer in quality, and a large proportion is off colour and drabby in appearance. The condition of the wool is lighter than in a normal year, being fluffy in character and badly grown. Sheep have produced a less weight of wool per head, the staple being finer and shorter and having a starved appearance. The above remarks apply particularly to farmers' lots, although some of the station wools also show these characteristics. The character of the wool on a whole is poorer, but the fineness in quality will help growers to some extent, and the enhanced price will help to make up shortage in weight. There is a much larger proportion of inferior wool than usual, and some growers' wool cheques will be much smaller than in previous years. Strangely enough, the high-country clips are in better condition than last year, and this is accounted for by the previous year's severe snowstorms having killed a. large number of high-country sheep, and this country has been greatly understocked during the past year. In many cases the merino wool is much superior to that of the past two or three seasons. There is a noticeable absence of new seed in the clips offered up to the present date, but a large quantity of wool contains last year's seed. However, on the whole the wools are not quite so seedy as last year. Freezing Companies' Slipe Wool. Valuations of freezing companies' slipe wool have been continued through the present season. The following table indicates the extent of the Department's operations in this section from the inception of the requisition : — P&yments to Date. Purchased for valuation in the United Kingdom .-— £ Number of bales advanced against .. .. .. .. 68,880 . 2,013,123 Shipped to Great Britain .. .. .. 07,085 Shipped on account of other Governments .. 1,795 68,880 Purchased under New Zealand valuations : —- Number of bales purchased .. .. .. .. .. 138,406 3,867,221 Shipped to Great Britain .. .. ..80,789 Shipped on account of other Governments .. 7,604 Awaiting shipment .. .. .. .. 50,013 138,406 Totals .. .. .. .. .. 207,286 £5,880.344 Termination of Contracts. The contracts for the purchase of New Zealand wool by the Imperial Government cover all wool clipped or pulled on or before the 30th June, 1920. SHEEP-SKINS. The purchase of sheep-skins has been continued on the same terms and conditions as in previous seasons. The skins have been allocated to fellmongers for treatment as hitherto, and the resulting wool and pelts have been delivered to the Government through their agents at the customary shipping-ports, branded and cashed as directed. To the 31st March, 1920, the number of skins purchased and distributed to fellmongers was 6,380,501 ; value, £2,573,155. The requisition of this class of produce on behalf of the Imperial Government ceases in respect of sheep-skins from stock killed up to the 30th June, 1920,

2—H. 38.



Fellmongering. Results for the 1918-19 season show that 2,220,901 skins, valued at £761,548, an average cost of 82-29 d. per skin, were issued to fellmongers for treatment. The average pull of wool was 4-0!) lb., and the average percentage of valueless pelts was 9-13. Fellmongers have been paid for their services at the following rates : Fellmongering, 2|d. per pound on weight of wool ; curing pelts, 3s. 9d. per dozen (casks extra). From the Ist January, 1920, owing to the higher cost of labour and material, these rates have been increased by |d. per pound on slipe wool, 48/508 and upwards, and by |d. per pound on. lower grades ; while the rate for curing has been increased by 9,d. per dozen. The total amount paid, to fellmongers for sliping wool and curing pelts was £116,204. STAFF AND ORGANIZATION. The staff of Wool and Sheep-skin Valuers and Inspectors of Wool-scouring and Fellmongering Works have throughout given the greatest care and attention to their important duties. Members of the office staff have worked at high pressure throughout the year and have been indefatigable in the careful discharge of the work entrusted to them. This loyal co-operation has contributed materially to the efficiency of the Department. I regret to have to record that serious ill health compelled the retirement of the Chief Accountant, Mr. D. Rutherford, in February, 1920, and his death occurred on the 6th June. Mr. Rutherford, who had been Chief Accountant from the inauguration of the Department in March, 1915, always devoted himself unsparingly to his duties, and his demise at the early age of thirty-three is deeply regretted. I have also to record the resignation in April, 1920, of Mr. F. H. Taylor from the position of Assistant Controller, wftich he had held from the inception of the Department, and whose work was always characterized by special thoroughness and enthusiasm. Mr. T. R. Lees, late Officer in Charge of the Wool and Sheep-skin Section, has been appointed Assistant Controller, and Mr. G. C. Smith, late Assistant Accountant, has been appointed Chief Accountant. I have pleasure in again placing on record the indebtedness of the Department to wool-brokers, freezing companies, and others for their co-operation and willingness at all times to afford assistance. I have, &c, Robert Triggs, Controller. The Right Hon. Minister in Charge, Department of Imperial Government Supplies, Wellington.


(1.) WOOL-1916-17, 1917-18, 1918-19 AND 1919-20 CLIPS. Statement showing Particulars of Total Wool purchased (either by the Imperial Government or Local Woollen-mills) during the above Years ended 30th June, and Average Values in each Valuing Centre.



Auckland. Tokomaru Bay. Tolaga Bas\ Gisborne. Napier. Waitara. Wanganui. Wellington. I Number of bales valued —1916-17 1917-18 1918-19 1919-20 Weight in pounds — 1916-17 1917-18 1918-19 1919-20 Value— 1916-17 1917-18 1918-19 1919-20 Average value per pound —1916-17 1917-18 1918-19 1919-20 Average value per bale — 1916-17 1917-18 1918-19 1919-20 Average weight per bale, 1916-17 in pounds — 1917-18 1918-19 1919-20 35,929 43,046 40,518 35,976 12,601,067 15,397,618 14,664,236 12,721,495 £764,018 £913,961 £883,788 £770,359 14-55d. 1424d. 14-46d. 14-53d. £21 5 3 £21 4 8 £21 16 3 £21 8 3 351 3.58 362 353 4,584 7,799 7,779 5,513 1,792,508 3,235,486 3,215,217 2,200,820 £110,412 £191,531 £189.812 £134,291 14-78d. 14-21d. 14-16d. 14-64d. £24 1 9 £24 11 2 £24 8 0 £24 7 2 391 415 413 399 3,969 6,934 6.350 5,583 1,483,856 2,575,937 2,351,052 2,008,063 £88,966 , £155,477 £142.812 £122,908 1439d. 14-48d. 14-58d. 14-68d. £22 8 4 £22 8 5 £22 9 9 £22 0 4 374 371 370 360 I 36.349 40,816 42.133 40,723 13,685,819 15.499,303 15,044,606 14.987,505 £809,667 £913,089 £945,599 £904,789 1420d. 1414d. 14-48d. £22 5 6 £22 7 5 £22 8 10 £22 4 4 377 380 371 368 89.267 85,169 86,096 67,782 33,982,491 32,433,780 33,022,811 25,171,741 £2,037,143 £1,952,775 £2,018,402 £1,545,930 14-39d. 14-45d. 14-67d. 14-74d. £22 16 5 £22 18 7 £23 8 10 £22 16 2 380 381 384 371 6.586 8,221 8.330 8,483 2,370,527 3,101,635 3,243,214 3,270,510 £132.063 £179,592 £194,965 £201, 175 1337d. 13-90d. 1443d. 1476d. £20 1 0 £21 16 11 £23 8 1 £23 14 4 360 377 389 386 24,945 34,389 40,418 40,621 9,641,697 13,369,531 15,900,283 15,828,835 £560.018 £791.328 £972.240 £986,271 1394d. 14-20d. 14-67d. 14-95d. £22 9 0 £23 0 3 £24 1 1 £24 5 7 386 389 393 390 115,390 115,119 110,718 96,326 44.659,733 44,706,351 43.264,398 36,845,724 £2,746,053 £2,763,361 £2,701,185 £2,319,238 14-75d. 14-83d. 14-98d. 1510d. £23 15 11 £24 0 1 £24 7 11 £24 1 0 387 388 391 383 Marlborough. Nelson. Christchurch. I Timaru. Oamaru. : Ifunedin. Invercargill. Total (Dominion). Number of bales valued —1916-17 1917-18 1918-19 1919-20 Weight in pounds — 1916-17 1917-18 1918-19 1919-20 Value— 1916-17 1917-18 1918-19 1919-20 Average value per pound —1916-17 1917-18 1918-19 1919-20 Average value per bale — 1916-17 1917-18 1918-19 1919-20 Average weight per bale, 1916-17 in pounds — 1917-18 1918-19 1919-20 8,136 15.083 16,600 14,251 2,710,586 4,987,041 5,472.730 4,656,921 £176,823 £341,452 £376,537 £320,431 15-65d. 1643d. 16-51d. 16-51d. £21 14 8 £22 12 9 £22 13 8 £22 9 8 333 330 329 327 6,130 7.644 7,818 7,004 2,064.103 2.539,155 2,619,688 2,251,147 £124,247 £154,427 £164,164 £143,143 14-44d. 14-59d. 15-04d. 15-26d. £20 5 5 £20 4 0 £20 19 11 £20 8 9 337 332 335 321 65,303 72,316 71,863 68,925 22.412.468 24,197,602 23.995,426 22,958,066 £1,462,069 £1,652,354 £1,670.674 £1,642,568 15-65d. 16-38d. 16-7U1. 17-17d. £22 7 9 £22 17 0 £23 4 11 £23 16 7 343 335 334 333 26.096 29,726 33,290 32,625 8.982,870 10,192,050 11,487,781 11,406,323 £578,799 £691.412 £790.123 £809,315 l.V46d. 16-28d. 1651d. 17-02d. £22 3 7 £23 5 2 £23 14 8 £24 16 2 344 343 345 350 10,119 12,619 12.469 12,178 3,546,554 4,270,560 4,171,331 4,129,320 £211,343 £271,232 £269,080 £269,256 14-30d. 15-24d. 1548d. 15-644. £20 17 9 £21 9 10 £21 11 7 £22 2 2 350 338 335 339 I 49,674 54,047 51,437 50,135 16,244,522 18,254,534 16.940.372 16,761,918 £1.020,377 £1.153,073 £1,100,486 £1,112,462 15-08d. 15-16d. 15-59d. 15-92d. £20 10 10 £21 6 9 £21 7 11 £22 3 9 327 338 330 334 30,565 33,554 31,560 26,101 9,485,008 10,817,838 9,378,141 8,215.956 £582.912 £681,522 £624,893 £520,691 14-75d. l.V12d. 1599d. 1521d. £19 1 5 £20 6 3 £19 16 0 £19 19 0 310 322 297 315 513.042 566,482 567,379 512,226 185,663,809 205.578,421 205,371.286 183,414,344 £11,404,910 £12.806,586 £13,044.760 £11,802,827 14-74d. I495d. 1525d. l.V44d. £22 4 7 £22 12 2 £22 19 10 £23 0 10 362 363 362 358 N.B. —-Freezing companies' stipe wool is not included in above return.


(2.) WOOL— 1916-17, 1917-18, 1918-19, AND 1919-20 CLIPS. Statement showing Particulars of Purchases on Imperial Government Account during above Years ended 30th June, and Average Values in each Valuing Centre.


Auckland. Tokomaru Bay. Tolaga Bay. Gisborne. ■ Napier. Waitara. Wanganui. Wellington. Number of bales valued —191 6-1 1 1917-18 1918-19 1919-20 Weight in pounds — 1916-17 1917-18 1918-19 1919-20 Value— 1916-17 1917-18 1918-19 1919-20 Average value per pound —1916-17 1917-18 1918-19 1919-20 Average value per bale — 1916-17 1917-18 1918-19 1919-20 Average weight per bale, 19 16—1 7 in pounds 1917-1S 1918-19 1919-20 I '34,871 42,563 40,043 35,335 12,238, 4S9 15.210,941 14.495.275 12,512,290 £745,221 £904,596 £875,945 £756,410 14-61d. 14-27d. 14-50d. 14-50d. £21 7 5 £21 5 0 £21 17 6 £21 8 2 351 357 362 354 j 4,584 7.799 7.779 5,513 1.792,508 3,235,486 3,215,217 2.200,820 £110,412 £191,531 £189,812 £134,291 14-78d. 14-21d. 1416d. 14-64d. £24 1 9 £24 11 2 £24 8 0 £24 7 2 391 415 413 399 «Tc 3,969 '.: 6,934 6,350 5,583 1,483,856 2.575,937 2,351,052 2,008,063 £88,966 £155,477 £142,812 £122,908 14-39d. 14484. 14584. 14-68A £22 8 4 £22 S 5 £22 9 9 £22 0 4 374 371 370 360 36.-349 40,816 42.133 40,723 13,685.819 15,499,303 15,644.606 14,987,505 £809.667 £913,089 £945.599 £904,789 1 t-20d. 14-14d. 14-504 14-484 £22 5 6 £22 7 5 £22 8 1 £22 4 4 377 380 371 368 I - S7.947 84,157 84,906 65.945 33.467,148 32.034.484 32,569.111 24,493,960 £2,011,281 £1,932,519 £1,993,749 £1,507,837 14-424. 1447d. 14-69d. 14-77d. £22 17 5 £22 19 3 £23 9 7 £22 17 4 3S0 380 383 371 6,586 8,221 8,330 8,483 2,370,527 3,101,635 3,243,214 3,270.5111 £132,063 £179,592 £194.965 £201,175 13-374. 13-904 1443d. 14-76d. £20 1 0 £21 16 11 £23 8 1 £23 14 4 360 377 389 386 24,945 34,389 40,418 40,621 9,641.697 13,369,531 15,900,283 15,828,835 £560,018 £791,328 £972,240 £986,271 1394d. 14-20d. 14-67d. 14-95d. £22 9 0 £23 0 0 £24 1 1 £24 5 7 386 389 393 390 114,261 .114,717 110.375 95,709 44,235,643 44,548,682 . 43,135,776 36,618,702 £2,722,347 £2.755,057 £2,693,583 £2,304,518 14-77d. 14844. 1499d. 15104. £23 16 6 £24 0 4 £24 8 1 £24 1 7 387 388 390 383 Marlborough. Nelson. Nelson. Christchurch. Christchurch. Timaru. Timaru. _| Oamaru. Oamaru. Dunedin. Dunedin. Invercargill. Invercargill. Total (Dominion). Total (Dominion; Number of bales valued —1916-1 1 1917-18 1918-19 1919-20 Weight in pounds — 1916-17 1917-18 1918-19 1919-20 Value— 1916-17 1917-18 1918-19 1919-20 Average value per pound —1916-1 7 1917-18 1918-19 1919-20 Average value per bale — 1916-17 1917-18 1918-19 1919-20 Average weight per bale, 1916-17 in pounds — 1917-18 1918-19 1919-20 .. 7,878 14,794 16,03S 13,271 2,619.519 4,S92,032 5,281,265 4,332,794 £171,022 £333,266 £360,929 £293,970 15-67d. 1635d. 16-40d. 16-28d. £21 14 2 £22 10 6 £22 10 1 £22 3 0 333 331 329 326 6.130 7.644 7,818 7,004 2,064,103 2,539,155 2,619,688 2,251,147 £124,247 £154,427 £164.164 £143,143 1445(1. 14-59d. 15044. 15-26d. £20 5 4 £20 4 0 £20 19 11 £20 8 9 337 332 335 321 59,746 65,366 65,241 60,847 20,465,800 21.839,388 21,796,762 20,309,108 £1,340,929 £1,493,926 £1.510.545 £1,439,688 1573d. 16424 1663d. 17-01d. £22 8 11 £22 17 1 £23 3 1 £23 13 3 343 324 334 334 I i 24.139 26.917 30.707 27,262 8,285.467 9,223,335 10.611,537 9,538.345 £537.302 £617.608 £726,096 £663,025 15-56d. 16-074. 16-42d. 16-68d. £2° 5 2 £22 18 11 £23 12 11 £24 6 5 343 342 345 349 - | 9,820 11,673 11,222 11,343 3,438.868 3,951,117 3,725,853 3,815,638 £204,267 £248.558 £237.779 £246,339 14-25d. 15-lld. 15-324. 15-49d. £20 1.6 0 £21 5 10 £21 3 10 £21 14 4 350 338 332 336 44,961 46,755 46.018 43,574 14,554,925 15.666,880 15.117,917 14,438,698 £922,807 £987,493 £979,427 £955,610 15-224. 1513d. 15\55d. 15-88d. £20 10 6 £21 2 5 £21 5 8 £21 18 7 324 335 328 331 ~ I I I 30.035 33,045 31,180 25,775 9,292,473 10,626.145 9,242.691 8,102,190 £575, 707 £673,808 £618.681 £514,151 14-87<i 15-22d. 16-00d. 1523d. £19 3 4 £20 7 9 £19 16 10 £19 19 0 309 321 296 314 496,221 545,790 548, 55S 486,988 179.636,842 198.314,051 19S.950.247 174,708,605 £11,056,256 £12,332,275 £12,606.326 £11,174,125 14-77d. 14-92d. 15-2 Id. 15-35d. £22 5 7 £22 11 11 £22 19 7 £22 18 11 362 363 363 359 I I N.B. —Freezing companies' slipe wool is not included in above return.



(3.) WOOL— 1916-17, 1917-18, 1918-19, AND 1919-20 CLIPS. Statement showing Particulars of Greasy Wool sold to Local Woollen-mills during above Years ended 30th June, and Average Values in each Valuing Centre.

"3" o o p i i-(NHQO fr*©©© HH©C0Ol ©ICjrHCO Ol © Ol CO © fr* CO CO IO rH CO © . ■ . _f i—' X © X Ol © CO © fr- CO CO H i- nO rrj i-H n-J ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft QO fr X CO HHQOlOX COrHrHlO ©©XlO ©HHrHIO CC HH cC CC XCDCOCO i—t i—i rH IO IO HHHH -H OI r-H Ol 01 © Ol © HH fr- CO oi • * • .- CO CO CO CO © Ol HH fr CO HH HH © i, w Z3 LI © Ol CO HH ftftftft CrtCrtCrtCrt EJ~* rH rH rH c .| ©t-©x crtcrtcrtCrt 1 © r-H rH CO ©©©CD 1OC0©© lOrHoi© ..._i hh rH CO©XOI CO© IO© nOnOTJ^O tOIOCOCO IO © HH fr Olfr-OllO X©©© rHCO©rH CO©©© ftftftft •*«•>« OSC©©fr- rH ©fr-LOHH 01 rH IO CO I- fr* © © • • • ©. CO CO CO CO ©©COrH CrtCt-ltt-JCrt X © r-H CO CO 'O © © rH rH rH rH rH rH rH Ol Crt Crt Crt Crt i © Ol © Ol M!MOH h*N100 OSHO(N rH rH©rH© ©tOlOOl ©XIOIO r-JrrJrr-lrri fr- Ol HH 10 IO © HH Ol lO lO © X --H -HH CD X X IO © HH & IS £ rH lOlOCOlO HH T- 10 © © I- Ol CO fr 10 rH CD X CO OS Ol CO CO CO CO X X Ol Ol © © Ol iO CO io to © © Ol Ol CO ©1.OXC0 CrtrHrHrH rH r-H rH rH Ol Ol OJ Ol ft ft ft ~ CrtCrtCrt crtcrtcrtCrt rH OI I-H Ol 3 I o HH HH © rH © © I- 10 © CO X Ol © HH r-H © ...... rH © -* hh co xrhr-co i> t- © i-h nOnd r d r d Ol © Ol X ZO -ZH ZO © © CO © I- HH © CO CO © Ol X © X l~- © * ftftftft „„.,,, I- ©00 lO rH rH © CO IO fr rH fr © IO CO fr- Ol rH oi ,■ • ' J, CO CO CO CO ©,-HHHrH Crt, Ol CO Ol !2 £ ©? COCOiOfrCrtCrtCrt rH rH rH rH OIOIOIOI crt crt crt crt i rS O i as = H I-H © OS frI- © CO CO CO lO HH CO OOtPI-H . . . . iO©X© ©©Ol© nOTJnOnO © X lO CO HH I- Ol © HH. X © oi X X CO © HH IO 10 10 © 10 © X ft ft ft •> «*.,.. - - •> * Ol Ol IO fr- i—' IO CO HH rH Ol Ol IO I.- X CO fr- rH CO -HH © • • • • CO CO CO CO © © fr © HH. fr CD HH 9°. ■": ~ rH ZO HH l~©©XX CrtCrtCrtrH HHHH OIOIOIOI crt crt erf crt crt © rH 00 HH fr* ©OIX CC HH HH CC ©XX© r-H IO IO C] fr © rH CD IO HH Ol Ol X r~i h -H H IO©©© ©01©© rH HH rH CC O ©10C0O1 ©©OIX r£ IJ Ll $ rHrH lOCOCOOl 10 ©©X ©XXX rHX©01 OS rH HH CO CO CO CO CO -HH IO © *H Ol lO © © HH CO fr X rH Ol HH IO ©COrH© HHH (M rH rH rH rH Ol Ol Ol Ol ft ft ft -crtcrtcrtCrt crtcrtcrtCrt rH Ol Ol Ol d g id l> o h5 ■8 ,| rS _g o .2 "3 i ID .S* "to "rr, s s ft a o o .1° N CU CU H I fH r? bc 9 o c o T-l lr3 © iO io © X © Ol © |.» © 10 fr- Ol to X r—i . . . "0X©X ©©©Ol ©X©© no 1-rt nO nO OIOMO© OO-fH X rH © HH © fr CD © ©©IO© CO © rH rH * ft ft - ft ft ., ft Ol © IO »0 i-i IO Ol HH CO rH IO rH HH IO X IO © ,V X Jk A, CO CO CO CO ©©©Ol CrtCrtrHOl Ol X fr fr rHCO CrtCrt OIOIOIOI crt crt crt crt I rH Ol CO Ol © Ol CO fr- © © Ol Ol © HH Ol © .... r-H Ol © hh r-H © © Ol oi © © © Ol t3 nO nO T3 rH HH CO © © © © © fr- « CO fr- rH HH CO © © CO CO I- 'O Ol IO X ftftftft ftftftft HH©_llO rH rH rH fr © fr CD rH HH fr- X fr- CO X I- HH • . • • CO CO CO CO Ol IO Ol Ol Ol Crt Crt rH co Ol HH IO © © O-l CO •Hi rH rH Ol C+J <H-t rH rH rH rH O-l Ol Ol Ol crt crt crt crt S3 r\ © HJI HH © © Ol © I.- CO © © rH Ol IO CO CO .... rH Ol rH © co HH©©00 ©iOiO© i-OnOTJnO C0©rHC0 CO Ol fr fr X 01 © © HH fr HH CO H O TH © HH rH © ftftftft •- ft ft ft © ,_, © -HH i—I r-H rH ©©X© rH rH rH rH 10 © CO fr- 10 © HH X • * * ' CO CO CO CO rH © iO fr* Ol Ol Ol CO Ol Ol CO CO © © © © 1.OC0"*© C+iCrtCrtCrt rH rH rH rH rHOlOIOI crt crt crt crt id I a « 3, HH © CO CO XCOlOrH X fr- rH IO ©1OC0© ..._t iO CO fr H frfr©© Oi zO HH hh nOnOnOnO © ■* © *0©©01 fr CO X © t0fr©IO CO©©© ftftftft rH rH rH HH CO IO Ol rH Ol © X © X © fr CO J, X, ©j A CO CO CO CO ©X©© rHCrtCrtrH Ol Ol r-H © fr©©r-H COrHrHCl C+l Crf rH rH rH rH _ _, crt Crt crt crt '"" . . . . . . . '.' ... ; ." 7. . . .... i . . . . JB • • ■ • "TO d d o i a : : : : j ........ d ... . I tj ........ -h ... . 3 O IS * "3 | ft -a f '"....£ 53 .... S .... B ... . 8 • ■ • • a s,.... S, ... .ft ... . "3 5 s s h? ■o i> co © © a.i> oo os © i- go © © j t- oc a. © -5 i> go © © co © © u. H H H :| H rl rt id H H H *] H H H IN C H H H IM 0 1 I 1 J S 1 I 1 1 IIIJI>llll>lllltellll GO CO © -3. CO l.~. 00 © GO C- GO © © I - GO © GOt-GO©^GOI>GO© llHHHH .HHfIH Hi-IHH Ol H l-H pH <DrHrHrHrH®rHr-1rHrH £ © © © © © © © © ! © © © © &D© ©. © © <='>© © © © © © © i -ffi -3 4> « D 3 13 > > l» 2; IS > <! < o



(4.) FREEZING COMPANIES' SLIPE WOOL— 1917-18, 1918-19, AND 1919-20 SEASONS. Statement showing Particulars of Total Wool requisitioned (either purchased by the Imperial Government or Local Woollen-mills) during above Years ended 30th June, and Average Values in each Valuing Centre.

Auckland. Tokomaru Bay. Gisborne. Napier. \\ '.iiani. Wanganui. Wellington. Number of bales valued — 1917-18 1918-19 1919-20 Weight in pounds- — 1917-18 1918-19 1919-20 1,575 3,709 4,567 587 859 1.227 2,396 5,058 7,151 1,543 6,976 7,092 533 1,017 1,335 2,746 4,887 6,379 5,418 13,702 14,288 579,430 1,409,423 1,700,409 211,295 308.022 472,210 818,557 1,708,079 2,366,974 581,071 2,569,330 2,632,699 217,451 429,206 538,310 963,948 1,687,715 2,266.921 2,025 469 4,815,521 5,044,444 Value — 1917-18 1918-19 1919-20 Average value per pound — 1917-18 .. 1918-19 1919-20 Average value per bale — 1917-18 1918-19 1919-20 Average weight per bale, in pounds — 1917-18' 1918-19 1919-20 £42,380 £101,749 £125,223 17'55d. 17-32d. 17-67d. £15,210 £21,607 £33,399 17-284 16-84d. 16-97d. £58,509 £122,157 £173,046 17-15d. 17164 17-54d. £42. 764 £182,536 £191,235 17-67d. 17-054 17-434 £15,867 £31,819 £40,066 17old. 17-79d. 17-86d. £69,122 £121,292 £164,894 17-21d. 17-25d. 17-45d. £152,200 £369,532 £384,537 18-03d. 18-42d. 18-29d. £26 18 2 £27 8 8 £27 8 2 £25 18 3 £25 3 I £27 4 5 £24 8 4 £24 3 0 £24 4 0 £27 14 4 £26 3 4 £26 19 4 £29 15 4 £31 5 9 £30 0 3 £25 3 5 £24 16 5 £25 17 0 £28 1 10 £26 19 5 £26 18 3 368 380 372 360 359 385 342 338 331 377 368 371 408 422 403 351 345 355 374 351 353 Picton. Nelson. Christchurch. Timaru. Oamaru. Duuedin. Invercargill. Total (Dominion). Number of bales valued — 1917-18 1918-19 .. 1919-20 .. Weight in pounds — 1917-18 .. 1918-19 .. 1919-20 Value — 1917-18 .. 1918-19 .. 1919-20 .. Average value jier pound — 1917-18 .. 1918-19 .. 1919-20 .. Average value ]ier bale — 1917-18 .. 1918-19 .. 1919-20 .. Average weight per bale, in pounds — 1917-18 .. 1918-19 .. 1919-20 .. 295 444 553 Nil 30 17 7,045 13,225 15,332 2,564 7,229 7,242 1.323 3,692 2.615 I 1,734 3,570 3.373 1,970 4,015 4,093 29,729 68,413 75,264 122,049 189,736 230,942 £8,854 £13,739 £16,926 17-41d. 17374 17-58d. £30 0 2 £30 18 11 £30 12 2 414 427 418 Nil 11.047 7,928 Xil £566 £327 Xil 12-30d. 9-88d. Xil £18 17 7 £19 4 3 Xil 368 466 i 2.518,208 4,716,344 5,346,655 £212,416 £400,481 £461,306 20-24d. 20-38d. 2O-70d. £30 3 0 £30 5 8 £30 1 9 357 357 349 971.799 2.689,857 2,606,481 £77,633 £218,118 £219,837 19-18d. Kl-46d. 20-24d. £30 5 7 £30 3 5 £30 7 1 379 372 300 437,060 1.232,193 935,502 £34,051 £98,468 £75,046 18-70(1. 19-18d. 19-25d. £25 14 9 £26 13 5 £28 14 (i 330 333 358 591,407 1,245,881 1,146,107 £45,034 £97.404 £90,384 18-27d. 18-76d. 18-92d. £25 19 5 £27 5 8 £26 15 11 341 349 340 695,194 1,408,348 1,399,817 £54,947 £109,716 £110,502 18-96d. 18-66d. 18-94d. £27 17 10 £27 6 8 £26 19 11 353 351 342 10.732,938 24,420,702 26,695,399 £828,987 £1,889,184 £2,086,729 18-54d. 18-56d. lS-76d. £27 17 9 £27 12 3 £27 14 6 361 357 355 N.B. —The wool purchased by local woollen-mills and included in above return totals 337 bales drawn from Oamaru and Dunedin.



(5.) SHOWING RESULTS TO 30th JUNE, 1920. FROZEN MEAT, SCHEELITE, BUTTER, CHEESE, WOOL, SHEEP-SKINS, Etc. MEAT. (Operations commenced 3rd March, 1915.) Beef Mutton Lamb (Quarters). (Carcases). (Carcases). L-Skipped per steamers lost in transit .. .. 18,829 106,260 91,080 2. .Arrived at destination in 351 steamers .. .. 2.907.794 12.505.041 14.014,936 3. JFis route to destination in 9. steamers .. .. 65.7-12 434,557 516,360 4. Meat aboard steamers now on loading-berth .. .. 14,391 90,111 5. Total payments made to date, £48,719,056. 6. Totals .. .. .. .. 2.992,365 13,060.249 14.712,487 7. MEAT IN STORE on 15th June, 1920, for which no space has been allocated in overseas steamersNorth Island .. .. .. .. .." 4,300.937 South Island .. .. .. .. .. 2,078,827 Total in 601b. carcases .. .. .'. 6,379,764 Total shipments to date, — During 1914-15 season .. .. .. .. 337.735 1,986.961 2.889,508 During 1915-16 season .. ~ .. .. 769.880 2,421,690 3,148.714 Oaring 1916-17 season .. .. .. .. 517.708 1,575,600 1,315,506 During 1917-18 season .. .. .. .. 612,947 1,871,197 1.871.444 During 19*8-19 season .. .. ~ .. 533.473 3.182,886 3.273,200 During 1919 20 season .. .. .. .. 220,622 2,021,915 2,214,115 Totals .. ... .. .. 2.992,365 13,060.249 14.712,487 CHEESE. (Operations commenced 4th November, 1915.) 1915-16 season- Crates. 1. Total shipped and arrived at destination.. .. .. .. .. 189,502 2. Total payments, £918,101. 1916 17 season 3. Shipped and lost in transit .. .. .. .. .. .. 16,440 4. Shipped and arrived at destination .. .. .. ~ .. 501,887 5. Total payments, £3,271,982. '6. Totals .. ..' .. .. .. .. .. 518,327 1917 18 season 7. Shipped and lost in transit .. .. .. .. .. .. 46,406 8. Shipped and arrived at destination .. .. .. .. ~ 709,736 9. Total payments, £5,013,295. 10. Totals .. .. .. .. .. 756,142 1918 19 season— 11. Total shipped and arrived at destination. . .. .. .. .. 789,550 12. Total payments, £5,662,567. 1919-20 season— 13. Shipped and arrived at destination .. .. .. .. .. 452,887 14. En route to destination .. .. .. .. .. .. 85,589 15. On board steamers now loading .. .. .. -.. .. 21,080 16. Total payments, £5,916,266. "17. Totals .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 559,556 Totals— 18. Shipped and lost in transit .. .. .. .. .. .. 62,846 19. Shipped and arrived at destination .. .. .. .. .. 2,643,562 20. En route to destination .. .. .. .. .. .. 85,589 21. On board steamers now loading .. .. .. .. .. 21,080 22. Total payments made, to date, £20,782,214. '23. Grand totals .. .. .. .. .. ..2,813,077 24. CHEESE IN STORE awaiting shipment on account of Imperial Government on 28th June, 1920— Crates. North Island .. .. .. .. .. .. ..263,757 South Island .. .. .. .. .. .. ..39,191 Total in crates ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - 303,248



BUTTER. (Operations commenced 20th November, 1.917.) 1917-18 season— Boxes. 1. Shipped and lost in transit .. .. .. .. .. .. 49,847 2. Shipped and arrived at destination .. .. .. .. .. 674,852 3. Total payments, £2,829,032. . '4. Totals ... .. .. .. .. .. .. 724,699 1918-19 season— 5. Total shipped and arrived at destination.. .. .. .. .. 667,114 6. Total payments, £2,928,346. 1919-20 season— 7. Shipped and arrived at destination .. ' .. ..' .. .. 476,137 8. En route to destination .. .. .. .. .. .. 36,003 9. Total payments, £2,788,853. 10. Totals .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 512,140 Totals— 11. Shipped and lost in transit .. .. .. .. .. .. 49,847 12. Shipped and arrived at destination .. .. .. .. .. 1,818,103 13. En route to destination.. . . - .. .. .. .. .. 36,003 14. Total payments to date, £8,546,231. 1.5. Grand totals .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,903,953 16. BUTTER IN STORE advanced against awaiting shipment on account of Imperial Government on 26th June, 1920 Boxes. North Island .. .. .. .. .. 117,640 South Island .. .. .. .. .. .. ..1,310 Total in boxes .. .. .. .. .. 118,950 SCHEELITE. (Operations commenced 20th. September, 1915.) Tons. 1. Shipped and lost in transit .. .. .. .. .. .. 18 2. Arrived at destination .. .. .. .. .. .. ~ 756 3. Total payments made to date, £178,479. '4. Total . . . . . . .. .. .. .. 774 WOOL. (Operations commenced Ist December, 1916.) 1. Total number of bales valued (as per valuation certificates received) .. 2,059,834 2. Number of bales lost in transit .. .. .. .. 9,668 3. Number of bales arrived at destination in 225 steamers .. 1,161,42.1 4. Number of bales en route to Great Britain in 7 steamers .. 41,625 4a. Number of bales shipped to America .. .. .. 10,321 5. Number of bales shipped on account of other Governments .. 110,994 6. Number of bales of greasy wool delivered to scourers for' treatment 391,044 7. Number of bales of greasy wool available for shipment or scouring 334.761 . • 2,059,834 8. Number of bales of scoured, and fellmongers'slipe wool shipped .. .. 309,358 9. Number of bales of scoured and fellmongers' slipe wool available, for shipment 67,777 10. Total payments, £50,412,409. 11. Total number of bales paid for .. .. .. .. 2,059,193 SLIPE WOOL (Freezing Companies'). (Operations commenced 31st March, 1917.) Purchased tor Valuation tn United Kingdom. 1. Total number of bales advanced against .. .. .. .. .. 68,880 2. Number of bales shipped .. .. .. .. .. .. 67,085 3. Number of bales shipped on account of other Governments .. .. 1.795 4. Total payments to date, £2,013,123. Purchased under New Zealand Valuations. 5. Total number of bales .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 173,533 6. Total number of bales shipped .. .. .. .. .. .. 99,936 7. Number of bales shipped on. account of other Go.vernments ~ ~ 7,604 8. Total payments to date, £4,880,045,



SHEEP-SKINS. (Operations commenced sth February, 1917.) 1. Number of skins purchased and distributed to fellmongers .. .. .. 6,913,431 2. Total payments to date, £2,820,347. HIDES. (Operations commenced 19th March, 1917.) 1. Number of hides purchased .. .. .. .. .. .. 370,509 2. Number of hides shipped .. .. .. .. ... ' .. 150.826 3. Number of hides sold .. .. .. .. .. .-.'. .. 212,627 4. Total payments to date, £735,663. PAYMENTS. (Total to date.) £ Frozen meat .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 48,719.056 Cheese, 1915-16 season .. .. .. .. .. .. ... 918,104 Cheese, 1916-17 season .. .. .. .. .. ... ..3,271,982 Cheese, 1917-18 season .. .. .. .. .. 5,013,295 Cheese, 1.918 19 season .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5,662,567 Cheese, 1919-20 season .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5.916,266 Butter, 1917-18 season .. .. .. .. .. .. ' i. 2,829,032 Butter, 1918-19 season .. .. .. .. .. 2,928,346 Butter. 1919-20 season .. .. ~ .. .. .. .. 2,788,853 Butter equalization funds .. ~ .. .. .. .. ... 856.214 Scheelite .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 178,479 Wool .. .. .. .. .. ~ .. .. .. 50,412,409 Freezing companies' slipe wool .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6,893,168 Sheep-skins .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,820,347 Hides .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 735,663 Sundries . . .. .. . . . . . . . .. .. . . 968,952 Other business (non-Imperial) .. .. .. .. .. .. ... 767,564 Grand total .. .. .. .. .. .. ..£141,680,297

3—H. 38.

H— 38


Statement showing the Quantities of Frozen Meat shipped at each Port from the Inception of the Scheme— i.e., 3rd March, 1915 —to 30th June, 1920.

1914-15 Season. .916-18 Scasi in. 1916-17 Seas ion. If H7-18 Seasoi in. Tort of Shipment. : Beef. Mutton. I Lamb. Beef. Mi luttoii. Lamb. Beef. ! Mutton. Lamb. Beef. Mutton. Lamb. Beef. Mutton. ! Lamb. Beef. Mutton. I Quarters. Carcases. Carcases.! Quarters. Cai Whangarei .. 23,694 .. .. ; 41,457 Auckland .. 52,533 41,264 74,983186,587 Whakatane Tokomaru Bay 6,463 58,460: 41,897 8,950 1( Gisborne .. 25,024 220,038101,073 62,261 3! Napier .. 34,802 208,775151,982 64,802 3' Waitara .. 46,612 49,485 28,250 77,680 I New Plymouth Wanganui .. 17,812 95,713 38,012 26,783 I Wellington .. 58,979 610,073411,351166,931 7! i__________J________ Quarters. 23,694 52,533 Carcases. Carcases.! Quarters. .. 41,457 41,264 74,983186,587 Carcases, j 11,323 42,975 ircases 11,35 42,9'; 125,11 177,5! 54,95 88,5( '34,5(1 Carcases. 3,222 108,104 Quarters. Carcases. 25,067 4,271 76,063 22,942 Carcases. 3,155 9,464 Quarters. 34,595 146,239 6,721 4,071 35,811 30,702 01,543 12,952 57,900 134,810 Carcases. 9,991 3(1.534 Carcases. 1,079 40,040 6,463 25,024 34,802 46,612 58,460: 41,897. 8,950 220,038101,073 62,261 208,775151,982 64,802 49,485 28,250 77,680 107,846 325,172 377,599 54,929 67,526 165,752 301,282 44,1.26 7,742 33,186 33,933143,881 33,092 248,209 34,608 13,918 8,531 12,701 56,011 65,784 88,287 395,542 13,562 88,516 18,389 2,567: 24,004: 402,350' 50,905 190,555 263,763! 33,832 9,043 176,227 420,894: 100,023 211,958 26,198 9,345 121,674 257,605 17,812 58,979 95,713 38,012 26,783 610,073 411,351166,931 88,569 734,540: 67,766 782,383 Total North 265,919 1,283,808 847,548 635,4511,7< Is] and ports ■ ■ ■ Nelson .. 521 10,312 20,549 4,763 ] Pieton .. .. 22,410 31,035 .. i Lyttelton .. 11,128 244,750 772,152 38,162 2'. Timaru .. 2,618 153,374 623,925 7,624 1( Oamaru .. .. 29,871 97,868' .. 1 Dunedin .. 11,876 85,884 214,387' 22,246 1( Bluff .. 45,673 156,552 282,04461,634 li 265,919 521 11J28 2,618 1,283,808 847,548 035,451 10,312 20,549 4,763 22,410 31,035 244,750 772,152 38,162 153,374 623,925 7,624 29,871. 97,868' 85,884 214,387' 22,246 156,552 282,044 61,634 1,742,95s 1 1,540,161 16,623 21,563 27,650 42,392 274,884 770,312 .102,373 334,357 10,095 32,402 102,716 189,680 144,396 217,847 f42,9r 16,6S 27, (if 174,8c02,37 10,08 02,71 44,39 363,334; 4,256 52,205 15,507 ;940,494 1,671 17,592 237,954 158,713 9,541 107,912 101,723 1,6841 23,217 352,344 248,520: 2,527 54,700 75,507, 557,007 525,3441 2,646 1,099 37,049 7,038 1,185,744 8,526 25,419 312,976 88,455 61,636 82,697 105,744 767,922 10,324 23,690 588,620 283,701 28,670 112,092 55,825 11,876 45,673 30,388.' 52,018 8,316 31,455 Total South 71,816 703,153 2041960134,429 67 isl an4 ports —— —■— .—• —— ■ —— — Grand totals 337,735 1,986,961 2889508 709,880 2,42 71,810 703,153 2041960134,429 678,7371,608,553 78,73 21,69 154,374 635,106 758,499' 87,603 685,453! 1103522 2,421,690 3,148,714 517,708 1575600 1315500 '012,947 1,871,197 1871444 I I i 1918-19 Season. 119-20 Season. Total. Port of Shipment. Beef. Mutton. Lamb Beef. Mutton. Lamb. Beef. Mutton. Lamb. I Quarters. Carcases. Oi Whangarei .. .. .. 24,767 Auckland .. .. .. 183,115 188,406 1 Whakatane .. .. ..23,550 29,626 Tokomaru Bay .. .. 14,209 67,050 Gisborne .'. .. .. 83,815 278,026 Napier .. .. .. 46,709 590,811 i Waitara .. .. .. 20,425 97,825 New Plymouth .. .. 24,440 43,660 Wanganui .. .. .. 43,595 173,034 1 Wellington .. .. .. 97,3411,013,251 ( Carcases. 188,406 29,626 67,050 278,026 590,811 97,825 43,660 173,034 1,013,251 ('ureases. 105,879 1,067 49,581 75,681 238,409 35,968 14,406 163,484 633,110 'an-.-is. 105, c 1,0 49,6 75,6 238,4 35,9 14,4 163,4 633,1 Quarters. 35,690 9,702 5,739 13,582 15,328 1.4,242 22,847 52,384 Caroases. 35,929 56,920 26,685 83,233 302,842 244,685' 5,029 67,164 159,644 453,271 Carcases. 2,362 10,141 5,599 3,134 120,251 181,239 2,961 13,281 76,219 444,420 Quarters. Carcases. Caroases. 149,580 61,514 9,818 580,227 383,041| 348,611 39,973 56,311 6,666 41,435 400,680 162,138 240,5831,460,514 576,342 223,6891,933,842 1,173,386 256,196 255,018 150,892 00,165: 132,628, 39,599 224,948 758,971 491,159 598,7323,627,57r2,931,219 Total North Island ports .. [461,9662,481,689 L,. 2,481,089 1,317,585 317,5 169,514 1,435,402 859,607 2,421,5289,070,090J5,889, 830 Nelson .. .. .. 5,014 15,762 Pieton .. .. .. | 948 38,815 Lyttelton .. .. ..20,833 284,920 i Timaru .. .. .. 4,370 175,727 f 15,762 38,815 284,920 175,727 9,133 70,410 992,907 609,155 9,1 70,4 992,9 609,1 7.943 9,367 16,628 214,233 144,691 13,655 050,899 403,241 47,368 61,005 178,340 17,200 52,894 63,253 2,047, 148,5141 204,399 167,3201,569,7174,127,234 46,524 823,333 2,502,899 111,143 208,835 105,773 525,890 739,475 231,973 758,668 976,562 Oamaru Dunedin .. .. ..14,772 73,970 1 Bluff .. .. .. 25,570 112,003 1 73,970 112,003 107,011 166,999 107,0 166,9 18,175 15,623 72,711 .138,250 Total South island ports .. j 71,507 701,197 1,9 701,197 1,955,615 955,6 51,108 586,513 1,354,508 570,837 ;3,990, 159 8,822,657 Grand totals .. .. 533,4733,182,8863,2 i 3,182,886 3,273,200 273,2 220,622 2,021,915 2,214,115 2,992,36513,060,24914,712,487 I ' !


(6.) Statement showing the Quantities and Weights of Meat killed in each District during the Year ended 31st March, 1920.


Wether, First Quality, 72 lb. and under. Wether, First Quality, over 72 lb. Wether, First Quality, 86-98 lb. _ Wether, Second Quality. Ewes, First Quality, 72 lb. and under. Ewes, First Qualitv, over 721b. Ewes/.Second Quality. Auckland Gisborne Hawke's Bay Taranaki Wanganui Wellington Carcases. 119,121 330,567 334,931 98,966 168,029 541,817 !b. 6,677,903 17,685,799 18,344,329 |5,729,015 (9,731,382 31,664,801 Carcases. 4,484 6,675 13,345 6,007 12,528 34,321 lb. Carcases. 344,471 314 495,163 435 1,029,177 1,358 470,189 268 966,357 772 2,624,762 2,988 lb. 28,155 36,070 123,930 24,185 68,636 270,632 1 I Carcases. lb. 12,233 572,776 17,005 744,571 18,112 884,771 11,895 634,672 21,249 1,153,983 16,107 817,911 Carcases. 103,181 237,085 206,481 65,839 86,696 332,250 lb. Carcases. 5,692,289 3,456 12,669,130 6,552 11,097,880 4,974 3,690,336 2,087 4,941,061 4,629 18,825,365 10,255 lb. Carcases. lb. 235,037 17,593 825,186 490,039 27,954 1,286,113 384,705 18,955 860,000 162,975 11,615 540,196 358,466 25,828 1,359,321 793,727 29,850 j 1,464,890 — Totals, North Island 1,593,431 89,833,229 89,833,229 77,360 77,360 5,930,119 6,135 5,930,119 6,135 551,614 551,614 96,601 4,808,684 1 96,601 : 4,808,684 1,031.532 1,031,532 56,916,061 31,953 2 56,916,061 31,953 2,424,949 2,424,949 131,795 ' 6,335,706 131,795 ' 6,335,706 _ Xelson and Marlborough Canterbury Otago Southland 17,411 207,126 85,934 99,203 874,351 11,452,127 5,018,884 5,739,029 218 7,961 9,539 10,001 16,799 19 611,786 678 737,789 552 768,079 822 1,751 61,385 49,311 74,105 3,685 152,429 21,694 1,032,907 7,501 371,759 5,833 ' 288,530 15,328 348,026 102,134 76,836 768,442 175 18,556,429 11,683 5,793,755 6,732 4,329,040 5,094 13,448 | 2,629 107,756 902,916 ' 72,136 3,214,356 519,956 27,400 1,314,208 393,088 21,695 1,041,467 Totals, South Island 409,674 409,674 23,084,391 23,084,391 27,719 27,719 2,134,453 2,071 2,134,453 2,071 186,552 186,552 38,713 1,845,625 38,713 1,845,625 542,324 542,324 29,447,666 23,684 1 29,447,666 23,684 1,829,408 1,829,408 123,860 5,677,787 123,860 5,677,787 Grand totals 2,003,105 2,003,105 ! 112,917,620 112,917,620 105,079 105,079 8,064,572 8,206 738,166 8,064,572 8,206 738,166 135,314 6,654,309 1 135,314 6,654,309 1,573,856 I 1 1,573,856 86,363,727 55,637 4 86,363,727 55,637 4,254,357 4,254,357 255,655 12,013,493 255,655 12,013,493 Lamb, Specially M™ and Canter- Lamb, First QuaUty, 42 lb. and Lamb Fjrst Quality OTer & , b j Lamb, Second Quality. Beef, Prime Ox. Beef, Second and Heifer. Carcases. lb. Auckland .. .. 41 1,604 Gisborne .. .. 8,417 284,499 Hawke's Bay .. .. 10,714 [391,755 Taranaki .. .. 495 j gj 18,597 Wanganui .. .. 1,031 f 38,606 Wellington .. .. 18,965 _ 691,609 Carcases. 24,001 126,770 155,987 41,807 102,806 309,202 lb. 808,971 4,001,272 4,754,609 1,424,063 3,382,674 10,215,695 Carcases. 2,194 2,086 2,128 1,854 4,017 13,199 lb. 101,589 93,364 97,133 85,934 182,802 596,826 Carcases. 16,148 42,645 37,029 14,492 41,437 52,373 Carcases. 16,148 42,645 37,029 14,492 41,437 52,373 lb. 467,420 1,171,528 989,800 442,191 1,254,857 1,521,750 lb. 467,420 1,171,528 989,800 442,191 1.254,857 1,521,750 Quarters. 110,622 52,184 31,940 35,162 32,806 62,582 Quarters. lb. Quarters. 110,622 17,485,130 21,204 52,184 9,236,534 5,655 31,940 5,967,454 3,431 35,162 5,777,829 7,661 32,806 6,180,823 5,370 62,582 11,757.153 7,953 lb. 2,461,443 834,880 503,09(1 1,026,398 860,132 1,173,191 Totals, North Island .. 39,663 ; 1,426,670 Nelson and Marlborough Ganterburv .. .. 1,087,967 38,554,194 Otago ." .. .. 136,698 : 4,973,193 Southland .. .. 208 , 7,898 39,663 1,426,670 760,573 20,57(1 88,784 92.113 760,573 24,587,284 695,766 3,208,456 3.311,412 24,587,284 25,478 1.172 147, H( 12 45. 154 + 17,029 25,478 1,157,648 53,071 (i. 770. 423 2,107.857 787,199 1,157,648 204,124 9,53(1 239,074 84,406 53,243 204,124 5,847,546 277.510 7,303,708 2,677,723 1,672,119 5,847,546 325,296 325,296 3,221 19,980 10,737 12,980 56,404,923 468,562 3,056,392 1,671,588 1,998,435 51.274 2,668 12,089 5,139 9,162 6,859,134 309,366 1,465,696 633,877 1,163,228 Totals, Smith Island .. 1,224,873 , 43,535,285 . 201.-107 7,215,634 7,215,634 211.447 211,447 9,718,55n 9,718,55u ! 386,253 386.253 11,931,069 11,931,069 46,918 46,918 7,194,977 29,058 3,572,167 Grand totals .. .. 1,264,536 I 44,961,955 44,961,955 962,040 I 962,040 31,802,918 31,802,918 236,925 236,925 10,876,198 10,876,198 i 590,377 590,377 17,778,615 17,778,615 372,214 372,214 63,599,900 80,332 10,431,301 I



(6.) Statement showing the Quantities and Weights of Meat killed in each District during the Year ended 31st March, 1920— continued.

By Authority : MARrus F. Marks, Government Printer. Wellington.— 1920.

Approximate Coat of Paper. — Preparation, not given ; printing (750 copies), £40.

Price 9d.

Auckland Gisborne Hawke's Bay Taranaki Wanganui Wellington " I, Beef, Boning, Quarters. 8,395 186 789 4,331 814 8,569 Beef, Boning, in Quarters. :, in Quarters. 11.. 1,212,250 36,218 130,2(17 597,6(15 142,299 971,995 Beef, Cow, Prime. Quarters. lb. 06.041 8,419,545 16,922 2.368,041 6,809 943,384 32,992 3,997,866 4,922 693,640 21,884 3,197,330 I I I Beef, Cow, Second. I Quarters. lb. 23,443 2.516,620 3.084 305,831 1.231 144,884 11,157 1,227,147 4,548 551,034 6,742 : 844,314 Beef, Boneless. lb. 703,623 18,387 520,804 1,400 54,978 : Mutton, Pieces. ! Lamb, Pieces. Total l_ . 60 lb. Freight 11, Jb. Carcases. 39,334 6,674 810,001 63,995 j 9,017 864,534 j 4->,020 .. 778,459 144,821 .. 441,913 528,473 -- 539,933 793,829 i -- 1,471,346 lb. 48,600,035 51,872,064 46,707,521 26,514,823 32,395,946 88,280,758 Totals, North Island - 23,084 23,084 3,090,583 3,090,583 150,170 ' 19,619,806 150,170 19,619,806 • .50,205 5,649,836 .50,205 5,649,836 1,299,192 1,299,192 niA ihq -i~ /*<m i f\r\a ice 1,612,472 i 15,691 4,906,186 i 1,612,472 15,691 4,906,186 294,371,147 oat on 117 294,371,147 Xelson and Marlborough Canterbury Otago Southland 1,844 5,632 2,079 2,111 195,898 841,094 258,223 290,777 2,297 279,085 11,197 1,486,704 4,898 645,569 8,357 1,094,908 1,286 130,676 5,585 | 639,077 2,944 328,051 2,703 ' 299,183 14,589 155,163 136,164 231 .. 72,419 38,697 i 4,271 1,600,113 9,982 ! 10,073 508,090 65,988 ! 934 ! 391,026 4,345,150 96,006,751 30,485,417 23,461,583 Totals, South Island .. i 11,666 11,666 1,585,992 1,585,992 1,585,992 26,749 3,506,266 26,749 26,749 3,506,266 12,518 1,396,987 12,518 1,396,987 305,916 305,916 114,898 j 15,278 2,571,648 114,898 15,278 2,571,648 154,298,901 154,298,901 Grand totals 34,750 I 34,750 4,676,575 4,676,575 176,919 23,126,072 176,919 62,723 ; 7,046,823 1,605,108 1,605,108 1,727,370 30,969 7,477,834 j • 1,727,370 30,969 7,477,834 448,670,041 448,670,048 23,126,072 62,723 7,046,823 1

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